Case One

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1. When I heard Porsches, I thought that this car is the one of remarkable sport cars. Porsche is not

only high performance car but high prices as well. As we know that this Germany car, the most

prestigious automobile, it is basically sport car that couldn’t be driven everyday and everyplace.

Because it is only to be driven on special occasion like racing and special track which has best

quality such as rally circuit. It is not every people know well how to drive it which means that

only a few people understand how to drive it. Porsche is rally car that was my perception about

Porsche. Porsche succeed to recognize customer perception about its brand. It is also succeed to

segment their costumer whether based on income, age or social class.

2. Porsche embedded the core’s three elements on its brand by conducting everyday magic

campaign. In according to David Pryor, , vice president of marketing of

Porsche Cars North America said that The magic of Porsche is how thoroughly the cars

transform your everyday, routine driving and It’s not only about the weekend joyride. It’s the

only car in the world that combines true sports car exhilaration and the drivability for daily use.

This campaign brings this fact to life, painting a bigger picture of the real Porsche value

proposition, in some cases through the words and images of owners themselves.

Thus, within everyday magic campaign, Porsche inputs outstanding engineering,

tradition, and versatility. On that campaign, Porsche shows that how the sophisticated technology

utilized. In addition, it shows off with several ability of Porsche perhaps cannot be conducted by

any other sport cars.

3. Definitely it was. Everyday magic campaign conducted by Porsche succeed to reposition its

brand from sport car into everyday vehicle. Reposition means that change customer perception

about Porsche. In other word, Porsche change the old image and identity. It used to know as
sport car but now transform into car which can drive anytime. Porsche 911 makes their customer


4. Two segments of campaign. There are middle class and upper class. Both of class describe in

everyday magic campaign in order to make it clearly reposition.

5. Below is the print ads for the “everyday magic” campaign show
The first ads are persuasive parents purchase a Porsche car to fetch their children and you can

ignite the same passion in future enthusiasts Porsche. These second ads persuasive people use the

Porsche car as a pickup truck. These ads are most unrealistic because people will not use the

Porsche cars which expensive car as a pickup truck. The thirds ads are persuasive people to get

Porsche car so you can drive to everywhere with the high speed.

6. Porsche determines the achievement of campaign objective by looking around their sales. If sales

increase, means that the goal of campaign achieved and if there is something wrong with sales, it

means that campaign is not effective.


1. The principle of the perception to the three insight

a. People’s reactions to bad smells are stronger than their reactions to nice ones

This insight concerns with sensory input which existed sensation, stimulus and sensory

receptors. P&G stimulates their consumer, called that stimulus, with any fragrances sensation

in order to establish costumer perception about Febreze by presenting ‘a welcoming home”

b. What we smell can be more important than what we see

This insight referred to Expectation and Motivation of costumer. “when judging if a home is

“welcoming” a messy looking home can still be clean, but a smelly home can never be

clean”. In other words, ‘a welcoming home’ gives impression cleanliness and tidiness. That is

the expectation of customer when they used Febreze. Thus, people usually see what they

expect to see and what they expect to see is usually based on familiarity, previous

experience, or a set of expectations.

In terms of motivation, mostly people are well-organized and make sure of everything is tidy

and clean. P&G realized it. A sense of comfortable which raised welcoming home can

motivate customer to consume Febreze and make it as a need. Therefore people tend to

perceive the things they need or want; the stronger the need, the greater the tendency to

ignore unrelated stimuli in the environment.

c. Smelling is believing

The last insight is related to stereotyping which is a few trigger is first impression. First

impression tend to be lasting, as illustrated by the saying that “You will never have a second

chance to make a first impression”. If customer believes in smelling reflected to tidiness and

cleanliness, it is become lasting perception of customer. Because they feel comfort and

“home welcomed them” by smelling a fresh scent.

2. Yes there are. Repositioning is the process by which a company strategically changes the distinct

image and identity that its products or brand occupies in consumers mind. Of course P&G has

objectives aimed to reposition Febreze as it said on first objective is Restore faith in Febreze’s

odor-eliminating capabilities in a way consumers will remember. It purposes to appeal consumer

and recall Febreze’s image in consumer’s mind.

3. P&G can determine whether the campaign’s objectives have been achieved or not by finding the

output of consumer. The output is like some feedbacks related to what P&G campaigned. For

instance, P&G wants to know how the effective objective can reposition Febreze. The feedback

can reach by communicating with consumer such as spreading questionare and interview. Other

way to know the campaign can achieve P&G’s goal is look around the amounts sales and

revenue. If the revenue increase after conducting campaign, it means that the campaign’s

objective have been achieved.

4. In terms of persuasive effectiveness, it is as examiner of convincing consumer like advertising.

The most widely used advertising appeals are comparative, fear, humor, sex and timeliness.

Firstly, comparative advantage. The wide use of comparative advertising indicates that marketers

confident that comparative ads exert positive effect on brand attitudes, purchase intentions and

actual purchases. Secondly fear. Strong fear appeals concerning a highly relevant topic (such as

cigarette smoking) cause the individual to experience cognitive dissonance, which is resolved

either by rejecting the practice or by rejecting the unwelcome information. Thirdly humorous

appeals. Many marketers use humorous appeals in the belief that humor will increase the

acceptance and persuasiveness of their advertising communication. Fourthly, Sexual appeals.

Advertisers have been provoking attention with nudity and sex promotional messages often

include a lot of explicit and daring sexual imagery, extending far beyond the traditional product

categories of fashion and fragrance into such categories as shampoo, beer, cars and travel services

among many others. Lastly timeliness.

5. P&G segments their consumer by age with range 25 to 65 years old moms who wants constant

assurance that their homes are clean and fresh. According to Schiffman, bases for segmentation

consisted of Demographic, psychographics product benefit sought and product usage-related

factors. Demographic segmentation divides consumers according to age, gender, ethnicity,

income and wealth, occupation, marital status, house hold type and size and geographical

location. In this case, P&G segments their consumer by age. P&G also clusters consumer by

gender. Because Febreze is also for Mom who wants constant assurance that their homes are

clean and fresh. The reason why P&G choose only mom is usually took care all of twenty four

seven daily care at home.


1. The big idea is Lifebouy Superfast Handwash: 99.9% germ protection in just 10 seconds- because

children are always in a hurry, especially when it comes to hand-washing. This big idea is related

to Attitude-toward-the-Ad Model. According to Schiffman, it proposes that the feelings

consumers form when they see and hear

ads significantly impact their attitudes

towards the brands advertised. As we

can at the right side, the one of ads of

lifebuoys, described that a boy when

was washing his hands by utilizing

Lifebouys Superfast Handwash. There is the remining times that foam color changed into green.

It means that germ have been killed in 10 seconds.

2. Unilever did not want to make the same mistake as before of just using facts and figures to

position its product. Rather than going in with just the claim (what good is a faster handwash

anyway?), the company looked extensively for consumer angle to frame the “faster kill” claim. It

was while observing children’s habits that the company hit a gold mine!

3. Unilever conducts quantitative and qualitative research to develop the positioning claim for

lifebuoys. Quantitative research is aimed to understand the acceptance of various products or

specific brands, as well as the impact of promotional message on consumer. Unilever applie

quantitative research among consumers after the communication had run for at least a month to

measure recall of messaging. Qualitative research is the result of understanding that consumers

are not rational decision makers who objectively evaluate the goods and services available to

them and select those that give them the highest utility (satisfaction) at the lowest cost. Unilever

implement qualitative research through interview their consumers deeply. According to

Schiffman, qualitative research can implement by focus group, discussion guides, projective

techniques and online focus group.

4. If we separate these two words of Lifebuoy can be Life and Buoy. Life means the livelihood that

can describe existence, age, a long lasting live, subsistence and zest. Meanwhile buoy seems like

jacket and protector from any other predator. So, does the name Lifebuoys convey the product’s

core benefit effectively? The answer is yes. Because lifebuoys is a brand that provide personal

care such as soap, shampoo, hand wash and liquid body wash. We know that all of the product

line can protect our body starting from head up to toe from attacking germ and any other predator.

5. Personally, I don’t agree if Unilever should combine the “more germ” and “faster kill” claims

into positioning Lifebuoy. It is much better to Unilever produce one more germ and one faster

kill. Because based on Brand management insight, There is Brand architecture that structure the

company about their brand in order to extent market coverage. So that, it could be reduced risk of

failed product in market. Thus produce one more germ and one faster kill are better compared to

combining one of them.

6. Antibacterial handwash category can compete with other. Its might be happened for instance

Dettol is hygiene product manufactured by Reckitt Benckiser. Dettol can compete with Lifebuoy.

Dettol is more clinical tested than Lifebuoy and also by endorsing third-party sources like

nutritionist, medical specialist and any other medical expert.


1. How would this promotion help achieve any of the company’s objectives?

The one of its objectives is increasing interaction, acceptance, and sharing between

consumers. In terms of making consumer to be close with company, the company needs some

channels and media to make it realize. In the “finger tips world”, every people can accept

everything from all over the world. World is in on their hand. Through technology, company can

be close with consumer. For instance, social media is a channel which always accessed by

consumer on and on. Consumer and company can be interconnected whether sharing or

complaining. It is beneficial to help company more close with consumers.

The promotion basically utilized the packaging to communicate the innovation, creating

an engaging, self-executing promotion that could live on its own — inventive and ingenious, just

like the cruisers. This CANHOLE program can’t be done individually so the cruisers must be

inviting their friends and it becomes a self-executing promotion. The word-of-mouth works the

best and of course, it doesn’t need any budget to do so.

2. The company makes a virtual CANHOLE game in which the cruisers could play Keith Stone or

Sasquatch online. Once they played a few times, they quickly found it was pretty tough to beat

Keith or Sasquatch. So the company offered special codes on all 24-oz single- serve cans of

Keystone Light that allowed them to advance through the game and have a fighting chance

against the brand characters.

3. The program delivered on the brand objective actually increased brand awareness and

engagement. Keystone light gained many fans and new consumers because of this program. Not

to mention it became the most engaging MillerCoors brand on facebook. Many consumers also

play the online game of Canhole, so the Keystone Light’s new brand character (keith Stone)

becomes more well-known.

4. Canhole can do a partnership with Jack Link’s Beef Jerky which has the integrated brand equities

and personalities with KeystoneLight. Both brand can do a partnership and offer a package (like

coupon) to the consumer. Because as we know, there is no way the cruisers would just drink

many cans if beers without eating snack. That’s why Jack Link’s Beef jerky would be a perfect

match for keystone Light.

5. Three personality traits of the cruiser:

a. Energetic

The cruisers like to get together with more friends ad do activities which involve

food, party, and sports. When the cruisers get together with their friends, they

should become energetic.

b. Immature

The cruisers like spending time with friends, telling jokes, and not acting his age.

They also like having fun and refuse to do something complicated. The

simplicity is the key.

c. Loyal

The cruisers value the relationship with their friends and they like male-bonding

stuff which make them become a loyal friend. If they can be a loyal friend, it’s

not impossible for them to become loyal customer as well, which is a huge

advantage for the company.

6. …………………………………………………………………..

7. Three segments that are likely to include a large number of cruisers:

a. Young and Rustic

It’s composed of young, restless singles. They tend to be lower income, high

school educated and living in tiny-apartment in the nation’s exurban towns. Their

lifestyle centered on sports, cars, and dating.

b. Suburban Pioneers

A mix of young singles, recently divorced and single parents who has tight


c. Bedrock America

It consists of young, economically challenged families in small town.


1. Psychological factors that played a role in designing the paper airplane competition among

children are to establish patience. In folding paper to become airplane is quite difficult if children

don’t focus. Likewise to make it symmetrical and is it can fly smoothly or not? This competition

can make children be more innovative and they will be a solver problem if let say this crease will

cause paper airplane can’t be flew. Socio-cultural and communication factors, in July 2011, more

than 50% of the museum’s visitors were over 60 years of age and passionate fans of aerospace

history and it had to attract a new generation in order to give the museum a robust future. Every

competition can be brought in many visitors from other countries. It means that visitors can

intermingle and learn each other. They will interact and sharing about their own culture.


3. The building and launch of the world’s largest airplane was a one-time event. How can it be the

basis for further and more extensive media exposure for the museum?

The one and only answer is to make communication effectively. On that launch-day, we can

invite all of media that can expose and shoot all kinds of that event in order to make it booming

so that every people can watch it. Likewise, during the event, we can use internet especially

social media to spread and spam any information related to this event starting from set event

poster as profile picture on social media and etc.

4. How would you measure whether or not the museum has achieved its objectives?

Museum objectives:

- To put Pima “on the map.” Pima is world class destination literally hidden in a desert. In

order to increase attendance, the museum had to get media exposure beyond Tucson

- To shift audience demographics by attracting younger visitors. Ideally, young parents

between 25 and 50 years old

The easy way to measure these objectives has been achieved or not is survey and research. By

asking the visitors and calculate some data. Qualitative and quantitative research might be

measured is these objectives achieved or not?

5. Assuming that the museum attracted new visitors, how can it retain them and make them visit


The museum can satisfy visitor first time when they visited. If visitor satisfied with what the

museum provides, they become a loyal to that museum. Museum also tries to realize what the

visitors expect about Pima. Satisfaction, loyalty, first impression, don’t make visitors upset are

the best way to make them visit again and again.

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