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BANANA [ho'na:nrl rr. 6auarra -- Ra- must buy a new one. 2. I have a bath
nanas are yellow when they are ripe. every evening.
They.,in lrc rel\ 'riecl. BATHE [be;6] v. Kynarrr ce (y peur u.nx
- I don't like to bathe in the
river, but I like to bathe in the sea.
[bei5i4 'kastju:m] n. Ky-
a new bathing costume
BANK lbalk] ,?. 6aHKa I keep all for this summer. "'/
rny money in the bank. \TH;{COM ['ba:Uruml
BATF{RCON{ ['ba:Orum] / \
BAREFOOT ['beefut] adj. Gocouor
n. Kynarrno
- in En- W
glish houses bathrooms I /'
Children like to walk bare'foot in the )f'
rain. are usually upstairs"
BARK [ba:k] v. aajaru tsATTLE ['baetl] r. 6urrca - The battle
- Dogs bark.
Remember the proverb: "Barking of Waterloo was a great battle
dogs don't bite!" between the English and French
BARI{ [ba:n] r. au6ap, xHrHHrIa -
Farmers keep corn in a barn. Bg [bi:] aux. v. (pres. am, is, are;
P.t.WAS, WERE; P'P.EEEN) 6nrn
BASEtsALL ['beisl-r:ll r:. 6e:6or -
Basebali is an American game. It is BE ABLE16 ruohn

played by 2 teanr' and there are BE ASt,EEp [e'sli:p] cnaBarlr -

9 players in each ream. Don't talk loudly. He's asleep.
.BASKET ['ba:skit] x. Kopna BE AWAy [a'wei] 6nrn rau xyhe,
- There
are a lot of eggs in the basket. iinrua sa ryrr,y, He 6rrN ry - He is not in
He is away.


When will he be back again?
I think at seven.
tsE FOND OF l'fcnd av] oo,rern Pe-
ter is fond of swimming.
BE COCD AT [Cud et] 6urn so6ap,
BASKE]-i-]ALL ['ba:skit ba:l] /,. Ko- ycfleuran y HeqeMy, ycneBarfi
rrrapKa Basketball is a game. Pla- is good at languages.
try to throw the ball into the BE IN BED [in bed] .irexarr, 6urn y
net. nocreJbr is still in bed.
- Peter
EATH [ba:0] r. l. xasa 2. xYnane Y BE LATE fieitJ racurrr - Wake him.
KaAH l. Our bath is very old. We He'll be late for school.
2 Peqsqx eHrn€cxor je3EKa 3a ocHoBHy uKony
€ t7

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