Discussion Board Three Frank

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Discussion Board Three

Worth 50 Points

Frank was born 1/8/1919. He was a tobacco farmer all of his life. He has a family history of type
2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. However, he tells you "he's never been sick a day in his
life". Two years ago his wife of 77 years died of pneumonia. He has been on a steady decline
ever since.

Six months ago he set his house on fire smoking in bed. His son Tom convinced him to move
into his home while Frank's home was being repaired.

Frank has a few broken teeth. He eats mostly soft foods and likes all foods as long as they are
seasoned with fat and salt.

Frank has had several falls at his son's house. Frank believes his daughter-in-law purposely
waxed the floors so he would slip and break a hip. He agrees to go to Beets Nursing Center for
rehabilitation. He hopes to return home. Frank does not know his son has sold his home and

Medical Profile

 Admission Date 11/21/2011

 Height 67"
 Weight 135 lbs.
 Wrist 6"
 HCT 22%
 Hgb 9 gms
 Cholesterol 275 mgldl
 Blood Pressure 140/90
 PAB 15 mg/dl
 Alb 3.1 mgldl

Answer the following questions:

1. How old is Frank?

2. What is Frank's percentage of ideal body weight?
3. What does Frank's lab report tell you about his iron status?
4. What does Frank's lab report tell you about his protein status?
5. Frank has been at Beets Nursing Center for 1 month. He has eaten <25% of all his meals.
He says the food is tasteless. He has lost 10 lbs. His diet is 2 gm Na,low fat low
cholesterol, mechanical soft. Do you think Frank's diet is appropriate? Explain your
answer. Discuss each dietary restriction and support your answer with information from
his medical profile.
6. Two months following admission Frank weighs 121bs. How much weight has he lost
since admission? What is his percentage of body weight now?
7. Frank's intake continues to be between 25-50%. As a Certified Dietary Manager what
can you do to help Frank adjust to the facility?


1. Create a new thread and in 250 words answer the question(s) in the discussion board
 Your initial post is due by Friday at 11:59 p.m. (check course due dates)
2. Respond with at least 150 words to at least two of your classmates posts.
 Responses are due by Monday at 11:59 p.m. (check course due dates)
3. A Minimum of three posts per discussion board thread.

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