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Melanie Rose B.

International Political Economy
February 25, 2018
Sir. Jumel G. Estrañero

Government vs. Society, Enforcers vs. Civilians:

The Battle of AFP’s Law and NPA’s Belief

A rebellion fires up as the New People’s Army (NPA) continuoulsy recruits new members to join
their fight. An article entitled “Military braces for heightened NPA recruitment” published last December
7, 2017 by Dampsey Reyes in the Manila Times shows the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ (AFP)
determination to reverse the situation from NPA’s teaching of belligerence to initiating dialogues of peace
and order. Both sides are doing massive efforts to induce their ideology among students to be on their
side. Violence was evident in instilling who is right and wrong. The aforementioned article shows the
aggresiveness of the NPA which makes the readers think that they are the culprit. However, scrutinizing
the fact that lies behind those acts, one cannot easily identify who should be favored. Are we for the AFP’s
law or the NPA’s belief?

People’s thoughts are drawn by what they perceive from their outlets of information, may it be
journals, articles, news, and other related works. That is why, if people tend to look for data regarding the
NPA, they’ll find out an act of insurgency was indeed present. Opposing the country’s government as they
resist to abide with the law. Their communist ideology to become a Maoist regime leads to their unity and
government’s struggle. Believing that cultural revolution are essential, NPA used firearms to show their
contradiction to the law. Attacks are now seen specially in the remote areas in Mindanao between the
military and the rebels were both sides are damaged property economically and killed people instantly.

As threat and violence becomes the core of the conflict, non-armed civilians are affected through
joining the rebellion or refusing to be one. NPA recruits minorities which are documented like the “Batang
Mandirigma...Victim of New People’s Army Recruitment” (Corpuz, 2015), wherein they stated their
dismayal in joining the group. Another was a testimony from Marife Benusa in a YouTube video “NPA
Rebel Returnee Testimony” (UNTV Web, 2013). She confessed how brutal and rotten the system is inside
the said group. Ascertaining these events, NPA are really engaging in terrorist activities which is a potent
threat to national security. Therefore, the incumbent president of the Philippines; President Duterte
declares Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), and NPA as terrorist organizations in an article
published by Inquirer (Ballaran, 2017). This made an international view of belligerency in the International
Human Law (IHL). Although IHL cannot denounce who is the guilty one, as long as many lives had lost and
a warfare that go against the standard of humanitarian, they will continuously seek to limit the suffering
caused (ICRC, 2010).

These act of insurgencies had a great impact on the society at hand. Security as well as political
economy is at risk. A rally that was conducted by CPP-NPA-NDFP to celebrate their 48th anniversary
published last March 26, 2017 by GMA News which only caused traffic for the commuters. Having these
can manipulate someone’s thoughts about the government’s customs and laws creating doubt and
speculations. This can generally change the matrix of politics in a country which will be defined on how
they act upon this kind of situation. But then again, are we for the AFP’s law or the NPA’s belief?

Government is designed to protect the general welfare of its citizens. On the other hand, NPA
sees theirselves as the protectors of the powerless in a society that favors the rich (Jazeera, 2009). A
contradictory argument that caused so much trouble not just for the Filipinos, but also for other countries
having the same situation of government vs. society, enforcers vs. civilians. Fighting for ideologies because
their country’s law go against their belief. The problem is, fight goes beyond its fist-to-fist meaning that
leads to severe violence. Filipinos cannot deny that the quality of security service is insufficient for many
parts of the Philippines, the way police act are also questionable. Because of such, they tend to lose their
trust to them. That is why, when the citizens are against a certain law, they will be provoked if they will
be treated mischivously by the law enforcers which results to an uprising. Just like what happens during
the Marcos’ regime which is believed to be the start of these rebellious groups.

As a citizen of this country, the way we think as an individual matters because it will shaped the
communal views. We might be thinking for the government (AFP) who wears a mask and fight against its
citizens for political reasons or NPA as garbage of the community. However, many still lacks knowledge
regarding these issues which creates a bigger problem. The Philippines is a democratic country, excercising
freedom without taking responsibility. Lives are lost not because of sickness or seneority, but because of
gun shots in war and attacks. Having the ideology of ‘winner’ or ‘loser’ in the fight between AFP and NPA
is as silly as it looks like. People should change their concept on viewing who should be favored more.
After all, no one wins at all because both sides are in the category of defeat affecting the politics and
economics of the country.

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