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BOWI [baul] r. rnurja, - The BRFn K [breik] v. c,loMuru, pa36rru

soup was very good and I ate a (p. BROKE/. p.BROKEN)- Don't
bowl of it. break the window with your foot-
BREAK [breik] ,?. oAMop - Children
play in the playgrirund during the
BREAK-TIMS ['breik taiml n. oAMop
BREAKFAST ['brekfest] r?. AopytraK
BOX [bcks] n. rcyrnja, caHgyx
- I
We have breakfast at 7 o'clock
-in the morning.
keep my pencils in a pencil-box.
BOXING ['bcksig] r. Eoxconane, 6oxc, BRICK [brik] r. qrrjra, ouema - Are
IrecHuqelr,e Boxing is a vcry po- bricks used for building modern
pular sport. Boys enjoy watching houses?
boxing matches.
BRIDGE [br-id3] /,. Mocr - When we
BCX-OFFICE ['bcks cfis] r. 6.rrarajua go to Novi Beograd, we must cross
We buy theatre tickets at the the bridge ovdr the Sava.
BOy [bai] ,?. AeqaK
There are four-
teen boys and twelve girls in our
BOY-FRIEND ['bcifrend] n. Aeqax,
npujare.r Peter is Mary's boy- /
BCYF{GOD ('boihudl r?. Aerr{rbcrBo,
My father often tells us
BRIGADE [bri'geid] n. Gptraaa -
about his boyhood.
How many soldiers are there in one
ERANCI{ [bra:ntJ]r,. rpaHa - Climb
the tree, but don't break the young BRIGHT [brait] adj. ciajary jacaH, jap-
branches. KIr, cBerao The sun is bright
today. She likes bright colours.
BRAVE [breiv] adj. xpa6ap - The
soldiers were brave and saved the BRINC [briq] r. AoHerx (p. t. SBOU-
people from the fire. GFIT, P'P' BRouGHT ) - whY
BREAD [bred]r. x,re6 - I always have didn't you bring your books, chil -
bread and butter for my breakfast. dren?
BRING Up ['bril 'ap] v. nacnuraBaru'
HeroBarH, oArajnru (p. r. nRoucut
IJP,P. p. BROUCHT UP)- He lost
his parents early; so his aunt
brought hirn up.


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