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Macroeconomics – Policy and Practice, 2nd Ed. – Frederic S.


Python for Finance, 2nd Ed. – Yuxing Yan

Principles of Marketing, Global 17th Ed. – Philip Kotler

Computer Science – An Overview

Principles of Econometrics, 4th Ed.

Neutral Valuation – Pricing and Hedging of Financial Derivatives, 2nd Ed.

Sams Teach Yourself, HTML, CSS, JavaScript Web Publishing in One Hour a Day

Learning Principles of Web Design, 6th Ed.

Fundamentals of Web Development, Global Ed.

Microeconomics, Global Ed.

Corporate Valuation – Measuring the Value of Companies in Turbulent Times

The Valuation of Financial Companies – M. Massari, G. Gianfrate, L. Zanetti

Financial Modeling, 4th Ed. – Simon Benninga

Manias, Panics, and Crashes – A History of Financial Crises, 7th Ed. – Charles P. Kindleberger

Risk and Reward – The Science of Casino Blackjack

Encyclopedia of Financial Models – Frank J. Fabozzi

Computational Finance – An Introductory Course with R

From Keynes to Piketty – The Century That Shook Up Economics – Peter De Haan

Insurance Regulation in the European Union Solvency II and Beyond

Introduction to Insurance Mathematics – Technical and Financial Features of Risk Transfers, 2nd Ed.

The Economics of Money, Banking & Financial Markets, European Ed. – Frederic S. Mishkin

Financial Services Marketing – An International Guide to Principles and Practice

International Economics, 7th Ed. – James Gerber

International Economics – A European Focus – Barbara Ingham

An Introduction to Financial Markets – A Quantitative Approach – Paolo Brandimarte

Microsoft Excel 2016 Bible – John Walkenbach

Blockchain Basics – A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps – Daniel Drescher

Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist’s Companion

The Enigma of Money – Gold, Central Banknotes, and Bitcoin

Actuarial Mathematics

Genki – An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese Textbook I

Abnormal Psychology, 17th Ed.

Webs of Influence – The Psychology of Online Persuasion, 2nd Ed.

Psychology, Global 5th Ed.

Criminology, 11th Ed. – Larry J. Siegel

Criminology – Theories, Patterns, and Typologies – Larry J. Siegel

Criminalistics – An Introduction to Forensic Science, 11th Ed.

Introductory Econometrics for Finance 3rd Ed. – Chris Brooks

Using Econometrics – A Practical Guide

Tools for Computational Finance, 6th Ed. – Rudiger U. Seydel

Principles of Financial Engineering, 3rd Ed. – Neftci

Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, 10th Ed. – John C. Hull

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