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Submitted Data 9/24/17, 3*56 PM

Online Grievance Form

Sep 24, 2017 4:52 PM

I. General Information
Have you contacted the Client-Attorney Assistance Program?*

II. Information About You

First Name

Middle Name

Last Name
16199 Green Valley Ranch Blvd. #4412
Denver, CO 80239

Home Phone

Cell Phone
Email Address

Driver's License Number (if applicable)


Date of Birth
Feb 20, 1972

Employer's Name
Carpenters Local Union 55
4290 Holly Street
Denver, CO 80216
Employer's Phone

II. Information About You - Additional

Do you understand and write in the English language?
Are you a Judge?
No Page 1 of 7
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III. Information About Attorney

Attorney Barcard Number

Attorney First Name

Attorney Middle Name
Attorney Last Name

Attorney Address (Please include street, city and zip)

1302 Waugh Dr. #675 Houston, Texas 77019
Attorney Work Phone

III. Information About Attorney - Grievance Details

Have you or a member of your family filed a grievance about this attorney previously?

Have you or a member of your family ever filed an appeal with the Board of Disciplinary Appeals about this

Please select from the following:

This attorney was hired to represent someone else

Please give the date the attorney was hired or appointed.

Sue West Tomlinson was appointed by the Office of the Attorney General - Houston Child Support Division on or
before 6/28/2011 (before the Title IV-D Court whereby the case was Dismissed For Want Of Prosecution as per
Order from 246th District Court issued 8-23-2004). And again, Sue West Tomlinson was appointed by the Office of
the Attorney General - Houston Child Support Division on or before 7/29/2011 (hearing before 246th District Court).
Please state what the attorney was hired or appointed to do.
It is UNCLEAR to me to the present date what Sue West Tomlinson was appointed to really do to me on behalf of
the Office of the Attorney General - Houston Child Support Division. Especially since the 246th Court - Judge Jim
York specifically ORDERED and barred the OAG and any further Title IV-D hearings in my case on 8-23-2004. Also
it is UNCLEAR to the present date due to the fact that on or about November 11, 2002, at the beginning of my trial
for Modification of Child Support, Miriam Biskamp made her presence known for the record and then stated that NO
FUNDS HAD BEEN ALLOCATED BY THE STATE when Judge Don Ritter inquired "what does the State have in

What was the fee arrangement with the attorney?


How much did you pay the attorney?


III. Information About Attorney - Continued

If you did not hire the attorney, what is your connection with the attorney? Explain briefly
Sue West Tomlinson was apparently appointed by the Office of the Attorney General - Houston Child Support
Division to falsely and maliciously prosecute me on 6/28/2011 before the Title IV-D Master and again before the
246th District Court on 7/29/2011. Sue West Tomlinson appeared at the beginning of the trial on 7/29/2011 to alert
the Judge as she stated "this dog don't hunt" and then she left. Next thing, Sue West Tomlinson appears back hours Page 2 of 7
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the Judge as she stated "this dog don't hunt" and then she left. Next thing, Sue West Tomlinson appears back hours
later before the Judge in this same trial on 7/29/2011 to proceed with assisting Charlotte Lynn Hardin in REFUSING
the cashiers check before the court on the table that day which was in the amount of $11,600 that Sue West
Tomlinson specifically stated was the amount necessary to prevent me from going to jail that day and would clear
any and all arrearages that day. Sue West Tomlinson conspired with Charlotte Lynn Hardin to REFUSE the cashiers
check sitting on the table that day in court. When Sue West Tomlinson asked Charlotte what she wanted to do,
accept the cashiers check for $11,600 or have me jailed, Charlotte told Sue that she wanted me jailed!!!!!! At that
point, my wife grabbed the cashiers check off the table as I was handcuffed by the Sheriff and falsely arrested. Sue
West Tomlinson and Charlotte Lynn Hardin then began to falsely fill out the Commitment papers and then falsely
filed these documents into the 246th District Court. As I was handcuffed to the bench as the Sheriff was processing
my information, Sue West Tomlinson and Charlotte Lynn Hardin both left the court. Both of them also left knowing
that they had just finalized my false imprisonment, only after refusing the $11,600 cashiers check.
Are you currently represented by an attorney?

Do you claim the attorney has an impairment, such as depression or a substance use disorder?
Did the attorney ever make any statements or admissions to you or in your presence that would indicate that
the attorney may be experiencing an impairment, such as depression or a substance use disorder?

IV. Information About Your Grievance

In which city did the activity you are complaining about occur?
In which county did the activity you are complaining about occur?

Name of Court
246th Judicial District Court - Harris County, Texas
Title of the Suit
Divorce with Children
Case number and date suit was filed
Case # 2001-26400 File Date: 5/22/2001

IV. Information About Your Grievance - Continued

The malicious prosecution, false arrest, false commitment filings to falsely imprison me, and all of these actions of
Sue West Tomlinson on the behalf of the Office of the Attorney General - Houston Child Support Division and on
behalf of Charlotte Lynn Hardin have caused and continue to cause on-going and continuing damages, sufferings,
and discrimination against me and my family. The wrongful, unlawful and unauthorized acts committed by Sue West
Tomlinson, et al, include but are not limited to the following: Please see the attached “Certified Court Records” which
evidence how Charlotte L. Hardin has fraudulently withheld facts from this office since 2002, so as to defraud me of
money I do not lawfully owe. Charlotte L. Hardin has failed to disclose to this office that there was a Special
Warranty Deed dated September 26, 2001, whereby this realty transaction was done during the Original Divorce
proceedings and details the sale of our home in the amount of $78,900.00 for which Charlotte L. Hardin was
ordered to pay half to me. For the record, I certainly would never give my ex-wife my money, which the courts
ordered to be paid to me. The division of marital property assets were later concealed in the 246th District Court
records due to the fraud perpetrated against me and the fact that my 50% portion of the marital property assets
were stolen from me and never paid out to me at the direction of Mary K. Quinn, Charlotte’s private attorney of
record. I was tricked into signing off on this transaction and then later Mary K. Quinn and Charlotte L. Hardin offered
this Special Warranty Deed stating I signed away the rights to my 50% portion of the marital property assets, of
which $39,450.00 was supposed to be paid to me. It never was, so from then until now, they have been in criminal
contempt of the court’s order to do so! The Original Divorce proceedings that began on May 22, 2001 and abruptly
ended on October 3, 2001. Charlotte L. Hardin and Mary K. Quinn collaborated very hard to conceal this document Page 3 of 7
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ended on October 3, 2001. Charlotte L. Hardin and Mary K. Quinn collaborated very hard to conceal this document
from the 246th District Court record, among other things. This was also done in a way that Judge Don Ritter proved
to be careless and outright wreck-less when closing out the Original Divorce on October 3, 2001, without assuring
that the equitable division of marital assets and property, were rightly divided between both parties! This is unheard
of in a highly contested divorce proceeding due to the fact that there was a child at issue and marital property assets
up for division would only last 4 ½ months. Wow! So next, I find myself in a place of utter shock that all of this has
literally been allowed to happen in a supposed Court of Law and more over by Officers of the Court known as
private State Attorneys! I was trying to figure out how I should legally proceed in order to obtain my half of the
marital property assets that were fraudulently stolen from me, by Charlotte L. Hardin and Mary K. Quinn, defrauding
the Public Records and perpetrating a fraud upon the court. This is felony theft, pure and simple. It is worthy to note
that at this same exact timing the Original Divorce proceedings abruptly ended even though left unresolved and not
finalized, I was wrongfully terminated from my job of which the initial Wage Withholding was based upon. I began a
new job November 2001 and was now making $15,000 LESS per year. This was the only job offer available to me
after a 2 month long search and I even had to move from Houston to Dallas for this job! I therefore had to borrow
money from my father, John Hardin, to hire an attorney to file for Decrease of Child Support on November 29, 2001
due to these unforeseen circumstances I was now facing, and seeing that I was making $15,000 less per year now
and that a new Wage Withholding would be necessary accordingly. I began getting harassing phone calls at this
new job and so did my supervisors at this new job. I also began getting called into the offices of my supervisors and
human resources department saying that they were receiving a Wage Withholding on me, but they were very
confused as to why they were receiving this same fax multiple times per week by two separate entities, Mary K.
Quinn and Charlotte L. Hardin. It was not long after that and I was wrongfully terminated in March 2002 after this
continual harassment upon me, along with the fax and mail bombardments upon the personnel at this new
company. Next thing I know, I am out of work again and now being blindsided and served by the Attorney General to
appear in the Title IV-D Court in August 2002 for being behind on my child support payments, resulting from months
of no work! This was being done despite the fact that I had already filed for Decrease of Child Support in the 246th
District Court with continuing and exclusive jurisdiction (a Double Jeopardy Tag Team) . That case had not even
went to trial yet when I was served to appear at the Title IV-D Court. This made no sense even to the attorney I had
retained to handle the Decrease of Child Support in the 246th State District Court! And all of this was happening
when Charlotte L. Hardin and her attorney Mary K. Quinn KNEW they were both colluding to conceal the fact that
Charlotte had not paid me my portion of the marital property assets, which was $39,450.00. So how in the world
could I even be going through this malicious Prosecution nightmare in the first place? Something very strange & evil
was taking place and it was only getting worse by the day. I was being mocked and dragged through proceedings as
if I was some deadbeat dad and every time I would bring up the fact that Charlotte L. Hardin and Mary K. Quinn had
done all of this to me while knowing that Charlotte was still in criminal possession of my $39,450.00, I was ignored
and the documents just seemed to disappear from the record of the court at will in both the 246th State District
Court and with the Attorney General Child Support Division attorneys and their records as well. This was an
premeditated criminal attempt to conceal the truth from the first instant. Charlotte L. Hardin fraudulently and
deceptively requested Attorney General services in 2002, under false and frivolous pretenses, in RICO Criminal
Collusion and Conspiracy to commit the crime of Felony theft, robbery, extortion, bank fraud, wire fraud, title fraud,
mail fraud, et al! The new sitting Judge Jim York of the 246th State District Court was also being blindsided during
the next couple years of malicious prosecutions and Title IV-D Kangaroo Court Proceedings, whereby they
unethically and maliciously drug me back and forth, from his court to the Title IV-D Court. Continually trying to
extract blood from a turnip. They demanded $1,200 per month when I was not even working, or clearly not making
that kind of money ever sense they caused me to lose the first, the second, the third job, etc.,. They did this all while
clearly knowing that I was not making that kind of money anymore. The Judge finally saw, in part, through all their
shenanigans being orchestrated before him and started yelling at Mary K. Quinn, Charlotte L. Hardin and the
multiple attorneys from the Attorney General’s Office. Judge Jim York said he felt like they were all trying to go
around him and his court which was the only court that held continuing and exclusive jurisdiction in Case# 2001-
26400. That is when Judge Jim York made Mary K. Quinn hand write in the Order dated August 23, 2004 that made
it clear to ALL parties that any future matters relating to this child shall be heard by the 246th District Court AND not
the Title IV-D Associate Judge! It unfortunately did not stop there even though it was now a part of the 246th Court
records via the August 23, 2004 Order. The next course of events began July 2010. I was fed up and therefore went
to pull this Special Warranty Deed from the County Clerk’s Office and other documents that Charlotte L. Hardin,
Mary K. Quinn and the attorneys from the Attorney General’s Office. I did Motions, Notices and provided plenty of
Exhibits to prove the enormous Fraud and Extortion being perpetrated on me and the 246th State District Court for
all these years. And as always, both my family and I began getting attacked from every direction! During those said
proceedings, the said vexatious litigants entered detailed spreadsheets, swearing and attesting to their authenticity
and provided sworn testimony, under oath, and have testified on the stand, under oath, on 7-29-2011; by both Mary
K. Quinn and Charlotte L. Hardin. They both testified that Charlotte had spent, upward of $70,000.00 litigating with
me, from the time that Mary K. Quinn began representing Charlotte L. Hardin, to the present. Let us reflect upon
where $39,450.00 of those funds were used to maliciously and wrongfully prosecute me, has been done with my
money, which they stole from me in contempt of the courts order and where it actually came from! For the record, I,
James D. Hardin never voluntarily gave my ex-wife, Charlotte L. Hardin, nor her attorney Mary K. Quinn, my money
which the court ordered them to pay me. More especially, I never signed anything over changing what the court
ordered to be divided, nor did I agree that they rather just keep my money and use it to maliciously and wrongfully
prosecute me over the next 15 years! She’s my ex-wife! While the judge denied those attorney fees, upward of
$70,000.00, which is literally thousands of dollars more than she would have received if never litigating and Page 4 of 7
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$70,000.00, which is literally thousands of dollars more than she would have received if never litigating and
receiving every single payment until child was 18!!! This is and never has been about money that I truly owed! But
rather, it ts about parties before the court, under false and fictitious pretenses, committing felony theft, robbery,
perjury, et al. I have been a Witness and Victim of theft and robbery, under fraudulent colors and authorities of law,
and official oppression, misprision, swearing false oaths, perjured testimony, falsified records, stealing documents
from the courts records and the like. Charlotte and Quinn’s criminal acts and omissions. These parties are working
in RICO Criminal Conspiracy and Collusion, one with the other, in acts of organized crime, which includes, but is not
limited to, their criminal acts of felony theft and robbery, wrongful and unauthorized misused and abused authority of
the official seals of authority for the city Houston, for the Harris County courts, etc. They have conspired together in
felonious criminal acts, so as to CROWN their FRAUDS and THEFT with Success! Yet I am harassed, stalked,
demonized, slandered, extorted from, stolen from, plundered, and literally liquidated, over, and over, and over again
and again and again, and every instance of these trespasses are evidence of the trespasses upon our family and
constitute Civil Rights Violations, which have continually been trespassed upon and grossly violated from 2002 to
the present! Therefore, all parties involved with Charlotte L. Hardin shall be deemed vexatious litigants, whom have
continually filed false and frivolous court cases, pleadings, claims, and the like, which the said Honorable Judge Jim
York continually dismissed “FOR WANT OF PROSECUTION”! This is evidence they are all, jointly and separately
involved in vexatious litigation, literally by definition, to wit: “Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought,
regardless of its merits, solely to harass or subdue an adversary. It may take the form of a primary frivolous lawsuit
or may be the repetitive, burdensome, and unwarranted filing of meritless motions in a matter which is otherwise a
meritorious cause of action. Filing vexatious litigation is considered an abuse of the judicial process and may result
in sanctions against the offender. A single action, even a frivolous one, is usually not enough to raise a litigant to the
level of being declared vexatious. Rather, a pattern of frivolous legal actions is typically required to rise to the level
of vexatious. Repeated and severe instances by a single lawyer or firm can result in eventual disbarment.” While
Charlotte L. Hardin has been wrongly doing this to my family for years, by which Charlotte and Quinn have literally
been terrorizing us! Again, let me make a clear record of that and others facts here for this office, which I am
requesting be placed into the said case files pertaining to the child, Sarah Ann Hardin. I have been starving and
desperately struggling, on the verge of being homeless. Had it not been for family members helping us, we would
have been long ago. The OAG continues to allow Charlotte and criminal conspirator Mary K. Quinn to wield the
state Government Office for their own personal benefits, absent any authority, nor Allocated funding for the same,
not to mention Charlotte never qualified for Government Assistance by or through the OAG, when she has had Mary
K. Quinn for private counsel, along with others such as Daniel Lemkuil, Carel Stith, and OAG attorneys actively and
maliciously prosecuting, interfering, and obstructing my private litigation causes. The OAG continues to allow
Charlotte L. Hardin to wield the entire weight of the OAG at her desire and the Charlotte continues to fraudulently
use said Government Office at her discretion, and is not an employee of the State, nor Federal Government, with
delegated authority to act on or for the behalf of the said state. Furthermore, even if she was, Charlotte would not be
authorized to use the same for her private use and unfair, unequal, wholly partial, etc., allowing Charlotte L. Hardin
such an unfair, unequal and completely discriminatory advantage in an ongoing and continuing legal proceeding is
simply criminal. Nor would Charlotte L. Hardin have authorization to act on behalf of the OAG, nor is she, for any
reason whatsoever, authorized in any way whatsoever, to order, direct, or in any manner whatsoever, to command,
on her own, and for her own private benefit, approved in any manner whatsoever, to use, any such offices authority
for her own private use! This is such GREIVOUS AND ABSOLUTELY GROSS CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS, and
the fact that our local state and federal offices, agencies, etc., are the true parties which said offices and agencies
should be working vigorously to protect and in fact, should be helping as victims. But rather, we are treated as a
deer, in the middle of deer season, and we instead feel like we are being hunted by those whom wish to put their
GAME tag in our ears, after they kill US! As if it was OK, after all they have a License to Kill and a Game Tag to fill! It
is disgusting, and shameful! So, can somebody, anybody, anywhere, please explain to me how this Office and the
personnel have continued this unlawful and unauthorized abuse of authority and office, Obstruction of Justice and
RICO Criminal Conspiracy and collusion to commit the same? Moreover, it is prohibited for the state, et al; to allow
private parties to wield such official powers and authorities, nor to use its enormous weight and enormous powers to
apply unbearable pressures upon our family, already victimized by the state, and now being double and triple
victimized, etc. The OAG personnel, have allowed Charlotte the Powers of State, but I demand that the OAG
provide me with the written delegation of authority for any of this non-sanctioned, non-funded state sanctioned and
administered such said persecutions, unlawful, undeleted, unallocated, and therefore, unauthorized use and
fraudulent use of this offices seal of authority and further imposed strong arm collection tactics, done under the color
of law, color of authority, and by the unauthorized and absent any lawfully delegated authority and/or powers, for the
continual use of such said seal of this offices authority! The OAG and Charlotte L. Hardin have continually attacked
me and my family, even while we are still trying to heal from the August 2012 Incident that occurred while my family
resided on Bolivar Peninsula, Crystal Beach, Texas whereby our family was injured, deaths of our unborn child and
female dog occurred and the continued sufferings we incur daily as a result thereof. And this is even after the 246th
District Judge Jim York ended and finalized this case as of 8-8-2011. We are healing from bleeding out and bleeding
internally, having to receive medical intervention to stabilize us at different times for 106 degree fevers, seizures,
blisters, bursting blood vessels, swelling, hearing loss, vision loss, memory loss, amnesia, hair loss, weight loss,
dropping blood clots that are the size of hamburger patties out of your female area, peeing blood, stools with blood,
amongst a whole list of other permanent disfigurements and reconstructive dental surgeries! The OAG has
continually and unethically allowed Charlotte L. Hardin to use said government office and state authority to apply
grievous and torturous mental and physical anguish, pain and suffering upon me, my current wife of 16 years, and
our two girls. We have been plundered, falsely arrested, false reports created upon us, which has caused cops to Page 5 of 7
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our two girls. We have been plundered, falsely arrested, false reports created upon us, which has caused cops to
come in my home, WITHOUT A LAWFUL WARRANT TO ENTER. They came in my home via forced entry, with
guns drawn on everybody and taking the child, Sarah Ann Hardin out of my home to CPS, etc. All for CPS to only
later conclude, that they received bad information on us and so were dismissing all proceedings and apologizing for
wrongfully putting us through fraudulent investigations, unexpected and insulting last moment forced drug test, or
loose custody and possession of my girls whom were never parties to these proceedings! All that being done,
absent any notices or demands, hearings, charges, or anything, prior to unlawfully imposing deceptive sneak
attacks, unknown recorded meetings, recording unlawfully done from inside my home, and included open mics and
open camera feeds and the like in criminal attempt to entrap me and illegally hunt me and the like. All of the same
being criminally done, absent any lawful wiretap court orders, wire taps, trap and trace devices, etc., all of which is
resulting from the falsified statements, lies, slander and defamation of our Good Character etc., by Alleged Ad
Litem, Carel Stith, whose direct behavior and actions were of complete loyalty to Charlotte and not even the child,
Sarah Ann Hardin. Carel Stith only added to the nightmare and seemed to enjoy helping in the attack upon me and
my family. Yet, the OAG is stalking me from company to company here in Denver, Colorado and ruining my
reputation, making me look like a liar and a fraud, when I am neither. All of this is gross violations of our Human
Rights, and what my family, wife and my children have suffered at the hands of the OAG, constitutes CRIMES
Conventions and International Peace Treaties of the United States and the State of Texas. How it is that this entity
then, is being utilized, and by what authority, does this Government agency acting in a form, which they were never
created to act in, (i.e.) they should prosecute corporations whom have trespassed upon our Constitutionally
Guaranteed Rights, Lives, Liberties, Properties, Money and the like? How is it that this same entity, or an arm
thereof, has ever been allowed to trespass upon those guaranties??? The OAG is enforcing prima fascia laws,
which absent ratification doesn’t even apply to the General Public At Large, which is a huge fraud upon the people
and abuse of delegated powers and authorities. It is Obstruction of Justice, its fraud upon my family, its fraud upon
the courts, its fraud upon the public records and these have no statute of limitations for the prosecution of such said
crimes. That is because these crimes are considered to be among the most heinous crimes one could, or any
criminal could possibly commit. Tell me, if the OAG is only here to collect and distribute funds, who sent SUE
TOMLINSON into the Court on 7-29-2011 to “teach me a lesson” as she stated on the behalf of the OAG, falsifying
fraudulent commitment documents, etc., under false and frivolous pretenses that I failed to pay, when in reality, they
refused to accept and rather denied said payment to falsely arrest me, falsely imprison me, torturously interfere with
my business practices, and attempt to cause my current wife and two children to become homeless, as a direct
result of the family bread winner being falsely imprisoned. My family and myself, as you can see are victims and
witnesses of crimes and I demand that the OAG set my family up on some sort of Victims Compensation Funding,
so that my family can be made whole by the same Office who caused the said damage, injuries, pain, suffering,
dehumanized, to the point of complete destitution. Its CRIMINAL and I demand Charlotte L. Hardin be prosecuted
for the damages and injuries sustained by my family, by the OAG, as a direct result of her falsifying claims, and
failing to disclose that she was in possession of funds from me, that she has been hiding from the OAG and has
failed to disclose since September 26, 2001! What of my rights? What about my guaranteed supreme constitutional
right to face my accuser, to cross examine the witnesses against me, to convene a jury and to inform them of their
rights as such, to tender evidence in my defense; and the right that nobody can wrongfully arrest, wrongfully and
maliciously prosecute, wrongfully imprison, nor be deprived of life, limb, nor property without DUE PROCESS OF
LAW??? Furthermore, monies have been extorted and stolen from my checks from 2015 to present from several
different companies here in Denver, Colorado that should have been applied for my family that is trying to recover
from being exposed to said toxic chemicals and losing our unborn child, and our dog. They did this all while my
current wife was diagnosed with Chronic Anemia, Ataxia, Syncope, bleeding internally, dental surgeries to pull out
all of her teeth due to them erupting and blowing out of her gums. I had lumps in my neck, chest, legs, etc., was
peeing blood, bleeding from my nose, ears, eyes, etc., and while we were all dying and literally being told to take the
other family member home, and make them as comfortable as you can because they are not going to make it much
longer due to being exposed to highly contaminated, toxic, and Radioactive chemicals such as Benzenes, Unknown
Hydrocarbons, ethyl, Propane 1,2, Phenol, etc., etc., (See: Attached Microbac Report). THE OAG, IS WHO HAS
HARDIN HAS HAD IN HER POSSESSION FOR OVER 16 YEARS NOW??? For these reasons and many, many
more, I am DEMANDING that the OAG stop! Cease and Desist all criminal and felonious attacks upon us under the
guise of an alleged debt, I don’t owe! I further demand that this office immediately forward my family any and all
information for VICTIMS AND WITNESSES of crimes, Acts of Terrorism, State Sponsored Terrorism, and
immediately, correct my credit, my County Records and anything else required to remove me from the system of
records for those in debt to the state, or to those whom the state is collecting a debt. Furthermore, I demand that
this OFFICE send a letter to every company they have been sending fraudulent demands for payment and clarify
that it has been by mistake, the debt is satisfied and cleared, so as to clear my good name, which this office has
defamed, slandered, extorted, causing others to wrongfully discriminate against me, etc. The new company then
wrongfully terminates me over and over. From 2002 to the present, in a good faith restoration attempt upon my
damages directly incurred by this offices wrongful acts and fraudulent, extortion of my money, under false and
fraudulent pretenses and as a direct result of the Obstruction of Justice and RICO Collusion and Conspiracy to
council, command, support, aiding, abetting, protecting, etc., all such said criminal acts and omissions of Charlotte Page 6 of 7
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council, command, support, aiding, abetting, protecting, etc., all such said criminal acts and omissions of Charlotte
L. Hardin, et al:, and including, but not limited to, Conspirator, Mary K. Quinn, who financially gained by the financial
devastation to another, which is prohibited in law. I look forward to this Office’s timely response and immediate
Dismissals of the wrongful OAG case as shown as a debt, Stopping, Ceasing, and Desisting of any and all claims
for monies/debt, including but not limited to the above stated attacks and warfare being wrongfully and fraudulently
perpetrated upon my family and myself. Thank you for your time and consideration Respectfully Submitted with Kind
Deep dated September 26, 2001 (3 pgs.) 2) Trans Union Report Dated 9-1-2017 (3 pgs.) 3) Agreed Order dated
August 23, 2004 (6 pgs.) 4) Sue Tomlinson, Assistant Atty. Gen.– Houston Child Support Division (1 pg.) 5) Harris
County Docket Sheet – Case Number 2001-26400 (2 pgs.) 6) Department of the Army (U.S.A.C.E.) –Hardin Family
Tort Claim (1 pg.) 7) Microbac Laboratory Results - Chemicals of Hardin Family Exposure (1 pg.) Witness with first
hand knowledge and is a witness that was present during these proceedings and hearings and to all complained of
herein: My Wife: Brandi L. Hardin 16199 Green Valley Ranch Blvd. #4412 Denver, CO 80239 (720)419-5031

IV. Information About Your Grievance - Supporting Documents

JH OAG Exhibits 9-19-217.pdf

How did you learn about the State Bar of Texas attorney grievance process?
Internet Page 7 of 7

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