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Mol Neurobiol

DOI 10.1007/s12035-015-9251-x

Platelet-Rich Plasma Promotes Axon Regeneration,

Wound Healing, and Pain Reduction: Fact or Fiction
Damien P. Kuffler 1

Received: 27 May 2015

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been tested in vitro, Keywords Platelet-rich plasma . Wounds . Healing .
in animal models, and clinically for its efficacy in enhancing Neurotrophic factors
the rate of wound healing, reducing pain associated with inju-
ries, and promoting axon regeneration. Although extensive
data indicate that PRP-released factors induce these effects, General Introduction
the claims are often weakened because many studies were
not rigorous or controlled, the data were limited, and other There are extensive published studies examining the potential
studies yielded contrary results. Critical to assessing whether influences of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on the rate and extent
PRP is effective are the large number of variables in these of wound healing and pain levels. An EndNote search of
studies, including the method of PRP preparation, which in- PubMed for PRP and wound healing listed more than 600
fluences the composition of PRP; type of application; type of publications involving in vitro and in vivo, animal model
wounds; target tissues; and diverse animal models and clinical and clinical studies and case reports. The publications were
studies. All these variables raise the question of whether one controlled and uncontrolled, claiming that PRP did or did not
can anticipate consistent influences and raise the possibility promote faster and more complete healing of tendons, chronic
that most of the results are correct under the circumstances wounds, epithelial lesions, ligamentous injuries, cartilage in-
where PRP was tested. This review examines evidence on juries, injured muscle, and bone; reduces pain; and promotes
the potential influences of PRP and whether PRP-released axon regeneration. The positive results were attributed to
factors could induce the reported influences and concludes platelet and mesenchymal cell-released factors and plasma-
that the preponderance of evidence suggests that PRP has borne factors. Among the published literature reviews, some
the capacity to induce all the claimed influences, although this involved comparative studies of much of the published data,
position cannot be definitively argued. Well-defined and rig- while others analyzed data selected from studies based on
orously controlled studies of the potential influences of PRP whether the studies were considered rigorous, randomized,
are required in which PRP is isolated and applied using con- well controlled, or of a sufficient sample size. Although these
sistent techniques, protocols, and models. Finally, it is con- studies were comprehensive, their results were often conflict-
cluded that, because of the purported benefits of PRP admin- ing, claiming that PRP induces significant influences, may
istration and the lack of adverse events, further animal and induce some improvements, or induced no improvements.
clinical studies should be performed to explore the potential Similarly, there was no consistency in the outcomes of studies
influences of PRP. for the influence of PRP on orthopedic bone and soft tissue
injuries although the evidence suggested a small trend favor-
ing the effectiveness of PRP [1–5]. However, in another set of
* Damien P. Kuffler experiments, it was found that PRP had significant beneficial effects on improving the rate of wound healing and fat graft
survival rates and in enhancing bone graft regeneration [6, 7].
Institute of Neurobiology, University of Puerto Rico, Medical The application of PRP with Biop-Oss onto bone defects re-
Sciences Campus, 201 Blvd. Del Valle, San Juan 00901, Puerto Rico sulted in an increase in granulation, but only when associated
Mol Neurobiol

with Bio-Oss [3]. Finally, the influences of PRP on cells following the clot formation, the platelets and mesenchymal
in vitro were examined to see whether its influences are indic- stem cells within a wound release their complex cocktail of
ative of those required for wound healing in vivo [3]. wound healing, neurotrophic and other factors, which has
evolved to promote wound healing and neurological recovery.
Introduction Some of these factors recruit the invasion of cells required
to assist in promoting wound repair, while others act local-
PRP Contents ly and directly on cells within the wound site and on axons
and Schwann cells to allow them to actively participate in
The complex cocktail of factors that can be harvested from the wound healing and axon regeneration-promoting
PRP is referred to as platelet-derived wound healing factors process.
(PDWHF) [8, 9]. Among these are several isotypes of platelet- The functions played by most PRP-released factors in the
derived growth factors (PDGF), ADP, ATP, calcium, seroto- cascade of wound healing and axon regeneration-promoting
nin, platelet factor 4, fibronectin, B-thromboglobulin, von events have been well elucidated in various papers and re-
Willebrand factor (vWF), fibrinogen, coagulation factors V views by others. Similarly, many reviews have addressed the
and XIII, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta), vascu- question of whether PRP is effective in inducing wound
lar endothelial growth factor (VEGF), epidermal growth fac- healing and have come to the relatively consistent conclusions
tor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (β-FGF), fibroblast that the evidence is mixed and that further studies are required
growth factor-2 (FGF-2), platelet factor 4 (PF4), ciliary neu- to make a definitive decision one way or the other. However,
rotrophic factor (CNTF), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), what is still needed is an examination of whether the exoge-
and platelet-derived angiogenesis factor (PDAF) [9, 10]. nous application of PRP to wound sites can serve all the
Diverse studies have shown that these factors are involved claims of the wound healing functions of PRP. While this
in many of the steps required for promoting tissue/wound review draws a similar conclusion to others before it, it places
repair, reducing pain, and promoting axon regeneration. significantly stronger emphasis on the observed positive in-
Although they are clearly involved in these functions, the fluences by stressing that the negative observations most like-
question remains as to whether when they are released from ly result from the preparation of PRP that is not appropriate to
PRP they serve these same functions. achieve positive results under the tested conditions. This per-
spective is based predominantly on data from in vitro studies
Wounds in which the actions of PRP and its released factors are ob-
served to induce cellular and genetic changes that are part of
Wounds types are generally referred to as soft and hard tissue the fundamental wound healing and axon regeneration-
damage, with soft tissue damage being of the epithelium, der- promoting processes.
mis, vasculature, muscle, and nerves, while hard tissue is con- Numerous methods are available for separating PRP from
sidered to be bone. Wound healing involves the recruitment of whole blood. However, when considering the potential actions
cells to the wound site that help eliminate detritus, such as of PRP, great caution is required because the composition of
macrophages, mesenchymal stem cells, and other cells that PRP can vary greatly due to variables in the preparation pro-
become integrated into the healing wound, such as fibroblasts, cess [12]. Therefore, when examining the reported influences
while other cells, such as platelets and mesenchymal stem of PRP, it is essential to question whether the results differ so
cells, secrete factors that promote the wound healing process. greatly because the PRP is not working or that the PRP is not
Wounds are associated with two types of pain, neurologic working because its composition does not allow it to serve the
and neuropathic. Neurologic is pain caused by damage or functions it has the potential to exert.
disease, while neuropathic is pain associated with damage- Blood extracts have been tested for wound healing since
induced changes in nociceptive neurons, which are not elim- the beginning of the twentieth century and have been com-
inated when the wound becomes healed [11]. mercially available in Europe since the 1980s. The products
are known interchangeably as fibrin glues and fibrin adhesives
Wound Healing and can be distinguished on the basis of whether they are
industrially manufactured from large plasma pools or prepared
Physiological Mechanism of Action of PRP in Wound from single donations by blood-bank hospitals or point-of-
Healing The physiological method by which mammals pro- care centers. Fibrin sealants contain concentrated fibrinogen
mote wound healing and axon regeneration following trauma and thrombin as their main active proteins and are usually
is for a wound site or peripheral nerve gap to become filled formulated in the presence of calcium chloride, which speeds
with a 3-dimensional polymerized fibrin clot containing plas- up fibrin polymerization. Platelet-rich plasma differs due to
ma, which is rich in wound healing factors, platelets, mesen- the presence of concentrated platelets and mesenchymal stem
chymal stem cells, and fibroblasts. Over the course of days cells, which can contribute additional wound healing factors.
Mol Neurobiol

Wound Prevalence and Economics The prevalence rate for essential to examine the data related to the outcomes of its
chronic nonhealing wounds in the USA is 2 % of the general use to determine whether the claims are correct.
population. The mean cost per wound to heal relative to health This review examines the published literature and dis-
care costs is $3927, with jeopardized skin flaps and grafts cusses the evidence showing that PRP does or does not im-
being the most expensive at $9358, with a conservative asso- prove tissue healing, first in animal models and then clinically.
ciated cost estimate caring for treating these wounds exceed- Each section is followed by an examination of evidence from
ing $50 billion per year. Despite the fact that the prevalence in vitro studies asking whether or not PRP induced changes in
rate of chronic wounds is similar to that of heart failure, unlike cells that are physiologically related to the phenomena of
heart failure, little is known regarding the outcome of these wound healing, followed by a discussion of various methods
patients or the comparative effectiveness of the treatments by which the influences of PRP can be enhanced. The prepon-
they receive. derance of evidence suggests that PRP induces wound healing
in many tissues and models. However, it is still not possible a
Current Applications of PR priori to know which data are correct, and therefore, we will
only know what PRP is capable of doing once further studies
Blood is a rich source of biomaterials that is used for a variety are performed with irrefutable data.
of clinical applications. Fibrin-based biomaterials are essential
for their hemostatic and sealing properties and as gels within
which to hold materials, such as bone chips for the promotion Primary Applications/Uses of PRP
of bone repair, and from which various factors can be released.
Platelets, platelet lysate, and mesenchymal stem cells are Musculoskeletal Healing
abundant sources of complex cocktails of factors that have
the great potential for inducing both soft and hard tissue re- Animal: No Improvement
pairs, pain reduction, and axon regeneration. PRP is increas-
ingly being used for a variety of clinical applications including Several studies have shown that the application of PRP to
orthopedic surgery, maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, injured tendons of rats does not induce healing [14]. In another
healing related to sports medicine, reducing pain associated study, filling conduits bridging nerve gaps induced equal axon
with sports injuries, recalcitrant wounds (ulcers), burns, peri- regeneration to fibrin glue, but not more regeneration than a
odontal and oral surgery, stimulation of bony tissue regenera- length of autologous sensory nerve [15].
tion in dentistry, and for promoting regeneration of peripheral
nerves following nerve trauma. Once PRP is placed in a Animal: Improvement
wound site, the platelets and mesenchymal stem cells release
their contents over a period of several days allowing them to The poor vascularity of tendons is a major factor in their
act precisely where they are required [13]. limited healing capacity. Following induced tendon injury in
rabbits, the application of PRP results in improved alignment
The Use of PRP of new collagen fibers, as well as an improved and increased
rate of tendon healing and strength, apparently due to the
Following trauma, activated platelets, mesenchymal cells, and induction of enhanced neovascularization [16, 17] and in part
fibrin fill the wound injury site, and through a cascade of via the increased expression of IGF-1 [18].
events, the fibrin polymerizes forming a platelet plug within The application of PRP to injured sheep tendon results in
the wound site. In addition to its important role in hemostasis, complete healing of the tendon gap without apparent fibrosis
platelets contain a host of growth factors and biologically or increase in tendon thickness [19] and results in healing of
active substances that enhance tissue repair mechanisms, by chondral cartilage fractures in sheep [20], healing of superfi-
means of chemotaxis, inducing cell proliferation, angiogene- cial digital flexor tendon lesions in horses [21], and healing of
sis, tissue remodeling, and extracellular matrix and collagen cartilage holes in horse hooves [22] and ligaments in pigs [2].
deposition. Working with a rabbit model, a novel compact platelet-rich
Because of its physiological role in wound healing, it has fibrin scaffold (CPFS) produced only from blood and calcium
become increasingly popular to apply autologous PRP as part gluconate increased the extent and speed of resectioned patel-
of routine treatment, especially in sports medicine for sprains lar tendon healing, indicated by increased load failure and
and tendon injuries. In spite of mixed evidence about its effi- stiffness [23]. Another important finding is that multiple
cacy, the annual estimated use of PRP in the USA alone will PRP treatments result in better tendon healing than a single
rise to $126 million by 2016. Because of the uncertainty about treatment [21].
the effectiveness of PRP in promoting wound healing and Injecting PRP into mouse cardiac muscle following perma-
reducing pain, and the high cost of its application, it is nent myocardial ischemia or 45 min of ligation-ischemia/
Mol Neurobiol

ischemia-reperfusion ischemia results in a 38 and 28 % greater stem cells [43]. Clinically, PRP combined with autologous
ventricular muscle function relative to sham-treated muscle bone graft improves tendon healing while simultaneously re-
ventricular function, respectively [24]. For surgically injured ducing pain due to sternal dehiscence after coronary artery
longissimus dorsi muscle in rats, the application of PRP im- bypass grafting surgery [44]. Combining PRP with FGF or
proves muscular regeneration, increases neovascularization, VEGF, a potent mitogen and stimulator of vascular growth
causes a slight reduction of fibrosis compared to control mus- [45], and in the presence of a lowered concentration of TGF-
cles, and results in long-term enhanced muscle vascularization beta1, 2, or 3, but increased levels of type 1 collagen, results in
[25] and in the development of less muscle scar tissue than is improved tendon healing [46].
seen in control muscles [24, 25].
The recovery of full muscle contraction force by muscles In Vitro Platelet-rich plasma stimulates cell proliferation, en-
injured by a single in vivo rapid lengthening contraction is hances matrix gene expression [11], and increases total colla-
faster if the muscle is injected with PRP [26]. Finally, the gen synthesis seen at 7 and 14 days and glycosaminoglycan
application of PRP improves overall skeletal muscle healing (GAG) synthesis at day 14 [47]. The addition of thrombin to
after muscle contusion injury [27]. PRP also increases its influences [48].
The external application of PRP to the site at which the Muscle recovery following trauma requires the regenera-
nerve stumps of a transected nerve are anastomosed enhances tion of muscles from existing myoblasts. Muscle healing can
the degree of axon regeneration and neurological recovery be significantly enhanced by supplementing muscle with
across a 1-cm-long nerve gap compared to the influence of muscle-derived progenitor cells (hMDPCs). However, it is
nerve stumps sutured together [28, 29]. In rats, combining first critical to expand these cells in vitro to have a sufficient
PRP with dissociated Schwann cells within a conduit induced number to induce good muscle recovery. Extensive expansion
enhanced axon regeneration, but not greater than sensory of hMDPCs can be achieved by the addition of PRP to cul-
nerve grafts [30]. tured hMDPCs [49]. Antibody neutralization of PDGF in such
cultures significantly blocks the mitogenic/proliferative ef-
Clinical: No Improvement fects of PRP on the hMDPCs indicating that platelet-
released PDGF is in great part responsible for inducing the
Several large randomized control studies found that the clini- cell proliferation [49].
cal application of PRP induces no improvement in healing of Although evidence from in vivo studies is not consistent in
the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with finding that PRP induces tissue healing, the data from in vitro
bone-patellar tendon-bone allograft [31], rotator cuff [32], studies indicate that platelet-released factors clearly and con-
and hamstring tendons [33]. The injection of PRP was also sistently, in a dose-dependent manner, stimulate the increase
not found to induce any improvement in patients with lateral in the rate of differentiation of tendon stem cells into activated
epicondylitis, a common musculoskeletal disorder for which tenocytes and the proliferation of osteocytes, myocytes, and
an effective treatment strategy remains unknown [34]. tenocytes. Since PRP also increases the rate of collagen pro-
However, the authors of this study raised concerns about duction, all combined, these findings indicate that PRP in-
whether the lack of influence may have resulted from the duces the cellular activities associated with tendon healing
method used to prepare the PRP [32]. [50].

Clinical: Improvement Mechanisms of PRP Action on Tendon Healing

A relatively large number of clinical studies show that for Tendon healing induced by PRP has been proposed to result
patients with patellar and elbow tendinosis, Achilles tendon from the actions of PRP- and platelet membrane-released
injuries, rotator cuff repairs, and ACL tears, PRP induces a TGF-beta1 [51]. The application of mesenchymal stem cells
twofold increase in the elimination of the tendon defects, a to tendons, which differentiate into tenocytes and endothelial
twofold reduction in the time required to achieve complete cells, promotes tendon healing [43]. Normally PRP contains
homogeneous recovery, lower tendon retear rates, and a re- mesenchymal stem cells. Therefore, the cases where PRP is
duction in pain, even for patients whose tendinopathy was not effective in inducing tendon healing may result from the
resistant to other therapies [35–42]. separated PRP not containing a sufficient concentration of
mesenchymal stem cells. PRP may also lead to tendon healing
Increasing the Influence of PRP by inducing the overexpression of IGF-1 activity predomi-
nantly in tenocytes [52] and by its up- and then downregulat-
Animal Models Although PRP has been shown to increase ing the expression of TGF-beta1 [53].
tendon tensile strength, in rabbits, its influence can be in- PRP induces changes in gene expression of type I, II, and
creased by 67 % when it is combined with adipose-derived III collagen and the expressions of decorin and scleraxis,
Mol Neurobiol

which are necessary for GAG synthesis and required by increases the deposition of bone matrix deposition relative to
tenocytes for their synthesis of the tendon matrix [47, 54]. control animals [69]. PRP together with xenogenic bone min-
PRP also induces a significant increase in cellular metabolic eral was beneficial in the treatment of intrabony defects [70].
activity, reduces the rate of apoptosis, and stimulates collagen Combining platelet-rich fibrin with PRP increases the influ-
production [55], all of which are normally associated with ence of PRP alone [71]. PRP combined with fat grafts leads to
tendon healing. Since poor tendon vascularization is consid- improved healing and fat maintenance [72]. The first step in
ered a significant factor for tendon’s limited healing potential, bone healing is forming a blood clot at injured bones and the
the tendon healing caused by PRP may be due to PRP induc- placement of a PRP clot within a dental defect can induce
ing tendon vascularization by the release of VEGF, by bone healing. However, the extent of healing depends on the
follistatin expression, and by reducing the expression of phos- composition of the PRP [73, 74]. Combining PRP with Bio-
phorylated Smad2/3 [27]. Oss(R) particles enhances the rate of bone healing [75]. The
application of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) to a bone injury may
Bone Healing increase the number of marrow cells. However, PRF together
with xenogenic bone substitutes does not significantly im-
Animals: No Improvement prove bony regeneration [76]. The use of PRP for embedded
bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) prior to placing the mix-
In dogs, the application of PRP applied to surgically created ture on full-thickness bone defects in rabbits leads to enhanced
mandibular bone wound sites induces no statistically signifi- bone healing compared to that seen for the bone chips alone
cant histological wound improvements [56]. Similarly, al- [77]. It is not clear whether this is due to the direct action of
though histomorphologically bone deficits show a remarkable PRP-released factors or the better maintenance of the bone
increase in new bone following a double PRP application vs. a chips where they were required to act. Thus, there is increas-
single application in rabbits, statistical analyses reveal no sig- ing use of PRP, but predominantly together with other mate-
nificant difference [57]. In similar studies on rabbit bone rials to induce bone healing [65, 78–80]. PRP has been tested
healing, PRP was not observed to induce an increase in the for its influence on intrabony defects when combined with
overall observed rate or extent of healing [58, 59]. In another other regenerative procedures such as open flap debridement
study, PRP was observed to hinder bone deposition while (OFD) and with a covering membrane for guided tissue re-
enhancing the type III to type I collagen ratio and enhancing generation (GTR). However, there is limited evidence regard-
the chemotaxis of CD34+ progenitor cells, similar to a ing their influences [81].
thrombogenic effect [60].
Clinical: No Improvement
Animal: Improvement
In a two randomized, but small, controlled, parallel group
In a rabbit model of an implant-associated spinal wound, PRP clinical trial, PRP did not induce a statistically significant in-
treatment results in a significant increase in mineralized tis- crease in pelvic crest bone growth [82, 83].
sues and better bone healing by postoperative weeks 2 and 3
[61]. In dogs, the application of PRP to class II furcation Clinical: Improvement
defects results in the enhancement in the amount of new ce-
mentum and induces more and faster bone mineralization [62, PRP has been extensively applied following surgery on a jaw
63]. In mini-pigs, PRP significantly increases new bone for- related to dental implants and found to induce significantly
mation within bone defects compared to bone treated with increased bone regeneration providing periodontal support
autologous cancellous graft alone [5, 64, 65]. For rabbits, for dental implants [39, 84–87]. Similarly, following surgery
the application of PRP into a bone defect induces a greater requiring bone resection, the application of PRP leads to 80 %
amount of bone consolidation, cortical bone thickness, and of patients showing complete wound healing [88, 89], often
bone density than is induced by bone aspirate [66], while with greater than 70 % increases in bone formation compared
degradable bioactive borate glass plus PRP induces more ex- to bone wounds treated with a blood clot [90]. Although PRP
tensive bone growth than the glass alone [67]. The application applied to tooth extraction sockets induces an increase in the
of PRP to surgically injured sheep sternum induces the forma- rate of alveolar bone regeneration [91, 92], the differences
tion of trabecular bone tissue and the formation of hematopoi- disappeared over time postapplication [93, 94]. For patients
etic medullary tissue, while controls show only extensive car- with maxillary atrophy, the addition of PRP to the grafting
tilaginous tissue [68]. The application of PRP to induced material Bio-Oss significantly reduces the time required to
mouse bone injury sites induces angiogenesis and the correct achieve bone healing compared to that induced by Bio-Oss
functioning of osteoblasts, increases the amount of mobilized alone [95]. Part of this influence is on bone regeneration [96],
cells for the repairing process, speeds up bone growth, and the induction of osteoblast proliferation, and its antimicrobial
Mol Neurobiol

effects [88] (see more in a later section). PRP also shortens the Corneal Epithelial Healing
suffering of postoperative pain by up to 3 days [97].
Animal: No Improvement
In Vitro
No data has been reported here.
PRP induces higher assay values for osteopontin, osteocalcin,
and mineralization than are seen in control cultures of human Animal: Improvement
adipose stem cells, which means that PRP stimulates osteo-
blastic differentiation of hADSCs at their early and final mat- In a well-controlled study on rabbits, following creation of an
uration stage [98]. In vitro, PRP promotes osteogenic differ- epithelial defect, the injection of PRP under the conjunctiva
entiation of muscle satellite cells [99] and adipose-derived improves the rate and extent of corneal epithelial wound
stem cells [100]. healing [108]. PRP is also useful for attaching corneal flaps
in rabbits while promoting good corneal healing [109].

Increasing the Influence of PRP Clinical: No Improvement

The influence of applied PRP in inducing bone growth is No data has been reported here.
significantly enhanced when it is combined with
hyaluronic acid (HA) dressing [101], and hydroxyapatite, Clinical: Improvement
a crystalline phase of calcium phosphate found naturally
in bone minerals, coral, and osteoconductive material For years, plasma drops containing a host of growth factors
[102]. Combining the application to PRP with mesenchy- have been used clinically to promote healing of a variety of
mal stem cells increases rabbit bone formation and min- persistent ophthalmic epithelial wounds and ocular surface
eralization and improves bone mechanical properties and diseases and to reduce pain due to corneal injury [110].
rabbit mandibular gap healing by 20–34 % while reduc- However, more recently, PRP lysate, with its greater content
ing healing time by 6 days (20–35 %) [103]. Similarly, of growth factors, is being increasingly used [111].
PRP enriched with leukocytes increases the rate and ex- PRP is also effective in treating persistent corneal epithelial
tent of wound healing [104]. defect [112], when applied to the cornea postherpetic corneal
ulcers and ulcers due to trauma or exposure to caustic sub-
Mechanisms of Action stances, and completely restores the lost epithelium [113]. A
similar influence is observed for PRP administered by
Bone healing involves a number of different components, subconjunctival infiltration [114].
such as the stimulation of DNA replication, proliferation The application of PRP lysate eye drops to patients suffer-
of mesenchymal stem cells, and chemotaxis of osteo- ing from persistent epithelial defects (PEDs) induces signifi-
blasts, fibroblasts, leukocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, cantly higher healing rates of the corneal epithelia than treat-
a n d pe r i o do n t a l a n d al v e o l a r b o ne c e l l s [ 1 0 5 ] . ments with autologous serum, which contains fewer platelet-
Clinically, PDGF in combination with other growth fac- released growth factors, most notably EGF [112]. Similarly,
tors enhances periodontal tissue repair [105]. Since plate- topical application of autologous PRP to the eyes following
lets within PRP release PDGF and growth factors, it is grade V chemical injury promotes rapid reepithelialization of
reasonable to expect that the application of PRP should the ocular surface [115].
induce bone healing. Similarly, since in vitro PRP in- The application of PRP lysate combined with a
duces a considerable proliferation of osteoblasts, which mucoadhesive gel to promote adhesion of factors within the
are required for bone healing, in vivo PRP should induce lysate to corneal ulcers further enhances cell growth leading to
bone healing [25]. In rabbits, the application of PRP corneal healing and induces a twofold reduction in the time
promotes bone repair by interacting with type III colla- required to achieve complete epithelialization and visual acu-
gen to maintain high levels of collagen, which is required ity compared with control patients [116–119]. In addition,
for bone healing. TGF-β1 is also crucial in bone forma- PRP lysate is a highly effective therapeutic agent for the treat-
tion by stimulating osteoblast deposition on the collagen ment of a broad etiopathological spectrum of corneal persis-
matrix of bone, enhancing the chemotaxis and tent epithelial defects [119]. The subconjunctival application
mitogenesis functions of osteoblast precursors [99, of PRP to the eyes of patients who had ocular chemical burns
106]. TGF-β1 also plays a role in upregulating the syn- showed a significant reduction in corneal and conjunctival
thesis of VEGF, thereby favoring angiogenesis and re- epithelialization times, sick leave duration, and healing time
cruitment of inflammatory cells [107]. and a significant reduction in time of scarring [114].
Mol Neurobiol

Corneal lesions cause significant pain and visual impair- [129]. For rats, the application of PRP induces 61 % of the
ment, and in many cases, they are unresponsive to conven- flaps to survive vs. 36 % for those treated with platelet-poor
tional treatments. In addition to inducing corneal healing, the plasma and 28 % of controls [130, 131], and the results are
application of PRP reduces corneal pain [120]. similar for rabbits [132]. For horses, PRP induces more rapid
epithelial differentiation and increased collagen presence, and
In Vitro the dense collagen bundles are oriented parallel to each other
and to the overlying epithelium, contrary to what is seen for
In vitro, the application of human PRP to human corneal ep- control tissue, all of which is required for wound healing [133,
ithelial cells induces a significant increase in their proliferation 134]. The application of PRP under a skin flap in rats leads to
and, in animals, a reduction in epithelial hyperplasia and haze reducing the area of necrotic tissue and increasing the number
formation on the cornea [121], with rate of proliferation and of arterioles within the skin flaps [135] and improved flap
other influences increasing with the concentrations of PRP adhesion [135, 136], and PRP application 2 days prior to flap
factors [122]. PRP lysate added to cultured rabbit corneal elevation further improves flap survival [130]. Thrombin ap-
epithelial cells or fibroblasts induced significantly enhances plied alone increases flap necrosis [135]. PRP also induces a
the proliferative activity of epithelial cells [123]. When com- significant increase in the amount of the free fat grafts surviv-
bined with chitosan to increase mucoadhesion, the efficacy of ing in rabbits, with little desorption taking place for at least
the formulation was stable in spite of storage up to 2 weeks 120 days, causing an increase in the number of viable adipo-
[123]. The effect induced by the platelet lysate plus chitosan cytes, increasing the number of blood vessels, increasing tis-
formulation is faster than PRP combined with a polyacrylic sue granulation, while decreasing the size of necrotic tissue
acid formulation, yet complete in vitro wound repair was areas and fibrosis [137]. PRP also induces a faster rate of
achieved within 48 h [123]. wound healing in an animal model of diabetic wounds
[138], and the application of PRP causes the grafts to become
Mechanisms of Action and remain pink, soft, supple, and easily compressible, all
signs of tissue healing [139]. The application of PRP to cuta-
The influences of PRP in promoting healing of persistent cor- neous lesions of diabetic mice induces greater wound
neal epithelial defects are primarily attributed to the actions of reepithelialization than standard wound care [128]. Finally,
platelet-released TGF-beta2, which is required for normal col- the application of PRP accelerates the onset of airway healing
lagen homeostasis [112], including VEGF [122, 124] and fi- while increasing blood flow and anastomosis stress-strain re-
bronectin [125]. These factors contribute to inducing a steady sistance 30 days postsurgery by promoting an earlier release
invasion of fibroblasts, quicker epithelial regeneration, and of platelet-derived growth factors that stimulate
less inflammation. They also induce more rapid proliferation transanastomotic angiogenesis [140].
and migration of keratocytes and conjunctival fibroblasts,
which are required for corneal healing [116, 126]. These fac- Clinical: No Improvement
tors prevent and inhibit TGF-beta1-induced myofibroblast dif-
ferentiation [108], thus reducing scarring and stimulating cor- Complicated diabetic patients show impaired and delayed
nea surface wound healing [126]. Thus, PRP can both reduce wound healing, and their wounds do not respond to PRP with
scarring and stimulate ocular surface wound healing. healing. In diabetic wounds, the expression of matrix metal-
loproteinase (MMP)-2 and MMP-9, which play important
Wound Healing roles in extracellular matrix regulation and wound healing, is
present in higher concentrations when PRP is applied to the
Animal: No Improvement wounds than in its absence [138]. Thus, it appears that PRP
regulation of MMP concentration within the wound site may
For nude mice, PRP combined with fat grafts does not en- underlie the failure of PRP to promote diabetic wound healing
hance free fat graft survival [127]. For cutaneous lesions on [138].
New Zealand white rabbits, treatment of wounds with PRP or
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) induced equal Clinical: Improvement
reepithelialization of cutaneous lesions, and the healing was
not enhanced when the two were combined [128]. The application of PRP to fresh nondiabetic wounds following
finger tissue loss prevents continued tissue loss and leads to
Animal: Improvement wound healing [141]. The application of PRP both under and
on top of skin grafts applied to skin ulcers results in the sta-
For mice, PRP induces improved skin flap retention, in part by bility of the grafts at the wound, thus not requiring the use of
inducing improved angiogenesis and healing of the flap check staples or sutures, and leads to ulcer healing without their
Mol Neurobiol

recurrence [142]. PRP applied to necrotic bone induces bone 135]. In similar studies on rats, PRP also induces skin flap
angiogenesis, which in turn promotes new bone formation retention by inducing a significant reduction in inflammatory
[143]. For patients who underwent amputation surgery cells, which is far greater than when platelet-poor plasma is
followed by the application of PRP to the wound site, 96 % applied or when the flaps are not treated [131]. Clinically, PRP
of the wounds healed completely and had no postoperative improves wound healing by causing the retention of fat grafts
wound infections, while for control patients, the healing rate and by promoting enhanced reepithelialization [148].
was of 59 %, which was accompanied by severe infection of PRP also induces tissue healing by releasing EGF, which
the stump, which prompted follow-up proximal amputations acts as a potent mitogen for keratinocytes and endothelial
in 41 % of the patients [144]. cells, accelerating their migration into acute wounds, thus re-
PRP can be used to assist in the anastomosis of different storing and triggering epithelialization [149]. This is nicely
portions of separated tissues. When PRP is applied to the site demonstrated by experiments in which, although PRP pro-
of pig tracheal anastomosis sites, the PRP accelerates the onset motes endothelial cell proliferation, once EGF has been re-
of airway healing while resulting in increased blood flow and moved from PRP supernatant using antibodies, endothelial
increased anastomosis stress-strain resistance 30 days cell proliferation ceases [149].
postsurgery by promoting an earlier release of platelet- TGF-β is a potent regulator of extracellular matrix (ECM)
derived growth factors that stimulate transanastomotic angio- synthesis, enhances gene expression of fibronectin and colla-
genesis [140]. gen, inhibits collagen breakdown, and inhibits various MMP
inhibitors. This leads to ECM reinforcement, fibroblast prolif-
In Vitro eration, and the synthesis and accumulation of collagen, all of
which are essential for wound healing, as well as for fibril and
In vitro, PRP increased the activity of human fibroblasts, mac- scar formation [150]. PRP also promotes wound healing by
rophages, and endothelial cells, which may in part explain increasing the amount of collagen matrix formation,
how PRP induces dermal regeneration and wound healing keratinocyte and dermal fibroblast, and macrophage prolifer-
[145]. ation and migration; by enhancing the expression of alpha-
smooth muscle actin protein and differentiation of dermal fi-
Increasing the Influence of PRP broblasts into myofibroblasts; and by promoting wound con-
traction [138, 145, 151]. Thus, through these mechanisms,
The beneficial influences of the application of PRP to wounds PRP can induce dermal regeneration and wound healing
can be improved. Thus, multiple PRP applications to recalci- [145]. The influence of PRP on cell activity is enhanced when
trant diabetic, pressure, or venous ulcer, dehisced, surgical, or it is combined with manuka honey [145].
traumatic wounds, and wounds of other etiologies result in
wound healing of approximately 90 % of wounds. They also Antimicrobial Activity of PRP
result in ca. 50 % reduction in wound area and a 64 % reduc-
tion in wound volume [146]. In another study, multiple PRP Clinical bacterial infections play a major role in retarding or
applications to chronic nonhealing wounds result in 97 % of preventing wound healing. Reducing and eliminating infec-
the wounds showing a 51 % reduction in wound volume and a tions by systemic or local antibiotic administration leads to an
40 % decrease in wound area, despite most of the patients increase in the rate of onset and completion of the wound
being in depressed physiological conditions, indicated by their healing process. PRP also has the potential of serving as an
having low albumin, hematocrit, and/or hemoglobin levels, antimicrobial agent.
conditions which normally significantly slow wound healing
[147]. Although the addition of PRP to cultured human fibro- Animal: No Improvement
blasts, macrophages, and endothelial cells induces the activity
of all these cells, their activity is increased when PRP is added No data has been reported here.
to the culture medium simultaneously with manuka honey
[145]. Animal: Improvement

Mechanism of Action For horses, the application of PRP exerts an antimicrobial

effect on infected cutaneous burn sites, while non-PRP treated
PRP enhances greater skin flap retention and healing by in- burns become infected [152]. For rabbits, the immediate ap-
ducing angiogenesis by its release of VEGF [129] and by plication of PRP to the site of an intentional spinal bone in-
inducing the increased expression of messenger RNA fection results in reduced infections and better postoperative
(mRNA) for VEGF, PDGF, and TGF-beta3 and increased bone healing [61], and PRP application significantly reduces
neovascularization and reepithelialization of the flaps [131, spinal bone infections when PRP is applied up to 3 weeks
Mol Neurobiol

following trauma-induced bacterial infection [61]. animals with a transected sciatic nerve, while for animals
Simultaneously, the PRP induces a significant increase in min- which had the end of the severed nerve inserted into an empty
eralized tissue, leading to better bone healing by postoperative collagen tube, autotomy was manifest in only 13 % of the
weeks 2 and 3 [61]. However, the antimicrobial activity of animals [163]. Autotomy is now interpreted as an indication
PRP is only to certain bacterial populations [61]. Therefore, of the animal suffering pain [164, 165]. The reduction in neu-
prior to applying PRP, it is advantageous to determine whether ropathic pain has been attributed to a significant enhancement
the infection in a wound site is one against which PRP is in Schwann cell migration away from the proximal stump and
effective. linear axon regeneration within the collagen nerve guide,
resulting in the absence of neuromas and other symptoms
Clinical: No Improvement associated with neuropathic pain [163].

In an in vivo study, the application of PRP to the surgical Clinical: No Improvement

wound sites following vein harvesting surgery for cardiac by-
pass surgery had no influence on infection rates compared to PRP application to surgical sites following toenail surgery
control patients [153]. produces a slight increase in the acute inflammatory phase
of dermal wound healing, but no statistically significant re-
Clinical: Improvement duction in recovery times or postoperative pain [166].
Injection of PRP to the site of lateral epicondylitis (LE) caus-
Clinically, PRP exerts an antimicrobial influence and inhibits ing pain had no influence on the pain [167].
the growth of a large number of different bacteria, but not Clinically, the injection of PRP for the treatment of rotator
others [154]. Following transmetatarsal amputation, PRP ap- cuff tendinopathy was not found to induce any reduction in
plication results in a significant reduction in bacterial colonies pain by 1-year postsurgery [168]. PRP stimulates endogenous
and a significant reduction in infection rates [144]. HA production and decreased cartilage catabolism and shows
similar effects to HA in suppressing the inflammatory media-
In Vitro tor concentration and expression of their genes in
synoviocytes and cartilage [169].
The types of bacteria killed by PRP differ slightly between
different studies [155–157], and this antimicrobial activity is Clinical: Improvement
influenced by how the fibrin sealant is prepared.
Cryoprecipitate-derived fibrin sealant inhibits the growth of Following total knee arthroplasty, PRP application significant-
Escherichia coli but not Staphylococcus aureus or Bacillus ly reduces postoperative pain while enhancing the short-term
fragilis, whereas a pasteurized commercial fibrin sealant has clinical outcome [170]. For patients whose epicondylitis was
no effect [158]. The antimicrobial properties of PRP depend unresponsive to nonsurgical treatment (including steroid in-
on the concentration of thrombin [61] as well as how thrombin jection) for >6 months, a single injection of PRP injection
is prepared [159]. However, the antimicrobial action of PRP significantly reduced their pain as well as elbow function,
also involves human beta defensin-3 (HBD-3), which is re- which allowed the avoidance of surgery [171].
leased in bactericidal concentrations [156, 160], or to a func- Although the injection of PRP following surgery for in-
tionally active complement [161]. Platelet lysates also act with grown hallux toenails does not statistical decrease in wound
synergistic effects with beta-lactam antibiotic (oxacillin) and recovery time, it does reduce postoperative pain [172, 173].
glycopeptide (vancomycin) but not with oxazolidinone The injection of PRP to the site of chronic, recalcitrant
(linezolid) [162]. tendinosis (chronic lateral elbow epicondylitis) (tennis elbow)
[174, 175] and following shoulder arthroplasty [97] and the
Pain Reduction application of PRP induce a significant reduction in pain com-
pared to the application of whole blood or corticosteroid in-
Animal: No Improvement jection, even after a 2-year follow-up [176] while also induc-
ing healing [176]. PRP injections reduce pain associated with
No data has been reported here. osteoarthritis [177]. For patients suffering from pain associ-
ated with rotator cuff injury, PRP injections lead to a pro-
Animal: Improvement gressive reduction in pain and disability compared to dry
needling [178]. The application of PRP to the refreshed
Following sciatic nerve sections, rats may be observed to self- end of peripheral nerves evoking neuropathic pain, includ-
mutilate, eating their toes and foot, a behavior called autoto- ing excruciating pain, results in the reduction/elimination
my. Moderate to severe autotomy is observed in 88 % of of that pain [11, 179–181].
Mol Neurobiol

Increasing the Influence of PRP Angiogenesis

In Vitro Animal: No Improvement

No data has been reported here. In rabbits, PRP was not found to promote new bone formation
or vascularization in vertebral spine fusion [198].
Mechanisms of Action
Animal: Improvement
Platelets and neutrophils play important roles in the elim-
Angiogenesis plays key roles in normal development, wound
ination of neuropathic pain. Platelet-released IL-17 signif-
healing, recovery from ischemic disease, and organ regenera-
icantly increases the numbers of neutrophils that infiltrate
tion, and appropriate physiological combinations and ratios of
a wound site which leads to enhanced inflammation that
various angiogenic factors are critical for long-term functional
pushes the inflammatory response to complete resolution
blood vessel formation. Soluble mouse PRP extract, which
[182]. This allows the wound healing process to precede
includes abundant angiopoetin-1 (Ang1) and other angiogenic
to completion, leading to the reestablishment of normal
factors, stimulates endothelial cell growth, migration, and dif-
nociceptive axon biophysical properties and the elimina-
ferentiation in neonatal mouse retinal angiogenesis in vivo
tion of their hyperexcitability and, thus, neuropathic pain.
[199]. In rabbits, PRP induces extensive angiogenesis during
The importance of platelet-released IL-17 has been dem-
the early phase of Achilles tendon healing [16]. Inhibition of
onstrated in mice with genetic impairment of IL-17 sig-
Ang1-Tie2 signaling suppresses PRP extract-induced angio-
naling, in which neuropathic pain behavior is reduced as
genesis in vitro and angiogenic ability of the PRF matrix
well as ectopic neuronal activity [183]. Neuropathic pain
in vivo [199].
can also be reduced by antibody depletion of neutrophils,
The application of PRP prior to skin flap placement induces
although their elimination has no effect on the recovery of
a twofold increase in flap adhesion and survival vs. rats not
neurological function and peripheral axon regeneration
treated with PPP. This effect is due to PRP significantly re-
[184]. Therefore, enhanced platelet infiltration, the admin-
ducing the invasion of inflammatory cells and increasing
istration of IL-17, and neutrophil elimination can lead to
blood vessel density [131]. In addition, PRP treatment signif-
the reduction of neuropathic pain.
icantly increases the mRNA levels of VEGF and PDGF,
which are associated with increased angiogenesis [131, 200].
Factors from Platelet-Rich Plasma Following hind limb ischemia in mice, the application of
PRP induces enhanced blood perfusion, apparently by induc-
PRP is being increasingly injected into joints to promote ing angiogenesis [201].
healing and reduce the pain associated with osteoarthritis Contrary to the negative results of one study on rabbits
[177, 185, 186]) and by sports medicine clinicians to pro- [198], PRP can induce angiogenesis and bone formation
mote tendon, ligament, connective tissue, and other soft [202, 203]. PRP induces angiogenesis both in vitro and
tissue healing, to reduce neuropathic pain [171, 174, 177, in vivo and may result from the activation of the ERK and
186–193] and to promote axon regeneration [194]. PRP phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-Akt pathways [10].
has also been applied to reduce neuropathic pain in case
where neuropathic pain is caused by arthroplasty and Clinical: No Improvement
transgluteal decompression of the pudendal nerve [195]
and to the surgical site following tonsillectomy [196]. No data has been reported here.
However, despite the claims, a rigorous block-randomized,
double-blind clinical study found that PRP injections were Clinical: Improvement
no more effective in reducing pain or improving activity
than placebo saline shots for the patients [190]. Another Both fresh PRP and freeze-dried PRP applied to a wound
paper recommends that, due to the lack of good evidence to induce wound angiogenesis [10, 199, 204]. Part of the influ-
support the use of PRP, serious consideration should be ence of PRP is by inducing the invasion of inflammatory cells
considered before PRP is used [197]. However, the conclu- and fibroblasts and stimulating collagen deposition [205].
sion of that review may be questioned, because although it This is accompanied by a marked increase in the expression
may be true that platelet-released factors do not Bdirectly^ in the HaCaT keratinocyte cells of the cell cycle regulatory
reduce pain, platelets may directly trigger the events that proteins cyclin A and cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 4, and
lead to the elimination of neuropathic pain (this issue is an associated increase in the rates of cell proliferation, cell
further discussed in a later section of this paper). migration, and epithelialization of HaCaT cells [117]. Thus,
Mol Neurobiol

in part, PRP promotes wound healing by significantly Clinical: Improvement

accelerating the epithelialization process, probably
through the upregulation of the cell cycle regulatory Infiltrating isolated fat cells with PRP prior to transplantation
proteins cyclin A and CDK4 and the induction of an- of the fat cells results in better fat graft survival than is seen in
giogenesis [206]. the absence of PRP [212–214], as well as reduced inflamma-
tory reactions, fewer oily cysts, and better fat transplantation
In Vitro than for transplants performed without PRP [210].

In vitro, activated human platelets enriched for VEGF result in Axon Regeneration
significantly greater angiogenesis and osteogenesis around
bone defects and enhance new bone formation around acellu- Animal: No Improvement
lar bone graft material indicating that PRP is critical in the
induction of rapid angiogenesis [207]. Soluble mouse PRP Transected axons generally regenerate only several millime-
extract, which includes abundant Ang1 and other angiogenic ters into an empty collagen tube bridging a nerve gap [28, 215,
factors, stimulates endothelial cell growth, migration, and dif- 216]. Bridging a 1-cm-long rat sciatic nerve gap with a tube
ferentiation in cultured human dermal microvascular endothe- filled with PRP induces axons to regenerate no further than
lial cells [199]. through an empty nerve tube [28, 215–217].

Mechanism of Action Animal: Improvement

In similar experiments, PRP induced thicker axon myelination

Following trauma, platelets are the primary driving force
behind the development of inflammation. Upon entering a [215], and in another, it induced thicker myelin, a faster rate of
axon regeneration, and longer axon regeneration [28,
wound and contacting mature collagen, platelets become
218–221]. Thus, in small animal models, PRP can enhance
activated, aggregate, and release factors that promote va-
sodilation, increased blood flow, and increased capillary axon regeneration across nerve gaps, but the results are
permeability. This increased permeability allows plasma
However, combining PRP within a vein conduit is an ef-
proteins to move from the blood into the wound site,
causing the initial phase of inflammation. Platelet- fective alternative adjuvant to autologous nerve grafts, al-
though further investigations are required to fully define the
released factors also promote angiogenesis [200, 208],
role of PRP in nerve regeneration [222]. Similarly, combining
thus promoting increased blood flow to and oxygenation
of the wound site. PRP with an autologous sensory nerve results in enhanced
axon regeneration across short (i.e., 1 cm long) nerve gaps
[223]. Further, it has been shown that the application of PRP
Tissue Augmentation/Transplant
to a nerve anastomosis site enhances the extent of axon regen-
eration [29].
Animal: No Improvement
Clinical: Improvement
No data has been reported here.
Peripheral Nervous System Following a simple peripheral
Animal: Improvement nerve transection, the central and distal nerve stumps retract
resulting in a nerve gap of about 3 mm in length. As part of the
Infiltrating isolated fat cells with PRP prior to transplantation physiological mechanism of peripheral nerve repair, the nerve
of the fat cells improves the survival and quality of fat grafts gap becomes filled with a blood clot composed of fibrin, plas-
than is seen for grafts in the absence of PRP in nude mice ma, platelets, and mesenchymal stem cells, which induces the
[209], rats [139], and rabbits [137]. In rabbits, PRP results in axons to regenerate across the clot-filled gap and to the distal
reduced inflammatory reactions, fewer oily cysts, and better nerve [224–226].
fat transplantation than transplants performed without PRP When nerve gaps are >3 mm in length, the PRP does not
[210]. polymerize within the gap because the PRP flows away before
it polymerizes and no structure forms between the nerve
Clinical: No Improvement stumps that can support axon outgrowth and constrain axon
regeneration to the region of the gap, and thus, axons do not
It has also been reported that the addition of PRP to fat tissue regenerate across the nerve gap. To induce axon regeneration
prior to transplantation has no influence on fat survival [211]. across nerve gaps >3 mm in length, the nerve gap must be
Mol Neurobiol

bridged with a material that both supports and promotes axon transforming it from a passive supporter to an active promoter
regeneration. of axon regeneration [231, 245]; (2) acting directly on the
Polymerized pure fibrin within conduit bridging nerve gaps transected axons to promote their regeneration [194]; (3) act-
passively supports axon regeneration across gaps of up to ing on the Schwann cells of the central and distal portions of
about 3 mm [29, 222, 227–230]. PRP within acellular nerve the nerve to promote their proliferation and upregulating their
grafts induce axon regeneration that is significantly greater synthesis and release of neurotrophic and other factors that act
than through the nerve graft alone, but it is good only for nerve in concert with platelet-released factors on axons to promote
gaps up to 1.5 cm in length [223]. Creation of a conduit of their enhanced axon regeneration [246–248]; and (4) mesen-
PRP around the region of peripheral nerve anastomosis with chymal stem cells differentiating into Schwann cells that re-
sutures induces more axon regeneration than without the PRP lease axon regeneration-promoting factors [249–252]. It is
membrane [29]. likely that these are only some of the mechanisms by which
For fibrin to promote more axons to regenerate longer dis- PRP induced axon regeneration and neurological recovery.
tances, the fibrin must bind to and interact with neurotrophic
factors such as nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neu- In Vitro
rotrophic factor (BDNF), GDNF, NT-3, and PDGF [224,
231–236]. These platelet- and mesenchymal stem cell- In rat brain cortex-spinal cord organ culture, PRP induces
released factors transform pure fibrin from a 3-dimensional axons from the cortex to regenerate into the spinal cord
matrix that passively permits axon regeneration to one that through mechanisms associated with IGF-1 and VEGF, while
actively promotes axon regeneration [237]. Even if PRP is platelet-released TGF-beta1 inhibits axon growth [243].
applied to the exterior site of a rat sciatic nerve crush, signif-
icantly greater numbers of axons regenerate longer distances Increasing the Influence of PRP
[238]. Similar results are obtained with the application of PRP
to the site of a nerve transection and anastomosis of the guinea The outcome of management of diabetic foot ulceration is
pig facial nerve [221], rat facial nerve [28], rat sciatic nerve poor and insufficient. The standard therapy includes manage-
[15, 215, 219, 238], and rat cavernosus nerve [220, 221]. ment such as debridement of the wound, revascularization
Clinically bridging peripheral nerve gaps with a collagen procedures, off-loading of the ulcer, antibacterial actions,
tube filled with autologous PRP induces axon regeneration and supplementation of growth factors and cytokines, leading
across nerve gaps up to 16 cm in length, despite nerves being to stimulation of granulation, epidermization, and angiogene-
repaired up to 3.25 years postnerve trauma and in patients up sis [253]. Combining the application of PRP to such wounds
to 58 years of age [181, 239, 240]. Thus, PRP can induce axon and adding hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) reduce the
regeneration under conditions where the clinical Bgold stan- time required to achieve wound healing, short-term morbidity,
dard,^ peripheral nerve grafts, is ineffective [181, 240]. and the risk of major amputations [253].
However, filling collagen tubes with PRP induces axons to
regenerate across nerve gaps up to 20 cm in length, when Mechanisms of Action
the nerve repair is performed up to 3 years posttrauma and
in a patient up to 58 years of age [241]. The significant differences between the observed influences of
The injection of PRP to sites of peripheral neuropathies PRP on axon regeneration between the clinical and animal
associated with leprosy induces nerve regeneration and the model experiments are best explained by the use of different
reestablishment of some sensitivity [242]. PRP separation techniques, which result in PRP with different
compositions, with the PRP applied clinically being better
Central Nervous System PRP induces axon regeneration in- optimized to enhance the extent of regeneration of human
to the CNS. In organ culture, peripheral axons regenerate into axons, while the PRP used in the animal model experiments
spinal cord tissue which would not otherwise happen [243]. is not being so optimized. However, it is reasonable to hypoth-
This influence is in part due to the actions of IGF-1 and VEGF esize that using a better PRP isolation technique, similar out-
[243]. Thus, PRP may induce axon regeneration and neuro- comes would be achieved both clinically and in animal
logical recovery following spinal cord trauma, as well as pro- models. It must be noted that according to studies performed
vide a therapeutic approach for CNS diseases, traumatic brain by Biomet Inc., the company that manufactures the PRP sep-
injury, and autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative dis- aration device used in clinical studies and produces PRP with
orders such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and a significantly different composition when used with blood
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [244]. from different animal models, the PRP from animal models
In conclusion, following nerve trauma, PRP induces en- that is most similar to that from human blood is that from the
hanced axon regeneration and neurological recovery by (1) horse. The next most similar PRP is that separated from dog
binding to the fibrin within the nerve gap, thereby blood. These studies clearly indicate the importance of
Mol Neurobiol

assuring that the PRP to be studied is optimized to achieve a Platelet-Released Factors

high concentration of platelets with a high ratio of unactivated
vs. activated platelets and a high concentration of mesenchy- Like mesenchymal stem cells, platelets promote enhanced ax-
mal stem cells and plasma factors on regeneration by releasing a complex cocktail of neuro-
trophic and other factors referred to as PDWHF. Among
Mesenchymal Stem Cells platelet-released factors that promote axon regeneration are
as follows: several isotypes of PDGF, ADP, ATP, calcium,
The application of mesenchymal cells to created mouse bone and seroto nin, pla te let factor 4 , fibron ectin, B -
injury sites induces angiogenesis and the correct functioning thromboglobulin, vWF, fibrinogen, coagulation factors V
of osteoblasts, increases the amount of mobilized cells for the and XIII, TGF-beta [251], EGF [251], VEGF, β-FGF, FGF-
repairing process, speeds up the rate of growth, and increases 2, PF4, CNTF, IGF-1 [238], BDNF [285], and PDAF [251,
the deposition of bone matrix deposition relative to control 286, 287].
animals [69]. The application of mesenchymal cells to cuta- EGF is a family of proteins that includes neuregulins,
neous lesions of diabetic mice induces greater wound which when administered to nerve trauma sites promotes axon
reepithelialization than standard wound care [128]. regeneration [288–291], the development of larger diameter
PRP induces enhanced axon regeneration due to mesen- axons, and enhanced neurological recovery [288]. EGF fur-
chymal stem cells within a nerve gap differentiating into pro- ther promotes axon regeneration and neurological recovery by
liferating Schwann cells that synthesize and release axon inducing Schwann cell proliferation [292, 293] and their re-
regeneration-promoting neurotrophic factor [254]. lease of neurotrophic factors that promote axon regeneration
Mesenchymal stem cells applied to damaged peripheral [294], Schwann cell migration [292, 295], Schwann cell
nerves promote and enhance axon regeneration and neurolog- myelination [293, 296], and angiogenesis [149].
ical recovery [255, 256]. They act through a number of differ- PDGF is critical to promoting axon regeneration by regu-
ent mechanisms, one of which is the induction of angiogenesis lating neurotrophic factor release and cell proliferation and for
[257]. Another is their release of MMPs that enzymatically promoting angiogenesis. Although PDGF and its receptor are
degrade the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CSPG) that is present on Schwann cells in vitro and in vivo [248], upon
present in the ECM of denervated peripheral nerve Schwann denervation, Schwann cells increase their expression of
cells, which inhibits axon regeneration [258–260]. PDGF receptors [248, 297, 298] and expression and release
Mesenchymal stem cells also cause the downregulation of of PDGF [297]. Thus, the administration of exogenous PDGF
CSPG synthesis in peripheral nerves, thus changing the to injured peripheral axons enhances the extent of their regen-
ECM from one that inhibits to one that promotes axon regen- eration by direct action on the injured axons [297, 299], but
eration [261]. also by inducing Schwann cell proliferation, differentiation,
Mesenchymal stem cells also promote enhanced axon re- myelin formation, and triggering their upregulation of the syn-
generation by promoting Schwann cells within the central and thesis and release of neurotrophic factors [246], which act
distal nerve stumps to migrate into the nerve gap where they directly on injured axons to promote them to regenerate
proliferate and release additional axon regeneration- [247, 248]. This influence is increased when PDGF is admin-
promoting factors [254, 262–271]. These and other mesen- istered simultaneously with IGF-1 [299].
chymal stem cell-released factors simultaneously act directly IGF-1 is involved in neurogenesis, myelination, synapto-
on axons to induce and promote their regeneration [28, 221]. genesis, dendritic branching, and neuroprotection, inducing
Finally, mesenchymal stem cells also promote enhanced axon Schwann proliferation, differentiation, and myelination
regeneration by their release of neurotrophic factors, such as [300–302]. IGF-1 also promotes Schwann cell synthesis and
CNTF, PDGF-alpha, LIF, beta-NGF, TGF-beta1, BDNF, and release of axon regeneration-promoting neurotrophic factors
β-FGF, but not NT-3 and NT-4 [272–277], and axon guidance [246, 303, 304]. The infusion of IGF-1 onto injured peripheral
and neural cell adhesion molecules, such as ECM components axons significantly increases the number of axons that regen-
[273, 278] that act directly on axons to promote their regener- erate, the distance they regenerate, their diameter, extent of
ation. This can be demonstrated by applying mesenchymal myelination, and the degree of neurological recovery [238].
stem cells to the end of a transected nerve [221, 279] and their As stated above, the simultaneous application of IGF-1 and
addition to acellular nerves or into empty nerve conduits PDGF to transected axons induces more extensive axon re-
bridging nerve gaps [280–282]. This promotes axons to re- generation than is induced by either singly [299].
generate across nerve gaps and improves the restoration of Angiogenesis is essential for axon regeneration and VEGF
neurological function [283]. Part of this induction appears that induces both angiogenesis and the extent of axon regen-
due to 50 % of the stem cells differentiating into a Schwann eration [200, 208, 305–309]. The simultaneous application to
cell phenotype [281], cells that release axon regeneration- injured axons of PRP and antibodies that neutralize the activ-
promoting neurotrophic factors [282, 284]. ity of VEGF reduces the regeneration-promoting influence of
Mol Neurobiol

PRP [243], thereby showing that VEGF is one of the factors must still be explained. The presence of leukocytes in PRP
released by PRP that promotes axon regeneration. may also be positive because of their immune and antibacte-
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) promotes axon rial properties [324].
regeneration by an intracellular signaling mechanism [310,
311]. In vitro, a cAMP analog promotes an increase in the
distance axons regenerate [312, 313]. In vivo, the elevation Cautions in Using PRP: PRP Composition
of cAMP in axotomized neurons accelerates peripheral axon
outgrowth by increasing the levels of neuron-produced endog- As has been pointed out, the influences of PRP application
enous neurotrophic factors [314]. cAMP also induces axon vary greatly. These variations can be attributed to a number of
regeneration by inducing Schwann cell proliferation and their factors that include donor variability and health status, device
release of neurotrophic factors [314] and the expression of used to separate PRP [326–328], centrifuge acceleration rate,
myelination-associated genes [247]. Simultaneously, cAMP speed, and duration, which will also influence platelet concen-
acts on the growth cones of regenerating axon allowing them tration, ratio of unactivated to activated platelets, and which
to ignore regeneration-inhibiting factors, such as MAG [315]. plasma factors are present and their concentrations [329–331].
TGF-beta controls cell proliferation and differentiation as The concentrations of factors PDGF, TGF-beta, and VEGF in
well as other functions. Fibrinogen, which enters wound sites PRP are positively correlated with platelet concentration of
following trauma, is a carrier of latent TGF-beta, which in- PRP [332]. PRP preparation and delivery method also influ-
duces fibroblast proliferation and the synthesis and accumu- ences the number of mesenchymal stem cells and concentra-
lation of collagen fibrils and scar formation [316]. In a rat tion of erythrocytes [329, 333, 334]. Even if the same method
wound model, a reduction in TGF-beta is associated with is used to prepare the PRP, its influence still varies depending
reduced scaring and better wound healing, which is attributed on the delivery method, delivery duration, the number of times
to reduced collagen accumulation [317]. it is applied, the time between multiple PRP applications, and
The administration of TGF-beta to neurons in vitro in- the type of thrombin used to activate the platelets [329, 335].
creases neurite outgrowth [318, 319]. In vitro, TGF-beta in- Still other variables that will affect the PRP are the animal
duces rat astrocytes to upregulate their synthesis of NGF model, differences in animal species, differences in the injured
[320]. In vivo, TGF-beta administration to injured axons pro- tissue on which it is tested, the type and cause of injury as well
motes their regeneration by triggering Schwann cell prolifer- as the injury age, and how the thrombin is prepared [12]. Since
ation, their differentiation, and their release of neurotrophic each of these can influence the actions of PRP, a reliable com-
factors [321, 322]. It may also act by upregulating the synthe- parative study requires that these variables be reduced to a
sis and release of β-FGF in the anterior horn motor neurons of minimum.
the spinal cord during regeneration [279] and other neuro- In vitro, PRP obtained using three different separation tech-
trophic factors. However, not all experiments with TGF-beta niques from the human blood induced differing influences on
have found that it induces enhanced axon regeneration [323]. the proliferation rates of human bone, muscle, and tendon
cells [336, 337]. Varying the concentration of white blood
Leukocytes cells within PRP is one factor influencing cell proliferation
[336, 337]. Different separation techniques also result in great-
Another variable in harvesting PRP is the great differences in ly varying concentrations of platelet-derived growth factors
the concentration of white blood cells (WBCs) and red blood [329] and can vary greatly in the concentration of platelets
cells (RBCs). A high absolute WBC concentration in PRP by four- to ninefold [338]. In addition, regardless of the sep-
contributes to the increased production of inflammatory cyto- aration method used, even blood from different individuals
kines, such as interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and tumor necrosis has large variations in platelet and cell numbers and in the
factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), which increase inflammation and levels of various growth factors [337]. These data suggest that
pain and both delay and reduce PRP-induced tissue healing specific and different methods of separating PRP must be
[324, 325]. When the physiological ratio of platelets/WBC considered depending on the cell type one wants to induce
cannot be maintained, there is no physiological capability of to proliferate.
counteracting the inflammatory effect. This results in inferior New methods of analyzing centrifugation forces on plate-
tendon repair associated with scar tissue formation [325]. lets, RBCs, and WBCs and the use of discontinuous centrifu-
Therefore, leukocyte-poor PRP may be a better PRP compo- gation allow for the separation of PRP of varying composi-
sition for avoiding persistent inflammation stimulating supe- tions, such as pure PRP without RBCs and white blood cells
rior healing without scar tissue formation [325]. However, the [339]. Some methods can yield relatively consistent PRP com-
inclusion of WBCs in PRP improves wound healing where positions, such as a double centrifugation tubes allow the con-
cells required for tissue regeneration are induced by cytokines sistent separation of dog PRP at about four times the base level
released from the transplanted cells [87]. These differences and WBCs at not more than twofold above base level [340].
Mol Neurobiol

Further studies are attempting to determine how to obtain a results were significantly different. If this is the case, it is
constant PRP composition with the ideal concentration of relatively meaningless to perform extensive meta-analyses
platelets and whether there are benefits to include or exclude of published data when the data cannot be validly com-
RBCs and WBCs [339]. Accomplishing this may require the pared. Therefore, it is more important to examine the data
use of a double centrifugation approach, which allows a re- from studies in which the technical approaches were more
duction in the WBC concentration [340]. The concentration of similar than they were different.
platelets in PRP varies by four- to ninefold depending on the Another variable in the potential influences of the applica-
separation system used [328, 336, 341]. However, more ex- tion of PRP is how the platelet area is activated, in the pres-
tensive studies are required to determine which composition ence or absence of exogenous thrombin or calcium chloride to
of PRP and various cell ratios are optimal for different types of induce fibrin formation, because each of these can affect the
tissues [336, 342]. character and potential efficacy of the final PRP product
In a study on nude mice, PRP enriched with red blood cells [344]. In one study in which PRP was applied to clinical bone
and applied to the auricle induced tissue augmentation and injuries, both in the absence and presence of thrombin, bone
greater tissue repair vs. normal PRP. This influence was in- healing was the same, although the authors felt that there was a
creased more when white blood cell-enriched PRP was com- tendency of the presence of thrombin to induce somewhat
bined with β-FGF [343]. better healing [345].
A PRP classification system has been proposed in
which three variables are compared: (1) the absolute num-
ber of platelets, (2) the manner in which platelet activa-
tion occurs, and (3) the presence or absence of white cells. Conclusion
Using these variables, the content of PRP used in different
studies can be compared, and differences in experimental Studies with varying levels of evidence have demonstrated the
results can be explained based on differences in the com- safety and beneficial effects of PRP in these applications, but
position of PRP used [342]. However, it is still uncertain standardization of the methods of PRP preparation and appli-
whether such a system may provide an explanation of the cation protocols is necessary for further advancements.
great variability in published results. Adding to the chal- Continued efforts to identify factors that influence the biolog-
lenge of estimating the composition of PRP is the great ical response to PRP treatment may yield new formulations
differences in PRP composition that is seen, even when tailored to suite each specific application. Recent reviews have
PRP is separated by the same devices from blood of dif- come to different conclusions with some indicating no signif-
ferent individuals. icant or reliable evidence that PRP exerts positive effects on
The lack of standardized study protocols and platelet sep- wound healing [191, 346–350], while others conclude that
aration techniques, the many varied models (animal and clin- PRP is beneficial in healing injuries [190, 192, 351–356].
ical), different types of tissues, and types of wounds on which But most indicate that until there are clear results from rigor-
the influences of PRP were studied and their outcomes sug- ously conducted controlled and double blinded clinical and
gest that certainty about whether PRP induces specific influ- animal studies, caution should be used about the continued
ences is not possible. This will require the application of PRP clinical use of PRP until more evidence is available. This
of a consistent composition and in a consistent manner. Only review comes to a similar conclusion as most previous re-
once this has been achieved can further studies be performed views, but stresses that the abundance of evidence is extreme-
to determine whether the influence of PRP can be improved ly compelling that PRP is more efficacious than any other
and made more reliable. techniques in promoting more rapid and extensive wound
Thus, a number of papers, similar to this one, cannot healing and that most in vitro studies find that PRP-released
yet provide a definite conclusion as to the influences of factors induce the cellular actions that are required to induced
PRP. This review faces the same challenge as the others. wound healing.
However, relative to other reviews, this one more strongly The author concludes that the striking number of positive
considers that the results of the studies are all true, but results suggests that more and better controlled animal and
that the results differ almost because of the differences in clinical studies are required in which more similar or identical
the PRP applied, its application protocol, and specific protocols are used that will make it possible to affirm or refute
model in which it is tested. For example, a clinical study claims of the efficacy of PRP in promoting enhanced wound
determined that PRP induced extensive axon regeneration, healing and pain reduction. Finally, due to the absence of
while in two similar studies using rats, one found no in- adverse events associated with the application of PRP, the
fluence and the other only a minor influence. It is con- author recommends the continued application of PRP to pro-
cluded that the results of all three studies are correct but mote wound healing, axon regeneration, and the reduction of
that the differences in the PRP used were so great that the neuropathic pain.
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