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Name: Katrine Joy Dancil Azuelo

Course & Section: AB Foreign Service 302

Subject: International Political Economy
Date: 25 February 2018
Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero

The Ceaseless Problem of Insurgency in the Philippines

The Philippines has been facing the problem of insurgency throughout its history. Insurgency,
according to Isagani Cruz is the initial stage of belligerency directed by military authorities and usually not
recognized. The word insurgent came from the Latin word insurgent, meaning ‘arising’. It refers to a
citizens’ violent attempt in opposing a government. Insurgency must be distinguished from belligerency.
The latter is actually more serious and widespread than the former. Moreover, it is under a civil
government in which there are existing rules regarding their recognition. “Everything must have a
beginning.” As aforementioned, Philippines had experienced the problem of insurgency dates ago.
Records stated that the start of this problem can be traced back to 1940’s when the Hukbalahap rebellion
arose. The existence of this rebel group evolved and became the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP)
and the New People’s Army (NPA).

Insurgency threatens a lot of areas, economic, politics, national security, and such. What is it really
that insurgents want? Why are they doing such rebellious actions towards the government? What do they
believe in? The answers may vary depending on the ideology of a particular insurgent group. As to
Philippines having the CPP and NPA, these revolutionary organizations are guided by the ideologies, to
wit, communism and the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. They believe that the only way to overthrow the
existing “oppressive” government is through armed revolution. These ideologies are taken by them as
they operate through the years. They do believe that these ideologies are the best in terms of addressing
their cries and wants. For them, this will justify the activities that they execute. Moreover, CPP was
established by Jose Maria Sison during 1968 which seeks to establish a government led by the working
class and free from US interference. CPP isn’t unrelated to NPA at all, since NPA is actually its armed wing
and the collector of revolutionary taxes, or the funds which it uses to operate. CPP-NPA’s armed struggle
is the longest-running communist insurgency. Peace negotiations between the government and the
revolutionists have been attempted since the late Aquino’s administration, however it seems as if nothing
happens, there’s no progress at all. As we remember, late 2017, President Duterte decided to conclude
the end of the peace talks with the communist insurgents. The reason is that the rebels were seen as
insincere in engaging with the peace negotiations. Moreover, last December 2017, President Duterte
declared the CPP-NPP as a terrorist group. As to this issue, I really agree with what the President did. They
were nothing different from those called terrorists. They already inflicted too much damages and loss in
our society. The attacks they committed are enough to call them such. Despite of the efforts, time, and
money the government wasted on them, they still have the guts to execute atrocities. It’s like they are
wearing this mask every time they claim their acts as tactical offensives. Since they are declared as
terrorists, are they considered as belligerents in their status quo? According to the International Law, for
one to be recognized as a belligerent, the following must be considered: (1) There must be an organized
civil government directing the rebel forces. (2) The rebels must occupy a substantial portion of the
territory of the state. (3) The conflict between the legitimate government and the rebels must be serious,
making the outcome uncertain, and lastly (4) The rebels must be willing and able to observe the laws of
war. Since these factors aren’t considered as of the present time, the communist rebels are still not fitted
to be considered such. However, if they level up or continue on inflicting atrocities, it is not impossible for
them to be called as belligerents.

Communism and activism are two ideologies which are factors in the rise of insurgents, and this
has something to do with the political economy of a state. For example, in the Philippines, these two
ideologies are present and existing within the throbbing CPP-NPA. The government considers this fact;
thus they consider their existence when it comes to the making of laws. These ideologies are one of the
very reasons as to why the CPP-NPA operates and this is what they are fighting for. The acts which they
are committing in order to fight for these ideologies affects our economy, governance, customs, and even
trade which comprises the scope of political economy.

Thus, the Philippines have been facing this problem of insurgency since the beginning of its time.
This is one of the results of the contesting ideologies adopted by different people. It shows that even
though we are in the same time and place, there will still be different perspectives and ways as to how
each of us will understand. Philippines is fragmented, geographically and ideally. The presence of
insurgency is one of the factors which averts our development. It causes so much losses especially in terms
of economy. Every time attacks happen, properties are destroyed and of course, the government will be
producing money from legally collected taxes to renovate those properties. While the communist rebels
are just extracting money illegally from innocent people. Conspiracies exist saying there are some
government officials who support and fund these rebels. It’s not far from being possible. Another
implication of the insurgency in the Philippine economy is that businesses may be hesitant to invest since
they aren’t sure of their safety. These businesses are susceptible from the attention of the insurgents
since they exploit revolutionary taxes from them. Although the government has taken a lot of efforts
against this problem, NPA doubles its effort on recruiting members, especially on the youth. One of the
effective recruiters of the NPA is said to be the abusive PNP. One reason as to why rebels hate the
government because the government seems to be hateful. At some point, this argument has some point.

Insurgencies are not easy to eradicate since it is ripened from years of existence. It will remain as
a challenge to our government until in the future. Still, we should exert more effort because the future
lies here. Some recommendations are to wit, (1) “The youth is the hope of our future.” Said Dr. Jose Rizal
thus, the government should exert more effort in shaping the minds of the students. They should conduct
seminars or community activities in which the youth will be more aware of the existence of insurgencies,
whereas the youth will be more active in the combatting of the problem. (2) The government should
address the issue of poverty. “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” Since these people are
hungry, they must eat. But if these poverty-stricken people cannot have something, they will then turn
into “desperate measures”. Rebels actually recruit members from these people just by promising small
amount of money. The government must make them realize that there’s nothing promising from a 500-
peso bill. (3) One area which needs to be addressed is inequality. The government must try harder to
become sensitive when it comes to differences. (4) The insurgents must be sincere enough in terms of
negotiating with the government. Although we have our own beliefs, and we have a stand for our beliefs,
we must also consider that we are one state, one nation. (5) Lastly, Filipino citizens must also take part
with this. Not everything should be blamed to the government. We are the ones who makes the
government able. If we do not cooperate, nothing will get better. Philippine development will remain

 Cruz, I. A. (2003). International law. Quezon City, Philippines: Central Lawbook Pub. Co.
 Insurgency definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25,
2018, from
 The Insurgency Still Tearing Apart the Philippines - A ... (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2018, from
 Communist Party of the Philippines - Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2018, from
 New Peoples Army - Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2018, from
 FAST FACTS: The CPP-NPA-NDF and the Oslo talks - Rappler. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2018,
 Duterte formally ends peace talks with communists - Rappler. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25,
2018, from
 DOJ: Court declaration of CPP-NPA as terror orgs will ... (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2018, from

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