State of The Nation Address of Pres. Rodrigo "Digong" Duterte

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GONZALES, Charlyne M.

July 28, 2016


State Of the Nation Address of Pres. Rodrigo “Digong” Duterte


The first state of the nation address (SONA) OF President Rodrigo Duterte is the simplest and the
thriftiest so far in terms of preparation. The budget allocation for Duterte’s first SONA was P3million while the
last SONA of former President Nonoy Aquino goes around P4million. The SONA scenarios this year have been
simplified. Only four persons who welcomed to Mr. president from the Batasang Pambansa Complex , away
from the usual 20 man. Malacanang earlier said Duterte’s SONA would be a “step away from the norm” with
guest told to just wear business attire. The palace had also set a cheaper menu which is a stark contrast from the
steak served in 2015.

The SONA goes this way with the lead of our leader and president he stated that “We cannot move
forward if we allow the past to pull as back. Finger pointing is not the way. That’s why I will not waste precious
time dwelling on the sins of the past or blaming those who are perceived to be responsible for the mess that we
are suffering now”. People on the streets complaining that justice had become illusory; that the equity and
fairness and speedy disposition of cases had deteriorated into hollow concepts fit only for material dissertations.
It was still very bad indeed. The DILG ( Department of Interior and Local Government) is also directed to
strictly monitor how LGU’s (local government units) perform their supervision functions over the police and he
said that those found not performing well will be sanctioned including the loss of police deputation from the
NAPOLCOM. As he spit out “We will not stop until the last drug lord, the last financier and the last pusher
surrendered or are put either behind bars or below the ground they wish. President Duterte also said that they
will create an Inter- Agency Committee on Illegal Drugs that will integrate efforts and strengthen the
partnerships of all stakeholders. Mobilizing information against drug use and the dissemination of information
regarding drug rehabilitation programs being offered by the government is also included. ROTC Program will
be strengthening to instill love of our counry and good citizenship. Prioritizing the rehabilitation of drug users,
increasing the number of residential treatment and rehabilitation facilities in all regions of the country and
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will facilitate the preparations for the use of military camps and
facilities for drug rehabilitation; those are Duterte’s plans for cleaning up drugs in our country. Our president
stated “there can never be real, tangible and felt development without making our people feel secure. And is our
duty to uplift our people’s welfare. As he explained that his administration shall be sensitive to the State’s
obligations to promote, fulfill the rights of our citizens, especially the poor, the marginalized and the vulnerable,
and social justice shall be pursued, even as the rule of law shall prevail at all times. Abu Sayyaf the terrorist
group, with the full force of the AFP will be applied to crush these criminals who operate under the guise of
religious fervor. His advocacy also included strengthening our coordination with Indonesia and Malaysia to
suppress the kidnappings in the waters of our neighboring countries and having counter-terrorism programs by
amending various-laws on human terrorism, terrorism financing and cybercrime. “Human rights must work
uplift human dignity”. About for our global development Duterte stated that it shall also be our top priority, nut
upon a fair and acceptable equation. We must develop and cultivate partnerships with nations sharing common
interest and concerns in the Philippines; maintain and sustain bilateral and multilateral consolations and
dialogues. With regard to the West Philippine Sea, also known as (South) China Sea, At this moment he said
that he strongly affirms and respect the outcome of the case before the Permanent Court Of Arbitration as an
important contribution to the outgoing efforts to pursue a peaceful resolution and management of our disputes.

He also addressed about peace and respect to our community, Philippines shall remain committed to
working with our international partners in achieving lasting peace and progress in the country. “We will strive to
have a permanent and lasting peace before my term ends. That is my goal that is my wish” a quoted speech of
Mr. President that every individual and citizen wish. He also included to his SONA, extending the license of our
fellow men and also fixing the tax system. Filipinos must have sufficient income to meet the basic food and
non-food needs for their families, releasing more efficient job each year that are suitable for the poor and less
skilled members of the workforce had proclaimed. Education for our young was tackled and he will be also one
with the force of helping youth who are in need. As his SONA ends he thanks everyone who listens, who
comes and makes his SONA in the way he wants. He never make it too formal, the crowd go out smiling and
laughing that’s too obvious because President Duterte never make the SONA boring, this was his first SONA
and we’ll wait for the continuation of his advocacy for the betterment of our country.


President Duterte is one of the simplest people on the Government I admire in today’s generation
because of his advocacy and plans to make our country level up, the words he used to spit out are effectively
working right now. I red some article about him and I can say I am his fan now. Maybe he used foul words, but
as a citizen you have knowledge if you’re going to interact with it or just ignore it. As an individual and a youth
I am now open to know the things that are happening in our country. His plans about the drug users, financier
and pusher, as we can see they are flowing out of their box and the possibility that drugs today has lessen. He
just never focused on his prospect but he widens his eyes to see those who are in need especially the people
from the land of hopeless and need. He included those indigenous people and others to his advocacy and that’s
nice for me. Our countrymen are so much proud of him because of the plans he intended to do and I admit that I
am also one of them. Education is so important and I, as a student I say yes for his plan to have a drug testing
for us because as we can see teenagers now are the one who uphold drugs in our society. Opening a Job and
extension for drivers licensed, passports and other documents is a good idea though I’m not yet working I am
proud to have this plan. His ceremonial and his SONA, I adore it because instead they spend much money they
used to make it simple and save this for the next incoming projects. President Duterte never makes the crowd
sleepy instead he used Informal speech and be comfortable to his words. In other words it is not scripted.
There’s not much to say about his SONA and advocacies, looking forward for the improvement of his plans is
important and the thing is, we must watch and observed those agendas. “Change is coming” a phrase that
everyone’s waiting and today we can confirm that things are changing a lot. As time goes by I am hoping that it
would really ends with peaceful country and we can achieve the better changes. We can never pursue these
things if we are not going to work as one, so in order for us to feel country we wish to have we should help one
another, together with our President Duterte.

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