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1. User see the data as Relations [ Tables ] in RDBMS.

Where as the user need

to know the datastructures and the methods to access them in DBMS. Both
store the data required but how the user perceive the data matters
2. Every rdbms is a of a standard there is a criteria for any prog. lang.
to become rdbms. this is defined in codds 12 rules. this all together if
satisfied then any prog lang can be said to be a rdbms. but in practice we
come across many examples where a prog lang is not rdbms but still provide
relational database very often. ex foxpro is not rdbms because it does not
satisfy one of the codds 12 rule i.e. of defining a foreign key. in foxpro you
cannot define a foreign key. but since it has tables in it and can provide
relations we can term foxpro as pseudo rdbms(partial rdbms)..........
3. DBMS is the Database Engine itself like MySql Server
RDBMS is the GUI (Graphical user interface) for any Database Engine
which used in CRUD (Create, read, update and delete) like PHPmyAdmin

4. A DBMS becomes an RDBMS when the data contained in its tables are
related to one another by referential integrity rules. DBMS - Database
Management System RDBMS - Relational Database Management System
5. The main advantage of an RDBMS is that it checks for referential integrity
6. DBMS is a ordinary system to maintain the data, whereas RDBMS is the
specific type, which follows the concepts of set theory i.e entity etc. In
DBMS there is no concept of PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY but it is
included in RDBMS. DBMS contains only flat data whereas in RDBMS
there will be some relation between the entities
7. DBMS : Data Base Management System is a process of managing data for
efficient retrivel & storage of data. Ex: sysbase , Foxpro
8. RDBMS : The database which is used by relations(tables) to acquire
information retrival are known as RDBMS EX: SQL, ORACLE,MY-
SQLSERVER DBMS : Data Base Management System ..... for storage of
data and efficient retrieval of data. Eg: Foxpro
9. A DBMS has to be persistent (it should be accessible when the program
created the data donot exist or even the application that created the data
10.DBMS has to provide some uniform methods independent of a specific
application for accessing the information that is stored.
11.DBMS does not impose any constraints or security with regard to data
manipulation. It is user or the programmer responsibility to ensure the ACID
PROPERTY of the database
12.In DBMS Normalization process will not be present RDBMS: Relational
Data Base Management System .....the database which is used by
relations(tables) to acquire information retrieval Eg: oracle, SQL..,
13.RDBMS is based on relational model, in which data is represented in the
form of relations, with enforced relationships between the tables.
14.RDBMS defines the integrity constraint for the purpose of holding ACID
15.In RDBMS, normalization process will be present to check the database
table consistency
16. RDBMS helps in recovery of the database in case of loss of database due
to system failure or any other reason

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