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TAHUN AJARAN 20017 – 2018

Jl. Mukti Praja Mulyojati 16 B Tlp. (0725) 45752 Kota Metro,
email : blog:

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : XI (Sebelas)
Hari / Tanggal : Rabu / 6 Desember 2017
Alokasi Waktu : 90 menit
1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja
3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban
4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

A. Choose the Right Answer Below ! 6. “Suddenly, he took his sickle …..”(paragraph 2,
sentence 5). The word suddenly has the same
Read the text and answer questions 1 to 7.
meaning with the word ………………
Once there was a husband and his wife who had a a. usually d. angrily
baby. They had a dog named Bony. It was a very smart b. quietly e. hungrily
dog and faithful to them. The dog used to take care of c. Quickly
the baby while were working in the rice field.
One afternoon, while working in the field, they heard 7. Why was the husband shocked?
Bony barking. It was running toward them. It’s mouth Because ………………
smeared with blood. The husband shocked and thought a. He thought that the dog hurt killed his baby
that it had killed their baby. Suddenly he took his sickle b. he was sick
and threw it to the dog. It hit the dog’s had and the dog c. he saw a snake
head and the dog fell down and died. d. he saw a dog died
Hurriedly they got home and saw the baby sleeping. e. his wife fell down
When the husband looked around in the baby’s room,
Choose the best answer questions 8 to 11.
he found a big snake lying on the floor. It was dead and
blood spilled everywhere. It seemed the dog had killed 8. A : “What kind of the narrative is it?”
the snake and the killed his faithful dog. B : “It is……….”
a. romance d. mystery
1. Who was Bony? Bonny was ………. b. adventure e. Folktale
a. the husband’s name d. the dog’s name c. science fiction
b. the wife’s name e. the snake’s name
c. the bay’s name 9. I ………….. to the mall last week
a. went d. goes
2. Why was the dog running toward the couple? b. goe.hav e. gone
a. because it afraid of snake c. gone
b. because it was hurt
c. because the dog wanted some foods. 10. Lisa : Do you mind turning on the fan for me ?
d. because the dog wanted to tell that something Mita : …………………..
dangerous almosthappened in their home. a. no, thank you d. not at all
e. because a snake wanted to catch it. b. yes, I do e. yes, please
c. l’d love to
3. …… finally killed by the husband.
a. the baby d. the dog 11. Dicky : may I can to your house at 7 tonight ?
b. the snake e. the couple Anne : ….. I will be going somewhere with my
c. the wife friend at that time.
a. yes, that’s all right d. not at all
4. The snake was killed by ………………… b. yes, indeed e. why not
a. the dog d. the child c. l’m afraid not
b. the husband e. the baby
Read the text and answer questions 12 to 15.
c. the wife
Tuesday evening
5. Was the baby hurt by the dog? March 8, 2008
a. yes, it is d. no was not Dear Olga,
b. yes, it was e. no, it doesn’t It is a (12) ….. to read your letter and to know about
c. no, it did the music program at your university. I’ll be (13) ….. to
go with you. My bus (14) ….. be at your school at 4
o’clock on Saturday. If you don’t mind, I’d like you

(15) ….. me at the bus station. See you on Saturday. 24. ‘When do you want to have the parcels ……… to
Maritha you hosue ?’
‘It’s better tomorrow morning’
12. a. happy d. pleasure a. deliver d. delivering
b. regret e. pleased b. to deliver e. be delivered
c. nice c. delivered
Read the text and answer questions 25 to 30.
13. a. sad d. happily
b. sorry e. worried One evening last week my and I were sitting quietly
c. happy at home. Suddenly we heard a loud bang. I supposed
that the old lady in the flat above ours was moving the
14. a. can d. must furniture about. My wife was afraid that the noise would
b. will e. may wake the baby. She turned down the TV and moment
c. should latter we heard someone calling for help.
I run upstairs. The old lady’s door was shut but I
15. a. met d. meeting could see smoke coming through the letter box and
b. meet e. to meet under the door and smell something burning.” Ring the
c. meets fire brigade .” I should down to my wife.
I banged on the door but the old lady took a long
Choose the best answer questions 16 to 24.
time answer. I was turning over in my mind the idea of
16. I ……… a fantastic film at the cinema last week. breaking the door down when she finally appeared.
a. saw d. See “I was having a bath,” she said,” when the water
b. seeing e. seen heater in the kitchen blew up. And I was getting dressed
c. seed when you knocked.
I took her down stairs to our flat. Smoke was pouring
17. …. you met your friend last Sunday? out of the kitchen and the heater was in flames. Just then
a. Did d. Are I heard a fire engine arriving outside and the heavy
b. Do e. Were footsteps of the firemen on the stairs.” It’s in here,” I
c. Does shouted,” You turned up promptly, I must say.”
When I got back to our flat, my wife was making the
18. I listen to everything .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. he saids old lady a cup of tea, Soon afterwards, the fire chief
a. Which d. whos came in to ask a few questions. It turned out that the fire
b. who e. why was not very serious and the firemen were already
c. whom putting it out. When they left, my wife went up with the
old lady to help her clean up the mess.
19. this semester I had to buy fifteen books, most of When she returned, my wife remarked : “It’s all right
…. english now. Nothing was damaged except the water heater. But
a. which is d. whom is wasn’t it lucky that baby slept through the noise ?’
b. which are e. whom are She took the teacups into the kitchen and I heard
c. whom were her scream and the cups crash to the floor. When I got
there, water dripping from the ceiling and forming a pool
20. the company hired ten new employees, some of.... on the floor. The baby woke up at least and began to cry.
a. which is d. whom is 25. What is the story about ?
b. which are e. whom are a. A disastrous accident
c. whom were b. A confused old lady
c. A fire brigade in action
21. My sister, Siska has all her dresses made because d. A surprising evening
….… e. A small accident in the kitchen
a. she likes sewing
b. she is a dress maker 26. The writer suspected that something was wrong
c. she cannot sew at all when…
d. she doesn’t have a good dressmaker a. there was a loud noise
e. she can’t offord to pay dress-maker b. there was a cry for help
22. This area is not suitable for farming because the c. his wife was afraid of the noise
soil is not …… d. furniture was being moved about
a. fertile d. fertilizer e. he saw smoke coming through his letter-box
b. fertilize e. fertilization
c. fertility 27. Which of the following statement is true ?
a. the old lady hurried to the door when yhe writer
23. ‘May I go shopping with my friends, mom ?’ knocked
‘No, you ……. stay in bed until you recover. b. the noise in the old lady’s flat didn’t disturb the
a. can d. could baby
b. may e. must c. the writer kicked the door open to save the old
c. might lady’s life

d. there was great damage in the flat ofter the fire
e. the old lady immediately called the fire brigade

28. ‘Turning over in my mind in paragraph 3 means .…

a. chancing d. considering
b. repeating e. supposing
c. reminding

29. After reading the whole story, we know that …

a. the old lady was good at house cleaning
b. the baby was startled by the some of the fire
c. the fire occurred because the old lady had been
d. the old lady always enjoyed having tea with the
writer’s wife
e. the fire had caused a leak in the ceiling of the
writer’s kitchen

30. Which of the following statement is not true ?

a. the baby woke up a long while after the fire
b. the writer and his wife were at home watching
TV that night
c. the fire engine didn’t arrive as quickly as the
writer had thought
d. the writer’s wife was so startled that the cups
fell from her hends
e. the writer’s wife didn’t expect to see a pool of
water in her kitchen

B. Answer The questions below !

Questions 1 – 3 based on the following monologue

As a man passing several elephants, he suddently
stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creature
were being held by only small ropes tied to their front
legs. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the
elephants could, at anytime, break away from their
bonds but for several reasons, they did not.He saw a
trainer nearby and asked why the elephants didn’t
attempt to get away.
‘Well,’the trainer said,’when they are very young and
much smaller, we use the same size rope to tie them
and, at the age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow
up, they are conditionedto believe they cannot break
away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they
never try to break free.
The mas was amazed. These animals could at
anytime break free from their bonds. They believed
they couldn’t, so they were stuck right where they were.

1. What happened to the elephants ?

2. Why couldn’t the elephants break themselves
3. What is the moral value of the story ?

C. Combine the sentences using elliptical

constractions ( using so, too, either ,neither )
1. -) They came to our house.
-) My uncle comes to our house.

2. -) She is drinking my juice.

-) My brother and sister have drunk my juice

*** Good Luck ***

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