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10E1 COMMON QUARTERLY EXAMINATION - SEPTEMBER 2014 ‘ Rah Standard 10 aeeeess) Language - Part B - ENGLISH - PAPER - I Time Allowed: 2.30 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Instruction: i) Check the question paper for fairness of printing: If there is any lack of fairness, inform the hall supervisor immediately. li) Use Black or Blue ink to write and pencil to draw diagrams. Note: This question paper contains five sections. SECTION - I [VOCABULARY : 20 MARKS] Part-I 1. Choose the appropriate synonyms of the underlined words: 5x1=5 Hughie was wonderfully good-looking with crisp brown hair, his clear-cut (i) profile and his grey eyes. He was (ii) popular with men as he was with women, and he had every (iii) accomplishment except that of making money. He had tried everything. But he became nothing, a (iv) delightful, ineffectual young man with a perfect profile and no (v) profession. i) a)dim b) delicate c) untidy d) outline of face ii) a) happy b) gentle c) well known d) unknown iil) a) clever b) effectual —_c) perfect ) well learned ability iv) a) lucky b) dejected —_c) happy d) sad v) a) experience —_b) performance c) job 4) achievement 2. Choose the appropriate antonyms of the underlined words: 5x1=5 It is (i) piteous that people of our country do not have (ii) reverence for (iii) ancient monuments. They (iv) dirty the place by scribbling on the walls and spitting beetle juice on the structures. It will be a great (v) tragedy if our future generations have nothing of our past to admire. i) a) joyous b) patient ) anxious d) pathetic ji) a) respect b) esteem ¢) reference d) disrespect iil) a) old b) modern c) new d) outdated iv) a) dull b) brighten c) clean d) attractive v) a) sadness b) comedy c) victory d) serious Part - II Answer any ten of the followin: 10x1=10 3. ‘The common expansion of CA is a) Chief Accountant b) Central Accountant c) Central Army d) Charted Accountant 4. Fill in the blanks with correct homophones: The colour of your is the same as that of the . (Hair / Hare) 5. Replace the underlined word with its equivalent American English word: The goods train was stopped at the check post. 6. Which of the words given below can be placed after the word ice to forma compound word? a) cool b) cream c) cut 4) fridge 7. What is the plural form of the word 'medium'? a) mediums b) media c) median 4) mediamses 8. Add a prefix to the word ‘noble’ to complete sentence: Don't be . a) in b)ig c)un d) no 9. Replace the underlined word in the sentence with one of the phrasal verbs given below to convey the same meaning: Solve the problems with the help of the computer. a) work in b) work out ) work on d) work away 10. Separate the syllables of any one of the following words: a) agriculture b) astronomy c) inside d) music 11. Choose the appropriate word to make a meaningful sentence: Always the truth. a) speak b) tell 10E1 2 12. Construct a sentence using one of the following words given below: a) kind b) kindly c) kindness 13. Reframe the sentence using the underlined word as a noun: The engineer has constructed the building very well. 14. Which of the two sentences given below conveys the following meaning? Majority of the students passed in their Maths paper. a) Very few students failed in their Maths paper. b) Very few students passed in their Maths paper. SECTION - II [GRAMMAR : 25 MARKS] Part-I Answer ail the questions: 10x1=10 15. Which of the options below will suit the following sentence? If John gets the scholarship. a) he will continue his education in the university. b) he would continue his education in the university. c) he would have continued his education in the university. 16. Identify the pattern of the following sentence: We painted the wall green yesterday. a) SVIODOA b) SVOCA c) SVOA 17. Choose the correct question tag for the following sentence: Thaven't answered your questions, a) is it? b) have I? af did 1? 18. Complete the sentence: Ramu is than Raju. a) as tall as b) the tallest c) taller 19. Choose the sentence which correctly conveys the meaning of the sentences given belo’ It is easy to ask questions, but is difficult to answer them. a) Questions are easy. b) Answers are difficult. c) Answers are more difficult than questions. 20. Complete the sentence: the rain stopped, we rushed to our home. a) In order to b) As soon as c) Instead of 21, Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence: I don't mind to him. a) to speak b) speak ¢) speaking 22. Choose the appropriate article to complete the sentence: My uncle presented me HMT watch on my birthday. a) an bya c) the 23. Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence: The farmers were keen the fields before the monsoon. a) for harvesting b) onharvesting _c) to harvesting 24, Choose the appropriate preposition to complete the sentence: We were ___a traffic accident, and some how we got separated. a)in b) on c) at Part-II Answer all the following: Rewrite as directed: 5x2=10 25. Combine the two sentences into a single sentence: The tired old man was unable to go any further. He returned home, 26. Rewrite the sentence in the other voice: The gardener collected the flowers from the garden and he sold them in the market. 27. Rewrite the sentence in direct speech: The teacher told the boys that they must attend the special class the next day and warned them not to forget it. 28. From the context of the two sentences given below form a single sentence using if clause: It rains. I shall get wet. 10E1 3 29. Read the following sentences about Teresa's friends and write your observation in a single sentence using any one of the degrees of comparison: Teresa's weight is 60kg. kala's weight is 48kq Rani's weight is 62kg Joy's weight is 35kg. Part - IIT 30. Punctuate the following sentence: 5x1=5 ill never see her again cellin thought SECTION - IIT [PROSE : 15 MARKS] Part-I Answer briefly any five of the following questions: 5x2=10 31. What was the beggar's true identity? 32. What was Hughie's financial status? 33. How is music different from astronomy? 34. What is the two fold duty to be acquired by students? 35. Which period of life does Gokhale consider a very happy one? 36. What is a metropolis? 37. What can lead the world to violence? Part-II Answer in a paragraph on any one of the following questions: 1x5=5 38. a) Who was Hughie? What was the result of Hughie's mistaking the Baron for a beggar? b) How is character important in life? c) Write about the significance of art and music. SECTION - IV [POETRY : 20 MARKS] Part-I Quote from memory any gne of the following extracts: 1x5=5 39. a) Five lines from the poem ‘Manliness’ From : ‘If you can dream ... Toe seo Nerve and sinew’. b) Five lines from the poem 'Going for water From: ‘With laughter «s,s... ion . we heard the brook’. Part - II Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer the questions given below: Sx1=5 40. A Geode can split to reveal plies of purple crystals Sparkling in the light. a) What is a geode? b) What sparkles in the light? 41. Softly in thé dusk, a woman is singing to me c) Who does 'me' refer to here? 42. And treat those two imposters just the same d) Who are the two imposters? 43. The well was dry beside the door a) Where was the well? Part - III Read the following lines from the poems you have studied and answer the questions given below: 1x5=5 44. And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings. a) Pick out the words in ‘alliteration’. 45. The tinkling piano our guide b) Identify the figure of speech used here. 46. Like pearls, and now a silver blade c) Identify the figure of speech. a) Metaphor b) Smile _c) Personification _d) Onomatoepia 47. If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds worth of distance run Yours is the earth and everything that's init And, what is more, you'll be a man my son. d) Give the Rhyming Scheme. 10E1 48. 49. 50. 51 52. 4 Softly, in the dusk, a woman is singing to me; Taking me back down the vista of years, till i see e) Pick out the rhyming words. Part -IV Answer ina paragraph on any one of the following questions: 1x5=5 a) What does the poet of ‘Beautiful inside’ say about inner beauty? b) What are the poet's reminiscences about his childhood days? c) Describe the various qualities of manliness. SECTION - V [LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS : 20 MARKS] Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 5x2=10 Compared to a motor-bike or a car, the bicycle is a slow moving vehicle; but its popularity has been on the increase in recent years. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, the bicycle does not require petro! or diesel as the car or the motor bike needs. In these days of fuel shortage, this is a great advantage. The bicycle, moreover, is small and convenient. It takes one to one's destination with more certainly than the car or the motorbike which is often held up in a traffic jam. Then, the bicycle causes no pollution. It does not produce noise or smoke. Finally, it is now known that cycling is a good exercise which tones up our muscles and keeps us fit. 1. What is the most important reason for the popularity of the bicycle? 2. How is the bicycle convenient to reach one’s destination of travel? 3. Is the bicycle a health hazard? Why? 4. How does cycling keep us fit? 5. Identify one more reason for the popularity of the bicycle Identify and correct the errors: Sx1=5 a) My uncle is richest man in the village. b) Kumar's father is a M.L.A c) A bunch of keys were found in my box. d) If were a bird I will fly. e) As I was ill so I was not able to attend the class. Look at the picture given below and answer the following questions: 5x1=5 Questions: a) Which people do you think is depicted in this picture? b) How many people can you see in the picture? c) Who is standing near the door? d) What would be the reason for the man to be on the bed? e) What do you see on the wall? -§-<-9-«-G-<-

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