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System Development Life Cycle Model

The systems development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual model used in project management
that describes the stages involved in an information system development project, from an initial
feasibility study through maintenance of the completed application.

Determine the plan for developing Define the system to be
the information system developed Set the project scope

Gather, understand, and document the business requirements for the
proposed system

Create a Design the user Design the files Design output Design controls
and database and backup
logical design input interface structure with users procedures

Take all the detailed design documents from the design phase and
transform them into an actual system

Verifies that the system works and meets all of
Perform thorough testing of the entire system
the business requirements defined in the
analysis phase to identtify and correct

Process of making the new system operational in the organization

Monitor and support the new system to ensure
it continues to meet the business goals Enhance the system as needed
The researchers developed a The researchers had develop the project plan
purchase system including tasks, resources and timeframes

The Researchers had conducted an interview to gather some information
needed by the system

The researchers had design the proposed system

The researchers will develop the designed system

The researchers will test the developed system and The researchers will perform thorough testing
verifies if the system is working and can meets all of the
business requirements of the entire system to identify and correct it

If the researchers found that no one can use the
The researchers will install the test system system, the researchers will make a user training

The researchers willcorrect previous undetected errors and enhance the system as needed

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