Skills Test 1A (Welcome Unit & Unit 1) : Listening

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Skills Test 1A (Welcome Unit & Unit 1)

Listening 2 (LB3_SK1_2.mp3) Listen and decide

1 (LB3_SK1_1.mp3) Listen to the if the sentences are true (T) or
conversation and choose the correct false (F).
Conversation 1
0 How many shops do Judy and
Hilary go to? 0 Jessica goes to the youth club most
a) one b) two c) three Fridays. T
1 Why are Judy and Hilary shopping 1 You can play football at the youth
for clothes? club.
a) Hilary wants a new top. 2 Dan wants to learn to play the
b) They are looking for a birthday guitar.
present. 3 It’s free to go to youth club.
c) They’re going to a party. 4 Dan’s mum will take Jessica to
2 What top does Judy buy? youth club next week.
a) the plain one
b) the flowery one Conversation 2
c) the striped one
3 How much does Judy’s top cost? 5 Tom already has plans for this
a) £12 b) £20 c) £22 weekend.
4 What kind of jeans does Judy want? 6 Sam wants to see two new films.
a) tight jeans b) flowery jeans
c) baggy jeans 7 The Hunger Games film starts at
5 What does Hilary want to buy? quarter to seven.
a) a sleeveless top 8 Tom has a piano lesson before the
b) a long dress film starts.
c) a smart dress
6 How much does it cost? ___/8 marks
a) £25 b) £35 c) £45
7 What else does Hilary buy?
a) a belt b) a cardigan
c) a hoodie

___/7 marks

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2 Anna likes big bands and local
Reading bands.
3 Read the blog and decide if the 3 Stuart’s band only plays fast songs.
statements are true (T), false (F) or
doesn’t say (DS). 4 Stuart’s band is looking for a new
5 Kerry’s grandparents can play a
We speak to three teenagers about the music in musical instrument.
their lives. 6 Kerry and her sister play in the
A school band.
I’m a big fan of music festivals because I get to see my 7 There are CDs and records in every
favourite bands and singers play at them. I also see
new bands that I don’t normally listen to. I always go
room in Kerry’s house.
to Glastonbury. I love camping at the festival, but it
isn’t much fun in the rain and it often rains there. Last ___/7 marks
year, I saw The Rock Roses play there. I also go to
smaller festivals. There’s one near my town every
July. It’s called ‘Yeah Baby’ and it’s a great place to 4 Read the short texts and answer the
see local bands as well as big names. Of course, I questions.
always look the part at festivals. I usually wear shorts,
a short top and wellies – they’re boots for when it
Anna – Cornwall
B Luke and Jodie
I play in a band with three friends. We play heavy
metal so it’s really fast and loud, though we do have There’s some pizza and salad in the fridge. Can you
some slow songs. I play the guitar and sing. Sam also make dinner for 6.00? I will be back from the dentist’s
plays the guitar, Debra plays the saxophone and Simon at 6.00.
plays the drums. We usually rehearse at my house
because we’ve got a big garage. Luckily my Mum
neighbours are very understanding – we make a lot of
noise! It’s quite hard playing the guitar and singing, so 0 What does Mum want Jodie and
we are looking for a new ‘voice’ for our band. If you Luke to do?
are interested, message me on Facebook at Stuart
a) Meet her at the dentist at 6.00.
Stuart – Milton Keynes b) Get the dinner ready for 6.00.
C c) Put the shopping in the fridge.
Everyone in my family loves music and can play an Hi Martin
instrument. I play the clarinet. I started learning it
three years ago at school. My sister plays the cello and Do you want to do your French homework with me
she’s really good at it. She’s in the school band with tonight? I know you find French difficult. Let me
me. It’s a big band with lots of instruments. My mum know by email or phone.
plays the piano and my dad plays the double bass.
Everyone says we should form a band! We also have a Bye for now
lot of CDs and records in our house. The CD shelves Jodie
in the living room are packed full of them and my
sister and I both have CDs in our bookcases in our
1 What does Jodie want to do?
bedrooms. I think the only room that doesn’t have any
music in it is the bathroom! a) Call Martin about his French
Kerry – Swansea homework.
b) Help Martin with his French
0 Anna loves going to music festivals. c) Do Martin’s homework for him.
1 Anna doesn’t like camping in the

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5 What does Martin want to do?
Hi George a) Go swimming with Luke.
b) Show Luke photos of his house.
Do you want to see the new Captain America film?
c) Play computer games with Luke.
I’ve got two tickets for the showing at 7.30 tomorrow.
Let me know if you want to come.
School film club
John Do you like exciting films with lots of action? Or
comedies with lots of laughs?
2 Why is John emailing George? The school film club is open to all students.
a) To buy tickets for Captain It meets on the second Thursday of the month at 4.00
America. p.m.
More details from Mr Keller
b) To go to the cinema with him
tomorrow. 6 Which is true?
c) To take his girlfriend to the a) The school film club only
cinema. watches action films.
b) Mr Keller teaches film studies.
School band concert c) The school film club meets once
Listen to your favourite tunes played by your friends a month.
in the school band. We play pop and rock as well as
classical music.
Fri 29 November at 7.30 p.m. Do you need a babysitter?
Tickets cost £5.00 Available from the school shop or
Mr Tucker A 15-year-old girl is looking for families with small
children to do babysitting. I am honest and good with
3 What is happening on 29th children. I often look after my 8- and 10-year-old
November? brother and sister. I charge £5 an hour.
Phone Emma on 01798 334782
a) a concert by the school band
b) an audition for the school band 7 What does Emma want to do?
c) a concert by a famous band a) Make some money.
b) Teach children English.
FOR SALE c) Find a babysitter.
Girl’s checked jacket and trousers. Size: small. Computer Game for sale
As good as new
From Top Girl Football Manager game
£15.00 Played twice and in good condition
Contact Costs £40 in the shops.
Yours for £15
4 What is Fiona selling? Call Fred 07893 618364
a) used clothes
b) old jewellery 8 The advert says the game is
c) pretty accessories a) more expensive than in the
Hi Luke
b) only good for younger children.
c) almost new.
Do you want to see photos of my house in the USA?
I’ve got some great photos of the inside and the ___/8 marks
swimming pool. I can show you them on my
computer. Come round after 8.00.

Bye for now


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5 Read the poster. Write an email to a
friend. Invite him/her to join you. Write
about 100 words. Include:
 greetings
 introduction
 main message with invitation
 details and arrangements
 summary and conclusion

School music festival 3rd – 5th December

Jazz concert Thurs 4th December
Hear all your jazz favourites and some new songs
written by the band.
7.30 p.m.
In the Town Hall
Tickets cost £10 from Mr Jones

___/20 marks

Total: ___/50 marks

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