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Sopheaktra Chan, Coop -Teacher Miss Riva Religion

45 mins G6 Excellence

Lesson: Religion (Review on Christ & Cross, then Faith)

Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
The purpose of this lesson is to let the grade 6 N/A
students understand more deeply about Christ and
Cross and then be familiar with Faith in Christ.

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

 What did you learn last sessions? At the end of the session, students should be
 How much do you understand about Christ able to:
now?  Complete the evidences on Christ and Cross
 How much do you understand about Cross now? based on the majority of the chosen points.
 What does it mean to have Faith?  Understand and define the word Faith in their
 What do we need to do to have Faith? own words.

Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies

8mins Beginning the Lesson
 Gather the students and ask them to sit at their desk
 Say a prayer
 Review on what they have learned from the last class
 Hand out the last session worksheet and ask them to complete it (5mins only). However,
for the groups that are done with the worksheet, they can double check or add more points
to it.

30mins Developing the Lesson

 When the students are done with the worksheet, then explain to them that due to the
majority of the chosen point Christ is Number 7. Discuss why they choose that points.
Ask the students to check back to their 40s Bible events and let then explain why and how
much they understand about it? Then ask them to read on the bottom page on “The Bible
says and Our Faith Respond.
 After both the teacher and students are done with the Christ part, then go to the Cross part
and do the same thing. Why did they choose it? How much that they understand now after
reading from the 40s Bible events? Then ask them to read on the bottom page on “The
Bible says and Our Faith Respond.
 Then after finished with the Cross point, go to the new topic which is about Faith. Ask the
students to read one points each (will be assigned by teacher). (the teacher hand out a
piece of paper to every student) Then ask them once again to write down on the point that
they want to understand more and collect the papers.
Closing the Lesson

 Then ask the students to open their Religion note book to write in their own word what is
Faith mean?
Sopheaktra Chan, Coop -Teacher Miss Riva Religion
45 mins G6 Excellence

 If there are times left, then ask the students to get back to their group and then hand out
one point from the seven points to each group and ask them to discuss and talk to their
group to come up with their own explanation of the point they got.
 Close with Ephesian 2:8-9

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Group Worksheets & Reflection writing (Notebook) PowerPoints slides as Visual, worksheets as the
Visual and kinematic. Teacher’s explanation.

PowerPoints slides, Worksheets, Pencils, textbooks and notebooks

Evaluation and Reflection

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