OpenMind 2 Unit 6 Wordlist Spanish

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UNIT six
Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
agent agente noun [count] /ˈeɪdʒənt/ a person or company The agent can give
that does business you more information.
for another person
or company, for
example, by selling
their products or by
dealing with their
allow permitir verb /əˈlaʊ/ to give someone Are pets allowed?
permission to do or
have something
apparently aparentemente adverb /əˈperəntli/ based only on what Apparently, you don’t
you have heard, not have to eliminate all
on what you are bright colors.
certain is true
architect arquitecto noun [count] /ˈɑrkɪˌtekt/ someone whose job is The architect drew up
to design buildings some plans for our
architectural arquitectónico adjective /ˌɑrkɪˈtektʃərəl/ relating to We have created an
architecture architectural plan for
the living room.
armchair sillón noun [count] /ˈɑrmˌtʃer/ a large, comfortable There are two
chair with parts for armchairs in the living
you to rest your arms room.
away from lejos de preposition /əˈweɪ frəm/ moving so you go You need to sleep with
farther from a person, your feet facing away
place, or thing from the door.
bathtub tina noun [count] /ˈbæθˌtʌb/ a long, deep container There’s a big bathtub
that you fill with water in the bathroom.
and wash yourself in
bathroom baño noun [count] /ˈbæθˌrum/ a room containing a The bathroom is at the
bath or shower, a sink, top of the stairs.
and a toilet
bed cama noun [count] /bed/ a piece of furniture The bed is in the
that you sleep on, bedroom.
consisting of a soft
comfortable part
called a mattress and
a base
bedroom recámara noun [count] /ˈbedˌrum/ a room that you sleep My bedroom is at the
in front of the house.
beige beige adjective /beɪʒ/ very pale brown in I painted the walls
color beige.
bright brillante adjective /braɪt/ a strong but not dark I have a bright red rug.

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
cabinet alacena noun [count] /ˈkæbɪnət/ a tall piece of I don’t have enough
furniture, usually cabinets in my kitchen.
attached to a wall
and used for storing
things, with shelves
inside and one or two
doors at the front
calm en calma adjective /kɑm/ not affected by strong I wanted to feel calm
emotions such as and relaxed in my
excitement, anger, room.
shock, or fear
central heating calefacción central noun /ˌsentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ/ a system for heating The apartment is
[noncount] a whole building by heated by central
sending hot air or heating.
water through pipes
to all the rooms
clean up limpiar phrasal verb /klin ʌp/ to remove objects Clean up the kitchen
from a place in order after you eat.
to make it completely
clean and neat
client cliente noun [count] /ˈklaɪənt/ someone who pays Find out how the
for the services of a client uses the room.
professional person,
such as a doctor or
closet clóset noun [count] /ˈklɑzət/ a small room or space All my clothes are in
built into a wall for my closet.
storing things such as
clothes or sheets
coffee table mesa de centro noun [count] /ˈkɑfi ˌteɪb(ə)l/ a small, low table in a We have a glass-
living room topped coffee table in
our living room.
coincidence coincidencia noun [count] /koʊˈɪnsɪdəns/ a situation in which Maybe it’s just a
separate things coincidence, but I
happen by chance at sleep much better
the same time or in now!
the same way
comment comentario noun [count] /ˈkɑˌment/ a written or spoken I read all the
remark giving an comments on the
opinion forum.
compromise comprometer verb /ˈkɑmprəˌmaɪz/ to solve a problem Which things will you
or end an argument compromise on?
in which both people
or groups accept that
they cannot have
everything they want
concept concepto noun [count] /ˈkɑnˌsept/ an idea for something Do you have a general
new design concept for the
conclusion conclusión noun [count] /kənˈkluʒ(ə)n/ something that you My conclusion is that
decide is true after your room has to have
thinking about it colors and styles that
carefully and looking you like.
at all the evidence

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
consider considerar verb /kənˈsɪdər/ to think about You should consider
something carefully the different options.
before making
a decision or
developing an opinion
contact contactar verb /ˈkɑnˌtækt/ to write to someone Contact the agent for
or talk to them on the more details.
cozy acogedor adjective /ˈkoʊzi/ warm and comfortable The apartment has a
and making you feel cozy living room.
create crear verb /kriˈeɪt/ to make something Create an architectural
new or original that plan for the room.
did not exist before
criterion criterio noun [count] /kraɪˈtɪriən/ a standard that is used Read the criteria
for judging something below and check
or for making a the things that are
decision about important to you.
curtain cortina noun [count] /ˈkɜrt(ə)n/ a long piece of cloth, My bedroom curtains
usually one of a pair, are beige.
that hangs down and
covers a window
decorating decoración noun /ˈdekəˌreɪtɪŋ/ the activity of putting I hardly ever follow
[noncount] paint or paper on the specific trends in
walls of a room fashion, food, or
design diseño noun /dɪˈzaɪn/ the process of There are three main
[noncount] deciding how stages in the design
something will be process.
made, including how
it will work and what it
will look like
details detalles noun /dɪˈteɪlz/ information I would like more
[noncount] details about the
dining chair silla (del comedor) noun [count] /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˌtʃer/ a piece of furniture There are four dining
with a back and legs chairs around the
for one person to sit dining table.
on at a table where
you eat meals
dining room comedor noun [count] /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˌrum/ the room in a house We eat dinner in the
or hotel where you eat dining room.
dining table mesa del comedor noun [count] /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˌteɪb(ə)l/ a table you sit at to The dining table is in
eat meals the dining room.
dishwasher lavaplatos noun [count] /ˈdɪʃˌwɑʃər/ a machine that washes We wash our dirty
dishes plates and dishes in
the dishwasher.
door puerta noun [count] /dɔr/ a large, flat object I used to sleep with
that you open when my bedroom door
you want to enter open.
or leave a building,
room, or vehicle
drawer cajón noun [count] /drɔr/ a part of a piece of I put my clean clothes
furniture that slides in in the drawer.
and out and is used
for keeping things in

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
dresser tocador noun [count] /ˈdresər/ a piece of bedroom I keep my shirts in my
furniture consisting dresser.
of a table or set of
drawers and a mirror
eliminate eliminar verb /ɪˈlɪmɪˌneɪt/ to get rid of You don’t have to
something that is not eliminate all bright
wanted or needed colors.
energy energía noun /ˈenərdʒi/ the power that is The idea of feng shui
[noncount] present in all physical is to make positive
things and that can energy flow more
be changed into freely through your
something such as home.
heat, movement, or
equipment equipo noun /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ the tools, machines, or I have some exercise
[noncount] other things that you equipment in my spare
need for a particular bedroom.
job or activity
essential esencial adjective /ɪˈsenʃ(ə)l/ completely necessary What three things are
essential for you when
choosing a place to
expert experto noun [count] /ˈekˌspɜrt/ someone who has a An expert on
particular skill or who education gave the
knows a lot about a teacher some advice.
particular subject
fantastic fantástico adjective /fænˈtæstɪk/ extremely good My apartment has a
fantastic balcony with
views over the city.
fire fuego noun [count] /faɪr/ a small pile of burning There is a pit in the
wood, coal, etc. that backyard to have a
you make in order to fire in.
produce heat
flow fluir verb /floʊ/ when a supply of I want positive energy
something continues to flow through my
without stopping home.
follow seguir verb /ˈfɑloʊ/ to be interested I hardly ever follow
in the progress specific trends in
or development fashion.
of someone or
forum foro noun [count] /ˈfɔrəm/ a website, newspaper, I posted some
TV show, etc. where comments on a
people can express website forum.
their ideas and
functional funcional adjective /ˈfʌŋkʃ(ə)nəl/ designed to be good A room has to be
at doing a particular functional.
furnished amueblado adjective /ˈfɜrnɪʃt/ a furnished house, I’m renting a room in a
apartment, or room is furnished house.
one that you rent with
furniture already in it
furniture muebles noun /ˈfɜrnɪtʃər/ the chairs, tables, What furniture do
[noncount] beds, dressers, etc. you need for your
that you put in a room bedroom?
or house so that you
can live in it

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
garage garage noun [count] /ɡəˈrɑʒ/ a building for keeping I keep my car in the
a car in, especially one garage.
that is connected to,
or near, a house
give away regalar phrasal verb /ˈɡɪv əˌweɪ/ to provide someone Give away anything
with something that you don’t need to
you no longer want or charity.
hang up colgar phrasal verb /ˈhæŋ ʌp/ to hang a piece of Hang up your clothes
clothing on something at night.
instructions instructivo, noun /ɪnˈstrʌkʃ(ə)nz/ printed information Read the instructions
instrucciones [noncount] explaining how to use before you use an
or do something electric tool.
interior design diseño interior noun /ɪnˈtɪriər dɪˌzaɪn/ the job of designing I am taking an interior
[noncount] the way that the inside design class.
of a room or building
looks, for example, by
choosing the colors of
the walls and carpets,
and the style of the
interrupt interrumpir verb /ˌɪntəˈrʌpt/ to make something Don’t put electronics
stop for a period of in your bedroom
time because their energy
interrupts your sleep.
key clave noun [count] /ki/ a list of signs and Use the symbols in the
their meanings, for key.
example, a list of the
signs that are used on
a map, drawing, etc.
kitchen cocina noun [count] /ˈkɪtʃ(ə)n/ a room where you Dad is cooking in the
prepare and cook kitchen.
food and wash dishes
lamp lámpara noun [count] /læmp/ an electric light, Turn on the lamp; it is
especially a small one, getting dark.
that stands on a table
or desk
living room sala noun [count] /ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌrum/ the main room My brother is watching
in a house where TV in the living room.
you usually relax in
comfortable chairs
and entertain guests
location ubicación noun [count] /loʊˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ the place or position The location of my
where someone or apartment is important
something is, or to me.
where something
main principal adjective /meɪn/ most important, Identify the main steps
largest, or most of the process.
frequently used
material tela noun [count] /məˈtɪriəl/ cloth Choose materials for
the room.
messy desordenado adjective /ˈmesi/ very unclean or dirty I’m really messy.
object objeto noun [count] /ˈɑbdʒəkt/ a thing that you can Use bright colors for
see and touch that small objects.
is not alive, and is
usually solid

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
option opción noun [count] /ˈɑpʃ(ə)n/ something that you I have several options
can choose in a to consider.
particular situation
pastel pastel adjective /pæˈstel/ having a pale, soft Pastels are relaxing
color colors.
peach durazno noun /pitʃ/ a yellowish-pink color I painted my walls
[noncount] peach.
pet mascota noun [count] /pet/ an animal or bird Are pets allowed in
that you keep in your your apartment?
home and take care of
pick up recoger phrasal verb /ˈpɪk ʌp/ to lift things up and Pick up things off the
put them in the place floor.
where they are kept in
order to make a place
plan plano noun [count] /plæn/ a technical drawing Look at the architect’s
that shows details of house plan.
how a building, city,
machine, etc. will be
built or developed
positive positivo adjective /ˈpɑzətɪv/ a positive experience, I put some plants
situation, result, etc. is in my bedroom for
a good one positive energy.
prefer preferir verb /prɪˈfɜr/ to like or want I prefer to create my
someone or own style.
something more
than someone or
something else
preferable preferible adjective /ˈpref(ə)rəb(ə)l/ more suitable or What features are
useful than something necessary for your
else ideal house to have,
and what things would
be preferable?
present presentar verb /prɪˈzent/ to give something to Meet with the client
someone formally or to present the
officially architectural plan.
pretty bonito adjective /ˈprɪti/ a place, building, My grandma lives in a
or object that is pretty house in a small
attractive, especially town.
in a delicate way, but
not really beautiful or
price precio noun [count] /praɪs/ the amount of money The price isn’t
that you have to important to me if the
pay in order to buy house is right.
process proceso noun [count] /ˈprɑses/ a series of actions that There are three main
have a particular result steps in the process.
property propiedad noun [count] /ˈprɑpərti/ land and the buildings The property has to be
on it downtown.
pros and cons pros y contras noun /ˌproʊ ən ˈkɑnz/ the advantages and I have made a list of
[noncount] disadvantages of the pros and cons
something of moving to a new

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
put away guardar phrasal verb /ˈpʊt əˌweɪ/ to put something in Put away clean clothes
the place where you in drawers.
usually keep it when
you are not using it
refrigerator refrigerador noun [count] /rɪˈfrɪdʒəˌreɪtər/ a machine that keeps The milk is in the
food and drinks cold, refrigerator.
usually with a part
for freezing food. A
more informal word is
regularly regularmente adverb /ˈreɡjələrli/ frequently Do you take out the
trash regularly?
relaxed relajado adjective /rɪˈlækst/ calm and not worried I want to feel calm and
relaxed in my room.
relaxing relajante adjective /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ pleasant and making You should have soft,
you feel relaxed relaxing colors in your
result resultado noun [count] /rɪˈzʌlt/ something that is The result is that I
caused directly by have more stress!
something else
that has happened
route ruta noun [count] /rut/ a way that buses, My house is on the
trains, ships, or planes college bus route.
travel regularly
rug alfombra noun [count] /rʌɡ/ a small carpet that I have a blue rug in my
covers part of a floor bedroom.
rule regla noun [count] /rul/ a statement explaining The concept of feng
what someone can shui has many rules
or cannot do in a about how furniture is
particular system, used in a room.
game, or situation
rural rural adjective /ˈrʊrəl/ relating to areas that The house is in a rural
are not near cities and area about an hour
where the population from the city.
is low
shower regadera noun [count] /ˈʃaʊər/ a piece of equipment There is a shower in
that produces a flow the bathroom.
of water that you
stand under to wash
your body
sink fregadero, noun [count] /sɪŋk/ a large, open The sink in the kitchen
lavaplatos container for water, needs cleaning.
usually fixed to a wall
and connected to
pipes that bring the
water and carry it
size tamaño noun [count/ /saɪz/ how large or small What is the size of the
noncount] something is rooms?
sofa sofá noun [count] /ˈsəʊfə/ a large, soft, The sofa is really
comfortable seat with comfortable.
arms and a back that
two or three people
can sit on
soft suave adjective /sɔft/ a light, or color that Pastels are soft colors.
is pale, gentle, and
pleasant to look at

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Word / Phrase Translation Part of Speech Phonetic Spelling Definition Sample Sentence
specific específico adjective /spəˈsɪfɪk/ involving or relating I never follow specific
to only one particular trends in fashion.
thing or type of thing
stage etapa noun [count] /steɪdʒ/ a particular part of There are three main
a process that has stages of the design
several different parts process.
step paso noun [count] /step/ one of a series of How many steps does
actions that you do the process have?
in order to achieve a
particular aim
stress estrés noun /stres/ a worried or nervous I have more stress in
[noncount] feeling that stops my life now.
you from relaxing,
caused, for example,
by pressure at work or
financial or personal
stove estufa noun [count] /stoʊv/ a large piece of I have an electric stove
kitchen equipment in the kitchen.
that is used for
stuff cosas noun /stʌf/ the things that belong My exercise stuff is in
[noncount] to a particular person the garage.
or activity or in a
particular place
symbol símbolo noun /ˈsɪmb(ə)l/ a picture or shape Use the symbols in the
used to represent key.
take out sacar phrasal verb /ˈteɪk aʊt/ to remove something Take out the trash
from a pocket, bag, regularly.
place, etc.
throw away tirar phrasal verb /θroʊ əˌweɪ/ to get rid of Throw away your trash
something that you every day.
no longer want, for
example, by putting it
in the trash
trend tendencia noun [count] /trend/ a gradual change or Do you follow trends
development that in fashion?
produces a particular
unfurnished sin amueblar adjective /ʌnˈfɜrnɪʃt/ without any furniture The house is big, but
it’s unfurnished.
view vista noun [count/ /vju/ the ability to see There are fantastic
noncount] something from a views from here.
particular place
wall pared noun [count] /wɔl/ an upright side of a The walls in my
room inside a building bedroom are dark
wood madera noun /wʊd/ parts of a tree used as Put more wood on the
[noncount] a fuel fire.
worth valer la pena adjective /wɜrθ/ used for saying Is doing feng shui
that there is a good really worth it?
enough reason for
doing something,
because it is
important, enjoyable,
useful, etc.

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