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BEE [bi:] /?. nqerra BEHIND [bi,haind] prep. \3a, no3alu

- A bee a :mall
insect which makes honey. girls are playing hide-and-
- The
-seek. Mary is hiding behind the
BELIEVE [bi,li:v] y. BepoBarrr
- She
never tells the trulh. So I don't be-
lieve her.
BELL [bel] r.3Bono It's 2 o'clock.
The school bell is ringing.

BFEF [bi:f]r. roBeruHa

have beef lor dinner.
- They often
tsEFCRE [bi'fc:] prep. ilcnper
accident happened before my eyes.
- The
BELONG [bi'lo1] y. rprra.qarn
BEFORE adv. pautje, npe Hare you - Who
does this bag belong to? Is it yours,
ever been in London before? So, Mary?
it's your first visit norr. BELOV/ [bi'leu] prep. !o.i,% rcrroA
BEG [beg] y. luo.rrHrH. rpaxxru. npo- We are on the bridge and the river
is below us.
- Beg him to leare rhis placel BENCH lbentJ] n. Knyna There are
BEGGAR ['bega] n. npocjax
- A beg-
gar is a person rr'ho lires bi begginE. no benches in this park.
- There is no
BEGIN [bi'gin] v.(p. t. BEGAN,7, 2. place to sit down.
BEGUNho.rerr lilm begins
at 8 p.m. - The
BEGtrNNER [bi'gina] /,. noqerrrx
He doesn't drive well. He is still a
BECIN]-iING [bi'ginia] r. nor:eraK
I can't remember the beginning -of
the song. Can you? BESiDE [bi'said] prep. nopeJ, noxpaj
tsEHAVE [bi'heiv] y. ronarraru ce neno
- There is nobody sitting
All her shildren behave well. me. Come and sit doun.
- BESIDES [bi'saidz] adr'. ycro, ocHrvr,
EEHA'VIOUR. [bi'heivje] r?. nouaurarbe
I like Tom for his good behaviour
-at school.
nopeA rora
- I hale t*o umbrellas
at homq besides this one.

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