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(25th Aug, 2016)

AM2200 Strength of Materials (CRC_302)

Course Instructor: Dr. PIJUSH GHOSH

1. Given the state of stress with respect to x, y, z as

100 −40 10
[−40 120 −20]
10 −20 180
a) Determine principal stresses and principal planes
b) Determined the maximum shear stress.

2. At a point in a structure, two separate load systems acting on different occasions

result in the measurement of states of stress described by the matrices [𝜎𝑎 ] and [𝜎𝑏 ]
given below:

200 200 0 0 200 0

[𝜎𝑎 ] = [200 −400 0] and [𝜎𝑏 ] = [200 0 0] ,
0 0 0 0 0 0
The axes of measurement are x,y, z and x',y',z, oriented at 45° to each other. Find the
total state of stress with respect to x, y, z, and the principal stresses due to the
combined action of both the system of loads. (Hint: Get the transformed
components of [𝜎𝑏 ] with respect to x,y,z, and then add it with [𝜎𝑎 ] to find the total.
Then determine the principal stresses).

3. A plane which is equally inclined to the three principal plane is known as octahedral
(oct) plane. Determine σoct and τoct in terms of principal stresses.
4. Show that the shear stress on any oblique plane with outward normal (𝑛)̂ having l,m,n
as direction cosines with respect to principal directions is given by


5. The stress field in an elastic solid is given by

σx=4x2y+3y2z, σy=10(x2+z2+5zx), σz=2x2(y+z)-3y2(x+z),

τxy=5(x2+y2-15), τyz=24(x2-y2) and τzx=0.

What is the body force field that will keep the above stress field in equilibrium? (Hint:
Write down the equations of equilibrium and substitute the above to get the body
force components bz ,by and bz).

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