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25 FEBRUARY 2009




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Holy Trinity website
Today begins our season of Lent. Lent means spring. We sign of Christ – no pretence. My stole, presented to me as a
need to use our imaginations today. reminder of that ministry and my yearning to share with others
the Amazing Grace which saved a wretch like me.
It’s time for preparing our souls and spirits for Easter. Forty
days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day. What can this time During Lent I want us to taste afresh God’s understanding, his
mean to us on our spiritual journey. kind, patient love. Make more room for him. These forty days
in the desert will perhaps be the most memorable of your
Well we begin with a Penitential Rite – ashes in Scripture are whole life as you travel with Christ. The challenge of Lent is to
a symbol of purification, and a deep understanding of our own make a fresh start – a time for new beginnings.
mortality. We have burned our Palm Crosses to place an
ashen cross upon our foreheads as a mark of being a disciple REPENTANCE is high on the list of activities for Lent. But
of Christ. repentance is not negative. True repentance is an active
positive attitude which results in real and deep changes.
Tonight is not a mournful night. It is a night to rejoice that
through the Cross of Christ we need not fear death. Through Signs of this truth may be in giving up things that are not good
his saving love we are redeemed, forgiven. for you or that you’ve become over-dependant upon. It
doesn’t mean taking on an air of sanctimoniousness, but in
We seek to identify with Jesus in his wilderness experience. our Ashing tonight we face up to the reality of death and our
The Lenten fast for the body is the Lenten feast for the soul. fragility – but we are signed with the CROSS and follow this
Lent is about blessing, about walking closely with our Lord, with the life giving sacrament of Holy Communion. To
growing in spiritual maturity and depth. celebrate that Christ has overcome death and raised us with
him to new life.
We’re not to look dismal – for the Gospel entreats us – look
fresh and healthy. Lent is a time for secrets – the secrets Lord I pray you come to us. You touch us, you wipe away our
known only to ourselves and our Heavenly Father. tears. “You smile at me, embrace me. Thank you that I can
leave my burden at the foot of the Cross and be cleansed.”
It is interesting this day should fall in the middle of London
Let us pray we leave this act of fellowship and worship with a
Fashion Week. When the mantra “How do I look?” is
feeling of warmth and security, despite the coldness and
rendered redundant by Lenten discipline - rather how are we
insecurity of the world – physically and spiritually. To
acknowledge there is dust and that Christ can brush it away.
My thoughts turn on this Ash Wednesday to drab uniforms
and the prisoners I served as a Chaplain – recognising their
own sinfulness and yet accepting the sign of the Cross, the

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