Business Process Description Overview: User Manual

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User Manual – FI03

Title: Invoice Verification

Module Name Accounts Payable


Business Process Description Overview

Invoice verification against purchase order is covered in this course, the verification
process is based on purchase order and vendor’s invoice is accepted in the system.
This course covers all procurement made against purchase order whether such
procurement for goods, service & Capital goods.

Acceptance of invoice creating the liability for vendor to be paid in the books of

This Course covers the invoice verification, Display Purchase order, Display Goods
Receipt, Credit Memo & Cancelation of Vendor Invoices.

Input - Required Fields Field Value / Comments

Invoice Date. Vendor’s Invoice Date
Posting Date Enter the Invoice posting date
Amount. Enter Invoice Amount
Calculate Tax. System automatically calculate the amount of Tax on
the basis of condition type
Purchase Oder No. Enter the purchase order no.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

1.1. Invoice Verification against Purchase Order

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Logistics

Invoice Verification  Document Entry  MIRO -
Enter Invoice

Via Transaction Code MIRO

Enter the Input Data in the above mentioned field with the help of below mentioned

Field Name Description R\O\D Values

Company Code Enter the Company R 2101

Click on the Enter button to confirm your entries and continue.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Enter the Input Data in the above mentioned field with the help of below mentioned

Field Name Description R\O\D Values

Invoice Date. Enter Vendor’s R 10.07.2010
Invoice date
Posting Date Enter the Invoice O System
posting date automatically fills
the current date but
it can be change.
Amount Enter the Invoice R Rs. 49,855.60
Calculate Tax To calculate the R Check the Box
amount of Tax on the
basis of condition

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Tax Code Select the condition R Select the same

code from drop down code which is shown
option in the PO or left
blank in the case of
PO contain multiple
Tax code.
Purchase order No Enter the created R Enter the PO
purchase order no. created 4200000482

You need to enter a purchase order that corresponds with this invoice. Click Purchase
order/scheduling agreement Button . For
Example: PO NO. 4200000482.

Click on the Enter button to confirm your entries and continue.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Click Simulate Button .

To post the vendor invoice, click Post Button .

The message bar displays “Document no. 5105600233 created”.

The system task is complete.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

1.2 Display Invoice Document.

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Logistics

Invoice Verification  Further Processing MIR4 –
Display Invoice Document

Via Transaction Code MIR4

Enter the Input Data in the above mentioned field with the help of below mentioned

Field Name Description R\O\D Values

Invoice Document The Invoice R 5105600233
No. document No created
Fiscal Year Enter the fiscal year O 2010

Click on the Enter button to confirm your entries and continue.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Then click on button to display accounting document no. which

is generated at the time of MIRO

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Double Click on the Accounting Document to display FI Document.

Click on the Exit button or press Shift+F3 to return to the SAP Easy Access

The system task is complete.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

1.3 Display Purchase order.

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing

Purchase order Create ME23N– Display
Purchase Order

Via Transaction Code ME23N

Click on the button to enter the Purchase order number.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Enter the Input Data in the above mentioned field with the help of below mentioned

Field Name Description R\O\D Values

PO Enter the purchase R 4200000482
order no.

Then system displays the Purchase Order.

The system task is complete.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

1.3 Display Goods Receipt.

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Purchasing

Purchase order Follow on Functions MIGO –
Goods Receipt

Via Transaction Code MIGO

Then click on the

button to
display the Goods Received.

Enter the Input Data in the above mentioned field with the help of below mentioned

Field Name Description R\O\D Values

Select the Option Enter the Material R 5000001046
from drop down- Document No. to
Display display.

Click on the Enter button to confirm your entries and continue.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Then system displays the material Document.

The system task is complete.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

1.4 Display Service Entry Sheet.

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Service Entry

Sheet ML81N- Maintain.

Via Transaction Code ML81N

Then Click Button to view the Service Entry Sheet.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Enter the Input Data in the above mentioned field with the help of below mentioned

Field Name Description R\O\D Values

Purchase Order Enter Purchase Entry R 4200000482
Entry Sheet Entry Service Sheet O 5000000611

Click on the Enter button to confirm your entries and continue.

Then, system displays the Service Entry Sheet.

The system task is complete.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

1.5 Enter MIRO ‘Subsequent Credit’.

A vendor made a mistake regarding the quantity to be invoiced and you asked for a
credit memo for material as well as service. Now you received a credit memo and you
need to post it.

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Logistics

Invoice Verification  Document Entry  MIRO -
Enter Invoice

Via Transaction Code MIRO

Then Click on the Button, select the

credit memo.

You need to enter a purchase order that corresponds with this invoice. Click Purchase
order/scheduling agreement Button . For
Example: PO NO. 4200000482.

Click on the Enter button to confirm your entries and continue.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Enter the Input Data in the above mentioned field with the help of below mentioned

Field Name Description R\O\D Values

Invoice Date. Enter Vendor’s R 10.07.2010
Invoice date
Posting Date Enter the Invoice O System
posting date automatically fill the
current date but it
can be change later
Amount Enter the Invoice R Rs. 11250.60
Calculate Tax To calculate the R Check the Box
amount of Tax on the
basis of condition
Enter the Amount in The Amount of R Rs. 5000.00 in both
Line Item Subsequent Credit to line items for
Vendor subsequent Credit
to vendor i.e.
Rs.5000 for Material
& Rs. 5000 for

Click on the Enter button to confirm your entries and continue.

Click Simulate Button .

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

To post the vendor Subsequent Credit, click Post Button .

The message bar displays “Document no. XXXXXXXXXXX created”.

The system task is complete.

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

1.6 Cancel Invoice Document.

Via Menus Logistics  Materials Management  Logistics

Invoice Verification  Further Processing MR8M-
Cancel Invoice document

Via Transaction Code MR8M

Enter the Input Data in the above mentioned field with the help of below mentioned

Field Name Description R\O\D Values

Invoice Document The Invoice R 5105600233
No. document No created
Fiscal Year Enter the fiscal year O 2010
Reversal Reason Enter the Reason for R Select the option
Reversal from drop Down
option i.e. “01”

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User Manual – FI03
Title: Invoice Verification
Module Name Accounts Payable

Reversal in current

Click on the button to display the document.

Click the Invoice Document option in the menu bar & select the Reverse option.

Then System reverse the Document

Message bar display message

The system task is complete.

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