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Hassan 2 High School 1st B A C / T H E P A S S I V E V O I C E Prof.


37. 1. The boy eats an apple. 13. 1. An apple is eaten by the boy.
Simple Obj + be + past participle
Present 38. 2. The boy eats two apples. 14. 2. Two apples are eaten by the boy.
be  am / is / are
39. 3. He plays the guitar. 15. 3. The guitar is played by him..

34. 4. The boy ate an apple. 16. 4. An apple was eaten by the boy.
Simple Obj + be + past participle
35. 5. The boy ate two apples. 17. 5. Two apples were eaten by the boy.
Past be  was / were
36. 6. He played the guitar. 18. 6. The guitar was played by him.

31. 7. The cat is eating a mouse. 19. 7. A mouse is being eaten by the cat.
Present Obj + be + being + p. p
32. 8. Mom is baking cakes. 20. 8. Cakes are being baked by mom.
Continuous be  am / is / are
33. 9. They are not eating the salad. 21. 9. The salad is not being eaten by them.
Past 4. 10. He was cleaning the room. Obj + be + being + p. p 22. 10. The room was being cleaned.
Continuous 5. 11. We were writing letters. be  was / were 23. 11. Letters were being written.
6. .
24. .
40. 12. Sam has seen this movies twice. 1. 12. This movie has been seen twice.
Present Obj + has / have + be + p.p
41. 13. We have read these books. 2. 13. These books have been read.
Perfect be  been
42. 14. I have not watched the game yet. 3. 14. The game has not been watched yet.

25. 15. We must build more schools. 7. 15. More schools must be built.
26. 16. They should build a new school. Obj + modal + be + p. p 8. 16. A new school should be built.
Modals be  be
27. 17. You can’t win this game ! 9. 17. This game can’t be won !
28. 18. The storm will destroy these houses. 10. 18. These houses will be destroyed.
29. 11.
A. Rewrite the 30.sentences bellwo with the passive form correctly. B. Put the words brackets in the correct form.
1 - Active : They print this paper daily 1. French…………...….… ( not speak ) by many people worldwide.
- Passive : This paper was print daily. 2. This project ………………..……..…….( must , finish ) today.
- Your Correction : ………………………....…………..…………..……….. . 3. These movies ………….…….………….. ( realease ) last year.
2 - Active : The editor discovered two serious mistakes 4. My car……………….……………………( wash) right now.
- Passive : Two serious mistakes discovered the editor. 5. Dinner ……………..…….…….…………..( not serve ) yet.
- Your Correction : …………………………..……………………..……….. . C. Put these sentences into the passive form:
3 - Active : A novice journalist wrote that article. 1. The journalist was reporting facts.
- Passive : That article were write by a novice journalist. 2. The boy stole the money.
- Your Correction : ……………………….…..……………………..……….. . 3. They printed 50 news papers.
4. We didn’t finsih the project.
4 - Active : Two reporters are interviewing the novice journalist now.
5. NASA has launched a new satellite.
- Passive : The novice journalist are interviewed by two reporters now.
6. You should explain this task.
- Your Correction : ……………..…………………………..………..,………..
7. No one is helping the old woman.
5 - Active : The news agency should fire the novice journalist. 8. You must clean up this mess now.
- Passive : The novice journalist should fired the news agency. 9. Ibn Khaldoun wrote Almikadimah.
- Your Correction : ……………………..…………………..………..,……….. 10. The ladies are making cookies.
6 - Active : The news agency hasn’t terminated his contract through. 11. They have printed 500 magazines.
- Passive : His contract wasn’t termined by the news agency though. 12. You can open this door.
- Your Correction : ………………………………..…………………..,……….. 13. Jouranlists report facts.
14. She made some juice.

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