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Year 1
(based on Phonics
Round Table
Gallery Walk
Hot Seat
Numbered Head Together
Fan and Pick
Rally Robin
Round Robin
Guess the Fib
Three Step Interview
(based on Phonics

Round Table
Gallery Walk
Hot Seat
Numbered Head Together
Fan and Pick
Rally Robin
Round Robin
Guess the Fib
Three Step Interview

Focus: 1.0 Listening and Speaking
Theme: World of Self REFLECTION
Unit: Things I Do Attendance:__ /___
Content Standard:
___/___ of the pupils able to
1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils achieve the objectives
will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently
with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. ___/___ of the pupils able to
Sunday answer the questions
Learning Standard: correctly
1.1.1 Able to speak with the correct word stress.
Subject ___/___ of LINUS pupils able
English 1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance. to achieve today's lesson

Class Objectives:
Year 3 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Listen, sing and enjoy the ‘What Can You Do’
Time song. Teacher’s action:
2. Listen to, understand and act out the actions in
the song (LINUS pupils)
3. Talk about the actions that they do every day.
21st Activities:
ACTIVITI 1. Teacher introduces pupils to a video clip of the
ES song and gets pupils to watch and listen. *Today’s lesson will be
2. Using the video clip, teacher gets pupils to sing carried forward due to
Round Table
and enjoy the song with actions.
Gallery Walk
3. Pupils recognise words and understand the
Hot Seat
Stay-stray 4. Teacher divides pupils into groups.
Think-pair-square 5. Pupils listen to the song and act out the
Numbered Head
Together actions.
Jigsaw 6. Pupils complete the activity book with
Fan and Pick guidance.
Rally Robin 7. Class discussion and sing the song again.
Round Robin
Guess the Fib Teaching Aids: Textbook, Video clip, worksheet Able to do any of the
Three Step following:
Interview Teaching and learning Strategies: (a)recite rhymes
Kinaesthetic, Knowledge acquisition (b) sing songs
(c) tongue twisters
Added Value: cooperation (d) sing in groups

Assessment: activity book

Focus: 2.0 Reading REFLECTION
Theme: World of Self Attendance:__ /___
Unit: Things I Do
___/___ of the pupils able to
Content Standard: achieve the objectives
2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils
Monday will be able todemonstrate understanding of a variety ___/___ of the pupils able to
of linear and non-lineartexts in the form of print and answer the questions
non-print materials using a range of strategies to correctly
Subject construct meaning.
English Learning Standard: ___/___ of LINUS pupils able
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and to achieve today's lesson
Class sentences in linear and non-linear texts.
Year 3 2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple and
compound sentences.
Time 2.2.4 Able to read and understand aparagraph with
simple a compound sentences. Teacher’s action:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
21st a) Read independently without guidance
ACTIVITI b) Use body gestures to demonstrate the verbs
*Today’s lesson will be
Round Table
Activities: carried forward due to
Gallery Walk
1. Teacher introduce the Choral reading.
Hot Seat
2. Teacher ask ‘Wh’ questions and elicits from the
Stay-stray pupils.
Think-pair-square Eg: How do you cycle? / Pupils show the action
Numbered Head
Together 3. Group reading, teacher guides fist and pupils
Jigsaw reading bee together.
Fan and Pick 4. Individual reading, teacher stress on the word
Rally Robin recognition and pronounciation.
Round Robin 5. Spelling and understand the meaning.
Guess the Fib
Three Step Teaching Aids: Textbook
Interview Teaching and learning strategies:
Pupils know some of the verbs taught from the
previous lessons.
Added- values:
Contextual learning.
Assessment: Activity book

Subject /Class
/Topic Details Reflection
Focus : Listening and Speaking
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic: Our Community REFLECTION
Learning Standards: 1.1.4, 1.3.1
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils Attendance: ____/____
should be able to:
1.1.4 : talk about related topics with guidance
1.3.1 : listen to and demonstrate understanding of ___/___ pupils were able
oral texts by: to achieve the objectives.
Subject (a) asking and answering question
Teaching Aids: Reading cards on personal
English details
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualism Teacher’s action:
Class Activities:
Year 4 1. Teacher introduces herself to the pupils and
get the pupils to respond to teacher’s actions
by asking them questions regarding on
Time teacher’s personal details.
2. Introduce and explain the concept of
personal details. Provide examples of how to
ACTIVITIES introduce themselves amongst their friends, *Today’s lesson will be
Think-pair-share 3. Distribute Task Sheet. Play the dialogue. carried forward due to
Round Table While listening, pupils fill in the blanks in the
Gallery Walk
task sheet.
Hot Seat
4. Play the dialogue again and pupils check
their answers.
5. Provide some practice on asking and
Numbered Head
answering questions about the friend’s
Together personal details.
Jigsaw 6. Divide pupils into groups and let them
Fan and Pick practice in asking and answering questions
Rally Robin about their friend’s personal details.
Round Robin 7. Choose at random and ask the pupils to tell
Guess the Fib
others about themselves and their friends’ in
the group. Sample questions:
Three Step Interview
8.Give feedback to the pupils and encourage � What is your
them to speak confidently. teacher’s name?
� IWhere does she
21st CENTURY � How old is she?
Round Table /Class
Subject /Topic Details Reflection
Gallery Walk
Hot Seat
Focus: Reading REFLECTION
Theme: World of Self, Family
Numbered Head Attendance: ____/____
Together and Friends
Jigsaw Topic: Our Community
Fan and Pick Learning Standards: 2.2.4 ___/___ pupils were able to achieve
Rally Robin Objectives: By the end of the objectives.
Round Robin the lesson, pupils should be
Guess the Fib able to:
Three Step Interview 2.2.4 apply dictionary skills:
Teacher’s action:
(b) meaning of base word
Teaching Aids:
Monday Dictionary/word cards
CCE/EE: , Contextualism

Subject Activities:
English 1. Teacher puts up the
reading chart and read aloud
*Today’s lesson will be carried
2. Pupils read in group forward due to
Class together with the teacher
Year 4 3. Teacher explains
about the text and highlighted
7 words.
Time 4. Pupils guess the
meaning of the words based
on the teacher’s explanation.
5. Teacher shows the
dictionary and let them
explore the dictionary.
6. Shows them how to
use the
dictionary and let
them work in groups of
7. Fill up the meaning of
the words
from the text in the
task sheet given.
8. Ask them at random to
read their answers and
teacher gives the answer

Round Table
Gallery Walk
Hot Seat
Numbered Head
Fan and Pick
Rally Robin
Round Robin
Guess the Fib
Three Step Interview

Subject /Class
Details Reflection
Focus : Listening and Speaking
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Attendance:__ /___
Topic: 1. Family Day ___/___ of the pupils
Subject able to achieve the
Learning Standards: 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.2.4 objectives
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be ___/___ of the pupils
Class able to answer the
able to: questions correctly
Year 5
1.1.4 talk about related topics with guidance
Time Teacher’s action:
1.1.3 Able to speak on related topics with guidance
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with peers.
*Today’s lesson will be
Teaching Aids: flash cards,
carried forward due to
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualise
1. Teacher greets and introduces herself to the pupils
and get the pupils to respond.
2. Talk/ask about pupils activities during school holidays
with their families.
3. Displays flash cards and ask pupils to talk about the
4.Distributes pupils into group work, ask pupils to role
play the dialogue in the textbook.
5. Then, talk about the pictures. Suggest other games
-Activities held during a Family Day.
6. Teacher displays a table (TB pg 3)on the whiteboard
and asks the pupils to carry out a survey with their
friends and using wh questions.

Subject /Class /Topic Details Reflection

Focus: Reading
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Attendance:__ /___
Topic: 1. Family Day ___/___ of the
Class pupils able to
Learning Standards: 2.2.2 (b), 2.2.3 achieve the
Year 5
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be objectives
Time ___/___ of the
able to: pupils able to
2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and sentences answer the
questions correctly
b) non- linear texts Teacher’s action:
2.2.3 Able to read for information and enjoyment with
guidance *Today’s lesson will
be carried forward
Teaching Aids: sample poster/ flash cards
due to
CCE/EE: , Contextualism
1. Teacher puts up the poster of family day and read
21st CENTURY 2. Pupils read and recognise words.
3. Teacher explains about the words and highlighted
Round Table 10 words.
Gallery Walk
4. Pupils guess the meaning of the words based on
Hot Seat
Stay-stray the teacher’s explanation.
5. Teacher asks pupils to answer the questions in
Numbered Head
Together group work.
Fan and Pick
6. Ask them at random to read their answers and
Rally Robin teacher discuss the answer.
Round Robin
Guess the Fib
Three Step Interview

Round Table
Gallery Walk
Hot Seat
Numbered Head
Fan and Pick
Rally Robin
Round Robin Details Reflection
Guess /Topic
the Fib
Three Step Interview Focus : Listening and Speaking
Theme: World of stories REFLECTION
Topic: 1. Window to the world
Learning Standards: 1.1.4, 1.1.3, 1.2.4
Attendance: __/__
Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils
Sunday should be able to:
1.1.4 talk about related topics with guidance ___/___ pupils were
1.1.3 Able to speak on related topics with able to achieve the
guidance objectives.
1.2.4 Able to participate in conversations with
Subject peers.
English Teaching Aids: flash cards, story books Teacher’s action:
CCE/EE: Multiple Intelligences, Contextualise
Class Activities:
Year 6 1. Teacher greets the pupils and get the pupils to
respond. Talk/ask about pupils activities during
Time school holidays and the story books they read.
2. Displays two story books and ask pupils to
talk about the books they like to read. *Today’s lesson will be
3. Teacher displays the flash cards and give carried forward due to
some explanation about the genres of the books.
4. Teacher distributes word cards to the group
of 4 and asks the pupils to match the genre and
the explanation.
5.Teacher displays flash cards and asks the
pupils to guess which genre’ suit the books in the
textbook and give their ideas based on the
6. Teacher asks pupils to role play the dialogue
in the textbook pg 2.
7. In pairs , asks pupils to talk about their
favourite story and teacher guides them try to
give their reasons.
8. Class drilling the words and identify the
genres and the meaning correctly.
Three Step Interview


YEAR 1 & YEAR 2 CEFR 2018
SHARING: DARI FB dan sumber yang bnoleh dipercayai
CEFR YEAR 1 & 2, 2018
Mungkin ramai guru yang masih tak dapat maklumat penuh atau
tepat untuk laksanakan kurikulum baru berdasarkan CEFR.
Harap maklumat ringkas yang disertakan dapat membantu guru2
tahun 1 dan 2 B.Inggeris sama2 melaksanakan polisi baru ini
seawal hari pertama persekolahan. Untuk maklumat terperinci,
guru2 berkenaan perlu berjumpa dengan guru yang mengikuti
kursus CURRICULUM INDUCTION yang telah dilaksanakan.
Dokumen asas yang perlu guru ada sebelum memulakan PdPC.
* Buku teks SUPERMINDS
* Primary Year 1/2 Scheme of Work (SOW) Phonics
* Primary Year 1/2 Syllabus
* Primary Year 1/2 Scheme of Work (SOW)
Semua dokumen kecuali buku teks boleh dimuat turun di laman
web bpk.moe.gov.my boleh cari di bahagian 'Bahan Sokongan'.
1. Tahun 1 & 2 akan menggunakan sepenuhnya buku teks baru
SUPERMINDS. Buku teks lama tidak akan digunakan lagi atau
boleh digunakan sebagai rujukan tambahan guru2 (untuk
mencari aktiviti atau bahan yang sesuai dengan tajuk dan tema di
dalam buku teks SUPERMINDS).
2. Tajuk di dalam buku teks SUPERMINDS dibahagikan mengikut
unit berikut;
Tahun 1: Unit Introduction - Unit 4
Tahun 2: Unit 5 - 9
3. Minggu Transisi
Tahun 1 selama 4 minggu dan tahun 2 selama 2 minggu.
Semua guru mesti melaksanakan PHONICS sepanjang minggu
transisi. Semua guru boleh merujuk kepada dokumen SOW
PHONICS. Terdapat maklumat lengkap untuk merangka lesson
plan di dalam SOW.
4. Lesson plan
Sebagai permulaan, guru2 boleh copy and paste sahaja contoh
lesson yang telah diberi dan laksanakan di dalam kelas. Semua
maklumat lengkap termasuk aktiviti yang boleh dilaksanakan
terdapat di dalam PRIMARY YEAR 1/2 SOW. Semua telah
lengkap kecuali 2 perkara.
OBJECTIVE. Objektif perlu ditetapkan sendiri oleh guru
berdasarkan aktiviti dan pencapaian yang diharapkan di dalam
kelas semasa PdPC.
Learning Objective : objektif utama yang guru ingin capai untuk
PdPC tersebut. (Dijana berdasarkan LEARNING STANDARD
yang diberi di dalam SOW)
Complementary Objective : Objektif sampingan untuk aktiviti di
dalam PdPC tersebut (dijana berdasarkan COMPLEMENTARY
LEARNING STANDARD yang diberi di dalam SOW)
Aktiviti juga telah disediakan tetapi guru boleh mengubah mana2
bahagian supaya sesuai dengan tahap murid masing2.
Contoh objektif yang bagus seperti berikut :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use a sentence to
say what their and other's favourite toys are.
Objektif yang bagus mesti memenuhi kriteria MOCA.
SOW mengandungi textbook lesson dan non-textbook lesson.
Textbook lesson adalah aktiviti yang merujuk kepada helaian
aktiviti yang terkandung dalam buku teks.
Non-textbook lesson adalah tambahan aktiviti untuk penggayaan
dan pemulihan berdasarkan textbook lesson.
Guru tak perlu risau samada ianya textbook atau non-textbook
lesson. Semua telah disediakan di dalam SOW.
5. Guru2 sama sekali tidak boleh mengubah elemen yang
terkandung dalam SOW kecuali LEARNING OUTLINE (aktiviti
yang ingin dijalankan: pre, while, post). Guru2 boleh mengubah
aktiviti yang sesuai dengan tahap pencapaian murid dan juga
bahan yang telah guru2 sediakan.
Semoga maklumat ini dapat membantu guru-guru Tahun 1 dan 2
untuk melaksanakan PdPC dengan betul mengikut polisi baru
CEFR pada tahun 2018.
Good luck everyone

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