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Judy Duchan's History of Speech - Language Pathology

A History of Speech - Language

Nineteenth Century

Granville Stanley Hall

Browse History
History Overview

Ancient History Granville Stanley Hall obtained his bachelors' (1867)

Introduction and masters' degrees (1870) at Williams College. He
Mesopotamia attended Union Theological Seminary and, in 1868 to
1871 studied in Bonn, Berlin and Heidelberg. In 1872
Rome Hall he became a teacher of English literature and
Summary philosophy at Antioch College. From there in 1876, he
References moved to Harvard, where he was an instructor of
Key players
Middle Ages
Hall then returned to Europe and studied with Wilhelm
Greek East Wundt in Leipzig Germany, just at the time Wundt was
Latin West developing his revolutionary experiments and
Arabic Mideast theorizing that was to serve as fundamental to the
emergence of the field of psychology. Hall returned to
Key players the US and received his Ph.D. in physiology at Harvard
in 1878, where he studied with William James. In 1881
Early Modern became a professor of psychology and pedagogy at
Introduction Johns Hopkins University. It was at Johns Hopkins in
1882 that he was awarded $1000 to establish a
Rhetoric, Oratory
Disability psychology laboratory, considered by some to the first
Education/Therapy of its kind in America. He was a professor of
psychology and pedagogics at Johns Hopkins from
Key Players 1883 to 1888. In 1888 he assumed the presidency
Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts and
Enlightenment/ remained in that position until his retirement in 1920
18th Century
Introduction Hall was an organization man. He saw the need for
Medicine founding journals and organizations for the newly
Rhetoric, Oratory emerging field of psychology. He founded and edited
Education/Therapy the American Journal of Psychology(1887) and the
Summary Journal of Religious Psychology (1904), and helped to
References found Journal of Applied Psychology (1917). He also
Key Players
founded the Child Study Association of America in 1888
and became the first president of the American
19th Century Psychological Association in 1889.
Elocution Among Hall's best known contributions to the
Science psychology literature were his studies in the field of
developmental psychology, with a specialty in
20th Century adolescent development. He is also well remembered
for his sponsoring a trip of Freud to Clark University in

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Judy Duchan's History of Speech - Language Pathology

Introduction 1909.
Hall was a supporter and contributor to the ideology of
1975-2000 Social Darwinism as manifested in the eugenics
Summary movement in American in the late 19th and early 20th
References centuries. He believed in a distinction between "higher"
Key players
and "lower" human races (Hall, 1903) and that
Related Topics "Negroes" represented an early stage of human
Foremothers development (Hall, 1906). In the area of education,
John Thelwall Hall became know for his distinction between tow kinds
Biographies of schools, the scholicentric, where the teachers
Canadian History
Therapy Stories controlled the curriculum, and the pedocentric where
Speech-Language the curriculum was child centered (Hall, 1883).
Hall also had a significant impact on the development
of American psychology through the successes of his
students. They included Arnold Gesell, James McKeen
Cattell, Lewis Madison Terman, Henry Herbert Goddard
and John Dewey. Two of Hall's students went on to
become leaders in the emerging field of speech
science/pathology: Edward Conradi and John Madison

A few of the many writings of G. Stanley

Hall, arranged chronologically

Hall, G. S. (1878). The muscular perception of space.

Mind, 3, 433-450.
Hall, G. S. (1883). The contents of children's minds.
The Princeton Review, 11, 249-272.
Hall, G. S. (1893). The contents of children's minds on
entering school. NY: E. L. Kellogg.
Hall, G. S. (1893). Child study: The basis of exact
education. Forum, 16, 429-441.
Hall, G. S. (1894). Universities and the training of
professors. Forum, 17, (May), 300.
Hall, G. S. (1896). The methods, status, and prospects
of the child-study of to-day. Transactions of the
Illinois Society for Child Study, 2, (May) 184.
Ellis, A. C. & Hall, G. S. (1896). A study of dolls,
Pedagogical Seminary, 4, 129-175.
Hall, G. S. (1903). The relations between higher and
lower races. Proceedings of the Massachusetts
Historical Society, 17, 4-13.
Hall, G. S. (1904). Adolescence: Its psychology and its
relations to physiology, anthropology, sociology,
sex, crime, religion and education. New York: D.
Appleton and Co.
Hall, G. S. (1905). The Negro question. Proceedings of
the Massachusetts Historical Society, 19, 95-107.

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Judy Duchan's History of Speech - Language Pathology

Hall, G. S. (1905). The Negro in Africa and America.

Pedagogical Seminary, 12, 350-368.
Hall, G. S. (1906). Youth. NY: Appleton.
Hall, G. S. (1906). Undeveloped races in contact with
civilization. Washington University Association
Bulletin, 4, 145-150.
Hall, G. S. (1911). Educational problems. (2 vols).
London, New York: D. Appleton and Co.
Hall, G. S. (1911). Eugenics: Its ideals and what it is
going to do. Religious Education, 6, 152-159.
Hall, G. S. (1911). The teaching of sex in schools and
colleges. American Society of Sanitary and Moral
Prophylaxis, 2, 1-19.
Hall. G. S. (1911). The problem of dependent races.
29th Annual Mohonk Conference Report.
Hall, G. S. (1912). Founders of modern psychology.
New York and London: D. Appleton
Hall, G. S. (1917). Jesus the Christ in the light of
psychologie. Garden City, New York: Doubleday,
Page & Company.
Hall, G. S. (1919). Some possible effects of the war on
American psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 16,
Hall, G. S. (1922). Senescence: The last half of life.
NY: Appleton.
Hall, G. S. (1924). Life and confessions of a
psychologist. NY: Appleton.

Writings about G. Stanley Hall

Benjamin, L. T., Jr. (Ed.) (1981). G. Stanley Hall

Lecture Series (Vol. 1). Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
Diehl, L. A. (1988). The paradox of G. Stanley Hall: Foe
of coeducation and educator of women. In L. T.
Benjamin, Jr. (Ed.). A History of psychology:
Original sources and contemporary research. New
York: McGraw Hill.
Fisher, Sara Carolyn (1925). The psychological and
educational work of Granville Stanley Hall. The
American Journal of Psychology, 36, 1-52.
Goodchild, L. F. (1996). G. Stanley Hall and the study
of higher education. The Review of Higher Education,
20, 69-99.
Hilgard, E. R. (1987). Psychology in America: A
historical survey. San Diego: Harcourt Brace
Hothersall, D. (1990). History of psychology (2nd ed.).
New York: McGraw-Hill.

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Judy Duchan's History of Speech - Language Pathology

Ross, D. (1972). G. Stanley Hall: The psychologist as

prophet. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Strickland, Charles E. & Burgess, Charles (Eds.) Health,
growth, and heredity: G. Stanley Hall on natural
education. NY: Teachers College, Columbia

Copyright © 2001-2011 by Judith Felson Duchan

Last revised: 05/12/2011 08:44:15
Please send comments or corrections to

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