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Angelica B.


BEED 3-20


I. Objectives

a. Enumerate the steps in making the Time Activity Plan

b. Value the importance of Time Activity Plan

c. Make a To do List on their own.

II. Subject Matter

HELE 1- Home Economics and Livelihood Education

III. Materials

Visuals, Technology and Home Economics pg. 44

IV. Procedure

A. Before the Discussion

Ask the student if what task are assign to them at their Home.

B. During the Discussion

Introduce the steps in making the Time Activity Plan

1. List all the activities to be included in the plan by means of To Do List

2. Decide how much time is to be given for each activity.
3. Determine the order of each activity to be done.
4. Decide who will do the different task.
5. Evaluate the Time Activity Plan

C. After the Discussion

Let the students made a to do list on their own about their activities in school.
D. Generalization

A time activity plan is considered successful when individual and family goals are
attained without wasting available time and energy resources and causing unnecessary

E. Evaluation

Get one - half crosswise sheet of paper and answer each question.

1-3. What are the three groups considered in doing To Do List.

4-8. Enumerate the steps in making the Time Activity Plan

9-10. Give importance in doing the Time Activity Plan.

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