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Madrigal de la Torre Juan Carlos

Facultad de Ingeniería
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán
Mérida, México

Abstract— World premiere in Dubai City: The Volocopter takes

off on a test flight under the harshest climatic conditions. The Passengers will hail these battery-powered sky taxis via a
world’s first autonomous air taxi. smartphone app like Uber’s and wait for them to swoop down
at local “voloports.” If all goes according to plan, Dubai and
I. INTRODUCTION Volocopter envision these 18-rotor sky cabs being available
The dream of flight is as old as humanity itself. Although many for regular passenger service within the next five years.
hurdles have been overcome, the last and decisive one is yet to
come: Flying for everyone, on any occasion, anytime. Precisely Some outstanding features of the Volocopter 2X model are:
this democratization of air travel is the goal and is nothing less
than a revolution in mobility as we have known it so far. • Supreme safety: There are numerous support systems
for flight control and stabilization. Also on board,
although you will never require it, is an emergency

The Volocopter 2X, made by the German firm Volocopter, is • Especially quiet: In contrast, a helicopter is numerous
the first ever fully electric and manned multicopter with a times louder with its main and tail rotors as well as its
permit to fly. This means no combustion engine, no fuel and turbine.
no emissions as a result. Instead, the on-board systems and 18
electric drives are supplied by 9 high capacity batteries. The • So simple: The latest support systems and more than
perfect sustainable alternative mobility solution for the city: 100 microprocessors automatically ensure perfect
Fast, simple and environmentally friendly. stability and control of the multicopter.

Flight has never been so easy. Only a short induction is • Cost effective: Fuel is replaced by economic (and
required to operate the Volocopter. The reason: The latest increasingly sustainably generated) electricity. On
support systems and more than 100 microprocessors top of this, requirements for maintenance, repair and
automatically ensure perfect stability and control of the overhaul are reduced to a minimum through the
multicopter. Whether it is altitude control, balance or landing, avoidance of complex mechanical components.
the Volocopter 2X can easily and intuitively be operated by a
single joystick. Even if the pilot lets go of the joystick, the • A reality today: The Volocopter is the world’s first
multicopter will retain its prevailing position fully multicopter to be granted a certification for manned
automatically. flights. It fulfils stringent German and international
safety standards.
Dubai was serious when it said it wants to be first in the world
to offer a flying taxi service. The automated vehicle, which lifts The need for individual mobility will continue to rise in the
and lands vertically like a helicopter, whisked Dubai Crown future. Traffic congestion, emissions and extremely high costs
Prince Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed away for a five-minute for infrastructure are already pushing cities to their limits.
flight 200 meters above a patch of sand. Social challenges of this magnitude require a new perspective
at times. The purpose is to make every human being’s dream
Volocopter will eventually be fully autonomous, avoiding of flying come true and help modern cities resolve increasing
obstacles and other flying taxis without a pilot— onboard or mobility issues.
remote— guiding it.
[1] REINVENTING URBAN MOBILITY. (2017). Retrieved February 8,
2018, from
[2] IEEE SPECTRUM. For the technology insider | 12.17.

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