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Enhanced Oil Recovery


Ir Putu Suarsana MT. Ph.D

Kapan Saatnya EOR ??

1 3

1-5 - Exploration
6-7 - EOR


5 6
1-4 7
Screening FLUID
Fluid Analysis
(Lab. Work)
Economic EOR STUDY • PVT
• Chemical Selection
Evaluation PROJECT • Fluid-Fluid comp.
• Fluid-Rock Comp.
MANAGEMENT • Core Flooding
Process& • Slim Tube
Design ? PVT
(Region) Modeling
simulation G&G Production
? (Region) Modeling
Analysis 4
Fault Seal
Table 1
EOR Screening Technical Criterias2,3,9

Recommended Range
N2 CO2 In Situ Combustion Steam Injection
Gravity, API > 35 > 22 10 to 27 8 to 25
Viscosity, cp < 0.4 < 10 < 5,000 <100,000
Not Critical but some
High percentage of light High percentage of intermediate Some asphaltic components to aid
Composition light ends for steam
hydrocarbons hydrocarbons (especially C5 to C12) coke deposition
distillation will help
Oil Saturation, % PV > 40 > 20 > 50 > 40
Sandstone or carbonate with few Sand or sandstone with
Sandstone or carbonate with few Sand or sandstone with high
Type of formation fractures and high permeability high porosity and
fractures and high permeability streaks porosity
streaks permeability
Relatively thin unless formation is Relatively thin unless formation is
Net Thickness > 10 > 20
dipping dipping
Not critical if sufficient injection rate
Average Permeability, mD Not critical > 50 > 200
can be maintained
For miscible displacement, depth must
Depth, ft > 6000 < 11,500 < 5,000
be great enough
Temperature, F Not critical Not Critical > 100 Not Critical

Recommended Range
Polymer Micellar, ASP, and Alkaline Surfactant Microbial
Gravity, API > 15 > 20 > 20 > 15
< 150 (preferably <100 and
Viscosity, cp < 35 < 100 Not Critical
Light intermediate which contain
Composition Not Critical Not Critical Not Critical
organic acid to achieve lower IFT
Oil Saturation, % PV > 50 > 35 > 35 > 25
Sandstone preferred but can be
Type of formation Sandstone prefered Sandstone Not Critical
used in carbonate
Net Thickness, ft Not critical Not critical Not critical Not Critical
Average Permeability, mD > 10 > 10 > 40 > 50 md
Depth, ft < 9000 < 9000 < 6000 < 8000
Temperature, F <200 to minimize degradation < 200 < 200 < 160
Miscible Gas Flooding (CO2 Injection)
CO2 Injection Water Separation and Production Well
Injection Well Injection Storage Facilities
From Pump
or Recycle

4 3 2 1

1 Waterflood Sor 2 Oil 3 CO2 and Water 4 Drive

Bank/Miscible Zone Water
Miscible Gas Flooding (CO2 Injection)


 Consists of injecting large quantities of CO2 (15%

or more hydrocarbon pore volumes) in reservoir to
form a miscible flood

Mechanisms That Improve Recovery Efficiency

 CO2 extracts the light-to-intermediate components

from the oil, and, if pressure is high enough,
develops miscibility to displace oil from reservoir
(vaporizing gas drive)

 Viscosity reduction / oil swelling

Miscible Gas Flooding (CO2 Injection)
 Very low viscosity of CO2 results in poor mobility
 Availability of CO2
 Early breakthrough of CO2 causes problems
 Corrosion in producing wells
 Necessity of separating CO2 from saleable
 Repressuring CO2 for recycling
 Large requirement of CO2 per incremental barrel
Miscible Gas Flooding (CO2 Injection)

Screening Parameters
 Gravity > 27° API
 Viscosity < 10 cp
 Composition C5 - C20 (C5 - C12)
 Oil saturation > 30% PV
 Formation type sandstone / carbonate
 Net thickness relatively thin
 Average permeability not critical
 Transmissibility not critical
 Depth > 2,300 feet
 Temperature < 250° F
Miscible Gas Flooding
(Hydrocarbon Injection)
HC Gas Injection Water Separation and Production Well
Injection Well Injection Storage Facilities
From Pump
or Recycle

4 3 2 1

2 Oil Bank / 3 HC and Water 4 Drive

1 Waterflood Sor Water
Miscible Front Zone
Miscible Gas Flooding
(Hydrocarbon Injection)


 Consists of injecting light hydrocarbons through

reservoir to form a miscible flood

Mechanisms That Improve Recovery Efficiency

 Viscosity reduction / oil swelling / condensing or

vaporizing gas drive
Miscible Gas Flooding
(Hydrocarbon Injection)
 Minimum depth is set by pressure needed to maintain
generated miscibility
 Ranges from about 1,200 psi for LPG process to 3,000-
5,000 psi for High Pressure Gas Drive, depending on the
 Steeply dipping formation is very desirable - permits
gravity stabilization of displacement that normally has
an unfavorable mobility ratio
 Viscous fingering results in poor vertical and horizontal
sweep efficiency
 Large quantities of expensive products required
 Solvent may be trapped and not recovered
Miscible Gas Flooding
(Hydrocarbon Injection)
Screening Parameters
 Gravity > 27° API
 Viscosity < 10 cp
 Composition C2 - C7
 Oil saturation > 30% PV
 Formation type sandstone / carbonate
 Net thickness relatively thin
 Average permeability not critical
 Transmissibility not critical
 Depth > 2,000 feet (LPG)
> 5,000 feet (lean gas)
 Temperature > 250°F
Nitrogen / Flue Gas Flooding
N2 Gas Injection Water Separation and Production Well
Injection Well Injection Storage Facilities
or Plant

4 3 2 1

1 Oil Bank/ N2 and

Waterflood Sor 2 3 4 Drive Water
Miscible Front Water Zone
Nitrogen / Flue Gas Flooding
 Consists of injecting large quantities of gas that
may be miscible or immiscible depending on
pressure and oil composition
 Large volumes may be injected because of low
 Nitrogen or flue gas are also considered for use as
chase gases in hydrocarbon-miscible and CO2
Mechanisms That Improve Recovery Efficiency
 Vaporizes lighter components of crude oil and
generates miscibility if pressure is high enough
 Provides gas drive where significant portion of
reservoir volume is filled with low-cost gases
Nitrogen / Flue Gas Flooding
 Miscibility can only be achieved with light oils at high
pressures; therefore, deep reservoirs are needed
 Steeply dipping reservoir is desired to permit gravity
stabilization of displacement, which has a very
unfavorable mobility ratio

 Viscous fingering results in poor vertical and horizontal

sweep efficiency

 Flue gas injection can cause corrosion

 Non-hydrocarbon gases must be separated from

saleable gas
Nitrogen / Flue Gas Flooding

Screening Parameters
 Gravity > 24° API (> 35 for nitrogen)
 Viscosity < 10 cp
 Composition C1 - C7
 Oil saturation > 30% PV
 Formation type sandstone / carbonate
 Net thickness relatively thin (not critical for
pressure maintenance)
 Average permeability not critical
 Transmissibility not critical
 Depth > 4,500 feet
 Temperature not critical
Oil Gravity Guides for Enhanced
Oil Recovery Methods

Oil Gravity oAPI

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

N2 & Flue Gas

CO2 - Miscible
Immiscible Gas
Polymer Flooding
Gel Treatments
In situ Combustion
Steam Flooding
Summary of Screening Criteria for
IOR and EOR Methods

N.C. = Not Critical

*Transmissibility >20 md ft/cp
**Transmissibility > 100 md ft/cp
Gas (Solvents) Injection

Type of Gas (Solvents) Injection:

- Hydrocarbon gases (CH4, C2H6)

- Nitrogen (N2)
- Natural gas mixtures
- Light hydrocarbon liquids
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Comparison of Solvents

Selecting an appropriate solvent for a given

reservoir is generally based on:

- Availability and relative cost

- Physical properties and phase behavior data
- Miscibility conditions
- Reservoir characteristics
Comparison of Solvents

At 93C and 3000 psia

Solvent Density, kg/m3 FVF, RCF/SCF Viscosity, Cp

CO2 525 0.0035 0.042
Air 186 0.0064 0.027
Nitrogen 178 0.0064 0.025
Methane 117 0.0056 0.018
Natural gas 173 0.0051 0.02

 CO2 has favorable properties and lower MMP

 LNG, LPG and condensate liquids are excellent solvents but
are more expensive
Comparison of Solvents
Light component



Heavy Intermediate
component component
DK - 37 -
Comparison of Solvents

Among various gases, Carbon dioxide is

preferred, due to:

- Higher viscosity
- Low formation volume factor
- High density
- Low miscibility pressures with reservoir oils
- Easy to handling
- Relatively low cost
DK - 38 -
Gas Injection Options
Reinjection of Reservoir Gas:
 The first option to consider in a low permeability
reservoir is reinjection of reservoir gas. This can
only occur in a relatively unproduced, newer
reservoir that originally was nearly saturated with
gas. The gas will have already been produced from
older reservoirs.
 If this option is possible, the reservoir pressure is
controlled so as to optimize gas production, gas
recycle, and oil production.
Gas Injection Options
Nitrogen or Air Injection:
 If reservoir gas is not available, injecting either
nitrogen or air to increase oil recovery is common.
 Nitrogen, extracted from air using membranes or
pressure swing adsorption, is relatively inert because
it contains less than 4 percent oxygen.
 It is best used in shallower reservoirs to enhance
production by increasing reservoir pressure.
 Produced nitrogen can be recompressed and recycled
so that very little new gas is needed and the
production can continue for several decades.
Gas Injection Options
Nitrogen or Air Injection:
 Air is used in deeper reservoirs, temperature (> 150
ºF) where the air spontaneously reacts with the oil to
form flue gas. The CO2 in the flue gas dissolves in
the oil. In addition, water and light oil evaporate
from the combustion zone. This means that three
mechanisms (pressure maintenance, swelling and
waterflooding by condensed steam) combine to
increase oil recovery.

DK - 41 -
Gas Injection Options
CO2 Sequestration:
 When a CO2 pipeline is not nearby but CO2 is
available from plants in a nearly pure form and is
not being sold for another purpose, it can be
injected into light-oil reservoirs where the CO2 and
oil could become miscible.
 In the few instances where these conditions exist,
carbon dioxide is the best choice for recovering oil
for decades from a low-permeability, deeper
reservoir where gas will not override the reservoir
Miscible (Solvents) Injection
 Nitrogen becomes an efficient miscible displacement
only for light oils, temperatures greater than 240 0F (115
0C) and pressures greater than 5,000 psig, where its

density is high enough to extract light-hydrocarbons

from the oil.
 Flue-gas works well at lower pressure and temperature,
since it contains around 13% carbon dioxide.
 For carbon dioxide, the minimum pressure is 1,070 psig
at 88 0F (31 0C), i.e., when CO2 becomes supercritical
and its gas and liquid are no longer separate phases.
 All of these gases become miscible only when their
density is high, generally greater than 0.5 gr/cc. Thus,
they work best at high pressure.
Gas Injection versus Waterflood
 The first decision that must be reached is whether to
inject a gas or to either start or continue a waterflood.
 The facts are that waterfloods (without surfactants)
leave more oil in the reservoir than gas floods, but
waterfloods can also recover oil faster than gas if the
permeability of the reservoir is high.
 Usually, if the permeability of the reservoir is above 50
md, a waterflood will work well, whereas if the
permeability is below 25 md, gas will recover oil faster
than water because more gas can be injected.
 In addition, if a waterflood has not been successful
because of poor sweep, a gas flood should be
Ternary Equilibrium Diagrams

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