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Career Report Assignment

After you have completed this career report table, please upload your assignment onto
your Weebly site under Unit 3: Seed Project For The Future

Outlook and Prospects (read the section – report here

i.e. good, fair, poor, and why)

In this area of BC, the outlook and prospects for this

career are good. This is because of employment growth
in this area, and a moderate amount of veterinarians
are retiring. At the moment, the average growth rate is
+1.4%, which is positive. In 2016-2020, the predicted
average employment growth rate will be +1.4, and in
2020-2025, 1.0%. In this future, 55.6% of new job
openings will come from retiring veterinarians, and
44.4% will come from growth of the veterinary industry
in the area. Overall, the future has good prospects.

In this area of BC, the outlook for a psychiatrist is good

too. In the next few years there will be several new
chances for employment as psychologists retire, and
the industry grows. Presently the annual average
growth rate is 1.8%, which is increasing. In 2016-2020,
Counselling Psychologist
the forecasted increase is +1.5% in employment
growth, and it will rise to +2.0% in 2020-2025. Of the
new openings in the future, 61.7% will be due to
retiring psychologists, and 38.5% will be due to
economic growth of the industry. Overall, the
prospects for a psychologist in the near future are also

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