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Work sheet about averages

1- The mean weight of a group of five boys is 56 kg.

a) Work out the total weight of these five boys.
When a sixth boy joins the group the mean weight is 58 kg.
b) Work out the weight of the sixth boy.
2- 8 men and 5 women work in an office. The mean weekly wage of the men is
£338 the mean weekly wage of the women is £289 Work out the mean weekly
wage of all 13 workers.
3- The table shows the results of rolling a
dice 10 times.
a) Find the median score.
b) Work out the mean score.



6- The mean height of the 15 boys in a class is 162 cm and the mean height of the
10 girls is 152 cm. Work out the mean height of the 25 pupils.
7- The marks of five candidates in an examination were 76, 84, 72, 84 and 59.
Find the mode, median and mean.

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