That Option "

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The Luthors liked to party.

Lena remembers all those fund-raising campaigns, anniversaries, and even those parties
Lex used to hold whenever they had the Luthor Manor all alone for themselves. Lena
remembered how she’d just look from her bedroom window as Lex had fun with his friends
down below by the pool, wishing she was as normal as the Golden Boy.

She sighed, throwing her expensive pen aside and cupped her face with both hands. Lena
didn’t get that side of the Luthors. She liked to stay alone with her books or inventions than
to throw fake smiles and wear tight dresses just to con rich old businessmen into investing.

“A Thanksgiving party would be great.” She remembered Jess chime in on her deep thinking
one day.


“Miss Luthor, I know you have been thinking of ways to say thank you to your new friends-”

“How did you know-”

“I can access your search history.” Her secretary said a-matter-of-factly. ​I should’ve removed
that option​. Lena thought. “And no please, do not buy any more companies like what you did
for Miss Danvers-” Lena raised a brow in protest. ​She’s never gonna let that die, would she?
“​750 million isn’t cheap. So, yes, throw a Thanksgiving party.”

But that was the problem. She didn’t inherit that side of the Luthors. Sure, she had thrown a
lot of parties as a CEO of LCorp for the past year but those are all done by her Press
Relations team and require only minimum personal interaction on her part.

A thanksgiving party is different. She would have to dine, drink, and share anecdotes with
her friends.​Her social interaction meter was only limited up to 30 minutes! Well, her lunch
and dinners with Kara were an exception. She felt comfortable around the blonde. She could
and already had talked with the bright bumbling sunshine from dusk to the wee hours of

But certainly not with her friends​!

Sam was good, she was a long time friend back in Metropolis. Maybe she’d survive an hour,
maybe 2, with her.

Winn was like her male version so she’d just be happy to geek it out with the other nerd.

James. Well, James was another problem. She warmed up with him recently, he even let her
call him Jimmy. But there’s something in her that says Jimmy doesn’t still fully trust the
young Luthor. There was a certain something with him as well that Lena can’t seem to warm
up to, no matter how many times they have already shared ​professional​ lunches during her
time on CatCo

And then there’s Alex

Alex scared her. ​Lena remembered that dread she felt the first time she saw Alex in person.
Back at Kara’s apartment when she sought out her bestfriend’s help to find Supergirl.

First of all, Alex had a gun. Something she obsessively loved, Kara mentioned. Next was
she knew ten ways to kill a man with her forefinger, Winn chimed. If that wasn’t scary
enough, she is also a badass federal agent with a very mean look that reminded Lena of the
big girl bullies back during boarding school. It reminded her of Veronica Sinclair and her
gang. Only, she sensed Alex is much more dangerous than Roulette.

And she heard that Alex recently broke up with that cop who arrested Lena before. Maggie,
that was her name. She got to know her during that sister night they had with Sam. That
woman was also scary, sans the fact that she’s tiny. She remembered how hard the
detective’s grip on her was when she arrested her. At least that’s one scary person less.
Although, a brooding, heartbroken scary federal agent is definitely much worse than an
inlove scary federal agent.

She felt bad for Alex though. They seemed so inlove. They had a relationship Lena wished
she experienced. And no certainly not with Kara. Uhuh. No not with Kara.

For god’s sake, Lena! She is your bezzie mate! ​She chastised herself for the nth time today.
Speak of the devil​.

An incarnation of a sunshine burst through the door, bringing a bag of whatever sugary
confection she bought on the way. “Delivery for Miss Lena Luthor.”

She quickly sent an email to Jess, cancelling her salmon order for lunch and rushed into
Kara’s waiting arms. “Aren’t you busy today? With the holiday rush I’m sure a reporter like
you would have a lot on your plate.”

“Well, I’d rather not report about my boss dying of starvation during Thanksgiving.” Kara
retorted as Lena opened up the bag of goodies. ​My dietitian's seriously gonna be mad.​ She
thought, pulling a bacon and cheese pull-apart as they sat down. “And I haven’t been really
doing some bestfriend duties for the past week, I’m afraid she is gonna disown me, so-”

She threw a piece of bread on Kara’s way.

“So, do you have like… plans for Thanksgiving?” Kara asked as they were done with their
meal and each other’s recap of the previous week.

Lena breathed in, “Well, I do.” She thought she saw sadness cross Kara’s baby blue eyes.
“Tell me, do you have plans for this Thanksgiving?”
Kara fidgeted with her pen again, a gesture Lena found so adorable. ​Lena, bezzie mate.
BFF. ​“Just- just the usual party at my place.”

Lena leaned in. “What if we hold that party in my house instead?”

Kara looked up, mouth gaping akin to that of a fish. “Are you serious?”


Kara’s eyes lit up as bright as the sun and the next thing Lena knew was the blonde’s arm
around her. “Oh that’d be wonderful, Lena!” Kara held her on arms length. “I have been
dying to tell you to spend Thanksgiving with us and-” They both laughed and hugged again.

“I do want to invite them personally though.” Lena continued after a few round of hugs and
party planning. “This would be a chance that I could connect to them personally.”

“Of course! Also, would it be okay if I invite some people too? They are my friends from other
di- uhhh- states and we planned to celebrate Thanksgiving on my place- ohhh- I’m sorry! I’m
getting ahead of you with inviting people you don’t know-” Lena cupped Kara’s cheeks. An
effective way she found to stop Kara from babbling.

“Of course, darling. I’d be glad to meet your other friends too.”

Kara smiled, cheeks tinged with pink. One of the other things Lena found so… ​Alright, stop.
For a moment, though she later ruled out that it was just her delusion, she thought Kara was
leaning in closer.

Then the blonde’s phone rang.

She was certain Kara would ignore it but Lena absolutely didn’t want to keep her. National
City needed Kara the reporter now. The phone rang louder as if telling Lena to ​hey return
our puppy reporter now!

The blonde fished out the device from her pocket, throwing Lena an apologetic look. “Alex.”

A few nods and yeses later, Kara pocketed the phone. “Lena I am so sorry, I know I haven’t
been the bestest friend, going MIA without any explanation only to leave you so soon-”

“It’s okay, Kara.” She stood up and offered the blonde a hand. “I’m just glad you’re back.”

Kara took it but to Lena’s surprise ​and utter joy​, she was pulled in close until her chest
collided with Kara’s. The reporter’s arms held her so tightly, she’s sure she heard her ribs
crack. It deliciously hurt though. This was the only place she could ever feel warm and
secure, amidst all her high-tech security system and highly trained body guards.
She’s back.

“I missed you.”

“Me too.” She said as she felt the blonde smile on her shoulder.


“Well, that went well.” It was an understatement.

Lena was inviting Winn over phone and after a promise of tech gadgets and more nerd talk,
the other nerd was sold.

The assumption of Winn being her male counterpart was really true. He, like her, was also
judged by the people because he had a homicidal relative. It was like she found an instant
brother with him.

She was even almost tempted to bait him to working for L Corp. A bright mind like him was
what she needed to dominate the world. IN A GOOD WAY OF COURSE.

“Thank you for your comment, Jess.” The secretary reflected her relief. “Now I would have to
go to CatCo and convince James.”

“I wish it goes well.” Jess wished her before Lena walked out the door.


“Miss Luthor.” James greeted warmly. Funny. Who thought this man who loathed her so
much was suddenly so friendly now?

Another fact about the Luthors, we are suspicious as fuck. ​“Lena, Jimmy.” Accepting the
man’s hand.

“Although, Miss Luthor- Lena-” She eyed him knowingly. “We don’t exactly have some
meetings today. What brings you to CatCo?”

“I’m here to see you actually.”

James looked at her with disbelief. “You are?”

“I am hosting a party for Thanksgiving…” She breathed in a bit. “I was hoping you’d come.”

James continued to stare at her like she just proposed to have a world invasion. She could
even almost hear the gears on his head turning. ​What is she planning? Is this something
evil? Am I gonna die in the end?​ Lena ruled out that those were probably what James was
Blinking twice, he smiled, probably remembering she was still there waiting for an answer.
“Of course, I’ll come. I’m honored.”

Lena reached to touch his arm, further shocking him. “Don’t worry. I promise to be a good
girl.” Ending it with a wink.

Ah, so the mighty James Olsen can blush. ​“I- I- Miss Luthor-”

“I’m just kidding, Jimmy.” She chided, slapping the arm she was holding. “I’ll be expecting
you then.”

“Lena!” it was Kara, brows scrunched together.

“Kara!” She immediately turned to her best friend. “I was just inviting Jimmy right here to the

Kara still wore that slightly angry and bothered look. “Well, see you then James.” Then,
much to Lena and James’ confusion, the blonde stormed away.

“Does Kara have some office problems, James?”

The photographer shrugged. But deep inside James had an inkling what it was about. At
first, he didn’t want to believe, he was still kind of stuck up with Kara even though it was a
mutual understanding that they were better as friends. Now he knew better. ​This is gonna
be interesting. “​She’s just probably tired.”

That look on Lena’s face made him form a plan.


Lena’s migraine threatened to surface from the back of her eyes. It may be the harsh
sunlight beating down at the back of her head or the older woman’s unrelenting and deep

“What are you planning, Luthor?”

“I just want a Thanksgiving party, Agent Danvers. And I want you all to be there.”

Alex continued to stare at her, as if the more she stared the more secrets Lena wanted to
reveal. The CEO’s palms were now sweaty, an event that happened only once ten years ago
when she got an A-minus and had to show it to Lilian.

What is she looking for? ​Fangs? Horns? Scary Yellow eyes? “I assure you, Agent Danvers, I
don’t have whatever it is that you are looking for nor do whatever it is you are waiting for. I
Alex breathed in, fingertips tapped the armrest of Lena’s visitor’s chair. “I heard there’s a
vacancy down Cellblock X.” The agent leaned in threateningly, hands clasped in front. “I will
be very happy to fill it up and give you some reunion.”

A cold tendril of sweat crept down her spine. “Look, I just want to make Kara happy this
Thanksgiving. She has been through a lot with Mon-el and I feel personally responsible for

Alex chuckled, leaning back in. “Did I say something wrong, Miss Danvers?”

“If we’re gonna be sister-in-laws soon, you should really train yourself to call me Alex.”

“Excuse me, I am not with Kara-”

“Sure, Jan.” Alex stood up, fetching her jacket from the back of the chair. “I’d go. I wanna
see where this goes.”


“Operation Green Eyes.”

“Seriously Winn, you gotta stop naming operations so bad.” Alex chimed in.

“What?! That’s a perfect name-”

“That’s enough, agents. I want you to focus.” J’onn tapped the board in front of them. It had
Lena and Kara’s names. The rest of the group had been discussing about them ever since
Kara met Lena. The

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