Celta Upper-Intermediate: Listening

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a) Listen to two friends, Kevin and Dave, discussing a practical joke. Answer
the following questions.

1. When and where did the practical joke take place?

In Birmingham in the mid-eighties
2. Who were the people who played the practical joke?
Dave’s brother and his 2 university flatmates
3. Who was the joke played on?
A group of council workmen and 2 policemen
4. What was the practical joke?
They called the police and told them that some university ss were digging up the
road outside their house. Meanwhile, another of Alan’s flatmates told the workmen
that some ss dressed as policemen were going round telling people what to do.

b) Listen again. Tick the true sentences. Correct the false ones.

1. Dave’s brother Alan went to Birmingham University T

2. During Rag Week children raise money for charity. F

3. The workmen woke up Alan and his flatmates. T

4. They had only four hours’ sleep. F

Only 2 hours
5. They called the police from their home phone. F
From a payphone
6. When the police arrived, the workmen ignored them. T

7. When the workmen and the policemen realised what had happened, they were
very angry. F
They thought it was funny
8. Alan and his friends didn’t get caught. T
Source: Face to Face Upper-Intermediate by Chris Redstone and Gillie Cunningham, CUP, 2007


a) Work in pairs. Match the words/phrases 1 - 8 to meanings a – h

When we hear… We know that the speaker is going to…

1. Actually, c. correct something that the other person
2. Anyway, d. return to the main topic
3. Apparently, a. say something that he/she is not certain
is true
4. According to (Alan), b. say something that someone else told
5. Meanwhile, h. introduce something happening at the
same time, but in a different place
6. In the end, g. tell you the conclusion of the story
7. Luckily, e. tell you something good or fortunate
8. By the way, f. move on to a different new topic


b) Think of a story about yourself or someone you know. Choose one of the
following ideas to help you, and make notes.

 a practical joke  a wonderful or terrible night out

 a story form school, college or  an interesting or unusual journey
university  the most enjoyable or frightening day
 a holiday experience of your life

c) Now work in groups and take turns to tell your story using the words/phrases
form exercise a)

Source: Face to Face Upper-Intermediate by Chris Redstone and Gillie Cunningham, CUP, 2007

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