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“Come & Get It”

When you’re ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]When you’re ready
When you’re ready
When you’re ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]You ain’t gotta worry, it’s an open invitation
I’ll be sittin’ right here, real patient
All day, all night, I’ll be waitin’ standby
Can’t stop because I love it, hate the way I love you
All day, all night, maybe I’m addicted for life, no lie.
I’m not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.
I love you much, too much to hide you, this love ain’t finished yet.
This love ain’t finished yet…
So baby whenever you’re ready…

When you’re ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]

When you’re ready

When you’re ready
When you’re ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]

You got the kind of love that I want, let me get that. (Let me get that yeah)
And baby once I get it, I’m yours no take backs.
Gon’ love you for life, I ain’t leaving your side
Even if you knock it, ain’t no way to stop it
Forever you’re mine, baby I’m addicted, no lie, no lie.

I’m not too shy to show I love you, I got no regrets.

So baby whenever you’re ready…

When you’re ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]

When you’re ready

When you’re ready
When you’re ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]

This love will be the death of me

But I know I’ll die happily
I’ll know, I’ll know, I’ll know
Because you love me so… yeah!

When you’re ready come and get it
Na na na na [3x]

When you’re ready

When you’re ready
When you’re ready come and get it (when you’re ready come and get it)
Na na na na [3x]

Intrik cerita cinta Selena Gomez dan Justin Bieber seperti tidak akan pernah
terpisahkan dari musik. Musik yang menyatukan mereka, musik pula yang
menjadi bagian dari kisah cinta mereka. Seperti album baru Selena
Gomez yang berjudul Come & Get It, diambil dari judul lagu yang dijadikan
lagu prior atas dalam urutan lagu-lagu di dalam album barunya.

Setelah belum lama dikabarkan putus dengan Justin sebelumnya, Selena

akhirnya mengeluarkan satu single yang sempat sedikit memicu penasaran
jagat hiburan setelah terkuaknya kabar bahwa sebagian besar lagu yang dia
keluarkan di album barunya adalah kisah nyata hidupnya hasil didikan Taylor

Sering jalan berdua dan berbagi cerita membuat Sel—panggilan akrab Selena
— dikabarkan terinspirasi dengan lagu-lagu Taylor, yang seperti kita tahu,
mengangkat banyak kisah asrama pribadinya. Selena dikabarkan mengikuti
cara melampiaskan cerita seperti Taylor dengan ikut andil dalam pembuatan
lagu-lagu di dalam album yang diberitakan akan menjadi album terakhirnya.

Lagu Come & Get It seperti mengisyaratkan pesan cintanya terhadap mantan
kekasihnya, Justin. Lagu ini bercerita tentang seorang perempuan yang
hatinya selalu terbuka walaupun telah disakiti, seperti yang terjadi pada kisah
cinta Sel dan Justin. Seperti dalam lirik berikut:

“Can’t stop because I love it, hate the way I love you. All day, all night, maybe
I’m addicted for life, no lie.”

Yah…siapa tahu itu memang kebetulan?

Aliran Baru

Entah mengapa Sel seperti membuat komposisi baru di dalam lagu ini.
Memang dari lagu ke lagu, lagu Sel selalu berubah-ubah aliran. Seperti lagu ini
yang berubah dari lagu unggulan terakhir, Love You Like A Love Song.
Walaupun sebenarnya alirannya hampir mirip yaitu electropop. Sel memang
mempunyai keahlian lebih di dalam lagu pop. Lagu yang berdurasi 3 menit 51
detik ini cukup didominasi dengan tangga nada G minor dengan tempo 80 bit
per menit.

Nuansa Baru

Dengan adanya iringan musik india di awal dan tengah-tengah lagu membuat
lagu ini berbeda dari lagu Sel yang sebelum-sebelumnya. Sel memang sengaja
menggunakan nuansa baru agar lagunya terkesan menyenangkan dan tidak
terduga. Dan rencananya benar. Lagu dengan suara gendang india dan alunan
musik khas cengkok india membuat para penggemarnya seakan menjawab
keinginan terpuaskan dari Sel.


Lagu ini juga mengawali inovasi baru oleh Sel dengan tarian di dalam
nyanyian. Biasanya penyanyi Hollywood hanya bernyanyi tanpa bergerak, tapi
di lagu ini Sel membuktikan bahwa penyanyi barat juga bisa menari sambil
menyanyi. Di setiap penampilannya, Sel selalu membawa serta back up
dancer dan bergerak bersama mereka sambil mendendangkan suara

Memang mungkin penampilannya belum terlalu memuaskan karena ini

pertama kalinya Sel mengkombinasi dua bidang yang memang menjadi
keahliannya, tapi hal ini sangat mengejutkan. Apalagi ketika tahu bahwa hal
ini ada di setiap shownya, tidak hanya dipraktekkan dalam video musiknya.

Kostum India Fantastis

Penampilan juga mendukung penyanyi dalam lagunya, itulah yang Sel coba
perbaiki. Untuk memuaskan dan melengkapi dendangan India di dalam
lagunya, Sel memakai pakaian dan dandanan yang terkesan sedikit India
ketika membawakan lagu ini. Lagu ini menjadi lebih hidup dan nyata bagi para

Tidak cukup melakukan hal-hal di atas, kepuasan yang menjadi inti utama
penggemar adalah mendengar bahwa lagu ini memang ditujukkan untuk
Justin, seperti yang diceritakan di atas. Ini membuat fans Sel menjadi lebih
simpatik. Tetapi beberapa pendengar menganggap Sel menjiplak aksi Taylor.
Uh? Siapa sangka terinspirasi itu dikira menjiplak? Buktinya, inovasi yang dia
berikan berbeda dari artis-artis Hollywood yang lain. Ini mungkin hanya
masalah prespektif.

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Sepertinya, di lagu ini, Selena ingin menceritakan tentang sebuah kisah cinta yang
sementara sifatnya masih bertepuk sebelah tangan. Cinta itu memang indah. Tapi
keindahan yang dinikmati sendirian bukanlah sesuatu yang menyenangakan. Cinta,
bagaimanapun akhirnya, tak kan menimbulkan penyesalan. Tindakan yang mengikuti
cintalah yang kadang disesalkan.
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na, na na na, na na na
Na na na, na na na, na na na
When you're re-e-e-ady
When you're re-e-e-ady
When you're ready come and get it
Na na na, na na na, na na na
Jujur, kuakui, aku ada rasa padamu. Tanpa harus kuungkapkan pun, kau dan seluruh
dunia pasti tahu. Aku menunggumu di sini, sampai kapanpun, dengan tangan dan hati
terbuka, menunggu balasan cinta darimu. Saat kau siap untuk menyambutku, datanglah
padaku. Aku akan menyambutmu dengan suka cita.

You ain't gotta worry, it's an open invitation

I'll be sittin' right here real patient
All day all night I'll be waitin' standby
Can't stop because I love it
Hate the way I love you
All day all night
Maybe I'm addicted for life, no lie
I'm not too shy to show I love you
I got no regrets
I love you much to, much to hide you
This love ain't finished yet
This love ain't finished yet...
So baby whenever you're ready...

Oh, tapi kau tak perlu khawatir. Ini keputusanku sendiri. Ini adalah undangan terbuka,
jadi jangan merasa terintimidasi. Aku hanya akan menunggumu di sini dengan sabar,
tanpa meambai padamu, ataupun mencolekmu. Mungkin kau pikir ini sia-sia, tapi aku
menyukainya. Aku menyukai saat-saat aku menunggumu, dan berganti-ganti khayalan
tentang bagaimana aku akan menanggapimu. Ada kalanya aku juga membenci rasa ini,
rasa yang terus tumbuh tanpa kendali. Siang dan malam hanya memikirkan semua
tentang dirimu. Getaran dan rasa nyeri tiap kali memikirkanmu, membuatku ketagihan.
Aku menyukai sensasi seperti ini. Sensasi jatuh cinta yang mendebarkan. Mungkin
dengan begitu, bahasa tubuhku dan bahasa mataku jadi kentara sekali kalau aku jatuh
cinta padamu. Memangnya kenapa? Aku tak menuntutmu apa-apa kan? Cukup biarkan
saja aku seperti ini. Aku juga tak bisa mengakhiri semua ini begitu saja. Cinta ini dan
rasa ini belum ingin kuakhiri. Aku hanya akan menunggumu. Siapa tahu keteguhan
hatiku bisa meluluhkanmu. Jadi, kapanpun hatimu tergerak untuk menyambutku, aku
akan menerimamu dengan suka cita.

You got the kind of love that I want

Let me get that
And baby once I get it
I'm yours no take backs
I'm gon' love you for life
I ain't leaving your side
Even if you knock it
Ain't no way to stop it
Forever you're mine baby
I'm addicted, no lie, no lie
I'm not too shy to show I love you,
I got no regrets
So baby whenever you're ready.....
Kau punya segala hal yang masuk kriteriaku. Biarkan aku memilikimumeski hanya
tingkat khayalku. Jika nanti kau benar-benar bisa kumiliki, maka akupun jadi milikmu, tak
boleh kau lepaskan. Aku akan terus mencintaimu, sampai kapanpun. Aku tak peduli
meski kau keberatan, aku tak peduli meski kau menganggapku beban. Aku tak kan
melepasmu, tak kan pernah menjauh darimu. Meski kau mencelaku, aku tak kan pergi
meninggalkanmu. Selamanya, kau akan jadi milikku. Aku tak kan malu untuk
menunjukkan kasih sayangku, juga tak kan kusesali cinta yang kulimpahkan padamu.
Bagaimana? Kau bersedia? Kalau kau siap kumiliki, datanglah padaku.

This love will be the death of me

But I know I'll die happily
I'll know, I'll know, I'll know
Because you love me so...

Cinta ini mungkin akan membunuhku saking besarnya. Tapi setidaknya, aku akan mati
dalam keadaan bahagia. Buat apa kusesali, iya kan? Kau mungkin terus bertanya
mengapa aku ngotot sekali untuk mendapatkanmu. Sebenarnya, aku sudah dapat
bocoran kalau kau juga mencintaiku. Hanya saja kau malu menunjukkannya padaku.
Jadi, kau mau menunggu sampai kapan?

Best Songs of 2013: Selena Gomez - Come & Get It

Siapa sih yang ngga tau Selena Gomez? Hahaha. Cewek cantik ini kembali menggetarkan pasar
musik internasional tahun ini. Tapi ngga sama The Scene lagi loh. Yap, Selena hadir dengan
album solo pertamanya, Stars Dance yang membius paraSelenators di seluruh dunia.
Selena Gomez

Come & Get It menjadi salah satu lagu paling happening di tahun 2013 ini. Hadir di musim
panas yang lalu, lagu ini berhasil merenggut beberapa penghargaan bergengsi baik lagu mau pun
music videonya. Dengan berbagai penghargaannya ngga salah kalo gua masukin lagu ini ke list
"Best Songs of 2013".

Lagu ini dibuka dengan tabuhan tabla yang tenang kemudian dihentak dengan luar biasa dengan
tempo upbeat dan vokal dari Selena sendiri. Emang sih gua akuin. Pemakaian autotune-nya
kelewat berlebihan dan jadi terlalu electropop. Ya, gua ga bisa boong kalo vokal Selena emang
ngga secemerlang Demi Lovato atau Miley Cyrus yang sama-sama jebolan Disney. Okelah lagu
ini penuh autotune sana-sini, tapi tetep aja kalo emang dasarnya udah bagus ngga bakalan bisa
ditutupin. Melodinya bener-bener catchy, boss!

Yap, bagian sebelum chorus cukup menarik dimana Selena hanya bernyanyi diiringi alunan tabla
dan digebrak di chorus. Bridge-nya juga bagus. Vokal Selena yang mulai naik berbalut tabuhan
tabla dan dentuman beat yang menambah kesan dramatis lagu. Akhirnya getaran beat yang
powerful dipertahankan hingga akhir bersama vokal Selena yang meledak-ledak.

Lagu ini bercerita tentang seorang cewek yang menunggu cowok yang dia sukai. Yap, dia ngasih
undangan terbuka secara gamblang dan rela menunggu si cowok itu. Dia ngga malu
menunjukkan rasa cintanya karena, ya emang dia bener-bener cinta sama cowok itu. Hingga
cowok itu "ready, come, and get it". Begitu.

Come & Get It Lyrics:

Progress chart lagu ini cukup bagus. Come & Get It sanggup duduk di posisi #6 U.S. Billboard
Hot 100 chart. Download lagunya di sini. Hmmm. I'm not too shy to show that I love this song
so much. Haha
a-idconnect [tutup]

Come & Get It (lagu)

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
"Come & Get It"

Singel oleh Selena Gomez

dari album Stars Dance

Dirilis 08 April 2013

Format Digital download

Direkam 2012

Genre Electropop[1]

Panjang 3:51

Label Hollywood

Pencipta Ester Dean, M.S. Eriksen, T. E. Hermansen

Produser Stargate

Kronologi singel Selena Gomez

"Magic" "Come & Get It" "Slow

(2009) (2013) Down"(2013)

"Come & Get It" dalah lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh penyanyi Amerika Serikat Selena
Gomez untuk album studio pertmanya Stars Dance. Lagu ini dirilis pada 8 April 2013
oleh Hollywood Records sebagai single utama dari album.[2] Lagu ini ditulis oleh Ester Dean,
Mikkel S. Eriksen, Tor dan E. Hermansen dan diproduksi oleh Stargate. "Come & Get It" adalah
mid-tempo pop lagu dengan unsur musik India , Lagu ini menggambarkan upaya seorang
kekasih perempuan untuk menghidupkan kembali asmara. [3] Setelah dirilis, "Come & Get It"
menerima ulasan menguntungkan dari kritikus musik, yang memuji keragaman musiknya dari
Lagu-Lagu Gomez sebelumnya.

Daftar isi

 1 Latar Belakang
 2 Video Musik

 3 Kontroversi

 4 Penghargaan

 5 Track listing

 6 Chart dan Sertifikat

o 6.1 Chart

o 6.2 Sertifikat

 7 Radio dan sejarah rilis

 8 Referensi

Latar Belakang[sunting | sunting sumber]

Setelah merilis tiga album studio, termasuk Kiss & Tell (2009), A Year Without Rain (2010),
dan When the Sun Goes Down (2011) dengan band-nya Selena Gomez & the Scene, Gomez
mengumumkan pada 2012 bahwa band itu akan cuti dan Gomez akan fokus pada karir filmnya.
Pada tahun 2013, ia mengumumkan rencana untuk merilis album solo debutnya berjudul Stars
Dance pada musim panas 2013.[4] Awalnya dijadwalkan untuk rilis sebagai yang single utama
pada tanggal 8 April 2013, On Air with Ryan Seacrest mulai streaming "Come & Get It" pada
tanggal 6 April 2013. isi liriknya menggambarkan tentang kecanduan asmara yang merepotkan.

Video Musik[sunting | sunting sumber]

Video premier pada 7 Mei 2013 di MTV.[5] Video Ini dimulai dengan Gomez di padang rumput
mengenakan gaun hitam di awal badai. Hal ini kemudian menunjukkan gelombang, Semburan
dekat Gomez dan pria yang dicintainya. Dia kemudian mulai bernyanyi dan dia mengenakan
gaun merah sambil menari India. Hal ini kemudian menunjukkan gambar Gomez muncul dalam
air, geser antara cermin, di padang rumput yang sama mengenakan gaun cokelat, dan penari
India.Video kemudian berakhir dengan Gomez di padang rumput yang sama mengenakan gaun
hitamnya berbaring di rumput setelah memudarnya badai. Video ini disutradarai oleh Anthony
Kontroversi[sunting | sunting sumber]
Gomez membuat tersinggung banyak orang Hindu setelah penampilannya di MTV Movie Awards
dengan memakai bindi selama penampilannya. Bindi memiliki makna keagamaan bagi banyak
orang Hindu dan dapat disebut sebagai "mata ketiga". Universal Society of Hindu menuntut
permintaan maaf dari Selena Gomez.[7] Sampai saat ini, belum ada permintaan maaf diberikan
oleh Gomez pada penggunaan bindi pada penampilannya.

Penghargaan[sunting | sunting sumber]


Tahun Penghargaan Kategori Pekerjaan Hasil

Best Pop Video Menang[8]

MTV Video Music Awards

Best Song Of The Summer Nominasi[9]

Choice Single Nominasi

2013 Teen Choice Awards

Choice Break-Up Song "Come & Get It" Menang

Worlds Best Song Menunggu[10]

World Music Awards

Worlds Best Video Menunggu[11]

rowspan="2" PopCrush Awards Best Summer Music Video Nominasi [12]

Track listing[sunting | sunting sumber]

Come & Get It (Selena Gomez song)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Come & Get It"

Single by Selena Gomez

from the album Stars Dance

Released April 6, 2013

Format Digital download

Genre worldbeat

Length 3:51

Label Hollywood

Ester Dean
Mikkel S. Eriksen
Tor Erik Hermansen

Producer(s) StarGate

Selena Gomez singles chronology

"Come & Get It" "Slow Down"

(2013) (2013)

Music video

"Come & Get It" on YouTube

"Come & Get It" is a song recorded by American singer Selena Gomez for her debut solo
album, Stars Dance (2013). The song was written by Ester Dean, M.S. Eriksen, and T.E.
Hermansen[2] and was produced by Stargate.[3][4] The vocals were produced byDreamlab. "Come
& Get It" was released as an official single on April 6, 2013, after previously premiering on Ryan
Seacrest's morning radio show.[5] "Come & Get It" features a change in style from Gomez's
previous releases, and features elements of electropop andIndian music.[6] Following the song's
release, there was much media speculation as to whom the song was written about. [7]
"Come & Get It" received positive reviews from critics. The song was praised for its tabla beat,
its Bollywood themes and lyrical content.[9] The song also had a strong commercial success,
peaking inside the Top 10 of the US Billboard Hot 100.[9] It also rose to a peak of number two on
the Pop Songs chart, based on radio airplay.[10] This made "Come & Get It" Gomez's first single to
enter the Top 10 of the Hot 100, with all of her previous musical efforts failing to achieve this feat.
The song also had success in Canada, entering the Top 10 of the Canadian Hot 100 chart.[11] In
New Zealand, the song peaked inside the Top 20 of the singles chart. [12]"Come & Get It" was
released on July 14 in the United Kingdom for digital download. It reached number eight on
the UK Singles Charton July 21 in the first week.
The music video of the song premiered on MTV on May 7, 2013.[13] The video, much like the
single, featured Indian influences and saw Gomez performing the song in various different outfits.
Throughout the video, Gomez performs a dance routine used during the song's various live
performances.[15] The video has received positive critical reception. Gomez has performed the
single at many events, performing it for the first time at the 2013 MTV Movie Awards and later at
the 2013 Billboard Music Awards. These performances were met with controversy due to Gomez
wearing a bindi during various live renditions of the song.[16] "Come & Get It" was also performed
on the Stars Dance Tour (2013).[17][18]


 1 Background
 2 Composition

 3 Critical reception

 4 Commercial performance

 5 Music video

 6 Live performances

 7 Track listing

 8 Credits and personnel

 9 Awards and nominations

 10 Charts and certifications

o 10.1 Weekly charts

o 10.2 Certifications

o 10.3 Year-end charts

 11 Radio and release history

 12 See also

 13 References
"I just remember recording it and being in the studio and just thinking of how the place I was in and what I was
going through and I was just so excited about it and I wanted it to be the first single."
— Gomez on recording "Come & Get It".[19]

"Come & Get It" was initially written by Ester Dean and produced by song-writing team StarGate,
who made the song for Barbadian singer Rihanna's sixth studio album Talk That Talk (2011).[20]
For unknown reasons, Rihanna didn't record the song, thus it was given to Gomez for her
debut album.[22] Gomez later revealed to Billboard that she enjoyed working with StarGate and
Dean, stating "I'm a huge StarGate fan - I think their beats and what they produce is just gold [...]
And Ester Dean is just an incredible vocalist that a lot of people know, but if you actually hear her
voice just solely on her own, it's just stunning, and it's really haunting." [23] According to Gomez,
"Come & Get It" was one of the last songs recorded for the album. [23]
In March 2013, Gomez confirmed that the album's lead single, "Come & Get It", would be
released on April 8, 2013.[24] Gomez revealed the cover art for the single on March 27, 2013.
She later uploaded an eleven-second teaser for the song on April 1, and yet another teaser on
April 4.[26][27] Despite the initially planned release date, the song later leaked online on April 6.
This prompted Gomez to release the song early,[29][30] with "Come & Get It" becoming available
for digital download on April 6, 2013 two days ahead of its scheduled release date. [31] On Air with
Ryan Seacrest later began streaming the song earlier than initially planned following the leak.
An extended play featuring six remixes of the song was later released digitally on May 28,
2013.[33] Following the release of the song, it was speculated that Gomez had referenced her
relationship with pop singer Justin Bieber in many of the song's lyrics.[34][35] Gomez later denied
these rumors, stating the song wasn't about "a specific person." [36]Gomez later said the song was
not about Bieber.[37]

"Come & Get It"


A sample of opening to
"Come & Get It", displaying
the various genres included
in the song.

Problems playing this file? See media help.

"Come & Get It" is an electropop song[1] that lasts for a total of three minutes and fifty-one
seconds.[38] The song is composed in the key of G minor[39] and features a moderate tempo of
80 beats per minute.[40] Gomez's vocal range spans from the low tone of G3 to the high note of Bb4.
The song opens with a "Bollywood inspired" theme,[42] before transitioning into a
moredubstep influenced sound.[42] Lewis Corner of Digital Spy said the song featured a "dirty,
fuzzy bassline" and "grinding beats and one-night-stand synths" before comparing it to recent
releases by Rihanna.[43] MTV also compared it to work by Rihanna, and stated the song was a
"whirling mix of tablas and robo-vocals."[44] Jody Rosen of Rolling Stone said the song was an
"unimpeachably catchy big-pop stomp, with come-hither lyrics and a string of moody vocal
hooks."[45] "Come & Get It" was noted as featuring a more mature side to Gomez, who was 20 at
the time of its release.[46] The song lyrically speaks of Gomez's hopes of rekindling a former
romance, stating she is ready when he's willing to "come and get it." [47]Gomez stated that she had
hoped to "create something fun, sassy, and playful, but unexpected" with the song. [48]

Critical reception[edit]

"Come & Get It" was compared to recent releases by Barbadian recording artistRihanna (pictured).

"Come & Get It" received generally positive reviews from critics following its release. Kyle
Anderson of Entertainment Weekly described it as "an easy, breezy tune with an ambling melody
and a hint of reggae lilt."[49] Bradley Stern of also praised the song, stating that
"'Come & Get It' is fairly monotone, but repeat listens reveal the song’s infectiousness: The
chorus – especially with that stuttered chant at the end – is pure sticky pop goodness, the
stomping beat is smutty enough to inspire a sick strut, and that whirring Bollywood-meets-tribal-
electro synth sound lends itself well to some grind-up-against-the-wall make-out action up in the
club."[50] On-air personality Peter Dee said, "her breathy vocals are just what the song needed to
fuse the Bollywood and electro-pop sound, and make it work." [51] First Stop News reacted
positively, calling it an "infectious summer hit" and a "wise choice" as the album's lead single, and
stated that the lyrical content was inspiring. [52] The song was noted by many critics for straying
from Gomez's former sound, with Lewis Corner of Digital Spy stating "As the bhangra music-
inspired intro merges into a dirty, fuzzy bassline, it's clear from the off Selena has ditched the pop
sheen she has become known for."[53] Corner later gave the song three out of five stars.[53] Jody
Rosen of Rolling Stone described the song as "an unimpeachably catchy big-pop stomp, with
come-hither lyrics and a string of moody vocal hooks." [45]
The song was met with some criticism due to the lyrical themes. Recording artist Lorde later said
of the song "I love pop music on a sonic level. But I'm a feminist and the theme of her song is,
'When you're ready come and get it from me.' I'm sick of women being portrayed this
way."[54]Songwriter Amy Foster also criticized the song's theme, stating "It's not the idea that she
is having sex, or singing about sex or wearing sexy clothes that bothers me. It's the fact that she
sings quite proudly about being a total doormat with the notion that THAT is sexy." [55]

Commercial performance[edit]
"Come & Get It" debuted at number 45 on the Billboard Hot 100 for the week ending April 14,
2013.[56] In the single's second week, it rose to number 22 on the chart, making it Gomez's first
Top 40 hit as a solo artist.[57] Following the release of the music video,[58] the song rose to a new
peak of 14 on the Hot 100.[59] The single sold a total of 115,000 copies that week, surpassing the
one million mark for total downloads.[60] The following week, the song rose to number 6 on the Hot
100, making it her first Top 10 hit on the chart.[61] That same week, the song had a 264% increase
in Streaming, as well as rose to number 6 on the Hot Digital Songs chart with 143,000 paid
downloads.[62] The single later rose to its peak of number 6 yet again, selling 171,000 downloads
for the week.[63] This made it the highest sales week for the single at the time. [64] The following
week, the song made its debut at number 37 on the Hot Dance Club Songs chart.[65] That same
week, "Come & Get It" fell to number 7 on the Hot 100, selling a total of 158,000 copies, a
decrease from the previous week.[60] The song did increase from 10 to 9 on the Radio
Songs chart for the week, up 18% from the previous week. [66] The song remained at number 7 on
the chart the following week, selling a total of 154,000 copies. [67] In the next week, the song fell to
number 8 on the Hot 100, though rose to number 6 on the Streaming Songs chart due to a 22%
increase.[68] The song remained at number 8 on the Hot 100 the following week.[69] "Come & Get
It" went on to reach the peak of the Hot Dance Club Songs chart, her fifth single to do so. [70] The
song ultimately spent a total of 22 weeks on the Hot 100, and has become her most successful
single to date.[71] It received a 3x Platinum certification from the RIAA, for sales exceeding
3,000,000 copies in the United States alone.[72] The song later appeared at number 33 on
the Billboard Hot 100 Year-End Chart.[73] In Australia, the single debuted at number 72 on
the ARIA Charts.[74]

Music video[edit]
The video had its world premiere on May 7, 2013 on MTV.[13] It starts off with Gomez in a meadow
of blue flowers wearing a black dress at the start of a storm. It then shows waves, a close shot of
Gomez and the man she loves. She then starts singing and she wears a red dress while dancing
a routine that is used live performances of the song. It then shows images of Gomez emerging in
water, sliding between mirrors, in the same meadow wearing a tan dress, and her Indian
dancers. The video then ends with Gomez in the same meadow wearing her black dress lying in
the grass as the storm fades. It was directed by Anthony Mandler, known for his frequent
collaborations with Rihanna and Lana Del Rey.[75]

Live performances[edit]
Gomez first performed "Come & Get It" at the MTV Movie Awards[76] on April 14, 2013. Two days
later, she made her first televised performance of the song on The Ellen DeGeneres Show[citation
and Dancing with the Stars.[citation needed] She performed "Come & Get It" and "Love You Like A
Love Song" on MTV Upfronts 2013. [77] She also performed the song on Late Show With David
Letterman on April 24.[citation needed] Gomez performed the song at the Radio Disney Music Awards on
April 27, 2013.[citation needed]Gomez performed the track at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards.[76] On May
24, 2013, she performed the song on The Graham Norton Show in the UK.[78] The song was part
of the set list from the shows that she made for two radio stations on June 29 and on July 1,
2013. She also performed "Come & Get It" and "Slow Down" on Macy's' July 4 Fireworks
television special.[citation needed] On July 17, Gomez performed the song on the UK program This
Morning. The song was one of the five songs she performed on Walmart Soundcheck, and the
song appears on the setlist of her concert for iHeart Radio. "Come & Get It" was one of the songs
she performed at her concert on Good Morning America.[79] Gomez also performed the song
during the Stars Dance Tour, alongside with "Slow Down".

Track listing[edit]
Digital download[80]

No. Title Writer(s) Producer(s) Length

1. "Come & Get It" Ester Dean Stargate 3:51

M.S. Eriksen
T.E. Hermansen
Total length: 3:51

Digital remixes[33]

No. Title Version Length

1. "Come & Get It" Jump Smokers Extended Remix 4:12

2. "Come & Get It" Robert DeLong Remix 4:36

3. "Come & Get It" Cahill Club Remix 7:04

4. "Come & Get It" Fred Falke Club Remix 8:35

5. "Come & Get It" DJ M3 Mixshadow Extended Remix 5:31

6. "Come & Get It" Dave Audé Club Remix 6:10

Total length: 36:12

Credits and personnel[edit]

Credits adapted from the liner notes of Stars Dance.[2]

 Selena Gomez - lead vocals

 Ester Dean — songwriter, vocal producer

 Mikkel Storleer Eriksen — songwriter, producer (as part of Stargate), recorder, instruments

 Tor Erik Hermansen — songwriter, producer (as part of Stargate), instruments

 Aubry "Big Juice" Delaine — engineer

 Ian Nicol — assistant

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