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The Newsletter for the Congregation & January-March

Friends of Holy Trinity Sloane Square


The Revd Rob Gillion, Rector

If you ask for directions However, the images to follow Jesus on that
on a journey you may above remind us that journey from
get advised not to start the Jesus whose birth Christmas, through the
from where you are we celebrate at events of Holy Week,
now. If you want to Christmas is the same towards Easter
make the journey person who suffered Resurrection.
towards Easter you and died on the cross
may not think of before going on to the
Christmas as being the glory of his
starting point. Resurrection. We are
called, as his disciples,
Page 2 Trinitarian Holy Trinity Sloane Square
STAY WITH US … enters where he is not Emmaus. Indeed time
welcome. In fact he flies and suddenly they
A BIBLICAL tells his disciples arrive at their
REFLECTION FOR earlier that if they destination, and Jesus
EASTER themselves are not makes as if to go on –
welcomed in a town for if they do not offer
Luke 24:28-32 they are to shake the him an invitation there
dust from their feet. is nothing more he can
As they came near These two disciples do. This truth is
the village to which uttered the most confirmed again in the
the disciples were important words of Book of Revelation:
going, Jesus walked their lives: ‘Stay with ‘I stand at the door and
ahead as if he were us’. They had begun knock. If anyone opens
going on. But they their conversation with the door I will come in
urged him strongly, Jesus very negatively : and be with them. And
saying: ‘We had hoped that he eat with them’.
was the one to redeem (Revelation 3.20)
‘Stay with us, Israel’. (Luke 24.21)
because it is almost Jesus never forces
evening and the day Leaving Jerusalem, himself on us. Unless
is now nearly over.’ their faces downcast, we invite him he will
they were so miserable always be a stranger,
So he went to stay that when they thought but once we invite him
with them. When he about the events in into our life he will
was at the table with Jerusalem they make himself fully
them he took bread, stopped walking. They known ‘in the everyday
blessed and broke it, had nowhere to go. breaking of bread’.
and gave it to them. Perhaps they
Then their eyes were remembered the words
opened, and they of Peter to Jesus:
recognised him and ‘Lord, to whom else
he vanished from can we go? You have
Father Rob Gillion
their sight. They said the words of eternal
to each other: life’. (John 6.68) Rector

‘Were not our hearts Jesus then delights

A Prayer
burning within us them with the Bible
while he was talking study of a lifetime, Father of all,
to us on the road, rekindling their faith in we give you thanks and
while he was opening the word of God. Their praise,
the scriptures to us?’ hearts burn within that when we were still
them as they begin to far off
Jesus always waits for walk with a lighter step you met us in your Son
an invitation. He never along the road to and brought us home.
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Trinity Arts - The Year Ahead

Caroline Macdonald-Haig
The Art Director of Trinity Arts

This past year has seen who wish to join the Guild 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm, with
all the arts being to submit work in what a creative presentation
celebrated at Holy Trinity. ever medium they choose. at 7.15 pm.
In accord with the gifts, The theme is wide ranging
experience and vision of and celebrates nothing Looking ahead to 2011,
Father Rob and Janine, less than the whole of we shall be celebrating a
an art exhibition was Creation: Earth Air Fire year of the Bible as it will
launched with a party and Water. If you are be the 400th anniversary
celebrating not only interested please get in of the King James
paintings and sculpture touch with the church Version of the Bible.
from members of the office for an application
Guild but also with form and conditions of
performances of music, entry.
dance and drama gifted
to Holy Trinity by the From the 7th to the 18th of
artists. The overarching September 2010 there will
theme has been the be an exhibition entitled
newly revealed beauty of ‘The Fabric of Life: An
the stained glass Exhibition of Quilts’ which
windows, designed by promises to be dazzling.
key figures in the Arts and
Crafts movement. Recent Contemporary textile artist
restoration and cleaning Vicky Glyn is having this
sees them looking as solo exhibition of her
magnificent as when first wall hangings and
installed. quilts. She has an
amazing eye for
The major exhibition of colour and light and
the Trinity Arts and Crafts her chosen medium
Guild in 2010 will be from is patchwork as you
23rd May, Pentecost can see in her Rose
Sunday to the 30th May, Window wall hanging
Trinity Sunday. We shall (right). The opening
encourage artists from night will be on
the Royal Borough of Tuesday the 7th of
Kensington and Chelsea September from Vicky Glyn’s Rose Window wall
Page 4 Trinitarian Holy Trinity Sloane Square

On Mothering Sunday (14th March 2010) The Worldwide President of

Mothers’ Union, Rosemary Kempsell, will preach at the 11 am Sung
Eucharist and inaugurate a new branch of Mothers’ Union here at Holy

Here we take a closer look at Mothers’ Union...

Mothers' Union is a and child poverty. They

Christian organisation and encourage work in partnership with
with more than 3.6 million sustainable self-help various organisations,
members in over 78 projects, and run training including the United
countries worldwide. The seminars for local Nations and other
backbone of Mothers' Mothers' Union members ecumenical groups.
Union is its worldwide and the wider community.
network of grassroots Vision: of a world
volunteers. Whatever Workers also run the where God's love is
their individual Literacy and shown through loving,
backgrounds, members Development Programme respectful and
are united in their in Malawi, Sudan and flourishing relationships.
commitment to supporting Burundi, which is open to
marriage and family life. all faiths. This programme Aim & Purpose: To
They give their time to enables learners to demonstrate the
generously help others, become literate and Christian faith in action
whether by running local numerate as well as by the transformation of
projects, supporting gaining skills in health, communities worldwide
international campaigns, hygiene, HIV/AIDS and through the nurture of
or fundraising. poverty alleviation. the family in its many
Jesus said, "Love the forms.
Mothers' Union also Lord your God with all
employs over 300 paid your heart and all your Mission:
workers around the world. soul and all your mind. • To promote and
These are women drawn This is the first and support married life
from local dioceses, so greatest commandment.
they speak the language,
• To encourage
And the second is like it: parents in their role to
understand the culture Love your neighbour as develop the faith of their
and customs and have yourself." Luke 10:27-29 children
first-hand experience of
the problems their • To maintain a
neighbours face. Mothers' worldwide fellowship of
Union workers provide Mothers' Union is also Christians united in
vital leadership for efforts involved in campaigning prayer, worship and
in the community. They and lobbying on a number service
enable people to gain of worldwide issues such
• To promote
essential skills, develop as parental rights,
conditions in society
international debt relief
Page 5 Trinitarian Holy Trinity Sloane Square
favourable to stable Mothers’ Union
family life and the (Rosemary Kempsell) has
protection of children. accepted our invitation to
• To help those whose preach at the 11 am Sung
family life has met Eucharist and inaugurate
with adversity. a new branch of Mothers’
Union here at Holy Trinity.
Values: Mothers' Union is Mothers’ Union will Please contact Lynette
firmly rooted in a become a significant Paul: Tel: 020 7231 8292
voluntary ethos. Its Partner in Mission as we
governance, leadership reach out to support E-mail:
and programmes are marriage and family life
driven by and undertaken through the mission and
through members around ministry of the church If you are interested in
the world as they respond within our local knowing more about the
to God's call to faith and community and work of Mothers’ Union
action. worldwide. and want to be one of the
founding members of the
Beliefs: Membership of Mothers’ branch here at Holy
Union is open to anyone, Trinity.
• They believe in the male or female, single or
value of each individual
married, providing they
and their unique qualities
have been baptised in the
• They believe in the name of the Trinity and
value of relationships. support the aims and
Jesus said, "Love the objectives.
Lord your God with all
your heart and all your
soul and all your mind.
This is the first and
greatest commandment.
And the second is like it:
Love your neighbour as
yourself." Luke 10:27-29

They believe in the value

of the family in its many
forms as a source of love
and support for
individuals and the basis
for a caring community. Lynette Paul,
Rosemary Kempsell, The Branch Leader
Worldwide President of of Mothers’ Union
On Mothering Sunday Mothers’ Union
(14th March 2010) The
Worldwide President of
Page 6 Trinitarian Holy Trinity Sloane Square

Bianca’s story
Bianca has recently been baptised at Holy Trinity and shortly after was
confirmed at St Paul’s Cathedral.

read enough to be fully

I have attended church accepted. I now know ‘ … being at one with
fairl y c ons istently that not to be true and oneself and ones
throughout my life and that I can commit while faith is the
over the past five continuing my journey foundation of our
years particularly, have of le ar n in g and being’
known that I would like understanding more.
to commit myself more This combined with the
fully to the Lord – this fact that I am soon to important to me to be a
has come via friends be approaching a good role model and to
wh o h a ve be en significant landmark in lead a positive and
baptised and a natural my life with my fulfilled life within
maturity that has impending nuptials I myself which I think a
taught me there is feel it is important to closer relationship with
more to life and that enter this phase of my the Lord and my faith
being at one with life completely blessed will only serve to
oneself and ones faith and with the guidance enhance.
is the foundation of our of the Lord and peers
being. at Holy Trinity to
understand what it is to
However I have never build and sustain a
felt ready or as if I happy and harmonious
know enough/have home and family life.

I have also reached

this decision to be
baptised and Bianca Lee-Chang is
confirmed in order to a member of the
provide a role model congregation of Holy
for family and friends Trinity
and those less
fortunate than myself
w h o a r e
difficulties and
challenges within
their lives. It is
Page 7 Trinitarian Holy Trinity Sloane Square

Easter Services
Sunday, 28 March Palm Sunday
8:45 am Holy Communion
11:00 am Sung Eucharist
Preacher: The Revd Graham Rainford
Choir: Holy Trinity Choir
Setting: Missa Brevis - Ives
Anthem: Wash me thoroughly - Wesley
Introit: Hosanna to the son of David - Weelkes

Monday, 29 March Monday of Holy Week

7:00 pm Said Eucharist with hymns & devotional address
Address: The Revd Graham Rainford

Tuesday, 30 March Tuesday of Holy Week

7:00 pm Said Eucharist with hymns & devotional address
Address: The Revd Rob Gillion

Wednesday, 31 March Wednesday of Holy Week

7:00 pm Said Eucharist with hymns & devotional address
Address: The Revd Graham Rainford

Thursday, 1 April Maundy Thursday

7:00 pm Liturgy of Maundy Thursday
(followed by the Vigil until Midnight)

Friday, 2 April Good Friday

7:00 pm Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday

Saturday, 3 April Holy Saturday

8:00 pm Easter Vigil and Eucharist

Sunday, 4 April Easter Sunday

8:45 am Said Eucharist
11:00 am Sung Eucharist
Preacher: The Revd Rob Gillion
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In 2010 we will be introducing an additional opportunity for daily prayer.

Prayer at Noon

Five minutes of Psalm, Scripture and Prayer.

An additional ministry of prayer for our daily visitors.

7.30 pm - 9.00 pm at Holy Trinity

Encountering the Trinity

This free course is a repeat of the Autumn session for those who missed it and
starts Wednesday 13th January 2010.

Every Wednesday until Wednesday 10th February.

Refreshments from 7.10 pm.

Please let the church office know if you would like to attend: 020 7730 7270
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Thursday 14th January 2010 - Thursday 11th March 2010
(No course on 11th February)

7.00 pm to 8.30 pm at Holy Trinity

(Light supper at 6.30 pm)

A course that makes sense of diversity and religion in our world.

To find out more about this free course:

Tel: 020 7730 8830

7.30 pm - 9.00 pm at Holy Trinity

The free course starts Wednesday 24th February 2010.

Come and explore the discipline of Lent.

Every Wednesday until Wednesday 24th March.

Refreshments from 7.10 pm.

Please let the church office know if you would like to attend: 020 7730 7270
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Thursday 11th February 7.30 pm HTSS Choir

Music and readings by candlelight at Candlemas. An evening of uplifting and

inspiring choral music performed by the Holy Trinity Choir for the
congregation and Friends of Holy Trinity.

The programme will feature Harris, Bainton, Brahms and Rachmaninov. This
is a fundraising concert to support the choir and its significant mission in the

Tickets: £15 - can be purchased from the church office: 020 7730 7270.


Sunday 21st March 6.00 pm at Holy Trinity

The choir is a mixed group of about 120 voices, conducted by Colin Durrant.
They sing a large repertoire and regularly tackle many of the great choral

Tickets can be purchased from the church office after February 15th. Ticket
prices to be confirmed.

Half of the proceeds will go to support the mission and ministry of Holy
Trinity Church.
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Sunday 28th February 2010 at Holy Trinity 3 pm Free

Ben Williamson (countertenor) and Peter Foggitt (piano), will be performing a

programme of Lieder including works by Schubert, Schumann, Wolf, Mahler
and Strauss.

Ben and Peter are Scholars at the Royal College of Music and Trinity College
of Music respectively, and won the 2009 RCM English Song Competition


Whit Sunday 23rd May 2010 11 am

The Right Reverend Kenneth Stevenson, the retired Bishop of Portsmouth has
been invited to take a Confirmation Service at Holy Trinity on the 23rd of May

If you would like to be confirmed please contact the church office:

020 7730 7270.

‘a comprehensive church open all day,

every day for everybody’

© Ann Dent

Holy Trinity Sloane Square

Sloane Street
United Kingdom
Office Phone: +44 (0)20 7730 7270
Office Fax: +44 (0)20 7730 9287
Rector & Area Dean of Chelsea: The Revd Rob Gillion
Assistant Priest: The Revd Graham Rainford

Awareness Foundation
Director: The Revd Nadim Nassar
Awareness Foundation phone: +44 (0)20 7730 8830

Morning & Evening Prayer is said daily, Monday to Friday, at 9.00 am & 5.00 pm
Saturday 10.30 am & 4.00 pm
The Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesdays at 6.30 pm, and Thursdays at 1.10 pm
On Sundays, the Eucharist is Said at 8.45 am, and Sung at 11.00 am.

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