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CSE1729 Honor Code

CSE1729 has high expectations for its students, both scholastically and ethically.
As a CSE1729 student, it is your job to uphold the course’s honor code, both by your
own actions and by reporting violations.

Problem sets and exams Student problem sets and exam solutions are to repre-
sent the sole intellectual effort of the student submitting the work. In particular,
this precludes usage or adaptation of material from the internet, peers, etc. (Of
course, all course materials are fair game.)

Laboratory assignments Students are encouraged to collaborate on lab assign-

ments; the final submitted product, however, must be prepared by the student sub-
mitting the work.

Plagiarism and academic misconduct Plagiarism and academic misconduct will

be aggresively pursued by course staff according to University regulations. See
for details. CSE1729 adopts the following amplifications of the University’s guide-
lines for academic misconduct.
• Any incidence of plagiarism or academic misconduct will result in, at least,
one letter grade reduction for the final course grade in addition to a zero for
the affected course deliverable. Penalties may be more severe depending on
the case.
• Any repeat offense will result in an F for the course. Penalties may be more
severe depending on the case.
In all cases, incidents of plagiarism or academic misconduct will be reported and
filed at the department and the University.
Students who wish to take CSE1729 must pledge to uphold the honor code

Printed Name
By signing below, I pledge to uphold and abide by the conditions of the CSE1729
honor code and the University’s code of academic conduct.


By signing below, I pledge to report any violations of the CSE1729 honor code
of which I become aware.


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