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Right and wrong- the scales to judge in life might be the

measures, but efforts are beyond this scale. Everything-but
things done for HIM & the Humanity can be judged
This is a meagre effort on my side-with the hope that it will
open up new horizons for you and make it easier to move
toward your goal. Hoping that it becomes an inspiration for
many great deeds
King Edward Medical University, Lahore
(Batch 2020)
Every step of life and every task how hard it might be-is
easy enough when a hand holding your innocence-has
taught you the way
This work of mine is dedicated to:
My Dear Father who instilled in me the spirit to serve
Humanity and taught me to tread the path of life
Thanks to my friends specially Qais Ul Malook &
Muhammad Ali for Encouragement.
about Biochemistry 1 professional (part I)

Prof is seen as a nightmare in medical student’s life. Especially when it

comes to study biochemistry, students even the finest minds among us
consider it an impossible subject. This is not something that is scary but
actually the problem is that the most of us do not pay attention to it.
Believe it or not but if you know this subject, then it will fascinate you
more than physiology and anatomy. By knowing does not mean to just
‘’rattify’’ some questions and equations; it means to build concepts. To
get a clear cut concept, the primary thing to do is to select your books.
Must read Book review section given below. You can collect ample
knowledge for your professional exams and viva if you primarily study
Below mentioned Books. We have given our full efforts to guide you
about every single point or topic about which you can be assessed. We
hope and desire that you will be benefited from it.

On a lighter note, just a few things you must apply on yourself before
preparing for biochemistry exams.

1. Always cover those topics first which are given in the outline and
then go for extra study if you want.
2. Always use your logical power to understand any point; time has
gone when it was asked like this- ‘’WRITE A NOTE ON ______”
3. Don’t mess up things; if some topic is confusing you then just
discuss it with your teacher or friend or just search for any tutorial
video on internet regarding that topic.
4. Make your time-table and time frame for every topic and try to
follow it as well.
5. Practice illustrations and remember key words of every topic.
6. Pay special attention to specific topics which are specifically
pointed out in your classes but do not forget to cover side topics
or small points; for in the end, everyone learn important stuff but
it’s the depth of your study that will take you one step ahead.
7. While attempting any PBQ in the exam, search for a catchy word
in the statement that will lead you to the conclusion.
8. Answer every question to the point and according to marks it
9. Don’t mess up with time; just make a quick sketch in your mind
that how much time should be given to every question.
10. In case you are lacking time and your paper is still left, then
try to attempt every question and just write important points and
complete your paper.
11. For viva, you need to search for your examiner’s catchy
questions and prepare them.
12. Prepare for every situation like it is said, ‘’HOPE FOR THE

We hope and pray that you will find these outlines best and




Book reviews
1.Harper: A solid book with lots of interesting things. Unfortunately, it’s
difficult for you. This book is just not worth the trouble. Most of the things
mentioned are outside the scope of our syllabus and the things that are
included aren’t even dealt with in adequate detail.
2.Lippincott Your life saver. Although this book does NOT contain all the
topics you’ll need to pass the prof, the topics included in it are dealt with in a
very satisfactory manner. The diagrams are very useful for quick summaries.
Best chapters? The ones on proteins, Enzymes, Hemoglobin metabolism,
3. U.Satyanarayana Perhaps the most user-friendly book in this list. Very
easy to read, very easy to remember. If you want to just pass with minimal
effort, doing this book alone should be enough. It has most of the chapters in
our syllabus.
4. MN Chaterjea Has a lot of informational on a lot of topics. VERY
DIFFICULT to read. A bit unreliable with respect to facts and figures. BUT it
does have a good MCQ section at the end of each chapter. Keep it in pdf. Can
sometimes be helpful but try to stay as far away as possible from this one.
5. Mushtaq The design of the book is meh. No colouration,no concept map I
consider it Prohibited

There are some others books i.e Lehninger,Marks but these are not required in
1st year

Note: Lippincott> Harper> U.S satyanarayana> MN Chatterjea> Hashmi

You must have following books according to my outlines

In hard copy form In soft copy form

1-Lippincott 4-MN Chaterjea
Biochemistry Guidance
1st professional (part I)

 1-Cell Biochemistry
 2-Water , pH and buffers
 3-Carbohydrates
 4-Amino acids and proteins
 5-Nucleotides and Nucleic ACIDS
 6-Lipids and fatty acids
 8-Porphyrins and Hemoproteins
 9-Vitamins and Minerals
 10-Nutrition
The Guidance outlines are according to syllabus of KEMU,FJMU,UHS,NMU
and all others medical colleges in Pakistan
1-Cell Biochemistry
%Content of Books
Guyton&Hall 80 % U.Satyanarayana 15% Harper 5%
Introduction to biochemistry: An overview of biochemistry and its significance in medicine
#Harper chap 1#
Biochemical composition and function of cell: organization and composition of eukaryotic
and prokaryotic cells(only biochemical aspects) #Guyton chap 2#
Cell membranes (biochemical composition)] #Guyton chap 2#
Membrane phenomena: transport of substances across the cell membrane via active
(primary and secondary active) Transport; diffusion (simple and facilitated ),and vesicle –
mediated transport (phagocytosis, endocytosis, and exocytosis) #Guyton chap 2#
Gibbs-Donnan equilibrium ,osmosis and osmotic pressure #Satya chap 40 page 713-715#
Membrane receptors and other biologically important regulatory and catalytic
membrane-bound proteins like G- proteins,adenlylyl cyclase ,phospholipase #Guyton
chap# 75 page#930
Basic methods to study cell Biochemistry: Centrifugation, ultracentrifugation
radioimmunoassay, ELISA ( enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay); chromatography;
electrophoresis, spectrophotometry, and pH metry) #Satya chap 41 page 719#

Prepaired and Edited By:

Kamran Khawaja
(KEMU Batch 2020)

Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©

2-Water , pH and buffers
%Content of Books
MN Chaterjea 50% Harper 30%
Guyton & Hall 15% Lippincott 5%
Ionization of water, weak acids and bases #From Harper#
pH and pH scale: Concept of pH and related topics ( determination of pH ), and
concept of pl ( isoelectric pH) #from Harper#
pKa value, dissociation constant(Ka), and titration curve of weak acids #from Harper#
Determination of pH of buffer: Handerson- Hasselbalch equation#(from
Harper)# and its applications ( derivation not required)#(From Lippincott
page 9)#
Body buffer systems (bicarbonate ,ammonia ,phosphate, and proteins) and their
mechanism of action #From Chatterjea page# 711
Acids produced in the Body #From Chatterjea page# 710
Role of lung and Kidney in maintenance of Acid base Balance #From Chatterjea page#
Anion Gap #From Guyton & Hall chap 31 page# 426
Acid base imbalance in body #Guyton&Hall page# 422 OR #From Chatterjea page#
717 + Table 41.1&41.2

Prepaired By:
Kamran Khawaja
(KEMU Batch 2020)

Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©

%Content of Books
Lippincott 40% MN Chaterjea 40% Harper 20%
Definition, Biochemical functions and classification of carbohydrates #Harper 152#
Structure and function of biologically important monosaccharaides and their important
derivatives #Harper 154-156# (Sugar acids ,sugar alcohols, sugar amines ,and
glycosides) #Harper + Hashmi page 55-57#

(Remember the names of drugs and examples given in Harper)

Isomerism in carbohydrates(types and description) #Harper 153 #

(Do read first from Lippincott & also read the contents written below fig. 7.6 in

Biologically important disaccharides, their properties and their biomedical importance.

#Harper 156-157 #
Oligosaccharides, their combination with other macromolecules and their
biomedical importance. #Chatterjea 35#
Homopolysaccharides of biologic significance and their structural and functional
characteristics. #Chatterjea 35-37 #
Structural and functional characteristics of heteropolysaccharides including detail of
proteoglycans, peptidoglycans. # Chatterjea 37 # Proteoglycans #Lippincott 158#

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs): Structure , classification . functions and distribution of

GAGs ; diseases associated with enzyme deficiencies of degradation of GAGs
(mucopolysaccharidoses- #Lippincott 163#+#Lippincott Fig 14.4
Hunter syndrome & Hurler syndrome) # Lippincott 164#

Overview of Glycoproteins #Lippincott 165# & Concept map #Lippincott 171#

Prepaired By:

Ramisa sarwar

(KEMU Batch 2020)

Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©

Do remember about the inversion phenomenon of sucrose

From above figure, remember sweetness value of sugars and different names of glucose

You should know the difference between D, L isomerism and d , l isomerism

Difference between lactose and lactulose

Lactulose is a synthetic derivative made of galactose and fructose. Not digested in
digestive tract. Osmolar laxative and used to treat constipation.

Derived carbohydrates…

Remember there are 32 isomers of glucose

Mutarotation values of sugars

Prepaired By:

Ramisa sarwar
(KEMU Batch 2020)
4-Amino acids and proteins
%Content of Books
U.Satyanarayana 35% Harper 35% Lippincott 30%
Biomedical importance#satya43# and classification (biologic function; nutritional
value; and overall shape of molecule) of proteins #Satya page 63#
Structure, functions and properties of amino acids. #Satya page 44#
Classification of standard (proteinogenic) amino acids (based upon side chain
structure, polarity of side chain, nutritional, and metabolic end-products),
biologically important non –standard (non-proteinogenic) amino acids and
their principal functions.#Harper che 3+ Satya page 45-52(only those topics
whichare not in Harper)#
Dissociation and titration of amino acids ;determination of pl of amino acids with
two and three dissociable group; importance of amino acids in the maintenance
of pH ;and mechanism of buffering action of proteins.#Satya+harper table 3-1#
Structural organization of proteins: Detail of four orders of proteins
structure ( primary, secondary ,tertiary, and quaternary); denaturation of
proteins; and proteins misfolding ( amyloidosis and prion disease)
#Lippincott chap 2#
Important techniques for separation of proteins ( electrophoresis,
isoelectric focusing, chromatography ,filtration ,centrifugation ,and dialysis)
#Harper chap4+Satya page 719(only those techniques which are not in
Immunoglobulin’s; their types; structure and biomedical significance #Satya page
186+Harper table52-8,52-9#
Plasma proteins (viz, prealbumin, albumin ,haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, alpha 1-
anti-trypsin; alpha 2- macroglobulin and transferrin) and their principal biologic
function along with their significances. Alpha fetoprotein and clinically important
acute phase proteins ( alpha 1- acid glycoprotein, C –reactive protein).#Satya chap
9 page182(can be done from Harper)#
Glycoproteins: components of glycoproteins ( overview of linkages between proteins
and carbohydrates ,N- and O – linked oligosaccharides).#Lippincott page 165(only its
Collagen: types and structure of collagen: biosynthesis & degradation of
Collagenopathies (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) and Osteogenesis imperfecta
(Ol)#Lippincott chap 4(Review above mentioned diseases from Harper also, page
Elastin: Structural characteristics of elastins; role of alpha 1-antitrypsin in
elastin degradation#(Lippincott chap 4)# major biochemical differences
between collagen and Elastin#(Harper Table 50-5)#; Genetic disorders
associated with elastin like William-Beuren syndrome ,Supravalvular aortic
stenosis ,pulmonary emphysema, and aging of the skin#(Harper chap 50
Fibrillin-1 as a protein of microfibrills; Marfan syndrome; fibronectin and its role
in cell adhesion and migration;laminin as a protein component of renal
and other basal laminas. #(Harper chap 50 page 632-634)#
Prepared by:
Kamran Khawaja
(KEMU Batch 2020)

Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©

5-Nucleotides and Nucleic ACIDS
%Content of Books
MN Chaterjea 100%
(Nucleotides and nucleic acids are best written in Chatterjea, so 1 priorty is from this
book. Can also be done from Dr. Naqshab’s slides(best prepared) link given below
Chemistry of purines and pyrimidine’s; types and structure #Chatterjea chap
Structure and functions of nucleotides and nucleosides(EXCLUDING metabolism of
nucleotides) #Chatterjea chap 14#
Nature and synthetic derivatives of purines and pyrimidines and their biomedical
role. #Chatterjea chap 14#
Structure, function and types of nucleic acids(EXCLUDING metabolism #Chatterjea
chap 16 (part 1)
Dr. Naqshab’s Slides Link:!a1gjAJiZ!howLIxBxAqYsGFtWgUABd-SfJRljMviMVpTx88KNNIE

Prepaired by:
(KEMU Batch ‘2020)
Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©
6-Lipids and fatty acids
%Content of Books
Lippincott 60% U.Satyanarayana 25%
Harper 5 % External source 10%
Classification of lipids and their general biological functions. #Satya chap3
Fatty acids: definition; nomenclature; classification; chemical and physical properties
;isomerism in fatty acids #from Satya chap#3
role of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in health and disease ;role of trans fatty
acids ( trans-fats) in coronary heart disease; omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and the
importance of their dietary use. #From Lippincott page 360-364#
Nutritionally essential fatty acids and their functions.
#From Harper table 21-1&21-2#
Eicosanoids and their biologic function along with
their significance in health and disease. #From Lippincott page
-end+17.23 figure(imp.)#
Physical and chemical properties of fats and oils
(tricyglycerols);saponification ,iodine number ,and acid number of fats;
rancidity of fats .#from Satya#
Structure and biologic function & significance of phospholipids, glycolipids,
sulfolipids and gangliosides.#From
Lippincott chapter 17 page 201#
Cholesterol(constituent structural components)( lippincott page
219), properties and biological role. #from Satya chap3#
Lipid peroxidation and its significance. #From Harper page 219#
Bile acids,bile salts and lipoproteins from Lippincott page 224(also quick
review from pics given below)
Prepared by:
(KEMU Batch 2020)
Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©
%Content of Books
Lippincott 55% U.Satyanarayana 40% Hashmi 5%
Introduction SATYA Page #85
Classification and nomenclature of enzymes LIPPINCOTT Page # 53
Definitions of enzymes and lU of enzymes activity HASHMI Page 112
Enzymes Commission Classification of enzymes along with main subclasses LIPPINCOTT +
HASHMI Page # 113+Enzymes slides
Properties of enzymes LIPPINCOTT Page #54
Chemical nature, active site, catalytic efficiency, specificity, proenzymes, and kinetic
properties LIPPINCOTT Page #54
Coenzymes and cofactor: Coenzymes derived from various vitamins along with the examples
of enzymes requiring these coenzymes ; and metal cofactors. SATYA Page # 97
Isozymes and their clinical significance SATYA Page #109
Allosteric enzymes and their biological significance SATYA Page # 100
Factors affecting enzymes activity LIPPINCOTT Page # 56
Types of enzyme inhibitors and their biomedical importance: Effects of competitive, non-
competitive and uncompetitive inhibitors on enzymes activity, effect of competitive and
non – competitive inhibition on Lineweaver-Burke plot LIPPINCOTT Page # 60+ SATYA Page
# 92
Mechanism of enzyme action and kinetics of enzyme activity(Michaelis-Menten and
–Burke equations Without derivation) LIPPINCOTT Page # 58
Regulation of enzyme activity ( covalent modification, allosteric regulation and regulation
by gene induction ,repression & de-repression of enzyme synthesis) LIPPINCOTT Page #
Therapeutic use of enzymes and diagnostic application of determination of enzyme activities
of certain enzymes in plasma in hepatic ,muscle ,prostatic, pancreatic ,bone and cardiac
diseases SATYA Page # 106
Prepaired by:

Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©

8-Porphyrins and Hemoproteins
%Content of Book
Lippincott 95% Harper 5%
(Almost all topics from Lippincott)
Chemistry and biosynthesis of heme and other porphyrins including disorders of
heme biosynthesis( porphyrias) #Lippincott chap 21 page 277-285#
Important hemoproteins found in body along with their principal
biologic function; structure and function of hemoglobin and
myoglobin , and types of hemoglobin ,hemoglobin A1C.#Lippincott
chap 3 page25#
Oxygen binding capacity of hemoglobin ,factors affecting and
regulating the oxygen-binding capacity of
haemoglobin.Methaemoglobin (metHb)
andmethaemoglobinemia.#Lippincott chap 3#

Bilirubin Metabolism: Degradation of heme ,synthesis, hepatic uptake,

conjugation,and excretion of bilirubin and fate of bilirubin in
intestine.#Lippincott chap 21#
Hyperbillirubinemias: Causes of hyperbillirubinemias along with the acquired and
congenital disorders leading to jaundice kernicterus.#Lippincott chap 3#
Hemoglobinopathies: Sickle cell anemia (biochemical cause and its clinical
manifestations), haemoglobin C disease, haemoglobin SC disease and
thalassemias. #Lippincott chap3#
Also clinicals from Harper chap 31 page 332
Prepaired by:
(Batch 2020)
Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©
9-Vitamins and Minerals
%Content of Books
U.Satyanarayana 90% MN Chaterjea 6%
Harper 2% Lippincott 2%
General features of vitamins as essential nutrients #Harper page# 546+Satya chap 7
page# 116
Classification of vitamins according to their physic- chemical nature and biochemical
functions #Lippincott page# 373 Fig 28.1 Satya chap 7 page# 117
Important dietary sources and recommended dietary allowances of vitamins. #Satya
chap 7 #
Intestinal absorption , transport and storage of vitamins. #Satya chap 7#
Mechanism of action of vitamins and their biochemical function in body. #Satya chap
Disorders associated with vitamin deficiency and hypervitaminoses. #Satya chap 7#
Minerals ( sodium, potassium ,chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and
sulfur)and trace elements (iron, zinc, selenium, iodine, copper, chromium,
manganese, cadmium and fluoride) in human nutrition and their sources,
absorption , transport, storage, and biochemical functions along with their
recommended dietary allowances(RDA) #Satya chap 18#
Classification of minerals according to their functions Harper page# 562 Table 44-6
Some topics which are to be done from other Than Satya
B-Carotene as antioxidant and anticancer #chatterjea page 167#
Vitamin A—Retinoic acid role in cell differentiation and therapeutic uses
#chatterjea page# 167
Vitamin E--- Role of vitamin E&C as Antioxidant #Harper page# 554 Fig 44-6 +
chatterjea page# 171
Vitamin C--- Detection of Deficiency in Man #chatterjea page# 177
Vitamin B1—Indication of vitamin B1 deficiency #chatterjea page# 178+179
Vitamin B2--- Demonstration of deficiency #chatterjea page# 180
Folic Acid ---- FIGLU Test –Given below
For Quick Review of Vitamins #Lippincott page# 392 Fig 28.29
15 g of Histidine monohydrochloride is Given orally.The urine is taken
after 3-7 hours and preserved with acetic acid.It is then subjected to
electrophoresis for FIGLU(Foraminoglutamic Acid. Normally---No FIGLU
In Folic acid deficiency—more than 2mg per hour is excreted and spot on
electrophoresis is seen
FIGLU is intermediate of catabolism of Histidine. If Folic acid is Present,
FIGLU is converted into 5-foramino THFA
If folic acid is Absent,so FIGLU cannot be metabolized and excreted in urine
Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©
Prepaired By:
Kamran Khawaja
(KEMU Batch 2020)
%Content of Books
Lippincott 60% U.Satyanarayana 35% MN Chaterjea 5%
Energy metabolism :Caloric value of food ,Specific dynamic action (SDA) of food,respiratory
quotient ,metabolic rate(determination and factors affecting metabolic rate),basal metabolic
rate(BMR) (measurement,calculation ,and factors affecting BMR) # Satya chap 23 page # 503-
Balanced diet #Satya page # 514#
Proteins in nutrition: Obligatory nitrogen loss, nitrogen balance, nutritionally essential amino
acids and their role in body growth and nitrogen equilibrium, determination of comparative
nutritional efficiency and quality of dietary protein, recommended dietary allowance of
protein, protein energy malnutrition (kwashiorkor and marasmus). #Lippincott page # 366#
Fats and lipids in nutrition: Fats as a source of energy, role of saturated and unsaturated fats in health
and disease, effect of dietary intake of trans fats on health, and nutritionally essential fatty acids.
#Lippincott page #360#
Carbohydrates in human nutrition: Protein sparing effect of carbohydrates, dietary
carbohydrates and blood glucose along with the detail of glycemic index #Satya page # 507
dietary fibers (types and biomedical importance). #Lippincott page # 364
Calculation of caloric requirement of a person and nutritional requirements in pregnancy,
lactation, infancy, and old age #Chatterjea page # 769-771#(Given below)
Obesity and food additives (artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers #Lippincott chap 26 page
Prepaired By:
Kamran Khawaja
(KEMU Batch 2020)

Copyrights KK Study Guide 2017 ©

I tried my best to make these outlines out of best available sources. My only
purpose is to serve GOD by serving Humanity. Don’t forget to share these
If you have any suggestion so Don’t Hesitate to send your suggestion
Send your feedback and suggestions at following Email:
No one can achieve success does so without acknowledging the help of others
The wise and confident acknowledge this help with Gratitude
(KEMU Batch ’20)

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