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Sprint Zero
Customer Independent
Iteration review Tracker

Iteration Team size: +-7

Iteration Tester
Roles (5) Sprint size: 2 days to
retrospective Valueable
User stories 4 weeks
INVEST Concepts
Stand up Ceremonies (4) Estimatable
meeeting Sprint started doesn´t change
Concepts 5W1H
Spike Small
Product Owner
1. Planning game 7. Pair programming Scrum
Scrum Master
8. Collective code
2. Small releases Roles (3)
Dev Team
3. System Metaphor
9. Continuous Integration PMI-ACP Limited
Principles (12) Artifacts (3)
4. Simple Design 10. Sustainable Pace PBL
11. Whole team Cumulative Flow
5. TDD
Diagram (CFD) SBL

12. Coding Std CycleTime = t2-t1 Burndown

6. Refactoring

1. Satisfy customer 7. Working SW is progress

delivering continuous (benefit-cost)/cost 1. Eliminate waste Emotional Intelligence
value Lean
8. Keep a sustainable pace
2. Amplify learning
2. Changes are welcome NPV
9. Technical excellence is agility IRR Agile Coach
Agile ROI 3. Decide as late as possible
3. Deliver frequently Servant Leader
10. Keep it short and simple Active Listening
Principles abstract 4. Empower the team
4. Developers and business Feasibility Adaptative Leader
work together 11. Best work comes 5. Deliver as fast as possible
from auto-organizable Conflict resolution
General 6. Build integrity in
5. Trust environment
5. World war
Prob Levels
12. Retrospect how Manifesto Risk Mgmt 7. See the whole
6. Communication to improve the work
face to face Burn UP 4. Fight or flight
1. Problem to solve
Size of loss (days)
1. Individuals and interactions 2. Working software How much 3. Competition
over over was completed 2. Disagreement
processes and tools comprehensive documentation Exposure

4. Responding to change
3. Customer collaboration Uncertanty cone
over following a plan Estimations
contract negotiation

Story Points
1. Strategy 4. Release
Relative comparison
Levels 5. Iteration
2. Portfolio
Planning Poker

3. Product 6. Day

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