How To Use Mail Merge and Excel

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of using
Excel and
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document subtitle]

James Au

First of All, I want to thank Miss Vinothini for her contribution on this
documentation. She is willing to spend her time on guiding me step by step. I could
not make so far without her guideline. With this golden opportunity, I will try my
very best to do the best.

Secondly, I want to thank my parents for encouraging me all the time

whenever I being stress and give me the best method the do assignment and relieve
my stress. I felt warn when I doing my assignment with their support. I won’t let them

Thirdly, I want to thank all my friends and classmates who really help me out
just like my second lecturer, we discuss the solution day after day or even without
sleeping for a whole night. The most precious time is we found out the solution with
cracking our head whole night long and finally did this.
Abstract 1

Introduction 2

Spread sheets and formulae 3-4

Link To The Other Spread Sheet 4

Boarders 5

Charts 6-7

Background 7-8

Hyper link 9

Auto Sum 10-11

Mail Merge 11-15

Conclusion 16

Referencing list 17

As we know, a lot of people getting confused on how to do their Excel

properly and how to insert the specific excel formula. Well, as we know that the excel
having the various function. It can be the best tool to design or calculation. The best
way to approach it is keep practicing all the time and not giving up, so do the mail-
merge. Mail-merge could be as easy as ABC if you know how it be done. Now, we
will go through everything step by step in details.

What we need for this documentation? First of all, purchase a Microsoft office
and get start. Do not tell me that you doing this without a Microsoft office. From
Microsoft office you have your various tools like PowerPoint, Excel, Word, and
Access. It can help you a lot in your further projects. In This, We need formulas,
without formulas, you can’t even operate an Excel properly. First of all, Mail merge is
something that you can use different data which you have type in the excel or access
or even existed outlook. In mail merge, you do not have to type the respective email
address one to another one with your same template.

Spread sheets and Formulae:

1. This is spread sheets, it navigates you to one and another different sheet.
For example i set 5 different spread sheets to record each of the different things.
Double click on your desire cell and start key-in your data.

2. to start with formulae of each of the cells, press ‘=’ and type the desire
digits or data to be a new formula. For example I want D12 Add with E12. In the
desire cell type “=D12+E12” or after type “=” click on the cell, after that press “+”
between the cells. It not only Addition is available. Multiple, Division, Subtraction
and Percentage also can be used in formulae. There are many more formulae, Search
it in official Microsoft Office’s webpage.

1. You will have to type “=” in your desire cells, hence go to the other spread
sheet and find the cell which you want to link. It will modify when the original
has changed the value or data.


1. On boarders, we can clearly see the total of the data like what account does, to
add it, high light the desire cells


3. The go to Home ribbon and click on the boarders, there are various boarders, it
can be design by your style of course, in this, I will choose upper and double
line for the boarders. After click in, you should see you desire cell is with

1. To create a chart, first highlight the specific name and digits in the
respective cells, to do this, press on ctrl key and click on the desire cell.

2. Click on Insert ribbon and select pie chart, in this document I use 3D Pie
chart to my Chart

4. After that, Open new spread sheet to place your chart. To put the name on
top of the chart, go to chart tools and find chart title, on chart title, go to on
chart above. Type the desire name and that is your chart.



1. To add background, you have to choose your background picture. The go

to Background in Page layout ribbon

3. Hence, browse your desire picture


5. Then you got your picture as your background of your spread sheets.


1. Hyperlink can lead you to a website or another spread sheet easily, to
create a hyperlink, right click on the cell and go to hyperlink or go to edit
hyperlink to modify the destination


3. Then, select the destination which you want that cell leads you to. Then
your hyperlink should be done.


1. Actually you do not have to sum the value one by one, there is a function
called Autosum to let you find the value in a second. First, you just need to
highlight the cells you want to sum it all.


3. Then, you should see a autosum in the home ribbon, then expand it, you
will see there are many types of calculation, press on the formulae you
want to use in your cells.

5. Then your values should appears below your cells.



1. Let’s talk about Words now, so mail merge can be two ways to create it.
First of all you will have your letter like report first, or before that you
want to create it.

Method 1:

1. Start Mail merge in Mailing Ribbonand go to step by step wizard source.

2. Then select the existing list and go to excel sheet where you had key in
your employees data.


4. Then, choose the sheets and start edit your data


6. Hence, select the place where you want your desire data should appears on
your report.


8. Press review to final arrange the position of the data


Method 2

1. Create new data manually in your word, same method use step by step wizard,
choose type a new list and create. Then the box should appear like this,
therefore key in each of the data and save it.

3. Hence, select the place where you want your desire data should appears on
your report.


5. Press review to final arrange the position of the data


The way to master it not only read the instructions, need to be patient on doing
these, we may perform in a good way of showing our profession to others by looking
our documents and leave good impression on others. We can even modify or do some
improvisation on the work, it’s not exactly use the same method on above. Use your
creativity to make things interesting and good looking.
Reference list:

Password: password

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