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Lecture 6 Group Velocity

 Phase velocity is the rate of advance of constant phase

Group Velocity, Poynting and  Phase velocity can exceed velocity of light in vacuum,
Polarisation  BUT phase velocity really only applies to infinite (time
and space) monochromatic (sine) waves
 These do not exist - or if they do, are boring!!

Propagation of Pulses Representation

 Consider a gaussian pulse in time of width t - ie a sine  Any superposition of sine waves can be represented as
wave multiplied by a gaussian  E(t,z) = Int[ E0(7) exp i(k(7) z - 7t ), d7]
 By Fourier transforms we can show that this can be  If the integrand is non-zero about a range of
resolved into a superposition of sine waves, width 2/ t frequencies around 70 only
 In frequency space this is a delta function convolved with  Change variable to 7 = 7- 70
a Gaussian  k(7) = k(70) + dk/d7|70 7 (Taylor expansion)
Time Space Frequency Space  E(t,z) = exp i(k(70) z - 70t )
Int[ E0(7) exp -i 7 (t - dk/d7|70 z) d7]
 First term is a carrier wave, propagating at the phase
 Second term is the modulation (information) traveling at
the group velocity d7/dk|70
 d7/dk = c / n(7) / ( 1 + (7/n) dn/d7 )
 The group velocity should be smaller than the speed of
Group Velocity in Plasmas MEs in Linear, Isotropic Medium
 n2 = 1 - 7p2 / 72  Div[ E ] = '/
 If we assume that 7p < 7, then n is real and < 1  Div[ H ] = 0
 The phase velocity is c/n which is > c  Curl[ E ] = - /t ( µ H )
 It is left as an exercise for the reader to show that....  Curl[ H ] = /t (  E ) + J
 The group velocity is cn which is < c   = 0 ( 1 + 3e )
 This is not a general formula - it only applies to  µ = µ0 ( 1 + 3m )
plasmas  Notice that J has not been replaced with the
 The group velocity is the velocity at which information conductivity
can propagate
 There is no information in a monochromatic plane

Poynting Vectors Poynting and Plane Waves

 Start with Div[E x H] = H . Curl[E] - E . Curl[H]  S=ExH
(general vector relationship)  Let’s take time averages
 Div[E x H] = - H . /t ( µ H ) - E . /t (  E ) - E . J  <S> = < Re(E) x Re(H)> = ½ Re ( E x H* )
 Div[S] + /t ( ½ µ H2 + ½  E2 ) + E . J = 0  But H* = (/µ) k x E*
 Where S = E x H  So <S> = ½ (/µ) |E0|2 k
 The last term is a Joule heating term  The Poynting vector points in the direction of energy
 The second term is the rate of change of energy in the flow - the DOP in this case
magnetic and electrostatic fields  The magnitude is proportional to |E0|2
 The first term can be interpreted as the energy flow
with the Poynting vector pointing in the direction of
energy flow
 Since S = E x H these form a right-handed set as
expected from plane wave consideration
The General (Ugly) Case The Force of a Plane Wave
 Div[E x H*] - i7(µ H.H* + * E.E*) + E.J* = 0  A plane EM wave passes through a conducting region
 Real part of this equation as the power equation  A current J appears because of the electric field acting
 Power dissipated if the real part of 2nd term <> 0 on the electrons
 Only true if µ,  are complex (imaginary <> 0)  A force F appears because of the interaction of the
 Joule Heating occurs through the real part of E.J* moving electrons with the magnetic field
 If J = )E, then the real part of ) counts  F = J x µH (per unit volume)
 Lossless medium has real µ,  and imaginary or zero )  But we can substitute from Mes
 F = (Curl[H] - /t (E) ) x µH
 After some substitution (it is left as an exercise..)
 F = -µH x Curl[H] - E x Curl[E] - µ/t (ExH)
 Third term is zero in steady state
 In plane wave only Ex, Hy <> 0 and /x, /y=0
 H x Curl[H] -> ½ /z (Hy2) k
 Fz = -½ /z (µHy2 + Ex2) = -U/z
 Force per unit volume = rate of decay of energy in
waves with distance

The Pressure of the Wave The Pressure of the Wave

 Force per unit volume is also the rate of change of  Pressure p = |S |/c
pressure with distance (eg hydrostatic equation)  In the general case this needs integrating over direction
 Therefore the pressure p is equal to the energy density to account for solid angles - but we are ignoring that
U and using plane waves
 U = ½ (µHy2 + Ex2) for the plane wave  Pressure is force/unit area
 Force is rate of change of momentum p
 p/t = A P = A(1/c) |S|
 For a plane wave momentum/unit area is the energy in
the beam/unit area divided by the speed of light
 Photon energy = $7
 Photon momentum = $7/c = $k
 In vector terms photon momentum = $k
 Total energy in the beam = N $7
Polarisation Some Common Polarisations
 If light is a vector wave with an electric field and a  0, m% - total electric vector is a straight line at an angle
magnetic field orthogonal to one another given by tan-1 (Ey/Ex) - linearly polarised
 Then we can resolve any single wave propagating along  (2m+1)%/2 and Ey = Ex - circularly polarised
the z axis into two parts with electric vectors along the x  Anything else - elliptically polarised light
and y axes respectively - Ex and Ey  All described by the locus of the vector
 BUT it is possible that these are not in phase -there is a  Excos7t x + Eycos(7t+ ) y
specific phase difference between the two waves  Or in complex notation
 Restrictions... Ex exp i7t x + Eyexp i(7t+ ) y -> Ex x + Eyexp i y
 Not just any pair of fields will do
 MUST have same frequency (exactly) and a defined
phase relationship between then
 OBSERVABLE features can have many frequencies BUT
must have a defined phase relationship which applies for
all frequencies
 OBSERVABLE is formed of many sub-parts each of
which is of a single frequency and defined phase

Some Common Polarisations But You Can Only Measure Energy

 OK so we must characterise things in terms of energy

 so = Eox2 + Eoy2 = s0
= Total energy
 s1 = Eox2 - Eoy2 = s0 sin23cos25
= Difference in energy
 s2 = 2 Eox Eoy cos(- ) = s0 sin23sin25

 s3 = 2 Eox Eoy sin(- ) = s0 cos23

 Stokes Parameters - after Lord Stokes of course!

Poincaré Sphere The Real World
 s02 = s12 + s22 + s32  See a sum of lots of little “wavelets” (except lasers!)
 The angles 23 and 2 5 form the latitude and longitude  Stokes parameters are energy-like quantities and can
on the sphere be added up for the sum of a set of “wavelets”
 All polarisations of a single beam are points on the  s0 = <Eox2> + <Eoy2> = s0
surfaces of the sphere  s1 = <Eox2> - <Eoy2> = s0 <sin23cos25>
 Eg poles are circular polarisation  s2 = 2 <Eox Eoy cos(- )> = s0 <sin23sin25>
 Eg equator is linear polarisation  s3 = 2 <Eox Eoy sin(- )> = s0 <cos23>

Natural Light Radiometric Units

 “Natural” light does not follow the restrictions on  Defined by history - not by logic!!
frequency and phase as previous discussion  Energy is the fundamental unit (J)
 “Natural” light considered as random superposition of  Power is energy per unit time (W)
“wavelets” of random phasing  Power per unit solid angle
 s02  s12 + s22 + s32  “Pointance” - W sr-1 - intensity
 For light from a thermal source  Power per unit area
 s0 <> 0, s1 = s2 = s3 = 0  “areance” - W m-2 - ??????
 For white light from a linear polariser  Power per unit area per unit solid angle
 s0 = ±s1 <> 0, s2 = s3 = 0  “sterance” - W m-2 sr-1 - radiance
Depends Upon Your Point of View
 For sources interested in...
 Total power (W)
 Power into a solid angle (Wsr-1)
 For receivers interested in....
 Total power per unit area (Wm-2)
 Power per unit area per unit solid angle

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