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NAME: ROLL NO: TIME:1H DATE:20-02-2018

1. Annual rain fall in deserts is less than 25-50 cm 10-20 cm 15-25 cm 20-40 cm

2. Fresh water ecosystem covers less than 7% 5% 3% 1%

3. Which one is Tall grass: Andropogon Panicum Both a & b Stipa

4. The rate of primary production is about Desert Tundra Tropical Temperate

700-1500 g/m2 grassland grassland
5. Macaca mulatta is commonly known as: Rhesus Aquatic Apes gorilla
monkey snakes
6. Littoral vertebrates include: Frogs Aquatic Turtles All a, b, c
7. Grasslands present in temperate climates Prairies Pampas Plain Lowland
are also called:
8. Layering is the characteristic of: Grassland Tundra Desert Savanna

9. Northern coniferous forests are also called Tundra Taiga Savanna None

10. Stipa, Sporobolus, Oryzopsis are called: Tall grasses Short Mid high Super
grasses grasses grasses
11. Which of the biomes has been increased Savanna Grassland Desert Coniferous
in area by human activities?
12. The soil or terrestrial ecosystem have Supporting Retention of Temperature Nutrients
some adaptations for animals and plants: tissues food

SECTION II (14 x 2=28)

1. Differentiate b/w weather and climate? 2. Define hydrospheric ecosystem. 3. Define plankton.
Name its types. 4. Compare littoral, limnetic and profundal zone of fresh water lake. 5. How many
biomes are present in the world? Name any five of them. 6. Differentiate b/w Alpine and Boreal
forests. 7. Differentiate b/w Prairies & Savanna. 8. Explain desertification. 9. Describe human impact
on temperate deciduous forests. 10. Give main features of aquatic ecosystem. 11. Name some
grassland of Pakistan. 12. Define productivity of an ecosystem. 13. What is layering in ecosystem?
14. Describe the fauna and flora of tundra. 15. What is the importance of Sahel? 16. What is
lithospheric ecosystem? 17. Differentiate between Thar and Thal. 18. Write important characters of
grassland ecosystem. 19. Write the division of terrestrial ecosystem. 20. Write factors influencing life
on land.

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