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University of Lethbridge thie Abeta, Canada aM rules Faculty of Education February 23, 2018 To Whom it may concern: Itis my privilege to write this letter for Cassidy Shostak, who is Intern Teaching from January 8, to April 20" 2018. Cassidy is having an outstanding Internship at Saint Phillip School, where she is teaching Kindergarten. | also worked with Cassidy as a Student Teacher in PSII in March and April 2017, when she taught grade 5 at Saint John Paul Il school. In both schools Cassidy very quickly developed positive relationships with students, staff and the school communities. In addition to her teaching responsibilities she has attended staff meetings, department meeting, teacher's convention and all professional development opportunities. Cassidy is effectively and efficiently creating and maintaining an extremely positive, safe and caring environment in her classroom. | have been amazed at the incredible connections she has made with her students, the respect for her and for each other is commendable. This respect has created such a positive learning environment where all her students are given the opportunity to achieve success. Her teaching strategies are unique and highly effective in dealing with all the challenges these students bring with them to school every day. | feel Cassidy makes the effort to “touch” in some way each and every student many times in her lesson, making them feel valued for their contributions, efforts and for just being there. She incorporates motivational strategies that keep the kids engaged in the lesson and achieving at a high level. The creativity in her lesson planning and execution is highly motivating to these early learners, and keeps the pace and excitement of the classroom extremely interesting and purposeful. Cassidy has gone above and beyond in creating Unit Plans that demonstrate an excellent understanding of the Program of Studies. Her Unit Plans include general and specific outcomes, achievement indicators, goals, understandings, essential questions, resources, and quality assessment tools. Her daily lesson plans are exceptional with many interesting enhancements that motivate and keep the students interested. She is incredibly well organized and her lessons allow for smooth transitions, that are constantly changing to build on previous understandings, which maximize learning opportunities. Cassidy incorporates a variety of teaching strategies through direct instruction, individual and group activities, and is constantly reinforcing concepts thoroughly with question and answer and review. She solidifies concepts with student centered, play based activities, that the students embrace. She incorporates many management strategies that establish focus and the use of excitement for purposeful learning. This allows all students the opportunity for success and to develop the social skills for life- long learners that become responsible members of their class, school and community. Cassidy has made sure she has a solid understanding of her students with special needs, IPPs, and ELL learners, and modifies her content and expectations appropriately. Her documentation and feedback to parents and students is timely and thorough, with solid assessment tools for clear understanding of this criteria | have been most impressed with the incredible relationships Cassidy has developed with her students, colleagues and the school community. She has a nurturing and positive manner in her classroom. She shows her students caring and respect and has theirs in return. To name a few of these outstanding management techniques, greeting and welcoming all students by name as they enter the classroom, during attendance commenting on something positive she knows about them, calling home with positive news, thanking them and acknowledging all contributions made in class, showing her fun crazy side so students can laugh and play along. Many of these strategies | have observed and are an integral part of her classroom every day! Cassidy has made a conscience effort to develop professional relationships with her colleagues and all staff members at both schools. She is very skilled in her use of technology in her classroom using the smart board for motivational video clips, movies and resources which increase the interest level in her lessons. Cassidy communicates with her students, parents and other staff members effectively and efficiently. \ believe that Cassidy is a Gifted and Exceptional Intern Teacher. She will be a valuable staff member and will serve her students well as she begins her teaching career. As a parent | would be thrilled to have Cassidy as my student's teacher. | would have loved to have had the opportunity to work with her as a colleague in my teaching career. Without hesitation | would strongly recommend Cassidy for any position she chooses to apply for. It has been my privilege to work with and learn from Cassidy in this internship and | wish her All the Best in her Teaching Career. If you require further information, please do not hesitate to call me at 403-969-3457 or e-mail me at Best Regards, SPACE, Susan Price University Consultant U of Lethbridge

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