R. - Nehu /LR: Nexilp

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B.ABY ['beibi] n.

Aere, 6e6a
- Her BADMINTON ['bedminton] r. 6eA-
baby is a year old. MrrHToH (nrpa aonrxqou xoJa rlu! tre-
- Children like to play bad-
BAGtbagl r. rop6a, Keca -- This is
a big bag. We can pBt a lot of
things in it.
:j "t:i r'l l::,, ['bcibi -1
rt f:i'.,- 'srta] rr. oco6a BAKE Ibeik] r'. nehu \lr rr,r,Ihcr
n;raheua 3a rlyaatr,e is baking cakes in the kitchen.
lerera (o6r.rxo
3a Hero.rnrrio vacona) - [ elLn't so tsAKER l lLri.,-l /1. nexilp ,\ bakcr
makes bread.
to the einema f,,i1h you this evening.
BAKERY ['beikari] r. neNapa
I musi look after my neighbour's - I
enjoy going to the bakery because
baby; I am a baby-sitter.
,.::, ., :'.
It.,lri..J rr. i . ;rc[a, 2. ra4rsn 4eo
I like the smell of bread.
BALL [ba:l] n. iror]ra - -Ihrow rhe
- 1. I have hurt my back
and it aches, 2. There is a light on
ball, Mary! Mary is rtrrowing the
th€ back of my bicycle. ball and Peter is catchirg it.
,:. ,,.'". [i:ek] adj. sa,r1]bn
the chair in the back garCen.
- You Ieft
::,: ,.,,.,.-:. Ibak] adi,. flarpare Ha3a.U

Put this book back on rhe bookihelf!

i. .,.r, [bad] adj. 1. p$arr.nou, sao 2.

- 1. I don't like
rroxBapeu (aa xpaHy)
him. He is a bad rnan. 2. Don't eat
BAI-X-fiON [be'tu:n] N. 6:i,'roH
bad nieat. It's dangerous. - Srnall
ehildren like balloons. Balloons can
i'r"r! r.r'. i f iha'd 3] r. sHaema
me:nber of ihe club had a bacige or
- El'ery fly in the air.
his coat.
-..,:.,rl,,f ['brdli] ar"lv. 1. p$ar* 2. o:*
,/ /
-fp @-

6;raouo, &naeu{-r 3. epil<t, unoro ** l" I


F{e spelis English "badiy. 2" Hc was I

( /
ba.dtry hurt in an aceident" 3. He
neerls rncncy badly,


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