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Introduction 6

The Awakening – Michael Sharp 8

The New Earth Exists in You Right Now – Ann Albers 18

2012 and the Shift – Owen Waters 22

Relevance of Awakening – Aruna Byers 28

The New Children and the Coming Fifth World – P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D. 35

Heaven on Earth: The Unfolding Shift – Julia Rogers Hamrick 44

Ascending into the New Earth – Linda Johnson 50

Frequencies of Consciousness and Reality – Eva Herr 57

The Way Forward – Peter Shepherd 63

The Internal New Earth Shift – Jason Randhawa 75

The Awakened Christian – Nancy Detweiler 80

Man Is Truly Master of His Own Fate – Lady Isis 86

Awakening the Feminine for the Evolution of Humanity 90

–Asha Ramakrishna

Consciousness in the New Era – Dharmbir Rai 99

Human Creation vs. Divine Creation (Part 1) – Allen Stacker 105

Creating in the New Energy (Part 2) – Allen Stacker 109

The New World – Jafree Ozwald 112

The New Humans – Mary Rodwell 117

Staying Centered – Anina Davenport 136

Adventure Into Reality – Jean Warner 143

The Mother's Dance within Us – Jessica Alhers 149

Approach to 2012 – Adrian Cooper 156

The Evolution of Consciousness – Steve Ryals 172

Adam's Task – Language, Co-Creation, and The Ascension of Mankind 177

– Eric Slade Roberson

The World of 2070 AD – Joyce A. Kovelman, PhD 183

Conclusion: The Only New Earth Message You Need 188

About the Author 192

More Metaphysical Resources 193

Contributor List 195

Future New Earth Contributors 197

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2007 Jason Randhawa

Published by Jason Randhawa

All rights reserved

All content contained within “The Future of the New Earth: A New Vision for Your
Reality” belongs to and is sole property of its respective authors and is reprinted
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The human race now has the ability to completely destroy this planet. We
have mastered the machinery and tactics of war. We have created weapons that
are so powerful that we could put an end to the human race with a single

We simply cannot resort to violence/war, as we have done in the past, to solve

our problems. If we do, it will definitely be over for us.

The good news is that we each have the opportunity to change and create a
better possibility for humanity…a New Earth.

Many possibilities are in the process of being created to be experienced as our

future. A lot of these different possibilities will be explored throughout this book.
This book in itself is a journey through the minds of spiritual seekers, scientists,
children of the knowing, and so many more…

Through this book, the understanding that has come to these “experts” is now
being delivered right to you.

Each contribution is made by a qualified person who is doing his/her best to help
you on your own personal journey. They were asked to write about a topic that
they felt most passionate and knowledgeable about. Along with their writings, I
have included their personal answers to the following three questions:

1. What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

2. What is the single most important thing I can do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?
3. Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

These questions were the result of a survey I did with the subscribers of the
Metaphysical Mind E-Zine.

You should find each of the answers to these questions to be extremely practical.
It is my sincere desire that you begin to apply the tips and techniques outlined in
this book, both for your own benefit and for the benefit of the entire world.

This book is your opportunity to try out some new ideas. As you do this, do not
just pick ideas based on what your brain says. This is who you were, it is your
past. Feel the ideas with your heart, the person you are now. Be in the moment

with each idea, and stick with what resonates with you. Try not to rely on past
ideas and principles to pick ideas for you.

Before you go through and read these “expert” opinions, remember, these
writings are just these people’s perceptions of what will happen. The information
proposed by the author is simply what he/she has learned. It is your job to
determine what you believe is true.

You will even find some contradicting statements between people. This is usually
the result of a different perspective on a given subject. Each person goes through
life differently and has a different perspective on the truth. The truth is still the

This book has many different contributors so that you will be able to find a
perception that resonates with you. Remember: what is right for one person may
not be for another. The goal of this book is to lay out a bunch of ideas and
opinions about the New Earth, so you can come to your own conclusions.

Let go of everything, allow each moment to be a new beginning instead of just a

rehashing of the past. As you come across information (new and especially old)
you must question everything. The only way to answers is through questions.

I have found that most of the people who claim to know everything usually know
the least. Anyone who has a solid, set belief/idea system is being held back.
Knowledge is infinite, it does not stop. No matter how your values have helped
you in the past, they may be holding you back from the next level.

Are you ready to take yourself to a whole new level?

The Awakening
By Michael Sharp

What’s the buzz, tell me what’s a


Hi there. My name is Michael Sharp.

If you don’t know who I am, I am an author, and I write spiritual books that are
enlightening, uplifting, and empowering. However, I am not here to talk about my
books today. Instead, I want to put a buzz in your ear by talking about a “thing”
that is currently getting underway on this earth and that will impact you (and
everyone else on this planet) in some rather fundamental ways. Now, if you
haven’t already heard about “the thing”, then let me be the first to tell you that
this “thing” that is going down on this earth is a very big thing. Indeed, it is of
cosmic proportions. In fact, when all is said and done, when “the thing” has rolled
along its carefully choreographed course to completion, the world as we currently
know it, i.e. the matrix as it is, i.e. the world of “negative inevitabilities” like
greed, poverty, war, disease, death, and taxation, (aka the “old” world as I like to
call it) will be gone *poof*, *puffed* away in a flash of consciousness’s light.

Nothing will be left. Not even a memory and, if you ask me, good riddance. I say,
let the old world be transformed by the light of our shared divinity and let us all
rejoice at the recaptured glory and magnificence of the power within.


I'm getting ahead of myself here.

Before we get into all the dancing, rejoicing, laughter, and happiness that is
waiting for us after “the thing” is complete, we have to first get through “the
thing”. Unfortunately, there is no other way around it. The bottom line is, to
get to the rejoicing, you have to get through “the thing” first.

But relax.

Don’t worry.

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Although “the thing” that I’m going to discuss and that I’m hoping will have you
buzzing by the end of this article is an awesome, grand, magical and meta-
morphical thing, and although “the thing” will lead to the total transformation of
the matrix as we currently know it, nevertheless “the thing” is not a dangerous
thing at all. Despite what the propagandists and profiteering pundits have to say
about it, “the thing” that I want to talk about, the thing that is currently getting
underway on this earth, “the thing” that you are going to have to go through if
you want to get to the “other side” where all the rejoicing is going to be, is
nothing like the bang, end-of-the-world, apocalyptic, holocaust, earth changing
four-horseman, Jeeeeezzzuuus come down to reward the virtuous and smash the
brains of the heathen infidel against the hard rocks of reality kind of thing.

True, in as much as the old matrix is set to crumble into dust as a result of “the
thing” in a few years, “the thing” that I’m talking about is a 2012 thing. But it is
definitely not an “end of the world” thing. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The
thing that is now underway on this planet and through which you will either walk
freely and under your own steam or, as we continue to approach the 2012
marker, be (safely) dragged kicking and screaming through, is an amazing and
wondrous thing that leads not to the end of anything, but to a new
beginning for everybody.

Not judgment and damnation.

Not hellfire and brimstone.
Not war and tribulation.
Not disease and desperation.
Not death and destruction but Eden, Shambhala, and “redemption.”

Believe me.

All the scary stuff you might have heard about “the thing” having to do with
“God’s chosen”, “God’s wrath”, “evolutionary dead ends”, “ascendant species”,
“retarded (i.e., random) natural selection”, “earth changes”, “Armageddon”, “four
horseman”, or any of the other variations of the “lots of little babies are going to
have to die just so that me and my homies can get the goods and go to heaven is
(and let me be perfectly clear so there’s no chance for misunderstanding) a pile of
steaming, stinking, smelly, sulfurous, odoriferous horseshit.

This particular vision of reality (perhaps nightmare is a better word) is, at best,
the overworked imagination of some underpaid and mentally tortured prophet, or,
at worst, avoidable with effort and intent. That is, even if the “time lines” were
set in stone (which they aren’t), we still have it within our power to mold the

Which brings me to the point of this article and our discussion of “the thing”

because all we have to do to avoid any possible bad things that are in our
collective future time line (and this includes bad things like Armageddon, cancer,
war, disease, and death) is to go through “the thing” which is, as I like to call it,
The Great Awakening.

Awakening is “the thing” that I wanted to talk about today. Waking up is

what will prevent all the nasty, negative timeline stuff from occurring.

Now I know the words “Great Awakening” sound all pompous and important and
make “the thing” sound all huffy and difficult and challenging, but it really isn't.

All the Great Awakening really amounts to is our complete and collective return to
full spiritual consciousness on this planet.

No big deal really.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

In fact, just like waking up in the morning.

All you have to do is move from the state of limited “walking-zombie

consciousness”, that the psychologists of this planet like to call “normal”, to the
full Christ consciousness state of awareness that is your birthright.

Now I know that the “gurus” and priests tell you it is hard, but ignore them.

Trust me.

It is not that difficult.

A little bit of effort, a little bit of spiritual practice, and whiz bang, there you’ll be.

Waking up is a simple matter of choice.


All you have to do is will it.

Of course, it helps to have an alarm clock there to buzz the process into gear,
especially if you aren't a morning person, and a guide can be helpful to if you are
the kind of person that is tired, groggy, and disoriented after the long sleep, but
besides somebody to provide the ignition buzz, and besides a little bit of help
from a guide or two, you can pretty much do it on your own just like you do
every morning. The only difference is that instead of moving from the five percent

consciousness of nighttime coma to the fifteen percent “normal” consciousness of
your working day, now you are being buzzed up from the fifteen percent normal
consciousness or your working day to the fifty to sixty percent consciousness of
the (for lack of a better term) Christ level of the body.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Now of course there may be bumps in the process.

Reactions will vary.

Some of you, upon hearing “the buzz”, will snap into full wakefulness and begin
the clean up and rejoicing right away. On the other hand, others will hear “the
buzz”, but out of fear, misconception or paranoia or perhaps some misplaced
sense of your own cosmic inferiority, resist awakening. Really, there is a whole
continuum of reactions, from positive and uplifting to extremely negative and
destructive. The actual reaction you are inclined towards will depend
largely on “the dream” your waking up from. If you are in the middle of a
negative dream (for example a dream of a vengeful and damning God slobbering
over an global end-of-times massacre), there is a risk that you will react in fear
and a) go back to sleep or b) “project” your bad dream onto the world.

Obviously, nobody wants that, but thankfully you can avoid all of the bad
reactions by simply keeping your wits about you, staying focused, and following
the following five “guidelines of awakening” that I am about to provide for you. If
you follow these guidelines, while I can’t guarantee a totally worry free process
free of negative projection, you will at least find within you the power to mitigate
the worst manifested negativities and walk through the rest with grace,
efficiency, and ascending glory.

So here we go. Here are Michael Sharp’s “five guidelines of awakening”:

First of all, trust. I can’t really overestimate the importance of this one. It is
critical, especially for those catholic-types (like myself for example) who have
been told so much nonsense (like stuff about a lunatic, punishing, “burn his own
children in Satan fire for all eternity and chuck out the evolutionary chaff from the
wheat” father figure) that we have become scared of our own spiritual shadow. If
this is you (even you from a past life), you’ll have to get over the fear of
God/Spirit, and the best way to do that is to trust in the beneficence of creation.

Perhaps this will help.

If what you’ve heard about God doesn’t include a description of God as loving,
inclusive, magnanimous, generous, beatific, blissful, and glorious child whose only

desire for self is to have fun and play and only desire for you is eternal bliss and
happiness, you’ve been lied to and sold a version of Spirit that is specifically
designed to keep you shirking away from “the glory” of your Spirit in fear.
Forget about it and quit acting like a beat-up puppy dog. The only thing that
God/nature/the universe wants for you is what you want for yourself, i.e.
prosperity, peace, and love. Put a new image of God/Spirit/Nature in your head
(it's not as hard as you think) and trust the new image, otherwise the yawning
abyss of your own belief system will shut you down every time.

Second, remember you are not alone. Every individual soul who agreed to
incarnate on this earth brought with them six or more spirit guides to help them
out with the work on this earth. Now, contrary to popular opinion, these guides
aren't here to tell you what to do. Contrary to popular opinion, they are here to
help and support, in a totally non-judgmental fashion, whatever positive things
you choose to do. Of course, you can’t expect them to do evil or help you destroy
the world. However, if you choose to do anything else that is even remotely
positive, life-affirming, and divine, they will help you out.

Trust me on this. When you choose to awaken, they will be overjoyed and falling
all over themselves to help. It is what they are here for so speak with them just
like you would speak to a close (but invisible) little elf friend. Ask them for help
and accept their loving assistance.

Third, set your intent. Will the awakening and keep willing it. Claw yourself
back to full consciousness by staying focused on your goal. The truth is, you are
waking up from a 12,000-year sleep of partial consciousness and even the best
morning person would be groggy after a stint “in the darkness” like that. So keep
repeating it until it sticks.

Say, “I wish to move forward.”

Say, “I wish to awaken.”
Say it to yourself, say it to your guides, heck say it to anybody within earshot if
their weird looks don’t bother you, but definitely say it to yourself until you know
you don’t have to say it anymore.

Fourth, ask for proof. Nobody expects you to just believe what I (or anybody
else) has to say about awakening, or consciousness, or God, or the nature of
creation, or anything for that matter. You are within your rights to doubt, so feel
free to ask for proof or to “try things on for size.” Say to your invisible spirit
guides, “I want incontrovertible proof of your existence.”

And don’t settle for a little *wow* event here either.

You want big proof. You want something that even the skeptical (but open) mind

of the trained scientist can't deny. But once you ask, pay attention, will you?

Look up synchronicity in your dictionary.

Sometimes a spirit speaks in grossly blatant ways, sometimes subtly is the order
of the day. Pay attention and trust what your senses are telling you about the
deep meaning of the improbable events of spirit.

Fifth, remember you are in control at all times. If things get to freaky for
you, if manifestation (i.e. life) starts getting a little too crazy, if you feel you are
getting too much information too fast, if you need time to process and integrate,
if the “wow” factor threatens to fry your over stimulated neocortex, just say so.
Say, “I need a break”, or, “I need time to integrate”, or, “I need help processing”.
There is no shame in taking extra time. Remember, 12,000 years of living in this
twisted dreamworld we call “normal” reality has messed us all up to one degree
or another. Take your time shaking it off and don’t kick yourself over any
backsliding or snoozing you may do. Remember, not everybody is a morning
person and nobody is going to blame you or hate you or think any less of you if
you decide to wait till the house has been tidied up a bit more before crawling out
of bed. Of course, there is a point where you’ll have to wake up. Before too long,
the buzzing will be too loud and sleep won’t be possible anymore. But you've still
got time so feel free to take it.

Now, that’s pretty much all there is to it. I know it perhaps this doesn’t sound like
much to you at this point, and perhaps you wonder about how “awakening” can
lead to the type of global transformation mentioned above, but don’t worry about
it. If you set your intent to awaken and follow the simple directions outlined here,
you’ll see for yourself soon enough. As you awaken you will, inevitably, come to
see the full significance and importance of The Great Awakening. As you awaken,
you’ll understand where planetary transformation is coming from, and why I can
say with absolute confidence that we will find a solution for all the world’s ills in
this lifetime. I mean, consider the difference in capacity between a body asleep
and a body even “normally” awake, and you’ll get a sense of it. A sleeping body
can’t accomplish anything, but a “normally” awake body can move
mountains. Similarly, the difference between your normal waking
consciousness and the highest levels possible (and to which you are now
called to awaken) is like night and day. A normally awake body may not see
solutions to poverty, war, suffering, and disease, but a Christ conscious body can
heal the world.

So get moving, won’t you…?

Quit standing around waiting for God or Jesus, or your politicians ,or your
scientists, or your priests to save the world.

Wake up.

You have within you the power to alter history.

Wake up.

You have within you the power to save the world.

Listen to the buzzing.

Wake up.

Wake up.

Wake up.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I don't really like this question for two reasons. One is people are often looking
for a "prophecy" when they ask this question. Not that I have anything against
prophecy, but the problem is that it is impossible to "time" the events with any
degree of specificity. The exact time line is not known because the exact
timing of events (and even whether a certain event occurs) is dependent not only
on any plan that we (and by “we” I mean Immortal Spirit) might have
implemented, but also on individual and collective factors, the operation of
chance and circumstance, and other fun creative complexities.

The other reason I don't like this question is because it assumes that time is
linear and that the intervals of time have a fixed duration or "length". Neither of
these assumptions hold. Time is neither linear nor can it be said that there
are units of time.

You can relieve yourself of a lot of anxiety if you realize that time is more like a
rubber band. If 2012 is a point on that band, the distance between your nose
and the point of 2012 will seem closer or longer to you depending on how you
choose to stretch.

That is, time can be compressed or expanded like a spring or a piece of elastic.
Can you see it?

Now, realize that everyone of us has our own individual elastic band which we can
stretch out or shrink in at will. This is very important because it gives us absolute
creative control over the process and totally relieves us of any need to worry.

If we need more time, we can give ourselves that time by stretching the elastic
and moving "the point" farther away. On the other hand, if we feel we are doing
good, we can speed up time by allowing the spring to compress back down. The
experience of the distance changes as a result.

In other words, and in answer to the question of a time line, we will get there
when we want to get there and that's all there is to it.

Q:What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: You need to know that you have as much "time" as you need to prepare. Don't
listen to the doom sayers who wail the end is near. It is not. If you are stuck, if
you need more help, if you need more time, just stretch the elastic band out as
long as you need. Nobody is standing behind you with a stopwatch.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Well, if you are reading these words, then I'd say you don't have
anything to worry about. You are already on The Path and you have already
crossed over the most significant hurdle(s). But if I had to give you a few words
that would encapsulate both the journey and the goal, and that would provide a
sort of motivational statement, I would say to the reader:

Understand that awakening (or enlightenment, or ascension, or whatever you

want to call it) is the process of unfolding the Divinity within. This is a natural
process and occurs spontaneously a hundred percent of the time under even the
most extreme environmental conditions. Yours is a hearty seed and like a flower
that germinates from that seed, your awakening can only be stopped by an
external, oppressive force. Therefore, the most important thing you can do to
ensure your awakening/enlightenment is to make sure that nobody is trying to
stomp you down with their big black heels.

About the Author

Dr. Michael Sharp is the author of several books written to assist with the
personal and collective process of awakening now underway on this planet. Visit
his website for free articles, poems, and books. Ask for him in your local


The Book of Life: Ascension and the Divine World Order.

In this book Michael provides you with an overview of The Plan which we have
been working on for several thousand years and which we are now finally, and
successfully, completing. As Michael explains, The Plan is a Divine plan that
involves everyone on this planet and has to do with The Ascension. In The Book
of Life, Michael explains The Ascension and provides an exemplary summary and
guidebook that will help you understand and navigate the increasingly dramatic
changes in the matrix of this reality.

The Dossier of Ascension: A Practical Guide to Chakra Activation and

Kundalini Awakening.

In this book Michael teaches you about the amazing capabilities of the physical
body. Like a high-performance vehicle, your body is capable of amazing creative
feats! However, like a high-performance vehicle, you have to fuel it, start it, and
maintain it. In The Dossier, Michael shows you how to overcome the doubt and
fear that keeps your body’s energy system (e.g. chakras) in a state of relative
inactivity. He shows you how to turn on your chakras with a simple twenty-
second meditation, power up the body, and (most importantly) control its
amazing power. The Dossier is the owner’s manual for the physical body.

The Book of Light: The Nature of God, The Structure of Consciousness, and the
Universe Within You.

The Book of Light provides you with a new image of God. The Book of Light is a
multi-volume philosophical exposition/treatise on so aham (Sanskrit for “I am
That”). The Book of Light deals with all the high truths of consciousness and
creation. In Volume One, Michael tackles foundational issues and answer
questions like “what is the nature of God?”, “what is the nature of creation?”,
“what is your relationships to God [and creation]?”, what is the nature of

The Song of Creation: The Story of Genesis.

The Song of Creation is the epic story of genesis. The Song of Creation is the
synoptic accounting of The Plan. Michael presents The Song of Creation as a
coffee-table book with beautiful illustrations. Use the book to share the energy of
The Great Awakening with friends and family. The Song of Creation is available
for free as a PDF eBook at Michael’s website []

The Book of the Triumph of Spirit: A New Age, New Energy Tarot System.

The Book of the Triumph of Spirit is the journeyman’s Manual of Initiation. It is a
book of tarot unlike anything you have experienced before. Twenty-two
modernized major arcana or tarot keys are presented to you as powerful tools for
clearing away the dust and detritus of centuries. Use the keys of the tarot to blast
away energetic blockages and revitalize dormant pathways. Not for the beginning
practitioner. Browse the cards online.

The New Earth Exists in You Right
By Ann Albers

A seed planted in the dark soil reaches for the light. It grows into a beautiful tree
that flowers, and then bears fruit. The fruit ripens, falls from the tree, and dies
unto itself before giving birth to the new seeds. So too, our planet earth exists
and grows in never-ending cycles. A human race is born, grows to fruition, and
then either ripens into its full potential or dies before having the chance. We have
many legends and myths of previously enlightened societies that have
disappeared. Now it is our turn to choose heaven or to embrace the
illusions of separation once again. Both potential futures exist within us in
every moment – in every thought that we think, in every word that we speak,
and in every action that we choose during our daily lives. The New Earth is the
sum total of the choices made by each individual throughout recorded history,
and most importantly by you, right now, and in the upcoming years.

All that can ever be created here upon the earth exists within you right now. You
can choose in each moment to create peace or war within yourself. You can
choose to create a mentality of abundance or lack. You can choose to embrace
hatred and judgment, or the truth of your soul’s desire to love. Within each
moment in time, with every thought, word, and deed, you choose to support one
of two possible futures – one of great peace, prosperity, cooperation, and unity
among the diversity, or one of destruction.

The New Earth has the potential to be the Utopia we dream about. It has the
potential to be an earth upon which all belief systems are acknowledged and
respected as valid, where dialogue replaces dissension, wonder replaces warfare,
and cooperation with the environment is no longer a nicety, but rather an act of
sanity. The New Earth has the potential to be a world in which we recognize and
act according to the truth that we are part of one creation, one human race, and
one ecosystem here upon the earth.

The angels I work with remain positive about our collective future. The
warfare, natural disasters, and other disruptions we currently witness are part of
a birthing process. As we watch the wars unfold, more of us have a desire to pray
for and create peace within our own lives. As we bear witness to the suffering
caused by natural disasters, compassion arises within us and a re-ordering of our
own priorities occurs. It is hard to feel victimized by petty problems when others
are concerned about their very survival. Every moment of darkness upon the

earth inspires greater light to emerge within human hearts. Seeds germinate in
dark soil. Babies develop in a dark womb. So too, the light in human hearts is
ignited within the darker times. We wake up to the truth of who we really are –
divine beings who live to love, to express our own unique gifts and talents, and to
enjoy the paradise that this earth was meant to be.

On the New Earth we will leave behind our worries about survival and embrace
the truth that intentional thinking, conscious choice, and authentic expression will
create our livelihood. We will stop trying to control one another and work in
harmony to create more than we can as individuals. You will see more businesses
working in loose partnerships with one another, more countries coming together
to support the good of the whole. In the New Earth you will recognize your unique
value and worthiness despite the differences. In the New Earth you will want to
love, for that is your very nature. You will want to express your truth and you will
make room for the truth of others. You will see people for all of who they are, the
light and the dark, and appreciate the lessons that come from the very same. In
the New Earth there will be recognition that our very description - human being -
reveals the true duality of our nature. We are Divine Beings expressed in a
myriad of human forms. We will work in cooperation with the angels to allow
ourselves to blossom according to the innate design and intelligence of God that
wants to express itself through each one of us.

The single most important thing you can do to facilitate both your
personal growth into this new reality and the evolution of the human
race is to choose love. Choose thoughts that love and honor the things you
wish to create rather than the things you don’t. Choose words that express love
and kindness rather than judgment and hatred. Choose actions that are
consistent with your heart in each moment. If you are hungry, eat. If you are
tired, allow yourself to rest. If you have an impulse to call a friend, do so. If you
feel burdened by your work, pray for and intend a new and inspiring career.
Choose relationships that uplift you. Love, forgive, and consider leaving, or at
least spending less time with those who don’t. Unburden yourself of excess
material objects and keep only the things that you love and that breathe life into
you. Trust your intuitions, value your emotions, and accept that there is no such
thing as “unworthy” in the mind of God.

If you choose loving thoughts, words, and deeds, you will begin to tap into the
divine flow of grace that carries you all into this new reality. Each soul that
chooses love creates a greater current towards a loving earth. Each soul that
chooses to exist in peace helps mitigate the wars and calm the weather.
Each soul that chooses kindness helps to heal the vibrations of woundedness and
fear that perpetuate the illusions of separation.

The angels say that this growth into the New Earth is a process that unfolds over

time, rather than a sudden event. As we approach 2012, which is known as the
end of the latest Mayan cycle of time, we will see an uprising of both very great
light and great darkness on the earth. As God pushes us towards fruition, we can
choose to go with the currents of love that seek to be expressed within ourselves,
or to fight them. Those of you who choose love, intentional thinking, conscious
words, and kind actions will find your lives becoming easier and more magical.
Your wishes and dreams will come true in ways you couldn’t have imagined.
Those of you who allow your thoughts, words, and deeds to feed the darkness,
fear, lack, and separation will be propelled towards these experiences just as

The angels say that the New Earth is still ours to create, and yet, they remain
very optimistic that we, as a human race, will choose to embrace the truth of our
being. They say that there are many of us who have been working diligently to
think intentionally, speak consciously, and act kindly. We are so much more
powerful than those who are not conscious. Love is truth. Fear is illusion. The
New Earth resides in you. Create paradise within and you will experience a New
Earth here and now, even before it is realized by the masses. There is great hope
in heaven that the masses will find this enlightened state of being as well. “You
won’t notice a revolution in consciousness, but rather a rapid evolution,” the
angels tell me. “Life does exist past 2012 and there will be huge
opportunities for positive and peaceful change.”

“God bless you all,” the angels say. “We love you so very much. The New Earth
exists within you right now.”

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The New Earth is a manifestation of the choices made by each individual

throughout recorded history, and most importantly by you, right now, and in the
upcoming years.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/ take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: The single most important thing you can do to facilitate both your personal
growth into this new reality and the evolution of the human race is to choose
loving thoughts, words, and actions.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: The angels say that our growth into the New Earth is a process that unfolds
over time rather than a sudden event. As we approach 2012, which is known as
the end of the latest Mayan cycle of time, we will see an uprising of both very
great light and great darkness on the earth. The darkness is nothing more than
the womb for compassion that awakens the true nature of human hearts. As
more people witness war, more pray for peace. Natural disasters bring out the
best in those wishing to assist their neighbors in need. The exposition of
dishonest behavior breeds a desire for greater integrity. The angels remain
optimistic that we will create a reality in which we celebrate our differences and
work together to create a kinder, more peaceful, harmonious reality with one
another, and the earth itself.

About the Author

Ann Albers is an author, spiritual instructor, lecturer, and angel communicator.

Visit her website, to learn more about her products
and classes, and to sign up for her free weekly newsletter, Messages from Ann &
the Angels.

2012 and The Shift
By Owen Waters

Will the world end in 2012?

Will the world end in 2012? Not at all. It will, however, mark the dawn of a new
era in human progress and development.

When you watch the dawning of a new day, it seems to happen slowly. If you are
watching every moment of it, you hardly notice the gradually increasing
brightness. Then, looking back later in the full light of the day, you can see how
the dawn was the turning point that dissipated the darkness of night and heralded
in the daylight.

Like the dawning of a new day, the 2012 transition into a new era will
seem gradual to those passing through it. Nothing will change suddenly as
changes from long cycles take time. However, when future generations look
back, it will be seen like a pivotal point around which humanity turned
and headed in a very different direction.

Many prophecies have indicated a period of chaos and confusion in the years
leading up to the transition phase in late 2012. This is understandable as the old
cycles are ending and the agendas of the old order are rushing towards
completion and resolution. Old issues, suppressed for years, are bubbling up to
the surface demanding attention and resolution.

Once the cycles of the ancient Mayan Calendars reset to zero, the old patterns’
time will be up and the way will be clear for new patterns to be established with
the energy of the new cycles.

What Will Happen in 2012?

The grand 5,125-year cycle of the Mayan calendars comes to an end, along with
all of its sub-cycles. The grand cycle consists of five interwoven smaller cycles.
The first one breaks the 5,125 years up into 13 parts. Then, there are 20 parts
within each of the 13. Then, another 20-part division occurs to produce Mayan
‘years,’ each of which consist of 18 cycles of 20 days each.

In the year 2012, on December 21st, the Winter Solstice in the Northern

Hemisphere will occur at 11:11 Universal Time, which translates to 6:11 am in
New York’s Eastern Time zone, or 3:11 am in California. For the first time in
5,125 calendar years, all five of these cycles will reset to zero as the Mayan date

The Maya understood and tracked even more cycles than these five – seventeen
different calendar cycles in all, some of which spanned more than ten million
years. One is the precession of the equinoxes cycle of 25,920 years, which is
caused by the slow wobbling of the earth on its axis. This cycle, which was also
identified by Plato, is divided into the twelve astrological ages.

December 21st, 2012 also marks the exact transition into the 2,160-year Age of
Aquarius, according to researcher Audrey Fletcher, who used the Narmer Palette
from First Dynasty Egypt and SkyGlobe software to independently arrive at that
date. Yet another cycle, that of four times the 25,920-year cycle, also resets on
that 2012 date.

The Shift to the New Reality

The Shift to heart-centered consciousness is a global event which is being played
out today. The Shift is the spiritual and creative awakening of humanity.

This New Reality consciousness opens the door to new vistas of awareness and
new levels of creativity. In the dawning New Reality, people follow their
hearts to express their inner joy through making their own meaningful
and unique contributions towards a better world. Every year that goes by,
more and more people come to understand the new consciousness and shift into
that heart-space which is the foundation of the New Reality.

The new consciousness will flower in the Age of Aquarius, but it started before the
dawning of that age. The new consciousness will expand and spread more quickly
after December 2012, but it has already been developing in earnest since the
pioneering days of the mid-1960s.

The timing of The Shift is therefore not strictly cycle-related. It is happening

today, regardless of any cycles, because people have reached critical mass in
their spiritual evolution, and because now is the time for humanity to graduate
from the old school of life.

We are in the midst of the biggest cultural shift of all times. The Shift to the New
Reality is happening today and it is unstoppable. The start of the new cosmic time
cycles on December 21st, 2012 will serve to accelerate that movement towards
heart-centered consciousness on a global scale.

What The Shift Will Mean to Humanity
As the New Reality unfolds, people will experience heart-centered consciousness
more and more frequently. Each individual experience of that state moves
their normal, everyday stage of consciousness closer to heart-centered

As detailed in my book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, there

is a yin and a yang to heart-centered consciousness. Heart-felt consciousness is
the yin or exploratory stage, and can be observed as the phase of heart
consciousness expressed, for example, by ecological enthusiasts or “greenies.”
The yang phase is where the person moves into heart-powered consciousness
and becomes firmly established in the spiritual tier of human evolution.

Heart-powered consciousness is where spiritual awakening occurs,

changing the person’s viewpoint of reality permanently. Once a person sees and
experiences this expanded vista of consciousness, it enhances their abilities for

With spiritual awakening, you see that unconditional love was always the only
answer to all of life’s challenges. You gain an active sense of intuition so that your
purpose in life begins to flow naturally through your inspiration and your actions.
Synchronicity keeps appearing in your life as you find yourself in the right places
at the right times, and the term “quality of life” takes on a whole new meaning.

How to Enhance Your Spiritual

The best way to handle today’s pre-2012 stress is to be centered and to resist
the temptation to be drawn into dramas and conflicts, most of which are
due to other people working through their “stuff.” Being in the now and focusing
on what is – not what could be, or shouldn’t be, or what might be fear-inducing –
provides the key to sanity in a world full of increasing stress.

Daily meditation develops your ability to become centered and free of stress. Any
meditation technique will work, although the Ultimate Meditation article on the website provides a particularly effective technique.

A Gradual Ascension
There is an energetic membrane which separates the third-density (or “third
dimensional”) layer of Earth that we call the physical world from the fourth-
density layer that we refer to as the astral or spirit realms. It should be
understood that, even though the fourth density has been primarily the domain of
spirits in the afterlife, the physical body is capable of functioning in both
the third density and the fourth density. It can ascend into the fourth density
and live there, where it adapts itself to the less dense environment.

In the past, people who physically ascended into the fourth density needed a lift
“over the wall” to get through the membrane between the densities. Advanced
spiritual students as far back as ancient Egypt went through specific initiations in
order to translate their physical bodies into the new density.

Later, some entire cultures ascended en masse, notably the Maya and the
Anasazi. The history of these cultures today is a great mystery to archaeologists
because they suddenly left the physical world, even leaving their cooking pots
behind, and physically disappeared to another place.

Mass ascension on a global scale is likely to happen differently. Instead of

individuals suddenly transferring from the third density to the fourth density, it is
more likely that the Earth will keep raising her physical frequency at a measured
pace, as she has been doing now for several decades. Those who understand that
Gaia – the Earth – is an advanced, spiritual intelligence with many capabilities
beyond our imagination, will not be surprised to hear that she is conducting her
part in The Shift in a way that will cause the least disruption for humanity.

The Earth will continue to “rise in the heavens” vibrationally and carry us
smoothly into fourth-density physical existence. At the same time, today’s
inhabitants of the fourth-density spirit world will rise higher within the sub-layers
of the fourth density. This is the meaning behind the prophecy that the “dead”
(i.e. those in the spirit world) shall one day “be risen up.” Not from the graves
that they left behind, but within the spirit world in which they currently exist.

When this happens, your ability to sense and communicate with spirits will be
enhanced and made easier by their closer proximity. This will, thankfully, put an
end to the grief of losing conscious contact with a loved one when their physical
body dies. You will simply reach out with your mind and exchange thoughts and
feelings with your loved one, almost as if you were both still in physical bodies.

A Brighter Tomorrow
Imagine what will happen when the majority of people reach heart-centered
consciousness and realize that they now have a caring sense of responsibility

towards other people and towards the Earth. Imagine how things will change
when enough of us just say “No” to the ways of the Old Reality.

No longer will people quietly suffer because public servants serve themselves
before they serve the public. No longer will there be a blind pursuit of profit
without principles. No longer will we choke on the smoke of fossil fuels.

No longer will people follow would-be leaders who claim that their way is the only
way. No longer will people feel alone in a crowd. No longer will we tolerate
toxicity in the environment. Alternative healthcare will flourish and become
mainstream, bringing health and wholeness instead of a dependence on toxic

The financial system will transform into one which does much more to empower
people. Communities will be built with an eye for beauty as well as utility. People
will find the work which brings them the most joy. They will prosper because that
is what happens to people who love their work.

It is an easy prediction to say that happy times lie ahead, because happiness is a
product of heart-powered consciousness, and that is the exact basis of The Shift.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The Shift to the New Reality is the mass awakening of humanity’s heart. This
transformation of consciousness, the greatest one ever recorded, first became
apparent in the mid-1960s and has been building momentum ever since.

The Shift is a collective transformation consisting of the sum of each

individual’s step forward into the New Reality. Each person, in their own
time, is moving forward into a new stage of consciousness, one which brings an
awareness that springs from the heart.

New Reality consciousness means to experience new vistas of awareness and new
levels of creativity. It means following your heart to express your inner joy
through making your own meaningful contribution towards the betterment of the

The New Earth will see the building of, literally, Heaven on Earth.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Daily meditation develops your ability to become centered and free of stress.
This will be vital in the time period leading up to 2012, as several old cycles will
be closing together, causing a period of stress, chaos and confusion just before
the new cycles begin.

Daily meditation also enhances your everyday stage of consciousness and

encourages the development of your intuitive faculties. It takes you further into
the peace and enlightenment of New Reality consciousness. A particularly
effective technique is provided in the article, The Ultimate Meditation, on the website.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: The mass awakening of humanity moves closer each year, although it is still
likely to be some decades away. Looking back, it has been more than forty years
since the first signs of The Shift suddenly sprang into public view. The 1960s
counter-culture with its search for meaning though Eastern spirituality, the
emergence of Flower Power and the 1967 Summer of Love are all expressions of
the sudden emergence of the mass movement called The Shift.

It is up to the spiritual pioneers in society to prepare the way so that everyone

can join in with the heart-centered reality of the New Earth. The Shift to the
New Earth is a planet-wide phenomenon which will include everyone. No one will
be left behind.

About the Author

Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human

Consciousness, available at As an international spiritual teacher,
Owen Waters has presented his insights into the New Reality to hundreds of
thousands of seekers.

For more than forty years, his life has been focused around a continual search for
spiritual answers through research and the development of his inner vision.
Today, as editor and cofounder of, his weekly newsletter
articles show people how to gain spiritual empowerment through their inner
connection to the ultimate source of all potential.

More spiritual insights for the New Reality can be found at

Relevance of Awakening
By Aruna Byers

Being a Master of the human experience is the requirement for Ascension. We are
all Masters in essence, but most humans are not living as Masters because they
are focused on the world around them and let their perceptions of this world
define who they are instead of going within to meet the Master they really are.
Realizing that the Master within is our true identity is a Spiritual Awakening.

In Eastern spirituality the Master within is called the Self. This does not mean
“Higher” as in Higher Self and Lower Self. It means the One, non-dual Self that
we are all part of. It is the awareness that existed before we even became
conscious that there was a world around us. The Self is the source of all that is. It
is also called God, Consciousness, Mother/Father, Higher Power, I AM and other
names. No matter what we call it, most of us agree that it is something greater
than ourselves that exists as a source of life for all living things. What only a few
recognize is that we are all part of this same source and it is a creative force in
our lives that we are not in control of – no matter what the ego thinks.

To be Awake, in a spiritual sense is not about living a certain way according to

what the mind believes is good or bad. Rather, it is living spontaneously in every
moment because the mind has become quiet and the ego’s only function is to
serve the Self. Without a controlling ego directing the show, our True Self is free
to express itself through the human form. Prior to a spiritual Awakening, the
ego creates our reality by suppressing the Self as it offers its opinions
and instructions that are aligned with the beliefs it has acquired from
multiple life experiences. The Self has more understanding of what is in our
highest good, but few are aware that its wisdom and advice is even available.
When the advice of the Self does make itself known via intuition and inspiration,
it is often ignored because that advice doesn’t fit with the ego’s beliefs.

Notice how your thoughts constantly tell you what to do and how to do it. Notice
how they keep bringing up the past and fantasizing about the future. Notice how
your thoughts about who you are, how you would like your life to be, what has
happened to you, what you want and don’t want, etc. totally dominate every
moment. In fact, all of this mind chatter is about a personal story that presumes
you are your body. We learn to depend on these instructions the mind gives us as
if it were a guardian angel that knows what is best for us. But does it really? The
mind is like a computer, fully programmed with beliefs and attitudes we brought
in with us, and these are reinforced by experiences of the senses that confirm
these beliefs. More experiences and other input from books, teachers, parents,

peers, etc. expand our programming into a specific way of perceiving ourselves,
others and the world. Our self image, our body, our health and our behavior thus
become an expression of this identity we believe ourselves to be. It is all a lie!
Who we really are has nothing to do with these beliefs.

To Ascend we must be able to receive and integrate the energies that amp up our
vibration. We can only do this if we have released the negative beliefs and
emotions that keep our vibration dense. This does not mean adopting some new
beliefs the mind tells us are good for us and denying those the mind says are
unacceptable. It means having a quiet mind that is empty of all judgments, fear,
anger, and victim thoughts. It means being fully present to each moment without
a running dialog going on in our head about what we have experienced in the
past, are currently experiencing, or will experience in the future. It means being
fully present to our True Self - unconditionally loving, peaceful and full of joy, no
matter what circumstances we find ourselves in.

The best way to fulfill our role as lightworkers and support the Ascension
process is by living this way in every moment. That is why the most
immediate goal of every lightworker must be to fully Realize the truth of who they
are. This Realization awakens the awareness of our True Self so light can radiate
through every cell of our body. The love and joy that is our natural state then
creates a huge aura that embraces everyone that finds themselves within it. This
helps them feel peaceful and can assist in opening their hearts and awakening
their awareness. It is a gift we can offer the planet and all its inhabitants without
doing anything but being. It is the ultimate co-creation with the spirit realm for
the highest good of all.

Description of a Spiritual Awakening

An Awakening is not a mental belief or understanding about how things are. It
can only be fully embodied by a direct experience of our True Self. This can
happen at any moment, and when it does you will know it. Everyone’s experience
of Awakening is different, so what I could tell you about mine may be completely
different than what actually happens to you. The commonality of all Awakening
experiences is that your perception of reality changes completely, you suddenly
understand everything you have ever heard or read about Awakening and
Enlightenment. It is a large “Ah-ha” moment. Suddenly we know that we are not
the body and that all the beliefs we have ever held about ourselves are merely
fabrications of the mind. This “Ah-ha” moment may or may not be accompanied
by a dramatic event – the end result is the same: The absolute knowing that
you are not your body or your thoughts, and that the True Self that exists
within and without every body is you. This Realization instantly releases the
bondage that has been created by the mind. What we do next is up to the Master

within because the ego mind is no longer dominating our behavior. The chooser
of all our choices is now the Self.

The Difference Between a True Spiritual

Awakening and an Awakened Ego
The ego is not real. You can’t find it anywhere no matter where or how hard you
look. We use this label to refer to the identity we continuously create with our
thoughts. Some call these thoughts the “Negative Ego” because even though they
seem to be our guardian angel that guides us to the right choice in every
situation, these thoughts are actually the source of all our problems. The stream
of thoughts that continually tells us who we are and what we need to know is like
an extremely clever software program in our body/mind computer. It records all
the things it wants us to remember (how it wants us to remember them) and
plays this back to us whenever it perceives the need to control our lives. It feeds
on our vulnerabilities and the beliefs stored in our cellular memory so that we will
accept what it is telling us. When we read books about spiritual topics, the
experiences of our teachers, the teachings of our spiritual path, etc. it creates its
own instructions around these concepts and directs us to act (fictitiously) as if we
are truly embodying awakened awareness. As we unconsciously do this we begin
to believe we have awakened and are already fully expressing our divine Self.

Awakened awareness is not mental, not a feeling, not a state, or a way of

behavior. It doesn't exist when there are any personal beliefs or thoughts. It only
exists when the mind is so quiet that it has no role whatsoever in the way the
body behaves. The personal identity has disappeared. As long as there is a
personal “I” that believes anything at all, a spiritual Awakening has not occurred.

How do we function without mind chatter directing our every move? Wonderfully!
The absence of thoughts allows us to be fully present to every experience without
judgments or comparisons to previous experiences. Our actions are spontaneous
because the Master within determines what they are to be for the role we play in
the movie of life. True knowing replaces all beliefs and the wisdom of our
expanded consciousness is available as we need it.

Spiritual Experiences and Their

Relationship to Awakening
Spiritual experiences are part of every human life because everything in life is
spiritual. Some are more dramatic than others, and the mind will interpret the

more dramatic ones to be significant - putting meanings on them that they
usually don’t deserve. An altered state, or altered mind experience is not an
Awakening. Any experience is just an experience. An Awakening has occurred
when a permanent change in awareness has occurred. An Awakening hasn't
occurred if the memory of an experience is described by the mind as “something
that happened to me.” There is still identification with the body/mind story. An
Awakening has occurred when the “I” you refer to as your identity is the One Self
without any individuation.

Spiritual Paths for Awakening

All authentic spiritual paths lead to the same place. Masters of all mystical
traditions will tell you that: “The truth lies within” and they will point you there.
Those teachers who are not authentic Masters (yes, many believe themselves to
be and will happily run your life as if they are) will preach a lot of dogma, and
give you practices to do according to their belief systems; following them will
keep you stuck in illusion.

Reading books, listening to channelings, taking courses and/or seminars that

promise enlightenment, seeking spiritual experiences and creating your reality
with the mind will NOT provide an Awakening. Astrology, numerology, Tarot,
physical movement, guided meditations, etc. are of no relevance whatsoever.
Neither are “feel good” gatherings for planetary healing or ceremonies to
celebrate the seasons. Organized religions are not about Awakening. It is not
going to happen because of the energies pouring onto the planet or any other
magic bullet being promised in the latest channeling. As long as the mind is
focused on “Me and my life, what I want and don’t want, what my dreams are
saying, etc.,” Awakening will remain the goal of a seeker.

Awakened Teachers
A true Awakening begins with being quiet and having the mind directed towards
the silence within from where all thoughts arise. It helps to have an Awakened
teacher to show you where ego still exists and keep you on track. Only Awakened
awareness can know where you are in relation to Awakening because the mind
will always deceive you about this. Finding an Awakened teacher can be a
challenge if you don’t know what to look for. Here are some guidelines: Someone
you feel peaceful being with who has no agenda for you other than supporting
your Awakening. They won’t be asking you to join anything, take lots of very
expensive courses, turn your life (and all your money) over to them, etc. They
will point you to the Truth within. And most importantly: they will help you
Realize who you are by showing you who you are not.

For those who do not have the time or money to travel somewhere to hang out
with a well known (authentic) spiritual teacher, there are alternatives. One is the
availability of those who have Awakened and are living ordinary lives in cities,
towns and rural areas all over the planet. They may not be promoting themselves
as teachers, but will recognize and be happy to assist those who are serious
about Awakening. Another option is the way that most of them Awakened – with
the practice of Self-Inquiry.

Self-Inquiry - The Most Direct Way to

have a Spiritual Awakening
This method of going within was introduced by the Indian Sage Sri Ramana
Maharshi. It is a practice that is used continuously no matter what the body is
engaged in doing. It can be done at home, at work, driving the car or taking a
walk, etc. It requires vigilance and mindfulness because thoughts will continue to
distract you unless you stop them in their tracks. It is a very simple practice that
can be the last one you will ever need.

For more information about this “most direct way to have a Spiritual Awakening”
you can go to,, or contact me
directly for instructions and support in the process.

Awakening and Enlightenment

Awakening is the first step to Enlightenment. It may be the only step, but this is
rare. For most of us, Awakening is the start of a process of letting go of all the
automatic programming associated with the beliefs and memories held in the
body. Each release deepens the Awakening until there is no personal identification
with the body. This emptiness is Enlightenment.

Awakening and Ascension

In one of the messages about Ascension I received from Ascended Master Saint
Germain ( he says, “Ascension means to fully awaken
the divine Master I Am within and Be a demonstration of aware consciousness.”
In language meant for a Western audience, he is saying that Ascension is a
complete spiritual Awakening. How else could we have an Age of Enlightenment?

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The earth is getting ready to cleanse itself so it can heal. This cleansing will
make living here very difficult for those who are not spiritually awake and
emotionally capable of handling major changes in their lives. At some point the
new earth will be a regenerated Garden of Eden, but first it must rid itself of
the toxic waste that is now poisoning everything on its surface. Coinciding
with the changes that will continue to occur (volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and
typhoons, earthquakes, floods, etc.) is a new spiritual awareness that is capable
of changing the balance of the mass consciousness from negative to positive. This
new awareness supports a spiritual graduation for those who have mastered life
on earth. This step, once rare, that will soon be recognized as the next
evolutionary step is called Ascension. Those who have awakened to the truth
of who they are and are living as Masters on Earth will take this step.
Some will Ascend and return to Earth to help others in physical form. The rest will
assist in their light bodies. The goal is for ALL to take a giant leap in
consciousness as a result of what is experienced on Earth. For those who do not
become the Master of life on Earth during the changes they will experience, there
is a plan to evacuate this planet to a similar one in another galaxy where life will
continue until Earth is ready to be seeded again.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: The single most important thing you can do to participate in this mass
Awakening is to be quiet/meditate daily so you can become aware of your inner
Self and the guidance available to you from this source.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I do not see a magical transformation of everyone happening at once.

Awakening has already begun for many who will be ascending. This is a gradual,
self-development process, not a total change of consciousness that will happen in
an instant. The body could not handle this. The body is a physical expression of
consciousness, and raising vibration increases sensitivity. Consequently, shifts in
consciousness must happen at a pace the body can easily adapt to and continue
to function. Each individual will do this in their own time and their own way based
on their level of commitment to the process. To speed it up – increase
meditation, cut cords of attachment, get complete with the past, etc. There are
many messages from the Masters and Archangels about this at

About the Author
Aruna Byers has traveled the world as a channel for the Great White
Brotherhood and teacher of Personal and Spiritual Mastery since 1985. In 1993
she Awakened to the full expression of her True Self and is now coaching others
to Awakened Awareness so they can know only peace, joy, and unconditional love
in all of life’s circumstances.

Aruna works closely with the Ascended Masters and Archangels on Planetary
Awakening and Ascension. Her clear channeling of their Master Messages has
contributed the most details about ascension and the next days currently
available. New material is channeled regularly and posted along with articles
Aruna has written about awakening and other related subjects at You can access all of her Master Messages through
this website.

Aruna provides coaching for Awakening and preparing for Ascension by phone
and e-mail. She also assists those integrating major shifts in consciousness into
daily life. She can be reached at 720-652-7279 or

© Copyright 2007, Aruna Byers

The New Children and the Coming
Fifth World
By P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D.

Various traditions of esoteric knowledge (loosely referred to as "mystery school

teachings") mention the altering of the lifestream whereby new "waves" of souls
come forth. The seer Edgar Cayce called these waves "root races." He did not
mean "race" in the famous context of genetic subgroups, but used the term "root
races" to indicate species-wide, evolutionary mutations. He targeted 1998 to
2010 as the years when the next major "advancement" would occur.

Cayce referred to this advancement as the fifth root race, predicting that:
"Great numbers of children will be born who understand electronics and atomic
power as well as other forms of energy. They will grow into scientists and
engineers of a new age which has the power to destroy civilization unless we
learn to live by spiritual laws."

Although Cayce never expanded beyond a few tantalizing statements about

root races in general, and more specifically the fifth root race, there is precedent
for what he indicated in the ancient Vedic teachings, with numerous psychics and
visionaries who described the comings and goings of "life streams," and in the
mystical renderings of theosophy1.

Reverend Carol Parrish-Harra, founder and spiritual director of the intentional

community of Sparrow Hawk Village in Oklahoma, and dean at Sancta Sophia
Seminary2, offers these comments on the early theosophical understandings of
root races: "We recall that spiritual science calls you and me the fifth sub-race of
the fifth root race of humanity, or fifth stage of human consciousness to develop
on the planet, and look at today's children from that perspective. Theoretically
the teachings say humanity will pass through seven great stages. Each stage is
called a 'root race,' because it develops out of itself seven great flowerings called
sub-races. Think of 'race' as the human race and 'root' as a foundation for a wave
of souls forming new and expanded capabilities of human potential.

"As humanity passes through these consecutive stages, the human lifestream
evolves. These progressive periods of dominant cultural complexes or peoples are
centered in geographic areas where the stream of divine sparks converges into
expression. We call this a 'root race.' While a somewhat complex theory, it gives
us a way to look at what is happening worldwide.

"If we recognize that each period of time has its own impetus and demands,
we see there were long periods of time when the building of the physical body
was of primary importance, then the gradual building of the emotional nature
became dominant. In due time, we began stages of mental bodybuilding – the
assignment to which current humanity has been responding."

With each "comings and goings" of lifestreams or root races, esoteric tradition
has it that a change of "worlds" occurs. These are described in creation
myths and in story-form depictions that appear to interpret the ancient calendars.

Most of the ancient creation myths that still exist, and there are thousands of
them around the world, describe eras or ages of dramatic change that
significantly altered the landscape and livability of what remained, shifted the
climate, and scattered beings and beasts. Each one emphasized the existence of
"Noahs" – survivors to seed the next cycle.

There is a rhythm to how this occurs, a pulse beat, that is beyond what
science can either confirm or deny. This type of rhythmic motion and the "motive"
ascribed to it (that of Deity or Source) are typical of early calendars. By the way,
early calendars were not designed to have additional eras tacked on just to
accommodate the advances of time-shifts (a linear approach). They were made to
recycle and enfold what they contained for as long as Earth and the development
of consciousness here continued to interact with one another (an abstract

Traditions of the long-count with the Mayan sunstone calendar imply that after
the year 2012, there begins a period of 5,200 years during which the natural
order returns and a time of wisdom, peace, harmony, love, and various states of
higher consciousness ensues. A few modern voices have interpreted this to mean
that a sixth "sun" ("world") is on the horizon. There is no evidence on the
sunstone to suggest a sixth sun in the Aztec-Mayan cosmology. Not even a hint.
Instead, there is every indication that, as a "calendar round," the Mayan sunstone
will recycle, repeat itself for another turn around the wheel once the cycles it
predicated have come to fruition. In other words, nothing ends. The ascension or
descension of creation's story continues, and in league with shifting energy

Almost all of the time measurements I am aware of, be they based on

myth, story-form, tradition, or actual calendrical calculations, point to
this present time in the history of the human family as the beginning of
the fifth world. And you can include Mayan sun legends in this even though they
indicate that the fifth world has been around for a while, because on December
21, 2012, as the original vibratory pattern of the fifth sun ends, a higher octave
of the same sun begins – at another level of existence, another plane of

potentiality. What we haven't recognized yet, what the Mayan calendar has been
illustrating all along (as well as the other ancient calendars and creation myths) is
that at this particular shift of eras when the fifth sun ends – true to design –
creation/ consciousness enfolds on itself, rolling back over the same sun but at a
higher intensity of energy vibration than before. During the first and last cycles of
any early calendar, enfoldments of energy alter the experience of time. This
either slows available potential, or accelerates it. (A wonderful example of this
was detailed by Swami Sri Yukteswar in his treatise on the yugas or world ages of
the Vedic tradition3.)

So, guess what is happening at this shift of cycle enfoldment?

The fifth world is spiraling into ascension.
With it, potentiality is skyrocketing!

Those who cannot keep up with the acceleration of change now occurring,
those who refuse to grow, are screaming at those who can, screaming for
attention and love in the only way they know how – with anger. Consciousness
is actually becoming self-aware. . . a global mind has formed. Russian
scientist V. I. Vernadsky and French theologian Teilhard de Chardin predicted this
and named it the noosphere, envisioning a mental envelope that would one day
encompass Earth like a threaded fabric, connecting all minds, all consciousnesses
together in a web of luminescence. This spirit-like or etheric web of sparkling light
is often seen by meditators, those in prayer or in ecstasy, near-death
experiencers, and people who have undergone transformations of consciousness.

Many say that the Mayan calendar reflects the end of history as we know it, a
world based on duality and separation, and the birthing of a golden age of
enlightenment during which it will be possible to attain unity consciousness,
oneness. A return to the natural order is predicated, in the sense that respect,
honor, cooperation, tolerance, understanding, and peace are instinctive in the
human family and will resurface if given a chance. (War-like responses are
representative of learned behavior.)

The various traditions of fifth world cosmology carry essentially the same
message, and feature this same basic revelation: the return of a Christ-like
being, either as a single soul or through a "Christed" state of
consciousness that anyone can achieve. ("Christ consciousness is an
awareness of being anointed by love and grace as one surrenders to the Godhead
or Source. It is a state of forgiveness and blessedness in a life dedicated to the
service of a higher, spiritual calling.)

An important but seldom mentioned aspect of creation myths is that invariably,

each sun or world so described is said to produce its own Adam, its own Messiah,
and its own Noah. The modern times in which we live offer no exception. The

version of the fifth world now ending will produce its Noah, a type of survivor with
the consciousness needed to seed the next level, just as happened at the closing
of the other eras. And the heightened version of the fifth world soon to arrive will
have its own Adam; its own Messiah (perhaps the Second Coming of Jesus Christ,
or of Quetzalcoatl, or some other figure of such stature); and, eventually, its own
Noah, as the ascended fifth world blends into the next level of development on
Earth and the fuller expression of the sixth root race.

Adams, Messiahs, Noahs. . . each new world is a microcosm of the macrocosm,

another step up the ladder of a grander scheme to a greater purpose. I have
noticed that the Messiah of each era sets the body type and state of
consciousness for that era. This individual (actually a series of individuals born in
different places around the world yet modeling the same pattern) is a progenitor
of what is to come. Such holy ones have disciples or students they teach about
the mysteries of life and death, about Deity (revealed as sacred knowledge or the
"Holy of Holies"). They inspire, motivate, and uplift, then leave, either dying as a
martyr or mysteriously disappearing. Those so influenced by these masters are
admonished to continue doing as they have been taught, "and more also."

The idea of a progenitor, a first born, is part of every cultural myth on our
planet. Many prophets and scholars believe that Jesus Christ was the
Messiah figure for the fifth world. Buddha, Mohammed, and Baha'u'llah are
often included in that patterning as well4. With the lesser fifth world quickly
fading and an ascended or accelerated version of the same era about to launch,
we can't help but question: Is the Messiah coming back? My answer: Absolutely
yes! Only this time I expect that second coming to be larger than life.

Why would I say that? Well, in ascended states, everything expands, enlarges,
and accelerates – it becomes more of itself. Everything. Considering religious
points of view, notice the growing numbers of church parishioners and people of
faith who are finally willing to accept the biblical injunction that states we are
each "gods in the making," capable of far more than we were taught once we
spiritualize (ascend in consciousness, expand) and live accordingly. This
injunction puts the possibility of messiah-hood in everybody's lap, along with the
responsibilities that implies, welcome or not.

As we move further into the ascension of the fifth world, we will encounter
over-sized pressures and stresses as well. You could call it "overwhelm." That is
because we are facing more of everything, coming faster, and from every corner.
Our failsafe, a solution that works, is that return to the natural order. Ascended
states are natural states. The soul-filled qualities of compromise, tolerance,
cooperation, and compassion are instinctive. So is the desire to attain ever-higher
states of consciousness. This is modeled for us by our messiah-figures as a way
to help us jump-start our own potential – the role they fulfill is that of a way


And challenges skyrocket with each year that passes. Various mystery school
traditions teach that with each advance of a root race, challenges specific to the
wave of energy it represents will accompany it. These energy waves correspond
to particular chakras – the seven organizing centers in our bodies that receive,
assimilate, and transmit life energies. Each of the seven root races is said to have
the "job" of fully developing the power of its corresponding chakra throughout the
populace, thus energizing those particular qualities, activities, and challenges
within the social structure of the time. Accordingly, when all seven root races
have completed their evolutionary journey, all seven chakras will operate as one,
both within the individual and throughout society itself. (Root races are said to
recycle, too; everything does, as the human family continues to spiral in grand
sweeps of development and experience, until it reaches its goal of awakened
companionship with the Creator.)

Right now we are dealing with a whopper – the last stages of fifth chakra
enfoldment, which centers on willpower. Chakra is a Sanskrit term meaning
"spinning wheels of light." I regard each of these "wheels" (and I see their light
both inside and over each center) as a kind of generator that enables us to
function in a healthy manner. A blocked chakra plugs up the energy in that area
of our body and throughout the attitudes, feelings, and life experiences we have
that link to that area. An open chakra enables the energy in that part of our body
and makeup to flow easily and effortlessly, so we feel better, perform with
greater confidence, and are able to accomplish more5.

Fifth chakra energy – issues of will and domination – has commanded headlines
for as long as there have been headlines. And as the fifth root race moves into its
final stages of development (remember, it has been around for several thousand
years and is only now reaching numbers significant enough to herald a major shift
in the characteristics of the global population), so too does the fifth chakra.
Everything moves in rhythm with evolution's urge. To maintain that rhythm, the
different parts of the whole need to move in sync with the whole, or the process
will slow down or detour. You and I help or hinder by the choices we make daily.
That makes us important. And here is why.

Fifth chakra issues focus on the use of willpower. How do you express the power
of your will? Do you seek to empower others or overpower them? These
questions strike at the very core of the basic need for self-expression we all have
– the need to be heard and acknowledged, to contribute ideas and thoughts in a
way that enables goals to be achieved. The challenge of the fifth chakra is one of
domination itself. Who is in charge? Are outcomes and lifestyles to be strictly
controlled, or can room be made for the diversity that becomes possible through
negotiation and compromise?

The challenge of "power over" or "power to" is at the crux of each war currently
being fought on the earthplane, each abuse of human rights, each government
and each religion that refuses to address its own shortsightedness. Only
individual choices, made one person at a time, can make a meaningful difference
where issues of personal will are concerned; leadership cannot.

Are we ready for the futuristic sixth root race (indigos) and the sixth chakra
(individuation)? Perhaps a few people are, but not as a society. Still, it is clear to
me that our present mix has already been spiced by an early wave of sixth root
race types – those who seem to have no "skin" in terms of their sensitivity and
how otherworldly they are in whatever they see, think, and do. Wait around
another four to six hundred years and there will be a lot more of them. Maybe
you and I will even be among them, should we reincarnate at a time when they

The fifth root race (previous, present, and ascended) is by all accounts the
"blue race," blue in the sense of the vibratory resonance it maintains and further
develops from the potential existent within the consciousness it holds. The color
blue doesn't necessarily indicate that a fifth root race type of individual has a blue
aura (the energy field that surrounds and fills us, which we emit). Claims in this
regard, that the color of a person's aura is the determinant of which root race
they belong to, are misleading.

As the fifth world accelerates, so too does the fifth root race and the spreading of
fifth chakra energies and challenges. We are expanding, enlarging, as a people
and as a society and as a planetary body of governments, economies, ideologies,
and religions that, for the most part, is only recently beginning to realize the
import of what it means to share space on a round ball in a sky full of light

Our five senses are expanding in function, too. What was once called "psychic" is
now called normal as we edge closer to a "science of intuition." What's
more, we're moving into the fifth dimension. The first three dimensions have
to do with the laws of time and space, the fourth with the astral or
etheric plane, and the fifth – well, that's the one that frees us from time
and space dynamics while enabling us to weave our intentions directly
into the fabric of what we want to manifest. Nothing is hidden in the fifth
dimension; all is revealed. Can we handle that? We can. . . eventually.

Joseph Chilton Pearce, an expert on what affects the development of a child's

brain and how that plays out in society and with the evolution of the human
family, suggests that the human being actually has five "brains" 6. He describes
the brain proper as consisting of four main structures: the hind or "reptilian"

brain, the middle or limbic brain, the forebrain or neocortex, and the prefrontal
lobes. Then he goes on to state that, thanks to the emerging science of
neurocardiology, we can say there is a fifth brain – the heart. Far more than a
blood pump, researchers have discovered that 60 to 65 percent of all heart cells
are neural cells, identical to those in the brain; that the heart is actually the
major glandular structure of the body, producing hormones that profoundly affect
the operations of the body, brain, and mind; and that the heart produces two-
and-a-half watts of electrical pulsation with each beat, creating an
electromagnetic field in and around us that is identical to that of the Earth.

Isn't it incredible that the fledgling science of intuition has shown us that our
five senses are being triggered to perform higher functions, at the same time as
the new science of neurocardiology has established that we have a fifth brain. . .
all during the time of the ascension of the fifth world, the fifth root race, and the
fifth chakra?

All those fives. Patterning like this, nature's way of bringing order and cohesion to
what seems disorder and chaos, is explained by yet another new science, the
science of synchrony7. The idea that "birds of a feather flock together" can now
be proven on every level of existence – from traffic to fads, from fish to fireflies,
from births to evolution itself. Patterns. We know from the study of chaos that
this is true – that as order disintegrates into chaos, that very chaos gives birth to
new order. Life utilizes random unpredictability to ensure continued
advancement. Yet, what seems random is part and parcel of an underlying order.

Can you handle more fives?

The number 5 in numerology and as a mystical symbol means "change." It

has other meanings, like progress, growth, communications, travel, education,
the fun of sex, leadership, the will to achieve and accomplish, science, discovery,
adventure, insight. Everything turns and alters under the influence of five energy.
It is action-oriented and signifies forward motion. Five also refers to the five-
pointed star, the star of man in relation to God, Jesus as Messiah, Christianity.

FIVE. . . the number of change, the energy pattern that best clarifies what is
overwhelming our world and implanting itself into our children.

This is the energy that opens the door to the highest states of consciousness
possible to attain in human form. We shift with the five. The time is now.

1. Refer to these writings: The Masters and the Path, C. W. Leadbeater (Madras,
India; Theosophical Publishing House, 1925). And, The Solar System,

Colonel Arthur E. Powell (Madras, India; Theosophical Publishing House, 1930).
2. Sancta Sophia Seminary is a full accredited, degree-granting institution. Contact: Sancta
Sophia Seminary, 11 Summit Ridge Drive, Tahlequah, OK
74464-9215; (918) 456-3421; e-mail; website
3. Refer to: The Holy Science, Swami Sri Yukteswar (Los Angeles, CA; Self-Realization
Fellowship, 1990).
4. Baha' u'llah lived in Iran during the 1800s. He was a gifted visionary and spiritual master
in every way, and his life and death fit the messiah pattern as
exemplified by Christ Jesus. A religion evolved from his work, founded in
1884 as the Baha'i Faith. There is a large, beautiful Baha'i temple in Wilmette, Illinois.
Contact: Baha'i National Center, Wilmette, IL 60091; (708) 869-9039.
5. Refer to: Meditation: Gateway to the Light, Elsie Sechrist (Virginia Beach, VA;
A.R.E. Press, 1972).
6. Refer to: The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit, Joseph Chilton
Pearce (Rochester, VT; Park Street Press, 2002).
7. For more information on the Science of Synchrony, read: Sync: The Emerging Science of
Spontaneous Order, Steve Strogatz (New York, NY; Hyperion, 2003).

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The changes that are now occurring happen once every 25,920 years - that
massive - so giving specifics is quite impossible. What I attempt to do in my book
Beyond the Indigo Children and in the talks I give, is to offer perspective.
Landmasses, weather patterns, evolutionary factors, not to mention political,
religious, and governmental concerns are all altering, and will continue to for
many years to come. What will help the most is switching to sustainability
measures in our lifestyles and societies, and adopting a more spiritual mindset.
Once we begin to realize that Source, or God, is in charge, and that attunement
to that Guidance is what will make a difference, we can then begin to release our
need to control and limit. We are one family, the human family, and until we start
helping each other, none of us are going anywhere fast.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Prayer and meditation are the single best techniques anyone can use.
Whenever you feel stuck or blocked, volunteer somewhere, help out at church,
aid another. Service projects always put one's life back into perspective and

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I don't know what you mean here. A spiritual awakening is personal. Any

timeline depends on the willingness and ability of the individual to move beyond
the ego and into transcendent states of consciousness.

There are numerous techniques and suggestions of how to do this, still, what
rests within the individual's heart is the only true determiner of what occurs,
when, and how. If you are referring to society itself, any time line will always be
misleading. Yes, energy is quickening. Yes, we are coming up to times of
tremendous astrological aspects that will indeed make a difference to how we
learn and grow. Yes, the possibility of war and political oneupmanship is present
and growing stronger. I truly feel that anything we see now and into 2012 is
nothing compared to what will follow. The most dangerous time for our country is
between 2013 and 2029, but there are strong aspects after that that could
change everything.

A broad-based spiritual awakening will depend on the willingness of large groups

of people to move beyond borders and governmental and religious decrees, and
begin to work together in mutual cooperation for the greater good of all
concerned. When will that happen? No clock or calendar will reveal that. Only the
heart will.

About the Author

P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D. is one of the original researchers in the field of near-

death studies, having begun her work in 1978. She has written seven books on
her findings, among them We Live Forever: The Real Truth About Death (A.R.E.

Part of this article has been adapted from her book, Beyond the Indigo Children:
The New Children and the Coming of the Fifth World (Bear & Co., Rochester, VT,
2005), and from the addendum to the book, entitled "Beyond the Indigo Children
EXTRAS – available as a free download from her website,

Heaven on Earth: The Unfolding
By Julia Rogers Hamrick

In December of 1982, I glimpsed what some are calling “The New Earth” for the
first time in memory. It is not really new—it’s been present all along, and you’ve
experienced it, too—you just may not remember it.

Back before you became deeply immersed in duality, you dwelt there, and a part
of you—in fact, most of you—still does. The anesthesia of operating at lower
vibrational frequency creates a sort of amnesia or veil that prevents our recall
and limits our awareness of the existence of this other reality, and keeps us from
remembering the truth of who we are, which is Source, wearing an “Earth suit,”
pretending to be limited; pretending not to be All That Is.

This New Earth has been featured in spiritual and esoteric literature for many
thousands of years. It has been called Paradise, Shambhala, the Garden of Eden,
Paradesha, and dozens, if not hundreds, of other names, depending on the
culture doing the telling. It is described as a beautiful and perfect world,
where everything is provided without struggle, and where harmony
reigns. It is Heaven on Earth.

What I found out from my brief visit there is that it is very real, and it is very real
now, not just at some future or past time. It is not a piece of real estate, it is a
reality state—a parallel reality—and the one in which human beings are designed
to thrive.

While we have expected some sort of massive physical transformation of Planet

Earth in the future, this amazing realm is accessible any time, but only now are
conditions becoming fully supportive of our entering and sustaining our
perceptual tenure there. Whether or not Earth herself changes in a radical way,
our experience of Earth will change as we enter a new realm of consciousness.

The story of how I happened to arrive there, as well as the mechanics of how we
will all arrive there, is detailed in my book, Recreating Eden, but, in a nutshell,
what is required is that we raise our vibrational frequency up to the vibrational
level where Paradise manifests.

The address for this reality is at the top of our frequency ladder. It is only
accessible when one reaches the highest vibrational frequency at which a human

being can manifest and still be human. It is one breath away from total,
undifferentiated consciousness, also known as “Oneness.” This is humanity’s
original perceptual state, and the one to which it is destined to return.

To understand what happens to allow us to access Heaven on Earth, it is

important to know a little bit about energy polarity, Source, and the human
design. Source is pure energy—pure Love—pure Light. The primary dynamic of
Source is energy relating with energy. And how it relates is at the crux of the

Source is the perfect balance of feminine (receiving) and masculine

(radiating) forces. As human beings, we are also an amalgam of feminine and
masculine aspects, no matter our gender, and we are designed to interact with
Source in a very specific way for an optimal experience. Just as the feminine and
masculine poles of magnets must be available to each other in order to come
together, so it is imperative that our feminine and masculine aspects be in proper
position in order to interface perfectly with Source.

Our feminine aspect needs to be available to receive energy from the masculine
aspect of Source, and our masculine aspect needs to be available to radiate that
energy, returning it to the feminine, receptive aspect of Source. This participation
in the cycle of energy brings us into perfect magnetic alignment with Source, and
when this is occurring, our frequency is at the optimal level, and our experience is
that of perfect harmony and bliss. We are within the vibrational gates of Paradise.

Essentially, then, to access Heaven on Earth, our availability—our focus and

receptivity—must be to Source and to the flow of Love coming from Source, and
our actions must be those which facilitate the flow of Love from us. We must be
attuned to the impulses of our Source-Self rather than to any other influences,
and allowing those impulses to drive our thoughts and actions.

We must be willing to express our true essence which is Love. The impulses of
our Source-Self are always prompting the expression of Love. To be in alignment
with our Source-Self, we must be willing to radiate Love without fail, just as
Source does. Very, very simple.

But human beings have an aspect whose very purpose for being is to distract us
from that inner guidance, keep us from perfect alignment with Source, and
prevent us from a constant radiance of Life Force/Love. This is so that we can
experience contrast, and its extremes of disharmony, discord, and turmoil.

What keeps us at lower vibrational frequency and out of the realm where we
perceive and experience Paradise is the aspect of us that is resistant to the flow
of Love. It is what we label as “ego.” Ego is the creator and maintainer of duality.

Duality is the reality matrix which sustains the idea of “more than one” and
features contrast. Duality, while harsh and uncomfortable, is not some sort of
random anomaly. It has been an important experience for the intelligence that
initiates and sustains Creation, the intelligence we’ll call “All That Is.”

By participating in duality, human beings provide All That Is, whose desire is to
experience all possible permutations of ItSelf, with the experience of having the
contrast to be able to observe, to differentiate, and to perceive individuation of

Duality, while a valid experiment in consciousness, is simply not a reality matrix

that is supportive of peace, joy, and harmony—all the things we human beings
are hard-wired to desire. Duality is supportive of conflict, pain, and discord,
because only when there is more than one entity is there friction. So, while
duality has been a fascinating sojourn in consciousness, we now have an
unprecedented opportunity to move out of duality, the “misery matrix.” There is a
distinct movement back toward our original state of Oneness in progress.

Our understanding of Oneness is accelerating rapidly. Our desire for peace (the
absence of conflict/contrast), and our eager quest for joy (our emotional response
to higher vibrational frequency), are indicators that maximum tolerance for the
extremes of duality has been reached, and that the leading edge of consciousness
is moving back toward the higher vibrational realms of Oneness.

This is supported by our planet’s movement through the Photon Belt, which has
been identified as the cosmic event that will trigger “The Shift of the Ages.” The
magnetic action of the Photon Belt assists in drawing energy out of our primitive
reptilian brains and moving it into our pineal glands and frontal lobes, thus
strengthening our alignment with Source and weakening our subjectivity to our
ego, which is reptilian-brain-driven.

Collectively, our vibrational frequency is rising. Consciousness and vibrational

frequency are correlated, so as the collective frequency rises, our ability to see
more clearly and from a higher perspective increases. Our conscious willingness
to choose Love—to drop resistance to the flow of Love—strengthens, therefore
accelerating our rise in frequency and, thus, our proximity to this new reality.

As Light increases in our experience, contrast decreases, and boundaries become

less distinct. Just as when you adjust the brightness on your television set, the
contrast decreases, so it is when you increase the amount of Light/ Life Force/
Love flowing through you. As you allow more Love, your experience is one of
decreasing contrast and increasing peace, ease, beauty, perfection, and joy, the
qualities of Paradise.

As your alignment with Source—the ultimate powerful “magnet”—increases, the
increased magnetic force will be pulling more and more of you into alignment.
This will concurrently have the same effect on that which you perceive to be
outside yourself, though as you rise in frequency and the boundaries fade, you
will see that there is nothing that is not You. The power of being unified with the
ultimate magnet spontaneously pulls everything into alignment. This is how the
transition unfolds throughout all Creation.

It is imperative to understand that your experience of the shift is completely

dependent upon your orientation to and identification with Love, the essence of
Source, and the truth of Who You Are. So as this transition upward occurs, there
will be either lesser or greater resistance to the flow of Love and the absorption of
your individuality. Whatever aspects of you are in resistance will experience pain,
and whatever aspects you are able to release to the flow of Love will experience
the transition as bliss.

In order to fully perceive and experience Paradise, one must be a frequency

match to it. As the frequency of the whole is raised, the leading edge of
consciousness which has embraced Oneness and is dynamically allowing the flow
of Love will have the experience of a paradisaical New Earth. At the same time,
there will be others at predominantly lower vibrational frequencies having a
different experience of the New Earth, featuring various levels of stress and fear,
and the manifestations thereof, due to resistance. But the movement of
consciousness back to union with ItSelf will continue, and eventually, all will
experience Paradise again.

Because vibrational frequency seems to work in a hierarchical fashion, and

because only those entities which are adjacent in this hierarchy can be fully
aware of each other, those at higher frequency will have experiences invisible to
those at significantly lower frequencies and vice versa. Thus it will appear that
some beings will vanish as they move into these higher realms, and those
vibrating at a lower rate will become invisible to those vibrating higher.

While, indeed, everyone will end up experiencing Paradise once more, the key to
being on the leading edge is to consciously, purposefully raise your vibrational
frequency by allowing Life Force to flow freely through you. Intentionally radiating
Love without condition just as Source does is the most efficient and effective way
to transcend ego and move to a higher vibration.

Like a surfer coordinates with a wave by paddling in advance of it so as to be

closer to its speed when it arrives, we can align with the wave of increasing
frequency by consciously raising our vibration. This creates an easier,
smoother, and more rapid ascent to the frequency at which we will leave turmoil

behind and experience Heaven on Earth.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: What you’re calling “the New Earth,” is a perceptual state. It is already as

real as the state of being—“the old Earth”—we’re currently perceiving as real.
Some would call it a parallel reality. It exists now, it’s just that if we are not yet
perceiving it, we are simply not yet at the vibrational level where it is our
predominant reality.

This new reality occurs in one’s experience when one reaches a matching
vibrational frequency, which is as high on the scale as one can go and still be
embodied. Until one has reached that frequency, it is impossible to have a full
experience of it. Individuals are accessing this all the time through an elevation in
vibration, though most have been unable to maintain their awareness there.

It is, however, rapidly approaching the time for us to sustain our perceptual
residency in the New Reality. This happens by virtue of the vibration of the whole
of humanity being sufficiently raised to support that. As the frequencies of
individuals top out, that not only adds to the frequency of the whole by degree, it
exponentially raises the frequency of the whole, making it an easier and faster
“trip” to the New Earth as the process unfolds throughout humanity.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: The single most important thing you can do to awaken is to raise your
vibrational frequency. The key to doing this is in radiating Love
unconditionally. Receiving, circulating, and radiating Love freely as you are
divinely designed to is what is necessary to raise your frequency up to the level
where the New Reality manifests. When you allow the flow of Life Force, also
known as Love, to move through you unobstructed, your frequency is at the
optimal level prescribed for an embodied human being, and your experience is of

To whatever degree you allow your ego to choke off the flow of Life Force/Love,
your vibrational frequency is lowered. The refusal to let Love flow because of ego
interference is what keeps you at lower vibrational frequency, out of the realm
where the joyous new reality is accessible, and embroiled in the depths of duality,
the realm of conflict and pain.

Every time you allow your ego to disrupt the flow, using judgment to determine

whether or not to let Love flow, you lower your own vibrational frequency.
Therefore, to keep your own frequency high so that you are in position to move
to the higher realms—to the New Reality—transcending ego’s tendencies to
withhold Love for any reason is the way.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: Time lines are not of interest to me, as time is a duality-matrix phenomenon,

and the transition is made when we release duality sufficiently to ascend to the
level where the New Reality manifests in our experience. We will experience the
New Reality when we release our ties to time as we know it, and to the other
symptoms of duality consciousness. While time is a useful construct in duality,
identification with it can become a trap that keeps us at lower vibrational
frequency and out of the paradisaical experience.

You will be able to measure your progress by noticing specific symptoms such as
an increased ability to Love without condition, to be in a joyful state for longer
periods, and to find yourself focused on and identified with the beauty and
perfection in all things. You will perceive world consciousness as being more
enlightened, and you will more consistently perceive Divine Order in all that
occurs, including things that may once have caused you fear.

As you continue to ascend the frequency ladder, you will create your experience
in alignment with your increasing joy. The hallmarks of the duality matrix, such
as struggle, turmoil, and pain, will drop out of your awareness, leaving you in
pure bliss. More of the markers of elevated vibrational frequency and increasing
awakening can be found in my article “Vibrational Frequency: Ten Signs You’ve
Raised Yours.”

About the Author

Julia Rogers Hamrick, visionary author of Recreating Eden: The Exquisitely

Simple, Divinely Ordained Plan for Transforming Your Life and Your Planet, has
been a spiritual-growth facilitator since the early 1980s when she experienced a
radical elevation in vibrational frequency and profound spiritual awakening as a
result of turning her life over to God in response to a catastrophic illness.

Focusing her unique and evolving message on the relationship between

vibrational frequency and experience, Julia has a global outreach via her website,, which archives her many articles and provides
information about her monthly free teleseminars, online classes, personal
appointments and public appearances.

Ascending into the New Earth
By Linda Johnson

When most people think about the 'New Earth' or the 'golden age' to come, they
envisage it as some kind of miracle that will 'just happen' around them. Suddenly
all the bad stuff will stop and we'll all start loving each other, all will be well in the
world and we can just kick back and enjoy it.

Unfortunately it's not that simple. We had a test run in the 60's when young
people were initially enthused about living with nature and sharing with each
other, but as the ingrained human personalities took over and politics crept in, it
was no longer any fun. Most left the communes and went reluctantly back to the
world of their parents to go to university and get real jobs.

Ultimately, the vibrational support wasn't yet there to sustain the change that the
hippies of the 60's sought, but the seed was sown. Many of the hippies of the 60's
are teachers, spiritual practitioners and environmentalists now, helping to anchor
change from within our existing society. They retire to simpler lives away from
the cities. They produced a wealth of information on alternative farming, arts and
crafts, natural housing construction and backyard food production that we are
able to use and build on now when we need it.

Around the late 80's, the consciousness of Earth started to awaken in earnest,
and began to move from the bottom of long cycle of descent into dense
vibrations, and to move back up in vibration towards her source. This is the
'ascension' of earth.

The other kingdoms on earth also began to ascend – elementals, minerals, plants
and animals. As all must ascend together, they and many non-physical beings
have been helping to awaken the humans and have them ascend in vibration.
This has proved to be a hard and complicated job so far, as humans are
disconnected from the other kingdoms and don't feel part of the natural world.

This has to do with our genetic heritage. Humans aren't descended from animals,
but seeded from other star systems, as are many of the animals and plants now
thriving here. On Earth, there were initially red (native) seeded races who
had a high vibrational rate and lived quite harmoniously with nature. Not
all of the races were suited to this environment, but many survived and thrived.
These red races had fully activated DNA, which gave them a very high vibrational
rate, and they were able to ascend bodily in and out of a creation at will.

Some time later, a white-skinned family from the Pleiadies (the Annanuki or Anu)
came to mine minerals and ended up causing quite a few problems for Earth and
her inhabitants. They produced workers with less activated DNA and therefore a
lesser vibrational rate and a lesser lifespan. This was fine for work, but these
people were never able to ascend out of this creation like their bosses who
became regarded as gods, especially since they also employed life extension

As the Anu family fell out and began warring with each other, they damaged the
Earth and her vibration with nuclear weapons, causing great deserts that still
exist. They also bred another strain of human as a soldier that would follow
orders and was devoid of feeling. This human had a lesser vibrational rate than
the workers, less activated DNA and an even shorter lifespan.

The cloned humans were bred with pre-set personality and body holograms which
gave them fairly predictable traits. These have become known to us as the
various astrology signs. A good astrologer can predict personality type based on
these presets.

The cloned humans bred and spread by themselves over the world and also
changed the genetics and holograms of the red races, who also learned to
become warlike as their vibration dropped. Subsequent nuclear wars of the
various civilizations further damaged the DNA of humans, as well as all the other
kingdoms, lowering the vibration of all and shortening lifespans further. By the
time our current recorded history starts, we had been reduced to subsistence
farming, hunter/gathering and eating the animal kingdoms to maintain enough

Just because it looks like we have made a lot of technological progress in the last
few thousand years, it doesn't mean we are the pinnacle of human civilization.
We are currently on a small cycle - one of many civilizations that have risen and
fallen at an ever-decreasing vibrational rate. We are just re-making things our
Pleiadian ancestors already made, tapping into the genetic memory. The
technology takes the place of our lack of communion with the natural world.

Our DNA has been reduced to two active strands and most of our DNA is
regarded as 'junk'. Our lifespan is a fraction of what our ancestors knew, as our
bodies can no longer sustain the chi to live. Our physical bodies eventually die
and a lot of chi is used to maintain a non-physical afterlife rather than ascending
out of this creation like our ancestors did. Gathering and re-learning what our
ancestors knew is part of the ascension process.

It is important to understand that the new Earth is not just going to appear
around the existing human populace without the need for us to change. The new

Earth, or rather the new consensus reality of the ascending Earth, is already
anchoring around us, coexisting in the same space as the old Earth consensus.
Which consensus you experience is determined by your own vibration. If you
have increased it enough, you will already be experiencing a different reality than
you would have, had you remained at a low vibrational level.

The higher your vibrational rate, the more choices become available to you. The
preset traits you were born with start to move and come into balance bringing
new experiences into your life to learn from. Eventually you rise into a new
bandwidth of Ascending Astrology that has now been anchored to the new Earth
consensus. As people ascend into their new signs they start to follow their soul
purpose and new opportunities arise.

For the last twenty years or so children have started coming into the world at a
higher vibrational rate. The initial ones were known as Indigo children, then later
ones Crystal children. As the way is cleared, more and more children are now
coming in at higher and higher vibrational rates, born straight into their new
ascending astrology holograms. This means that these future leaders of our
society in the new Earth consensus are working with soul and Earth right from the
start. They are not operating from the low vibrational rates of the older humans
who contend with war, greed, poverty and inequality in the old consensus.

Eventually the old consensus will dissolve as the new one fully manifests. Those
humans unable to increase in vibration enough to exist in the new consensus will
die off in this life, but their consciousness will live on with their ancestors and
descendants. Due to the large amount of work to be done and the difficulty
changing the existing adults, ascension will be generational, with each generation
keeping pace with the current vibration of the Earth.

The nature kingdoms are also ascending. Much of what we know of as global
warming is the heat generated by Earth as she increases her vibration - however,
we can still stop polluting her! Some of the species on Earth weren't originally
from our creation and they will go extinct in this realm as Earth ascends, but will
continue to live and ascend on their own home planets, to where their
consciousness will return . So nothing is really lost, everything is just gathered up
and sent back where it belongs as part of the ascension process.

So, how do we current humans increase our vibration to reach the new Earth
consensus? Our DNA contains the memories and information, physically and
holographically, from all the ancestors that have gone before us. It also contains
the karmic patterns that are perpetuated through each generation, anchored at
each vibrational level at which the ancestors lived .

Until recently, the only way to increase vibration was by inflating the field, taking

energy from others, which is what many gurus have done in the past - but this
way of ascending is no longer viable. One must now 'master' their own vibration
at each level.

As the Earth and the natural kingdoms rise in vibration, humanity has been
triggered to also rise to a certain degree unconsciously. There are those
working with Earth behind the scenes, physically and non-physically, making and
testing a map for humans to ascend along. It had to be safe enough that those
ascending unconsciously wouldn't ascend into thought forms of violence and war
that were still in their fields and increase this. A small increase of this kind in a
large population could be disastrous. That is why a map is in place that has been
tried and tested before making it available in sections to humanity at large. To
follow it, all you have to do is 'intend to ascend'. Say it each day as part of your
meditations or affirmations.

You now have the support available to change the world that our parents didn't
have in the 60's. When you 'intend to ascend' you will anchor an updated
blueprint from your ancestors for your body to start growing into. This is where
an understanding of our ancestral roots helps. In order to anchor a blueprint from
your ancestors, who lived at a higher vibration, you don't want to anchor
information from ancestors who were bred as unfeeling mercenary soldiers and
ascend into that. Also, these lineages are dead ends as they were originally
laboratory bred.

You have many ancestral lineages that come together to make up your current
genetic package. It is these lineages that you pull information from to ascend.
Those who feel really drawn to ascension usually have some native red lineages
available. Even though you may be white in this life, through thousands of
generations interbreeding of humans has made most people related to most
others. If you have at least one red lineage as part of your genetic package, use
this to gather your information from, as these humans were originally able to
ascend out of this creation.

You may work back through your lineages in your meditations releasing karmic
patterns from the white/Anu ancestors, but you don't want to get your ascending
genetic information from these as they are incomplete. These white ancestors go
back through Egypt, Atlantis, and the Greek gods. Use any interest in these topics
to help release karmic patterns from this time period and lineages.

Ascension is a physical process. The physical body is the lowest vibration of the
multidimensional being that you are. ALL of you must ascend - the physical and
non-physical alike. Therefore many of the changes that are triggered will start
altering the physical body, as well as life in the physical as your vibration

As you start to rise in vibration, you start to alter the 'pre-set traits' you were
born with and new experiences start to happen to let you experience other
aspects of life to help bring you into a state of balance - eventually - but it can be
a bumpy ride sometimes! Everything must be dealt with at each phase, then new
vibrational tones called the Language of Light anchor in the field and build the
ascending lightbody, and the vibration increases. This is what determines at
which stage of ascension you are, not man-made tests.

What happens when your vibration rises slightly? You hit a bandwidth of vibration
that your ancestors lived within holding karmic patterns and experiences that you
will feel, but you can intend that the experiences move through you and release
rather than having to re-live everything. You can intend to bring together all the
ancestors who experienced each side of a conflict or situation so that they may
cancel each other out and release the karma.

Along with all the new dramas both in the physical and non-physical, new life
potentials open up to you and as your vibration reaches the new Earth consensus,
the dreams you anchor for your future become compatible with Earth and receive
extra impetus. As you manifest enough for your needs, so there will be enough
for everybody else in the new consensus as nobody will have great wealth or
poverty. Through working on your ascending dream you will always have enough
and enjoy the life you live.

As you ascend, you will find yourself releasing the things from your life that are
holding you back - it may be a relationship that no longer serves, too many
possessions, a job you hate. You may feel the low vibration of the city and
surrounding people pressing on your increasing field and want to move out to the
country, the mountains, or the sea where the vibration is much higher. Just go
with the flow and follow the guidance of your Higher Self.

Work to anchor your field to the Earth and to your own Higher Self where you can
feel safe and part of the increasing vibration. Release the need to worship or
follow others, including the many non-physical beings that previously broadcast
messages to humanity - this is the way things were done in the old consensus.
These beings are undergoing their own ascensions now. If you are in need of
guidance, work with the Earth, the nature kingdoms and your own Higher Self,
who are all ascending.

When you reach the point where you can anchor your field in the new Earth
consensus, you do so as a sovereign (self-contained) being, separate but equal to
all of the others, not a follower in a hierarchy. Your experiences help build your
own core of truth - an ever-evolving and growing inner knowledge that isn't
limited by the dogma of others as it was in the old consensus.

You won't immediately notice the difference in the new consensus because your
vibration has reached a level where it all looks 'normal'. Two people side by side
of different vibrational rates can be perceiving the two different worlds. At this
stage it is more an inner knowing of the direction the world is going in rather than
seeing distinct physical differences. My world is one where I don't live in
fear of the future like my neighbors, who are coexisting in the same space but
living in the old consensus where they perceive that the world is going to hell.

The karma that is being played out in many parts of the world is part of the final
release, so that future generations no longer bring through this karma. As the
new world starts to anchor more in the physical, the new generations of children
who inhabit it will look for peaceful solutions, more equity in business, ways of
relieving hunger and poverty, renewable energy and the like. It has already

The New Earth is already upon us. It may be hard to perceive if you haven't
worked to increase your vibrational level, but if you put in the effort, you will start
to feel it and more importantly, LIVE IT!

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The New Earth will exist at a higher vibration than the Old Earth. It will not
come down to sweep up those who are at a low vibrational rate. It is up to each
of us to increase our vibrational rate to perceive and experience the New Earth.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: 'Intend to Ascend'. Your intent to ascend in your affirmations and meditations

brings into your life the experiences that need to be dealt with, worked through
and released. This will will not only increase your own vibration, but release
karma for yourself, your ancestors, and your incoming related children.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: Events have been underway in earnest since the late 1980's. Earth and her
inhabitants have been constantly increasing vibration (heating up) since then.
Humanity is already awakening, although there are limits on how much adults can
awaken, but each generation of children comes in at a higher vibrational level,
awakening on many levels.

About the Author

Linda Johnson lives in Australia and has spent many years on her spiritual path.
After working for several years on the map for ascension, she now teaches and
writes about ascension to inspire others on their path. Linda also works with the
mineral kingdom for healing and readings. For more ascension information and
products, see Linda's website:

The Frequencies of Consciousness
and Reality
By Eva Herr

The nature of physical reality is far beyond the wildest dreams of most people.
For in the cause and effect theory of the people, they do not consider intent. At
first there was only consciousness, but consciousness had intent. Therefore, when
the essence of consciousness thought, it had to think of something to manifest
that thought, and it finally came up with the building block of hydrogen.

Intent IS the cause and effect because intent is what starts the energy going.
Intent is the start of everything, even the firing of neurotransmitters. Intent is
placed through consciousness and consciousness is this topic that challenges the

For most people, consciousness is how aware you are of those things of life and
love. However, consciousness is just the opposite of that. How aware are you of
the space around you? How aware are you of those things which move your

Move your mind you ask? Moving your mind are those things that make you go
deep. Those things that make you sit and ponder, for pondering is the essence of
meditation. That is why it is so important to meditate. For when you meditate,
you get the facts and conclusions of the universe at your disposal. Do you
realize how valuable that is? Do you realize how many mistakes you can avoid?
Well, it is at your fingertips and all you have to do is use it.

The intent of consciousness comes in like an idea. It pops into your mind when
you least expect it. It is your reaction and further action that determines what will
happen next in your life. And that is exactly how the universe was formed.

The universe as you know it, is not what it seems. It is a universe of one in many.
It is one universe with many solar systems in a universe of one in many. Because
your universe was created by the masses of all the solar systems at one time, it
is created and experienced by the masses simultaneously and all dimensions are
experienced at once. You are able to experience on multiple levels of
consciousness just as you have several dreams occurring at the same time.

Think about a phonograph record. Imagine each song on the record as a lifetime,
and all the songs (lifetimes) are playing at the same time. But because they each

require a needle to play, the needle representing the frequency of the dimension
being played, you can listen to only one at a time. If you had eleven needles, you
could play the songs of all the dimensions at one time. However, the body in
physical reality as you know it can hear the song of only one dimension at a time.
But in REM sleep, you can catch a glimpse of dimensions other than what you are
living. You can glimpse all of the dimensions, if you desire to do so, but only in
REM sleep unless you raise your frequency to that calibrated for each dimension.
REM sleep provides insight to the soul as to all dimensions, for you have multiple
simultaneous dreams every night. With the benefit of this knowledge, your soul's
growth experience is greatly enhanced. For with this knowledge, you enable
yourself to avoid much pain typically experienced with soul growth. Because you
will possess a greater knowledge base from which to draw from, you will make
wiser, more intelligent decisions that will ultimately alleviate the negative karma
that one typically incurs by making poor choices associated with soul growth.

Although you think the multiple dreams you are having at night are occurring one
after the other, they are not. You simply remember only those occurring during
the period of your sleep you know as rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. You may
have ten dreams per night, but only remember the various parts of dreams that
occurred in REM sleep.

You only remember the dreams in REM sleep because REM sleep was designed so
that the psyche can look into the soul if it chooses to do so. All of the information
of all of your experiences is there within the soul. But not everyone is ready for
all of the information at once, so it is given in the form of REM sleep.

When a soul is ready to view all of the information, it is available in the same way
you receive all other intuitive information. The body has limitations and
overloading it is one of them. The reason you yourself are not aware of the other
things you are experiencing simultaneously is because you probably have
problems with too much input as it is. How many times have you told your
children to stop screaming and turn the TV off? God only knows what would
happen if you were aware of all the things going on at the same time in the other
realities. You would go over the edge. But for those ready to know, the
information is there.

All dimensions contain negative energy remnants from thoughts and motives ill
used. Since energy never stops it has to go somewhere, so that is the
somewhere. That somewhere is contained within the womb of God and is
available to all for a manner which is appropriate. The energy is clean energy so
to speak. It has great potential for mankind. It has the potential to move
consciousness and mankind into the next millennium and save the earth at the
same time. It can solve the rainforest issues, the water issues, the ocean issues.
It can provide everything that is needed by the entire universe at one time. And

that energy is: hydrogen.

The elements of space constitute eleven universes spiraling one on top of the
other into what you would refer to as a vortex on earth. This vortex contains the
womb of God which is that part of God you would describe as the part of
reconstitution which means all things once used are recycled and used again in
the mirror of the worlds used for some form or other of physical reality. Each to
its own, distinct and different, yet the same. Distinct in that they are all vibrating
at frequencies different from one another, some more dense and some less. The
more dense frequencies being those frequencies seen by mankind. The higher
frequencies being those that are of mind and matter invisible to mankind. Those
higher frequencies being those things that vibrate at 600,000 hertz and above. It
is here that mankind should be pursuing because it is here that the knowledge of
all there is, is contained. Above 600,000 hertz is God force unequaled. Here the
God force is pure hydrogen quivering with sound waves equal to none. Quivering
like the pluck of violin strings by the anger of a hydrogen bomb. However, there
is no anger because hydrogen contains no emotion. The quivering is the
consciousness of God released by intent. Intent that was manifested over ions of
time by a desire to be. This intent is the source behind all there is, was, and ever
will be. With this intent you can manifest as the God force himself because you
are the same God force, only contained.

The background of intent is the consciousness atom, which is different from all
other atoms because it has a nucleus that quivers unlike all other atoms. All other
atoms have ellipses of matter that revolve around the nucleus. The consciousness
atom does not have the other particles of matter. For this nucleus quivers at such
a rate that matter is not needed nor used. If it had matter such as those, it would
quiver at such a rate that consciousness would be impeded and contained within
the atom itself. As it is, consciousness exceeds thought by preparing the thought
before it arrives. This is known as the consciousness of all there is. The
consciousness of all there is is not contained, but rather dispersed through the
fields of electromagnetic energy with quantum speed. The consciousness atom is
an atom that has been through light years of speed, preparing the way for
mankind's existence. If the consciousness atom had mass, then it would not be
able to travel at the speed required for the intent to manifest. The nucleus is the
smallest portion of the atom. It is not made of mass as your scientists think, but
rather of thought and black matter with simple vibrations. There is no mass, but
rather vibrations of black matter. These vibrations of black matter contain specific
signals which are carried through the shape of the vibration's wave. These signals
get their information from all of mass consciousness about what is supposed to be
next. It is the combined forces of thought from all of existence.

It is the intent of the creator that there be 11 parallel universes right now. People
confuse universes with dimensions. Universes are the things with boundaries.

Dimensions are the frequencies between those boundaries. There are as many
dimensions as there are grains of sand, but the boundaries that contain those
dimensions are as limited as a record album, for you see, they are quite similar.
They are similar in that the frequencies never change – only those things that
pass through the frequencies. Frequencies are vertical and horizontal lines of
energy that pulse with the breathing of the universe as a whole. The higher up
the ladder of frequency one goes, the more still the pulse of energy. Much like a
fan. The faster the fan blows, the more still the whir. You know, much like the
flapping of a chicken's wings compared to the whir of a hummingbird's wings.

Now, the higher you go up the ladder, the less of a physical body you have. For
those of you that do not understand, look at the difference in the skin of a horny
toad compared to the skin of a human. The human electromagnetic field vibrates
at a much higher frequency so it is less dense. This does not mean that the horny
toad does not have consciousness, but that its consciousness is within a different
dimension. That is why a horny toad and a human cannot communicate. You will
not teach a horny toad to respond to YOUR intellectual stimulus, but YOU can
OBSERVE the frequency of the consciousness of the horny toad's existence. See
how I say "observe"? Observe is all you can do, you cannot interact on an
intellectual level. For interacting would be frustrating for you and yet go
completely unnoticed by the horny toad. That is about as simple an explanation
as I can give to describe the difference in dimensions and distinct, separate
universes. That is also the reason why many people cannot see eye to eye. They
reside in different dimensions. When people reside in different dimensions,
they exist at different levels of consciousness. That is why it is like talking to
a telephone pole when you talk to some people. And why some people think you
are a know it all. The person at a lower vibration does not experience what the
person of the higher vibration experiences, but the person at the higher vibration
knows what the person of lower vibration experiences. "Been there and done
that". In essence, one knows what the other does not and the one that does not,
does not know it. It is funny actually to watch the interaction, knowing both.

You live in them all – all eleven at once, can see them all, but you cannot interact
with them all without changing frequency. The purpose and goal of changing
frequency is to observe more and interact less. To simply "be". Interacting means
there is some sort of groveling going on. Groveling with the sustenance of life or
the groveling of emotions. You think that horny toad has emotions? Of course
not! It has instinct. The two are uniquely different, yet the same. They both
accomplish the same goal, but one is more fun than the other. The higher the
frequency, the more fun.

Now, for the big question… What is fun? Fun is the gaining of spiritually
enlightening knowledge through experience. You ride a roller coaster through the
air with great exhilaration or you ride through the haunted house with fear. Well

guess what people? The fear of the haunted house cannot be felt while
experiencing the exhilaration of the roller coaster in the air. Just think about it. It
simply cannot be felt for the exhilaration of the speed of the roller coaster
changes your frequency to that of excitement and glee. While the haunted house
causes you to cringe and knot up with fear. It lowers your frequency as you
withdraw from physical reality into self. Self is that place you go when you have
nowhere else to go. The respirations slow down, the pulse soars and the heart is
deprived of oxygen because it is being flooded with fear. It constricts its vessels
to keep out any possible negative emotions. So you see, that is lowering of
frequency. Someone can watch you go through those changes, but could not
begin to explain them to you, for it is an observation not of words. Know what I
mean, jelly bean? Of course not, because jelly beans are in a different frequency
and maintain no consciousness at this point.

Now, each dimension of the universe is simply a different combination of

atoms, the combination of the atoms determines the frequency. Therefore,
if you have eleven levels of consciousness as Dr. David Hawkins states, then you
must have eleven parallel universes, interestingly as the M Theory of the Unified
Field Theory has set forth, each with its own set of dimension based reality.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: More and more people are having spiritual epiphanies and these large numbers
of epiphanies all seem to have started in the early 90s. Noetic Sciences are at this
moment conducting a research project on spiritual epiphanies because of this
very fact. There must be a reason for these events to all be taking place at a
relevantly close proximity in time, but what that specific reason is, no one knows.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: THE most important thing one can do is spend time in silence so you can
learn to hear and discern from within.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I am not sure anyone knows a specific time line, what we do know is that the
awareness level of the mass consciousness is shifting. Alternative
medicine, knowledge of frequency medicine and scientific endeavor into human
potential is being investigated on a mass level now more than ever before in
history. We have learned that on the quantum level there is no mass and that we

are all entangled. We have learned that intention is real and has very real and
measurable effects. That is a very important leap in understanding, though just a
drop in the ocean as to what remains.

About the Author

Eva Herr is author of AGAPE Intent of The Soul!

Eva experienced an afterlife encounter in 1996 and underwent a paradigm shift in

consciousness that forever changed her life. Since the shift of consciousness she
has been able to feel the Oneness and peace of the fourth dimension and the
pure understanding that we are indeed all One.

If you are interested in individual or group mentoring, satsungs, workshops or

readings she may be reached at 404 513 2895 or by email at: You may also visit her website:

The Way Forward
By Peter Shepherd

The year 2012 has been prophesied since ancient times as a turning point in the
consciousness of humanity. Many expect great things to happen, to come upon us
as if "from above" like an act of God. However, I feel this is an unenlightened
view of the nature of God and of ourselves. God is love and God lives within us,
each and every single one of us. The turn-around in consciousness - a
Spiritual Awakening - will need to come from within us; it is a change that
we are creating - and it is that which has been correctly prophesied. The situation
and the potential for creative action are right. This is the time.

We are the channel for the action of God. If we don't act, nothing will happen. No
one will be any the wiser; we will just have missed the opportunity of hundreds of

In order to create our reality - to make things happen in our experience of the
world - we operate at all levels of our being: the spiritual, mental, emotional,
physical. We do this 100% of the time whether we are aware of it or not. It is
possible to improve our life experience by becoming more conscious of our
creative process.

In Western culture, we are brought up to view our lives primarily as a physical

manifestation: we go to work, produce things, get paid, survive, try to keep our
bodies healthy, find a partner, make a family home. Talk of "creating our reality"
from a spiritual viewpoint seems out of touch with reality, maybe even a bit
crazy. But if you follow it through - as I will try to explain - it does all tie
together. The everyday life we experience is very much affected by our spiritual
nature, our creative will. Then we manifest that "will" according to the beliefs we
hold, the feelings that result from those beliefs, and our resulting actions.

We can start living consciously by manifesting what we want right here and now
by putting into place our plans and dreams in the real world.

A Multi-Domain Approach
I believe in a multi-domain approach. We are not just one with God; nor just
angelic beings; nor just a witnessing consciousness; nor just a creative mind; nor
just a scheming ego; nor just a social being struggling to survive; nor just a
lover, parent or friend; nor just a creature programmed by genes; nor just one

with the super energies of the planet and the Universe. We are all of these things
at the same time. A unified field.

Manifestation, as described in The Secret, is a spiritually powered process. With

the right spiritual, mental, and emotion preparation, things seem to "just happen"
or fall into our lap. While this may sometimes be the apparency, in practice it isn't
the whole picture. The other domains of our being play at least an equal part.
Although opportunities may arise that seem magical - synchronicities, because we
are connected beings, the unified field again - and like-minded people will
naturally identify with our desire (law of attraction) and share their resources, the
primary channel of achievement of what we desire is provided by ourselves, our
own actions and communications and mental resources, such as intellect,
creativity and intuition.

As a result of the Law of Attraction, magical results come about. Of course this
"magic" isn't really magic; if it happens then there must be science to explain it,
albeit not the orthodox. Metaphysics is a super-set of physics, not its
enemy. Perhaps Sheldrake's theories of information fields are the closest - I
perceive it more in the order of information/thought than about energy/vibration
– it is in the zero-point, the implicit encoding of the holographic universe. But
then they are two sides of the same coin anyway, as in the case of gravity;
whether potential or energy, either way it has a field of influence.

The implicit, hidden world is that of creative potential, of Spirit, outside of space
and time; the real world is its explicit manifestation through creativity; and the
mind is the intermediary, interpreting intuitions and drawing up plans of action.
Therefore, I think for most of us the Law of Attraction works at the
mental/spiritual level, not the physical. But also Spirit has the power to align
causes and effect sequences right down to the material level. Each person is an
independent cause, but also they are part of the universal Spirit or Source, and in
this respect they also act as One.

Telepathic influences on others and their resulting actions cause events to occur
and things to appear as if by magic or synchronicity. But it isn't really magic, it's
cause and effect. Spirit works on matter through mind and actions. Real action
needs to be taken to manifest real things... there are such solid agreements
cementing the physical: a lifetime's conditioning and learning to play "the game
of life." It wouldn't be much of a game if any of us could easily change the rules
or alter the playing field! We have the potential of being games makers, and I
believe we should rise to that, but when we play football that's what we do.

Good old "goal setting and getting" is as important as ever. That's

practical, "get down to it" psychology. Our knowledge base and mind
development and social skills (concentration, study, communication, memory,

creativity, intuition, leadership, etc.) are as important as ever. These are our
cognitive contributions. Vital if we want to make a difference: to think and live
outside of the box of our cultural norm. In addition, to achieve anything
meaningful we need to put our heart and soul into the mix too.

Many people sincerely wish for their life circumstances to be different, to win the
lottery or to obtain promotion. Most of the time this doesn't come about - "wishful
thinking" or desire doesn't cut it and one suffers. What is needed is creative
intention or will, not just a wish or desire. It's the process of manifesting and it
needs to be done without attachment, and it needs to be followed through with
the correct attitude and actions.

When the Buddhists speak of desire as something to overcome in order to

prevent suffering, they mean the attachment to a possession or an outcome, such
that you can't be happily without it. Buddha was right, but it isn't desire itself that
he was warning about, it's attachment to the outcome or object of desire. So as a
result you have a fear of not attaining it or of then losing it. So you put force and
effort in there. Force results in counter-force, a reaction. That acts as a counter-
intention and nullifies the intention. Nothing happens.

Manifesting intentions need to be effortless and without attachment to the

outcome, i.e. with unconditional love and gratitude, but not with fear or greed.
That suffering one normally feels when your desires don't manifest is from an
attachment of some sort, the source of the counter-intention. It wasn't a pure
intention, it was undermined by counter-intentions, feelings that point in quite
the other direction.

Subconscious forces, such as hidden conflicting beliefs and suppressed fears, are
resolved only through deep introspective work on oneself. And one's ethics need
to be cleared, such that one feels more worthy of the exchange of wealth for
value that you have created for others or services done. One also needs
considerable emotional intelligence, intuition, and creativity because we have to
clear our intentions, be open to guidance and play an active part in the
manifestation process.

Your every thought and word is contributing to your life experience. Your
thoughts produce your emotions which, in turn, result in how you feel about a
particular event occurring in your life. This is why two people can look at the
exact same event and have opposite feelings about it. You are creating your own
subjective reality, moment by moment, with the thoughts you choose to think
and what you say, both to yourself and others. And through the power of Spirit
your subjective reality impinges on the physical reality.

It isn't so much a "magical" process as a way of being that is quite foreign to

most people. The average guy just does not realize that he can change his
actions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and identity. Instead they are perceived as
the result of influences upon him, so he feels molded and in effect, with few
choices. Life just happens to him, and it's all other people's fault. The truth - that
he is responsible for the quality of his life - is, in that context, a revelation.
Because if he's responsible, then he can change things around.

This is the reason Tools for Transformation exists - to help people in the process
of improving their lives. All the products we recommend support an improved
ability to manifest your dreams - to take your life to a new conscious level.

The Manifestation Process

Creation occurs when we have a clear image of a desired state and trust that we
can make it happen. If we can make it happen subjectively then generally we can
make it happen in the physical world too. Motivation and the energy to create
comes from this desire: the structural tension between the current reality and the
desired achievable reality, the vision.

With the Manifestation Process you create the best spiritual, mental and
emotional way of being which will empower you to achieve your desires and
attract the resources you need. These are the steps:

1. Define the goal, the state desired.

2. What would it be like if you could....?

3. Expose resistances (irrational fears and limiting beliefs) - experience them to

the degree that you realize that you create these; you can then change them or
just let them go.

4. Pretend that you can....

5. Describe the scenario in detail. What does that feel like....? (all senses and
emotions, body-mind-spirit)

6. Be thankful that you can make it so in your subjective reality, feel gratitude
like you already have what you are desiring; at the same time feel without
attachment that it is for the good of all, and also that you could happily let go of
the same. (Attachment leads to suffering; it also leads to not having, as the
jealous husband will tell you.)

7. Open yourself to, accept responsibility for, and feel one with being an agent

(not necessarily the only agent) for the actions and wisdom and whatever else is
required to manifest the state desired in our shared physical reality. Feel this
inspiring and motivating energy. Be a joyful player in the game of manifestation
here on Earth. Determine your next steps in the game plan, what you can do now
to get things moving.

8. Flow unconditional love from Higher Self through your body-mind to all people
and all things.

You envision the reality you want, as if it is in the now and even - or perhaps
especially - be grateful for it! That's creating from the God/Spirit level, the spark
of God that you are. Yes, you start from lack (want), but you don't move forward
in lack. Many, many people have found this does make a difference in this
material world... it isn't just wishful thinking.

With the blocks removed about considering it's OK to be/do/have whatever, you
can then more easily do whatever it takes to manifest it. It's the Robert Fritz
creating principle: a crystal clear vision inspires and energizes the path of least
resistance to your goal. Your current abilities and having are irrelevant to you
being able to start creating; that's where you're going and you now - with that
empowering vision - have the energy to work through any barriers, and acquire
any necessary skills and resources along the way.

That's why the vision has to be genuine, specific and what you truly want, and
any blocks and conflicting beliefs that you may hold need to be exposed and
released. Otherwise wishes and prayers can be, in effect, the avoidance of a
reality that one is unwilling to confront. But if it's genuinely your vision, and in
accordance with the knowing of your Higher Self, it will happen, and you won't be
able to stop yourself running around like a wild thing making it happen - since
YOU are the most important channel of your creative power, just as much as the
world around you.

Then you act, according to your intuitive knowing. You can tell if that comes from
Spirit because it will have the presence of Love. That means acceptance without
judgment. And without negative emotions like fear or hatred, which are
resistances against what exists - that which you are creating! You may be guided
to sources of information to help you act more effectively.

So then do it, the first step, the first communication. Make the plunge, and then
learn from your experiences in manifesting what you want. Spirit will offer these
learning opportunities (sometimes they may appear as "mistakes") as part of
your ongoing connection with your true all-knowing Higher Self.

Be The Change
Current events have demonstrated a tremendous desire on the behalf of perhaps
the majority of people in the world for peace in their lives. They are no longer
satisfied with the mentality of political conflict, which endangers economic
progress and human rights and freedoms. But most importantly, I feel that many
people are now aware that if we want peace in the world, first we need to make
peace with our own lives. It's human nature that needs to change, and we are
capable of making such a transformation.

Our experience in the world reflects our inner state - yes, this is a kind of magic,
but that is the reality, the world is miraculous. I have seen so much evidence of
this when I - or a student or client - have made a genuine shift in our belief
system that resolves an inner conflict, then very soon our real-world
circumstances change accordingly. We mirror our internal state - our
resistance/fear and acceptance/love - in our personal life experience. As a group
we mirror our consciousness in world events. It is our personal responsibility to
become aware of our contribution to the group consciousness, to help create a
world with more opportunities for ourselves and our loved ones - which ultimately
means for everyone.

So what wars do we wage inside? The purposes and goals that we hold dearly -
some we may have brought into this life or felt most strongly as a child or young
person - are often compromised in the face of problems that we discover in trying
to achieve them, and we may forget about them (actually suppress them) and
opt for safer solutions. Playing the safe game is a sad conflict with the game we
really (still) want to play. We have become someone else, a substitute for
our true self. Reinforcing this position are the attachments we have come to
cling on to, the fears we may have of losing control of our safe space, the
resistance we feel against elements of change, and the judgments we make that
prevent acceptance of what is.

To better our position, to be able to open up our space and express our true
desires, we first need to come to terms with our situation. Our true nature is an
expression of love and that is the quality that we need first to rediscover in our

There's no beauty that you could perceive or create if it weren't already within

Before we can contribute through our consciousness toward peace in the world,
we need to make peace with ourselves. Before we can love others
unconditionally, we need to be able to genuinely love ourselves. Before we

can forgive and cease making judgments of others, we need to learn how to
forgive ourselves and warmly accept ourselves just as we are. So let's look at
how to do that...

We all do things we aren't proud of, we wouldn't be human if we didn't.

Something that affects others in a way that we wouldn't be willing to experience
ourselves. Sometimes we chose to act in a way that we know at the time isn't
being true to ourselves, but it seems like a solution to our situation. Or maybe we
are tempted to put our own interests first. Other times we may be carried away
by emotions of anger or jealousy and do something out of spite we may later

Or we don't do something, like helping a friend in need, that we know we really

wanted to. Alternatively we may have the best of intentions, but things don't go
as predicted, we make a mistake or realize something we have done was harmful,
even though we didn't mean it to be.

These sorts of actions can leave us feeling ashamed and depressed, and we can
end up carrying our guilt for years, but if we want to live happy lives, we need to
take responsibility for the consequences of our behavior and move on.

Feeling guilty shouldn't be confused with taking responsibility for our past.
Responsibility means that we make a concerted effort to change the behavior
pattern that resulted in the mistaken choice, and the beliefs and feelings that
empowered it. We need to move on by making peace with the past.

The natural tendency when we do something without integrity is to try to justify

our actions, to make ourselves right. Or we may say the action was deserved,
making the other person wrong. Both of these are avoiding the reality, by
denying our own sense of truth and our own responsibility for our actions. We
avoid our feelings of guilt by pretending it wasn't a mistake or misconceived
choice that we acted on, indeed it was "right." We avoid our feelings of shame
(feeling bad about how others perceive us) by pretending that it is the
other who should be ashamed.

The problem isn't the harmful action or making a mistake - that's happened and
can't be undone. The problem is what we tell ourselves afterward. Whether we
are honest or if we lie to ourselves. It is that lie which causes all the damage to
our own integrity and to further relationships with the other we have wronged.
We need to drop our defenses, drop the lies we may have told ourselves to hide
the truth, face up to the reality of our actions and their consequences - and
forgive ourselves.

There is a big bonus to being realistic and truthful - we can learn the

valuable lesson that the experience offers us. Indeed, it's only when we have
learned that lesson that we can let go of the past error and live our life as truly
ourselves in the present. To forgive ourselves we need to learn the lesson.

Forgiveness has nothing to do with feeling sorry or apologizing, neither of which

actually changes anything. From a higher perspective there is no right or wrong.
There are choices and experiences. There is cause and effect. And neither can
forgiveness be given by another; it has to be granted by ourselves. Unless we can
truly forgive ourselves, we can never really move on and be free of the past.

What gets in the way of this forgiveness is judgment that I am a bad person. I
need to separate my inherent worth from my actions. I am basically a loving
being, I know that. We all are. Actually I am not even my thoughts and feelings. I
create these and sometimes through ignorance or misguidedly I create them
inappropriately, and my consequent actions can result in hurt for others. Then the
best I can do is to learn from that so in the future I can create more truly to my

I need to realize that my choice was a result of my ignorance - I didn't know what
I can now see to be the lesson from the experience. I just wanted to get to my
destination quickly. I didn't think about the possible outcomes that could result
from driving irresponsibly, I thought it was OK to cross a red light. So my basic
motive wasn't bad, but I was operating on false information, I was misguided.

We can't move on if we regret the past, nor if we have contempt for ourselves. To
feel like this implies that we view our past as meaningless and of no value, and
ourselves as no longer to be trusted. On the contrary, forgiving ourselves requires
finding value in our experiences and in ourselves. Instead of just writing off an
experience as a painful episode and trying to forget it, we should try to learn
whatever we can from it .

Life is a journey of learning and the most worthwhile learning is derived from our
personal experiences. When things go as we want, because we have good
information and appropriate beliefs, then our learning is reinforced by this
positive feedback. When things go astray, because we have faulty information
and inappropriate beliefs, then we and those at the effect of our actions suffer.
But here we have a chance to learn something new. Much of our new learning
and personal growth does therefore come about as a result of painful
experiences; provided we are willing and open to learn those lessons.

If we wish to grow and to use our experiences beneficially, it is vital that we focus
on what we can learn rather than resisting the reality of what occurred.

Find something you did (or failed to do) that you still feel bad about, that you

regret, or that makes you feel ashamed. Now begin to take meaning and value
out of this experience. Ask yourself: "What has this taught me about myself,
about others, and about my life?" Based on this lesson, work out what beliefs you
need to change, what fixed ideas you can let go of, what assumptions you made
that are no longer helpful.

Self-forgiveness recaptures the energy that you were giving away in guilt and
resistance against the past. It frees you to be yourself again - a new, happier and
wiser you.

If we can forgive ourselves, then we can more easily forgive others. If we don't
feel able to forgive others, then we clearly haven't learned to love ourselves. And
the irony is, when we do truly love ourselves, we and others will not even need
any forgiveness because we are able to accept the past, present, and future as it
is, without judgment. Our creation. Discrimination - of good/bad, right/wrong,
ugly/beautiful - is not part of the vocabulary of love.

A Beautiful Approach...
I feel a positive approach is the way to go. An approach to life empowered by the
love that is the nature of our being, and is effective in creating peace and
happiness. The alternative - applying resistance, judgment, antagonism and
hatred - is to be ruled by fear, which is to deny one's essence, and has the effect
of empowering that which one opposes.

Behind the apparent reality of war and violence, the higher reality is love and
peace. The energy of love comes from all our hearts, but is misdirected if we
have attention on our fears, which occurs if we resist the reality of what appears
to us and our own part in creating that reality. For we do indeed create our life
experience. That is a high-level spiritual viewpoint, the viewpoint of God, but if
we accept that we are individual lamps of God-light, to manifest God in our lives
we need to recognize our causation and incorporate that knowledge into our
world view and understanding of events.

We all face the issue of how best to go about integrating a spiritual viewpoint into
our daily lives. The everyday game of life appears very different from the view of
the angels. Many things happen that we do not consciously initiate. We have
friends and enemies, loves and hates. Some are on our side, others against us.
The spiritual, bird's-eye view however - the conscious view - is that this game of
our lives is something we continuously create in order to teach ourselves
experiential lessons. We reflect our state of being in our surroundings so they act
as a mirror. This is God experiencing His/Her creation to the full. We are also
engaged in raising the vibration of Earth energies towards a higher dimension,

closer to our source, the creative power behind all. We aren't just individual
islands, our purpose really extends to a universal scale.

So we need to live our human lives; but instead of making the world increasingly
solid (and our fears and resistances increasingly strong), we need to step back
and remember that each one of us is actually creating the reality we experience
through the power of our higher selves, at one with God. Then step back in and
encompass all with our presence. Reality is lighter than we may think, and we can
change our life experience by adjusting our viewpoints and beliefs to become
closer to our true nature - which is in every case loving and non-judgmental.

The personal insights that I have discovered bear out the truth of this spiritual
viewpoint, that we do indeed create our lives and situation based on our beliefs.
Often it is particularly the subconscious and suppressed beliefs that determine our
internal conflicts and fears, and cause us to lose sight of our essential being.
There are ways and means of uncovering this stuff and of realizing our essence -
that is there all along - so we can knowingly create our reality in accordance with
our loving nature.

Human beings in the last 2000 years have progressed little (in terms of human
nature), but times are changing. Personal growth tools help us to learn faster and
more effectively from our experience and so enhance the quality of the further
experiences we will create. We also aspire to discover our spiritual nature and
again, we haven't made a lot of progress unaided (and religion hasn't been a
great help). But that is the past and now is a new time, the right time to take
advantage of the opportunities we have for positive change. Opportunities that
lie in our own hands.

We all have a belief system full of ideas imprinted by our culture and upbringing,
and as the effect of earlier traumatic experiences, and even influences we are
born with. They are here with us all the time in the present and effect our view of
things and our interpretation of events, so that we are not really free to be
ourselves, and to know our true selves, our true goals, and purposes in life.

As we unlayer these beliefs, we find at the bottom some beautiful truths, simple
as truths always are, about our basic loving nature. That is also the nature of
each of us, our spirituality. Love expressed as creative will. That love becomes
distorted by our mental structures and conflicts into the range of painful emotions
and self-defeating behavior that most people either experience frequently or
cover up, and live within 'safe' boundaries so they aren't triggered. But really we
create that experience and it mirrors what's going on inside of us. On the scale of
group consciousness, this extends to world events.

With learning, obtained from consciously experiencing and being open to

guidance from Spirit, one becomes more enlightened - then indeed magic can
happen. With clarity, life becomes much more simple and open to your creative

The "human identity" experience that we are all so familiar with is in fact a veil, a
projection, not a truth in any way. It is a habit that we acquire early in childhood.
Certainly one can maximize the veil and have a "good life" experience. And
certainly one can decide that the veil represents a truth and deal with the
resulting limitations. However, the truth is that there is no separation and you do
have conscious access to how you are creating your reality in every moment.
That is the whole, the "human identity" is a subset. One is only locked into that
viewpoint if one chooses to be.

At the same time, I also feel that we are here to experience life at the physical
level and to understand ourselves from that viewpoint too. The human experience
is not something to reject or lessen, it's a great privilege. We are "the man in the
heavens," there is no "up there" and "down here" - metaphysics and physics are
one - we simply are all of it.

Spirit-mind-emotions-body-the world: this is a circle, a wholeness. We are all

connected. Because spirit is of the nature of information, not within the
boundaries of space and time, the beliefs of a few conscious beings influence the
group consciousness of Mankind - or perhaps I should say group
unconsciousness, since relatively little conscious will is expressed here, but the
unconscious still responds. I feel the recent war has been a wake-up call on this
planet and things are changing; there could be an exponential increase in the
expression of our true nature, of love, in our world. It is up to each of us to play
our part.

Actually the process is simply stated: we need to look afresh, in the present
moment, and clear away our false assumptions and fixed ideas by shining a light
of objectivity and honesty. Our guidance in this process is love. We can all do this
and the time is right.

"When we love, we are the universe and the universe lives in us."--O. Pirmez

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The New Earth is the reality we create here in our lives. It's not imposed upon
us, it's our creation. It will be a reflection of ourselves. Mankind is undergoing a
transformation; it requires our ongoing attention and faith in the outcome.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: We each need to play our part in creating the Spiritual Awakening - to awaken
ourselves and to consciously flow unconditional love, channeled from God through
our Higher Self and through our body-mind to all people and all things. To accept
ourselves and others without judgment. To be our true selves, one with God, in
love. Then it will happen.

In the words of Thomas, the Indigo Child:

"Choose again. Pretend that you are enlightened. Pretend that you are
loved by God. Pretend that you are perfect just the way you are. Take a
deep breath now and PRETEND WHAT IS TRUE. Then everything will
make sense. When you pretend something that is true, then you
immediately become that Truth."

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I want to make clear that it is in our hands rather than being the effect of
energy beams from other galaxies or ancestral prophecies - not that these don't
exist, but that we manifest them as well - it's our reality. So we're potentially the
cause as well as the effect. And if we don't cause it, it won't happen. But we are,
and we will.

About the Author

Peter Shepherd is a transpersonal psychologist and writer who works

particularly in the field of personal development and runs the website, Tools for

The site contains a wide range of freely available resources - including the online
book Transforming the Mind and a thirty-lesson course The Positive Approach -
and publishes a popular weekly ezine, Metamorphosis.

Transforming the Mind is a self-help book by Peter Shepherd describing the

psychology of personal growth and offering lots of practical self-improvement
techniques. It's free online - and over 500,000 copies have been downloaded over
the years! The book aims to describe the process of human conditioning, how we
can recover from this, and awaken to our true spiritual potential.

The Internal New Earth Shift:
From Spirituality to YOU
By Jason Randhawa

Examining Your Life For an Internal

Shift in Beliefs
I call for an internal shift in everyone. We must begin to question our
programmed beliefs and ideas, in order to create the New Earth.

I recommend you begin to understand how you think and I suggest that you
understand the beliefs that you hold. An easy way to do this is by observing your
actions and reactions to people and things in the physical world. From observing
yourself you can begin determining your internal environment (thoughts/beliefs).

Once you begin questioning your programmed beliefs and ideas, you must also
replace them with your own ideas that resonate with you. When you do this you
are going through a great internal shift. People, who do not undergo this internal
shift, will live what I believe Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher credited for
laying the foundation of Western philosophy, called the “unexamined life”.

Living the unexamined life is a life in which you do not seek the answers to life’s
great questions (Why are you here? How did you get here? What is reality? What
am I?). In our modern world, the unexamined life would mean just going to
school, getting good grades, and finding a safe, secure job just because that is
what you were told to do. On the other hand, the examined life would mean
questioning everything you are told, and eventually understanding your purpose
in life.

The Answers Are the Foundation for the

New Earth
The New Earth is all about exploring the possibilities, and discovering the answers
to life's great questions. The New Earth Transformation has been called the
“thinning of the veil”. If you are not familiar with the concept of “the veil”, all you
really need to know is in the New Earth you will have greater access to the
answers you seek.

Once you begin questioning and experiencing this internal shift, you will begin to
raise your vibration and align with the New Earth. As you do this you will actually
“thin the veil” that limits your current understanding.

Anyone wishing to experience the New Earth should go through this internal shift.
You must go from only surviving life to understanding and enjoying life. This is
the internal shift I propose, I believe it will do a lot of good for many people.
Start questioning your programming again and return to your true journey. As
Socrates said, “the unexamined life is not worth living”.

You Are A Constant, Eternal Being

I have come to the understanding that we are each an eternal, absolute being
that silently witnesses our life and experiences. We are actually non-changing,
but our emotional states, the body, and the physical world are constantly
changing. This being, that we each actually are, has a presence that goes beyond
many people's imagination.

Aligning with/becoming this Being will allow you to move into the New Earth. By
becoming this “person”, you are able to let go of your physical being and actually

This true self was never born and never dies. It is always at peace. Potentially, It
is You…

Many people get caught up in “their” life and experiences and believe this
changing personality that they experience is them. They are wrong. If you are
one of these people, it is important that you prove this point to yourself; the
results will be very beneficial. You just need to let go of your past and test it out
for yourself.

Show this to yourself by transcending the personality that you think you are.
Even if you can do this for just a few moments, you will realize you still are. This
should immediately tell you that you are not that identity that you think you are.
See for yourself by going beyond who you think you are.

A simple technique for this is to go into a slightly meditative state and simply
watch your thoughts and feelings. Practice not having any judgment on your
thoughts; just observe your thoughts and feelings. For most people this feels
pretty good and very energizing.

Everyone is different, but after regularly practicing this for a while you will realize
that your identity (thoughts/feelings) is not you. Who you think you are actually

becomes something that you are just perceiving. You are still the perceiver, but
you are not the identity you thought you were, which you are actually perceiving.

This will allow for a much better understanding of your True Essence, which can
do nothing less than create another great internal shift within you. You will shift
from studying spirituality (reading books or listening to speakers) to becoming
spirituality. This internal shift is also very important in moving you towards the
New Earth.

Conclusion: Aligning With the New

Earth through Internal Shifts
Once again, to ascend into the New Earth you must raise your vibrations
to align yourself with the New Consciousness. The fastest way to do this is
by going through great internal shifts. These shifts will be reflected in the outer
world and inner world you experience.

The New Earth Transformation has also been called the great shift in consciousn-
ess. Each internal shift that you undergo is a small shift in consciousness. If you
go through many little internal shifts, their accumulative effect can be
nothing less than a great shift in consciousness.

Do not regard this book as information; instead think of it as instructions. Go out

and actually do it. Although “doing” is probably the wrong word, you must “Be” it.
Just Be!

Never forget: it is always your choice in choosing what you accept as truth for
you. Do not give this power away.

May your internal shifts take you on a journey far beyond your imagination.

Your only limitation is your imagination…

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The New Earth is inside of you right now. It exists in this present moment. Just
BE there. It really is that simple, you can make it more complicated if you wish.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Let go of old preconceived ideas and allow the new energy to surround your

Begin by discovering your beliefs, which you will automatically do as you go

through the internal shift described above. As you consciously understand your
beliefs and your entire thinking system, begin to question it. From here, just
replace your limiting beliefs and nonsensical ideas with new, empowering beliefs
and ideas that resonate with you.

To allow the new energy to surround you, all you really need to do is just five
minutes of meditation a day. Use these few minutes to just BE.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: From my understanding the New Earth will make it easier for people to
become awakened. However, I believe a spiritual awakening will only occur on an
individual level…

Although every person has a different approach to ascension, from personal

experience my perspective of the Awakening process is as follows:

1. A questioning of all old preconceived ideas and limiting beliefs.

2. An acceptance of “being lied to” all of your life. This comes from realizing that
what you have been told by authorities (parents, teachers, politicians, etc...) may
not be true.
3. Understanding/compassion for other beings (many will become interested in
Personal Growth or Religion).
4. Exploration of the answers to life’s great questions (Who I Am? Why Am I
Here? What Should I do?).
5. Obtaining “answers” to these questions from what other reputable people say,
and from your own experiences.

In the past, this is where many people stopped.

6. Realizing that these answers may not be true.

7. Questioning your solid, set value system.
8. Dealing with all of your past energies. This can be a time of great struggle.
9. A sudden realization of the “non-verbal” truth.
10. Complete understanding of Infinity (Awakened).

Everyone is different, so this will not be the same for everyone. In fact, I don't
think anyone's individual awakening process will be exactly as outlined above.
This process will be different for everyone, so there may be more or less steps

depending on you. As we get closer and closer to the New Earth, we will go
through the awakening process faster.

As always it is completely dependant on YOU.

About the Author

Jason Randhawa is the editor of this book. For a brief bio please see “About the
Author” section, near the back of this book. For the latest information and
updates on the New Earth Transformation, you must check out his New Earth
Blog. It is the growing central for the New Earth Transformation. You can visit it
here: New Posts are made frequently so
check back often or subscribe either through a feed reader or by email.

Jason also runs a free Metaphysical website where you can get your Free
Metaphysics Information Package containing access to over twenty-five Spiritual
Ebooks, a subscription to the Bi-Monthly Metaphysical Mind Ezine, and the “What
Is Metaphysics?” E-Course...all for free, here:

The Awakened Christian
By Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.
NOTE: For the purposes of this article, I use the term “Source of our being” to refer to the
omnipresent energy of Divine Love in which we live and move and have our being—the
Ultimate Source of all creation.
Also, I use the term “Awakened Christian” to mean the one who follows Jesus as A
Wayshower on the pathway to individual ascension. Jesus, as a Wayshower, reveals the way;
He cannot walk the path for us. The awakened Christian recognizes this fact and strives to
tread his/her own pathway to ascension. See the article entitled “Ascension” and the sixteen
Lessons on the Book of Job on

For seventeen hundred years, the Christian religion has abided by a set of
doctrines created by men dedicated to standardizing the acceptable beliefs
concerning the nature of the Source of our being and of Jesus. The resulting
codified religion leaves little or no room for Christians to seek Truth on their own.
Reprimands, accusations of heresy, excommunication, and loss of job, family,
and/or friends hover in the shadows ready to pounce on anyone daring to explore
our magnificent world by going outside the traditional Christian doctrines. Fear
stifles our innate curiosity to learn more about the Source of our being and where
we, as humans, fit into the divine scheme of cosmic life.

Christians are taught to read the Bible as the Word of God and to interpret it in
accordance with the codified church doctrines. A literal interpretation of the
Scriptures results in a multitude of horrifying teachings concerning the nature of
our Source and of human beings. Little do we realize that our concept of God and
ourselves forms the philosophical foundation for our relationship to each other
and to our planet. We have created a God in our own misguided image of self,
and it is not a pretty sight. This God is a warrior who fights on one side or the
other, is bloodthirsty and without compassion when it comes to killing the enemy,
including women and children. We have created a God who is far less than the
average human being. This God is unforgiving and plans eternal punishment for
those who do not abide by the accepted doctrines of the Christian cult (a cult is
defined as a system of beliefs to which its adherents cling out of fear and for a
sense of security and assurance about the future life). Human beings created a
God separate from self, a God to whom we pray and can only hope He hears. If
He does hear, we never know how He will respond. We do not know the meaning
of the Apostle Paul’s statement to the Greeks in Athens: “In him we live and
move and have our being.” (Acts 17:28)

The writer of I John reveals our Source of being: “God is love, and those who
abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them…. There is no fear in love, but

perfect love casts our fear; for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears
has not reached perfection in love. We love because he first loved us. The
commandment we have from him is this: those who love God must love their
brothers and sisters also.” (I John 4:16, 18-19, 21)

These few verses of Scripture are the building blocks on which the Awakened
Christian acquires Truth. We are to know the Truth: We live and move and have
our being within the energy of Divine Love—the Source of our being. Neither
exceptions nor middle ground are permitted when the Awakened Christian lives in
love. Anything contrary to Love is not Truth. Fear is not possible when we live
and move and have our being within the energy of Divine Love.
Punishment is not of Love. Punishment must be distinguished from discipline in
that the art of self-discipline is required in order to evolve spiritually. Discipline is
written into the universal law “we reap what we sow.” (Galatians 6:7) A God of
Love cannot and will not punish. God as Love allows us to develop the very
advanced art of self-discipline by harvesting whatever type seeds we have
planted and learning the lessons involved by means of the reaping process.

With Divine Love as the foundation, the awakened Christian is set free of
the chains of orthodoxy to explore Universal Truth. Gone is the fear that we
might lose our faith if this or that is true; or if we ask too many questions.
Evaporated is the fear that God will sentence us to eternal punishment if we do
not hold fast to church doctrines and to the literal interpretation of the Scriptures.
The awakened Christian is no longer imprisoned by false teachings. Gone is the
necessity to cling to the belief that Jesus’ crucifixion was the blood sacrifice God
required in order to forgive humanity for its sins (mistakes). God is not impacted
by our behavior, thus has nothing to forgive. The mistakes we make are a
part of our own growth process—we reap what we sow. We do so while
living and moving and having our being within the love energy of God. There is
neither judgment nor sentencing. Our Source of being simply awaits our

The awakened Christian recognizes that All of Creation lives and moves and has
its meaning within the love energy of Source. Humanity is the microcosm of the
macrocosm. The ingredients that make up our physical bodies are the same
substances contained in all of creation. All is energy. All of creation sings to the
sound of mathematics. Music is mathematics. There is no field of study that can
be outside of omnipresent Source. Humanity can choose to misuse universal
Truth; however, misuse does not mean Truth itself is outside of the loving energy
of Source permeating All of Creation.

The awakened Christian is aware that all attempts to categorize facets of creation
as off-limits are operating outside of Truth. Example: In the late 15th century,
the church condemned the study of astrology. In Truth, God created the stars,

planets, and the qualitative influences they have upon human beings and the
entire universe. Thus, the church condemned the study of a portion of God’s
meaningful creation. As a result, orthodox Christians avoid the science of
astrology and deprive themselves of the tremendous personal knowledge and
guidance to be found therein. The configuration of stars on any given day of birth
broadcasts the soul purpose and lessons to be learned for the souls reincarnating
on that day. In truth, birthdays are celebrated as opportunities to reaffirm the
soul’s intent for the coming year.1

Soul-centered astrology is not the only avenue the universe offers in the form of
extremely individualized guidance. The awakened Christian is familiar with the
reason importance is placed on the names of the biblical characters. Names
possess a numerical value that also proclaims our soul’s purpose for this
incarnation. Our names depict who we are and were intuitively given to us by our
parents.2 The lines on the palm of our hands also reveal our potential personal
story. Our handwriting shares the qualities of our personality with those who
study it. Within the universe, we are an open, energetic book of life. We are
known for who we really are—an indispensable part of the divine plan for the
whole of creation.

The planet on which we live is one of untold millions of inhabited planets

throughout the cosmos. An awakened Christian is aware that all of creation is
living and evolving—including the stars, planets, animals, rocks, and plants. Life
never ends and is everywhere. No part of divine creation is non-essential; all of it
is woven together to build the meaningful whole. Earth and the other planets are
not simply round balls on which intelligent beings live; instead, they too are a
form of intelligent being. There is a reason we call our planet Mother Earth, or
Gaia. She is a living, intelligent, evolving spiritual being. As such, she has
graciously consented to allow Earth humans to evolve along with her. All of
creation is evolving into higher and higher planes of existence.

Our Milky Way galaxy is one of many galaxies teeming with intelligent life and
possessing technology so advanced as to render Earth technology infantile. A vast
variety of beings exist within our galaxy—some appear very similar to Earth
humans, others, very different. The awakened Christian is open to accepting our
galactic family and working with them to restore Earth to its pristine purity and
beauty. The Galactic Federation of Light will appear in visible form in the very
near future. Our galactic brothers and sisters come in love to assist us in
preparing Earth and ourselves for ascension into the 5th dimension of

No negativity may enter the 5th dimension; therefore, the awakened

Christian accepts the divine call to purification. We acknowledge the fact that
Earth has heretofore been our classroom; that we incarnated to learn lessons in

soul growth. For this reason, we are all prone to make mistakes, some of which
have been hurtful to others. As we achieve full consciousness of our eternal
lifestream, we understand the reasons “why” for all of our difficulties and pain—
they are the ways by which we learn (See the sixteen Lessons on the Book of Job
noted above).

With that understanding comes the knowledge that there is nothing to forgive,
nothing about which to hold resentment. Just as Source has nothing to forgive in
relationship to us, we have nothing to forgive concerning others. Once we
understand the reasons “why,” we would not dream of punishing for eternity
anyone who caused us pain by their mistakes. Instead, the spiritually advanced
action is to thank others for assisting in our learning process.

An awakened Christian is aware that eternal life has no beginning and no end.
Eternal life for each of us involves a wide variety of experiences, both on planet
Earth, on other planets throughout the universe, and within the realms of spirit.
Most of us have chosen to incarnate on Earth numerous times because it offers
the opportunity to learn—on the plane of duality—how to choose consistently
good over evil. (The plane of duality is symbolized by the tree of good and evil in
the biblical story of the Garden of Eden. Evil = live spelled backwards; in other
words, evil is living with our backs turned away from our loving Source). Now that
the being we call Mother Earth, or Gaia, is preparing for ascension into the 5th
dimension, we are given the choice to prepare for our own ascension into
the 5th dimension or to go elsewhere within the universe to continue our
spiritual evolution. Many of us originate from other planets and will have the
opportunity to return to our home planet, which may already be functioning on
the 5th dimension. Thus, the awakened Christian thinks in terms of a universe of
planets and beings—all belonging to the family of God.

The awakened Christian knows the Bible to be a book of narratives that reveal
Truth through the medium of symbolism. An actual historical framework may or
may not be present. The surface story serves as the skeleton housing a far
deeper level of teaching. The metaphysical interpretation of the Book of Job,
found at, offers a most vivid example of symbolic
meaning within a biblical saga. We grew up being taught that Job depicts a
righteous human being who suffered extreme loss, yet refused to curse God.
Instead, the Book of Job reveals the process of individual ascension into higher
levels of consciousness—a journey we must all undertake at some point in time.

Likewise, the New Testament can be read as the account of embarking on

intentional ascension into higher realms of awareness. Jesus—symbolizing the
soul within each of us—shows us the way to achieve ascension through the five
major events in his life: birth, baptism, transfiguration, crucifixion, and ascension.

In summary, the awakened Christian arrives at the knowledge that the universe
in which we live is alive and constantly evolving into higher manifestations of the
Source of our being. There is no end to life, no reason to fear, no eternal
punishment, no permanent state of being. There is only omnipresent Love in
which we live and move and have our being. The awakened Christian is set free
by seeking and knowing that the Holy Spirit within will guide everyone into all

1. See Sun Signs on as an example of soul-centered

2. See Your Destiny Number on to determine the meaning of
your name.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The New Earth is to be the abode of a spiritually awakened people accepting

and acting upon the responsibility to build a galactic culture. This type of culture
values every individual as a unique being and provides all that is needed to allow
everyone to blossom into the highest expression of Self. A divine government
functions for the higher good of all citizens; its sole purpose is to carry out the
divine plan for Earth—as an ascended planet.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Be open to change in every area of life and accept the responsibility for
performing your role in bringing that change into physical manifestation. This
planet’s Spiritual Awakening is a process in which we are to focus on the Truth of
who we are as evolving child gods, the knowledge that we are One with all that
is, and that we are to live as an expression of omnipresent Divine Love.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: Earth is presently undergoing a Spiritual Awakening. For the first time in

thousands of years, the majority of Earth humans desire an end to all wars and
the establishment of a peaceful society. Spiritual Awakening is not one huge
event in time. Each of us must be about awakening on our own. We must say “no
more” to those who attempt to control our minds and cover up truth. It is up to
us to seek out Truth on our own and to give expression to that newfound truth in
our daily lives. It is up to us to share divine love for each other, for the
inhabitants of this planet, and for our planet herself. As we so do, we will awaken!

About the Author

Nancy Detweiler is the author of two books: A New Age Christian, My Spiritual
Journey, and Where Are You, God? A Metaphysical Interpretation of Job. She
conducts Bridging the Gap Ministries through her website: Many of her metaphysical interpretations of the
Bible Lessons may be found on this site, including the entirety of her book on Job.
Her major focus is to bridge the gap between the traditional Christian and the
New Aquarian Age Awakened Christian. (The New Aquarian Age = the next
2000+ years, just as the New 21st Century = the next 100 years.)

Man Is Truly Master of His Own
By Lady Isis

"Let reality govern my every thought, and truth be the master of my life."

"May the love of one soul represent the lives of all and the love of the Source of
all creation."

"May I fulfill my part in the creative process of the Whole."

"You do not please God by pleasing others, but by pleasing yourself, in honoring
who you truly are."

"Your talent is God's gift to you, what you do with it is your gift to God."

"The past is history, the future a mystery, all we have is Now."

"Give up caring about anything, because caring is attached to judgment."

These, and many more, are very worthwhile quotes to be remembered, several of
which I heard on various television programs, and some I do not remember
where I heard or read them. Words that if meditated upon in your daily
meditations would prove to be a wise choice. You never know when, or from
where, you will receive pearls of wisdom - always be alert and listen closely to
what is being said.

The choices you make -- every thought, every word spoken, be it positive or
negative, every emotion felt, whether loving or hateful, every deed committed,
be it creative or destructive, will have a profound effect upon your lives.

"Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7. For nature
brings all into balance and thrusts upon the thinker, the speaker, the doer the
fruits of that which they have sown. All things come full circle.

The inner, or unseen, world is a world of causes set in motion by those thoughts,
those words spoken, by which your willpower then directs into manifestation in
your outer world. Man is truly the master of his own fate. No other is to blame for
what occurs in people's lives.

No one is perfect. Even those who are Ascended Masters will have a negative
thought from time to time, or become angry, the trick is to bring it all into
balance immediately. Once a negative thought is brought into your conscious
mind, replace it with a positive thought. Once a negative emotion is felt, replace
it with a positive one. Once a negative word is spoken, take it back by speaking a
positive one. Once you deny the negative, destructive, by using the constructive,
positive, then balance occurs -- the negative is negated with the positive.

It is vitally important that you see the core of Divine Love within EVERY person --
that spark that is who they truly are. Unfortunately, you live within an illusionary
plane so that spark within does not always shine forth, but like it or not that
spark unifies you, and it is here within this illusion you must learn the reality of
your spiritual self.

There is always a struggle of the self with the self, as to what portions you like
and what portions you dislike. How would you like to pull a little trick on your
conscious mind? Write down those things you like and dislike about someone
else, someone who you have arguments with, someone you truly would like to
get along with. Then write down those things of goodness you are willing to give
to that other person. Write down that other persons faults that you struggle with.
What you will come to discover is you have written about yourself. The density
you live in distorts the love and light that moves throughout the universe, and
that distortion creates the illusion of separation. When in reality All is One and
there is no separation.

Come to know the voices that speak to you from within, for it is well to trust that
all the personalities within, that make up the real you, have come into their own
unification, but it is also equally clear that entity cannot always express at the
same time all of which it feels, thinks, and is concerned about in any given
situation. If you will but "listen and follow your inner guidance", you will find the
fate that you master will become one of love, peace and harmony.

All is in a State of Evolution

Earth changes are taking place worldwide, as Mother Earth twists, turns and
stretches - she is growing and adapting to the vibratory changes just as all life
upon and within her is doing. As Mother Earth changes, she does it with bursts of
energy, just as you do.

Do not fear nor fight the earth changes going on. You will be where you are
to be when these changes take place as long as you listen to your Higher Self -
listen to your inner nudging and follow your heart.

The entire Universe is changing, not just planet earth. The communication
and the contact so desired between the earth and off-earth civilizations will
happen, how soon is dependent on mankind. This event alone will cause much
change to take place in the world. Belief systems will change radically. It will give
people a whole new way of looking at historical events. It will bring unity to the
entire universe. Mankind will no longer see himself as the center of the universe -
the only intelligent life form in the universe. Racial and religious barriers will
come down. Political persecution and control will cease to be. It will not all
happen overnight, but it will happen, peace and harmony will reign on earth once
more. You must be patient and persevere. All things happen in due time. Nothing
happens by accident - all is in Divine Order.

Man has long lived as a totally threatening life form. It is time to mature, to grow
out of the tribal warfare mentality. To stop the killing of each other, the
destruction, the maiming, the injuring. It is time to stop all the violence in the so-
called entertainment industry. It is time to take a stand for what you believe in.
To stop teaching the young that violence is the way to handle all disagreements.
Can you not see what it has created? Children killing children. Children killing
parents. Parents killing children. Children killing themselves. STOP IT NOW!

Those who come from beyond this earth see this. They know that man has long
destroyed those things they do not understand. This is why they do not come.
Why they do not land upon this planet.

It seems to be a common thread among those who dwell on earth that no one
even knows their neighbor unless a catastrophic event takes place, then all are
drawn together out of a common need. That is a shame when you think about all
that is missed. People must learn to reach out, meet and get to know those
who share the same world. Some are doing that now with the technology they
have, but many are even using that tool to send fear and misinformation into the
world, to create chaos and destruction. People must learn to conquer their fears
and stop spreading them to others. Once they become master of their fears their
fears will leave them alone. For what you fear you draw near unto yourself.

All living things upon this planet are needed and they are mutating, adjusting and
adapting to the changes taking place, just as you are. All must learn to live in
harmony and balance. Every plant, every animal, every bird, every insect - all
living things, are trying to teach you what they have to share with you - you must
only listen - learn to hear - and then share what you learn with others.

There are many lightworkers on this planet, many beautiful souls trying their best
to repair the damage done by those who came before them. Heed the warnings
given by all around you. Listen with your heart. Feel with your entire being. See
with your inner sight.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The New Earth will be ...actually IS, as it has already been there waiting for us
to join her... a place where all things are possible...every dream you dream will
come true. Peace ... Love for all life will abound. The sights and sounds, colors
will blow you away. Nothing like you have seen or heard in this lifetime.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Just Be in the Now!

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: No. For there is only Divine timing and Divine timing depends on mass-

About the Author

Lady Isis enjoys being the webmaster of her website: "The Isis Connection",
which is a spiritually uplifting, knowledgeable website, full of "Soul Food" from
numerous Lightworkers. It has new and exciting messages from Archangel
Michael and Mother Earth each month. Visit her website

Healings are taking place on the Healing Hands Of Light page. Be sure and read
the Testimonials at The Isis Connection

You should also join her E-Group...In-Lightening Soul Food which is an uplifting,
informative daily newsletter: You will also receive
monthly Messages From Matthew. To subscribe, send an email to

© 2007 Lady Isis

Awakening the Feminine for the
Evolution of Humanity
By Asha Ramakrishna

Feminine Authentic Power: Creating a

“New Earth”
Many of us have been hearing about the coming of a “New Earth” for some years
now; but what exactly is the New Earth? To be perfectly honest, I am not really
sure what it means. Just as I can only theorize what happens to my energetic
or spiritual body after physical death, I can only make educated guesses as to the
creation of this New Earth. While I cannot predict the future, I can make
observations of the present and use my intuition to formulate the destiny of our

I see linear, logical, strong, masculine energy permeating our planet. The political
leaders of the world tend to operate within the old paradigm of approaching
conflict, while corporate executives accelerate the spread of opulence and mass
consumption. There is little regard for the Feminine Authentic Power of nature
and human beings.

On the other hand, I see certain leaders expressing Feminine Authentic Power
beautifully. Oprah Winfrey is a perfect example. This woman has made a place for
herself in American and international television like no other female before her.
She accomplished this by being real, being herself, accepting her shortfalls (such
as her public battle with obesity), living her spirituality, and embracing her
greatness. She is a beautiful example of being feminine, authentic, and powerful.
I see the inclusion of the Feminine Authentic Power in the new
generation of children as well as the parenting they are demanding. These
children are different, and we are different as parents. The children acknowledge
and embrace that they are more than just physical beings, and that they know
they hold wisdom beyond their years and ours. In spite of our fear and
apprehension, we extend new freedom and flow in our children’s lives, and this
ultimately influences our parenting. The flow in which these children create and
manifest is inspiring, and propels us to look deeper into our own flow and
freedom. The flow of creating what we desire─with integrity─is one of the most
revered expressions of the Feminine energy. Feminine expression in humanity is

essential to the shift in consciousness needed to evolve as a species.

In recent years, there has been much discussion concerning the evolution of
mankind. While the evolution of our species has historically been marked by
genetic and physical changes, many believe this modern evolution is more mental
and spiritual. Parents, educators, and spiritual leaders have been observing
changes in the current generation of children, leading some to conclude that this
spiritual transformation allows for more evolved beings to be born into our
families. These “New Children” typically demonstrate a greater awareness of
others and may exhibit more psychic and telepathic abilities. As a result, there is
a growing movement among those raising and teaching today’s children. These
individuals are taking proactive measures to try to be more attuned to and
mindful of the needs of the New Children, and they are constantly seeking
information and resources for both parents and educators.

Feminist Movement Continues to Evolve

The American Feminist movement continues to generate conflict. Many women
are grateful to our sisters who fought so hard to give us choices, abundance, and
freedom. Yet others believe the movement did not go far enough. Personally,
while I honor all the voices, struggles, and accomplishments of my sisters, I feel
a debt to those who came before me. I answer this debt by assisting modern
women in going deeper and deeper into their psyches to relieve the guilt, shame,
and unfulfilled hearts.

As women, we feel blessed to be given choices, and yet bewildered by which

choice to embrace. We are told that following one path means sacrifices, while
the alternate choice also means loss. We are confused because some of us feel
unrealistic obligations to those women who fought for us. Some of us feel as
though we work out of pure necessity, and yet others stay home because it is
what is expected of us. Where have the flow, peace, and joy gone? Where has
following our hearts gone? And, why are our hearts so conflicted? We are torn
between our choices because we live according to other people’s idea of what is
right. This, my friend, is not Feminine Authentic Power. True Feminine
Authentic Power is expansive, flowing with a strength that you cannot
even begin to fathom or impede. To be one with Feminine energy is to
manifest with pure trust, walking moment by moment, as children so effortlessly

Left & Right Brain = Masculine &

Some theologians say that Masculine energy has had a 5,000-year reign and that
the energies have been shifting in order to bring more balance to Earth and her
children, including our species. The integration of the Feminine with the Masculine
is imminent. We are opening up to unconscious, conscious, and subconscious
ways to experience the presence of Feminine Authentic Power.

We can equate this balance with the integration of right and left brain activity. For
years, Western civilization has been taught that logic, science, and physical
evidence are the only way to know truth. A hypothesis with no physical proof is
believed to be just that─a conjecture, with many refusing to make a mental leap
of faith. In industry, creativity is frequently subjected to a cost/benefit analysis
and subsequently thrown out of the window without a chance to evolve. With this
kind of disconnect, it is no wonder so many people in the workforce are unhappy
and dissatisfied with their social, career, and family lives. Yet, when we integrate
right-brain creativity with left-brain reasoning, creation unfolds. This is similar to
balance of Feminine and Masculine energies in that it requires movement and
play between two aspects that are very much alive and willing to negotiate an
appropriate level of simultaneous expression.

The logical, linear, Masculine energy is essential for survival, yet it does not have
sufficient impetus on its own to propel us to a new state of being. Marrying the
Masculine with the receptive, creative Feminine is the key to evolution.
Women and men have been trying for millennia to coexist; however, working
together to create growing, harmonic, and rooted lives requires commitment. One
of the most challenging commitments we all face is that of embracing the past
and future of both Masculine and Feminine energies, while staying immersed in
the present of this give-and-take relationship. A marriage cannot experience
intimacy until differences and similarities are open to discovery, contemplation,
and celebration. The interaction and integration of these two sides takes
intention─not time, but intention. Once integration begins, each side is fed and
nurtured by the other so they can grow, shift, and play some more.

Sexual union is a perfect example of this integration. It is the physical

representation of creation. The openness of the female sexual organ and the
defined shape of the male sexual organ is perfection. To reach an orgasm in such
union creates a bond and produces a sense of calm and well-being, while at the
same time fostering and enhancing the intimacy of the relationship.

The most magnificent and rewarding form of exercising Feminine energy is
manifesting desire with integrity. When we engage in what our souls (not our

egos) desire, we discard the limiting constraints of the third-dimensional reality.
As we live according to our soul’s desire, the purpose for living becomes clear and
opportunities to express it magically appear.

Pregnancy and birth are optimal times for living this creative process. The
veil separating us from our true nature is thin, and so our intuitive vision─or
“third eye”─becomes increasingly more awake. It is as if the mother’s and baby’s
souls are pleading to look within and initiate the journey of going deeper. It is the
perfect system, accompanied by even more perfect timing to increase our

There has been much emphasis on the New Children and their higher vibration
with intentional purpose. This higher vibration is demanding that the vessel in
which it is being formed (the pregnant mother) evolves to match the resonance of
the incoming soul’s vibration.

Many embrace this opportunity to look deeper and evolve. Women (and their
partners) who allow transformation to occur tend to have childbirth experiences
that transcend the physical and empower the woman. Yet, there are others who
become so overwhelmed by the rawness of truth that they seek escape by
engaging fear, logic, and answers from traditional science. The unveiled truth
looks different for each person; it might express itself in overwhelming feelings of
obligation, a longing to live a different life, fear of the future, and so on.
Regardless of the path each of us follows, the emotions experienced during
pregnancy should be acknowledged and respected; after all, they offer
opportunities to look deeper within ourselves.

A misconception that is prevalent today is that traditional science offers the only
truth relating to pregnancy and birth. What we forget is that biologically, the
laboring body is a perfectly balanced mechanism. Modern science tells us to look
at pregnancy through the lens of hospital statistics, and it dictates reasons for
intervention. We often overlook the biology of the maternal hormones
orchestrating the contractions and signaling the baby to descend. Not only is
dilation directly related to these maternal hormones, but it also has an opiate-like
effect that can result in uninterrupted labor.

For instance, the hormone oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” is
released during sexual activity and pregnancy, and peaks during the descent of
the baby through the vagina. This hormone is not only responsible for uterine
contraction, but also for the heightened feelings of love and altruism in a new
mother. Oxytocin is just one of the hormones that are so brilliantly expressed in
the coordination of the birthing process; others include beta-endorphin,
epinephrine, norepinephrine, and prolactin.

Beta-endorphin produces an opiate-like effect during situations where the brain
perceives stress and pain. It is also thought to signal the release of prolactin,
which is involved in breast milk production. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are
the often referred to as the “fight or flight” hormones. They are present during
first stage of labor, and can essentially halt labor if the mother senses any
impending threat. There is also an increase in these hormones at the time of birth
(in uninterrupted or un-medicated labors), providing a surge of energy for the
fetal ejection reflex. Finally, prolactin is the “mothering” hormone responsible for
breast-milk production and breastfeeding.

As each woman grows to understand the perfection of this inherent birthing

system, she becomes more comfortable with trusting it. And just as a pregnant
woman is best served by trusting her birthing body, we each would benefit by
trusting our process of creation. We are constantly creating and birthing new
ideas, concepts, lives, careers, and relationships, which ultimately result in the
creation of new selves.

When we walk in the creative process with intuition, we have access to all the
answers we seek. If the birthing woman is given the freedom to explore her
contractions, emotions, and sensations without monitors, time lines, and
statistics, she becomes open to creating an empowered childbirth experience for
herself and her baby. This is her opportunity to bring forth life on her own terms.
Sometimes your own terms may mean taking narcotics or realizing that a C-
section is the answer. Western medicine can be used as a backup to natural

If we allow our intuition (right brain) to guide us in life and apply logic (left brain)
when appropriate, we will birth realities that are on our terms. When we are
tuned to vibrating according to a power greater than ourselves─or “Source”─our
terms become Source’s way.

Expressing the Divine Feminine

So, how do we engage intuition to express this Feminine energy? There are as
many ways to do this as there are individuals. I started with meditation. To bring
the suppressed desires to the surface, I also began a different kind of “to-do” list.
Mondays were especially difficult for me to cope with. After a weekend of doing
what I love and engaging with the people I love, facing a job that I hated on that
harsh Monday morning was more than my heart could bear. So, I created the
“What would I rather do today?” list.

I wrote the exact activity that I yearned to do. For several months, my list read,
“lie on the couch and watch TV (or read).” Although I chose to keep working most

of the time, every once in a while I would play hooky and engage in my desire.
The message this list was conveying was that I needed to rest, recharge, and
spend time alone. More importantly, it affirmed that I deserved to do so.

The list eventually graduated to more active, interesting activities. Again, while I
could not stop working to have fun every day, I stored the list in my mind as a
reminder of what truly made me happy. See, I had been programmed to seek
stability and financial status (Masculine qualities), so fun, joy, and being
(Feminine qualities) were not in my cards…until I decided to play a different card
game. This game would allow me the space to not only dream my desires, but to
ask the Universe, the people in my life, and myself for what I wanted. To
accomplish this, I had to surrender to the reception of those desires, trust in their
materialization, and give thanks for their manifestation.

Obstacles to Expressing the Feminine

The next step in incorporating the Feminine in my life was to address the fears,
anxieties, and self-imposed limitations surrounding my desires. This is where the
work began, and it was so satisfying to see each and every one of those obstacles
fall away as I came closer to living the authentic life I envisioned for myself:
connected to Source, the Universe, and people in my life.

Being honest with fear can leave you feeling emotionally raw; yet without this
step, I would have gotten no further than positive thinking and attempting to
wish myself into what I desired. This would lead to neither transformation nor
evolution toward my personal greatness.

Writing is a good starting point for this seemingly daunting task. I have found
that the more detailed and specific the writing, the deeper the healing that can
unfold. One way to go deeper in the writing/healing practice is to uncover the
emotional pain we experience. Sometimes our perception is that this pain is
caused by the people in our lives. Looking to those people─especially the ones
who “annoy” us─can be a very efficient way to determine where to begin the
healing. Observing how we react and feel in response to those who make
us feel uncomfortable can teach us where to direct the healing.

Why is it that those we love hurt us the most? When we can enter into this pain
with the knowledge that it is there to allow us to heal at a deeper level, we can
begin to see those we feel hurt by as blessings. By trusting that no hurt is
intentional, we can achieve understanding and─ultimately─healing.
Adversaries, or things that stretch our comfort zone, challenge us and allow us to
grow; therefore, they are blessings too. This mindset is a practice that
encompasses anyone who joins in this dance of personal growth. When there is

personal growth, there is space for transformation. When transformation occurs,
there are growing pains and stretches. We may regard those who hurt us as our
adversaries; yet they are also our friends, because they force us to grow wiser if
we choose to engage with this mindset. Our adversaries are the impetus that
helps us evolve.

These adversaries bring awareness to our deepest fears and unconscious beliefs.
When we can bring awareness to these hidden parts of ourselves, the things
which we avoid can become our gateway to growth and healing. It is up to us to
take action, while allowing the awareness to take us to the next step.

Adoring the Feminine

There are adversaries, and then there are muses! Muses are the people, stories,
or energies that inspire us. They propel us to create because we see our own
beauty in them.

To see a woman who is a marathon runner is truly inspiring. Her physical, mental,
and emotional success moves us to realize our accomplishments and celebrate
our progress toward them. The marathon runner is a reflection of our own
physical, mental, and emotional greatness; if we did not possess her beautiful
qualities, we would not recognize them.

In the same way, anyone or anything we worship is really an extension of who we

are. Goddess worship is about adoring all qualities of women and feminine
aspects of people. It is about adoring our receptivity and vastness; our potential
to create and destroy; our power and unconditional giving. The attributes of the
Feminine are complex in scope, yet simple in nature. It is a cycle of waning and
waxing; sometimes full, sometimes invisible. The Feminine is keen, and the
Feminine is open. To adore her is to adore the flow of life, the dance of lovers,
the seasons, the four directions, and the power of death and life.

To be present in the Divine Feminine is to be in reverence of everything and

everyone around us, including ourselves. This Feminine energy allows us to
evolve, change, transform, and be reborn…and perhaps in doing so, to
create a “New Earth.”

Whether the preceding pages have helped you to take small steps or giant leaps
toward understanding and accepting Feminine Authentic Power, I hope you have
come away with an increased awareness of its profound impact on childbirth. The

ability to tap into this innate resource empowers a woman in every stage of the
birthing process, whether she is birthing a baby, a relationship, a career, or a new
life for herself.

Feminine Authentic Power is what grounds and inspires a woman to be certain

and confident in her choices, no matter what anyone else says. Most importantly,
it helps to foster inner strength and accountability for all outcomes. Nobody wants
to live their lives wondering, “What if I had followed my heart?”; and childbirth is
no exception.

Trust your intuition and follow your heart, secure in the knowledge that
you possess all you need to birth anything!

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: It is one of Movement; Dance between the Feminine and Masculine,

dance of the right and left brain, dance among all chakras and all forms of people.
It is dynamic by nature, and giving us the appropriate energies to connect to
Spirit, Earth, and other Humans.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: To awaken who you truly are. Let go of stereotypes and shoulds, and focus on
manifesting yourself fully and your desires. Embrace all forms of the

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I don't know this answer, but I do know that as we Surrender, Trust, and
experience Gratitude, miracles unfold in the most surprising ways. The events will
be different for each person, and it is about becoming aware of yourself, how you
perceive others, and what you desire to experience.

About the Author

Asha Ramakrishna is a Spiritual Midwife & Coach, Strategic Planner & Molecular
Biologist. Asha offers on-line courses and private/ group coaching on Pregnancy
and Mothering.

Birth of Your Life: Empowering Women with Science, Emotional Exploration &
Practical Tools.

Phone Number: (617) 869-5000

© Copyright 2007 by Asha Ramakrishna

Consciousness in the New Era
By Dharmbir Rai

Consciousness has been the subject of intensive research during the past few
decades, especially in the context of the mind-body problem. In the scientific
community the attention has centered mainly on the subjective and individual
consciousness. This is largely due to the fact that much of the work has belonged
to the fields of psychology and neurobiology. Consciousness has been treated as
a biological phenomenon and thus been confined to a narrow slot. The real
problem, though, stems from etymology. The noun consciousness is derived from
the adjective conscious, which becomes the prime mover in defining the concepts
related to consciousness. The word conscious connotes with an individual and
thus, in the context of the mind-body problem, consciousness becomes
individualized. However, the individual consciousness is only a minute
manifestation of the absolute consciousness.

In a general sense consciousness cannot be investigated because to study

something one has to be conscious of it. But one is conscious of a thing only
because of consciousness. It is like trying to see your own eyes. (One can never
see them directly; all one can see is their image in a mirror.) So it is impossible
to be conscious of one’s consciousness except in some exalted states of the mind.
As soon as one talks of investigating consciousness, it ceases to be consciousness
and becomes merely an object (or a thought). Consciousness cannot be defined
in terms of or deduced from anything but itself. It is absolute and eternal.

Consciousness and Physics

There have been attempts to understand consciousness in the light of recent
advances in quantum physics. It is true that quantum mechanics has brought
science and philosophy closer by destroying the very foundation of objective
reality. But consciousness is nonphysical and, hence, not subject to any laws of
physics. The quantum mechanical processes might account for how consciousness
works through the brain, but they cannot tell what it is.

Physics is concerned with understanding the nature and the universe, and deals
primarily with matter, space, and time. It presupposes that there are some
fundamental laws governing these and expresses the behavior of these three in

terms of abstract mathematical equations. How and why these laws came to be is
outside the domain of physics. The equations relate to quantities that are known,
even if in an abstract way. Consciousness is not subject to any laws; if at all, the
laws are subject to consciousness. The realization of this fact may be the main
contribution of physics towards understanding consciousness. We believe that the
discoveries in modern physics lead to that realization. It may be worthwhile to
quote here the words that Max Planck wrote more than a hundred years ago.

“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the
last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature, and therefore, part of the mystery
that we are trying to solve.”

The outstanding achievements of physics in the twentieth century were the

theory of relativity and the quantum theory. Relativity did away with the notion
that space and time are absolute; they do not exist independently. This means
that an object is not completely described by its position alone, the time also has
to be specified. Thus in relativistic terms there are no objects but only events in
four-dimensional space-time. This leads to the realization that matter is
inherently related to space-time. But what happens to space-time if there is no
matter in the universe (i.e. the universe itself disappears)? Space and time also
disappear. But matter does not really disappear, it only transforms into energy,
which remains.

If space and time disappear, what remains? In Einstein’s words nothing remains.
Yet this state of nothingness must contain the potentials for matter, space, and
time to reappear when conditions are favorable. In philosophy there is a term to
describe it; it is called ‘shunyata’ in Sanskrit and is usually translated as
emptiness or void, although neither conveys the real meaning. Quantum void is
perhaps the closest physical model of shunyata. It contains the entire universe in
as cosmic energy just as an acorn contains a huge oak tree. It is infinite and
eternal because it transcends space-time. And this cosmic energy is the universal

There has been a considerable amount of discussion on whether or not

consciousness is energy. We now know that matter is simply another form of
energy. Although in common usage of the word we tend to think that energy is a
‘thing’, it is also nonphysical. Consciousness is a field in the same way as
electromagnetic or gravitational field. So consciousness and energy are the
two sides of one coin; they are inseparable.

Animate vs. Inanimate

Consciousness is the very basis of existence. On the face of it this statement may

seem to apply to sentient beings only, but it is true for the entire universe and
everything in it. At the most elementary level matter is simply an aggregate of
electrons, quarks and other particles, which in turn are aggregates of packets of
vibrational energy. There is no reason why consciousness would reside
only in some combinations of the elementary substance and not in
others. A rock out there – does it have consciousness? The ocean water that
changes into ice, vapor, and back into water – does it have consciousness? These
may seem to be frivolous questions but they are not.

We often associate consciousness with feelings. While feelings arise due to

consciousness, they do not say anything about it. In particular the Western
thought has been very much influenced by Descartes’ dictum “I think, therefore I
am” (cogito ergo sum), who confused thinking with consciousness. Thinking is a
function of the mind and the mind is there due to consciousness. It is an attribute
of consciousness and is as nonphysical. It is the existence of mind and not of
consciousness that makes the difference between animate and inanimate objects.

From our perspective the stars in the universe are inanimate objects. But there
are all sorts of activities going on in them. They send out radiation, explode to
form supernova, or implode into black holes. All these phenomena are, of course,
explained by known physical processes. But what is initiating these processes?
Our own sun keeps producing and sending out radiation that sustains life on the
earth. By our definition the sun, like other stars, is inanimate. It is hard to believe
that anything which is essential for providing vital living force to infinite varieties
of objects would itself be without consciousness.

Nature itself is consciousness. It is consciousness in the air that produces wind

and all associated phenomena. It is consciousness in the ocean water that gives
rise to rain and storms. It is consciousness in the earth that results in
earthquakes and volcanoes. The same holds for all phenomena occurring in the
entire universe.

Universal and Individual Consciousness

Consciousness is one but occurs in different ways in different things. There is the
universal consciousness which pervades everything but is beyond space and time.
Then there is individual consciousness. Two people can be conscious of the same
thing in different ways. Even though the consciousness is the same, the vehicles
through which it operates in each person are different. Physical body is just one
of them. A person has other aspects of existence that are collectively called astral
body. It is the totality of these vehicles that makes each individual unique. The
most important vehicle is the mind, which may be considered as an attribute of
consciousness. Without this attribute, consciousness in individuals is

indistinguishable, just as individual electrons (and other elementary particles)

The relationship between the universal consciousness and the individual one is
that of perception. This is best demonstrated by considering an analogy. The light
of the sun is present everywhere. If we take a lens and focus some of it on to a
tiny spot, the light in the spot has different characteristics depending on the
geometry of the focusing process. But the light in the spot is the same as
anywhere else. The photons hitting the spot are indistinguishable from those
outside the spot. The indistinguishableness of the individual and universal
consciousness forms the basis of the ‘oneness’ idea.

In view of the fact that differences in religious beliefs arising mainly from different
concepts of God have been responsible for most conflicts in the world, it is
imperative for humanity to usher in a new era with ideas about God that can
bring reconciliation of the differences, and also be compatible with the knowledge
obtained through science.

In Vedanta philosophy two words are used interchangeably for the Ultimate
Reality – Brahman and Brahm. This Reality is without form and without
attributes. (When one talks about attributes or qualities in this context, it is
important to remember that one is talking about qualities that are within the
grasp of sense perception.) Strictly speaking it cannot have a name either but to
talk about it one has to use some appellation. It has become customary to use
the word God (or its equivalent) in all religions. The above concept of God is
radically different from that in other religions. Every religion considers God
omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscience, but does not explain how He can be.

One of the four great sentences of Vedanta is: “Consciousness is Brahm

(Pragyaanam Brahm – Svetashwatar Upanishad)”. Consciousness is the Ultimate
Reality. This is the only way that God can be omnipresent, omnipotent, and
omniscient. And this is also the only way one can reconcile the concept of God
with the latest advances in science, especially physics.

Time magazine recently published an article ‘God and Science’ based on a joint
interview with two eminent scientists – Francis Collins, a staunch believer in God
and the Bible, and Richard Dawkins, an avid atheist. The article concluded with
the closing remarks of Dr. Dawkins that ended with the sentence: “If there is
God, it’s going to be a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more
incomprehensible than anything that any theologian of any religion has
ever proposed.” Consciousness is infinite and beyond comprehension. The

statement about what God is, proposed by Vedanta several thousand years ago,
should certainly meet his requirement.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: You have to be clear about your concept about new earth. Does it pertain to
environmental aspects and human behavior, or is it primarily concerned with
spiritual awakening of mankind? There is a growing awareness of spiritual
development at personal level, but it does not seem to have any impact on social
level. In order to be effective spiritual awakening has to be collective.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: One has to understand the reality that any change begins with the self. The
most important thing to bring about a change is to change oneself. The spiritual
awakening has to be in one’s own heart. Only then it can propagate outward.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: It is impossible to give a timeline for events in future. All one can do is set
goals for whatever one wants to accomplish and in what time frame. The time
frame has to be adjusted as one progresses.

About the Author

Dr. Dharmbir Rai Sharma is a retired professor with a physics and electrical
engineering background. He was born and initially educated in India, completing
a Master’s degree in physics. He worked for ten years as a meteorologist in the
Indian Meteorological Service. He came to the United States in 1962, where he
obtained PhD in electrical engineering at Cornell University in 1964.

Dr. Sharma has taught at several universities here in the States and also in
Brazil. During the last ten years of his professional career he worked at the U.S.
Army Research and Development Engineering Center, at the same time teaching
as an adjunct professor at one of the local universities.

After retirement in 1994, Dr. Sharma took to creative writing. He has written a
novel and several nonfiction books. He has had a lifelong interest in Vedanta
philosophy that led him to explore the interrelation between philosophy and
science, which is now his primary interest as an author. He has written several
articles and books in that area and maintains a website

He now lives in Austin, Texas.

Human Creation vs. Divine
Creation Part I
Why our deepest heart’s desires don’t
always come true… or so it seems
By Allen Stacker

So, like many of us, you’ve been on the spiritual growth/awakening path
seemingly forever. You’ve read all the books, sat through the seminars and done
all the weekend retreats and workshops – everything from A to Zen. You’ve read,
listened, visualized and ritualized with the best of the best, the highest of the
high. You’ve even had a few personal channeled readings where you were told
(ad nauseam) that you were super-wonderful, super-powerful, and were no less
than God him/herself… which of course you already knew long ago.

But even after all these long years on the path and all the endless spiritual work-
outs, there was still one great mystery that remained firmly unsolved... and
extremely exasperating. Despite all your greatest efforts over all these years
using absolutely everything you’ve ever learned together with all your personal
power, all your cherished heart’s desires were still just that – desires… still no
perfect partner by your side, still no luxurious penthouse in the sky and still no
real cash in the bank – not even a smell.

Why? How come?

Well, maybe it’s time to pause and take stock of what’s really happening here.
Perhaps your heart’s desires haven’t materialized because you’re just not a
hotshot creator. Perhaps the great Archangels got it wrong and you’re not so
super-wonderful and super-powerful after all. Perhaps you haven’t been paying
enough attention at the seminars. Perhaps all your creative visualizations weren’t
graphic enough or you forgot to add that all-important 'feeling' element. Perhaps
your affirmations should have been stuck on the bedroom ceiling instead of the
fridge door. Perhaps they all should have started with ‘I am’ instead of ‘I will be’.
Perhaps the church was right all along… perhaps you’re just a good-for-nothing
undeserving sinful little creature in need of some serious absolution. Perhaps you
really need to be ‘born-again’. Perhaps…

Oh well, maybe one more course or workshop… you never know, this could be the
big one, the one holding that elusive master key that you’ve somehow managed

to miss along the way – “Instant Creations in less than a week”. Aha, now that
sounds promising.

Yep, it’s as plain as the nose on your face – you’ve definitely missed that secret
formula for getting what you want, you’ve really messed-up somewhere down the

Or have you... or HAVE you?

What if you were super-powerful after all and your whole life was always in
nothing less than perfect order, even Divine Perfect Order? What if what you truly
wanted above everything was in fact always coming true?

What if, after all this time you had totally forgotten something, something that
you did, or gave, way back at the very beginning of your journey, even before
you were born this time around? Something that was so big and so utterly
powerful that it overrode absolutely everything along the way, including the
manifestation of your material desires. What if you had given the all-powerful
(and irreversible) Pure Spiritual Intent to fully awaken, and the manifestation of
all your ‘human’ wants would have only been a distraction to the process?

As much as you’ve wanted to create a relationship for instance, what if you really
needed to be alone and without the distraction of a relationship during the long
and often very difficult transformational process? And what if you needed to
learn, really learn all about love? Contrary to popular duality-based conception,
we can learn a lot more about love by being alone than we ever can in a
relationship. Indeed, we are only really ready for a relationship – truly ready to
love another, when we have loved ourselves enough and no longer ‘need’

What if you had needed to fully master faith and trust and to truly understand
empathy and compassion? Would you have ever mastered trust with millions in
the bank? Any dunderhead can feel empowered with a full bank account. The real
empowerment test comes when the cupboard is bare… that’s when we learn all
about trust. The old Scriptural metaphor… “It’s easier for a camel to pass through
the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get to heaven” simply means that
it’s next to impossible for anyone with great abundance to become
enlightened (awakened). The distraction would be almost

What of your dream home or apartment, that ever so perfect place in that ever so
perfect spot that you just know you’d be happy in forever, the one you’ve
visualized over and over and over? Okay, but what if permanently anchoring

yourself at that particular spot wasn’t for your highest good, what if there
were people you needed to meet and to work with elsewhere in the near future?
What if, as a LightWORKER, there were other places that were soon to need your
energy? And even from a numerological perspective, what if the energy of your
dream home was soon to become out of alignment with the energy of who you
were becoming?

And what about that local healing center or New Age practice that you’ve always
dreamed of opening but has never seemed to materialize? Okay, but what if
you’ve now become bigger than that dream and your real work now involves
teaching on an international scale and not solely restricted to local one-to-one

Beginning to make sense?

Although it’s not easy to accept and understand or at all easy to live through, at
least you can now begin to see the bigger picture of how the spiritual awakening
process actually works, and as part of the process why our ‘human creations’ –
what we so desperately ‘think’ we need and want at the time – often don’t work.
It has never been anything to do with our being a poor powerless human creator
as all those ‘success’ gurus blissfully asleep in duality would have us believe, but
indeed everything to do with us ultimately becoming a fully awakened New
Energy Divine Creator. Our old human desires would clearly not have served this
infinitely grander purpose – our very own Holy Grail.

This is not to suggest that every single human on the awakening path is
struggling financially or is without a love relationship in their lives. There are
those who are financially comfortable and those who are happily married... or
married at least, and even those who are both. However, it is true to say that for
all of us on the awakening path there’s at least one major bugbear that seems to
persist no matter what we do… ah, but it’s this very bugbear that is more often
than not the catalyst that ever prods us to learn and grow. Would we have ever
reached our present level of knowledge, understanding and awareness without
this adversity, this divine blessing in disguise? Would we have ever awakened
from the long sleep of duality if we had always been given everything we could
ever desire?

So then, how do we now as New Energy Divine Beings go about the business of
creating? How do things work for us in the New World beyond duality

Let’s go back and quote some of the writings found on the Points of Power
introduction page… ‘We are in the midst of the most profound and life changing

spiritual energy in all human history, quite possibly in all of creation. Absolutely
nothing is the same now as it used to be, and nothing works like it used to work.
Most of the “sacred” metaphysical books and spiritual teachings/practices
together with much of what is termed “New Age” spirituality are now invalid and
obsolete. As appropriate as they may have been at the time, they do not apply,
or work now, for anyone in the New Energy.’

And in no area is this truer or more relevant than in the area of creating, or
manifesting. Indeed, once we are firmly anchored in the New Energy World, the
more we struggle to consciously create with the old energy tools – all the old
‘immutable’ laws and principles and all the old duality-based rituals, affirmations,
invocations and ‘mind control’ techniques, the more we will find ourselves… well,
embittered, frustrated and depressed. If anything was ever unquestionable, it’s
that the old energy tools don’t work in the New – not one of them!

So, if all the old duality ways and means are now invalid and obsolete, what do
we do to create what we need? Just what do we actually do now?

And the answer is… nothing! Well, that’s not entirely correct; there are a couple
of little things...

Creating in the New Energy Part II
Playing a whole new ball game in a
whole New World
By Allen Stacker

And what exactly are these little things? What is it we need to do… that is,
besides nothing?

We’ll get to that in a moment. But first, why ‘nothing’… why is it that we no
longer have to do anything, or at least anything out of the ordinary, to create
what we need?

It’s because everything, absolutely everything, is now into flow – a continuous

divine effortless flow. In the New Energy, the New World, everything we need is
now there for us at the appropriate time – when we need it… the health, the
abundance, the people, the resources, everything. It all comes to us; all that we
ever need now comes to us in perfect timing. In fact we no longer have any
needs as such because it’s all just there when, or before, the ‘need’ arises!

Back in our old duality days we’d occasionally have these odd (and all too short)
times where we’d experience spells of continuous good fortune… we’d be ‘on a
roll’ as they say. Everything just seemed to fall in our lap with no sweat or
expectation on our part. The right things just happened at the right time at the
right place right out of the blue… and we weren’t ‘doing’ anything except minding
our own business! We certainly weren’t using any red-letter metaphysical
techniques or wizardry… at that stage we couldn’t even spell metafizics!

Later, through some spiritual book or hypnotic seminar somewhere we learned

that these odd spells of continuous good fortune were called “synchronicity”, a
term originally coined by Carl Jung from synchronic + ity.

Now in the New Energy, however, this “synchronicity” – this continuous

divine effortless flow where everything we need just appears at the
appropriate time – is no longer the odd and all too brief exception, but indeed
the norm. We have moved from Human Creation to Divine Creation – to an ever
ongoing union with our Spirit, our True Self, who knows exactly what we need
and when we need it. We have become a True Divine Creator, a Creator who
doesn’t consciously need to do anything at all… not techniques, not procedures,
not prayers, not rituals, not anything… because it’s ALWAYS JUST THERE!

Ah, but what about those little things, the couple of little things we need to do
besides nothing?

Yes, there are two things, but they’re really not little.

The first thing we need to do is to completely let go of all control – of everything!

This is not altogether easy to do, and because we humans are traditionally
addicted to control, or rather the illusion of control, will probably take some
practice. But we need to keep in mind that control in all its forms does nothing in
fact but inhibit the flow of creative energy. Contrary to everything we’ve been led
to believe in old duality-land, ‘control’ is the very antithesis of ‘creation’.

Ultimately, of course, it’s still always us running the show and not some outside
agency (seraphic, cherubic or secular), but now it’s our Real Self, our True God
Self who’s leading the way, and not our old human mind with all its doubts, fears
and limiting belief systems.

In the future, if someone suggests that you’re completely out of your mind, you
can happily agree with them.

The second thing we need to do is to make Trust in Self the very hub of our
existence. We need to live in a constant state of complete trust in ourselves… the
same complete trust that, ironically, we put in everything else – bridges, tunnels,
high-rise buildings, pilots and even our barber with a cut-throat razor in hand. We
need to have the same complete and utter trust in ourselves as we have in a
common old chair. When we sit in a chair we KNOW – not just hope or think or
believe, but KNOW that it will always support us. And it always does.

And that’s it… Let Go and Trust, and everything comes to us. Actually, in the New
Energy World it all comes to us anyway, that’s the way it works now. But we can
make our life so much easier and completely free of stress, worry, struggle and
fear when we get out of our own way (and stay there) and know that all is in
Perfect Divine Order. Indeed, if we carefully think it through, or more importantly
‘feel’ it through, we’ll realize that it can’t be any other way. It just can’t.

It’s all really, really simple when you get the hang of it. It’s getting the hang of it
– getting used to how it all works so very differently in the New Energy that’s a
bit tricky… and yes, at times a bit scary. But even the scary times can be put to
rest once we truly understand that all our fears are but a grand illusion and that
we are the grand illusionist. The fact is that we are never, ever in danger because
we can’t be in danger and eternal at the same time. Or to put it in the form of a
question… how can God ever be in danger?

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: That the New Earth has very different energy attributes associated with it, and
that it is not a new and separate planet as such, but a totally New Reality, Energy
and World that, at least for some time to come, will coexist with the old energy

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: The single most important thing to prepare/take part in the Spiritual

Awakening is to state your Pure Intent to do so.

The second most important thing is to be aware that when you do give your
intent, things will change for you and you will need to be accepting of this.

Q:Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A:We can safely say that the Spiritual Awakening began in August 1987 with the
planetary activation called the Harmonic Convergence. This was followed on
January 11, 1992 with the opening of the 11:11 doorway which was the actual
advent of the New Energy. We should be aware, however, that Spiritual
Awakening both individually and en masse is an ongoing process and never a
single event.

About the Author

Allen Stacker is a New Energy teacher and facilitator based in Sydney Australia.
For all contact details and an overview of his work and teachings, go to his

The New World
By Jafree Ozwald
You may have already sensed that a New World is coming into each of our
personal lives. If you stop and truly pay attention, you can feel it. As everything
continues moving faster and faster, we cannot help but wake up and realize our
divine infinite potentiality. We are each being pulled, cajoled, and summoned to
spiritually awaken by the people and global events around us. Our planet’s
cataclysmic experiences are the masses “wake-up calls”, forcing us to individually
turn inwards, and create a more sensitive, loving, and conscious approach to life.
This deeper sensitivity has in turn awakened a new kind of human being inside all
of us. A being who is attuned to the divine within, guided by their intuition, and
enlightened by their own individual consciousness. As the world continues to
wake us up, the number of enlightened beings will naturally multiply and
collectively in time create a New World. This global enlightenment will create
a foundation of peace for this planet for the first time in many millennia. Our
planet is about to give birth to billions of heart-centered open-minded people, and
nobody is going to miss this massive enlightening ride.

The experience of world peace is only created by a massive movement of

individual inner peace. This global feeling of peace occurs when the "hundredth
monkey" wakes up to recognize that inside is something exquisite, unlimited in
potential, and truly Divine. The massive spiritual awakening is also based on a
scientific quantum energetic shift in our physical environment. Astronomers have
calculated that by Solstice on December 21st 2012, there will be a cosmic perfect
alignment of our planet Earth, our Sun, and the very center of the Milky Way
galaxy. This is the exact date that the ancient 26,000-year Mayan calendar
predicted that the New World would “officially” begin. Many will awaken before
this day, simply to assist others by being a guiding light for their spiritual

This outer alignment of our stars or celestial bodies creates an inner alignment
within our physical flesh, bones and mental/emotional bodies. This divine
configuration allows you to become “synchronized” with your world. As we move
closer to this grand alignment, you will automatically be pulled towards this inner
alignment of your mind, body, and soul, and rediscover a deeper spiritual
alignment with your Divine Source. This bio-energetic centering causes all energy
centers (chakras) in your body to open and allows you to simply trust life
completely. When peace is found within you, it is seen and experienced all around
you. The outer peace you project will allow everyone to relax more deeply and
consciously explore every aspect of their being.

Our world is already filled with millions of highly intelligent, sensitive, loving, and
super-psychic beings. Many are radiating love with such a boundless, welcoming
soft warm energy that you will be pulled in vibrationally and shift into this higher
loving way of naturally operating daily. You almost “have to” open up and shift
just to survive this intense outer/inner alignment. The conscious energy on the
planet will continue to grow exponentially each year. By the time we approach
2012, there will be more enlightened beings on this planet than unenlightened
ones. The people that you struggle with are in your life to give you the
opportunity to deepen in compassion and awareness, for they are the “slower
monkeys” getting on the ride. It may be your job to assist them in becoming
more open, awake, and loving. When you vibrationally “step up” to the plate, you
will help them create this shift and at the same time open up even more to your
highest Self.

I have found that one of the greatest ways to prepare yourself today for this New
World is to find peace within yourself and within every relationship you
have. When you start recognizing the divine within yourself and in everyone,
then everyone you meet becomes a divine teacher, showing you exactly what you
need to learn next on your life journey. The people who you struggle with will
only be forcing you to dig deeper into your inner wellspring of lightness, love, and
inner peace. The gems you find inside yourself will breed an even higher
awareness, allowing others to respond from a more empowered loving
space. This will enable you to FEEL connected with the millions of highly
intelligent, sensitive, loving, and super-enlightening beings that are already on
the planet today.

Another step to prepare for your spiritual awakening is to learn how to quiet the
mind and meditate daily. You can do this by sitting with a conscious “enlightened”
master, teacher, or someone who radiates pure love, lightness of being, and
absolute acceptance of who you are. You can meet a few of our favorite
enlightened beings on our website: We recommend
that you learn something from every different being and experience as many
teachers as you can. Let your body feel the difference and let it decide which one
truly resonates with who you want to become next year. And as they say, when
the student is ready, the teacher will magically appear.

The thought of a New World occurring is very contagious and will only grow
exponentially. The more we think about it, the more energy is invested into
manifesting it. However, the momentum is already there and this world is about
to have a massive spiritual awakening that cannot be stopped. Yet, you can jump
on the boat sooner rather than later. To realize what is still asleep, resistant, or
righteous in you is the first step to awakening out of the old dream. Waking up
first begins with realizing that you are the co-creator of your reality, and that
your imagination is the only limit you have. So be aware of the thoughts you are

having in each moment, and cultivate a presence that is the witness of these
thoughts. The thoughts you have are like clouds passing through the sky. Let
them float on by. Know that you are the vast, spacious, and infinite
boundless sky! Be that throughout your day and you will truly recognize
this vast freedom that always dwells inside of you.

Another step to awakening is to be conscious of each choice that you make. Every
being in the New World will understand that there are no “accidents.” Every
experience is synchronistic and divine. You are waking up to the fact that you are
The Creator of your every experience. Take responsibility now for what is in your
life today and be thankful for it before you focus on what you want to be, do, and
have tomorrow. By approaching today with gratitude, you open your heart and
mind in each situation and relationship you have.

As far as the physical state of the New World, the people will be at-one with their
environment, and embody the most natural state of compassion and
understanding with the earth, air, plants, oceans, animals, sea creatures, and
fellow human beings. We will be recycling everything, and using renewable
resources of energy to create more energy. There will be technology available to
create a pollution-free world where we are using free-energy and water-fueled
cars will become the norm.

Every man and woman of this New World will know how to live in harmony with
others, not because it is the “right” thing to do, but because they will know that
any harm done to the other on any level is merely doing harm to their own
selves. This global brother/sisterhood will create a more conscious, healthy, and
harmonious world for all to enjoy. As each human being becomes more conscious
of their thoughts, actions, and how they want to impact their environment, the
outer world will reap those benefits.

The interesting thing is that the more conscious, awake, and open-hearted you
become now, the more you will see, feel, and experience that this New World is
already here now and happening today. Of course our news and media cannot
dictate this perception since they can only relay a small pigeonhole of information
about what is actually happening on the planet in each moment. Yet, the bigger
truth is that there is a momentum of deeper spiritual awareness that is
blossoming everywhere. The more realistic picture of our future is that our
consciousness is like a flower whose petals are blossoming naturally of its own
accord. If you take a big whiff you can already smell the fragrance. This world is
waking up and your job is to relax, and remain open and receptive to it
happening today.

In the New World everyone comes equipped with the Universal understanding
that we are each conscious manifestors of our individual realities. As this

understanding deepens and becomes a common household way of being on the
planet, the awesome miraculous synchronicities we experience will multiply. Sure
we can take them personally and say WE are individually manifesting our outer
experiences, or we can take them impersonally and see that we are merely a
drop in the Universal ocean that is blossoming this new existence. Either way,
there will be a much deeper more personal freedom found in everyone that will
truly satisfy our souls!

In order to jump on this global train ride to enlightenment sooner (rather than
later), it is imperative to learn how to quiet the mind and find absolute stillness
inside. Then, you can be conscious and know the true power behind each choice
that you make. Every being in the New World will understand that there
are no “accidents.” That each person, each interaction, every situation is
absolutely synchronistic and divine. You are waking up to the fact that
we are all powerful conscious co-creators of our world. Take responsibility
now for what is in your life today and focus on what you want instead of what you
don’t want. You will consciously create the reality you want and be able to
approach all beings with an open heart under any circumstances. When you can
rest in that stillness for three minutes each day, you will truly understand the
vast unlimited potentiality you have inside to offer the world.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The most important thing is the people will be different. They will be more
open-minded, and more connected spiritually.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Explore your spiritual essence, meditate, quiet the mind completely every day.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: If we continue to do environmentally harmful actions to our planet, we will be

seeing our typical catastrophic natural disasters each year. These events will be
huge, and push people to go deeper inside. Another event is that archaeologists
will uncover the buried records in two areas of the world (in Egypt/Central
America) within a few months of each other. This database of info will date back
25,000 years containing detailed proof of the ancient civilization of Atlantis.

It is good to look at this global Spiritual Awakening like an apple tree blossoming
its flowers. It is unfolding its petals all throughout the tree at different times.

There is not just one day where you can say everyone will wake up on this day.
At anytime your flower can burst forth and blossom...

About the Author

Jafree Ozwald

It is time to experience spiritually enlightening life-transformational information

that will inspire and empower you to attain life mastery! Would you like to learn
the ancient secrets to manifesting a fulfilling life that you love? Experience a
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career, optimum health and discover your divine purpose in life! Jafree’s
revolutionary 90-Day Manifesting Program dramatically increases your ability to
manifest every desire you have faster and easier than what you thought was
possible! It is 100% guaranteed to work or your money back! Download the 1st
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The New Humans
By Mary Rodwell, RN © 2006
5th Root race, Indigos, China’s Super Psychics & Star Children.

A human upgrade program orchestrated by extraterrestrial contact; the

evidence and implications.

‘A new race of human beings has emerged. Whilst superficially they are
indistinguishable, however, they are the part of the next wave of the bringers of
light, to assist humanity with the awakening of terrestrial consciousness. Human
beings are awakening to their innate connection to the Universe. This is the
primary role for all the NEW CHILDREN, coming to planet earth.’
— Tracey Taylor, experiencer (2000)

A seven-year-old boy called Boriska from the Volgograd region began to tell his
family of his life on Mars, its inhabitants and civilization. He said he knew of Earth
and Lemuria in very specific detail. He possessed profound knowledge and a high
intellect (Pravda, Sept 2004, Russia).

Boriska displayed signs of extraordinary behaviour. At two weeks of age he was

able to raise his head, spoke his first word at four months and as a one-year-old,
Boriska could read the large print of a newspaper.

With precision and clarity, he recounted his knowledge of Mars, planetary systems
and their inhabitants. He spoke about the gifted kids which he referred to as
‘indigos’ and of their essential role in assisting humanity during the anticipated
Earth Changes.

Is humanity changing as a species?

The new kids on the block: A global phenomenon.
Renowned prophet and healer Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) not only spoke of a new
humanity and referred to it as the 5th Root race, but he also predicted that it
would appear in the years 1998 to 2010.

Metaphysicians and other gurus also share the belief and the anticipation of this
recent emergence of the new type of human they call Indigos. They are also
referred to as Children of the New Millennium, Crystal Children, Children of Light,
Golden Children, to mention a few.

The ufology community is conducting research into the extraterrestrial

phenomenon experienced by children. Their explorations thus far have produced
such terms as the New Humans or, more commonly, Star Children.

The profiles of the Indigo children share the same attributes or are strikingly
similar. They are highly intelligent, creative, psychic, telepathic and
posses healing and clairvoyant abilities.

The Indigo children also share an inherent capacity to articulately express

knowledge and awareness of deep spiritual concepts, historical,
anthropological and scientific data, far beyond the capacity of even the most
learned scholars, regardless of their age, level of cognitive development,
education and numerous other pertinent factors.

This confronting evidence has even captured the attention and interest of the
Chinese government, who are researching children who possess ‘exceptional
human functioning’ (EHF), more commonly referred to as ‘China’s Super

Unfortunately, this research also suggests that these children are so different that
they are often misunderstood and described as suffering from ADD (attention
deficit disorder).

In this article we will explore the extraordinary qualities and states of

consciousness demonstrated by the Indigo children and the inference of
the emerging New Humans.

Despite the plethora of information and supporting evidence, this phenomenon

still manages to defy our logic and challenges our beliefs, and yet it is
scientifically supported.

Everything seems to suggest that humanity is on the verge of an evolutionary

quantum leap. If we accept this premise, is it not plausible that the phenomenon
related to extraterrestrial experience is equally valid and could offer a reasonable
explanation for these developments?

Metaphysicians who speak about the emerging New Humans have professional,
psychological and medical science backgrounds. Doreen Virtue, (The Crystal
Children) has a PhD, and an MA and BA degree in Counseling Psychology. The

publication The Indigo Children (1999) by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober took
information from psychologists and therapists. The research in China is sponsored
by the government and suggests that the phenomenon is taken seriously. Ufology
researchers, too, have credible science, medical and psychological backgrounds.

If we are changing as a species, ufology offers a reasonable explanation.

Scientific, biological and anthropological anomalies certainly suggest some form
of intervention in the evolution of Homo sapiens. The missing link in our
evolutionary tree certainly indicates a primary intervention in our genetic make-
up. If this is the case, then the New Humans may well have been orchestrated in
a similar way with genetic upgrades in our DNA. But the present upgrade is so
radical that it appears like an evolutionary jump start, hence the name the New

If humanity is experiencing a quantum leap in its evolution, why is it happening

now? Star Children believe they are here to ‘guide the awakening of terrestrial
consciousness’ (Tracey Taylor). But how will this be achieved?

New scientific research could provide us with some of those answers and may
qualify what the Star Children seem to understand, such as their role in the
awakening of human consciousness. It may also explain why our connections to
extraterrestrials could be far more intimate than we have previously suspected,
as well as why they are currently so interested in us.

Extraterrestrial contact and genetic

UFOs and their appearance in our airspace have been systematically ridiculed as
pure nonsense by governments for years. This has been an effective strategy,
despite the evidence that one in ten people see such craft. Ridicule and
disinformation has meant that most people will hesitate to speak of what they
have seen, let alone admit they have had any interactions with such craft.
Evidence in the form of photographs, hours of video footage and credible
testimony from airline pilots and military personnel seems to mean nothing. Even
the radar sightings which confirm this reality are hidden from public view.

A medical practitioner, Dr Stephen Greer, supports a disclosure program and

owns videotape of hundreds of hours of testimony from high-ranking military
personal. They all confirm that UFOs are real and that there is a systemic and
deliberate cover up by government agencies. Retired American Army and NATO
Command Sergeant-Major Robert Dean in the 1960s and 70s guarded COSMIC-
classified files which showed that government agencies were fully aware that

extraterrestrials and UFOs regularly penetrated our airspace.

Compelling as this is, the evidence of such craft in our skies is really a very small
part of this phenomenon. Surely we have to ask who is controlling these craft and
why are they here? Robert Dean believes that we are very closely connected to
aliens, both spiritually and physically, and suggests that they are responsible for
the Star Child phenomenon. The development of a new humanity called Homo
Noeticus is a term coined by John White, who studied parapsychology and noetics
(the investigation of consciousness). Many well-known researchers such as
English author and UFO investigator Jenny Randles agree. She wrote about this in
Star Children: The True Story of Alien Offspring Among Us.

It has been shown that contact experience is an inter-generational one and that
such children appear to be more intelligent, exhibit extraordinary psychic and
intuitive abilities and have knowledge that they have not consciously learnt.
Ufology research shows that consistent genetic lines play an important factor in
this phenomenon.

Podiatry surgeon, Dr Roger Leir, is renowned in ufology for his pioneering surgery
removing alleged alien implants and his autobiographical book, The Aliens and
the Scalpel. Dr Leir included the phenomenon of Star Children in his research. He
writes that: ‘I believe that any mother that looks at her recently born child, in
comparison with children born twenty years ago, will testify that there is a
tremendous difference. Some look upon the differences in the New Humans and
say they have to do with better prenatal care etc. In my opinion this supposition
is nonsense and in light of my more recent studies and exposure to the
abduction phenomenon, I have come to the conclusion that the rapid
advancement of our human species is due to the alien intervention in our
bodies and minds.'

Dr Leir has based his statement not only on research into alien implants, but from
his observations of children. Comparing today’s statistics on the developmental
stages in young children to forty years ago (when such records and studies
began), he discovered that the level of higher psychological functioning in some
cases was increased by as much as 80%. The question is, how could this
happen? Dr Leir: ‘I suggest that the answer involves alien manipulation of human
genetics’ (The Aliens and the Scalpel, p.192).

Recent genetic research could qualify this starling revelation. There are
unexplainable anomalies in our genetic history, and in 2003 it was discovered
that 223 genes do not have the required predecessors on our genomic
evolutionary tree. These extra genes are completely missing in the invertebrate
phrase. Therefore scientists can only explain their presence as recent in the
evolutionary time scale, and comment that this was not through gradual

evolution, vertically on the tree of life, but horizontally as a ‘side ways insertion
of genetic material’. Significantly these 223 genes are two-thirds the difference
between the chimpanzee and Homo sapiens and include important psychological
and psychiatric functions. How did humanity acquire such enigmatic genes?
Dr Leir and other researchers believe the answer may well be extraterrestrial
genetic intervention!

Dr Richard Boylan, an American behavioural scientist, anthropologist and clinical

hypnotherapist, has studied Star Children phenomenon and their connection to
close encounter experience. He offers a precise profile of the New Humans and
our intimate connection to extraterrestrials, or 'Star Visitors' as he calls them. Dr
Boylan is secretary of ACCET (the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter
Therapists) in the USA, a professional body that encourages medical and
psychological professions to be involved in this phenomenon. Boylan is convinced
that Star Children are a reality and has created an organization to support and
educate families with these children. As president of the Star Kids Project (SKP),
he organizes workshops for Star Kids to help them and their parents cope with
their extra psychic and intuitive abilities. He explains that the Star Child maybe
defined as a child of both human and extraterrestrial origin. The ET contribution
to the child’s make-up may come from genetic engineering, from biomedical
technology and from telepathic consciousness linking. 'Star Kids are psychically
and metaphysically changed as a result of their own contacts with the ‘visitors’ or
ETs modifying their parents' reproductive DNA.’ He also believes that there is a
link to what we now label Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), a syndrome which
almost magically appeared about fifteen to twenty years ago when more of these
children began to be recognized.

Dr Boylan and Doreen Virtue believe that these children are often misdiagnosed
with syndromes as questionable as ADD. One reason Dr Boylan suggests is that:
‘these kids are just crushingly bored with the slow, pedestrian way they are being
educated’ and that is why they often misbehave. Doreen Virtue suggests that
Indigo and Crystal children can also be diagnosed as autistic or having Asperger’s
syndrome. More research is warranted to explore such possibilities.

There are numerous accounts where the contactee or experiencer recall details of
their genetic material being harvested. Dr John Mack, former Professor of
Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School wrote about the subject of genetic material
being taken in his book Abduction. I have covered this important fact in my book
Awakening, in the chapter on missing pregnancies. Many of my clients, both male
and female, recall experiences when this procedure occurred. Some women
also believe that their genetic material has been taken and altered in
some way prior to their pregnancy. They say they knew the child was
different or special because of this. What I found astonishing was that many of
these children seemed to have an awareness that they were different. A letter to

ACERN states:
‘Yes I have always believed I was from elsewhere, and, like I said, I used to
speak and write in a strange language in private. Sometimes, even in front of my
mum, I used to cry because I felt so different. I would tell her not to touch me,
as it was dangerous, and I am not yours. I am one of them. When the greys used
to leave, I would get upset and believe they had left me behind, which made me
angry and upset. I have memories of planets with golden buildings’ — James
Basil (UK).

What are these differences, apart from higher physical and psychological
functioning? Generally they are enhanced psychic and intuitive abilities, with an
awareness of universal knowledge and even their true genetic origins. ‘I am not
yours’ implies that some Star Children are aware they are connected in some way
to the extraterrestrial beings who visit them.

Star Child qualities (see Star Child questionnaire at

·Highly intelligent.
·Often very creative.
·Developmentally advanced in reading walking, talking, etc.
·Psychic/intuitive abilities.
·Multi-dimensionally awareness; they perceive a broader range of reality.
·Telepathic abilities.
·They sense and feel energies from people or other living things (aura
·Telekinesis, etc. Moving objects with their mind energy and thought.
·Awareness of scientific, historical, anthropological and spiritual knowledge
not consciously learnt. Sometimes called ‘knowledge bombs’.
·Awareness of past lives.
·Extremely empathic to all creatures, not just humans but animals and
·They can communicate with the unseen world, spirits, and angels.
·Multi-dimensional healing abilities.
·Manifest unusual artwork, languages and scripts.
·They experience dreams where they are being taught how to use their high
sense abilities on space craft.
·Dual consciousness; feeling part human and part extraterrestrial.
·Have a sense of mission or higher purpose.

From a letter (USA):‘I started walking at 8 months, talking in sentences by 10

months, and how to read at 2 years; no one taught me. I had friends who walked
through walls, became invisible, and we spoke telepathically. I desperately
wanted to go home.’

David from Perth, Western Australia (now in his late twenties) said about his

childhood psychic and telepathic abilities: ‘I would have telepathic conversations
with my sister until she told me to stop being lazy and start talking.’

Some of the older Star Children are able to explain their abilities and ET
connections more precisely. Ann Andrews, author of Abducted, wrote about
her family’s extraterrestrial contacts. They live in England and have had lifelong
interactions with ETs. Jason, her youngest son, exhibits many of these higher
senses, regularly astral travels and even heals individuals in this dream state.

Jason told his mother how the Star Child profile fitted him. Jason, like many other
Star Children, complains about the bulkiness of his human body, saying how
limited it is. He was tight-lipped about his experiences for a long time because he
said it was hard to trust anyone because you never know who they are working
for. He was very serious when he asked Ann if I thought it was very strange that
after hundreds of years of slow progress we had suddenly come on in leaps and
bounds in just fifty years. According to Jason, ‘they’ (including himself) gave us
the relevant knowledge. They showed us how to split the atom and harness
nuclear power so that we might finally meet them as equals. However, he says
angrily that we have turned all this knowledge into power over others less
fortunate than ourselves, for example with atomic weapons. But when asked
about genetic engineering, Jason said, ‘It is the ETs who choose the parents’. The
children are genetically altered before they are born. ‘They are given
extraterrestrial DNA.’

Again it appears that many of the children know about their mixed human and ET
gene pool. This was demonstrated to me quite graphically when a confused young
mother told me about her ten-year-old son. She said that whilst out walking with
him one day, her son very casually told her the actual percentage of ET genes in
every person they passed!

The extraterrestrial education program,

telepathic communication and more.
Five-year-old Aiden from Western Australia says, ‘I don’t mind going through the
walls, and they teach me more on the ships than I learn at school. They come
through walls, float not walk, become invisible, but are still around!’ His mother
writes, ‘This astounds me. He is very blasé about it and says he will introduce
them to me one day! Aiden knows what I am thinking, finishes my sentences for
me, and feels pain when I do’ (from Awakening, 2002).

Star Children can be aware of extraterrestrial educational programs

when information is downloaded on a subconscious or super-conscious

level. Jena is an eight-year-old girl in Perth who described this process as
‘knowledge bombs’ in her head, which sometimes hurt. They can have strange
dreams where they know they are on-board spacecraft. They are taught to use
their higher sense abilities and they know when they have done well at such

Whitley Strieber, experiencer and author of The Secret School, also experienced
such lessons on spacecraft. This testimony certainly suggests that the New
Humans are not only upgraded physically and psychologically, but are also taught
to operate on a broader multi-dimensional frequency which helps them access
information and knowledge not available to others.

Tracey Taylor, who intuitively draws complex artwork and symbols related to her
ET experiences, wrote, ‘As for my own contact experiences, I have become very
compassionate towards ET beings, there is much that humans can learn and
benefit by interacting with them. Initially I didn’t know what was going on or why,
but there has always been an equal exchange. I helped them to achieve their
genetic goals and, in return, developed my healing and psychic abilities, plus my
understanding of life on earth.’

‘Star children are born with greater wisdom and awareness, and are also gifted
creatively. They have a great feeling of being connected to nature and all that
exists. They are the bringers of the new, the bringers of light, they are here to
guide the awakening of terrestrial consciousness.’ So, if the new humanity is
already here, whatever we choose to call them, how is this awakening of
terrestrial consciousness orchestrated? The answer may well be contained in
the creative expressions and data connected to contact experience.

Breaking down the barriers. The limits

of traditional ufology research.
Traditional ufology attempts to convince the general public of UFO reality with
research focused primarily on UFO sightings and other such scientific data.
Although this approach is important, I believe it is far too limited a perspective for
such a complex phenomenon. Some ufologists still exhibit ambivalence towards
the abduction or contact phenomenon. This is despite the many thousands of
credible people and families who experience such a reality, and tangible data such
as unusual marks on the body, missing time, and implants, which are the
anomalies that can verify this reality. It seems that no matter how profound the
evidence, some will still argue that it is far too insubstantial to be taken seriously.
Likewise, they ignore any mixture of spiritual or metaphysical interpretations, or
psychological and emotional evidence, despite the degree to which these

experiences can dramatically change an individual’s personal paradigm. Such
information may just convince skeptical researchers that the experiencer is
psychologically impaired. This is especially true of any information that
experiencers receive telepathically or express in other ways.

I disagree totally with such a limited perspective and believe that if we are to
understand contact more fully, we have to be receptive to any physical,
emotional, psychological or spiritual data that is linked to this phenomenon.

‘Wisdom is knowing how little we know’ — Socrates.

ACERN provides professional support for experiencers. Since 1996 I have

received volumes of data and personal testimony that have convinced me of
contact reality. But I was particularly intrigued to find that, despite the enormous
fear some people experienced (and this is by no means standard), many were
more traumatized by isolation and judgment than by their experiences. What I
discovered was that such experiences were eventually life changing and

Are these experiences transformational

because such individuals are exposed to
a broader spectrum of reality, or is it
more than that?
I found that individuals who received support regained their equilibrium and
accepted a broader frame of reality, which obviously changed their perspectives
in many ways, both psychologically and spiritually. This integration meant that
they now became more peaceful and open to their contact experiences. But I also
felt it was their new openness to the extraordinary data they received which
made their changes so profound.

Although such extraordinary data is treated with ambivalence, if not disinterest,

by some researchers, it is common knowledge that creativity and artistic
expression is one way that human beings express human experience. There is no
doubt that contact experience can inspire some individuals to draw the
extraterrestrial life forms they interact with, and that many of them look identical,
which I believe is further testament to this reality. Likewise, they may draw
unusual landscapes of planets, with which they can have a deep emotional
connection. The landscapes may sometimes be strikingly similar, as are some of
the artwork, symbols and written scripts. Sometimes they vocalize strange
languages without conscious thought, and articulate them more fluidly than their

normal human language.

In researching these matters we need to recognize our own limits and that we are
unaware of what we do not know. I felt that, no matter how unusual or
challenging this material was, if it is part of the contact experience then we
cannot afford to ignore it.

Researching a broader paradigm requires an open mind, and by that I mean

being open to all data. Thorough researcher seeks to reconcile this data with
science fact as much as possible. It is always profound and exciting for me when
conventional science comes to the rescue and offers a possible explanation. But
what is even more fascinating is when the scientific explanations are so similar to
what experiencers themselves have intuitively understood.

Expressions of ET contact: a visual

communication and healing blueprint?
The strange expressions of contact; stunning images, symbols, drawings of
strange planets, languages and unusual scripts is a fascinating enigma. I initially
collated such data so experiencers could compare notes. I found that, when
shared with other experiencers, the material was extraordinarily helpful in
assisting them to honour and validate their own contact.

The ACERN video Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? was an attempt

to share this information with the ufology community and experiencers. We
discovered that our lack of expertise in film making did not detract from the
material or the stories. I am certain that the two film awards presented at the
International UFO Congress in the USA came from the impact of these images,
because they seemed to connect with individuals at some deep level, whether
they were experiencers or not! The 2004 sequel video Expressions of ET Contact:
A Communication and Healing Blueprint? was similar but explored the subject
from a more global perspective. Again, the combination of languages, art, scripts
and personal stories touched a deep chord with people, creating strong emotional
reactions and resonance.

The average experiencer believes such expressions are contact communications,

containing complex holographic data which helps us to connect with who and
what we are. Energetic signatures, perhaps, containing blocks of coding like
holographic blueprints, which we absorb on many levels.

‘It should be born in mind that the nature of extraterrestrial communications is

that, in a majority of instances, star visitors communicate with humans by

telepathic transfer of mental images and concepts, rather than by words and
speech’ — Marie.

In his video review column, Duncan Roads, editor of Nexus magazine wrote:
‘These Expressions of ET Contact videos are two of the most amazing
documentaries you will ever watch. I don’t count myself as being a “sensitive”
person at all, but I can assure you that I felt things “shifting inside of me” as I
watched the videos. In fact, at least 15 minutes of one video that I watched I
don’t remember a thing about! I am sure viewers will also be surprised at the
large number and variety of different life-forms visiting and interacting with us. It
becomes clear that as contacts between “us” and “them” progresses, more and
more information is being transmitted. Amongst the many people featured by
Mary Rodwell in these documentaries, most are currently of the opinion that there
are many life forms “out there” that are trying to assist humanity — now, more
than ever. This assistance can take many forms; however, it is obvious that most
of the assistance is via information packets transmitted to us.’

Roads continues: ‘Yet obviously it is still early days in the “getting to know you”
process, so a lot of the information relayed to humans is still very basic, i.e. what
“they” look like, what “they” are like and how our “reality” is but one of zillions of
valid but different realities. The interviews are most interesting and compelling.
And the artwork “does things to you” when you look at it. The paintings of the
ETs or aliens (“beings” is probably a better word) are just riveting. One gets the
“feeling” of what the being is “like” just by looking at these paintings — a result of
the extra information packets transmitted by the artist, perhaps? … These videos
are more in the category of “spiritual awakening”, but this is a result of the
content and (probably) not the intention of the producers.’ — Duncan Roads
(video review, Nexus, Aug-Sept 2004, p.78).

Communication and reprogramming of

our DNA, by language, and frequencies?
Are telepathic transfer of mental images and concepts communication from
aliens? SETI (the official search for extraterrestrial intelligence) still argues that
they have not received any anomalous radio signals to suggest extraterrestrial
life exists. Whether this is the truth or not, that is their official line. But perhaps
extraterrestrials would find radio transmissions a very primitive way to
communicate. If we listen to experiencers, they say it is more likely to happen
through multi-dimensional levels of human consciousness.

‘This communication happens because everything is made up of the same matter

resonating at different harmonics, so that the ETs are able to communicate with

us, directing thought on subatomic levels, and so activate subconscious
interaction. This is interpreted by the conscious mind as a simplified form of
communication, such as symbology. Symbols are meant to communicate the
nature of the macrocosm.’ — T.T., experiencer (WA).

There is no doubt that such expressions, although not yet consciously

quantifiable, certainly connect to a deep resonance within people, in the same
way as crop circles do. Interestingly, some of the crop circle symbols are actually
contained within some of the symbols the experiencers create and it is possible
both phenomena may well be connected. Certainly we know that by viewing or
standing in the crop circles many people feel something, as they also do with
viewing the videos. Duncan Roads admits that, although he believes he is not
particularly sensitive, he also felt something by seeing these images.

In the eastern states of Australia, a male hypnotherapist told me he felt that one
particular symbol had affected his third eye center, feeling a strange buzzing
(interestingly this is the spot in the middle of the forehead through which some
psychic abilities supposedly manifest). This certainly suggests that these
expressions act as a trigger or catalyst for something within us. Some
experiencers believe this data has frequencies which affect us energetically on a
subconscious level, acting like a holographic program.

Is there a scientific basis to support the

hypotheses that such communications
or expressions can actually affect or talk
to us, even to our DNA?
New Russian research offers support for such a possibility, which means that
reliable scientific investigations are now actually beginning to explain what
experiencers have intuitively known all along.

Some recent Russian DNA discoveries documented by Grazyna Fosar and Franz
Bludorf in their book, Vernetzte Intelligenz, have been summarised by Baerbel.
‘The human DNA is a biological Internet’ with evidence that DNA can be
‘influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies.’ This suggests that ‘our
DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body, but also serves as
data storage and communication.’ The Russian scientists and linguists have found
that the genetic code ‘follows the same rules as all our human languages.’ In
effect, human language did not appear coincidentally, but is a reflection of our

The Russian researchers believe that: ‘Living chromosomes function just like a
holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation. This means that
they managed to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like
ray which influence DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself. Since
the basic structure of DNA-alkaline pairs and language is of the same structure,
no DNA decoding is necessary. One can simply use words and sentences of the
human language! This, too, was experimentally proven!’ Of course the frequency
has to be correct. (I recommend that the article be read in full.) But for the
purposes of this article, the Russian research shows how science now can
demonstrate a way to reprogram DNA through language and frequencies.

Experiencers who manifest unusual languages, such as Rochelle (see the video
Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint?) call these
‘soul languages’. Rochelle vocalizes them when doing energy work and healing.
Healing with sound and frequencies takes on a new meaning in this context. It
could mean that Rochelle and others like her may well intuitively be able to
change or reprogram DNA though such frequencies while healing. We already
know that our subconscious is affected by subliminal frequencies and hypnosis,
and the Russian research may have given us a scientific explanation why such
techniques work so well. The question is whether the specific frequencies of these
languages are designed to affect or reprogram our human DNA? This may well
give us grounds for reviewing ancient texts in regards to our origins.

This bible quote may be more than just symbolic rhetoric. In the Book of John
(chapter 1: verse 1) it is written: ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God’
and verse 14 states: ‘And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt amongst us’.

The Russian DNA research article coincidentally mentions the changes in our
children in terms of group consciousness. They comment that: ‘if humans with full
individuality would regain group consciousness they would have a godlike power
to create, alter and shape things on Earth and humanity is collectively moving
towards a group consciousness of a new kind.’ They state that: ‘fifty percent
of children will become a problem as soon as they go to school, since the
system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment. But the
individuality of today’s children is so strong that they refuse this adjustment and
resist giving up their idiosyncrasies. … At the same time more and more
clairvoyant children are being born. Something in those children is striving more
towards group consciousness of a new kind and it can no longer be suppressed.’

Are the Russian researchers in fact referring to what is now called the ADD
(attention deficit disorder) child? Unfortunately, because there is no funded global
research, it is hard to gain accurate statistics. But if the process of labeling
children as ADD is an indicator of this phenomenon, then we are indeed evolving

at an astounding rate.

The global perspective and more pieces fit the puzzle: Science, anthropology,
theology, archeology, and the kids.

This short article entitled Learning to communicate with extraterrestrials: young

children in India-China Himalaya use strange sign language appeared on the
website of India Daily (29 Jan 2005) by a staff reporter:

‘In the deep region of Himalayas, people are reporting strange

behaviours in children. The children are using sign languages which are
unknown to their families and anyone around. Many of the children draw pictures
of triangular objects flying in the sky. Many of them do not know what they saw
and how they learnt these sign languages. Some in the region of Aksai Chin
believe that these children regularly communicate with the extraterrestrials who
are only visible to these children and communicate via telepathy. The children
learn the sign language to communicate back to these beings. According to UFO
research materials, some Mexican children also manifest similar behaviour, when
many in the area reported for a long time UFO sightings. … According to some
teachers in the schools in that area, young children are extra agile and extra
talented these days. Their problem solving skills have increased and they are
much more disciplined. They continually use a strange sign language among
themselves. However they cannot teach this language to adults! The locals in the
area believe UFOs have been visiting the area for thousands of years. It stopped
for a while and now it has started again.’ (See

Families have contacted me from all over the globe, not only from Australia,
Europe, North and South America, but Asia and Russia, and all describe children
advanced from the norm in psychological and physical development and with
exceptional psychic abilities.

In Mexico City these same New Humans have begun to emerge, and it is said that
over 1000 children are able to ‘see’ with various parts of their bodies. In some
countries, government agencies interested in such children are actively
researching the phenomenon. China has a program for investigating children with
similar abilities, which is taken very seriously by the Chinese Government in
Beijing. The book China’s Super Psychics by Paul Dong and Thomas Raffill
describes children with exceptional human functioning (EHF) who display similar
patterns to Indigo or Star Children. They, too, are very psychic and intuitive, for
example some have the ability to open flower buds by thought alone. And like the
Mexican children, many have shown an ability to see with other parts of their
bodies. They display telekinetic abilities as well as other fascinating multi-
dimensional skills, such as sensing another’s thoughts (telepathy). It has
also been reported that the Chinese government has observed these children

changing the human DNA molecule in a petri dish before cameras and scientific
equipment to record this supposedly impossible feat. We have no evidence to
prove that these abilities are the result of extraterrestrial interventions. But,
given the fact that the Chinese government is very secretive, this may well be
something they do not feel ready to share. However, I am told that the Chinese
are extremely interested in the UFO phenomenon and take it very seriously.

More pieces of the puzzle.

Although I cannot cover all my research in this article, I can give the reader some
points to ponder. The late Francis Crick, Nobel Prize winner, co-discoverer of the
shape of the DNA molecule and author of Life Itself, made the astounding claim
‘that an advanced civilization transported the seeds of life in a spacecraft’! One
wonders what led him to such an incredible conclusion. References in religious
and biblical texts certainly raise questions as to our real origins. Anthropology still
cannot explain how we changed or morphed so dramatically from Neanderthal to
Homo sapiens and the missing link has not been discovered or explanations given
on how the developmental gap was bridged. Biblical scholar, Zecheria Sitchin,
author of the Earth Chronicles suggests such answers could lie in ancient religious
texts such as the Bible. According to Sitchen, the Bible is a condensed rendering
of ancient Sumerian and Akkadian texts. From his research he believes that Homo
sapiens was a genetic upgrade of existing hominids which was undertaken by
extraterrestrial beings called the Nephilim, who came to Earth 450,000 years ago.

Indigenous tribes worldwide have within their oral history that they are visited by
sky beings and are being genetically upgraded. The Dogan tribe (African Mali
Tribe) call the star visitors the Nummo, an alien species which came from Sirius
and genetically upgraded humans when they came to Earth. The Aborigines of
Australia also talk of the sky beings Wandjina, who made them and gave them
laws by which to live .

Many sacred texts apart from the Bible raise similar questions. Will Hart, author
of The Dawn of the Genesis Race notes references to God in ‘plurality’. Genesis,
verse 26, states ‘Then God said, and now we will make human beings, they will
be like us and resemble us.’ The question is, who are ‘us’?

For those who seek to explore, there are many such anomalies in archaeological,
anthropological, religious and spiritual texts that must guide the thinking person
to question what we are educated to believe in terms of our origins and genetic
heritage. But the most compelling evidence comes from the testimony of
children, many of them not old enough to read. It is information so profound one
has to wonder how and where they obtained it.

Mike Oram (experiencer) resides in the United Kingdom. He told me that he was
only four years old when he told his mother that there was no such thing as
death. His mother disagreed, but Mike said, ‘The Universe goes on for eternity
and it’s not true that we no longer play a part in the Universe. We come back.' 'I
was too young to know the word reincarnation,’ he said. ‘I then shocked her by
saying, “You are not my real parents, my parents are in space, and something of
incredible importance will happen in this planet and it will affect all levels of
consciousness, it will not happen in your lifetime but it will in mine.” My poor
mother never forgot that conversation.’ (Mike Oram)

Colin Wilson in Alien Dawn (1998) wrote that not long before Andrija Puharich’s
death he asked him what he was working on. ‘Paranormal children’, he said: ‘You
wouldn’t believe how many of these kids are out there, they seem to be at genius
level. I know dozens, and there are probably thousands.’ Wilson concludes, ‘And
this, I suspect is the beginning of the change that the UFOs are working on’

Unfortunately many such phenomena are only recognized through a particular

discipline’s limited field of study, and this sadly narrows the perspective. There is
no doubt that, for some, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is a hard one to swallow.
But even if (for now) we interpret this data from a desire to understand why we
may be evolving so rapidly, as this research suggests, we need to be open to all
possibilities. Even if the puzzle is just perceived as another way of understanding
ourselves, the question remains that, if we are evolving at an accelerated rate
that cannot be explained in normal evolutionary terms, how and why is it

Are Star Children, New Humans, Indigos, and smart kids, etc, one and the same
phenomenon? If they are, then the extraterrestrial hypothesis makes more sense.
After all, it is ludicrous for the thinking person to believe we are the only
intelligent life in the universe, given the vastness of space. And it is logical to
believe that some of those other life forms may have evolved sufficiently to be
able to visit us, even if how they travel here may be beyond our current scientific

The hypothesis of extraterrestrial reality is not only possible but also probable,
and explains many anomalies in our origins, our mythology and religions.
Certainly, if what experiencers and indigenous people tell us is true, we have a
very intimate and ongoing relationship with the visitors, in addition to a common
gene pool. This would certainly explain their continuing interest and participation
in our evolutionary development.

The primitive and aggressive nature of Homo sapiens, armed with technology to
destroy not only each other but our beautiful planet, may well be why these ET

ancestors have decided to accelerate humanity’s evolutionary upgrade program.
A New Human with multilevel awareness of our cosmic connection to all that is,
may well be the only way we will finally appreciate what we have, change our
behaviour, and grow up to take full responsibility for ourselves and this beautiful

The Star Children could be an integral part of this wake-up call, and it may be
that through them we are being led to an understanding of this profound

‘Human beings are here to remember themselves, with conscious

awareness and with complete understanding of their innate connection
to the Universe.’ — T. Taylor.

If quantum theory is correct, science cannot disagree that we are indeed

connected to everything, including our extraterrestrial visitors! ‘To them we are
the aliens!’ — Jess, (eight years old, Western Australia).

What can I say: ‘Out of the mouths of babes!’

Andrews, Ann & Ritchie, Jean. (1998) Abducted. London: Headline.
Baerbel. Summary of ‘Russian DNA Discoveries’. Website:
Boylan, Richard. (1999, Winter) ACCET (Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists)
Boylan, Richard. Close Extraterrestrial Encounters.
Boylan, Richard. (2005) Star Kids: The Emerging Cosmic Generation. See
Carroll, Lee & Tober, Jan. (1999) The Indigo Children. Hay House.
Dong, Paul, and Raffill, Thomas E. (1997) China’s Super Psychics. Marlowe and Company, NY.
Fosar, Grazyna & Bludorf, Franz. Vernetzte Intelligenz. Website: http://www.fosar-
Greer, Stephen, M.D. (1999) Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications. Granite
Publishing, USA.
Hart, Will. (2004) The Dawn of the Genesis Race.
Leir, Roger. (1999) The Aliens and the Scalpel. Granite Publishers.
Mack, John. (1994) Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens. Simon & Schuster.
Rodwell, Mary. (2002) Awakening. Fortune Publishing, UK. Republished 2005 Avatar
Publishing, USA.
Strieber, Whitley. (1997) The Secret School.
Randles, Jenny. (1994) Star Children: The True Story of Alien Offspring Among Us. Sterling
Roads, Duncan. (2004 Aug/Sep). Video reviews, Nexus magazine, p.78.
Staff Reporter. (29 Jan 2005) ‘Strange Sign Language’, India Daily. Website:
Taylor, Tracey. (2002) Drawings, In Awakening (chapter 8) by Mary Rodwell. See also:

Virtue, Doreen. (2003) The Crystal Children. Hay House Publishing.
Wilson, Colin. (1998) Alien Dawn. London: Virgin Publishing.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The changes predicted by the Mayan calender and other predictions, for
example those by prophet healer Edgar Cayce. Regarding 2012, I believe it
relates to homo sapiens becoming Homo Noeticus, “The New human” . My
research suggests that we are evolving through our contact and interactions with
Extraterrestrial/ Inter-dimensional and extra-dimensional intelligences, into a
multidimensional species, where time and space no longer limit us. Our full DNA
program will be utilized to enable us to operate in a totally new field of expanded
reality, and we will finally be able to perceive all energies, not only our personal
energies but all the ‘energies’ we interact with. Through this new awareness we
will be able to heal and re-balance Mother Earth. It will also allow us to perceive
and discern truth. We will no longer be mislead by individuals with unhealthy
agendas, and we will finally begin to take responsibility for our planet, mother
earth, and learn to value all consciousness, from animal to plant and mineral. We
will finally come of age and become part of the galactic community.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: To remain open to your heart and its resonance to truth. Trust your own
‘higher awareness’ to guide you. I believe your soul knows where it is going, and
all you need to do is believe in yourself and trust you are guided at ALL times, we
just have to be open to listening to the part of us that already knows!

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I believe humanities spiritual awakening has been accelerated since we

discovered nuclear power. The intelligences who support us and who I believe
have seeded homo sapiens, realize that we need to ‘wake up’ NOW, and
understand how our wasteful and destructive behaviour is harming Mother Earth.
We will only understand, when we ‘wake up’ multi-dimensionally and perceive
what our negative and fear based energies have created. This ‘wake-up call’
began in the twentieth century and accelerated with the birth of the star seeds
and star kids, who are part of this awakening program. We only need 10% of the
planet to understand this and ‘wake up’ and then like the ‘hundredth monkey’ we
will lift all of human collective consciousness to a new, heightened awareness. It
is happening right now and we could well reach this shift by 2012 or before.

About the Author
Mary Rodwell, RN, former nurse and midwife. Counselor and hypnotherapist,
metaphysician. Principal of ACERN (Australian Close Encounter Resource
Network), Perth, Western Australia.

Mary has travelled widely, visiting the USA and UK as an international speaker.
Author of Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life
(2002). Producer of EBE award winning documentaries: Expressions of ET
Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000) and Expressions of ET Contact: A
Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004). Produced by ACERN. Web address and E-mail:

To date over 950 people have contacted ACERN, nationally and internationally.
ACERN is a professional counseling resource that explores all anomalous
experiences as well as speaking to professional traditional agencies about these
matters and contact reality. Mary’s research explores both the physical and
metaphysical implications of contact. This research has demonstrated that for
most individuals contact can be a transformative/spiritual experience, where
individuals, such as those termed 'Star Children', become more aware of their
multi-dimensional nature. Mary is vice-president of the Star Child Project, which
seeks to research and support Star Children and their families.

Staying Centered
Saint Francis through Anina Davenport

Many of you have told us that you feel lost right now. There is a certain amount
of overwhelming problems as well. Some of you are very grounded and centered
and some of you get sidetracked, lost and confused. Some of you are grounded,
but have a hard time staying centered when you encounter someone who is
confused or loves to create drama for himself and others.

The answer we give is always the same.

1) Do your practice. Do centering exercises. Do something to de-cord and clear

yourself. It works. That is why we and others give these exercises.

2) Breathe. When in doubt breathe. When you don’t know what to do, breathe.
Hold on to the breath. Stay in the moment. Relax. Breathe.

3) Purpose. Stick to your purpose. Sometimes the purpose of the day is to clean
the room. Do that and breathe. Tasks help to focus and ground you and they
need to be done at some point anyway. Stay busy. Not overly busy, not
frantically busy, but progress on your projects, slowly if needed, but move

4) Talk to others. You are not the only one struggling with staying centered and
grounded. Get a reality check, but also don’t get entangled in other people’s
lessons. Exchange, support each other and go back to your task at hand. For
some it is very practical, such as running a household, doing errands. Some have
more complex tasks. If you feel overwhelmed, analyze your projects and put
them in small steps. Have an action plan.

5) If you feel very stuck, go for a walk. Do something physical. Clean, dance, do
yoga, visualizations, run, swim, cycle. Energy has to move.

Are there any questions?

Questioner: I have a coach who helps me.

Saint Francis: That is good but in the end you are the one who has to do the

Questioner: I understand, but she helps me take apart the tasks.

Saint Francis: That is fine.

Questioner: I find it hard to be around people who are confused. I have a

coworker at my job. He always gets me off center.

Saint Francis: Go to the bathroom and do your centering and de-cording

exercises. You have tools.

Questioner: But it should not be that way.

Saint Francis: But that is what is. Don’t worry, the stronger your energy
becomes, the less your energy gets affected. Your coworker has very strong
energies so that makes it a lot harder to stay centered. So practice your tools. It
will make you stronger.

If you are not centered, you will create from a place of uncenteredness.
In short you will create confusion. Staying centered and peaceful is one of
the greatest gifts you can give to yourself and others for peacefulness is

We will give you visualization now. We want you to do this daily if you can. If you
can’t do it daily, do it as often as you can. We do not make rules so it is up to
you, but we see people struggling with all kinds of confusing energies that could
easily be let go of with a simple visualization. The trick is you have to do it. If you
have another practice that works for you that is fine but do something.

Here is one exercise that you can do. Ask for protection. Visualize Archangel
Michael, Ariel, Raphael, and Gabriel at the four corners of the room. Ask
Archangel Sandalphon to help you ground. Call in your guides whether that is
Jesus, Mother Mary, Kali, Buddha, Great Spirit or any other teacher that you
trust. Ask them to help you clear yourself. Ask them to help you to stay on
purpose and follow the Highest Good moment by moment. Then visualize a
golden ball of Divine light. You can see Jesus or another guide give it to you or
just see it as Divine light. Put the ball into your chest area. See it expand and
cleanse your body, cleanse your aura. See it burn off any old energies that are
not needed anymore, and also see it burn off cords with others. See yourself
being cleared and purified. See your guides helping you. Expand the ball of
golden light beyond your body and aura to encompass your house or apartment.
Let it cleanse your place. Add the color purple or violet flame if you wish. Put
angels around your house. See them protecting it. Ask for help to stay focused,
grounded and on purpose.

Ask for help to get enlightened. You don’t have to do it alone. We are all here to
help you. Relax. Get grounded and go for a walk or do whatever you need to do.
It is better to do something physical like washing dishes or gardening than
something very mental right away. This is also a good exercise to do before you
go to sleep. It will improve your sleep and let you wake up more refreshed. If you
are about to connect back to the world, make sure you are grounded and your
chakras are back to their normal “contact with the world position.” If you are too
wide open you pick up other people’s stuff. Questions?

Questioner: Why is the exercise so powerful?

Saint Francis: Because intention is so powerful. Asking for help from the
Archangels and your guides is powerful. Seeing your energy system getting
cleared is powerful. Releasing old cords is powerful.

Questioner: Part of me is looking for something more complicated.

Saint Francis: The mind does that. “This is too easy. Not worth my while.” It says,
“I need something more complex.” The antidote is actual experience. You do the
exercise daily and see the results. If after a month you don’t see any results, go
ahead and hunt for something more complicated.

Questioner: I tend to feel better and then forget to do it, and then I feel
overwhelmed again.

Saint Francis: Watch that and draw your conclusions. We are really not attached
to what you do and whether you have a practice or not. All we are saying is,
“Here are the tools to ease the journey. You choose.”

Questioner: I do Chi Gong.

Saint Francis: Does it work for you?

Questioner: Yes.

Saint Francis: Then continue. Good. All we are saying is do something to stay
centered and grounded and on purpose.

Greater Levels of Detachment

Many of you are coming to greater levels of detachment. You are less entangled
with the world and other people. You still care. You still help another if you are
guided to do so, but you get less drawn in. You keep your center. You relax, you

breathe. Let us tell you a story. In India monkeys are caught by putting nuts in
pots that are chained to a pole. The monkey smells the food and sticks his hand
in the pot. Once he has the nuts in his hand he doesn't want to let go. Now he
could easily release his hand if he let go of the nuts but he does not want to. So
he keeps his hand in a fist and can’t get away. He is caught.

Similarly you get caught by the world. You too grasp things, people, ideas,
concepts and you get attached to them and you get caught. It seems as if the
world has caught you, but if you go really deep and look at the whole dynamic,
you will see that you hold onto the world. So what is the answer? Detachment.
For many of you it has been happening gradually. Deeper and deeper levels of
detachment, of relaxation, of not grasping. The more you can let go the better.
Relax. Breathe. Let go. Give up the struggle. Relax.

This doesn't mean you suppress your emotions. If something is upsetting, let the
upset be there. Feel the anger or fear. Feel it, but also step back and say, “This
too will pass,” for it will. Relax. Breathe. Go for a walk. Step out of the drama not
by suppressing but by breathing. Breathe. Relax.

When you feel very caught up in something, breathe. Breathe dear ones. Become
aware of your body, your feet, get grounded, breathe. If another is pulling on
you, inviting you to some crazy dance, de-cord. Relax. Breathe. If someone on TV
tells you the world is coming to an end, relax, breathe. Change the channel. Do
not buy into drama.

“Nothing real can be threatened” is a phrase from The Course in Miracles. Real
refers to consciousness, being who you are. You are who you are, the internal I
AM. No one can take that away. Breathe, dear ones. As you release old beliefs
such as, “I have to be involved here”, or, “I feel guilty about so and so”, or, “I
need to take on this person’s fear, anger or despair”, you start to become more
free. What is freedom? It is the ability to breathe and to say, “I AM THAT I AM. I
need not feel guilty or afraid and if I do I can breathe my way through it. Eternal
consciousness is always there. I AM THAT I AM.”

Now you don’t need to explain the “I AM THAT I AM.” You don’t need to justify or
even understand it. “I AM THAT I AM.” Period. Enough said. Why? Why is no
explanation necessary? Because it is not about thinking. Your I AM is not
something you thought up like your job, your role as a wife, mother or husband,
father. It is your Being. I AM THAT I AM is beyond thinking and beyond
justification. What is there to justify? “You are who you are.” On that level there
is nothing to justify. On the level of duality, on a practical level sometimes you
have to justify. Why were you late with your rent? Why did you not finish the
project at work? Practical matters are not in any way diminishing your I AM THAT
I AM and in 3D rents have to be paid or if they cannot be paid, you need to work

out an arrangement.

If you can stay in your I AM THAT I AM, this center, this stillness, you can act
with less fear, you can just go and do what needs to be done. You need not
discuss in your head why you are bad for not paying the rent, why your landlord
is bad for charging it. Why your parents are to blame for not teaching you about
money, your boss for not giving you a raise. You just cut through all that. You go
to the I AM THAT I AM, you align with higher will and talk to your landlord to find
a solution. No one is to blame.

Your landlord is a I AM THAT I AM, the same consciousness, really the same
perfection. If you approach him with that knowledge, he will respond likewise. He
will come from his center and look for a solution rather than blame you for being
late. Try it. Play with it. See people as I AM THAT I AM, as consciousness, as
perfect right now. Not this personality, but the inner core. The personality does
its thing. That is fine. Go to the core.

So relax. Being in the I AM is not about tension. Consider it to be fun, easy, in

flow. Yes, integrating higher energies has been hard on the body for many of you,
but relax, go into the I AM and breathe. Try to operate more from ease. Like a
well engineered car that drives safely and gently with power and ease. Not the
kind of car that makes lots of noise. The car that has to tell everyone, “Watch me
I am shifting gears now. Can you see me shifting gears? Oh how much work that
is. See how hard that was. See that.”

Go into ease. If you are in the habit of exercising strenuously take a break from
hard exercise for a week. Try to move your body with ease. Dance. Try it. Go
back to your aerobics if you like it, but also try some gentleness, some EASE.
Many of you grew up being told to work hard. Some of you rebelled against it. Try
to do things with more ease. What if that contract doesn't come through? Relax.
Let go. Ask the universe for help. Align with higher will. Align with flow. Go to
your I AM.

Questioner: What if I am in flow, but the person I am dealing with is not?

Saint Francis: Relax. Step back. Step back mentally, maybe even physically as
well. Relax. Breathe. Let the other person do their thing. Let us say you are
selling a sweater. They are getting into, “I don’t know which one to take. This one
is nice, but that one is less expensive. Maybe I should come back.” Just let them
to relax. Like a wheel that has momentum, let it run out. You stay in your I AM.
Whether the sweater gets sold or not. Be there. Present. Detached. Know the
other person too is an I AM THAT I AM. Know that and keep a distance. Feel your
feet, breathe. Chances are he will calm down, relax and get closer to his I AM.
You don’t have an agenda. You are just there relaxed. You are not trying to make

a sale. You are not trying to prevent a sale. You are in something much more
attractive: neutral. Neutral is like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. It is like a
breath of fresh air. It is new. It is alive. It is space, stillness. So you are doing
your spiritual practice while that sweater decision is going on. You are radiating
peace, even though you aren't doing anything to radiate it. It comes through
naturally. It happens when you center, breathe. Highest Good will happen.
Sweaters will be bought or not bought. Maybe the sweater will make someone
very happy and warm. Maybe money needs to be saved and your customer will
notice that as stillness comes into his awareness, “Ah, I’m in debt already. I
better skip this purchase.” Highest Good is there to be played out.

Questioner: So I don’t know what Highest Good is.

Saint Francis: No, that knowledge that you don’t know what Highest Good is is
crucial for your next step in awakening. To be comfortable with that knowledge is
important. Think on this, play with this concept.

Questioner: But I need to plan my life.

Saint Francis: And you can. Step by step but be flexible. What seemed like the
right decision one day might change. Trust the I AM. It will inform you.

Our love is with you all.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: St. Francis has often told me that the New Earth is the ‘Old Earth’ on a higher
frequency. I think many of us have gotten a taste of what it means to live on a
higher frequency. Things seem to move faster and we have to be focused in
the here and now and we need to stay centered and grounded. I believe
one of the things that we need to know about the New Earth is that we cannot
bring our grievances, past hurts, resentments and negative judgments with us.
We might as well get rid of those now before we are forced to do so. I think we
also need to learn to be flexible and to learn to adjust to new circumstances
quickly. This is already happening now. It is important that we develop the ability
to go with the flow and find creative solutions to our problems.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: I think the most important thing anyone can do to prepare and take part in the
Spiritual Awakening is to live in the now as much as possible. To me living in the

now also means trying to say centered and grounded. Too much thinking and too
much worrying gets us out of the now. The more centered and clear we are, the
better we can hear our inner guidance whether that is our inner Self, or our
Higher Self, or the voice of God or Jesus, Mother Mary, or any other guide or guru
who guides us from within. I think that inner voice will inform us moment by
moment what action to take and what is highest good at a particular moment.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line to the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I think the Spiritual Awakening is already happening and I believe it will

intensify the more people raise their frequency. Those that raise frequency earlier
help to open the way for others to increase their vibrations even faster than the
people before them were able to do. I think 2012 is the time when most people
will be on an active path to enlightenment and many people will have reached
enlightenment, and will have lived it for a while. Of course, it is up to us to make
this happen. God is directing, but we have to show up. I also believe that by 2012
we will have started to have some great breakthroughs in terms of finding new
sources of energies and solving pollution and global warming. I see many
enlightened scientists working on these problems. I also think the weather will
calm down if humanity can become more peaceful and emit more peaceful
vibrations. In addition certain technologies that hurt our planet and its wildlife
have to be stopped. I am very hopeful for the future.

About the Author

Anina Davenport is the author of Reflections on Ascension. Oughten House

Publications. (Now available from Light Technology Publishing 1-800-450-0985.)
Part of the article is an excerpt of her new book. Energetic Empowerment.
IUniverse. The purpose of this book is to help people to stay centered and clear
even in times of turmoil. To order visit or call 1-877-288-
4737. The IUniverse website has excerpts of Energetic Empowerment. Anina is
also a regular contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence. Anina can be
reached at

Copyright Anina Davenport 2006

Adventure into Reality
By Jean Warner

Few people know what reality is. Most believe that reality can be tested only
through the sensory organs. The truth is, they are the measurers of illusion, the
holographic objects that comprise your Earth environment. What is the true
reality? The true reality can only be touched into by the soul. Measure reality by
the response of your heart, through your intuition, through your inner feelings.
Let us explore the true reality. It is not of this realm. It resides in the realm from
which you came, the realms which you have forgotten, but which the soul
recognizes as home.

The true reality is the reality of creation. It is the constantly changing, malleable
forms which respond to thought. Your reality is of your making. It is your
responsibility to create it. The creative clay is provided by the Creator of All. You
are the potter. You can take this creative energy and mold it as you wish. But you
must accept the responsibility for your creations. Know that anything you create
can be changed, can be returned to energy and reformed. So do not be afraid to
test your creativity. Just be willing to pay the price if the results turn against you.
It is no matter. Whatever you created can be replaced. That is how one learns.

When you leave the third dimensional world, with all of its restrictions, you can
look back on your life and see the patterns of your creations. At that time you
must realize that they are only energy and not important in themselves. It is just
the effect they have had in molding your soul that matters. You will have the
opportunity to try again if you have caused unresolved pain to yourself or others.

On Earth the creative energies have been misdirected and abused, mostly in an
unconscious way. Most Earth beings are not aware that they have the ability to
create, so do not feel responsible for the confusion and chaos their creativity may
have caused. You have only to look around you at the precarious condition of the
world today to recognize that things must change. And change they will. The
outworking of cause and effect has led to a most unstable world that you live in.
Now the cause must be realized so that the effects can be directed in more
responsible directions.

As mankind awakens to the understanding of who he is and becomes aware of

what he has brought upon himself, he will explore the possibilities of redirecting
his creative energy. As the Earth has made her decision to advance to a higher
dimension and has increased her vibrations accordingly, those who cannot adjust
will leave. Those who choose to go with her into a new dimension will focus their

intentions on their own awakening.

Many are beginning to take a peak into the reality of the universe in which they
live and to recognize the disconnection between their present world and the
oneness. This so-called disconnection has been brought about by the closing off
of the awareness of their divine nature. The recognition of this truth must occur
before any can come into the oneness of the All. This is not to say that the
Creator has barred any from the “group.” It is simply a matter of their choosing
to consider themselves as separate from, and not a part of, the group

Now let us lay down some universal truths:

1. All beings are a part of the totality of the God Force.

2. The belief in separateness occurs only with the lack of awareness of the
above fact.

3. The God Mind does not recognize this so-called separation.

4. If man chooses to see himself as separate, God will allow him to harbor this
illusion until he chooses not to.

5. Eventually, all will come back into the Oneness.

Creative energy and the use of same is available throughout the entire universe
and throughout all dimensions. Beings on other planets and in other realms have
learned to use this energy on a conscious level to manifest whatever they wish to
create. You on planet Earth have used it, in a limited way and on an unconscious
level with results which are not always to your liking.

In order to control your use of creative energy, you must be aware of the
universal laws governing it. Before you can be made aware of these laws,
however, you must first be aware of your divinity and your relationship to the
Creative Force. When you truly know yourself, you will accept the responsibility
this knowledge entails. Then will you be able to receive the universal truths,
which will reveal to you the powerful forces you can command. In your past, this
knowledge was put into practice without the heart connection which this knowing
requires. Your egos took control of the knowledge, which led to destruction. The
laws of manifestation have since been hidden.

In the present era, circumstances are in the proper alignment for you to regain
the hidden secrets. However, this will not be allowed unless the hearts of those
receiving the information have been opened, and until a critical mass has opened

their hearts to accept the oneness of all. Earth mankind will not again be allowed
to use divine knowledge for mass destruction.

Deeply hidden in your consciousness is the memory of eventful times that have
not even been recorded into history, at least not into the historical records
available to you at this time. With the memories lie the emotions which they
engendered. These emotions have taken the form of energy blocks that not only
affect your perceptions but actually affect your physical bodies. All of you carry,
within your energy field, blocks of negative energy of which you are unaware.
This energy is weighting you with unacknowledged sorrow that needs to be

Your perception of life and of self is heavily influenced by the weight of

the negative energy that you carry in your fields. This burden clouds and
distorts the light that you are and prevents you from expressing the power of
your divinity. Were your memories not veiled, you would be so overwhelmed by
the many traumas you have experienced throughout eons of incarnations that
you would be unable to function.

So how do you release these memories? Express your desire and intention to
release the emotions connected with memories that no longer serve you, and ask
for divine help during your sleep time. State that you are putting these energies
into God’s hands and no longer claim them. Visualize your giving them back to
God and accept that you are free of them.

You are about to witness the birth of a new Earth. It hovers in the ethers. It calls
to you softly to seek its gift of love and light. Your hearts yearn to fulfill its
promise. Its light beckons you, calling to all those who are searching for a better
world, a better life. Love, Light, and Wisdom prod you to look within and seek this
promise. You are almost there. You are coming into the Oneness, united
with the hope of a new world to come. You are leaving behind the old
dysfunctional world that has all but been destroyed by your own negativity. You
are being called back into the Light.

It is time to release all that has not sustained you. Let it go and start afresh.
There is no need to remember the old, disruptive world you have lived in for so
many generations, so many lifetimes. You can start anew. The time has come for
you to join hands with your brothers and sisters who have been calling to you,
urging you to release the old and enter into the new.

What is this new Earth that awaits you? If you look deep within your
consciousness you will remember how life was in your more distant past, when
mankind first inhabited Mother Earth. All of your dreams, hopes and prayers lie
before you. You have only to let go of the more recent past and reach for the

future. For before you lies another realm, calling you home.

Remember joy? Do you hear it singing in the ethers? Let light and love, peace
and harmony permeate your consciousness, and relax into it. You are coming
home! You are coming HOME! Hand-in-hand you are gathering together and
marching forward into the new world!

See the beauty all around you, feel the balm of smiling faces, the bliss of
brotherhood and understanding eyes, the fulfillment of open arms. Roll with the
flow. Allow yourself to forgive and forget. Do not look back. See the rainbow of
light before you, and stay in your peace. Let your light shine as you walk together
into the promise of a new age. Feel the new Earth below your feet, vibrating in a
new frequency, a new symmetry. See the purity of her atmosphere and breathe
deeply of the life force permeating it. Leave with no regrets and enter the world
of your dreams.

Do not allow fear to hold you back. There is nothing to fear. Change is the
essence of universal progress. Accept the gift that it is. Only love awaits you. Let
yourself meld into it. It is your rightful cloak. You are heirs to the Father’s
kingdom, and his welcoming arms await you. The illusions of pain, sorrow, and
hate have no place here. Leave their memories behind. Their causes were not
real. You are leaving an illusionary world. Return to the real world with joy! The
heavenly realms will celebrate your return. Throw out your weapons, your hatred,
your self-condemnation. Walk out of the fog of your misunderstanding into the
light of wisdom, with your head held high, knowing that you have overcome the
forces that have molded you. You have slain the dragon of your own nightmarish

Time to Awaken
It is time to awaken, too long we have slept.
Too often we’ve floundered, too often we’ve wept.
But a new day is dawning, a new age is come,
and we once again will unite with the One.
Awaken, awaken, and greet the new morn.
Return to the oneness of which we were born.
A child of the universe, not bound to Earth,
the true “me” of us is demanding rebirth.
It is time to awaken, too long we have slept.
Our angels grow tired of the vigil they’ve kept.
They call to us softly to open our eyes
and live once again in our Earth’s Paradise.

Poem from Messages from the Light
Copyright 1999, Jean Warner

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The New Earth will be recreated by your visions for it. It will be inspired by the
subconscious memories deep within you of the Earth before mankind separated
himself from the Creative Source. Earth then was lush, green, and fertile with
pure waters and pure air. It was, as recorded in your Holy Bible, a Garden of
Eden, more beautiful than your conscious mind can imagine. Food was abundant
for the picking, and peace and harmony reigned among its occupants.

It was, and will be again, a planet of love and compassion, where all life will
recognize the oneness of all and live in brotherhood and caring. You will be able
to manifest your needs and have plenty of time for recreation, exploration, and
creative activities to satisfy your natural curiosity.

No longer will you be limited by timetables. There will be no time as you know it.
You will live in the ever-present moment, and distance will be only a thought

There is nothing more you need to know, specifically, as those who awaken will
create their own world, an ever-changing, ever-evolving world.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Carry the Light. Let it radiate from you. You do this by monitoring your
consciousness to keep it high. That is, let love, peace, harmony, and joy pervade
your every thought and action. Never allow yourself to focus on the negative. Be
the beautiful light being that you are, and hold before you the image of a world of
love and light.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: Since Earth mankind separated himself from Source and disconnected himself
from other life forms, events have been slowly leading back to the reconnection.
Because of the gift of free will, man has been allowed to take whatever path he
chooses with no time restrictions. That is still the case; although Divine decree
will not allow Earth mankind to destroy the planet.

All is progressing in accordance with the evolution of consciousness, and each
individual is responsible for his own growth, and thus the growth of mass
consciousness. However, you are living in an era in which this growth is
supported by planetary alignment. It is still an individual choice as to whether or
not to accept this support. If some choose not to take the path to enlightenment,
it could be many thousands of years before this window opens again for them.

As consciousness changes, so will the events leading to the Awakening. However,

Earth mankind’s consciousness is on the rise. Look around you and see how
people all over the world are changing their perceptions. Age-old belief systems
are being replaced with greater understanding and more concern for others. As
individuals make their choices, more and more are coming into the Light. Events
are molded on a day-by-day basis.

As sparks of the God Presence, you are creators. What do you want to create?
And when do you want it to take place? Be patient, for the indications are most
promising. Let joy abound!

About the Author

Jean Warner’s articles and poetry have appeared in various magazines,

newspapers, and books. For five years she had a full-page monthly column in a
magazine called Conscious Living, published in Westport, Connecticut. This
established the basis for her book MESSAGES FROM THE LIGHT. This book,
overlaid by The Ashtar Command, was published in 1999 by Planetary Heart
Publications. It is a guide to enlightenment, containing inspired prose, as well as
some poetry. The book is wise, loving, heart opening, and thought provoking.

In 2006, Jean produced a poetry book, published by OPA Publishing, titled

Secrets Explored. It was an Award-Winning Finalist in the poetry category of the
Best Books 2006 Book Awards. USA Book News announced, "Jean Warner gives
us a fantastic collection of poetry in Secrets Explored!" This is a potpourri of
poetry, containing inspirational spiritual poems as well as light verse.
Jean, a former civil service employee, has outlived two husbands, raised three
kids, and is now a grandmother.

Her website is You can contact Jean at

The Mother’s Dance within Us
By Jessica Alhers

Many of you have come to this Earth as part of a purification. A purification of

your fullest presence, the Mother Earth. The Earth’s grand experiment and the
duality that exists presently are in a heightened state of purification, and the
wisdom that many of you will experience in the time to come will be evidence of
this earthly presence.

We ask you to please sit quietly with yourself and fully open up to the presence of
the Mother Earth within you. Visualize each element in its most beautiful
form, and acknowledge its presence in your physical body. We all have
come to the basic conclusion that there is something grand happening at this
moment on the Mother Earth. You all feel it, or you would not be here reading
this message of light before you now. There is much to be observed, much to be
experienced, and at the same time, you are changing at a grand scale, and
wondering, who am I? We hear the call of many wondering daily, what is this that
I am feeling today? What is this happening in the news today? There has been a
questioning of sorts, at a grand scale, that has prompted the channel to be asked
to participate in the writing of this book. The questioning relates greatly to your
relationship to the Earth, how her changes are affecting your consciousness, and
how your own changes within are affecting her consciousness. This is a very
interesting question, and one that deserves to be answered in more detail.

When you sit upon the ocean’s shore, there are so many elements reacting
around you. There is the water, moving in and out with force. It crashes upon the
sand, it wisps itself into the air in sprays. It becomes warmer with the sun’s heat,
it becomes warmer from the heat of the Earth’s core. All of these elements are
interacting and you are one of those elements. As you sit and observe, there is a
magnetic connection between you and these elements that you sense. It may be
perceived through different parts of your self…your mind, your emotional body.
There are even certain individuals who feel such emotional attachment to the
ocean’s shore that they have to live near it, or they cry as they depart from it for
long periods of time. There is an openness about it visually, yes. But there are
energetic components as well that are all reacting, due to the oneness of its
system. You may see the ocean apart from you, but it is not. It has an energy
field, just like you do. And physically, those energy fields are interacting,
connecting. You are feeling the love of Gaia…and you are infusing your own
emotions and feelings into this energy field of the Mother.

There is no separation physically, and as we connect physically, we are also

connecting at the deepest levels. As the Earth lives just as you do, each is living
in reliance on one another. Aside from this reliance physically, there is a purpose.
There are so many teachers in this world that are here to teach about purpose.
Finding your purpose, living your purpose, becoming one with your purpose,
finding the joy in your purpose. Well, just as you have a purpose to fulfill certain
aspects of your mental creations, you also have a purpose with the Earth and her
own growth. The mirror is a fantastic way of understanding your deep connection
to one another. When you look into the mirror before you, you see a
representation of your physical self. Some see beyond the physical self and can
see an energy field around the physical, can see other beings that are not so
clearly visible to most in the mirror. But you see what appears to be you. As you
look into another physical being’s eyes, you are also viewing an aspect of your
soul. If you look into another person’s eyes and react in some way, they will also
react as well. Why is this? Because they are one with you. Even animals react to
a face. They sense something, they sense an aspect of their self experiencing
something. Whether it is an emotion, a physical smell, a likeness. A familiarity.
We feel most comfortable around those that reflect only our highest qualities. But
the minute another reflects our qualities that may need some work, we become
uncomfortable. We begin to question immediately, what is this? This negativity I
see before me? Those that are fine tuned, may say…hmmm….what is this within
myself that is being mirrored back to me?

Was it Carl Jung who said that the minute we do experience something negative
within another human being, or an irritation, we must look within ourselves and
say, what is it within my own self that I do not like at this moment? What is it
that I am not feeling an affinity for at this moment?

Here we are experiencing a “oneness” within another around us. The purpose of
this piece is to help give a greater clarification in how this relates to the Mother
Earth and you. The Earth is a living sentient being. Her soul, termed as Gaia, is
here reflecting back to you, just as another human being reflects back to you
parts of yourself. You chose to incarnate at this time on the Mother Earth because
you have not only wanted to further your own evolution, but you are furthering
the evolution of Gaia. Her spirit, her soul, reacts through weather patterns, in a
physical world. She reacts to temperature through a myriad of ways. She even
reacts emotionally. Have you ever gone to a place on the Earth, and sat in
silence, and felt complete peace? Have you ever looked around you and felt such
calm, such bliss just at the breath of this sacred environment? You are
experiencing the presence and peace of Mother Gaia. Her presence, her peace, is
a part of you. She is always in the present moment and only understands
balance. This balance will reflect into your eyes, and you will feel it. If you
are not in balance yourself, you may feel uncomfortable, you may not feel at
ease. But, as you feel it, as you acknowledge this unease, you breathe, and you
come back into balance. This is you being reflected back through the presence of

your Mother, Gaia.

The Earth’s consciousness is being accelerated at great speed. And as it

accelerates into directions that seem chaotic or scattered, the affects of the chaos
or scatteredness will also be infused into the Mother Earth’s body. For after all,
she is your mirror. There have been many tales of how the water will reflect back
to you not only your presence, but other possibilities. In the story Peter Pan,
when Peter looks into the water as an older individual, he will see himself as a
younger, vibrant Peter Pan. The water is alive, it is reflecting many aspects of you
and your consciousness.

Many will agree that at this time on Earth, there is great opportunity to ascend or
move to a greater awareness. This is a major aspect of the great shift within your
energetic consciousness. This is also because it is time for Gaia to ascend. She
is healing all the wounds that have been infused into her land over the many
years of human suffering. The land must be purified, just as you must go through
this purification ritual. When someone walks into a healing crisis, as it is termed,
they are releasing mass amounts of darkness or scatterdness within their energy
field and it is felt through their mental and emotional bodies in great
magnification. But they must release it. The Earth must do the same, she is your
mirror, after all, and vice versa.

Have you ever gone through great amounts of stress in your life? Many can attest
that during periods in their life where they have experienced perhaps, the break
up of a marriage or the loss of someone close to them, they feel the stress come
out into their physical body. Someone may experience acne on their skin when
they experience this emotional release. The physical body is reacting to the
release because at the time it is fully connected to your etheric body, your energy
body. All is one. The Earth, Mother Gaia is just the same. A hurricane for
example, purifies. It may seem chaotic, but in the end, it is purifying the area it is
coming into. It is a mirror to the chaos of that specific collective consciousness.

Gaia’s ascension is your ascension. And her dance is a major aspect of your
'beingness'. But as we move forward in a dance, we experience joy, tiredness,
and then exhilaration. Her love for all is overwhelming at times, and those that
are very clear and grounded can feel that love in a more conscious state. Nature
gives back to you, just as you give to her. What we give into this world, will give
back to us ten fold. If we are constantly dumping, she will dump back. Just as if
you are constantly dumping emotionally onto a partner, they will react, that is the
only way balance will be instilled. We give energy through every aspect of our
behavior. It will always be returned to you, in the fashion that it is given. That is
the nature of karma as well. Although, even karma is assimilating to a new world
consciousness and being purified into a different existence.

How can we help Gaia at this time? By giving her love, and by loving ourselves.
Gaia is asking us to love ourselves and move into a state of full healing within.
That is what our ascension is about, and this is what her ascension is about. The
more we heal within our own being, the more she heals, and those around you
heal. Love, love, love thyself, and know thyself as God and Goddess. Enter
this state of empowerment. Know that all you sow is felt by all, because you are
all. The beauty of the Mother Earth is your beauty. Own it and give back to that
beauty the way you would to a partner. Respect, compassion, honesty, and
joyousness-- these are all those aspects of self that magnify the purity of God
and Goddess. And this is who you are, truly and beautifully.

Listen to the all-encompassing beat of your heart. Feel it deep within the well of
your 'beingness' and integrate its sound all throughout you. As its sound resounds
with joy around you, feel your full connection to the life force circulating not only
in your etheric body, but your physical body too. The physical is etheric as well
because of this life force. Kindness is the root of her love. Unequivocal love that
abounds from this drumming within and around you. All our frequency is emitted
through the beating of each person's heart. This frequency is each person's song
and comes with the beating of this heart resounding within each individual; this is
what connects you from the perceived individuality of the physical. Listen wide,
and know that all is well.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: As we address the needs of the new Earth, we wish to ask you to take a look
within your very own self and ask this question, what is it that I need most as I
move into this new world consciousness? In asking for the answer to the question
about yourself, you are asking for the divine wisdom that will work to heal your
very own wounds that need attention. In addressing these needs within yourself,
you are in turn, addressing the needs of the Mother Earth. Her healing is your
healing, and the minute you begin to heal that which needs to be addressed
within yourself, the same minute you are working to heal the Mother Earth and all
her collective needs. Her wholeness is being created within you, you see.

Love thy self, love thy self, love thy self. This inner love of the divinity within your
core self, will truly affect everything around you, and in turn will create
mountains of love on this Earth. And this love will spread to the core of the Earth
within everyone. It is like a beautiful wave as it approaches the shore. It is
gathering water and all that is within it, and the stronger the tide, the more water

that is gathered. And as it gathers it gains strength and fortitude. It carries all
those in its path, as love shall carry all those within its path. The wave of love, is
a force that shall lead to the healing of this planet. Love thy self.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: As we sit in silence, we become more aware of the awakening that is taking

place. The spiritual awakening you speak about is simply taking place. The
greatest thing you can do with your energy during this period of time, is to
become your greatest dream. Fulfilling every dream that exists within your
highest reality will create joy and connect you with your greatest of heart’s
desire. It will free you from the bind that is created through the programming of
what you have to do to be successful. Fulfilling your greatest desires will
lead you to your own spiritual awakening, and will affect everyone
around you to do the same thing. Faith in the joy that resides within your very
own heart, this faith could carry the weight that everyone presses upon their soul
to dim itself so that it may please those around you.

The greatest disservice you could do to the Mother Earth, you see, would be to
dim this brilliant light that comes out of the joy of creation. As you grow into a
greater state of awareness in your awakening, you will see the oneness of life like
you never dreamed possible. And this dream that you will be living will continue
to change. But the minute you go into your heart center, and really become one
with all its desires, you will find the freedom that comes with enlightenment. It
will come to you in many forms, but the sheer gratefulness that you will feel and
emit to those in your life will act as a flame, lighting candles all around you. And
this brilliant light will affect the core of the Mother Earth as well.

Nothing is unaffected by anything. It would be impossible to think just that. And

so we say, go and live and laugh, and feel the divinity within your laughter. Feel
the fulfillment of all that you are, as you dream your heart’s greatest desires. This
will bring you to an awareness of God and Goddess fully, and an awakening will
become you.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: Detachment, detachment, detachment. The brief time line you ask for is not
created in the way you may look to see time lines on your Earth from the past.
Nothing is concrete, and in the idea of a time line, lies attachment to ‘what is’.
This attachment affects how far you can take your dreams. And this is an
extremely important point we wish to give to you in regards to living your highest
and best at all times.

The idea of a spiritual awakening resides within everyone in his or her own
perception. And so we ask you to look within and view your perception of what
you see as the ‘spiritual awakening’. Now we ask you to take that perception and
purify it in fire. Watch it disintegrate, and know that all is well. Any perception
that we have within ourselves is limiting, and we ask you to not limit
what you can create out of this opportunity to be a part of an awakening.
Your awakening comes to you, and it is knocking at your door. You are not
knocking at its door. Open the door and allow all possibilities to take their course.

Enjoy the love and the limitlessness of God. This is what you are. See beyond the
horizon and know that there is more there. You are larger than anything you
could possibly perceive, and this is why we ask you to know that all is well in the
largest sense of the idea of awareness. God, Goddess, the Mother Earth, these
ideas are not of perception, they are to be lived through your beating heart and
the limitless possibility of all that you are. Love, love, love thy self and know that
all is well. Detach from your perception, and feel beyond the beyond. Bless every
being that comes into your energy field, and feel their limitlessness as well. Go
beyond expectations and ask that love become magnified in your life and the life
of all that you are, including the Earth, to its highest potential.

As you move into the highest potential, you will see beyond anything you could
have ever imagined. This will bring your time line to a close. And open a doorway
to limitless possibilities. Create what you wish to see in the spiritual awakening,
and those aspects of love will glimmer like diamonds and set forth a motion of
beautiful love and awakening.

About the Author

Jessica Ahlers, healer, channel and author, has sourced, in conjunction with her
guidance, a book titled Into the Woods: A Journey of Wholeness Through the
Path of the Mother, that details our role as creators with the Mother and the
Father. Through the recognition of the path of the Mother Earth and how she
reflects our collective consciousness, we learn to create wholeness within our
lives. Healing the illusion of separation, and recognizing the oneness of life, we
can create as we are meant to create.

Her guidance teaches us that we are all mirrors, including the Mother Earth and
nature, and this gift of reflection will give to you all that you are seeking outside
of yourself. For what we perceive to be outside of ourselves remains within. And
our hearts will bring us into alignment with the highest path we are capable of
through the “hearth” of the Mother. The “heart” and the “Earth” remain

connected and it is now time to recognize that deep awareness within our selves.

Jessica has dedicated her work to teaching these messages regarding humanity’s
unity with the Mother Earth and one another as one being, one love. She is a
Reiki Master, Certified Reflexologist, and has a BA in Historic Preservation. She
lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Her website is She can also be reached at 202-236-3472

Approach to 2012
By Adrian Cooper

December 21, 2006 marked more than the passage of yet another winter solstice,
thus signifying the transition of yet another autumn or fall to the darker, cooler
days of winter, it also marked the passing of the date marking just six more years
to the end of the Mayan long-count calendar and an ever-increasing number of
prophecies, predictions and scenarios associated with it.

The ultimate outcome of 21 December 2012, however, will not be determined by

some external agency, prophecy, prediction, influence or mathematical equation,
it will be determined by the collective consciousness of mankind and of all
life on Earth before and during this pivotal event.

It is absolutely crucial therefore that during the next six years, as many
people as possible are educated about the facts and only the facts
surrounding this potentially crucial date, which could well prove be a
turning point for mankind and all life on Earth, and indeed the entire
solar system.

Before looking at 2012 in more depth, I would like to add a further point for

It is by no means certain that anything at all will subjectively take place on 21

December 2012. Accordingly, we should not be at all surprised if 21 December
2012 comes and goes as it always has, with 22 December 2012 being just
another day.

Another question that often arises is why, all of a sudden, are so many people
talking about 2012? Why all of a sudden is there so much information and so
many different and very diverse scenarios, both positive and negative suddenly

Well aside from the reality of 2012, so many people are now focusing “thought
Energy” on “2012”, “21 December 2012” and “the end of the Mayan calendar”,
that these collective thoughts have become powerful “thought forms”, i.e. Energy
configurations in their own right, and have assumed a life of their own. The more
people focusing on these 2012 related thoughts, the more powerful and resilient
these 2012 related thought forms will become.

Everything in the Universe is connected. We as humans, particularly in altered

states of consciousness, for example just before or after sleep, can “connect” with
these powerful 2012 related thought forms which can then appear in our
conscious awareness through the subconscious Mind, thereby appearing as an
“important message”, when in fact it is no more than the results of the collective
thoughts of others.

The Mind can easily, both at a conscious and subconscious level, attach more
significance to this information received from “higher sources” than there really
is, and to then creatively enhance it to such a point that it seems very real
indeed. Such a person might then announce this “important 2012 information”,
which will in turn cause other people to focus on 2012, thus adding to the 2012
collective 2012 thought form.

This process can propagate very quickly, with the thought form manifesting in
dreams, to channelers, psychics, remote viewers, clairvoyants and many other

It is notable that before the 1980’s almost no one had heard of “the end
of the Mayan calendar” or indeed of “2012”. It is only since the Mayan long-
count calendar was decoded in the last twenty years or so that 2012 and the “end
of the Mayan calendar” have entered human consciousness.

The entire subject of the end of the Mayan long-count calendar, 2012, and their
numerous associations would easily require a large book to do them proper
justice. Summarizing these important matters in a few pages is no simple task.
Following, however, is an overview of the most significant factors for
consideration as we rapidly approach 21 December 2012.

The Mayan “long-count” calendar is just one of a larger set of calendars created
by the classic Maya people of Mesoamerica around 2000 years ago. The classic
Maya were very advanced in cosmological, astronomical, astrological,
astrophysical, and mathematical abilities; far in advance in fact of where
mankind is today.

To the Maya, their calendars were much more than simply measures of the
passage of time, they were, and indeed still are, books of life itself into which are
encoded countless levels of knowledge, collectively unlocking the secrets of life
and the Universe itself, as well as serving as a reference for all matters involving
the daily lives of the Maya people at individual and society levels. So important
were these calendars that the Mayan people lived their lives and built
their entire society and infrastructure around them, together with the
“play” unfolding in the night sky.

The most important calendar is known as the Tzolkin which measures a year over

the course of 260 days rather than the 365 day cycle of the Gregorian calendar
used today. The descendants of the classic Maya, of which there are still several
million in Mesoamerica, still use the Tzolkin today.

The Mayan long-count calendar ending on 21 December 2012, is divided into

smaller units:

20 kins = 1 uinal = 20 days

18 uinals = 1 tun = 360 days
20 tuns = 1 katun = 7,200 days
20 katuns = 1 baktun = 144,000 days

A long count great cycle has 13 baktuns in total, so the last great cycle, the end
of which we will reach on 21 December 2012, started on 13 August, 3114 BCE.

Great cycles measure the “ages” or “suns” of mankind, marking the

transformation of mankind to the next level of evolution, and in fact were not
only measured by the Maya, but also by other great civilizations of the past such
as the Aztecs.

The end of previous great cycles have been associated with major events that
have influenced the destiny of mankind, such as the great flood, the destruction
of Atlantis and Lemuria as well as other now “lost” civilizations, and other major
ancient cataclysmic events throughout history.

Of course much of the Mayan long-count calendar precedes modern recorded

history, so we know little about most of these ancient events that might have
coincided with the end of these cycles or eras or “suns” going back over millions
of years. It is possible, for example, that the huge asteroid or comet that struck
the Yucatan Peninsula around 65 million years ago resulting in the end of the age
of the dinosaurs, also coincided with the end of one of these “ages”, in this case
resulting in the arrival of the age of the mammal, from which contemporary
humans eventually evolved. There have been several such extinction events over
the course of history, each one of which marked a new era for life on Earth, and
without which humans might not be here today.

The important point to keep in mind, however, is that the forthcoming “end” of
the Mayan calendar does not necessarily, and indeed probably does not, mean
the end of the planet Earth, mankind and life on Earth in absolute terms, but
rather marks the end of another era or age to give way to the beginning
of a new era as part of an ongoing cycle in a potentially infinite
progression of time.

It is believed that these cycles, or ages, alternate between “dark ages” and “light

ages”, and that we are currently nearing the end of a “dark age”, at the end of
which will begin an age of light. Hindu teachings define these eras in terms of
“Yugas”, currently nearing the end of the Kali Yuga.

So the big question is; what does the end of this current great cycle mean to us
experientially as human beings and what does the future hold for each of us as

In the very broadest terms there are three possible scenarios:

1. Catastrophic: A globally destructive cataclysm

2. Eschatological: The Spiritual transformation of mankind
3. Progressive: The continuation of an ongoing process

Now let us take a brief look at each of these possible scenarios in more detail.

1. Catastrophic
From my own research to date this seems to me to be the least likely of the
possible outcomes of 21 December, 2012. The Maya fundamentally tracked
“ages” not individual events, and nowhere in the records left by the Maya is it
suggested that Earth is to experience a cataclysmic event.

It is possible, however, as in past events, that a cataclysm is required as a

prelude to, and catalyst for a major transformation or change in direction of
mankind, as for example with the fabled “great flood” which was apparently
intended to be “purge” mankind in readiness for a new beginning.

There are currently very few known factors that could potentially result
in a catastrophic outcome.

The biggest single known factor, of which there is currently increasing evidence,
seems to be the precipitation of a geomagnetic pole inversion whereby the
current magnetic north pole becomes south and vice versa.

The outcome of such an event is largely a matter for speculation. We do,

however, know that geomagnetic pole inversions are relatively frequent events
occurring every few thousand years or so as evidenced by the geological
evidence. However, as previous geomagnetic shifts have taken place before
recorded history began, we can only speculate as to what the outcome of such a
shift was then, and what the outcome of such an event might be in future.

There has been much talk in recent years about a so called “12th planet” often

known as “Nibiru” or “Planet X” which is purported to exist in a very wide elliptical
orbit through our solar system and due to visit Earth again soon with all of its
corresponding effects. This is largely the result of an extremely popular book by
Zecharia Sitchin entitled The 12th Planet, which as sold millions of copies around
the world since its publication thirty years ago.

I have yet to see any evidence whatsoever in support of the actual existence of
Nibiru, and certainly would not consider this to be a major factor during any 2012

Solar activity; that is to say activity of the sun including solar flares is currently at
a very high level at a time when such activity is supposed to be at a minimum. As
I write this we have recently experienced massive outpouring of activity from the
sun, resulting in very powerful solar flares that produced a proton flux
bombardment of Earth. This event was certainly not in isolation as we will see

This current solar cycle is due to reach a maximum during 2012 and the
indications are that it will be totally unprecedented in its sheer magnitude. We
cannot determine at this stage just how high this extremely high level of solar
activity will reach; but if it is as predicted, the effects upon Earth due to solar
flares and other solar emissions, both measurable and outside the measurable
range could well be very profound indeed, and most certainly precipitate all types
of secondary effects, including the possibility of geomagnetic pole reversal.

As yet, however, we simply do not know how solar activity will proceed over the
next six years, and there is certainly nothing positive to be gained by worrying
about it.

2. Eschatological
In this scenario the outcome of 21 December, 2012 would be a Spiritual
transformation of mankind relative to mankind as a whole, with Earth and with
the Universe as a whole.

How this transformation would manifest in absolute terms is very much a matter
for speculation, but would, in absolute terms, probably depend on each
individual and in particular the level of Spiritual attainment at that stage.

Mankind generally is currently in the grip of a downward social spiral of society

precipitated by rampant materialism and greed often fueled by the ego, fueled
both at an individual level and by socio-economic pressures.

An analysis of why this is would take a book in its own right, but suffice it to say
it is unsustainable, cannot and will not be sustained.

The root cause of this situation is largely due to the fact that humans generally
perceive everyone and everything as being separate to everyone and everything
else. Therefore, life to many is about an individual versus everyone and
everything else. It is this very illusion of separation, perpetuated by both the five
physical senses and the ego itself that causes humans to behave in this way.

This is in alignment with the concept of the “ages”, specifically that we are
nearing the end of a “dark age” of humanity, the “Kali Yuga” of the Hindus.

Of course in reality there is no separation. Everything in the entire Universe is an

aspect of everything else in the Universe and of The Source, The First Cause,
God. We all exist as individuated Energy fields within the Great Energy field of
conscious, intelligent, vibrating Energy.

If we experience an eschatological event on 21 December, 2012, then the most

likely manifestation of such an event is that the veil of illusion of separation will
be stripped away along with the illusions of time and space, leaving mankind in a
true multi-dimensional awareness, thereby concurrently experiencing both the
three dimensional physical Earth, often referred to as the “3rd density” and the
Astral and Spiritual worlds, often known as the “4th density” and “5th density”

The ultimate outcome of such a transformational event is that mankind would

finally know and understand the physical world with all its materialism for the
illusion it truly is, and will, in that moment know, beyond any doubt, our true,
glorious, infinite Spiritual nature, thus marking the next phase of evolution of
mankind from Homo Sapien to Homo Spiritus.

There is an increasing corpus of evidence from multiple diverse and totally

independent sources in support of this glorious outcome.

The Maya were a shamanic race who made extensive use of Mind-altering or
Mind-expanding substances known collectively as “entheogens”, in order to
access the inner realms of reality.

Many entheogens in general terms are simply hallucinatory in nature, meaning

that the psychedelic “trip” is simply a fantasy creation of the psyche and the
subconscious mind.

There are, however, classes of entheogens that can bring about genuine inner
experiences. One such class of entheogen in particular belongs to a group of

chemical compounds known as “Dimethyltryptamines” of which there are various
derivatives including N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 5-Methoxy-N,N-
Dimethyltryptamine (5-MeO-DMT) and 5-Hydroxy-N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (5-
OH-DMT often known as “bufotenine” due to the fact it is extracted from the skin
of toads of the genus “Bufo”).

Dimethyltryptamines, usually abbreviated to “DMT” appear to have special

qualities for producing genuine Spiritual experiences.

Dr. Rick Strassman conducted extensive research into the effects of DMT on a
very wide range of volunteers over a number of years. Subjects frequently
reported a wide range of experiences associated with contacts with all manner of
beings and situations. So conclusive were these findings that Dr. Strassman
named DMT “The Spirit Molecule”.

Without going too deeply into the way DMT is metabolised and acts on the brain,
the most important effect seems to be related to its interaction with the Pineal
Gland of the brain, which corresponds to the so called “3rd eye” or “brow chakra.
We already know that the brow chakra is indeed associated with “inner visions” in
this way, and in particular with clairvoyance.

DMT influenced inner journeys was most likely a major source of the knowledge
for the Maya, acquiring such knowledge from advanced Beings of the inner
Energy levels of the Universe as well as directly from the Causal spheres or the
“Akasha”, often referred to as the “Akashic record”.

In addition to the Maya, there have been, and still are, many people using DMT
and similar entheogens, returning from inner journeys with information that
precisely relates to 21 December, 2012 as being a time of transformation for all
mankind. Many of these people had previously never heard of the Mayan calendar
or of the significance of 2012, but yet the message is always remarkably similar,
implying an impressive independent confirmation of the significance of 2012 to all

Another highly impressive and compelling phenomena providing evidence of 2012

are “crop circles” or “crop formations” which are large and often highly complex
formations in fields of usually cereal crops, but have also appeared in fields of
other types of crops as well as other materials such as ice.

Scientific analysis has proved conclusively that these formations are not of a
terrestrial origin.

For example; the stalks of the crops within these formations appear to have been
super-heated by intense Energy, molded to lie horizontally, and then rapidly

cooled. Many stalks have “blow holes” at their bases where superheated steam
has escaped. In addition, characteristics of the soil within the crop formations has
changed, often affecting the growth of future crops in the area.

Crop formations, even large and complex ones, have been observed to form in
less than a minute.

Most current crop formations appear to be coded or symbolic messages

advising mankind of events to come or perhaps actions mankind needs to

The origin of these messages is still a mystery, but theories of the origin of crop
circles vary from extraterrestrials, Beings of the inner dimensions or more
correctly Energy levels, and even messages from the noosphere Itself. It is even
quite possible that these formations are created by and therefore manifestations
of the collective consciousness of mankind.

It has been noted that there are remarkable mathematical correspondences

between past events in human history that have shaped the future of mankind
and the Mayan long-count calendar.

One of the most impressive of these is currently available is the “Auric Time
Scale”, a 318 page paper by Russian scientist Dr. Sergey Smelyakov, who, with
an impressive combination of mathematical formula, physical research and
synthesis has demonstrated that the Auric Time Scale is resonating with the
Mayan long-count calendar, plotting major events throughout time, each of which
has the potential to influence or change the course of human evolution.

So what then exactly is the Auric Time Scale, often simply referred to as “ATS”?

In scientific terms ATS may be considered to be the series G of the Golden Mean,
which is infinite at both ends, with the series G*=2G of the double of its values;
to unity, phi^0=1, the average cycle length being T0=11.07 years.

ATS is a mathematical model suggesting that for both principal elements of time
the series T and T* represent the duration of the most important events
throughout time, encompassing both historical and natural evolutionary events.

The correspondence of the ATS with such major events throughout time are
compelling, and far beyond the realms of mere coincidence. Just about every
major event can be traced to show that such an event was instrumental in
affecting the course of humanity and can be correlated with the ATS.

Although this might seem remarkable in and of itself, it is the extrapolation of

ATS into the future that is of particular importance to the 2012 issue.

The most important aspect of ATS is that as we approach 21 December, 2012,

these events, known in ATS as “bifurcation points”, become exponentially closer,
until on 21 December, 2012 these mankind influencing events are occurring at
the rate of many thousands per millisecond.

This is a representation of this in table form, prepared by Geoff Stray, Dr. Sergey
Smelyakov, Jan Wicherink, November 5, 2006.

Separation Epochs and Intervals for the

Infinite Auric Spiral of Time (IAST)
Separation Epoch i
Date of the Separation
Julian day of the
Separatio Length of the epoch (Julian calendar
Separation epoch i
n Epoch interval (i, i+1) date before 1582)
(left end of the
No. i in Julian days Year Month Day
1872000 (N 11407
exactly) BC
1 1156959.6443
0 715040.3730602 3114 9 6
584283 (viz. TB )
1 441919.2538796 1299323.3730602 5 9
2 273121.1191806 1741242.6269398 55 4 7
3 168798.134699 2014363.7461204 803 1 11
4 104322.9844816 2183161.8808194 1265 3 4
5 64475.1502174 2287484.865301 1550 10 17
6 39847.8342641 2351960.0155184 1727 5 7
7 24627.3159533 2391807.8497826 1836 6 12
8 15220.5183108 2416435.1657359 1903 11 16
9 9406.7976425 2431655.6840467 1945 7 19
10 5813.7206683 2441062.4816892 1971 4 20
11 3593.0769741 2446876.2023575 1987 3 21
12 2220.6436942 2450469.2793317 1997 1 20
13 1372.4332799 2452689.9230259 2003 2 19
14 848.2104143 2454062.3563058 2006 11 22
15 524.2228656 2454910.5667201 2009 3 20
16 323.9875486 2455434.7895857 2010 8 26
17 200.235317 2455758.7771344 2011 7 16
18 123.7522317 2455959.0124514 2012 2 1
19 76.4830853 2456082.764683 2012 6 4

20 47.2691463 2456159.2477683 2012 8 19
21 29.213939 2456206.5169147 2012 10 6
22 18.0552073 2456235.7308537 2012 11 4
23 11.1587318 2456253.786061 2012 11 22
24 6.8964755 2456264.9447927 2012 12 3
25 4.2622563 2456271.8412682 2012 12 10
26 2.6342192 2456276.1035245 2012 12 14
27 1.628037 2456278.7377437 2012 12 17
28 1.0061822 2456280.3657808 2012 12 18
29 0.6218548 2456281.371963 2012 12 19
30 0.3843274 2456281.9938178 2012 12 20
31 0.2375274 2456282.3781452 2012 12 20
32 0.1468 2456282.6156726 2012 12 21
33 0.0907274 2456282.7624726 2012 12 21
34 0.0560726 2456282.8532 2012 12 21
35 0.0346548 2456282.9092726 2012 12 21
36 0.0214178 2456282.9439274 2012 12 21
37 0.0132369 2456282.9653452 2012 12 21
38 0.0081809 2456282.9785822 2012 12 21
39 0.0050561 2456282.9867631 2012 12 21
40 0.0031248 2456282.9918191 2012 12 21
41 0.0019312 2456282.9949439 2012 12 21
42 0.0011936 2456282.9968752 2012 12 21
43 0.0007377 2456282.9980688 2012 12 21
44 0.0004559 2456282.9988064 2012 12 21
45 0.0002818 2456282.9992623 2012 12 21
46 0.0001741 2456282.9995441 2012 12 21
47 0.0001076 2456282.9997182 2012 12 21
48 0.0000665 2456282.9998259 2012 12 21
49 0.0000411 2456282.9998924 2012 12 21
50 0.0000254 2456282.9999335 2012 12 21
51 0.0000157 2456282.9999589 2012 12 21

Note that as we approach 2012, these bifurcation points become exponentially

closer, until finally, on 21 December, 2012, they are occurring at the rate of
thousands of events every millisecond.

The most recent bifurcation point at the time of writing occurred on November 22
2006, and which corresponded with unusually high level of solar activity, resulting
in a series of powerful solar flares, a “solar tsunami”, resulting in a record proton
flux bombardment from the sun.

So what then does this imply?

ATS itself does not, in and of itself, facilitate a conclusion as the ultimate outcome
of such an extraordinary series of events culminating on 21 December 2012. It
remains at the time of writing a mathematical model based upon the Golden
Mean from which it takes its name, correlated with know historical events, and
which events also resonate with the Mayan long-count calendar.

We can only but speculate as to the possible significance of ATS as it relates to


Taken with other predictions for 2012 from various independent sources,
and in particular the possibility of the illusion of space and time being
dissipated forever, it is entirely possible that the very fabric of space and
time cannot contain the massive Energy being deployed at the rate of
thousands of humanity influencing events per millisecond as implied by
ATS, and accordingly we might experience our own localized version of
the “big bang”, during which time and space will implode upon itself,
leaving us in a true multi-dimensional existence where space-time no
longer exert their illusions, thus leaving mankind in a new multi-
dimensional experience ushering in a new age for mankind as the next
phase of human evolution from Homo Sapien to Homo Spiritus.

In the context of ATS, this prognosis is entirely speculative at this point, and
ultimately depends on the efficacy of ATS in and of itself.

There are, however, similar mathematical models pointing directly to 21

December, 2012, one of which is “Timewave Zero” formulated by the late Terence

Timewave Zero plots fractals of “novelty” over an extended period of Earth’s

history, culminating in an end-date of 21 December, 2012 at which juncture
novelty will reach its ultimate conclusion.

So what exactly is “novelty” in the context of Timewave Zero and 2012?

Novelty may be defined as “the density of connectedness, the degree of

complexity”. In terms of the I-Ching, to which Timewave Zero is related, time is a
series of identifiable elements that are in a state of flux. There are sixty-four of
such elements. Terence Mckenna also believed that what we now refer to as the
I-Ching is but a tiny fragment of a once immense device, now largely lost.

To this end the I-Ching and the Mayan Calendrical systems have much in
common, both remaining mysteries holding the keys to the secret of the future of

As previously mentioned, 2012 could also coincide with the end of the current
Hind Yuga, the Kali Yuga, signifying the end of a dark age and the beginning of an
age of Light.

Taken collectively, however, there is compelling evidence to suggest that there is

a possibility that 21 December 2012 will be transformational, as we emerge from
the current age of darkness into an age of light as a new level of human being.

3. Progressive
The final scenario suggests that 21 December 2012 is simply a symbolic date as
opposed to causal, in other words this date simply represents a convenient
marker in recognition of a series of transformational events that have been
occurring for some time, and will continue into the future.

In this case we might already, possibly since 1987, be in the throes of a major
transformational shift for all mankind and indeed life on Earth, but one that is
taking place over the course of tens or hundreds of years.

That such a transformation is already taking place is highly evident by

virtue of the countless and increasing number of messages I am
receiving from people all over the world who are “waking up” to these
new realities, needing to know what it means and how to adjust their
lives accordingly.

This in fact is one of the main reasons I was inspired to write my 600+ page
book; Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind, which
takes the reader on a Spiritual voyage of discovery of the true meaning of life and
how to fulfill our true and Divine destiny.

Full details of my book may be viewed here:

If we are indeed in the process of a progressive transition, then 21

December, 2012 will come and go much as any other day.

This iconic date will always be remembered, however, as a symbolic date to

celebrate, as mankind undertakes a transformation lasting anything from a few
years to perhaps hundreds of years, culminating in a more Spiritually oriented
human being, where finally service to others becomes much more important than
service to self.

Of course, we must recognize that everyone on Earth is at a different state of
individual Spiritual evolution while at the same time being equal aspects,
expressions and channels of experience of The Source, The First Cause, of God,
from Whence we first came and to Whom we will return.

People at every stage of individual, physically based evolution, would continue to

incarnate on Earth while physical conditions remained suitable, and afterwards,
once Earth can no longer sustain organic life, on other Earth-like planets in the

The ultimate mission will, however, always be the same; to return to our Divine
Creator in a state of Perfection, at which point we have the potential to reunite at
which moment all would be known.

The planet Earth Herself is a great planetary Spirit, often known as “Gaia”, with
Whom we are inexorably connected. Earth, Gaia, is also currently in the
process of making Her own joyous evolutional transition to the next
density, the next Energy and vibrational level of the Universe, in exactly the
same way that humans, all life, and everything in creation will, sooner or later.

There is compelling evidence that this process is underway right now. The
Schumann Cavity resonance, often referred to as the “heartbeat” of Earth has
always in the past maintained a steady frequency or resonance of 7.8Hz. In the
last few of years, however, the resonance has increased to around 12Hz and can
only go as high as 13Hz. Gaia is increasing the frequency of Her own Spiritual
body as She makes Her own transition, and for this we should all celebrate.

Once this process is complete the physical planet of matter planet we know as
“Earth” will become lifeless in the 3rd density, but will live on in the next density
in the same pristine condition She enjoyed before being ravaged by the greed of

But what does this mean for everyone on Earth during the next few years?

The most important thing to keep in mind is that humans, Earth and all life is in a
constant state of evolution; a great reason to celebrate. As infinite, immortal,
Divine Beings, aspects of The Supreme Being, The First Cause, God, absolutely no
harm can possibly come to us.

However, at the same time, every human has been given the freewill to make the
decisions and take the actions necessary for evolution. We evolve based upon the
decisions we make and how we process and learn from the experiences we
encounter and overcome. Some people may achieve rapid process, others slower
progress, but ultimately we are all on the same path the ultimate destination is

always the same.

Above all, whatever 21 December, 2012 brings, if anything at all, we should all
place our absolute trust in the Universe, and approach whatever learning and
evolutional experiences that lie ahead with open hearts and open minds in the
knowledge that the Universe only has the very best interests of humans and of all
life at heart, desiring every single Being, without any exceptions, to progress on
the Divine path in joy, happiness and Love.

Whatever the outcome of 21 December, 2012, there is a Spiritual awakening

happening among mankind right now, and accelerating by the day, and every
single person should be fully aware of and celebrate this great truth, and prepare
for the next stage in our glorious evolution.

It is in being fully aware of and embracing this transformation to the next glorious
phase of life, now underway at all levels, that we can look to the future in peace,
happiness, and anticipation.

Awareness of this process, awareness of the Universe and awareness of our own
Divine, immortal, infinite nature is of great importance. Always keep in mind;
there is nothing to fear but fear itself, so approach each moment with great
anticipation, joy, and Unconditional Love.

Here is a profound truth; the ultimate outcome of these great events will be
determined by one factor only; the collective consciousness of mankind and of all
life on the planet Earth.

Whatever mankind believes will happen, expects to happen, and focuses on

happening will indeed happen, in accordance with immutable Universal Laws.

Finally I will conclude with this most important truth. Every single human being
without exception should make every possible effort to understand their true
reality, purpose and destiny, and to live their lives accordingly. The immediate
destiny of every single human being without exception will be determined by how
each person understands and perceives reality, how each person treats, respects
and is of selfless service to other people, and to all forms of life generally, and
how each person has evolved Spiritually in body, Soul, and Spirit at this stage on
the great path to perfection.

My book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind has
been written by myself for this very purpose, that everyone might have the equal
opportunity to know these truths and thus prepare themselves for their true
destiny, however 21 December, 2012 manifests.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: In a word; “Awareness”.

By being fully aware of the transformation that is now underway at all levels, we
can look to the future in peace, happiness and anticipation. Always keep in Mind;
there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Become fully self-aware; learn who you truly are as an infinite, immortal,
Divine Spirit, an inseparable aspect of The Great Spirit, and move with the flow of
the Universe knowing, beyond doubt that no harm can ever come to you.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: This depends on which of the three main scenarios described here comes to

However, we can expect an awakening of awareness which will most likely

accelerate as we near 2012. What happens after that remains a mystery which
will only be revealed to us as we reach 21 December 2012.

Everything described here are just a few major examples of a major confluence of
events which appear to be focused on 21 December, 2012.

All of these events remain as quantum probabilities which may or may not exert

I will conclude with this profound truth that everyone must know beyond doubt:

The ultimate outcome of this great event will ultimately be determined by one
factor and one factor only; the collective consciousness of mankind and of all life
on the planet Earth. Whatever mankind believes will happen, expects to happen,
and focuses on happening will happen in accordance with immutable Universal

The ultimate truth is that we all create our own reality, and 21
December, 2012 is no exception. We must therefore disregard all negative
“prophecies”, predictions, and propaganda, focusing only on the best possible
outcome, and what can be better than to be finally free of the shackles that bind
us to this three dimensional illusion we know as our “Earth”.

About the Author

Adrian Cooper is the author of the 600+ page, 114 chapter book Our Ultimate
Reality, Life, the Universe and the Destiny of Mankind, which takes the reader
through a voyage of discovery of who you are, why you are here, what your
ultimate destiny is, how to fulfill it, and how to live your life in happiness,
fulfillment and joy.

Adrian is also very involved in many areas of self-improvement, teaching The Law
of Attraction, Developing Psychic Powers, The Power of the Mind, Success,
Healing and Health and much more, through a series of websites, books and

Adrian’s websites include:

Our Ultimate Reality:

Mind Power Books:
Mind Power Studio:
Developing Psychic Powers:
The Astral Pulse:

Adrian may be contacted through his contact page located here:

The Evolution of Consciousness
By Steve Ryals

The future of Earth is not in question; it's the future of the human race that's in
doubt. If we continue to disrupt the ecosystem, Earth will become increasingly
hostile to humans. It may seem obvious, but I think it's worth pointing out that
any meaningful discussion of Earth's future must be in the context of the human
race's place on it. There will unquestionably be many more extinctions, quite
possibly leading to our own. According to a Science Daily article from January 10,
2002, half of all living bird and mammal species will be gone within 200 or 300
years. The question is whether we will survive our own ignorance.

I think that no matter how great our folly, Gaia (Mother Earth) will eventually
reach a new equilibrium. The biosphere will survive humans. The oceans may be
hundreds of feet higher than today, and the polar ice caps a fading memory, but
in the larger scheme of things, that's OK, because life will adapt. My guess is that
at least some of us will adapt as well. I’m also confident that Gaia still has many
millions of years still to sail in wonder through the cosmos.

In my experience, the main difference between an optimist and pessimist is that

the optimist sees the possibility of solving problems. Even in the face of today's
seemingly intractable series of crises, I remain optimistic that our species is
capable of transcending our current state of affairs and moving into a
sustainable future. Anyone who has seen Al Gore's brilliant movie, An
Inconvenient Truth, realizes the imperative of awakening as a global family and
beginning to make very different choices regarding energy, pollution, food
production, clean water, land use, and the conflicts those issues engender.

Everyone wants a brighter future for our children and grandchildren. Isn't that
what it's all about? Having children, enjoying each other and this splendid planet
we call home, having some fun along the way, together creating a world where
everyone feels safe, loved and celebrated all seem to be worthy goals, even for a
species as ambitious as we are. This means that we must soon learn how to care
for each other's children, not just our own, or civilization will collapse. It's
happened many times before.

Human history is littered with failed and abandoned empires. Unless we decide to
harness off-planet resources such as mining asteroids, or choose to live a far
simpler lifestyle, there will continue to be a growing gap between the haves and
have-nots. If we can’t figure out how to play well together and share, eventually
the have-nots will rise up and tear it all down.

Many people already understand that God chose to manifest as this universe, and
in so doing set up the Great Passion Play. This play has evolved over time to the
moment we find ourselves inhabiting right here and right now. The entire history
of life on this planet is a story of God-As-Us hiding from Our Self so we can shout
“Boo!” to each other. We explore just how far we can go feeling separate and
alone, only to eventually, and quite inevitably, call the game on account of
consciousness. When everyone wakes up to the truth of who we really are, the
Great Passion Play, as we understand it today, will be over.

This evolution in consciousness in no way means that humans, or life in general,

would suddenly vanish, or Ascend, or whatever. Life continues. Remember, in
an infinite universe there are endless possibilities and permutations to explore.
We can have all the fun and excitement of life without so much fear and suffering.
It’s our choice. Here’s my hope-filled vision for the future:

Like many other people, including Ken Wilber, Peter Russell, Barbara Marx
Hubbard, and Gary Zukav, I’m suggesting that Gaia is growing a cerebral cortex,
with each human the rough equivalent of a brain cell. As a species we’re just at
the toddler stage, beginning to learn about a larger world. And, as with any child,
time and loving patience are vital to the process of teaching a baby not to mess
itself. We have the power to stop plundering and destroying our home while still
enjoying lives filled with peace and extraordinary abundance.

For many of us, living our lives in love will be sufficient. Peacefully enjoying the
miracle of life with family and friends and making a difference in the world can
truly constitute the life of our dreams. For those who want more, well, we’re still
evolving. How about exploring the evolution of consciousness itself? Conscious
awareness evolves out of self-awareness, sourcing its experience rather than
imagining itself to be a victim. Imagine Gaia-As-Us, an awakened planet, wiring
up a galactic mind by making contact with other awakened planets, creating
connections in ways we cannot begin to imagine. And, even as the evolution of
consciousness accelerates, there is still a sense of self and other, all the way up
to one galactic mind connecting with another.

Much closer to our home world and current time frame, the evolution of
consciousness refers to the truth that as we Awaken, we make it easier for the
next generation to Awaken. Imagine Awakening as a snowball, gathering speed
as it gains mass. Simply put, Awakening no longer requires decades of dedicated
meditation. Please see my book, Drunk with Wonder, Awakening to the God
Within, for a much more complete discussion of this topic.

I see the entire life cycle of the universe, from the Big Bang to planetary
awakening and beyond, as God creating a vast 'holodeck' in which to play the

game of hide and seek. All of us are sparks of God. We start out feeling lost
and alone, filled with fear, and over the ages of the universe gradually
reconnect until, at the end, there is once again only One of us here. The
evolution of consciousness is the spiritual equivalent of life evolving from single
cells to our present circumstances. Eons ago, our bodies began by connecting
disparate, separate cells into larger, more sophisticated structures. Though
humans have only been around for a few hundred thousand years, distant
ancestors had developed a bipedal structure, with eyes, ears, hands, legs, a
mouth and so forth several hundred million years earlier.

Now, with these bodies, these hands, hearts, minds, and spirits, we are already
well along towards creating heaven right here on Gaia. In fact, from an
enlightened perspective, we already have. For many thousands of years,
awakening to the God within took incredible dedication and immense courage,
and was an extremely rare phenomenon. Wisdom teachings from Awakened
Masters, including Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, Ramana Maharshi, and others still
form the core structure and process of Awakening for many people. My vision is
that it’s time to acknowledge and make full use of the evolution of consciousness,
or at least of the methodology by which we can become conscious.

As each Awakening occurs, increased wisdom and awareness ripple out into the
pool of planetary consciousness, making it a bit less onerous for the next
Awakening. And so it goes. What was once available only to the initiate who had
spent a lifetime in solitary reflection is now far more accessible. Of course, from
my perspective, awakening to the God within is only the first step. The Awakened
state allows us to live our lives in love, but it, in and of itself, does not get the
laundry done. Jack Kornfield thoroughly discusses this subject in his excellent
book, After the Ecstasy, the Laundry.

The essence of this perennial wisdom is simply that ecstatic states of profound
spiritual bliss, where we float serenely in the ocean of joy, is our birthright.
Staying in this state of blissful awareness can even seem effortless, particularly
during meditation within a spiritual community or in deep communion with
nature. The trick is learning to maintain this peaceful state of loving-
kindness while doing the laundry, the dishes, taking out the trash or
driving on the freeway. The truth is that God manifests in the seemingly
mundane as much as anywhere.

Awakening into Conscious Awareness is a crucial step in the evolution of

consciousness. Staying Awake through all the drama, apparent chaos and casual
brutality in the world is quite another. While opening to states of Bliss is
enormously valuable, learning to stay Awake, no matter what, is the game of
mastery. You see, each moment presents us with another opportunity to choose
love or fear. Choosing love makes it more available to everyone, everywhere.

Choosing fear… well, we’re well acquainted with where that leads, aren’t we?
When we’re able to see fear as a choice, we’re able to see that there are other
choices available, particularly love. And as more and more of us choose love, we
become part of the transformation of our entire world. Our Awakening inevitably
leads to seeking out others who understand. Communities coalesce around
wisdom teachings much as flowers bloom around up-welling springs. Once
healthy communities become established, they begin to connect with one
another. Using a combination of tools, many of which I discuss in my book Drunk
with Wonder, we can explore questions such as, “What legacy do we wish to pass
on to our children, our grandchildren, and on to generations yet unborn?”

The entire planet could choose to Awaken “in the twinkling of an eye,” and we’d
still have countless adventures to share. Nursing our forests, rivers, air, and
oceans back to health; putting an end to disease, war, hunger and separation; in
short, creating a world where everyone wins; it’s all well within our grasp. Not
only that, we can create all that our hearts desire while, in the process, having
more fun than we would ever have imagined possible. I say again: part of
Awakening is the profound realization that it’s all perfect just the way it is, while
at the same moment passionately choosing love and service. The deepest joy we
can know is that which comes when we allow our broken-open hearts to pour
forth the limitless, sublime, ever available nectar of loving-kindness. Truly, as
Don Henley sings on “Everything is Different Now,” from his superb album Inside
Job, “We get the love that we allow.”

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: Please understand that you are an exquisitely precious part of the New
Earth. We all need your particular vision, passion and love to help co-create a
future where everyone feels safe, loved, and celebrated. The New Earth isn't
somehow just going to appear. It will take decades of dedicated effort and a
strong, unwavering vision of what's possible. The point is that the evolution of
consciousness, and an Earth that works for every single person, is not only
possible; it's inevitable.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A:Let go of being a victim and step into your magnificence! You are nothing less
than God-Goddess incarnate. Know that you are profoundly worthy of joy,
happiness, grace, and unconditional love, and so is everyone else. Accept nothing

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: No, because time itself is an illusion, and the question presumes that there
will be a single Spiritual Awakening. The field of pure potential, also known as the
ocean of joy, is infinite. It is out of this field that our thoughts and choices
continually manifest the world as we know it. We are constantly, in each
eternal now moment, re-creating the world. It really is true that to change
our lives we must change our thinking. The truth is that the Spiritual Awakening
is already well along. This process will take decades (at least) to come to fruition.
We have much to do, so don't wait one more minute to act. Begin being the love
you are today. Find something you love to do that's of service, and get busy. As
Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

About the Author

Steve Ryals, author of the recently released Drunk with Wonder: Awakening to
the God Within, went from homeless and shooting drugs in San Francisco's
Haight-Ashbury district at seventeen to graduating form UC Berkeley on the
Dean's List six years later. Among other accomplishments, Steve is an ordained
minister, certified California Massage Therapist, Reiki Therapist and Feelings

Steve is also a public speaker, workshop leader, consultant and life coach.

Learn more at his website:

You can also read his blog:

Or sign up for his free monthly newsletter.

Adam's Task - Language, Co-
Creation, and The Ascension of
By Eric Slade Roberson

Genesis Creation Myth

"And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every
fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and
whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof."
--The Book of Genesis 2:19

Information Technology is not new

Man's God-given task in co-creating the Universe is to name everything. Names
are the basis of human language, and language is the basis of all technology.

There can be little doubt that the Ascension of Man will include
technology. Barring an absolute, unforeseen miracle, it would be impossible at
this point in human history to even imagine a world - whether better or worse -
that will not feature human technology. It is inevitable that such a miracle will
actually be the result of our technology.

We are fast approaching the Technological Singularity - the point at

which human intelligence will transcend the boundaries of biology. The
Singularity is not a New Age Theory - it is a scientific fact that has no
basis in spirituality.

Yet the Singularity has profound spiritual implications.

Even within the most conservative predictions, we are only a few decades away
from the point in human history that will represent an irreversible paradigm shift.
Some half-jokingly refer to this as the Rapture of The Nerds, but it is hard to
dismiss the time frame that includes the end of the Mayan Calendar, and the
beginning of the New Age, the Age of Aquarius.

The Ascension of Mankind will be powered by our own technology, and from
our humblest task at the beginning, extending to infinity, is our first and primary
creative power - language.

The Language of God

God deferred to the language of man as His own. The Language of God, the
Source Code of All Creation - The Word - is Man's Word.

Adam's Task was not discontinued as a result of Original Sin - eating of

the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil - it was merely complicated.
Rather than continuing in the Garden, simply calling forth the abundance
of all life on Earth, man's God-like new knowledge represented the
greater burden - the responsibility - of understanding.

Condemned to toil and labor in order to continue accessing the abundance of the
Garden, man developed agriculture. Agriculture and domestication of livestock
directly led to the development of human society, which led to the Industrial
Revolution, the Atomic Age, and now, ultimately, to the Information Revolution.

Along the way, we've made a mess of Nature, pulling apart God's creation in our
attempts to unravel, decode, understand the Language of God. We've
successfully split the atom, we've mapped the human genome we've discovered
and given names to the alphabet of all matter in the Universe. We are now fast
approaching a fluency that will allow us to put Nature back together again,
according to our will.

We are about to transcend the limitations of biology and the boundaries of the
physical world. And we are going to accomplish this with Ideas and the Words
which are their forms.

Made of Dust, infused with the breath of

life, conscious
We are made of dust - the matter of the stars - ordered into consciousness and
living complexity.

Emerging and imminent nanotechnology represents a similar godlike power in the

hands of man. Adam has named the very particles of the physical world - we are
fluent in the vocabulary of chemistry - we can communicate with the order of
Creation at the smallest level of construction.

There is a second wave of the Industrial Revolution approaching - when the bulk
of manufacturing might shrinks from the smog-belching factories, with its back-
breaking human labor and robotic slaves, to laboratory test-tubes.

Adam, ascended, will remake the New Earth and beyond, at the tiniest - and
greatest - imaginable scales.

The Trees - Source Code and Holograms

Why was it necessary to even place the Tree of Life, and the Tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil, in the Garden at all?

Like the alphabets of chemistry and DNA, the instructional information of the
physical world is a hologram. The Whole Blueprint is contained within any
individual part - from one cell, we may extrapolate, engineer, recreate.

The Trees are Seeds.

The Greatest of Tools

How did we get here? What has allowed us to evolve to this point?

Our ability not only to communicate our knowledge and experience, but to record
it. The earliest forms of written language gave immortality to the wisdom of our
collective Mind, if not our bodies.

The Book persists as the greatest tool ever developed.

The Book itself has evolved from an expensive, difficult to produce and
reproduce, rare treasure that allows the sharing of information across time and
human lifetimes. Once only the rarest vessel of the most precious information,
the Book is now everywhere.

The Book itself has transcended matter - information now resides in a virtual
space with almost limitless reach. Freed of its expensive, fragile, still
temporary physical format, human wisdom is accessible to anyone, anywhere,
anytime, instantly.

Information can be produced, preserved, shared, manipulated, and improved

upon in a direct communication from one individual author to billions. With access
to the Internet, we each now have the potential to share any piece of our minds

with everyone, at very little cost and labor.

If you go to your web browser and view the Source Code, or if you access the
programs that run your computer, what you will find there is not Math and
Science – you will find Words. Human language.

No matter what the discipline, field, area of study - whether it is spiritual, artistic,
scientific, medical - the one common denominator of All that we know - all the
wisdom and knowledge we have accumulated across all human history - is our

We are the means by which the

Universe experiences itself.
It is the goal of the Universe for consciousness - information - knowledge of itself
- to pervade every wave and particle of creation.

There is nothing you can name without naming it. You cannot even think a
Thing without its name. Thoughts are things, and words are their handles.

Magic & Technology

"I discovered that unlike mere tricks, technology does not lose its transcendent
power when its secrets are revealed. I am often reminded of Arthur C. Clarke's
third law, that 'any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
--Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity is Near

Indeed, the power that our technology affords us is increasingly invisible. The
wisdom of our language no longer even requires wires.

Electricity itself is not visible.

Where is the Internet? Without a browser window to display it, virtual space is
not visible, it is everywhere and nowhere.

Most of us use cell phones to communicate with each other on a daily basis.

We email and chat with disembodied, non-present voices.

We engage in financial transactions that are increasingly less required to exist in

physical form.

We speak to spirits we cannot see.

The very word angel means "messenger" – it is the messages - the Word - that
shapes all conscious reality.

Whether the lowliest infrared remote control, the everyday commonplace modes
of communication, the workings of the global economy, or the wishes of our
hearts and the dreams of our souls, what we would have called magical and
miraculous for the majority of human history is now called technology.

At the root of all spells are incantations - the words, strung together in the right
sequence, to call forth change in our physical reality.

Thoughts are Things - Words are Wands

The Internet is the fruition of Adam's Task. It has grown, evolved, changed -
it will continue - but it is still the God-given assignment of co-creation that it was
in Eden.

Really, very little has changed: God still presents to us everything under the sun,
and we provide names for the pieces. We break the pieces down, smaller and
smaller, and we keep naming as we go - specifying, identifying, tagging.

There seems no limit to our task.

The scope, breadth, and depth of Adam's task grows in multiple directions and
dimensions - inward/outward, larger/smaller, physical/virtual…

The Ascension of Mankind is the Gospel - the god spell, the Story, the unraveling
and re-weaving of the Web.

We have always been making history. His story is our story.

Q: What, specifically, do I need to know about the New Earth?

A: The technological factors that will launch a New Earth are inevitable; the
paradigm shift we are fast-approaching in response to the technological
Singularity will happen whether we believe in it or desire it.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can I do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Live long enough.

Q: Can you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: We are already at the End of any time line worth mentioning - the ascension of
mankind could be said to have begun with the creation of the Universe.

Quoting Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity is Near: "The prediction that the
Singularity--an expansion of human intelligence by a factor of trillions through
merger with it nonbiological form--will occur within the next several decades does
not depend on the precision of these calculations."

"Super-computers will match human brain capability by the end of this decade;
personal computers by the end of the 2020s."

Kurzweil sets "the date for the Singularity--representing a profound and

disruptive transformation in human capability--as 2045. The nonbiological
intelligence created in that year will be one billion times more powerful than all
human intelligence today."

About the Author

Eric Slade Roberson, author and editor of,

writes about how to shift the human experience you are already having into the
powerful creative, spiritual mission you know it's supposed to be.

Seek Wisdom - Practice Love

The World of 2070 A.D.
© 2007 Joyce A. Kovelman, PhD.
The world of 2070 A.D. is a vision of a new way of being in the world. It is a world
filled with hope, promise and opportunity. Its people have achieved a sustainable
economy and a sustainable ecology. They live in balance and harmony with the
cycles and rhythms of the cosmos and respect all forms of life and
consciousness. They recognize that All is One.

The world of 2070 A.D. is founded upon the integration and Sacred Marriage of
masculine and feminine elements in our psyches, and a new spiritual covenant
with Universe. The citizens of 2070 A.D. know the inner paths of Soul. They are
equally at home in the worlds of matter and non-matter, for they have long
recognized that they are One.

Balance in population, food supply, and energy resources ensure that every child
is a wanted child and is properly cared for. Parenting is considered the most noble
of vocations. The “Mothering Ones” are esteemed and cherished along with the
children they nurture.

More mature and humane solutions to conflict and discord have been explored
and practiced. The world of 2070 A.D. knows no honor, glory or profit through

Elders are valued for their abilities and experiences. Their presence and their gifts
enrich the entire community in which they dwell. The Wisdom age is the
culmination and gift of a life well-lived. Advancing age affords an opportunity to
more fully embrace and explore the inner paths of transcendence. Indeed, the
Wisdom Age calls out to us to deepen our connection with other realms of

Creativity and the willingness to grow are prized attributes in the land of 2070
A.D. People of all ages are encouraged to create, to risk, to fail, and to succeed.
Essentially, they are free to simply BE. This is a world that honors and respects
diversity. Black, white, yellow, red, or brown, all citizens are equal and all are
cherished. Value fulfillment is everyone’s privilege; it is freely offered to all who
dwell in this peaceful realm.

2070 A.D. inspires and encourages its citizens to become dreamers, seers
and prophets. They have learned that their dreams and their future emanate
from the invisible archetypal realms of the collective unconscious and beyond.
The seeds of inspiration and wisdom are transmitted to 2070 A. D. through its

visionaries and enlightened ones. No society can long endure without the arts,
music, literature, and visions that reflect its highest aspirations and potential.
Archetypal 2070 A.D. already dwells in the hearts and souls of
humankind. Rather, it symbolizes our promise as well as our birthright.

The enlightened, peaceful land of 2070 A. D. sharply contrasts with the

shadowy, dark world we presently know. In our current world, we
experience violence, despair, greed, hate, abuse, violation of human rights, and
the desecration of Mother Earth. It seems unlikely, even futile, to believe that we
could ever realize and attain such a reality.

We are like the people in Plato’s Cave, seeing only the shadows and hints of
another reality. Like Plato’s people, we are faced with an awesome choice. We
can refuse to believe and change or, instead, we can embrace the Light and leave
our Darkness behind. Humanity must successfully accomplish an inner
reconciliation of masculine and feminine principles, and claim its own shadow if
we are to realize our true potential and to embrace the One and the Many. In this
way, humankind becomes a noble species and once again knows itself as part of
All That Is. 2070 A. D. already exists within the realms of possibility. It is
humanity’s destiny and future. Carpe Diem. Dare we seize the opportunity?

Q: What specifically do I need to know about The New Earth?

A: Our present Earth is under the rule of the Patriarchal Archetype. Another
archetype, The Feminine, stands in the wings - ready to guide humanity’s next
evolutionary step, if we so choose.

The New Earth is a more rarefied domain; its energy more subtle, less dense. In
“The New World” Spirit (Consciousness) and humankind become co-creators in
the unfolding of Universe. Each person’s level of awareness will determine
whether they will be able to dwell in this amazing new world. Those who dwell
in the New World will come with integrity, love, compassion, a readiness
to assist their fellow human beings, and to serve a more noble cause
than greed, power, lust, and war.

The Patriarchal archetype, responsible for humanity’s current worldview and

behavior, sadly has contributed to vast planetary destruction and global warming
of present-day Earth. In turn, this has resulted in the extinction of more than half
of Earth’s plants and animals, the melting of ice caps - both north and south, a
growing gap between rich and poor, escalating violence and endless global War.
Under the rule of the Patriarch, humankind is insanely destroying its planetary
home and terrorizing all who dwell on this beautiful blue and white planet.

Clearly, present day Earth cannot long sustain humankind’s abuse. Indeed,
humanity is in crisis!

Yet, “The New World” is soon to be governed by the Feminine archetype who also
dwells within humankind’s psyche. (It is important to recognize that The Feminine
is not about sex or gender; she belongs equally to the minds of both men and
women.) The Feminine archetype is already stirring and awakening. She desires
partnership with the Patriarch who has shaped and governed humanity’s world for
many thousands of years; she yearns for relationship, co-creation with Universe
and harmony among all of existence.

The Feminine principle comes as healer, redeemer and resurrector, eager to

restore wholeness, peace and balance to Earth. Note, Emergent Feminine is not
to be confused with an earlier stage of human development under the rule of the
Great Mother/Goddess archetype. Goddess and the Feminine are two separate
and distinct psychic archetypes who preside over very different stages of human
development. We return to an earlier stage of development at our peril.
Evolution urges us ever forward, never backward.

Emergent Feminine offers us a gateway to greater awareness and

compassion, to the realization of humanity’s promised Spiritual Birth,
and the chance to live in a brave New World. She initiates humankind’s next
evolutionary age. Let us warmly invite The Feminine to dwell in “The New World”
with us, so that we may grow along with her and realize humanity’s greater

Under the rule of Great Mother/Goddess, each of us has already experienced a

physical birth after long months of preparation and gestation. This is the moment
when newly emergent life gains the ability to dwell in the world of space-time and
matter. Physical birth proclaims that Mind, Body and Spirit have become One.
Earthly life is the most precious of gifts.

Psychological birth is achieved only if the psychological challenges of early life are
successfully resolved. If we are lucky, nurturing and caring Mothering Ones guide
us on this remarkable inner journey. It takes great courage to assert one’s
individuality and to create an independent self. Psychological birth takes place
when the Patriarch rules our world. Psychological Birth grants all who successfully
complete this sacred journey the gifts of freewill, choice, responsibility, and the
privilege of individual personhood. A rare and noble gift indeed!

Rather, the feminine awakens and evolves in concert with humankind. She offers
growth and transformation to the ailing Patriarch, as well as to each of us. Hers is
the gift of Spiritual Birth and the opportunity to become conscious co-creators
with Universe. The Feminine and humankind evolve as One. A portion of

humankind will soon experience a Spiritual Birth, which permits them to live on
“The New World” in human kindness and with respect for all of
existence. Spiritual Birth is a most treasured gift which bestows wisdom upon our
species to help humanity and Universe manifest a radically new world. The
Feminine, together with humanity, gives rise to a life-supporting, life-affirming
and life-sustaining world. Let us make it so.

Q: What is the single most important thing I can do now to prepare/take part in
the Spiritual Awakening?

A: Be the change you wish to see in the New World. Do the inner work of
healing the splits in your psyche, of completing the work of Psychological Birth
and opening yourself to the love and abundance of Spirit. Look inside for the
pearls of wisdom that are yours for the asking, for the integrity that is rightfully
yours, for the compassion and gentleness you wish to receive from others, for
your purpose and your mission in “The New World.” It is only in the inner realms
of Mind that one can fully grow and awaken. A Spiritual practice of contemplation
and meditation often helps people evolve to greater understanding and wisdom.
Psychotherapy offers us the tools for owning our own shadows and teaches us
how to stop projecting our issues upon others. The work of transformation always
takes place inside, not out there. Helping the less fortunate is another path of
human kindness and transformation. Inviting the Feminine into your heart and
into your world bestows serenity along with Spiritual Birth, allowing you to
become more fully human as well as more humane. It is up to you, to me, to us
to grow, to change, to evolve and to be the Change you wish to see in “The “New

Q: Could you give me a brief time line of the events leading up to the Spiritual

A: I believe that the “Shift of the Ages” has already begun. All religions and most
Indigenous Peoples tell us that by the year 2012, the shift will have occurred. But
I believe that the shift is already unfolding and that each of us will experience it
directly in our own time.

I do not see this as the end of Earth, nor the end of humanity. I envision the
“Shift of the Ages” as the ending of one world and the birth of a new one. I
further believe a new, Spiritual humanity will be as different from present day
humanity as we currently differ from the large Apes. A Spiritual Birth will endow
humankind with the gifts of healing so that we may live and thrive on “The New
World” with great love and integrity. We will be given the gifts to heal ourselves,
our families, our communities, and our planet once we have attained Spiritual
Birth, individually and as a species. Then will we live as long prophesied and
promised, rightful heirs to this beautiful planet and as co-creators with Universe.

I also believe that prior to 2012, humankind will greet its Galactic brothers and
sisters and learn the secrets of the Cosmos and the ways of healing our planet
from the harm humanity has inflicted. Then may we live long and prosper, may
we know harmony, blessing and peace.

About The Author

Joyce is married, mother of four, and grandmother of two. She returned to

college after seventeen years of marriage, earned PhDs. in both Anatomy and
in Psychology, completed a NIMH post-doctoral scholarship in Psychiatry and
Bio-behavioral Sciences, and taught in UCLA School of Medicine. Joyce is a
psychologist, scientist, international speaker, guest on T.V. and radio, and
has served for many years as an official ECOSOC representative to the United
Nations for the Institute of Global Education.

A vivacious Life Coach, Joyce knows well the territory of change and
transformation. She endlessly explores new possibilities, overflows with
innovative ideas, and encourages us to create meaningful and fulfilling lives.

Joyce's books are Once Upon ASOUL:The Story Continues…Science,

Psychology and the Realms of Spirit and Namaste. In 2006, The Reluctant
Twin, The Lonely Triplet, Knowing Me, Knowing You (a children’s game) and
I Am Woman – on a Journey Called Life, will be released. To Learn more,
visit her website:

This article is based on Joyce’s book, Once Upon ASOUL: The Story Continues….
Science, Psychology and the Realms of Spirit, Jalmar Press, Carson, CA, 1998.

© 2006 Joyce A. Kovelman, PhD, PhD, CHIC, LMS

Conclusion: The Only New Earth
Message You Need
In a book made up of different messages on the New Earth, it may seem strange
that I claim the conclusion is “the only new earth message you need”.

The reason why I can make this claim is because this one message will allow you
to get your own messages. Each of the contributions in this book is a message
designed for spiritual guidance. Once you are able to get your own messages,
there will be only one purpose for all other information sources. This purpose is to
verify the answers and messages you get.

This section of the book does not contain any particular information on the New
Earth. I believe the contributors have done a very good job explaining the
different ideas on the New Earth. It is my sincere hope that you found a
perspective that resonates with you.

Whether you have found a New Earth perspective you can work from or not, now
you will learn how to find the perspective that is perfect for you. The way you do
this is by going within.

The messages you receive will directly deal with you. They will be much more
powerful, as they are specific to you. Everyone is different, so it is important
that you are able to receive your own messages.

Everyone has the ability to communicate with the Divine, or whichever

name you choose. There are many different ways to do this. Today, I will share
with you a technique that I have used successfully in the past. This technique was
particularly chosen by my guides for this book.

Being able to connect with your support system(s) and being able to access parts
of an infinite intelligence are essential abilities to have when one is trying to move
into the New Earth. Especially since the New Earth is new.

Everything that is happening now is in the process of being created. It

has not already been created. It is new. Therefore it becomes much harder to
learn this information from out-dated external information sources. But once you
can begin to get your own messages, you will have access to the latest
information on the New Earth transformation and much more.

When Can I Receive Messages?
It is true that you can receive messages at any time. My own experiences have
proven this to me, and very soon your experiences will prove it to you.

In fact, “they” are communicating with you all of the time. It is a constant
communication that you either choose to listen to or ignore.

It does not matter if you tune it out (as you probably did during your early
childhood), it is still always there. However, if you have been ignoring it for a very
long time, it may be harder for you to reconnect, as you may have gotten into the
habit of ignoring the communication.

The Number One Key to Listening

Once again, it is your choice to listen. If you wish to listen, the most important
thing you should do is be passive. You must listen and observe passively.

Make some time, just a few minutes each day, to be passive. Try it right now,
wherever you are. Sit with your eyes closed or staring into space (like when you
daydream). You should not be looking at anything in particular. Just stare into
nothingness (no matter what is in front of you).

This may take practice, but when you become passive enough, you will be able to
perceive messages. Don't try to receive messages, instead just BE. In our
society, we are always doing, but in order to become receptive you must not do,
you must be. The messages will come. If you are anticipating a message you are
not being completely passive and you will not perceive your internal
communication with The Universe.

You must be so passive that, at first, you may have a hard time
remembering the message. But at the time you are receiving the message you
should know the message from moment to moment until you bring out your
'unpassive' physical, day-to-day, perspective.

The Number One Mistake People Make

When Trying to Get Messages
Once you bring out your unpassive “normal” state of being you will not be able to
access your support system and obtain messages. Many people do this
subconsciously out of habit.

A common example when this would happen is when you ask a question that you
need an answer to, or in other words, you are emotionally attached to the
answer. When you do this, your physical perspective will take you out of
receiving. To get back you must become passive again. This means you must not
try to remember what happened, unless you are done receiving the message. In
which case you should read the next section…

I Got My Message, Now What?

After you get your message, it is very important that you put it into writing.
Pretty soon, your “problem” will be making the time to write down all of the
information that is being absorbed by your mind.

Write your messages in some form of shorthand, or your hand may become very
sore. Make sure you get all the main ideas written down right away.

Next, express gratitude for your message. Gratitude helps you to acknowledge
the message, thereby securing it in your conscious memory/ physical experience.
Gratitude is a powerful tool, because it allows you to use a lot of emotion.

Final Thoughts
It is important that when reading your own messages only use them to bring you
back to the truer, mainly non-physical, message that is the source of the physical
message you have written down. It is the feeling/mind-state that you perceived,
which resulted in that message. The message is no where near as important as
that feeling/understanding.

Once you have connected to your divine support system, you will be told through
messages absolutely everything you need to know about the New Earth and
about You.

Today, begin perceiving messages and aligning with the New Earth. Together we
can create a whole New Earth.

To continue your journey to the New Earth, you must follow your heart.
Do your best to radiate peace and love for all of humanity. Show yourself
love, then you will be able to show love to others.

You may want to come back to this book and read it again, after you have had
proper time to digest the information contained in this book. Each time you go

through this book, you will be further along in your Awakening Process, so you
will uncover even more life-transforming information.

May you find the motivation within you to work towards saving the Earth and
obtaining ultimate Peace of Mind,

Jason Randhawa

PS Never forget: the New Earth is your choice. Only you can make the decision to
align with it, nobody else. Just you!

About The Author
Jason Randhawa is a student, currently living in Canada. He is attending McGill

He has always been fascinated by the many subjects that can fall under
metaphysics (philosophy, religion, parapsychology, mysticism, yoga,
meditation, ESP, dreams, astrology, self-help studies, positive thinking,
reincarnation, etc...).

By the time Jason was twelve he began to meditate with his father daily.
After a while, meditation became like a ritual for Jason. He felt that this was
something that he had to do. He immediately stopped meditating.

Then for a while, between the ages of fourteen and fifteen, Jason started to read
books on wealth, inspiration, self-help, and positive thinking. From here, through
a series of books, he was led back to books on spirituality. For a couple of months
Jason became very religious. He believed that religion was the answer. Within a
few months, Jason became bored of religion, since it did not fully resonate with
him. Because of this, at the age of fifteen, he began to do his research on

From here, Jason had some amazing experiences. He went to meditation groups,
channeling sessions, metaphysical courses, etc...

Since then, Jason has been able to uncover an amazing amount of information
about spiritual metaphysics and the philosophy of metaphysics.

When he was only sixteen years old, Jason created the website:, which contains a huge collection of free resources
for self-discovery (including mini reports, metaphysical articles, free E-Courses,
etc.). Since then his articles have been published on some of the best spiritual
websites and in many metaphysical ezines.

Through inner contemplation Jason Randhaw began to uncover information about

the New Earth Possibilities. As he started to do research to validate his ideas, he
realized there was a tremendous amount of confusion surrounding the idea of a
New Earth. He immediately begin to put together this New Earth E-Book.

Jason has also created a Blog about the New Earth. Its goal is to provide
those who are interested, with ongoing updates and discussion on the
transformation of the New Earth. You can access it here:

Discover the Best No-Cost
Metaphysical Online Tools and
Spiritual Resources
Instead of just another resource list, I have created a seven-Day Email Mini
Course titled "Metaphysical Mastery" which will expose the best resources for
spiritual seekers, metaphysicians, New Agers, and basically anyone that would
like to learn more about spirituality.

Basically, if you are here, this E-Course is for You!

This E-Course will be extremely easy to apply to your life. You will be able to take
immediate action towards experiencing your True Being, happiness, wealth,
health, and so much more...

Here is the lesson plan:

Day 1- Three No-Cost Secret Weapons for Metaphysical Mastery

Day 2- Four Free Online Tools and Resources for Metaphysicians and Spiritual

Day 3- Six Easy Ways to Experience Spiritual Breakthroughs Regularly

Day 4- Eight Free Metaphysical Websites You Can’t Live Without

Day 5- Everything You Need to Experience Supernatural Wealth In Your Life

Without Spending A Penny

Day 6- How to Experience True Health and Wellness without Spending a Penny

Day 7- The Only Metaphysical Resource You Need

A resource is defined as a source of supply, support, or aid, especially one that

can be readily drawn upon when needed

This free "Metaphysical Mastery" E-Course will lay out the best free spiritual
resources available to you. You will find this E-Course as a huge advantage on
your journey.

You have the opportunity to learn from others, saving you a lot of time. You

can spend your time learning, instead of searching for valuable information.
You will also save a lot of money, as almost every resource outlined in this E-
Course is absolutely free! You can spend your money on whatever your heart
desires, instead of spending your money on spiritual resources (books,
memberships, etc..).

Sign up right away for immediate access to the best of the best metaphysical

Contributor List

Michael Sharp:

Ann Albers:

Owen Waters:

Aruna Byers:

PMH Atwater:

Julia Rogers Hamrick:

Linda Johnson:

Eva Herr:

Peter Shepherd:

Jason Randhawa:

Nancy Detweiler:

Lady Isis:

Asha Ramakrishna:

Dharmbir Rai:

Allen Stacker:

Jafree Ozwald:

Mary Rodwell:

Anina Davenport:


Jean Warner:

Jessica Alhers:

Adrian Cooper:

Steve Ryals:

Eric Slade Roberson:

Joyce A. Kevelman:

Future New Earth Contributors
Thank-You for taking the time to read “The Future of the New Earth.” I hope you
have found this book helpful in preparing you for a new future. Together we can
create a New Earth, but we must take action and work together.

If you feel strongly about saving the Earth, helping people to Awaken, or creating
both inner peace and global peace you could be a contributor for the next edition
of “The Future of the New Earth”.

Anyone interested in submitting an article on a subject that falls under the New
Earth category, should send their submission through email to:

Along with each New Earth article, please send a brief bio of the author. This is to
ensure each contributor is qualified.

Having your work published in a book will result in a lot of exposure. Some
marketers are charging up to $3000 per article to include in compilations of
expert opinions. All I am looking for in future new earth contributions is quality
information that comes from the heart.

So if you or someone you know is qualified and would be interested in

contributing to the next edition of “The Future of the New Earth” please email me
here: thenewearth[at]

Radiation Peace and Love for all of Humanity,



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