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Attention to all contestants and judges, please come inside the hall and take your seats. A briefing on
today’s Scrabble Competition will be given in any minute from now. Thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, and dearest participants. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and a very
good morning.

On behalf of the English Language Panel of Padang Lebar, I would like to thank you all for the support and
participating in the challenge. We are also delighted to welcome the presence of our contestants and
teachers. It has been an honour for us to be the starter host of the Scrabble Competition for Kuala Pilah’s

Please bear in mind; we hope that all the contestants can compete in a healthy manner. Try your level of
best to participate confidently. Without wasting any of time, I would like to ask for permission to start on the

For your information, there are 15 Schools altogether who participate in this year’s Scrabble competition.
The schools are:

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me read to you the some of the competition rules:

1. This competition is open to Year 4 to Year 6 pupils from goverment –aided school only.

2. Each team should comprise 2 main players and if possible, 1 reserve of different race/ ethnicity
from the same state they are representing.

3. Each team should be accompanied by an English Language teacher.

4. Each team is given 20 seconds to come out with a (minimum) correctly spelt 3-letter word in
English Language.

5. The team will begin their move when the time keeper rings the bell once. The team now has 10
seconds to make their move.

6. After 10 seconds, the time keeper will ring the bell twice to indicate that the move is now over.

7. ( If the team cannot place the tiles of a word on the board within the time allocated, they will
lose their turn).

8. The game is played until all tiles are used or until both teams cannot form a word (whichever comes

These are some of the rules for the competition. A more detailed explanation will be given by Puan our
District’s Technical Chief. Without further delay, let us welcome Puan Zarina to give the briefing regarding
the rules and regulations to all participants and judges.

Thank you Puan Zarina for the detailed briefing. Teachers and participants, as you know the representative
of each schools had drawn your respective turns for the match. Some of you might have known who you will
compete with, but if you have not, you can refer to the Bye Chart at the side of the hall. The match
sequence is based on the numbers that you have drawn during the registration. Without further ado, all
participants may take your seat and be ready for the match. Thank you.
1 Greeting and Assalamualaikum and a very good day ladies and gentlemen,

The ceremony would be starting shortly. Please take your seats.

Assalamualaikum and welcome to our guest of honour,
____________________________________________, representing
Encik Azmi bin Alias, Headmaster of SK Padang Lebar, Encik Shahrulzin
bin Ismail, the senior assistant of administration, Encik Ramlan bin Ruspan,
the senior assistant of students’ affair, and Puan Maznah binti Ibrahim, the
senior assistant of co-curricular.

Respectable teachers, participants of the 2017 Scrabble Competition for Kuala

Pilah’s District Level, and my fellow friends. We warmly welcome all guests to
the closing ceremony of 2017’s Scrabble Competition.
2 Doa Recitation Ladies and gentlemen, members of the hall,

Before we start our closing ceremony, let us recite a doa to pray for blessings for
this evening’s gathering. Therefore, I would like to invite Mr Ezmir Hamka bin
Bakri for the recital of Doa.

Amin...amin ya rabbal ‘alamin

Thank you Mr Ezmir Hamka for the Doa recitation.

Ladies and gentlemen members of the floor, allow us to entertain you with a
dance performance by Year 3 pupils of SK Padang Lebar.

Let us give out a round of applause for the cute performance. For your
information, these pupils practiced the dance within a short period. We hope that
all of you enjoyed the performance.
3 Speech from Ladies and gentlemen,
the Principal
Welcome to the closing ceremony of the 2017 Scrabble Competition for Kuala
Pilah’s District. Today, 15 teams from 15 different schools district wide had
gathered and competed in this scrabble competition and had amazed us with
their gifted talents in scrabble.

On behalf of the English Language Panel of Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang

Lebar, I would like to thank you all for the support and participations in the
challenge. We are also delighted to welcome the presence of our respected
district officer, contestants, teachers and supporters. It has been an honour for
us to be the first host of the Scrabble Competition for Kuala Pilah’s District.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to call upon our school’s
_____________________________________________, to give out his speech.

Thank you ___________________________ for your speech.

4 Speech from Ladies and gentlemen,
the guest of
honour For you information, this is our first time organising such an important event, and
not to mention, the first ever to be held at Kuala Pilah’s district level. Hence, it is
such a great pleasure and honour to have all of you here this year and hopefully
in the year after.

We are also very honoured to have with us here this evening, Encik Roslan
______________________________________________, to give us the closing
speech and officially close the 2017 Scrabble Competition for Kuala Pilah’s

Without further ado please welcome Encik Roslan bin

present us with the closing speech.

Thank you ____________________________________ for the beautiful and

inspiring closing speech.

5 Prize giving Now we have come to the moment that you all have been waiting for; the prize
ceremony giving ceremony!

Before I announce the winners, I would like to invite once again,

___________________________________ to accompany
___________________________________ to give out the tokens of
appreciation to our invited judges and most importantly, prizes and certificates to
all of the winners.

For the token of appreciaitions, let’s us welcome our judges for today.
1. _____________________________ from _________________
certificates, please give a round of applause to:
( refer to school name list and omit the winners)

Now, for the moment of truth!

In the fourth place with the total points of ___________ is SK
In the third place with the total points of _____________ is SK
In the second place with the total points of __________ is SK
And the champion of the 2017 Scrabble Competition for Kuala Pilah’s District,
with the total points of __________________ goes to

Thank you __________________________________ for giving out the prizes.

6 Closing Congratulations to the winning teams! And to the other teams, let’s try again our
best next year.

We have finally come to the end of our ceremony. It has been a great day with all
of you. Again, thank you all for your presence and participations. God bless and
good day to each and every one of you. Thank you and have a safe journey
home. See you again next year.

Thank you.

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