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Corrosion Monitoring Techniques

for Industrial Cooling Water

Reprint R-815
and Process Systems
By Tzu-Yu Chen, Rodney H. Banks, Jeffrey Breshears, Steven N. Nicolich
and Daniel M. Cicero, Nalco Company

Nalco Company 1601 West Diehl Road • Naperville, Illinois 60563-1198


First presented at the International Water Conference, October 20-24, 2002

ABSTRACT Corrosion monitoring can be used as a diagnostic
tool to provide information for solving corrosion
Corrosion-related failures often result in expensive problems. The data obtained can help plant
system shutdowns and excessive maintenance costs. engineers identify system parameters affecting
Too often, corrosion-related problems are only corrosion and implement solutions to a specific water
detected after a failure has occurred, after it is too treatment problem. A variety of monitoring techniques
late to take action to prevent it. has been employed for corrosion monitoring in
industrial cooling water and process systems. This
Various monitoring techniques have been used in includes wet chemistry, x-ray radiography, ultrasonic
industrial cooling water and process systems to scans, coupon weight loss, electrical resistance
routinely measure and report corrosion rates. This probes and various electrochemical techniques.
paper reviews a variety of corrosion monitoring
techniques - including wet chemistry, x-ray WET CHEMISTRY ANALYSES – This usually
radiography, ultrasonic scans, coupon weight loss involves collecting water samples to determine the
method, electrical resistance and electrochemical corrosivity or quality of the water. This method does
measurements - points out the advantages and not provide information on the corrosion rates (mils
disadvantages of each, and describes technological per year or mm per year) of metals present in the
trends that may point to new developments in this system. Typically, the following parameters are
area. monitored: pH, alkalinity, conductivity, total dissolved
solids, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, chloride,
This paper also presents some data collected in the sulfate, inhibitor dosages, total and dissolved metal
laboratory and in field applications, and points out species, such as iron, copper and aluminum. A “well
obstacles to effective corrosion rate measurements, check” analysis is recommended. This consists of a
including low conductivity waters, the challenges complete water analysis when the plant is operating
found in once-through cooling water and the technical properly and the system corrosion is under control.
limitations of the various corrosion measurement The “well check” result can be used as the baseline
techniques. A number of Best Practices for data. Analyses are then performed to determine the
monitoring corrosion rates in cooling water systems is causes when the corrosion rates are outside the
also included. norm.

KEYWORDS: Cooling Water, Once-Through, Open X-Ray RADIOGRAPHY & ULTRASONIC SCANS -
Recirculating, Corrosion Coupon, Corrosion X-ray radiography can detect major flaws and severe
Monitoring, Linear Polarization Resistance, Solution corrosion attacks by providing two-dimensional views
Resistance, Polarization Resistance, Electrical of a system component. But it is not accurate enough
Resistance Probe, Electrochemical Impedance to determine small changes in wall thickness to
Spectroscopy, On-line Real-Time Corrosion determine corrosion rates. Ultrasonic scans typically
Monitoring, Corrosion Monitor, Corrosion Probe. provide depth measurements from the external
surface of a pipe or vessel to the internal surface that
INTRODUCTION reflects sound waves. Unfortunately, the ultrasonic
depth measurements are very often interfered by
Corrosion monitoring is an integral part of any defects in the materials.
industrial water treatment program. It can be used to
determine the effectiveness of the chemical treatment Both the x-ray radiography and ultrasonic scans are
program and establish a correlation between employed almost exclusively for measurements
treatment level and corrosion control. It provides rather than for monitoring. They require special
information on equipment conditions and relates this training and complicated equipment and may not be
information to operational parameters, such as pH, suitable for on-line real-time corrosion monitoring.
temperature, water quality, chemical treatment levels,
etc. Proper corrosion monitoring provides the COUPON WEIGHT LOSS - Coupon weight loss
following benefits: measurement is commonly used for monitoring
corrosion in various industrial plants. The ASTM
1. Increases equipment life recommended practices1-3 listed below should be
2. Reduces operating and maintenance costs followed.
3. Predicts maintenance needs
4. Improves the finished product quality 1. ASTM D2688-94, “Standard Test Methods for
Corrosivity of Water in the Absence of Heat
Transfer (Weight Loss Method).”

2. ASTM G4-95, “Standard Guide for Conducting high corrosion because the metal surface is in an
Corrosion Coupon Tests in Field Applications.” “active” state due to the surface preparation prior to
immersion. For this reason, coupon corrosion rates
3. ASTM G1-90, “Standard Practice for Preparing, obtained with short exposure times can be
Cleaning, and Evaluating Corrosion Test misleading. Normally, the longer the exposure period,
Specimens.” the lower the measured average corrosion rate, and
the more closely the coupon tests will approximate
Metal specimens are typically installed in a corrosion the system conditions. Frequently, longer-term tests,
rack for a certain time period ranging from 30 to 180 up to 180 days of immersion, are required. The
days. They are then retrieved and examined to coupon weight loss measurements should follow the
determine the type and the extent of corrosion. The empirically derived minimum exposure time
weight loss data can be converted to a corrosion rate requirement:5,6
in units of mm/year (millimeters per year) or mpy
(mils per year):4 Minimum Exposure Time (Days) = 85/mpy (3)

mm/year = 13.6 W/(ρAt) or (1) The coupon weight loss method is relatively simple
mpy = 534W/(ρAt) (2) and inexpensive. However, it only provides the
average corrosion rate over an extended period of
where W = the weight loss (mg), ρ = the density of time. System upsets causing variations in corrosion
the specimen (g/cm3), A = the area of the specimen rates cannot be detected and corrective actions can
(in2), and t = the exposure time (hour). not be taken in a timely manner.

The metal coupons should be electrically isolated ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE (ER) PROBE - The
from other metallic components to avoid galvanic conventional electrical resistance probes for
corrosion. Hydrodynamic effects should also be taken corrosion rate measurements consist of a metal wire
into consideration in selecting the test location, for element of known length and diameter embedded in
example, elbows versus straight pipe. a water-resistant material. The value of the electrical
resistance, r, is related to the cross-sectional area of
Figure 1 shows the variation of corrosion rate with the wire element:
time curve for metals immersed in typical industrial
cooling waters. The initial corrosion rate is usually r = s (L / A) (4)
very high. The corrosion rate then decreases and
reaches a steady state value after certain exposure where r = electrical resistance (ohm), s = resistivity of
times ranging from several hours to several days. metal (ohm/cm), L = length of wire element (cm), and
Corrosion coupons are highly susceptible to initial A = cross-sectional area of the wire element (cm2).
The electrical resistance is inversely proportional to
the cross-sectional area of the metal wire. As
corrosion proceeds, the cross-sectional area of the
metal wire element decreases. This will result in an
Relative Corrosion Rates (mpy)

increase in the electrical resistance. By measuring
the change in the electrical resistance, ∆r, one can
6 determine the change in the cross-sectional area and
5 the corrosion rate.13 The electrical resistance
4 technique can be used for corrosion rate
3 measurements in liquids or vapor phase. The liquid
does not have to be conductive or have a minimum
conductivity required by many electrochemical
techniques. The major disadvantage is that it does
0 20 40 60 80 1 00
not measure instantaneous corrosion rates. Usually,
Time (Days) it takes a long time to obtain a significant change in
the electrical resistance, especially in well-treated
Figure 1. Typical corrosion rate versus time cooling water systems. The ER method cannot detect
localized corrosion, such as pitting.

ELECTROCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES - Various dc instantaneous corrosion rates since a complete scan
and ac electrochemical techniques have been takes only a few minutes.
successfully employed for on-line, real-time corrosion
monitoring in industrial cooling water and process However, for high purity or low-conductivity waters,
systems. Most electrochemical methods for corrosion such as once-through cooling water, soft cooling
rate measurements, such as linear polarization water and boiler condensate, the value of the solution
resistance (LPR) technique and electrochemical resistance Rs is not negligible and LPR, which
impedance spectroscopy (EIS), are based on the measures (Rs+Rp), will underestimate the corrosion
Stern-Geary equation:7 rates. For this reason, many corrosion monitors
based on LPR technique without the capability of
icorr = (1/2.303) {(babc)/(ba+bc)} (1/Rp) (5) compensating for the solution resistance are not
suitable for corrosion rate measurements in low-
where icorr = corrosion current density (mA/cm2), conductivity solutions.
ba = anodic Tafel slope (mV), bc = cathodic Tafel
slope (mV), and Rp = polarization resistance (ohm x Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) -
cm2). The corrosion current density, icorr, can further In EIS measurements,10-12 a small ac potential
be converted to corrosion rates in units of mm/year excitation of different frequencies is applied to the
(millimeters per year) and mpy (mils per year) based electrode at the free corrosion potential to determine
on Faraday’s Law: Rs as the high frequency limit and (Rs+Rp) as the low
frequency limit. The polarization resistance, Rp, and
mm/year = 3.15x105 {M/(nFd)} x icorr the corrosion rate can then be calculated. EIS
= 1.37x105 {M/(nFd)} x (B/Rp) (6) measurements can also provide some mechanistic
insights of the corrosion process, but data
mpy = 1.24x107 {M/(nFd)} x icorr interpretation often requires skill and experience. A
= 5.39x106 {M/(nFd)} x (B/Rp) (7) disadvantage of EIS is that the system being
measured has to be very stable to obtain meaningful
where M = molecular weight of metal (g/mole), n = data due to the long measuring time. The instruments
number of electrons involved in the corrosion reaction involved in EIS are also very expensive and
(mole), F = Faraday’s constant, d = density of metal complicated and may not be suitable for long-term
(g/cm3), and B = (babc)/(ba+bc) (mV). field corrosion monitoring.

Substituting the values of M, n, and d for iron (M = Electrochemical Noise Measurement (ECN) - The
55.85 g/mole Fe, n = 2 moles e-/mole Fe, d = 7.86 corrosion reaction on electrodes consists of a series
g/cm3), Faraday's constant (96,500 coulombs/mole of of discrete or stochastic steps on local anodes and
e-), and assuming that ba = bc = 120 mV, Eq. (6) and cathodes. This causes fluctuations, at frequencies
Eq. (7) become typically below 1 Hz, in the corrosion potential
(potential noise) and in the coupling current (current
mm/year = (3.03x102)/Rp (for iron/steel) (8) noise) between electrodes. These fluctuations,
mpy = (1.19x104)/Rp (for iron/steel) (9) commonly known as electrochemical noise, have
been suggested to be due to (1) the difference in
Similar equations can be derived for copper and charge consumption and generation between the
other metals. cathodic and anodic reactions present at any small
interval of time and (2) the transient changes in
Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) Technique cathodic or anodic areas.
The linear polarization resistance (LPR) technique
involves applying a small potential signal (for The electrochemical current noise is typically
example, ±10 mV) to the metal surface at a very slow measured with a zero resistance ammeter (ZRA)
potential scan rate, typically 0.1 mV/second, to between two identical electrodes. The
measure (Rs+Rp) (sum of solution resistance, Rs, and electrochemical potential noise is usually measured
polarization resistance, Rp).8,9 In solutions of high with a high input impedance voltmeter. Various time
conductivities, such as seawater and cooling water domain or frequency domain techniques, including
environments, the value of Rs is very small or visual, statistical, Fast Fourier Transform and
negligible. Therefore, (Rs+Rp) ≅ Rp and we can Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis, have been used
determine the corrosion rates with LPR based on Eq. for data analyses. It has been reported13, 14 that the
(8) or (9). The LPR technique measures the electrochemical noise can be employed to monitor
various types of localized corrosion, such as

pitting corrosion and crevice corrosion. But they are easy task. First, the small O-rings have to be
usually qualitative and can only be used as removed from the threaded rods on the probe. The
indications of the severity of localized attack. They do probe tips are then screwed onto the probe by hands.
not provide quantitative localized corrosion rates. Very often the electrodes are contaminated by
dirt/oils, causing erroneous mpy readings. The
Electrochemical Harmonic Analysis (EHA) – crevice at the O-ring/electrode interface presents
EHA15 can be viewed as an extension of EIS another concern. Localized corrosion occurring
technique. It measures the non-linear distortion, preferentially at the crevice area may cause
which is a function of the Tafel constants, at the significant errors in the corrosion rate measurements.
corrosion potential. EHA data is analyzed based on
digital signal analysis using a frequency response NCM100 - Advancements have been made in LPR
analyzer or a spectrum analyzer to provide a technology. Newer units, such as the NCM100
measure of the corrosion current and an estimation of developed by Ondeo Nalco Company, are smaller
Tafel constants in the same measurement. This and easier to use than previous devices. These units
technique can be used in low-conductivity waters. can automatically identify the probe metallurgy,
The disadvantage of the technique is that the making possible true “plug and play”, saving time and
instrument involved is very expensive and data avoiding human errors. The probes are disposable,
interpretation is very difficult. EHS measurements which eliminates the need for field installation of
also tend to become unstable when the system is replaceable tips/electrodes and O-rings. The
under localized corrosion attack. electrodes are embedded in an epoxy mounting
material to minimize crevice corrosion and improve
GENERAL CORROSION MONITORS/PROBES the accuracy of measurements. Using an ac
technique, NCM100 has the capability of
Most commercially available corrosion monitors and compensating for the solution resistance for corrosion
probes for field applications are based on rate measurements in low-conductivity solutions,
electrochemical techniques.16-20 The simpler units such as once-through cooling water, soft water and
measure the general corrosion rates with the LPR boiler condensate. The units have lower power
technique. Systems capable of measuring corrosion requirements, which translates into low maintenance,
rates of metals in low-conductivity solutions also battery-powered operation. NCLM100 couples data
determine the solution resistance. Methods for logging capabilities with the ubiquity of hand-held
compensating the solution resistance vary among devices such as the Palm Pilot to allow easy retrieval
these systems. This includes a high frequency EIS and analysis of corrosion data. These units are small,
measurement18, a current interrupt19 method and a portable and easy for the operators to carry around
potential step/peak detector20 technology. the plant to determine corrosion rates at various
locations. It can also be used as a permanently
CORRATER® - The Corrator Model 9030+ made by installed instrument for on-line, real-time corrosion
the Rohrback Cosasco Systems18 is one of the most monitoring.
popular corrosion monitors today. It determines the
general corrosion rates based on the LPR technique Laboratory Evaluations of NCM100 - The
with a high frequency EIS measurement to performance of NCM100 was first evaluated in
compensate for the solution resistance. It is powered simulated soft cooling water environments in the
by AC and comes with a 4-20 mA output for external laboratory. Figure 2 shows the variation of corrosion
data logging. Due to its size and weight, it is typically rate with time curve obtained on a mild steel
used as a permanently installed unit for corrosion corrosion probe measured with NCM100 and EIS
monitoring at a certain location. There are other under different test conditions (Phase 1 to Phase 6).
portable corrosion monitors powered by dc batteries A Gamry CMS100 system was employed for the EIS
available. But almost none of them have Rs measurements and for comparisons with NCM100. In
compensation and internal/external data storage Phase 1, 100 ppm of a cooling water corrosion
capability. The Corrater technology has some inhibitor was fed to the system. Increasing the
drawbacks in the area of user-friendliness and inhibitor dosage from 100 ppm (Phase 1) to 200 ppm
convenience of use. Before starting the tests, the (Phase 2) caused a decrease in the corrosion rate.
operator has to go through several menus to set The pH was subsequently increased from 7.0 (Phase
various parameters, such as measurement time and 2) to 8.0 (Phase 3) by adding a small amount of
the conversion factor for the specific probe NaHCO3. A reduction in corrosion rate
metallurgy. Replacement of the probe tips is not an

7 .0
P hase 1 2 3 4 5 Phase 6

6 .0 P hase 1
T = 9 5 F ; p H 7 .0
1 0 0 p p m I n h ib it o r

5 .0
P hase 2 T = 122F
T = 9 5 F ; p H 7 .0
Corrosion Rate (mpy)

2 0 0 p p m I n h ib it o r
4 .0 P hase 6
T = 77F T = 1 2 2 F ; p H 8 .0
P hase 3: T = 95F 2 0 0 p p m In h ib ito r
2 0 0 p p m I n h ib it o r A d d 3 . 4 p p m B i o c id e
3 .0
p H 8 .0 (a d d

NCM M S m py
2 .0
G a m ry M S m p y

1 .0

0 .0
0 6 /3 0 /0 1 0 7 /0 1 /0 1 0 7 /0 2 /0 1 0 7 /0 3 /0 1 0 7 /0 4 /0 1 0 7 /0 5 /0 1 0 7 /0 6 /0 1 0 7 /0 7 /0 1 0 7 /0 8 /0 1 0 7 /0 9 /0 1 0 7 /1 0 /0 1
D a te /T im e

Field Evaluations of NCM100 – The performance of

Figure 2. Corrosion rates measured by NCM100. NCM100 was further evaluated in a field trial
conducted at a Midwestern hospital. Figure 3
5 .0 5 .0 compares the mild steel corrosion rates measured by
NCM100 with that measured by Corrater 9030+. The
Mild Steel Corrosion Rate (mpy)

4 .5 4 .5

4 .0 4 .0
cooling water system consists of an 18,000 gallon 3
3 .5 • - NCM100 3 .5
cell tower. Water is pumped and recirculated to two
3 .0 3 .0
LiBr adsorption chillers. The corrosion monitors and
2 .5 2 .5
mild steel corrosion probes were installed in a
2 .0 2 .0

1 .5 1 .5
corrosion rack in a side stream. As shown in Figure
1 .0 1 .0
3, good agreement was observed between NCM100
∆ - Corrater
0 .5
9030+ 0 .5
and Corrater 9030+ for measuring the mild steel
0 .0 0 .0 corrosion rates.
7/2/2001 11:00

7/2/2001 19:30

7/3/2001 4:00

7/3/2001 12:30

7/3/2001 21:00

7/4/2001 5:30

7/4/2001 14:00

7/4/2001 22:30

7/5/2001 7:00

7/5/2001 16:00

7/6/2001 0:30

7/6/2001 9:00

7/6/2001 17:30

7/7/2001 2:00

7/7/2001 10:30

7/7/2001 19:00

7/8/2001 3:30

7/8/2001 12:00

7/8/2001 20:30

7/9/2001 5:00

7/9/2001 13:30

7/9/2001 22:00

7/10/2001 6:30

7/11/2001 1:00

7/11/2001 9:30
7/10/2001 16:30

Another field trial was conducted at the utility plant in

D a te /T im e a Midwestern institute. Pond water was circulated
through heat exchangers for cooling. Due to an
Figure 3. Comparisons in mild steel corrosion rates environmental concern, the water was not treated for
between NCM100 and Corrater 9030+. corrosion control. NCM100 and Corrater 9030+ with
copper corrosion probes were installed in a corrosion
was observed due to the increase in pH. In Phase 4, rack for corrosion monitoring. Figure 4 compares the
the test water temperature was lowered from 95°F copper corrosion rates measured by NCM100 with
(Phase 3) to 77°F (Phase 4) and a decrease in that measured by Corrater 9030+. The corrosion
corrosion rate was recorded as expected. The test rates measured by NCM100 are in general accord
water temperature was then increased to 122°F in with that measured by Corrater 9030+. The slight
Phase 5 and the corrosion rate of mild steel differences in the measured corrosion rates between
increased accordingly. Finally in Phase 6, a biocide NCM100 and Corrater 9030+ are believed to be due
(3.4 ppm) was added to the test water. This resulted to the difference in the degree of turbulence at the
in a dramatic increase in corrosion rate. As shown, test sections. The NCM100 probe was inserted in a
the NCM100 was capable of detecting the changes in 1” PVC tee while the Corrater probe was inserted in a
mild steel corrosion rate as a result of changes in 2” PVC tee. The 2” PVC was subsequently replaced
inhibitor dosage, pH, temperature and biocide feed. with a 1” tee. Good agreement was found between
EIS measurements were carried out at various time NCM100 and Corrater 9030+ in measuring the
intervals during each phase of the experiment. The copper corrosion rates when 1” PVC tees were used
results obtained by EIS are included in Figure 2 for for NCM100 probe and Corrater probe.
comparisons. Good agreement was found between
EIS and NCM100 in measuring the mild steel
corrosion rates under various simulated soft water
conditions demonstrating performance of NCM100.

4 .0 4 .0

3 .5 3 .5
The Corrater 9030+ measures the imbalance current
Copper Corrosion Rate (mpy)

and provides a “Pitting Index” as an indication of the

• - NCM100
3 .0 3 .0
Same size severity of localized corrosion. This is essentially a
2 .5 PVC tee 2 .5 form of electrochemical noise measurement. The
2 .0 2 .0
imbalance current is determined by measuring the
galvanic current flowing between two short-circuited
1 .5 1 .5
electrodes with a zero resistance ammeter. This
1 .0 1 .0 reading is then converted to a “Pitting Index” based
on an arbitrary scale of 0.5µA/cm2 per pitting index
0 .5 ∆ - Corrater TM
9030+ 0 .5
unit. It was suggested that when the imbalance
0 .0 0 .0
current exceeds the general corrosion current, pitting
5/ 001 0

5/ 001 0

1 0

5/ 001 0


/2 1:30

5/ 001 0

5/ 001 0

/2 1:30
/ 2 0: 30

/ 2 3: 30

5/ 200 0

5/ 001 0

/ 2 0: 30


5/ 200 30

5/ 001 0


/ 2 3: 30


/2 15:3

/2 18:3

/2 12:3

/2 15:3


/2 15:3

/2 18:3

19 21:









corrosion may be a major problem. Another

19 1 1

5/ 01 2

5/ 01 2
5/ 001

5/ 001

5/ 001

5/ 001

5/ 001

5/ 001

5/ 001

5/ 001

5/ 001































technology, SmartCETTM, measures the “Pitting



D a te /T im e
Factor” to indicate the risk of local attack on metal
Figure 4. Comparisons in copper corrosion rates surface29. The “Pitting Factor” is a factor between 0
between NCM100 and Corrater 9030+. and 1 calculated based on electrochemical noise
data. When the pitting factor is greater than or equal
to 0.1, then pitting may occur on the metal surface.
LOCALIZED CORROSION MONITORING Both the “Pitting Index” and the “Pitting Factor” are
qualitative measurements; a large uncertainty
At present, most commercially available corrosion associated with the readings’ interpretation has
monitors only measure general corrosion rates. limited its application. It is often observed in practice
Localized corrosion, such as pitting, crevice corrosion that the localized attack can still be quite severe even
and underdeposit attack, is a more serious concern with a small imbalance current or pitting index
because it is very difficult to control and predict. Many reading.
system upsets, such as changes in pH, an increase
in chloride concentration, a raise in the temperature CONCLUSIONS
and a decrease in the inhibitor level, can initiate
localized corrosion. Because of its autocatalytic Corrosion monitoring tools are often employed to
nature, localized corrosion will propagate or grow evaluate and ensure the performance of various
very rapidly once it’s initiated. Without proper industrial water treatment programs. A good chemical
monitoring tools, localized corrosion often results in treatment program should be one that also provides
unexpected failures, plant shutdowns, loss of good monitoring instrumentation. This is essential to
production and, sometimes, environmental pollution. optimizing the dosage of the chemicals to obtain the
best performance. The particular corrosion
There is currently no industrial standard or test monitoring technique selected depends on its
method for monitoring localized corrosion in cooling applicability to the system and the type of information
water and process systems. Turnbull22 et al. reviewed being sought. Some techniques provide
and evaluated various techniques for monitoring the measurements of average corrosion rates over a
growth or propagation of localized corrosion in certain period of time. Others provide instantaneous
simulated cooling water environments. This included corrosion rate information and are more effective.
differential flow method23, galvanostatic pre-pitting24, Most corrosion monitoring techniques are best suited
pencil type artificial pit25, occluded cell26, 27, for situations where the corrosion is of a general or
artificial/sandwich crevice22, and artificial/slot uniform nature, but some techniques provide at least
crevice28. Most of the techniques involve the some information on the degree or severity of
measurements of the galvanic current flowing localized attack, such as pitting and underdeposit
between a cathode and an anode. However, they can corrosion. More than one monitoring technique may
only be used as indications of the severity of be needed to obtain the necessary information to
localized corrosion. They do not provide direct evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment program.
measurements of localized corrosion rates. In There is a need to develop a corrosion monitor or
addition, as reported by Turnbull22 et al., many of sensor for quantitative localized corrosion rate
these techniques have reproducibility problems due measurements in industrial cooling water and
to (1) interference caused by the unintentional process systems.
crevice corrosion occurring on the electrodes and/or
(2) difficulties in controlling the geometry/dimension,
number and distribution of pits/crevice.

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