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Best And Worst Things For Health And Disease

(25th chapter of Sutrasthana of Charaka Samhita)

Enhancing causes:
After having listened to Lord Punarvasu, Vamaka, the king of Kashi enquired, “Oh!
Lord, what are these factors whose wholesome and unwholesome combinations are
responsible for the growth of living beings and their diseases.
Lord Atreya said, Wholesome food is one of the causes for the growth of living beings
and unwholesome food for the growth of diseases.

Agnivesha then asked, “How shall we correctly distinguish between wholesome and
unwholesome food articles bring about opposite affects, depending upon the variations
in dose, time, method of preparation, habitat, constitution of the body, disease and the
age of the individual.[30-32]
Sama and Vishama diets – Wholesome and unwholesome diet:
Lord Punarvasu replied, “The food articles which maintain the equilibrium of Dhatus
(Tridosha in balance, body tissues and waste products) and help in eliminating the
disturbance of their equilibrium are to be regarded as wholesome, otherwise they are
Agnivesha asked again, “This type of general definition will not be comprehensible
for all kinds of physicians”.[33-34]
Multiplicity of dietetic factors:
Lord Punarvasu replied, “Those physicians who are verse with the food articles,
(dravya) their properties, action, dosage etc. in all respects will find no difficulty in
ascertaining the wholesomeness or otherwise of a given food article.
With a view to guarding the physicians of all categories, we shall explain the various
specifications of food articles. It is however not possible to enumerate the dosage etc.
of these food articles as their variations are too many to be specified. As to the dietetic
variations, they will be explained in general and specific terms.[35]
Origin of Ahara – Food :
आहारत्वमाहारस्यैकववधमर्ााभदे ात्
Defined in general terms, food is the one which can be consumed by living beings. By
this virtue, food is only of one type.
स पनु ववायोवनिः, स्र्ावरजङ्गमात्मकत्वात;्
If we consider source, there are two types of food –
Sthavara – vegetable products, the source which stays at only one place without
Jangama – animal products, the source which moves.
ववववधप्रभाविः, वहतावहतोदका ववशेषात;्
From the point of view of specific action, food articles can again be classified into two
Hita – with ultimate wholesome effect and
Ahita – food that causes unwholesome effect
चतुववाधोपयोगिः, पानाशनभक्ष्यलेह्योपयोगात;्
Because of mode of consumption, food is of four types.
Paana – drinks, Ashana – eatables, Bhakshya – chewables and Lehya – lickables
Based on taste, food is of six types.
Sweet, Salt, Sour, Pungent, Bitter and Astringent.

Based on qualities, food is of twenty types:

Guru (heaviness), Laghu (lightness), Sheeta (cold), Ushna (hot), Snigdha
(unctuousness, oiliness), Rooksha (dryness), Manda (dullness), Teekshna (sharpness)
Sthira (stability), Sara (mobility), Mridu (softness), Kathina (hardness), Vishada (non-
sliminess, clarity), Picchila (sliminess, Stickiness), Shlakshna (smoothness) X Khara
(roughness), Sookshma (minute, subtleness) X Sthoola (grossness, bulk), Sandra
(solidity), Drava (liquidity).

Let us learn in detail about examples of wholesome and unwholesome articles [37]
Best foods –
लोवहतशालयिः शक ू धान्यानाां – lohitaśālayaḥ śūkadhānyānāṃ – Red type of rice is the best among
Paddy having bristles
मद्ु ािःशमीधान्यानाम् – mudgāḥ śamīdhānyānām – Among pulses, Green gram is the best
आन्तररक्षमदु कानाां – āntarikṣam udakānāṃ – Among waters, Rain water collected before fall
on the ground is the best
सैन्धवां लवणानाां – saindhavaṃ lavaṇānāṃ – Among salts, Rock salt is the best
जीवन्तीशाकां शाकानाम् – jīvantīśākaṃ śākānām – Among pot herbs, Jivanti (Leptadenia
reticulate W.and A) is the best
ऐणेयां मृगमाांसानाां – Among the meat of big animals, Ena (antelope)
लाविः पवक्षणाां – Among meat of Birds Lava (common quail)
गोधा विलेशयानाां – Among Meat of animals living in holes, Godha (inguana)
रोवहतो मत्स्यानाां – Among fish, Rohita type of fish
गव्यं सर्पिः सर्पष ं – Among Ghee, Cow ghee
गोक्षीरां क्षीराणाां – Among Milk, Cow milk
वतलतैलां स्र्ावरजातानाां स्नेहानाां – Among Vegetable fats, Sesame oil
वराहवसा आनपू मृगवसानाां – Fats of marshy animals, Lard (pig fat)
चलु ुकीवसा मत्स्यवसानाां – Fish fat – Fat of Chuluki (Gangetic dolphin)
पाकहसां वसा जलचरववहङ्गवसानाां – Fats of aquatic birds – Fat of Pakahamsa (white swan)
कुक्कुटवसा वववककरशकुवनवसानाां – Fats of Vishkira (gallinaceous types of birds, with beak) – Fat of hen
अजमेदिः शाखादमेदसाां – Fats of tree branch eating animals – Fat of goat
शृङ्गवेरां कन्दानाां – Rhizomes – Ginger
मृवीका फलानाां – Fruits – Grapes
शका रे क्षवु वकाराणाम् – Preparation of sugar cane – Sarkara (Sugar candy) [38]
Most unwholesome articles:
यवकािःशक ू धान्याना – Among Shuka Dhanya (Paddy having bristles), Yavaka (a variety of
Barley) is most unwholesome
माषािःशमीधान्यानाां – Among pulses (Shami Dhanya) black gram is most unwholesome
वषाानादेयमदु कानाम् – Among waters, river water in rainy season is most unwholesome
ऊषरांलवणानाां – Among salts, Ushara (salt collected/prepared from saline soil)
सषापशाकांशाकानाां – Among pot herbs, Mustard is the most unwholesome
गोमाांसमां गृ माांसानाां – Among meet, Beef
काणकपोतिःपवक्षणाां – Among meat of birds, Kana Kapota (Young dove)
भेकोविलेशयानाां – Among Bileshaya(meat of animals living in the holes)Frog is most unwholesome
वचवलवचमोमत्स्यानाम् – Among fish, Chilichima
आववकांसवपािःसवपाषाम् – Among ghee, Ghee of sheep milk
अववक्षीरांक्षीराणाां – Among milk, Sheep milk
कुसम्ु भ स्नेहिःस्र्ावरस्नेहानाां – Vegetable fat Oil from Kusumbha (Canthamus tinctorius Linn)
मवहषवसा आनपू मृगवसानाां – Fats of marshy animals – Fat of Buffalo
कुम्भीरवसा मत्स्यवसानाां – Fats of aquatic animals – Fat of Kakamadgu (water foul)
काकमद्वु सा जलचर ववहङ्ग वसानाां – Fats of aquatic animals – Fat of Kumbhira (Corocodile)
चटकवसा वववककरशक ु वनवसानाां – Fats of gallinaceous types of birds – Fat of Chataka (sparrow)
हवस्तमेदिः शाखादमेदसाां – Fats of tree branch eating animals Fat of elephant
वनकुचां फलानाम् – Fruits Nikucha (Atrocarpus nikucha Roxb)
आलुकां कन्दानाां – Rhizomes and roots Aluka (potato?)
फावणतवमक्षवु वकाराणाम् – Preparations of sugar cane Phanita (treacle)
Most important drugs, actions, factors:
अन्नां वृविकराणाां श्रेष्ठम् – Among those which sustain life, food (Anna) is the best.
उदकमाश्वासकराणाां – Water is best to generate soothing effect
सरु ा श्रमहराणाां – Wine is best to Dispel fatigue
क्षीरां जीवनीयानाां – Milk is best among enlivening, invigorating susbtances
माांसां िृहां णीयानाां – Meat is best among nourishing food
रसस्तपाणीयानाां – Meat soup (Mamsarasa) is best among refreshing, nourishing food
लवणमन्नद्रव्यरुवचकराणाम् – Salt is best among substances that enhance taste.
अम्लां हृद्यानाां – Sour substances are best among cardiac tonics
कुक्कुटो िल्यानाां – among foods to improve strength and immunity, Kukkuta – chicken is
नक्ररे तो वृकयाणाां – Among aphrodisiac substances, Nakra Retas – Semen of crocodile is the best.
मधु श्ले ष्मर्त्तप्रशमन न ं – Among substances to balance Kapha and Pitta, Honey is the best.
सर्पर् पतर्त्तप्रशमन न ं – Among substances to balance Vata and Pitta, cow ghee is the best.
तैलं र् तश्ले ष्मप्रशमन न ं – Among substances to balance Vata and Kapha, Taila (sesame oil) is
the best.
वमनां श्ले कमहराणाां – Among Kapha balancing procedures, Vamana (emesis) therapy is the best.
ववरे चनां वपिहराणाां – Among Pitta balancing procedures, Virechana is the best
िवस्तवाातहराणाां – Among Vata balancing procedures, Basti – Enema (both Anuvasana and
Asthapana) is the best
स्वेदो मादावकराणाां – Among procedures to bring about softness and tenderness, Swedana –
sweating therapy is the best.
व्यायामिः स्र्ैयाकराणाां – Exercise (Vyayama) is the best to bring about body firmness.
क्षारिः पांस्ु त्वोपघावतनाां – Among substances causing impotency, kshara is the best
वतन्दक ु मनन्नद्रव्यरुवचकराणाम् – Among substances hurting the taste of food, Tinduka (Diospros
peregrine Gurke) is the best
आमां कवपत्र्मकण्ठ्यानाम् – Among those hurting throat and quality of sound, Unripe Kapittha
(Feronia Limonia Swingle) is the best
आववकां सवपारहृद्यानाम् – Among those damaging heart, Sheep ghee is the best
अजाक्षीरां शोषघ्नस्तन्यसात्म्यरक्तसाङ्रावहकरक्तवपिप्रशमनानाम् – Among those substances that relieve
emaciation, improve breast milk, blood production, absorbant (useful in IBS) and
bleeding disorders, goat milk is the best.
अववक्षीरां श्ले कमवपिजननानाां – Sheep milk is best to Vitiate Kapha and Pitta Dosha
मवहषीक्षीरां स्वप्नजननानाां – Buffalo milk is best to induce sleep (related– in obstructing the body
channels and circulation, half formed curds (Mandaka Dadhi) is best
गवेधक ु ान्नां कशानीयानाम् – Food prepared of Gavedhuka (Triticum aestivum Linn) to cause
उद्दालकान्नां ववरूक्षणीयानाम् – Food prepared with Uddalaka (a variety of black graM) is best to
cause drying
इक्षमु ात्रू जननानाां – Sugarcane is best in producing diuretic effect. यवािः परु ीषजननानाां – Barley is best
to increase bulk of feces
जाम्िवां वातजननानाां – Jambu -(Jamun – Syzygium cumini) is best in aggravating Vata
शककुल्यिः श्ले कमवपिजननानाां – Shashkuli type of pastry (Chakkuli in Kannada language) is best in
aggravating Pitta and Kapha
कुलत्र्ा अम्लवपिजननानाां – Kulattha (horse gram) is best in causing Amlapitta (acid dyspepsia)
माषािः श्ले कमवपिजननानाां – Black gram is best in aggravating Kapha and Pitta
मदनफलां वमनास्र्ापनानवु ासनोपयोवगनाां – Fruit of Madana (Randia dumetorum Lam) is best in
Vamana (emesis), Asthapana and anuvasana types of enema
वत्रवृत् सख ु ववरे चनानाां – Trivrit (operculina turpethum R.B) Causing easy purgation
चतरु ङ्गल ु ो मृदवु वरे चनानाां – Aragvadha (Cassia fistula Linn) is best in causing mild purigation
स्नक्ु पयस्तीक्ष्णववरे चननाां – Milk of Snuhi (Euphorbia nerifolia Linn) is best in causing strong
प्रत्यक्पकु पा वशरोववरे चनानाां – Apamarga (Achyrantes aspera Linn) is best in eliminating Doshas
from the head
ववडङ्गां वक्रवमघ्नानाां – Vidanga (Embelia ribes Burm .f.) is best in Killing parasites.
वशरीषो ववषघ्नानाां – Shireesha (albizzia Lebbeck Benth) is best anti poisonous herb.
खवदरिः कुष्ठघ्नानाां – Khadira (Acacia catechu Wild) is best in curing skin diseases
रास्ना वातहराणाम् – Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) is best in alleviating vata
आमलकं र्यिःस्थ ्न न ं – Amalaka (Amla – Emblica officinalis) is best to cause Rasayana
हरीतकी ्थ्य न म् – Haritaki (terminalia chebula Linn) is best wholesome fruit
एरण्डमल ू ां वृकयवातहराणाां – Castor root (Eranda moola) is best in alleviating Vata and aphrodisiac
वपप्पलीमल ू ां दीपनीयपाचनीयानाहप्रशमनानाां – Pippalimoola (long pepper root) is best in promoting
digestion, carmination and relieving bloating and constipation
वचत्रकमल ू ां दीपनीयपाचनीयगदु शोर्ाशािःशल ू हराणाां – Root of Chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica Linn) is best in
Promoting digestion, carmination and curing piles and colic pain
पकु करमल ू ां वहक्काश्वासकासपाश्वाशलू हराणाां – Pushkaramoola (Inula racemosa Hook.f) is best in curing
hiccup, asthma, Cough and pain in the chest
मस्ु तां साङ्रावहकदीपनीयपाचनीयानाम् – Musta (cyperus rotunds Linn) is best in causing astringent
effect, उदीच्यां वनवाापणदीपनीयपाचनीयच्छद्यातीसारहराणाां – Udeechya – Pavonia odorata is best in causing
digestion, carmination, anti emetic and anti diarrheal effect.
कट्वङ्गां साङ्रावहकपाचनीयदीपनीयानाम् – Katvanga is best to cause absorption, to improve digestion
and carmination.
अनन्ता साङ्रावहकरक्तवपिप्रशमनानाम् – Ananta (Hemidesmus indicus) is best to cause absorption
and in bleeding disorders.
अमृता साङ्रावहकवातहरदीपनीयश्ले कमशोवणतवविन्धप्रशमनानाां – Giloy is best to cause astringent effect,
promoting digestion, alleviating Vata, Kapha, constipation and Raktapitta (bleeding
विल्वां साङ्रावहकदीपनीयवातकफप्रशमनानाम् – Bael is best to cause astringent effect, promoting
digestion and alleviating Vata and Kapha.
अवतववषा दीपनीयपाचनीयसाङ्रावहकसवादोषहराणाम् – Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum) is best in
causing astringent effect, promoting digestion, carmination and alleviation of all the
उत्पलकुमदु पद्मवकञ्जल्किः साङ्रावहकरक्तवपिप्रशमनानाां – Utpala (Nymphaea alba), Kumuda (a variety of
lotus) and Padma (lotus) is best in ausin g astringent effect, alleviating bleeding
दरु ालभा वपिश्ले कमप्रशमनानाां – Duralabha (Fagonia cretica) is best in alleviating Kapha and Pitta.
गन्धवप्रयङ्गिःु शोवणतवपिावतयोगप्रशमनानाां – Gandha Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla) is best in
alleviating acute heavy bleeding.
कुटजत्वक् श्ले कमवपिरक्तसाङ्रावहकोपशोषणानाां – Bark of Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica) is best in
balancing Kapha and Pitta, causing astringent effect over blood and to cause drying
absorbing effect
काश्मयाफलां रक्तसाङ्रावहकरक्तवपिप्रशमनानाां – Fruit of Gambhari (Gmelina arborea) is best in causing
hemostasis, curing bleeding disorders
पृविपणी साङ्रावहकवातहरदीपनीयवृकयाणाां – Prishniparni – Uraria picta is best in causing astringent
and aphrodisiac, digestve effect and alleviating Vata
ववदाररगन्धा वृकयसवादोषहराणाां – Vidarigandha (Pueraria tuberosa/ Ipomoea digitata) is best in
aphrodisiac and to cause Tridosha balance
िला साङ्रावहकिल्यवातहराणाां – Bala (Sida cordifolia) is best in causing absorbant effect,
improving strength and balancing Vata Dosha.
गोक्षरु को मत्रू कृ च्रावनलहराणाां – Gokshura (Tribulus) is best in relieving dysuria
वहङ्गवु नयाासश्छे दनीय दीपनीयानल ु ोवमक वातकफप्रशमनानाम् – Asafoetida is best in causing excision,
promoting digestion, downward movement of wind, and alleviating Vata and Kapha.
अम्लवेतसो भेदनीयदीपनीयानल ु ोवमकवातश्ले कमहराणाां – Amlavetasa (Garcinia pedunculata) is best in
causing purgation, promoting digestion, downward movement of wind (Anulomna) and
balancing Vata and Kapha.
यावशक ू िः स्रांसनीयपाचनीयाशोघ्नानाां – Ash of Barley (Yavakshara / Yavashuka)is best in causing
laxative effect, carmination and curing piles
तक्र भ्य सो ग्रहणीदोषशोफ शोघृतव्य ्त्प्प्रशमन न ं – Regular intake of buttermilk is best in curing
Grahani (IBS), Shotha (edema), piles and ghee indigestion
क्रव्यान्माांसरसाभ्यासो रहणीदोषशोषाशोघ्नानाां – habitual use of meat soup of carnivorous animals is best
in curing Grahani (IBS), emaciation and piles
क्षीरघृत भ्य सो रस यन न ं – habitual use of milk and ghee is best in causing anti aging effect
समघृतसक्तुप्राशाभ्यासो वृकयोदावताहराणाां – habitual use of mix of equal quantities of ghee and Saktu
(roasted corn floor) is best aphrodisiac and Vata balancing.
तैलगण्डूष भ्य सो दन्तबलरुरिकर ण ं – sesame oil – oil pulling is best to strengthen teeth and to
relieve anorexia
चन्दनां दगु ान्धहरदाहवनवाापणलेपनानाां – Sandalwood (Chandana) is best in reliving bad odor, burning
sensation and best to apply as paste.
रास्नागरुु णी शीतापनयनप्रलेपनानाां – Application of Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) and Agaru
(Aquilaria agallocha) is best in removing coldness, on external application.
लामज्जकोशीरां दाहत्वग्दोषस्वेदापनयनप्रलेपनानाां – Lamajjaka (Cymbopogon jwarancusa) is best in
curing burning sensation, skin diseases and sweating, on external application.
कुष्ठां वातहराभ्यङ्गोपनाहोपयोवगनाां – Kushta (Saussurea lappa) is best in causing Vata balance upon
usage as massage and poultice.
मधक ु ां चक्षकु य वृकय के श्य कण्ठ्य वण्या ववरजनीय रोपणीयानाां – Madhuka (Licorice) is best in improving eye
health, aphrodisiac effect, improving hair quality, throat/voice quality, skin
complexion, imparting colour and wound healing
वायिःु प्राणसञ्ञाप्रदानहेतूनाम् – air is best to restore Prana and consciousness
अवग्नराम स्तम्भ शीत शल ू ोवेपन प्रशमनानाां – fire is best in curing indigestion, stiffness, cold, colic pain
and shivering
जलां स्तम्भनीयानाां – water is best in causing absorbant / astringent effect
मृद्भृष्ट लोकर वनवाावपतमदु कां तृकणाच्छद्यावतयोग प्रशमनानाम् – water from a pot prepared from heated mud, is
best in alleviating acute attacks of thirst and vomitting
अवतमात्राशनमामप्रदोषहेतूनाां – eating in excess quantities is best in causing excess Ama
यर्ाग्न्यभ्यवहारोऽवग्नसन्धक्ष ु णानाां – Intake of food as per digestion strength, is best to improve
digestion power.
यर्ासात्म्यां चेष्टाभ्यवहारौ सेव्यानाां – wholesome diet and regime is best to adopt habits
कालभोजनमारोग्यकराणाां – taking food in right time is best to promote health
तृविराहारगणु ानाां – Trupti (Satiation) is the best quality of food
वेगसन्धारणमनारोग्यकराणाां – suppression of urges is the best cause of disease
मद्यां सौमनस्यजननानाां – alcohol (Madya) is best in causing soothing mind, exhileration
मद्याक्षेपो धीधृवतस्मृवतहराणाां – alcohol addiction is best to cause loss of intelligence, memory and
गरुु भोजनां दवु वापाककराणाम् – heavy food intake is best to cause indigestion
एकाशनभोजनां सख ु पररणामकराणाां – having one meal per day is best to cause digestion and
absorption of food
स्त्रीकववतप्रसङ्गिः शोषकराणाां – excessive indulgence in women is best to cause emaciation
शक्र ु वेगवनरहिः षाण्ड्यकराणाां – continuous suppression of ejaculation causes impotence
पराघातनमन्नाश्रद्धाजननानाम् – Slaughtering place is the best place to cause aversion for food. In a
slaughter house when one views the killing procedure of the animal, becomes the cause
for aversion towards the food prepared with the meat of it.
अनशनमायषु ो ह्रासकराणाां – Fasting is best to cause reduction of longevity
प्रवमताशनां कशानीयानाम् – Intake of food in reduced quantity is best to cause weight loss
अजीणााध्यशनां रहणीदषू णानाां – Intake of food before digestion of previous meal is best in causing
vitiation of stomach and intestine
ववषमाशनमवग्नवैषम्यकराणाां – Intake of food in irregular timings causes irregularity in digestive power
ववरुद्धवीयााशनां वनवन्दतव्यावधकराणाां – intake of incompatible foods – is best in causing worst of
diseases like skin disorders
प्रशमिः पथ्यानाां – Tranquility, soothing, calming behavior is the best healthy regime
आयासिः सवाापथ्यानाां – Exertion beyond one’s capacity is best Unhealthy regime
वमथ्यायोगो व्यावधकराणाां – Mithya Yoga – Improper utilization of objects and sense organs –
like looking at sharp objects, hearing to loud sound etc) is best in causing disease.
रजस्वलावभगमनमलक्ष्मीमख ु ानाां – sex with a menstruating woman is best inauspicious activity
ब्रह्मचयामायकु याणाां – practicing celibacy is best to cause longevity
परदारावभगमनमनायकु याणाां – Adultery is best to reduce longevity
सङ्कल्पो वृकयाणाां – Determination is the best aphrodisiac
दौमानस्यमवृकयाणाम् – having difference of opinion / different minds is the best un-aphrodisiac
अयर्ािलमारम्भिःप्राणोपरोवधनाां – strenuous efforts beyond one’s capacity is best to lose life
ववषादो रोगवधानानाां – Grief/ depression is best to worsen disease
स्नानांश्रमहराणाां – Bath is best in removing fatigue
हषािःप्रीणनानाां – Cheerfulness is best to cause Delight
शोकिः शोषणानाां – Worry is best to cause emaciation, to lose weight
वनवृवििःपवु ष्टकराणाां – detachment is best to cause nourishment
पवु ष्टिःस्वप्नकराणाम् – having nutritious food is best to induce sleep
अवतस्वप्नस्तन्द्राकराणाां – Excessive sleep is best in causing drowsiness
सवारसाभ्यासोिलकराणाम् – having food with all the tastes is best to promote strength and immunity
एकरसाभ्यासोदौिाल्यकराणाां – having food with only one taste is best to cause debility
गभाशल्यमाहायााणाम् – dead fetus is best to be removed immediately
अजीणामद्ध ु ायााणाां – indigestion is best to be prevented
िालोमृदभु ेषजीयानाां – children are best to be administered with mild medicines
वृद्धोयाप्यानाां – aged patients are best to be adminsitered with palliating medicines
गवभाणी तीक्ष्णौषध व्यवाय व्यायाम वजानीयानाां -pregnant women are best to avoid strong medicines, sex
and exercise
सौमनस्यां गभाधारणानाां – having common minds is best way to achieve conception
सवन्नपातो दवु िवकत्स्यानाम् – Sannipata – involvement of all Doshas is worst condition to treat
आमो ववषमवचवकत्स्यानाां – Ama (altered digestion and metabolism) is best to be considered and treated as
ज्वरो रोगाणाां – fever is best among disease
कुष्ठां दीघारोगाणाां – skin diseases are the longest duration disorders
राजयक्ष्मा रोगसमहू ानाां – Rajayakshma (tuberculosis / AIDS) is the best disease combination
with many diseases
प्रमेहोऽनषु ङ्वगणाां – urinary disorders are the best relapsing disorders
जलौकसोऽनश ु स्त्राणाां – leech is the best accessory surgical devices
िवस्तस्तन्त्राणाां – Enema is the best among elimination therapies
वहमवानौषवधभमू ीनाां – The Himalaya is the best habitat of medicinal plants
सोम ओषधीनाां – Soma is the best medicine
मरुभवू मरारोग्यदेशानाम् – Desert is best among healthy places
अनपू ोऽवहतदेशानाम् – Marshy Land is Unhealthiest place
वनदेशकाररत्वमातुरगणु ानाां – Compliance with the instructions of the physician is the best quality
of patient
वभषक् वचवकत्साङ्गानाां – Physician is the best part of treatment
नावस्तकोवज्याानाां – An atheist is best to be rejected treatment
लौल्यां क्लेशकराणाम् – Greed is the most troublesome practice
अवनदेशकाररत्वमररष्टानाां – Disobedience to the instructions of the physician is the worst
prognostic sign
अवनवेदो वातालक्षणानाां – Self confidence is the best sign of recovery
वैद्यसमहू ो वनिःसांशयकराणां – An assemblage of physician is best in eradicating doubts (with
regard to the line of treatment etc)
योगो वैद्यगणु ानाां – Sense of propriety is the best quality of physician
ववञानमौषधीनाां – Knowledge is the best medicine
शास्त्रसवहतस्तका िः साधनानाां – Scriptures based logic is best to gain knowledge
सम्प्रवतपवििः कालञानप्रयोजनानाम् – Presence of mind is best to understand the situation
अव्यवसायिः कालावतपविहेतूनाां – Inaction is the best way to waste time
दृष्टकमाता वनिःसश ां यकराणाम् – Practical experience is best to eradicate doubts
असमर्ाता भयकराणाां – Incapability is best to cause fear
तववद्यसम्भाषा िवु द्धवधानानाम् – Clinical seminars, reasoning based discussion is best to improve
wisdom and intelligence
आचायािः शास्त्रावधगमहेतनू ाम् – Guru is best tool to understand science
आयवु ेदोऽमृतानाां – Knowledge of Ayurveda (science of life) is the best among nectors
सवचनमनष्ठु ेयानाम् – Words of noble person is best to be complied with
असदर् हणां सवाावहतानाां – Words of wicked is best to cause harmful result
सवासन्न्यासिः सख ु ानावमवत – absolute detachment is the best way to achieve happiness [40]

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