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Sopheaktra Chan

ITC Student
Practicum at Ichthus School
24 February 2018
2 weeks Practicum at Ichthus School Reflection
When I heard that I am assigned to do the 2 weeks Practicum at a school in South
Jakarta name Ichthus, I was overloaded with excitement because I came to a state of mind
that I can be outside of the campus (UPH) and don’t have to travel back and forth every day
for 2 weeks. Moreover, I want to experience the school that is outside of Yayasan
organization and plus I have Bong Phalla (from Cambodia), a former senior of mine doing
the 3 months’ practicum there too. The times flew by and it was time for me and my partner
(Ronald from China) to pack up and leave for South Jakarta where Ichthus school is at. We
arrived in South Jakarta on Sunday even and settle everything down and rest so that we can
be ready for the big day on the next day.
On the first day, we were so nervous, shy and scared but at the same times, we also
were excited to see and learn the new aspects from the school, the principal, the teachers, the
students and most of all from my cooperating teacher. As days passed by, we got familiar to
the school, the principal, the teachers, the students and I got to know my cooperating better
and better.
I learned that Ichthus school is unique in its own ways. I will point out the three main
points about the uniqueness of Ichthus school. First of all, Ichthus School is unique because it
is the real Christian school and most of the staffs and students are Christian which make the
communication between teachers and teachers, teachers and students and students and
students in love and kind. Secondly, the uniqueness of Ichthus school is that every morning, a
teacher is assigned to lead a devotion to others teachers to encourage one another and then
lead an assembling to teach and encourage the students. I found that this is special because I
got encouraged to keep the hard work and trust God in every circumstances. I remembered
that one of the teachers talked about Be Discerning and I was touched in the way she
explained what it means to Be Discerning. Now every time before I decided to do something,
I remembered that I should pray and ask God first. The third point that Ichthus is unique is
because I feel like Ichthus school is like a family school. The reasons I said that is because I
see that there are lots of love and there is strong bond between teachers and teachers, teachers
and students and students and students. Everyone is working together with love and show
kindness to each other. Even me as the outsider feel the Love and the respect from Ichthus
As for the principal, I really admired the hospitality and the treatment from her to us.
Straight from the first day, I felt very welcome from her because she managed to take her
times to guide us (Ronald and I) so that we can be familiar with the school. She gave us a
very detail instruction and it was easy for us to catch up and follow. Most of all, I really loved
the kindness and sweetness out for her because she provided us food for several times.
Moreover, she is very friendly and that made me felt more comfortable while doing the 2
weeks’ practicum there. Thanks to the awesome principal, I managed to get to know my
schedule and my duty there quicker than what I expected.
As for the teachers at Ichthus were all so super friendly, sweet and Godly characters.
Every morning I can see the smile on the face with greeting (Good morning). To see the
formal staffs or teachers greeting you with a smile early in the morning is like taking a full
day energetic pill. Not just made me feel energetic but I have also felt the respectfulness and
sweet hospitality from them. It is very rare to have most of the teachers to stop and greet you
in the morning with a smile.
Ichthus’s students are amazing! I was blessed to be in several classes for observations
and some classes I even had the privilege to teach them. The students were full of energy to
learn new things from their teachers and their friends. Most of them are friendly and sweet.
Almost all of them are well trained and well educated. They often know what is right and
what is wrong except for some smaller kids. They are full of respect and Godly Characters.
Last but not least my amazing cooperating teacher! She was full of Godly character
and full of passion to teach younger children to walk in the way of God. I learned so many
things from her. I was not good at making the plan, writing down the lessons, finding
resources and have a high standard of classroom management but now I learned those thing
from her. The way that she taught the class was smooth and always interesting. I sometimes
was also wanted to be a student in her classroom listening to her teaching. I learned to make a
detail lessons, have a good classroom management, adjust the right PowerPoints slides and
even have a fun time with students.
I had learned and gained so many experiences and lessons from Ichthus. Overall if I
can evaluate Ichthus school, I would give it an 8 of 10 rates. There was one part of the school
that I was not so interested in is the Lunch area for students because it is kind of small and it
is a bit noisy. If I can give a suggestion or request, I would request to the school to provide a
larger place for students to have their lunch. As for the teacher I think the school should
sometimes gather the teachers for a fellowship or sport even after school on Friday or
weekend to build a closer relationship with one another. Or if more possible, going out for
movies with all the teachers on weekend or on a holiday.
This is all the things that I had in mind about Ichthus school and I would like to say
THANK YOU SO MUCH to the principal, the staffs or the teachers, the students and to my
cooperating teacher. If it the Lord plan, I wish that I can come and work in a school like this
which I can freely teach the Bible and the truth about God the Father, God the Son and God
the Holy Spirit. Amen. I pray for Ichthus school to continue to do it best and expand out
through Indonesia and set a good example of as real Christian school. May the Lord our God
continue to bless and be with Ichthus school, the principal, the teachers or staffs, the students
and most of all my sweet, nice and beautiful cooperating teacher. I give all glory to God.

Be Virtuous: (Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble,

whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8.)

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