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Sopheaktra Chan, Cooperating teacher Miss Riva Religion

45 mins G5

Lesson: Religion (Paul Letter about “what is Love?”)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
The purpose of this lesson is to let the grade 5 be N/A
familiar with the Letter of Paul talking about Love
and understand the real meaning of true Love (Love
form God and the Love of God)

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

 Who can be a missionary? By the end of this lesson, the students will be
 Who was the first Missionary to spread the able to:
gospel of Jesus?  Understand more deeply about Missionary
 How do you define Missionary? and why they are called Missionary
 What is a mission statement?  Understand what Love mean and be able to
 What is Love? define in their own word.
 How do you define Love?
 Why do you need to have Love?

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

10mins Beginning the Lesson
 Start the class by saying Good morning and ask the students: How are you guys today?
 Ask a Student to pray for the class
 Introduce myself to the students

35mins Developing the Lesson

 Share a Missionary (Pastor Chuck McCaul) that lives in Cambodia
 Review the Great commission (Matt.28:19-20) and great commandment (Matt. 22:37,39)
(Recite together)
 Recall what is a mission statement. Ask a volunteer to share and then share my mission
 Read & discuss I Corinthians 13 (ask a student to read the verse together out loud) and
then ask the students to discuss with their friends. Afterward call a volunteer to give a
suggestion or comment of what does Paul mean in the verse?
 Answer Worksheet "What is love?" (Roughly about 10mins)
 Collect the worksheet

10mins Closing the Lesson

 Close in reading I Corinthians 13 again. Encourage them to put Love in action.

 Wrap up the class and dismiss
Sopheaktra Chan, Cooperating teacher Miss Riva Religion
45 mins G5

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Worksheets PowerPoints slides, saying out loud and writing

PowerPoints slides, worksheets, pencil, projector, Bible

Evaluation and Reflection

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