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PRESSURE VESSEL DESIGN HANDBOOK Second Edition Henry H. Bednar, P.E. ose Ls Rechiovee M, Abril 1986 fe] YAN NOSTRAND REINHOLD COMPANY — NewYork Contents Ri PREFACE 10 INCE TO FIRST EDITION! ‘OND EDITION / si | DESIGN LOADS! Tre lnebstion 12 Design Prosure!2 2, Dasign Temperate 1 Don Lasts 15 Wind Lowe !5 15 Eartngske Laas 13 1. Piping Lows /21 TR Combinations ofthe Design Leas /22 2, STIRESS CATEGORIES. AND DESH 2. tabaci 24 22. Allow Stes Range fr SeEiniing Laas /28 33, General Design Criteria of ASME Prose Vos! Ce, Seti Vl, Division 1126 24, Geral Desh Criteria of ASME Presse Vesel Ct, Section YIM, Dison 2129 25, Design Remar /38 EN LIME SERESSES/24 {A MEMBRANE STRESS ANALASIS OF VESSEL SIT COMPONENTSI39 3h nroduton 39 42, Membrane Stress Analy of Thin Shell Elements 43, 33, Oplindcal Shall 4.4 Spherical Sols nd Hemispheric 45 Soma Heals/39 46, Torspherial Heats! 62 21, Conial Hews! 66 3 Toil Shall! 71 49, Das of Concetce Troma Reducers unde ra Prosure/73 Heals 55 “At totodacion/60 42, Shell Tene» Require for Combination of Design Lou 423, Supp Shins 48 8, Anche Bals/91 45. Wind-Indiced Detlcctions of Tall Couns! 108 46 Wind Indice Vibrations 107 442. Fir Nira Pei f Via 448, tative Example 129 SUPPORTS FOR SHORT VERTICAL VESSELS/148 1, Sopprt Laps! 3 $2. Sopor Lugs /153 6 DESIGN OF SADDLE SUPPORTS FOR LARG CYLINDRICAL PRESSURE. VESSELS/ 161 {General Considerations 161 662. Manin Longin Reding Sirs nthe Shel 168 £63. Minimum Shear Steno nthe Pane of he Sade 165 64, Circumferential Sires atthe Hon of the Swe 16 65. Adina Stress is Head Used a a Sener 72 6. Ring Compassion in the Shall ver he Sade 173 67. Desig of Ring Steers 17S (68, Design of Saes/179 7. LOCAL STRESSES IN SHELLS DUE TO LOADS ON ATTACHMENTS 186 "cl odin’ 186 72. Reinfrcement of Openings for Operating Prosar 186 4A. Sohaneal Shells o Heats with Attaches 188 1, Cylindra Sells with Athi! 19 45. Design Comibrtions/208 18, Line Lais!210 &, DISCONTINUITY STRESSES/217 1 loon 207 12, Prose for Conypsig Discmtinty Sess by he Ke Metiod!220. 83. Cylndria Sha/221 4. Hemisphere Hests/226 BS, Semicisidal Topher Heads/230 ‘86. Concal Heads amd Conical Reds without Knuckles 230 (ORIZONTAL 9, THERMAL STRESSES/241 General Comidratons/ 241 9.2, Basic Thora Strese Fauatinns/241 94, laeraal Constraints 244 95, Themal Strvs Ratchet under Stealy Mechanical Loa/284 54. Deven Comkrtion/ 256 10, WELD DESIGN 259 YO. Iason 259 102. Gane Wek 240 103, Filer Wess 268 108, Pag Weis! 277 10S, Design Allowable Stress fe Welk e278 106. Strom Concentration Ft oF Wels/279| 107, Detect ant Nomlouratve Esato of Wes /280 1S Welding Prices 281 109. Wald Symbols 283 SELECTION OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS/284 1, Geral Conran! 264 113. Comrosive Service! 200 1. Baling Mrs /298 116, Selostion of Sicels for Hydropen Service /206 17, Alina Alls? NUMERICAL. MIETHODS FOR STRESS ANALYSIS OF AXISYMMETRIC SHELLS/312 724, dnradton/312 122. Finite Element Anais, (FEA) Displacement Mth 318 12.3. Finite Elmont Anan Rrce Moth /376 1244, Meth of Stops ftegraion 380 128 Matha of Fe itlerences 38 ENDICES/345 AL, Wind, Baas at Lowe Ons NX, Gente sa Mats Chats or Cynical Voss 38 IXY. Shi ow Bets 91 [Aa Sliding Supp for Veta and Hoi Vee /592 [AS. Gory of Terms Relig othe Selection of Matas 94 [NG Standard Spciteains Penn to Matra AA Flanges! as ‘AR Elementary Matrix Algsbr4L0 189, References 416 AIO, Abbvitions ad Syl 423 INDEX 29 1 Design Loads ‘The frees ape 40 vos ur te stata stiacnons te ele 1938 loads and, asm any mechani desig. the ist eqierent in vse design 50 determin the seta acs of the lode athe candi to wich the veel wl be subjected in operation, Thee ate dled on the bss of past exper ence, dsign codes, culos, ots, 'S design engineer shoulé determine conditions and all pertining ta = ‘horauphly snd acutely 2 posible, and be rather conserve The pega Toads tobe considered nthe desi of presto ae: sesign pressure inter o extra, fed lds, wind loads, extaquake loses, Temperatre and, piping lads, Impact ey loads, Many diferent combinations ofthe above lings ave posible the dene rue selet the most probble combination of smultoneas lon for an eco ol td safe dei. General. ales of pressure vessels en be ted 19 one 1 he Fallowing ‘matra: improper sleton for the sri environments debts, sch a8 Inclusions of mination inaeuate uty contol asin: ncorect design conditions cues prepared engiesing compute ins and specications; oversimpid dsgn compton nthe absense of valle covet analytical slutos; and inadequate shop esting; {abricaio: snpnper or ison fication procedures: inadequate I ‘pet: careles hang of pl mater sich suns sels, serie: change of swe endows Co ore ere aes wi ate ‘rovsion; inexperienced muininance personel niJeqste tape fo 112, DESIGN PRESSURE Design presure the pene aed 4 dle th iin gud thick ese of each tse! sill company and denotes the difteence fetwoen he Intra an the eternal proses (vl the design andthe sts pe sores-see Fig... Tt inluces a sulle margin aboe the operating presure (percent of operating presi or 10 ps mini) psy sate had nf the operating Hid. Mininuey deg preure for a Code noe ese {is 15 pol For smaller design pesre the Code stampings ol rogue. Veal. wih neptve gauge opting pesure sre enerly designed for fl acuum The meximum allowable warking (opening) pressure then, bythe Cole inion, the maximan gg presure pene athe fap the com pleted weil nis operating poston atthe Vvgated fenporttc 1 bd Ss the nominal ese thicke, exsnive uf erro liane, an the hk ess equed fr other lds thas rss, br st es ll bee ry closet the design pres ofthe esl components Dy the Code defation, the requ thckness the minim vse wall theta a computed by the Coe forms, ning soon allows the design hikes the imu reed thicker pos he comeson allow ance; the nominal thicket is he rondedup degn thks lull wn ‘bung the vse from sumer swale materi I the aomizal veel thickest mines coon allowance ager than the required thickness, her he desig presse or the corsion allowance can be | seine) tegat®| ent woounere § aot | woe TO | ae incetsed, oF any exces dicho cin be wan einorsmon of the mae pening in the es! wll. "The vl sel unt be dese t witht the most ctr combination of cneident pres andlerpetare unr expected operating eons. The ‘nominal res nay prt the vx! wscompted fom the Code sed tandnd gcring tes Fors, wl casiraton of age ners sees a. the prosstroctraldcomintis,ctol exceed te Cie lows ses espn seperate bnordistnentl eon than 3 deg a, sine nly 4 Teper cogs combined ih sone Yad retrain or ev Temperate gradients nl ngte tera tree, However, an pra Aesgn cmition hat inlences 02 reat dere the sutablity ofthe seeced mse for eonsiton, Dsteste ntl tenth vith ng tmp, Inecaseditlenes wih Fling temperature. md the aecompunyng dnc loses ae just Few The phone te Laken sect Tr tbe ‘ai. “The roid Ce sgn lope ols tha the wean tal ese wall npoatute expt under paling contend copia hy sand Tet tuner formas apd posi plement by etal assess oa tanta vests ds fompertue the as empraare ofthe operating Mai poy SO"F asa alety mar. or the mou tempera Tue of the operating id, the ves ide fo ow-empera te erie (Geta 20°) Tn ge process vests such ol efiory wen rowers the temperature ‘he operating uid vari to a lne dee, and zone wth fron doin temperature, bid on expected clelted upeating codons, on be wed fax the desig computations o the eguied thickness. The den mel! terperatre for laterally nue vet devine by wich shold pie salient lancet tke Feat nse comput fare othe pote future cree bn conc of he ity de os Ueeriraton, coking, ee. AU sini, the Seger should sue a co Shctivity forthe internal iuiting material 50-100 percent higher than That sen by the manufacturer's data, depending on operating conditions A geter temperate ign sould be ied when enteral insuston i wed a8 wel ‘Th pusbty of 3 fs of «Sable scion and the required pte tine ‘of the all should ao be conserd, Fale lemperatrehsomenttion ‘the ves wal s bully proved Fer shutdown condita the esaxinu design temperate for anilated vssels and the connecting piping wil be the lat temperate fr metal hats appximatly 250°F for the Cored ze, 190°F forthe tengeate fone, and 30°F forthe igi an: ‘The lowest design meal tnpeatre for prose sone nel should be lakes at 15°F shine the lowest ney can ambient temperate for the tcl cation, see Fg ALS. ‘The design tempeatre for flange chou bolts i usually ower than the temperate of tho opeeting Md, ulese insulated, and it can beefy a. sumed to Be 8D percent of the design veseltomperatire However, the xterm tap andthe internal olting shoul! have the sve dig Frpoatne 8 he When the design computation’ are has on the thickness of the bse plate acute of ning or ding thikaes, he maximum sevice meal empera tare ofthe vessel shold be that allowed for the bs plate material “The design temperture of vet! tral the maxim ferent of the operating ligui 1UA, DEAD LOADS Dead loads ste the lads due tothe wept ofthe ves sf and any part, ‘peemanenly connected with ihe sel, Depending on the overall sata Wesel fan hive thee ferent weights important enough to be onsdred i the sin 1, rection (empty) dead lad ofthe vs ithe weight of the vel without any external nui, fireproofing operating content o any extemal ic twa attichments and piping. Daly. isthe weight of stripped vel a tated the job site Ia some all-areercolumns the emorbl interes (Ways) ate shops, and they have fo be ined ia the ereton wept Eich sch ene hat toe invested pasty 2. Operating dead load of the veils the weight of the inplace completed ese in full operation. Its the weigh of the veil pus etal or external Inston, eproofing all interal (tay, demir packing, ele) with oper ing gui, seeuons of procs piping supported bythe veel, ll strtura cupment regaled forthe see evcng ad inpction (pln ar, permanent Holys le) and any the prowess exipneat (heat exchange) tached fo the veel 3. Shop tet dead load ofthe vs const only ofthe weit ofthe sel sel aera welsng finshed, ile wth et gud Field tet dead fad te operat dead had with only external andor Inia insulation remored for Inspection purpose and ile Tally ith the tex gud intend of epertng Hig, This Tod aed a 8 desig fad oy Ihe vss expected To be se eld tse far dat ‘The ie oF sow load os wells any le lad (weight ofthe maintenance sonnel with portable tools} consdeed to be negli 1.5, WIND LOADS a con be deed ply tubule far weeping ve he ahs sertice wih vib veloc ings ther tun sey fw. The wd Gana be asumed to poet ein mean voy on wih et es Sienna talent Tacttns re supine duction of he No ix aly rnc iy Pssst compet wh in vert sae fatal The wd way tated hy the ch Sorte theese wile gh abe he found oe no los iy a's crs gn lo above whch the wd lot tein cone. ‘The shape of the wlay pic show the pd depends on te soughnes characteris ofthe tran ih a at pon soul woode ly cost ‘Seva uy cater canbe expe byte overt frme va wee the ae ofthe exponent depends onthe te and ste eloton Above he oud et Se he sandrd Right fr wintapend ecg rumen 30 the gover foal asd to ces stant ey dg hs eis above pound wih any gon cain res 13) “he eo (Oya) pee reesei he tll Ki ney te smving st san at The hig oF 9 ave te oun on 3 a suas Ferreiro the wind elo pe bythe squat. day = P12» (3)000234(5280)3600) 17 0.00256 Yq tase wind speed at 30 ft eight abot the ground in mph maxis ‘st metuued onthe locaton over a etain pesado ine ‘toe ase wind vlc pes 30 (fight abo he ound in pa "> 000238 ssp 1a ase ey at a posal OE “The moppiade of the hase wil velocity iy wo determination of th sign presure gue depends onthe gogrphii ation of the jb ate Th ‘vad esse gy ed to compute the asus win! design Nass on pes esi and comectedegaipnat. However, tse the wind waht i Five by te height abe the ground a eas ough he prose 4 isa Is ifuenced by the shipe ot the stdture, te base wind lacy Frese gy Has to be mlifod fr ferent highs abun the ground lee nd ive shapes uf steele. 1m doing 0 ether the ois, somewhat simpler standard ASA AS8.-1955 or the new rovied ANSI ASR.I1972 ave gensily wed, ules he cents speci ¥ = 6am)" > 10 0h oe GaN 44 ph cations dicate otherwise, AM the former sandid fe abst, it wat tne se for any years an etl se ison cones, eee ‘que probable tat for some tine to come th designer wil eneounter designs ‘hee the win leads were computed onthe bate of the old sands d. Also he Akesgner my Seon engage the conse of pressure nosey fr pi homies plnts in Tregn couric where kngorn wind weil date Lacing st the dogs procedure are specified more Ine with the mow obsolete pecieaton, ‘Wid Loads ¢ Computes in Accordance with ASA Speitention AS8.11955| “The procedure for elton ofthe nina Jsgn wt ad won the sufce of the tract falls, 1. The gogrphia asso the job lef sted the wind presure map (oe Fig. othe standard). The basi wind prese p ssleed Tes sed 00 the masini ronal mented wind lat) Vy (excling tornado veloc) tnd inelodes the shape factor U3 for Mt sate ad the pst eto 13 fo Frights up to $09 Tsun the ron No tition sane To ea rug eso an vsurene irl the highest wind nthe 33 2. The wind design pees, covrespnling 1 the base wind pesue p for vais bight nant above the pound are piven in Table 3 ofthe sada ‘They include height factor bod the ent oot hw to expres the tion of the wind vl withthe eight ave the rod. 2 Thee factor for rund ebjets eal to Oa is pied 4 the sig peste. The shape ators 5 they appa inthe snd ae acta ‘hupe coffins divided by the silat (cto 3 wh was inl n ‘he base wind pees “If the windward writs se pojsod ow the verte pine nna to the dvestion ofthe wind fT the the elt of he wid pressure land over ‘he aren Py aaa to at the ae ented and sien by Py Abe ‘The wind presue frees ate applied simultaneous, normal to all exposed windward suaces of the structure. The minima net presse (Bp) in the hove frm for etna vrtical vss not es tha 1 pst for L/D © 10 ni 18 pl for £2 > 10, wie J the oer anentoange length of te ‘eve and isthe vn nial dancer Wind Loads 8 Computed in Accordance with ANSI ABS.11872 “The effective wind velo prunes on suuctutes gy and on pur of structs nin pt ac diferent hehe shore the ground ste computed by the following ‘tuatin: tu *KeGotn p= BGs & coity prs vce depen the type f th ea sorta (Gxpostre) andthe bight above the ground To singly eampertion, Tah zee of constant wid veloc can Basu. Por instance th pressure gp at 10 Thabo the pou in be applied wer the zone Extending or 7 125 Thane he god et espns Factor fo sete response factor fr potion of structures, \ According to an asumd typi ethn af «proces clu shawn In Fg. 3 the principal parts contributing to the total wind load areas follows 1, Vase sel outs dimetr with wie the ination thickness. any. 2 Adjusted platform aca, Asuning lll of the platorm, 3 16 i. wide at tach manhole spaced at 15 ft, the eqitalent increas in the vse! dameter 2x I3NS 2) =42 in 3. Cayo lit Asn one aged adder eoning frm the top of the ve the pound, Te incre nthe elu moter ce tk 12 {Piping Assume the lst pip nthe tp hid of the column inning the pound ie Al th above lems cn and sould Ne ated according to he atl stand "yout a es For ent, the eectve daieter of 6f-ametr sun wih [wl thickness, i islation, and i. the tp hid with sl ‘ion is omnuted 35 allows: Dg = (yee 9d +2 lation hicks) #(oipe 2 inaaion thickness) #(platfirn + had) (78 #8) + (6625 #2)442 +12 102Kin. “8A 31 isin agreement wlth he valu aT 1. The formals above Uns nt ine spi tase eit su 8 Hea xchange ageto nvr pale wih iin yep ne wind Tea rd momen are ented separately aa aed ta te abe. Example 1, Determine the an ea ti wna Fig 1 with an average wall thknes of Tin, sation thickness 13 locsted the vty of Histon, Teas, i tho pres clas a, ASAASBI1985 1. ANSI ASE. 11972 2 Elfcine disor Dy = Big X d= 130% 64 = 8311 From Fig oF he stendad the boste wind gresune p=40 pet Fr Table 8 uf the snd {he wind espn peste re 30 yeh ckevaton 040 3018 show rnd wo Wiad Sop, Sow 0a 10 09 Wind loads in pound pe ne fn clan Pgh = BX Dy X Beate sy $060 83x 30 ISOM oo ee 5 060 X 83 x 50=2501K/8 60 x 83% 4 he 3X 60 300 A, be. Sele: 100 yoo seen ner typ expe: damping fst {8 001; fundamental pod of bation T= 1 oceyle From Fi 2 the sta bak wil wb Fy fede reat =A: Cy Fon Fig. AY of the sandr Ruy 21D, Rey = 12 Kay 140, Kioy = 150, Gust response factor i Gp 065 + 1.95(eVP)= O65 +195 0332 = 1.297 oP = 1 AUT 2H 10285 8 FIC + 0.ODIP ‘exvhquake ae tamsient, dam in nate, and comple. An eeu may isomer beyond the kindof effort that cane afforded in design oe. ‘Fo simply the dagn procedate the verlal component ofthe earthquake motion Is shally elected onthe aeumpion tht the rdiay strotures poe ‘bss tough ences strength inthe ver dection tobe earthquake estat “Tee horieona evtuake forces acting oh the vse me reduced t0 the alent sas foncs, Eathqake-etan din argyle, task tm setic coeients dev) the poformange of sitacturs sueted in the past to sere eahyakes The fanduneta eunant set forth building cos i tat the structs sels isk zones mst he deine 0 withtand evan mine hovel sae Force apple at the base of the ese in any detion, Having asgned » mininum value 10 the ba shes Tesed on the past experienc, the problem which acs i hw 1o resale cis shear ito eqvalent ste foes thoughout dhe elt ofthe vse! in oder to determine the thar and the bending moet in the steetre at fren Ccevatons aswell ab the overturning momont atthe bas. The rest depends in lng prt onthe dyaum espurse ofthe statue, which may be asumed iter gl ce lb For design purpose ts uflnt and comervatve co assume that the we is fined atthe topo Ks fndaton no pros susaly made for any effets ofthe sol-stevture interaction ‘Seiumie Design of Fi Cyne Ves “Te structure and its Foundation ate assumed tobe i andthe sumed cat (guke hovizntl acento of the gr tanned Ut in he evel, The eid suse ere teense fang no dart Each secon ofthe wel wl be od apn by # botaona ner forse pal to ie mats and mulled by the brzonta selena of the quake p= awl seting atthe conor of the grit of the section, The oentrig mame a Sn arbivaryclvathn i qua to AP times the dstance of the enter of gray OF the wee eto abn the sctlon plane (6 Fig 1.6). Th rsa sumed to aot atthe center of ty ofthe ete vse and gen by the Pe=Ma=aleyW ew whee ‘5+ pitta wceleation = opoating asl weight Grog he eet \ | | Ti 6. tht a a eu i tm a co in a ‘wcieat. we Table 1.2. Value of Ueapecataaies pos ane 0a els, an empiial seismic celica, depeing the sean one where the ve sted Tha ai wh gen TA 2. overturning mown atthe bse My equal Ptr he sletion of the center of gay of he vers! above thew bse. My=Pekh ‘The simple rgidsiuctre speach war wen cly bldg oe, Fo 3 hor heavy veel ora horizontal rum on two suppose dvgn proved ley to apply and probaly js, Homer it ann be esnly appli tal, slender proces clams, earls of sir dai popes, ‘Same Deg of Flexible Tall Cylindrical Vessels ‘The sun nati hi during an eathguke ofthe foundation under 3 Meibe tal eylindcl ws lative to te centr of gravity cause the veel to fet, since the inetin ofthe vse mais sais the ysl from moving simultane Th force ating ltr in say detion on any appendage connected 0 the esl given by the equation Fe =26pMp hore Mp the weight ofthe appendage and Cys taken equ 10 02. Fore Fp nape at the conte of pay ofthe attached equipment ‘Since the higher modal expanses contbute maely only to the base her, ‘yt at to the overtaringmomest, the hase moment fy ad the moments [My at els above the tase cn be reduced by means of redvtion coe Fens J and Janda given by the Following equations: (Fee grn), ote 065 ZH orn ae sain hy above he ound at set, thes ce Yiny +R FICE i wiof2) + (Vey — YMHPEMLY Fe SG ejaHY- VIP HF, sd the moment Mg 21M Y MU FAGHY?— YUE | A the he Y= the sso yet fehee the momen My -aihare(e ka For F018 add = net. Design Considerations Wis only eatnube asus tha dang a severe enhytakeexceding he sssumed design value sie putt af the sucare wil ld ml ssi thd amie eva, prevent maior Fal. The hor bls re te oa gis struetra prt to prevent, tough pri yang, ay other dage the Yes suc as bucling of the mapper ir esl I the ach alse to perform thi function hey sal hs longa ent enh oye unde am eneeme vlad, and they shld he ly tach othe esl preteray rough 3 ful ing inc. shaming 48 Type Mt codes low on icra by we thind in te alah sess under entiquake (enyaty eas. The ASME: Prevre Vest Coy Secon Vi, Dison 1, 06234 (1983) allows an increas of 20 percent inthe mui mur allowable sess 5 for sueses ithe veel shell caused by wigs in combination with the wind or earthquake loads. However, the sexiness factor F=12 is Unted by the allowable design tempera, Table UC23.1 Division 2 allows an increase of 20 percent inallowable stress for he pests arts and sutra paris. At this pin Ie would sepa to eae that the codes post oa the mtn equ, whi shoul be heeased by the deste scoring os algo aftr» att asesnent ofa dein conditions, 17. PING LOADS. 1m aden to the wind ts the pipe sng he wel dle vals. They onsst ofthe weight of the pie seston supported by male int the ves! sland ofthe nn de tothe eral expo of te pipe. ‘The thermal expansion Toads hate to be extined a he ime of the tes espn canbe sured thst the ttl som ofthe piping estas al side roles wil ave asl effet othe elie ves acon beds The 2 Stress Categories and Design Limit Stresses 24, INTRODUCTION Alte the design lnds ace determined and the maximum stesses due 10 the ssn Toads are computed the desner mus quately este the I ‘dnd sees by tye, since not al typer of steer or tot combinations Feit he same safety tos pototon aint are For stance, whan pres pat shaded ta and Beyond he yeh pint by a mechani te) foe such a neal peeue or weight the ying ‘ll ocnge unt the prt bret, vnle stan hardening sess dation Takes place. esl dep, steses cused dy uch ade te lle primary and their rateratie fe that toy are not sl ning, 2, they ate ol ‘eed in magnitude bythe deformation they produce ‘On the other handy 4 tember subjected to sree attdbutble 103 thermal expansion lon, soch a bending ste in sll at oze conection der thermal expansion of the pisg «slg, pemannt, oa deformation Inthe shall wall wil produce relaation inthe expansion ores using the tes The secs do such force are alld seoondary a re Wing ‘esl egatating “The practi dference heen pmaty ad second hs ‘bvius the eter sed to erate te see of primary sets sho a te api to the alltel vlus of stensprodbsed By siting fats. Some sees produced by suelo suchas the endl esses 2 3 gas cual gicontinuty of» ese shel under entera presre, ave the se ‘lining proper 3: thermal sess and can be ete sil ‘Susie fom the dynamic (impact) lade sre mock hipher i ent chaa strenes fom sali los ofthe sme magltade. A andi dyoamic i the cine fof te alton i sre than the largest natural period of ration of he ay "N sewcture may be subjected nly ely tthe maximum wing or scsi tua Tor whi it he been dssigned. Therefore, an icra lla stees {permite fr such ont hon nome codes, Fatigue caused by pero ‘arnt of esis thal Tas or pert eyle as Bsc a Increasingly important eowideration i the design of presse ys 5 ths become apparent tha the mjaity wf factors re fatigue ster than sate leading ies. HF the er othe wpeting sys lg than several ‘husind aig aalyss shuld be comic. Hee the alloabl ies the sess range must be related tthe ounber of long ele aged Aaring the service Ie of th equipment, Fag ares wal our he 2090 the mada stress onsets, ‘The designor mat not be content to understand the properties of the con struction mers to be wed in the vos emt alsa Soe nde the ratte of the Toads ating the vn! (scan, tonal eb. dye sti, emporaty)- Knowle ofthese lads a he velting sess bated ‘anlytialy and a acutely 3¢ pombe eet to pope wel din, ‘Suitable precautlons expressed inthe design safely facto sre the psy ofthe despn engine, ged by the neds and speifthns ofthe lent. The ‘hie reqlement fr the accepiblly of 3 Calesigied es! th the tale tres vel sal ot eases Co alla ses Usa tht shen, set ised ut the een nd engnctig prt, 22. ALLOWABLE STRESS RANGE FOR SELF-LIMITING LOADS. ‘The most important ening ess nthe dig of pes wsels ate he strexts produced by thermal epatsion and by internal premu shel sue lure coins, In he study of sPiniing ses, tito at sis slelted astice he yield stress avery spcil meaning. I speiGes the viding ie between the Tow eyele Inds tht, when sucesely appli, allow the stweture to “ake dows” to an elastic response, and loads hit produce pati efor ‘on everytime they ate apse, Ths can be Vk in amie ses sta dug as shown i Fg 2.1. Mate i asad tobe lati Devfsty plastic manner. Deel at apple thermal expansion au the tached ppg on 3 nore an elastic dtoamation osu at sme pit ithe Vesela Oto. ig. 21 and apc sevesble defination om Yo. At plat B he thrill aunty redued by the plastic ee ‘mation tobe in equivis withthe itera esting stent sel. When he moze and piping return to theo pesto, theses coer along lie BCD. The esti portion front Cto Dress stressing in compresion ‘ofthe peranendy strained sell bers in such u way thatthe net operating éyele fom D to ties entirely inthe elas range Stet = 20) represents the limit o the maximum ste range fr east shakedown tobe posable At ‘igh operating temperatures the induced fot atest tends to diminish, but the um of hot and eo stresses mans constant andi rele to ssn, ‘The shakedown toad, seiner called the stabi bd i hen the ms um inti Ind hat, whew spe wesc, wile eal ae ch bultin moments of hint trees ht any sateen aplestion Otte rae wi sete ne le ste dearmaton fom to Be to ae, ten wee bd reve he sci els tothe nt sono el Fn D sive. Atte est opting cc ste he pe ane tan, Repel pl san oe prety ecto, se te Wal to ae naton tne While the fue ie for he dest mumbrane ses o det muna load is eal to the yl ses oy and when the re sires forthe being freon Soy, ony aide tne, permanent deformation fom pots ‘i oes am sing os pote camped eso eet 2a, from te above decison fan beetle tat fen es its an te it for mexior eld seer cued by iret fps of ash hsway we can aleve or econo, bts ee desi. 23, GENERAL DESIGN CRITERIA OF THE ASME PRESSURE ‘VESSEL CODE, SECTION Vill, DIVISION 1 Wile Divsion 1 ofthe ASME Pesure Vel Cove, Seton VI provides the neces fornulis to compute te required thickness andthe corresponding Iembate svete of the Dre vel componets due fo intemal and external wetsuit Ives i upto the desig to vse aalytial procedures for com Putin the sree de to other ads. The wer funshes o apes al Bog eauienents or peste vse, U2. Pareaph UG23e states ch the wall tikes of & vent computed by the Code rule dll be detrital math walnut anbrane rade to ay eatin vf digs sl bn UG-23 Cinema rex teal prostire, wind lds or sen los scion rm spp, the fl of Temperate gains, see eu) that ie expected to ecu sbnllaeoily lune normal operation of vee, doss not exe the rast allowable ‘mot Gide ee sls voto at th erating tonporatures he eet ‘membrane art can be ore define st soma srs nifonmly ditibued ‘roe the sl hikes th setion under omsidration. ‘The above requusment inpls the uso of the maxinunstess theory of fare, om the aston tat for tinsel pres vesels the ral eo presi sess oy due o the design peso cam be droga, abd the the ore asuate moximuesear tory gs approximately the same ress. The ocala dscootnly sence (mera pe bending ete inte ast bythe Cade low allowable seis and the Cove approved sgn eles for seals sh as coneelinerjateins. Oars, Uta analyte eis analyse of wcondary o fig stes ace wot ruled and no design sss Iie are ined Tor thos, Desig iit tees are tied for Thema caganion Beading tess and discon bending ses However it s3 general practice to provid detailed sts rays for the ves components tse the Cole appeoned deals wing iter the massa Strom or the marinustesr theory of far, and to st allowable srenes for design condone ther than orl operators or for computed sect fer than eet prisary membrane set (28,) or dest peimary membrane srs pl primary bending ses (15S) Table 21 gies eeconmended design llowahle sree for sreses dust ‘atious buds not included in UG23e. AF noted bow, design lini sree for secondary sess combination wih pes sieses ars aot specie inthe Code. However, paragraph 5 allows igh lovable sues fr sess a cone-ylader junctions the woul inate tat ferent ses eels oi feront ss catopesareasceptbl. n vance. would be wel o ener 1 penouly poate wu, tat the Code veuiencnts represent only the min ‘am, andthe deiner shoul el feo apply str sig nite whem es (sty acorn to ha jdgnent and expeiens {Cove allowable sts eget wed ao Fr the design of important mone pats, sc spent ak oe fal rns, sports for Tine Unaly apt vest irl, and alo fr he welds aching ach pts with sporopate jot ffklence. The allowable sree for te les ior tant monpresnire replicable tural pats sy be higher than the Code steam can be comenuly taken Tam rl 9, Reference 12 sees ht seal ge fraction of he allowable cs ope pat a his al 7.44 GetseL Sooe Stetion vnc bivieon 2 358 geo? Migher tase allowable stress than ln the Cade Division 1 ave permitted to (Bel. ga 28 cio material svings wesc cursiiction, Al erased sss hits Co add a gf ‘various load combinations ure allowed by using the factor & in Table AD-150.1. esa aose ‘To prow the high degree of elsty, et dong, bring ile Conta eaguenest se pond ) | 22 ‘The most important points canbe summarize as follows. | | Ee 1. Specification of the dsigncimions, including al slit data pr lasing tothe method of suport, ype of service (sae oF eh) and type of aon, the responsi of he er, The report at e ced hy ‘egstered professional engines The src sounds of th ve Bemis the rsp of the manufacturer, who i equed 4 prepare al Jn compatitions proving ht 3) ie Sle ‘the design as shown on she drawings complies with the requirements of the 2/2) ze Division 2. Api, ghee pfeil eng expen tn the ig a) #8 pure vs ha oes the deg pr. Sts siention and 5 be Sesed sss aug ate od. Mima fr thew a gia) 28 preference to muxinulstortion nergy they wot unly fur is ase of applic He ha, Bu a ore thal api ave ional Spi 3) El age sig details for yesh purts under pressure are provide. av well tthe als 5) | He Sou gues forall fap of hg A ct oc g) | #2 tins esate (AD GO) tr wiih daa gee aa = {ied Prin a hr sions ab oi S| | gs 3. Sct ay sol ona he sb by the ain, Ad 3} 1/8 sional ts fle npc eM! pest) apne wk 6 By st Cat |i fe) nef eh des resements of Dion a acceso of Toca, Divs 2 establish event allowable ses ie (tnt) for diferent srs eatgores, Bisley, the sess as they our in es sls (ee Fie Into thre stint extegois, primary, cond and pa. ane vied 1, Primary sree produced by sendy mesial lads, exling dso tiny stein or sacs concent, Hein craters ha is nl ss limiting, rary sess iid ito two aibeategvs genase. Semicond aes a fe ga ie mina in pcm Sue ete nd iit of ene (Reproduce he ASME Ader TS ar Wend Ci Sen Vi ion 2 (097 to) by pen fe ae et echaskal Endeaars) (2) Genert primary sre, spo the vest by the egiibration of fexterml and inter scl Tce, ay yklding tough he emi sel thickness wil not dstbte the ses, bat will sl in pos ditrtons, ten cared tu fare, Genera pemary sitesi dvded into inary membrane sess and primary bending ses the nt dein method shows that 2 higher, Stes lit canbe applied tothe primary bending ses han tothe pry ‘membrane test. Typical examples of gentl primary membrane tes in the ‘sil walla stress de fo atau exter reste and tes die to ese wight or external uments caved by Wid oe seam ots. A typical example of pimary bendingsis ste Bending steed to preter in fat hea (©) Local primary sess prodvesd bythe desen pees oe o ty othe, mechani oad. It hs some selFinting charset. Ith oc pay srs exceeds the yield ol of the materi the od stb and cae by other parts ofthe ves. Heweer, sich ying col lead to exceed Uunseeptble defomations, ait acest to aig 3 lower allowable ss, limit to this type of ste than to secondary sees. An portant propery of Toca primary ses shat the maxima is remains located and dimniies ‘apily with distance from the polnt of load appieaton. Lol primary sess am be dsided into duce membrane ses and endig sts. Both howeter, hae the some tes intesty limits Type examples of lel primary sess fe sees at sopports and lca mmbrae ster dat Io infer peste Stevtualdiontnutis, 2. Te basi chaacteise of soondary set that tis eFimiing Minor ‘eldng wi rece the fares aun excoive stress Secondary ses can be Sine ito membrane sires and bending sts, bt both are conte by the same lini ste intensiis. Typical examples of ase ses ae hema sHescs and oa banding ste otra prs a hel dicots, 3. Peak sre i the highest testa ome Incl pint ander eonsietaton ty ase of failure, peak sss dacs not gatas at) nial distortion, ut fa be a soe’ of fatigue acs asec, nl delayed aca, Ge rally. the sonputatin a the es sree route only fr vss In eee ‘eis af defied by AD-160, Typ eampls of pak ses eterna ates ‘in carbon sie pate with sane tel integra adding snd ses concent tions do to foal satura! dissntintie sich a notch salads let, role, ora ineompet penetaon wel Combination of Str ntener According to the shar theory of Flue wed in iso 2, ying na member under lds gas the spain acd sa tes eu the yi sha strat developed inst sample under snp tion, The mainum seat sires at he point under conssrtion els meal the est lsbrie ts tn yl i pi s(t eT nae of wl Iie 4 ages Fr he we ra dotlrn ts >on on nium 7=(6) =o). Ts Oe ary defi he aeons of cabin Torn inet "sper reputation ofthe i totowt 1. At a point unr iiestigation the designer selects an orthogonal st of sioeinates tnd. 2 The sve de to the design loads compu ntoorthogonal coniponent 0nd paral the coordinates, according to he tyes of loads, the tess of ther component ar sifted and combined in te allowing way fries cm be summarized a nd emoments ate cleated and de Prom ale iy brie ses conn ERS pry tenses components 1, Rim oral puny nig to enone BL Rody nein a Boning se compen fm al rate conpnent Pasian Pan ot os tc coined wh i ee a tne by tan an ths ee hep eed fre ney parte oe Sr team bean wy ae cae inch ova a {ere ays oy ope aeady the pill stress ofthe par steno. 4 The mum sen fe. Pa) 1 combination o 975s Pa Po Scenery is, Given pica sess 04,02.09 ander comet, al laity $s ead forthe particular tes yP +0) and compared wih ase nthe cep 2-0, Su 405-8. Sater, Ss ‘Ten the absolute wae ofthe pst of hese derenes 8 ae 11S Sl Bai tres tensity Limit (One of the squires fora dg to be acceptable stat the computed srs sesates Sun exced the allowable sess nits of Dion 2 As ‘oa in ig? there ie busi allowabl ses ines iis be me 1. General primary membrane sree itera. The maxim Hes inten ‘sys computa on basis of By ses enol exceed ses intensity (> $4.54) tebe sie dese ste a (lem) fran for § derived from P;, stresses is 1.5S,, limes the factor & when applicable, » nrg monte ty) ay Bnd) ts ery, siete team sos fa Fs Pe) me Sead ee srt ‘endvns, the maximum ses intensity $snst be compted om the co Table AD-150.1. Sues Intosityk Factor for Various Load Gonbinwons [| BSS | Ear In adgiton 0 the uboveconttion the algae sof al tice pip stresses should not excel 8812) F405 © ‘The following deinons apply inte above dcusion ‘Membrane ses is pom sess component (ion oF campeon) unformed erste thickness ofthe wal seston, Bending ures: is 4 normal sess component lneary dsbuted sess the ‘Wks about the retraite hsknes of the wallet, Shear resi sess component tangent to the plane of thesectonsnd usally ‘sumed uniformly dstabuted cos the tekst ofthe wall section, ‘Secondary bending ses (conta to the primacy being tei bending stress needed fr comptbity of dplacoments, phil comity the She under loads, but at needed for ovr equa of forse acting structure. Atypical example & the dsontouty bending sues ata hall jue on of two iferent wall hskres unde res, Masinum principle stress theory te dry precing ak ying in 2 structural prt begins when the maximum pepe ses induce tome ois {nthe put sects Ue vue equal tothe yet eres ina smple tenon tet segues of ay othe esses at ogc the pat ‘dwrance Limit denotes the akecatag ses whl specimen city (evore ta 2 1" eels sustain atu et Parque Strength denotes the rerage maxi sera sess which spec ‘men san ssa fora piven number of sees eels, Sigicane ses: means 2 ses ofa stess component tat cannot be omitted ith espoct footer sts without effecting the des, Fatige Design. Neatly ll materi sujet to ected oak at sree ch wer the the ropure sees produced by steady lads. Ths phnomenon i elerred 0 {atiue. When be eign coition involve varying or atenaing sesh ot ‘thermal loads ad under the Code DW. 2 rls 3 fatigue analy a to be made (Appendix 5) the penile design sizes must be bused on the Code Ds. 2 fatigue srength The Code Di. 2 aowable ses cling dita ae expend by the daign tig stongth cures S,~ (ee Fig 23). Sy ithe maimum ah Towable sues amplitude (yf Fg 2.4) ofthe aerating ste ange Shs é tne 5 Bete ‘Sagas "tt ant tere or ceding TOOT and 30% 10s Soe i we | omens. bret | ‘There ate two procs 40 be fallow in compaing the semating sess intensity Sn 1, The principle stress (ay. 03 ond 0s) do mot chane iretons daring cele. (Th the wal sen the dg of esse vests) Theses compo tents 5 (ooc0» rst) ding ele de to the actuating Toads com ule at ait nthe part der investigation a func of tine and the pin tle reste (0,4, ano) reevaluated. The ess concentration firs have {orb inded inthe computations the manu slgbat (aso) eer nce i the eel between the piace tess (0) > 0s > oy 25 functions of Time ses toS,,y 2) ~ 05 then he lean sues cena) Sy Sa ‘Unaily. diagram (vince scenes sre lie) plotted for beter lity. Forth required nome of operating eyes 4 the maximum Si found Tom the Code fatigue curve and, 2 Sura computed compated Sy pl ual {o.S the ssxi allowable romber of operating eels foe the prt can be {eal rom the fatigue curve has tobe asta he prt motor hae {erent modulo ty than & gven onthe Ce fatigue curves. 2. The principle snes rection change ding the yee Fist al sts com ponents due fo varable lode ut pot under vestiation ofthe vse 3 ate fvalated as functions of tie fra emplte cyl. Againall stot dion nutes ave fo be aken Into 2ecount by wsng appropiate stress concentration Factors Nest, the ash ference hetween theses componcat (A nt in time) S an the maximum (or manu) couespoding ses compo rent ofthe eyleS, iscompuedandidentied 5°00, ¢¢..Jor8 “The plaile sets coreponding toate hen computed (2003) and one Tal oftheir maximum slgerac (absolute) ference at anytime nthe exces fal 0S (15). Cumadave Dome, For seers oad with dlferent aerating ses mp tudes Sc linear dragereitonshp feasted and camultve damage is computed a Follows: nl, m+ where mbar of sess yclen during the operating fe ofthe ves eto the Tex ‘N= maxim permisble nombr of cycles for the alteeating cals’ ses intensity Sy (5, de to the load ‘See Cade Dt 2, ar. G06, Esp No.6 Foran Mustatve problem afi saat Tatu tenth roction frtorv Bator eoncenration i fate. Any abropt change of setion (et wel tc oil, tvead) along the pat of the ses Row wil rede the faigu ength Str ntensction factors counting forthe eects of the srectura continuities hve Uo be we st "es computations The factor isthen thera ofthe fatigue trengeh without sstreu concentration oth egos strength with he pen ses concentra ‘ha thoortiealK valves ae ally computed and died by exprinonta ata that ince the effect of mater dacty. I he experimental dts ar ot anulbl, the there! sess concentation fstore te acepable oer the Coe rue, Fatigue Curves. The ASME developed ust ofgeeraied 5, ~ Nftigue cures ‘The pemsbl stenting srs intensity, Irom Ute cars us be ml Pile bythe rato: (en in cw (sed mate). The cue in Fig 2.3 an be expressed by eqition (132) laces N= design allowable eye, yes per operating ie = fatigue sess eduction factor (an alternate Lem fe factor of ses com eatston in fais). When KS, < 11000 the pat cam fe ssuned tote telow endurance int. From reference 7 he fatigue cure can be egress a: weeny where and ae the trl consans Fr sel with U.T- 60000 ps K°= 180000 and = 27s umber of ecto ure in gue [= es interaction factor 5, = ealeuited ses range based on ool ‘Comparing bth curves we ean find the aproxinate safety Factor bu athe Salgu eve ln F253. 25, DESIGN REMARKS 1 an aft be itt the singin te fr hry bot ote toy se wes ded scan tel oon? Be tan ft bythe ain apc action ne Siee‘Dinn 2 mt ada fen ada og ln 1, a ee eae enor wth is ‘omeeay se important west with eal ext ngs sch a spiel ovtscn qr Ge Seed ih sone tins n coon Thereof me Doon? 3 Membrane Stress Analysis of Vessel Shell Components 31. wwTRooucTiON In steuctaral analyse lst with shapes resembling curved plates lesed ‘or open, ar refed to a shell In rere vse dese pres eave ‘ose eonaies forthe containment of prs. Most presse vel in a Susi practice basicaly consist of few shapes sphere or cling ith hemphedeal, lipid, coi, frei, tovbpheial or tend cess ‘The sel components av wold totes, snotines balled tot by meats of lags, orga shel wth common ott a ‘Generally, the sell elements uso ae axetil sufact of olan, {oxmed by flation of a plane cure ora simple sgh ne, elled 9 mein for generator, about an aut ration inthe plane ofthe mean (ee Fi 531). The plane called meridional plane al consis the pips met ional radius of eurvatue. Only such sell wl be somsdered inal sequent lacus For analysis, the geometry f sch shells ost be apse wing the form of ‘he midall srs, usally the two pips rai of curvature, andthe wal thickness at evry pat. A point oma shell the pont ain Fig. .1-can be located by the anes , nd the rll onginerng tenth of atrial stall cto 3 chi the wl these wut sal in comparison with the other two diensons and the aio of the wll Hho othe miu ‘ini radius of cura lt> 10 ot Rt > 10 Thilo sons hat the teal, compressive, o cr sis pouch the external ads in he hl val can be sumed to be ly tbat ver the wall crs, Further, mos hls wed in vse construction ae thin (oman sels in the range 11 R800, whose important charter that bending sees due to conceited external lous sf of high intensity ony in lve proximity {othe area whsretheloads ae aplied. The attenuation length or the decay eth, the distance from teed where the stress aegfeantly rede. ited ad gute sorte. fora cylinder (At), ‘The rial deformation of the shell uaer 3 fod is stand tobe snl nes unptloioeta eso AEE eNieanrtnce commuses! ears Re OFF fewer tueR Spe ine mest cant nesta oe oot tin sad, ten hl shot id Ry, ot by tn eins a Ae a eee ste te esse meio a Hee ska enamel wa coveed conn Fg Deon esting 6 is of on wih spect to the all thiskess (1/2) and dhe maxmary sess ein Trlow the proportional nt ofthe sel atrial Ta pearl external (uae) fad ir acon the hel the fang on shell ‘ment can be died int the cmponets; Fy, and Pe ssn a Fa, SBE ihm, este sill lament rast foals by reuns of lateral body) Jira rsltus and sts coupe, acing the es sections oF the ret ‘Smet at shown separately for lant Fig 326,cpandd The sue frees ito te sure, oie or nse, wil the body forces at oer the volume UF the clement Sine the clemsat unt Be In equim, state equa Equations can be dived Tn genet a 10 era acral sts rests Se (6 Teme at nt ga Wo.No Ma Nog = membrane forces acting in the plane ofthe el sure, Ioan. 25, Qe =teanivese sear, fin Mgr My bending sess couples, In fn Maa ig = igs coupes, Ibn fin which nat be in eguibrium with the extra fees. ace hee are ony sb unions of tate equiv aaabe for soto, te problem bees four ‘essay indeterminate. From the geometry of the sel bofove and afte efomaton ander the lad be diet and shen stra, changes in ears nd twists can be cabled, and ating leur tessa restionsip ‘ooke's kw) the addtional reuited ferent equations ring the so reulats to the skill aac diplsments can be obtained. Ago ‘oluon of such a rysem of deren equations wid te given boundary onions i ery iit al ean be aexonpled ony when apie to some Sool exe, Once th stow romans ae deleraine the ssa the bl fan be computed, Fortunately, mst west problamsoscuring fm practi can be sled with satshictry reals using» simplified aproac, The man reason fr this hat Under certain lading conditions which occur in practice wth ol of vv ‘on, some sess restunts ae ery smal and canbe dixearded or, becase of ail mmety, af equl to 6, ‘Manone ail thoy sles sl problene where the intemal ress te de ‘ny to membrane sre tans Ng, My, al Noy =MNpy (8 Fig 820). The ‘hear easels (Ney, Ngo} Fir aye al lea tach tera pe sore se equal Lp vo, which Turthor snpliies the slug. The membrane ‘tres relat cane corputed fom baie static equliom equations ad The rerltant sire in al ae longi ses 1.709 = Nght ‘ange ses oneal ending sel thor, akin to wembrane tres, nodes bending ses relat (Fig, 328) and transere sea ores (Fig 3.20), Here the mabe of Unknowns exserde the number of the ste equim conditons sd adh ‘oat ifr equtony hae to Be deed Tm the defomation lations. (Onc the membae ses reautanis Ng snd Ny andthe rete momen Mg Mg ae deteine the stress in shel ae 25 =Nglt Mg longtadina wes angi tes 0164 = Halt OMe sho ie 9 = Qu 32, MMEMORANE STRESS ANALYSIS OF THINSHELL ELEMENTS: 4 mt practices the leads es et ih wath te reacting suc results shown in Hg. 3.2 wl be predasant and te Bening and trast shee Force ual tl they en be nested. Here ts me aly the unknowns, Np. and Mju" Nagy wich co be doverined So he ‘qantion for state equinus. “The mia conditions fr membrane alse be vad cn be samira as follows. 1, All exerts ont he appt! in such way tha the ine ss rcuctions ave produ inthe pla of the sel only. Mentbate strata. doses atthe bai al reanc over ar es, copes a he in the sel plana at thin sl enn espn wih igo anes Shear forces, fv pracise, ll thin alle can stn sme oa In Be, but these bending aves are consiered seondary an ae negited. Wands ‘oneenated Toad edge lading condins the boning sess each high ‘alr, moe deted ass tobe made and the skl fly winced ase, 2, Any Boundary reactions, sich a hos supers, mst he lasted a he meridional tangent plot, berwise tanner shar and bending secs de ‘slop inte shel boa ein 1.'The shel cluding the bomary zone yt be fce 49 delet we ths tion oF the sess renltant, Any conta ate bending and tree ‘hear tess in these “4 The change in eridoma curve I slow and witha cas sharp bends, Otherwise ening nd rnc ssa stress wl Be iha tsh s tpometnia decontnuis, 5. The monbrane sven esltans ate asin wily stud dros the wall hake This ae sed th rato he ad of errata to the wall hikes about Rf 10 ad the change nthe wall hikes ay isvey ard 6. The ada stres i small and canbe pected. A plane sate of sess assumed 7, The middle surfce of the enti sel aun to be continuous fam fone section of the sl! component to anotber aos ary dont. Practical west design two shell sections of diferent tikes ate welded {opeter to ge a srooth side contr. At the junetion the ines of ation of (he verional set reautan gare nt ellen an thi econ Hao: ‘ce additonal sree 8. Th fading re sch that he sll destin are sl (AR <1) an the cste ane “To suai shell wll cary the loa by membre sree only itis thi, openy shaped, and onety supported. Membrane Sua Produced by Internal rssre ‘The mot important cas inte vessel desig i tinsel sua of revolution, nbjeted to nena presse of intensity P (eared inp). The tena pres Sore nar axnymelal Ie, ean be wan gw pomre or 3 gd restr vy lng the ass rotate lr ese ally Ge ale {tons are ptforme Yo Gnd the ster dat To esualet gas peste pls he tenes dos othe gid wel 'h frechody diagram of = abel element under uiform intr pressure i showa in Fig. 3.3. ue to niforn presse and axiymmery there te no shear ‘tenes on the boundries of the kamen abel Ngo = Nag =O)- The ss nd oy ae the prispl sency and they renin sont across he eect (Gx, /88)a =0 and (2Ng/99)x9 =O, Tae at coulda ciation in the ‘lection normal othe sel men ie Fi. 3.3) 8 Pte in (a2) [2R, sn a ]2)]* 20d, 0 4/2) +204 ds 0 2D. Subtatiog i (0/2 (de PVR Poy doy (od diy dy + (Ry) dy [e (oR) + ulRe). (2 a sn 2 p33. She emetasamesa sel betes tum intel rane “This fst equation (the fis! eulibviam equi sof fundamental inputs far ass analy of aniyointcl menbrane sels subjected to lads sy ‘etre wit reapect tothe ans of ration, The pincial radu of curate 2, canbe poste (i lt pois toad the veel a), be negative (ponte ray fom the veel ax), of bese inte ata inflection point), he ‘oveanalys the astro was sanmed tobe neha overageo, = 2) ‘The second equation of exlibum required to solve foro, an can Be ‘btane by summation of the fess and sess the diceton of the a Sf ration Since the ll symmetric the elie Rate shall ction a te wed at nce a follows 2a oy, Sn 9)" Pad Pair a = PRT Subaitting thi volo into the itera equation yells = PRANK RAR, WH e,=(E)(@y~ vo.) the unl elongstion nthe tangent destion, the ral pth canbe derived a flows, 2H + AR) = 248 #2 R= Re, = (RIE, 004). where is the mous feats, ‘The thie equation role fo state equbviun of «basal sate of ses is automaticly sted, sins loa ad the ella sss te angst an Sf 1.304)" 2HE1P9) ° foe eyes with 1. Hath equation (1) (Ser) and (2) (ang) a loved ith SF valves 3 aris the abais and (2/0) eles 38 Ye nso the diate or constant rie (1) Fig, UGO-280 foe Append 12), For ote aly the plot able (D0). ‘Since Sle hove eae arable Fst A, hs greta eas be sed for all atl To inradethe particle piysel eopeis of the rine, an additions] materi chat i regued, rating the value of the collapsing ratio Sto the enllying pesue Me for ee particular mater ‘The mate cutie ttully waste soe (SPS. = FeDIDN for Uo ae st design temperature, To blain the crate tet of the ‘Mlowable working presure 2, =2,)4 with uty fat of fr, the boop Foxnta is gin employe 5. PDold (P,) Dol2t PaDolt*SeL ‘The mater chart the lated against the same abs Sf, called factor (os Fig A22 In Apponic 42), or spec mater and Jeg tevnpertie ‘i odtae PD, ital tor 8. Factor hs the bw pls tog Sine ‘he moguls of eat stars to refuse for temperatures above 300"F, the natural curve st be Uren fo str tesipeatre itera To ami {he boric cart ied teste a wich vais 0, and Dal he se tres ratio S/E(aclor ibe pred inthe relat ne ciel pres “The material chart ved to determine the war llowable exert res. sre Py dividing the factor by O7SD,t which reduces the fety factor 103. P= B)0.28(Dpt for Dyit 10. In praca design when (1) checking the exiting ses for allwabl extemal rei, compe 11D, and ait to aba the factor A How the gout hort for ylindcl els under exter pesie. Froo the ci cha “etermine the fiior Band the maximum allowable extemal pes is {P= 8)0.75(Dyt). When (2) deslning new endl vet! wo wilistand the tera prewar P, aur f (he minum foreroon sel sel 7= (+ 10/1000 in) end compte the feetor B= 0.7SP(Dp). From te materi chat {ing the actor A. Using the Factor A move vertically on the geometric chart to the Dal fine and saoaaly to the 1D, xi The maxi steer pacing forthe maximum allowable unsipported ing ofthe elidel shel wl be ‘L=(LiD,) Dp, Svea tia ae wily needed to obtain the most economia) ombination of sel thickness, sifene size and sien spacing ‘Siflner Size In computing the adequate size of allening Hing L's formula for bvcklng ofa car ing under uniform extenal pres (Ly?) in pet inch of euference withthe moment of inert J (Pe) 30 IR = 246102 1, = DM N12 DGL2 = Dil AVS IO, “The llaping singh of the ing een 10 pacen iho sn thestenth ofthe ordinary shal (12% 1.1214). The thekness af the sel inne by 2 ting an be isreed or computation by the ato, where A he ae ff the ailfener andthe eect shell thks is (Af) DiLa(t Adly)AN nS, whee the value of A is ren from the materi cart fr the materia ued (UG.29). In the sore formula, Ay hat #0 be fit estimate, The most cos ‘monly wed dap fring teers ae bare wil estangular cre section ond touts of pt, a shown a Fi 38. Using goer formula Tor te required aH T 2 | omen of iets ofthe iter, 17003503 PIF and substitatng P= AP and P= 15 por vaca ves, b 12 lew" {the approximate moment of inertia cequked forthe sifenc. The eequied thickness fora plate stiener with = Br, (Fie 38) can now be estimated asad onthe aleued distance an = 28% 10" pa 1, =0.0065D,(1,.0_)"* and A, = {the operating temperatures higher than ro treat, the carton en be me by naling, by (2X X TOME"), whe the al wf Fa ‘peating tnpeature, Fo a peiniary este tifa size ire materi, se ref. 32, Fo Tor ear ses Fig, N22, To detease the size a the sien the Code allows sel tans cet to he fener to be inca ato the rue mene ia (Fig 33). Then Dbl Me AdtydAlO9ian® The sfc sings act sete tr exis, nein the eel el lags mel pes Ps a by renin the usp Feng of te sl "Te leer dng at ery pied on the ou of the etl On ther sly inlted seb yt dently ned psd ie he Nese, ey would bitte lon clsng any as betwen steer Inc tel dru the applable Code procedure to thin he maxim Sport leg fe ap Wl ‘Sometines tne ne vse fend with ay sien, bee ce casonly fo inde opertog prow, Lag Scones i he shell car dvlopndaen othe eer, ad they Sold eee (1) “The siento wed (Fg 98) mst ay th lad PO prac the sifere cicmiernc) Sd as to be designed according Alt weld imermiten on both see the lees wh the Cou pied pcg {Gr toextral ing) oly stator. Only a tow oh aaa of he eto he extend pete on the clinica ss hs bcn pint sete mmm requed to SEEN & ese ude etal peu Theinteeted reer wil fda dtd develo trent an eon of the Coe hrs ee 26 and ales casino ‘Sind shels wer etal peur In ets, 25, and 118, Seva Code Bie Ic Appendix. Bas fr easing Ester peste Pats ‘ovine Shale Under Uniform Al Prue IF the tio Rol becomes too age (>300) hin walleye sels unde xt posure wll i by bucking ata cites! loagtodial compresive sess under Proportnate init. At lower ratios of Rol the cyindiea shel wil father By blastic yielding of the material when thecal clipe stress close or ‘qua to eyed ses, ‘Te peneal equation forthe etl (iaimue) elastic buckling ses fr the clin hel ih the ends simply sopprted can be derived sing the sain rey mshod [31 IR [3(L- PF} and for ¥=03 pe 0605 FR, ‘Nes the etal axl compres load in i. of ccurfrence. The eat (of alin wae ofthe deflected sel equals to by = 17208") “The erica compresve tessa, in contrat to vero itrstfener alse stew unde ltr presure, doesnot depend onthe uasupored shel length Below the rt ste (old) he ylndes natal suis, ‘meaning, hat the tess hoot the spine i hs cst kad Issemved, she cyinde eur into oa anstraned condition At thecal ste the elder isin neal equim, At any frterioese ot Ny te shel defection increases notin proportion tothe lad The stained gtr Poses lato unstable equim, cased by inelastic ation at some seton of ‘he shel leading ocolupeby any smal dstrbsne, The lata a same int the sel nese into pst tn. is lute obvou tha the cole wl be ines the con wih ht meron, gente However, the ts eu show thatthe faire in kt offbeat extn Aisa shells ocus a stresses muck lower than the theory predict, betwen 40 10 60 percent ofthe predicted theoreti! lnd. To adj the fosnuls wih he ‘experimental utr op empl constant since 61e= 0605 K FUR whee the empl actor for sels with L/R- tangential direction, the icor B must be ajurtedconepondingly, 4, mul pled by 2s0 that 28 gi an the maximum eaeal pete for sphere ‘hells and hess then gen by the egpation P= ih. “The permisible ail buckling lod frat sbirary self olution safely spproxiated by that of spericl shell witha radius equal to the maximur ‘Urgent ralls of erative Ry ofthe sel at the location Example 32. A perc coer sobpcod sil psa a Hag pening, #2 shown in Fig 31 A wniformy bated farce fin) is applea atthe top ring Mange by a comeced pipe. Compute menbeane sss inthe cover duet the inter presre andthe forse (Gj Nenbrate sues due 10 the ansynmeticl lead g. The equim equation in the axial diction a angle $8 PAR sa go 2A ag tiny 21 =n go 00 ea 0. ismaxinun a = Gy Frm oJ) +a ‘The shear and hein tess athe seo 36 ae dct (5) Membrane sess eto the il press Pare oye 0, 2 PRD Both menbrane secs fos Pandy have 4 Be supra. The ig Mangos fn the eer repost gross struct iconinty hte le secary ‘ending and shear sts wil develop, To ovate thin» reeled alysis would e reuied. Howes, ay Tos the rig Manges at dts {poate than GR hsp mane sr wl ean 38, SEMIELLIPSOIDAL HEADS Sémiipsial heads se develope hy otto of seis. Hs with 21 ratio of major ans to mir ans (Pge 2) at he mu ue ‘ied end losses in vel desi, partial fr intemal press abone 150 ‘and forte belt hea offal slender Clon Ia flowing a's, ‘Seniesa heads are wate separate soryponents with mo restate a dps under ior press. Since both Ry, and Ry ary gully fom pint to odo on the lips the sete og and, vary gall als. The man rad of curate Ry, and Ry sre given by Aye URE FEL RNP Y PPP By = RENE [At pint 1, Ry =Ry = AY and at pat 2, Ry =HP1R and Ry =A. The sess ano a he plaster, with wo shening sis onthe ios of the ‘iterentitslenent " "Th longa eso, cai be found em the eqihiom equation witen forte atitunal sti te tthe verti ax ection ako, sn" =REP or 0, = PRR At point, PRIA anda point 2, eos! mena rad ee ‘The tangent srs 0, can be detuned oa. (oatRe)+(on/R.)=t oF 0, =(PROLT- y2RLII At pine ov PRE PR 0, ad at point 2, y= (PRI = (RH) Fram the equation for wa point 2 ca sasha ang PVD < ‘emans teases /24"> I ur R > 1 AU, bacon sien cmpresion or standard 2:1 eli heas with R = 2, oy = CRIME = (ANIRAAY] = RI ‘The ral placement at point 2s AR = Rog oof) = (PR220 2 ~ (REP) Rs postive fr (RIA)? 4 <2 and nope Fin CRI)? > 2. Sine thee axe no dicontnies tn 2 unify hk lpia head the only gos anny isthe jnctre of the head to the eying! sl whish increas the stress inthe knuckle region Membrane ee wz, sf ued sone inden For vroue Rh atin without including the effets of the comity stenses atthe adhe junction, Would rest in too lowe shea thine, To spi the sgn pews he Code ates the ses sgn formula forthe thes of elipeoial hed to the tangential sires ofthe cyindal shel of the radius R, modified bythe ‘mpi eocecetve sess ftesieaton factor Ky which based on Many “The Cole equation fr the main allowable sis the head besos Se =UD)2K +010, howe the factor 0.0 mies thesis fr se with the inside dames Dy snd factor K=[2¢ (0/24) [6 and Eis the wed eit elficeney, For 2:1 lpia heads A= andthe ead hike i very nearly eal to that so the fons fr membrane ein the rO¥D ei 1 ih ft ty Stes ote seal joc. THe Coe Fett forthe anima sll sess in the ead esones jor ‘epumnase-020, were may (eda 1A Tate wel lat eel, Fee et nie pane te knoe a it #8 Fe 3.14 ae clelted as lows (ot) + (x)= Phe (out (uae =P tretre exe etiots 20 ve stra ia he pina cd means some st i te rrp ene pi esa hint a ee age Pua Testa comese sen oy nib alse secant ene sent and th ial rg de estimate [2 ran aes ste 0 “Te abowe ois the mi (Lan LI Sine the tangent compressive ste the ksh region ua trp head 6 uch er thn that na seep ud the possiblity re woul seem to be higher. Lag, thin wal tpi heads at known oc lupe by elite buckling. plastic yielding or chip yield in hydeless Bocas the modu of est for erry and histength sel eset he sam, thee is mo asantge town ighstcnth ted for ng ater ‘twa ores heals To predict posible allure under intr presse de following prose ‘ocr or the olpse peste os tore hed with te dh tos fan be ued [29,107] Feloy = 1053+ 7.S6(a)IGL)+ 348 [1 - AN3EA)|Ly~ 000081, Pcl presse, pe yield seth he wed wei ps Paineen tan 11 esl deter 1 he hicks in, =e es, Fo standard tripe heads with Jy dy and bevwriten dhe catin can p{8836 + 24.1444 (dy) - 0.00081, ‘The shove exation could Be wed a eine the sllapsing presen sea lipid ad if values far and appasbraing sho te elie ar subattued ‘Serial heads with 2/22 hae torspesicl properties equal stove ead with 1D 090 and = 0.07 (2 The we ofthe above empitcl ormola (107) in pefeene othe Formal from reference 25, Polo, = [033+ 5 tld) #28 1 - 22%KDNC* 0.0006, ' justified here tesase the computed, is ler tothe tress Als, in rastise the actual head tikes are lays taken 16 int 178 hike (oma! thickness) tn the minimum tekrests lake in compotion 0 count forthe possible thing uf plate i sume lations THs wuld mak the Drucker’ formal too conse, Example 3.3. Detemiae the maximum alowsbleinteralpesue for astandad tonispherical bad, dy = 10 f= 025i. nimi, 0, 32,000 ps oft» 121025 = 480. Code atlowabe pressures Pe 28HiHliM 102) (2x 15000 x 025) 235 ps 20% 19742025) ode ti py = 38 K S015 74 Buckling pressures ‘p= 32.000((0.25/120)08836 + 247149 025/120] - 0.00081} 165 ps. Ir he entree! had to be abet to a yest of tn nese in the ea thickness would be nessa. Under Unitrm External Pressure [sn the ease of seeps Reus he Code peocolue fr computing the ‘toxin enteral lovable presse # ues the ano stwesn the compe five ses lathe cow regi tad wih he allowable compresses inthe spre of euler, 2nd ast be Followed (UG330) 227. CONICAL HEADS Under Uniform lateral Pres A conial ea is genes by the rotation of tel Tne oterseting the Shs rotation at an angle @ wich & the Dal 9px angle f the foe cone. Te the conical shelf subjcted to'a ior snteaa!pesure P the rtpa stesso at section wg Pl, 315 can Be determined from he equations oyletodRe=fit ant oy =P =PRIE ow The equilibrium condition inthe wri deston wt seca yes Dako, fei e= 28°F at, =PRI2PO Th uve ste Fonmal2the iloswhe s ben e Beso linia as een eps The nd supporting force oy, = P2 co hn. tion in Hp 318 ‘town in the melon ies requ only canon sexe ae ced in the emir ena head, hv acts desn, whe he eral ha tached ‘oa eying shel she suppting nse Ph sete hy tet tell 8 shown in Fig. 316, Thi aerangencnt podes an uloced he (Rian) pointing inward a can son ptesine sues te eon wt Seton. Obviously the ae the angle o the big the inward fee This Inward fore has tobe taken int cation heh deny secs one ann ‘one-ylinder junctions sr lovestigted. The angle i, therefore nied im ‘Conde design to 30 depes, andthe junction has tobe enforced per Cd us {UASb and 6). Otherwite the Ce es the membrane sts onmbl or enc shell (UG325) to determine the maximum sees and thiknes of 2 oni ‘el withthe joint etieeney F 8 Dirac 06, whee O46? 6 the cores fair aching or ang the ide dete Dyin the sts formal Ha special analy i preseated the Half apex angle @ ln exceed 30 depress. Homever,bayand a > 60 degree the enka shel Dep {oreemble alo shell and ial ul lt "Te adil rowth a section aa BR = RUo)- OLED] = REPL (NIE 8s 9, where the modules of ast. ‘The ttaion ofthe meridian a Sstion os 0 3PR tan o/2Fr cos Under Extenal Prue The required thickness of the con ead or conical tasiton section unde xtral pressure determined by the wae Coe procedure 33 fr eyed ‘Sel whore th ctl lng ofthe con section Ln Fig 3.17 eplced by eae itd an eat fh (421 (DD) of 2 ini dil fe Ce ee tp di gee val ces ren ett cea: tin, pi 31, ea tacoma srs (de) ie ing en ty xin res) al ped ae inte names i). Te ne ee en are hn th Cl owt see eee ee ee tance pre Sate pl Bs aes ne er ‘er th mmo dtc aa to i)? Te ad cE ee he pn a enn nd ope nay er na pe Te oe get Ce ce telat pan = ene) Ca ee clone ew of the Cl fo on arc pu olor 38, orev ona Ring at Junture of Two Cone Festus under External Moment. “Two ntnetng cone fasts Fig. 3.18 ae sojet to an extern mnie Ith sual component a any pat monte rlaoringring i eg al: = Mell «MR co OjxR? = cos aR bin and Ty =I cos ojeR? covey T= Moos aR xs 05 Sine ay 0, th sultant al force on the ing tension sie wil be We T, soa ~ Ty 8a M=Mana ~ tan a) 0s fd bh “The aximum fre 1 0 he ing sss @= 0" and 180" on the assumption tla the ringette lad witout bending ‘The outed aia fnce nds cecumorenta force in tering eau una = F402 + Fafa [P= 11R «Mian a a0 0) 604 8/ hs er at eth 1 Fg 348, Twoconl ts hing eee ‘Since the ad frces haven tangential component he tangent seas the juncture Sd 10 the ferment inthe Steurfereai force Fn dierent tlement Rd. From Fg. 3.10 a pint m we ge tangential force ating on the tng {$= Man ay ~ tn a )fo8 (2) ~ oo ( + 42) Fe Which for smal anges reduces to: |S lan ay ~ ona) Se al por deren ate 8 and 5 [Manag ~ tan ay aR?) sl as per at feng ‘The abore Forces have to Be tae ilo ascount when sing the sinforcing ring andthe comecting wes. The quel cossectioal area af the eng 211 max. iS, wise she aowabe ses of the ing ate rea, Cll an assumption iemade here thatthe nbn fore iscouteacted by the rn, ad the cil shal are str hymn Fontan son and onnesion, Ihe cone is epiced by cylindrica sel shen the ange a =0. 38. TOROIDAL SHELLS A toroid i developed by the rotatln ofa led crt, vtly «ile bot an ‘xs pasing ouside the yneratng curve, Whe an et fori shell such, {an automobie ire, i aly wile by il inthe xg of peste veel, ‘pets of toil shel feet sed veel components Memrane Stress Analysis of «Tori with Crear (ros Seetion under Intro! Pree Fgwe 220 presents the goometry of tro, To find the pela streses, Tonga! oy and tango, 2 vngshaped trol section Wolted and ‘he equiram condition between Ineral prete P and marine ses In te Weta ection expres a lms mR? = RP Caytsng.2Ak and 0, = PUR? — RB 0K sin UE # RORY OH oon fe pont in ese e320, Geometry 2 rit se At guint there ox = i20 |e ~ ne ~ At pine 2, where R= Ry #7, 4, =rDIERS + VERY #1 [At pint bor R= Ro. oP Note tht by the gomwtry os fro, he hangin stress despite the Reta i angen to hess The ening ov, 3h ofr the kd the ere otha fra aight ella From the eqution lets + oxen Pie ‘hess can he denne oP RyNPU sing y= “To summarizes, both sta a (variable) and (conan ae in fens and they st the pincpal sess Stes oa pln belt othe natu str ina sph inde, Amore acurt analyse offre ine. 2 39, DESIGN OF CoNceNTAIC ToRICONICAL REDUCERS UNDER INTERNAL PRESSURE For transition action elweon tw cus sel een dam ers conta rede witha ule the age yner n a (saint ck) a the slr cylinders very fen pte one soa tion widaut Kaki, The win res for ths to sid gh acon stresses a the junctures duet the lu change s the ada of erat, rtculrya igh intel esas (2300 pip This can be Fureraggsvted by a poor ofthe cons-ylindr weld join. The eo ron scion with nwoos as both Greuerenti wold joints away fom cnt. ad usually Wetter aligunet wih he cylindrica shel meyer, ne ex sive ts abi “he knucle a the he einer can cont of rng sect ut oto an ellipsoidal, henisherie, tsp! head wh the sane tics and ‘Shape a requied for a complete he. Mose, bat Kk st abated {ma fom of trl sng ofthe sane ple icc the conic eton In the following dscsion the equed ad fo he kas, ad the ase 1, ate computed using the pina sombrane ses gover eters for the cae where the ste plate hicks wed forthe tie ede "The Cae species only the hows lini forthe knock ois yy shall ot be Fs han the sulle of 0120, +) 04 we rhs densa Feauerments” (Fe, UG34). ‘The sen thecal sell ection at pont Ln Fig. 3.21 are gien by 4 = Ply c= Phy ce (uh) ot Tf i arctbe-rrnemoi-heft fa ona] Aeotennenvents acne] se Baines opel PR He woe. andthe cone tikes fe Ry |SuP cosa = (PR, ISEDIU~ (IR) cx ay co 0). Minimum Keeble Rade, ‘The knuckle at point 1 in Fig. 3.22 wil be subjected to the sme longitudinal membrane sues, athe conical eton onthe asmption f= fu, Har sal fom (entra) * lta) “Pas wetine oy halen Mt yl) Sine Ly wil in practice be always lage than 2, wll be neat (a competion) membrane sie and maximum at 1. The wad component of 5, sina, wil be parlly Balnced By the inkl presen He ets) wojstion ofthe Knuckle ring. The pital at curate fy at ptt ‘har by cola and kuch section lke and Tse bythe geometry of the one, The second fais of eurature 7, an now be computed n ferme of Ry suing f= Fm sues Jy and oy, By tpt the tsi ses wil over an canbe express tems Ry point = (Phtas Mt a 2r)) (Ray casey = (Ry/2e, casa) = (hige 28 Ry ~ 1, #17, 6050) [erg cava Ry 417,~1, cose, cosa} Raft, MURi Fe) * Cr so? a,)~ 21/208" a) xe =(PR Jo (URijex) *(0, sa? al.)~ 21/2688 a) a eplacing 2 wth she oxi allowable compressive sess sitet nat Be et i the substitution shoul be accordance wil the intent af "he Code rls and, second, the Knuckle cai, shoul be kept to the min um esque, sine th er the higher the Tabetin cost “The ste -o, the mina eelsted compessie membrane ses the ‘uch However sinc there renting Betwoon the ale an he cnc section, the Ral angst seein he keke tpi ll be salle and ould be exnated a th werge of om the cone and Anuskle [22]. 1 also has tobe remembered thatthe stoner 9, and oy, donot epesent the emtie ste profil, but ae only stss components wsed as design cea in absence ‘fe more avurte analy, The dsontinity sess woul have 1o be spe impor to obtain the compe sate sts. ‘Since «Knuckle a scion of ators which in tum approche a ylnder with ‘a inreasing aus Ryo Fl 320, the maximum allowable compeesive ses 5; shouldbe the sun's eoued far yin With sal ate iq, 3880 in fabrication, the failure would occur rather in Tol yielding an latie buckling sedan the above reasoning t would sem acepableto use forthe ‘nasi allowable set (25,6) <5, where Sy the Cole slowabe sss ‘meron and ihe weld joint iene. Fron the enon fx, re PASE R ra) +e sia? ay.) 212 08 a) (PR /SyE VEL rR), em M080) (Le 4cose- Som ep, = 2) 4+ Pensa), 1 AY, =O an the inn ali, in erste en and the angle is Ry M4 S cova) D012, 41 oe For instance fora 30 dress, = L188, Wan be seen that if the algwable compe membrane sts (254i selec the knuckle radius, doesnot ifr seat del on the min "8 cuied bythe Code Hover the aol sis wet nied ot 83, titer 7, would sine to lage fx, wold ne to bo ier ‘Simay, the membrane ress pint 2 a sa3are 1h Ptasd
    yee) seg 38 On ad teed 2 Uy ry) 47 Rot own, Ltrtavont 4 Design of Tall Cylindrical Self-Supporting Process Columns 44, rropucTion Tl nied poss enn lt toy ae ssupponing hey me Seppe on inde ci shh is) wih hos ng eing ‘ehbete foundation and ny nl tthe fount by atc ols ee ‘elie in const realy hy ae dsr cane eae Sov dens ao they te snes dese ith + 2 ng the op hn theese and sme fy west age nce he round, 2 Souvtion sl ed toy fr ta wack. A process clu hl Y 8 ‘ert deigel an ovtang team ih oe aed ea an oe supp She pyns cing aval fromthe cla, Te hike oh Ife. thn of foundation, a the uber of ner bol ae reed by meso he py wy ae ple vation des Mowe the "tm ce ee or yw anh sa en hs eign mpocial in modern pectemtal pts Tre cs the tse te eae spec al sede ves sds ay be eee by Gg hw ude clu, wich ae supported ‘Same ceo by an cue sre pair Dll up a he roan sd {aig part rao te win tn. The tare der 2 poses clin, Hs oe eg and nie tanto wel athe oprtng ror ae epee sy a am on seco iye a ty de ae Stemne the Pces test anj ttl to ewe sas oma anal dts Set wih 3 thee of the pros colon sng all trl peice nd oven Mlovancenwosed by 3 melas "he sl eng’ sortie fr the echanks design ofthe poses tower. He wl baste the computa of he se thik, constton a he port and tes of te schools, wel aan engin Ips al te que sacar asin tonto So “he cnpeeing wing srs the rest to pee all esa shop wong Ceviche ony shesked by The ted engine sce she cect intretation of he itr dns by th fabricate eal staff, ee 442, SHELL THICKNESS REQUIRED FOR A COMBINATION OF DESIGN LOADS ‘The shel thlcknes of tall sender eau, a computed by the Code formu, based om the inca or external prenus lone, sully slice to withstand the comin sess pete by the operating prose pos the ight plus the wind we seins has, Acslng to Cole Dison Ts the hel jeknes computations are based un the pri sees-cheseeai ses de tothe desig pessire or luda tes de tothe dep pene los weight pls wind or arthuake Lad. Sine telnet tess ines from top to te bottom ofthe clu, the bel hicks oe nea below th tion, wht dhe ston the git sess ens lng than th eee stress dus the design pre se Det tres eomputations conser the fs of cach lowing prately ‘The pres tangential (crumeremtal) sre andthe combined npn sues ar then compue with the Cade allowable sis aus tension om reson permitted atthe sgn tmpratre, ln computing the Seek ot ‘cet Gevatios iti fen anasto proceed un the Ba othe es rane uit fc bi.) thot ete nt sty (a Asuning tht atl seer ysl rete the ena ds 38 3 canoer beam the enteral fads produce being an shen sts Inthe vce! shel The eet sear having 2 smal vale diterened in compattion. The pic pol stescsyoweiing te eins veel hikes route By Cae Daon "(ae miu tes re tory) even low, ‘The tangential ste, Su thers gv hy = POPU Sate) B= mci come sl astern = devign press, pt ‘econo thknr ofthe i, Sale allowable ses, ps ese by ot cen if ele. “The wt ere, = PDI < $40 (finn), The combined tee hadnt oy, Ane he pres Pad ‘ight, atl applied sunt os W al A ake a te ation ner vsieaton sen follows, 1. On the windward side, 3, = (0D)42) + (AMD) - (D8) 1 (PDH) + (tad) - (W/m). and the shel ches is 1 (PD)4) + (AM xD") (i}xD)] (Code allowabie sess 2. Onthe eward de, ey = (PDI) (MRD) (WIHDD 1=(PD)8)- (4M/xD*)~ (Wed) If. ‘The maxinum compres sess nthe sel duced a dhe bottom tangent line on he feward side when the interal pes is eal othe stospbeie esr: 2, =~ (4M nD) (w)e04) (PDIEH)- (AM}sD*1)- (WxD1) = Code allowable ses. “The maximus axis buckling cn occur Hcl ats section whue the above conbiod ongltinal stress, reaches the magaitude ofthe etal Bucking Bes, Thtetor,o, ennot exceed the Code aowable sess for epic ‘hein axa empeesion (UG 230 ap). IF he are of thinwall eyes stocurshy bending tester formed ‘eaves tthe ocation of he oop, den theses woul he amir 10 waves foernd around the cecumferene under 4 ulforn ans cops Toad. 1 can theafore be sly astumed forall practical purpose that the bueking unde tenined lade (bending pos axl oeeurs, where the maximu sues Becomes aul tthe ctl buckling ses frail loaded yn sls (118, ‘Sti or lati rang. ‘AX thi point wl be intresting to compare the Code Divison 1 shel dhe ais, ined on the above maximm stress equations and tbe shel hekness a, ‘Somputed onthe bas of maximum shear theary a sed in Code Dinsion 2 “The maximum sea tenon the evar side under intr presue i #5 (4-04 )2010,~ 0, $ Code allowable sts. Subsiuing foro, snd o,.me xt (P0j20) [PDI EH xD) (HjeD = (rDI81) + GamiaD 1) + w)aDoY andthe shel kn therefore 1+ [(PDI8)*GM/sD") + (WiaD)] Code sowsble sees Which is somewhat rer tha the hcknes eles previo by main stress tory, “The dein procedure fo tal proces coluans of re or mare dliameters ithe same as for a all sender veel ofa uniform eos section, except tha sts a ofthe itesctions ofthe reducers with he yada shel seton shod be taken into consdeation, as indiated i sections 39 and 86 ‘n addon to exenalpesure an ha on operating weigh af ca veuce are sbjot to atonal loads sh es wind wad eatngake. Their: tual desig to Code equements ha oe supplement with check forint flee collape due to the eter ofthe combined fad axial and bering ti {he exer ese. Assuing ha the iffenerng ae adegatly se, the smagitue of the cts cole ses spans on fw eto: Band Dat ‘The Code pis rms which the allowable external presse fap re based on uniform exer pressure alone. However, de tothe increase in xia compete suet, th abity ofthe vets sl to tke Full den external pres sare (15 pi for vacuum veses reduced. ‘This mea a the sl hikes mast be incteased, The computational peocedure in elcrence 2 cable the de Sie to use the Code cars empath esi exten “ean Pressure andthe eesponding uch. ‘ferent design approach hss boon igesed in cefeonse 164. Hee, an mpi “interactive” method i asd to pol he slat sent of ein “isa shes under the combined action of compresine axial bs and tere ufoomexteal peste. The eet of one typeat leading on the etal ae ofthe other type of adn, snulsncousy apie. is gen by ah equation rspesenting an iteration cane vl th 01. 30 Om, where Oy nd oy ate eleulted compress operating stews and lang ses der trl exes! preaire alone and oy ite colsung set under vee lead alone. The iracton carve wil terminate at pins (L,0) sn (0,1) 08 Joye ad le 2s 1 il pisily be 3 Tatton of the iadinge andthe oom of the structure and repesetsa cumbia do ha wi case 2 fale. Thus if fogs knows, the mms vas of 8 a. can be deer ‘ned fom the eure. The right fine interactive equation maybe ue, po vided that the same safety tor in tangential sd longed deco are tied. Then odk(oq/S)* 0180S) whee ofS. and ay(S. can be taken asthe Code allowable compresive Threes she Coe allowable factor equal to 1-2 when appliale. $F ithe ‘Bley fctorin the sngth design Le, the nub of times the od might be Increted before the suet wll all et of ses, usualy este wi respect oy wes, bucking ses ee ‘Since the Fin ala Code allowable ss gh than in the tangs icstion (= 5,2, the above formula ives foo conserve rests has alo be pointed out vfeence 164 thatthe metiod needs more ox perinonal vetieaton, aticulay on hp weldedsteleylidrical ese, How {er based on upto fst rent, Un straight ine equation seems wequte nd eonservtve. The neato eve method elinraes the need for theoret- teal deriation ofthe maximum combined stress. ample 41. From reference 27a tll ew ves, 10 fet in diameter and 19 te high wth slfence 6 etapart harsh thckess0 375 in. of SA285B, ‘The total wet weight 200,00 Ib and the moment fester aces at he botim t #200000 fb, Design temperature is 200°F. Check if te sl, ‘hikes adequate under combined loadings by the interaction metho. a, = @D}A + AMlsD* + WpeDye 1 (15 12014 + 000000 + 124 120° + 200C00(x 1290.375 = 5280 pia compeson = BR(t* 15 X 6)0375= 2400 psn compression ueISF. fr A =0.125((Rf)=0428)60375)037S) = 0.00078 ‘= 10500 pi (in pati ote age), SY. "27.00 pa, S¥./2 ‘ogISF.for L/D *06 and Dyit= 320 A = 0.00082 18+ 6300 pin elas range orog/SF) +0, [(korciSF)* 10 andtakingk= 1.2 20,2 % 10500) + 2400/(.2 x 6300)=098.<1.0 3800 ps “The rest is more conserva than the etn eference 27. mowe accep ble rent would be obtained by sing .Y2 for ofS. DESIGN OF TALL CYLINDRICAL SELFSUHPORTING PROCESS COLLINS 88 The Code rss og/S.F.& taken under eg nT Coe maken andre el ad ed ese ich 43. SUPPORT skins sian of he Suppor Ski Sha The suport skis ate welded dietly tthe west hon he oe shell 8 shown in Fig 4.1, The factors determing the si th sown Fa. 4 he sit thickos can be um Tad iene c SEE las tee ‘ype 2 Shi ape othe end prian thet Mee dan hud cl yg 1, The musinuc longitudinal sess doe 1 the extemal moment AF an weight Wat the bases a, =~ (WieData)* (AMD) Bs 2. The Ingiulblomresive t a the Hse wey Lest cnn the ves sete in etal postin, d= WrlaDate 3, The masinun ste inthe shirred Wo, wih the weld ju fb slency # depending onthe typeof the skit and weld wed (Fig. 4.1), ite often determine the spor skit thckoes, [OWInDg) + (AMjeD2 1/8 x Code allowable sues whore wel ey The wi tikes souk ttn Gr teat an de Acton, oly fo wes han Te th tc ot shel ction pate ces , 3 Suppor sis for losametr vol, whch hve ae sw the fll ns wrap, us Be chk to determine thr te thins wi isn fe wii nl bphsempcatr soni fa ge acs pe open ete nes sl he men ssa section ough peng xn be sek = Mita (@D3(8)~ (FD,2)]~ WiEHDa~ Ya IF, 100 high the opening as tobe reinforced (ae ig. 4.2). ie 62, am tn tou a ee ss Jn Fg 4.1 two type constructs of super skis and thei tachment elds se shown. Skint type Ia) the mast fen ased desig for tl veel The seoteines f the eyllaicl shut plate andthe corroed shel pte ae approxiately coincident, TF the skint plate thicker than the baton sel ‘ate, the ute diameter of the shit eel oth ute dtr of {he Motto sel. the api under the impensd external moment hie td the anchor Bolt spacing Becmes too snl or the fot ze the sit signed as ced Type 1(). The lle bending sess ined the Mead by a Type 1a) skit are conser aceptble, However, wth a Type 10) ‘rt supped, the ses nthe hed ea Bore exces and may hake o be ‘nalyzed more thorugh. Type 2) the siti tached othe Nanged portion othe bottom hed in such a way tht i doesnot oatuct an inspection ofthe ud-hel wel sean This pe fs mow ica, face and ews Tor high ext fonds, high desig temperatures, oF elie operating temperate A pat between the outside diameter of the shel andthe nse ameter ote skit ‘seat Mina skit of Type 206) sd i ey ih etn at igh exter mnt ‘Shirt Bae Design In ig $3 cw most fequenty we sit hse types eet. Ik Type A ‘he anchor bolts are heated wf the sensi f the sit pie Aunties ‘up tein sng provided to enforce the suport sk slag on \esinbl foaled bending ste, ‘The dadvaniages of the Type B akit base ae the weakening of the skit shal bythe ase openings forthe fll and the oc) to check the gle between the openings for bucking. Bath dimension ane shuld be het to 4 nine. The tlt ice equal to the mean dame ofthe si shel ad {he weld comesing the pipe serve othe shit steed in seat nly haga of he hllingsown ol force ‘se Ring son. To dsdate de wt od one act ao he ‘onretefoundtion te huse sng wed vant sete aac toate the snshor bolls. Forte detistion af the ose ing Ihishnee buh Types A and B the metho inthe AISC Maal sgenerly apie The hissed to be nil dtaute er the entre wth oe igh The elt af bol ole am any wigncement by the ete stiffened ‘spd, the heaps vet The dani ad Ws ‘ih the external nome P= (OD 842d} 8 Kips? would scm justified 1 se the wed to ake he Fl dowd 1, = 4MpaD) + (feDp) in. in, suing hut the ke snot in contact wih he bane ing, since t would be ie esinte te apprsimate number of contact pois. They w. hese ofthe weld eg walle hese the allowable weld unit fore fbi. nf oneinch wed) is fe 1838,X085 for wind orcathguake 1205, 055 — forthe test cuiion and, isthe allowable srs for the st bate ple or skit sel plate, whi ‘eri smale, Top Suing Ring. The continuous to sag with acs Bolt hues and welded tothe skin sl a own in Tig. 43, Type A, bp to dtu the Bolt hong down reactions more evenly int the kt shll To determine the required teks f would requ an oled ses anal, including the base ting, etal seners, and skirt section, The thickness J cou Be computed From the conentated Toad atthe eds of the bolt hole. Arectangule pate with desis and e can be roughly approximate by 2 beam with the onger fds Fixed ood P onthe plate, and minimum setion modulus 2= 12» fy Buzd om the bow spljing ssurpions the Ducks an be estimate by = easy Nin. ‘whee # isthe eaximur bot fad (approximated by 125 tn bolt ste aren ‘Ay tines the bot allowable sires Sy) and Sy the allowable ses in bending fot the tp sng materi Vora! Sufferers. Te ver seners a Fig. 43, Type A ate welded 10 the si and top and bottom base rigs. The distance between silenes i ep othe minima that bition allows fr the computed bot alze On he leeward side the sears re stressed in compression and thes hicks cam be ‘computed tat of > se supposel on thre sides with one ade Fee. A Simpler and more onservauve approach Isto teat the steve as 2 plate column, I the thickness ry i asturne, then the maim allowable uni stress for ally landed clus per the ASC column Fras shuld not exceed P)22 17000-0485 (Ls, where = 1y(1- 025). the crs sectional area of one stiffen, in. E Heng heifer. 1 jay" 0.25% he ao eyraton of he ifn. P= thera a, (025) effective with ofthe stiller in ‘The thiknes ¢y usualy Between {and 1 in, depending on Bolt sie, Where no plo ony 3 very sl up ream exer lads the tp sige tir ean be mite twee sand the desi oss oa ling ha The nian 5 or Walls to ia.) scletd nd the anchor bls sere meray Tolocae the wel inp, ‘Shit Materia ‘The vat legos wed teri or spp sis e carbon ses, ADK (or thikaoses up to fn. and ADS gr. C or tka finan above Since this is. very important sacral yt te allowable reser ede te same a for the peste pat "The heavy bse rings ar ls fabcted fom ADBS gC with yt ue 5, * 30000 ps. ine the allowable bondig sts for sacral ese with S, 135000 ps i the AISC ba pte Firma 2000 pl the allowable banding Stas fr ADRSC ioe us ihe AISC Tora ane deri ils 20000 x 30/36 16700 pi wot only 38% 16700 *22200 si wo plo wind 51.2% 16700" 20000 px test wish Higher allowable streses ae aceptble for the base ng han forthe aki shal Beaune minor defo u the ite ing fm oearesing woul a ‘se any damage 44, ancwor outs Settsupovting clans mute sly fxd othe sppting come Fun ‘os with auatly sed anchor Dole chee ine once prevent las. Ta or excive snp fom nea wind of cata oad mp the eton stes hhll hed ad abe oe tte mes appl () vine td, oe eid ig onion ad gry pm fl nd cay nig of belts ya mre compte method consrig ht ped on bland 3) hg tal poston bls ready T=()2,)- (WIC) = (atid?) fed hn. i nd eon ce tan Wd Se poste . cn ih pee delineate sch Boe TARE cues a ota tin, om al bolts The maxima free Fon he bl at sane x=) en dane = Td = (ania) ht andthe equi ol are ig Ay = (eattiay- Wins, The anchor balls a6 a designed for the hornet fore since i 15) vatiney shocked, Deflection compute ar often emptied weve, sed ty tse for auch eeuations ta be nade by bod No matter what shortcut antl method is wd, the conpttions ae comparatvely Feng and subject to err. The metied should be Nexble cup Io permit ey incision of such arbi a sel hicks, ms of ‘osty be to canes in operating tenperature, and wind presure above the ‘pound, The method should alo be s simple as posse an per the of the rele from previous computations uf dhe min! moments and The wind Ina for the dleination of th al tikes “There ae aur of methods which ante wed ‘he meth of sperpoaion canbe spied ere to asap. The ses tteued tobe cantilever bean firmly Hxed tthe enctte pees The fet of foundation movement is corstdeed negghe. The sx basi fornulas wed Ubisnethod are showa i Table 2. ‘Consider the canes bem of ig. 4.10, Using the Farman in Tle 42 Wendl dein Fg. 4.10 can be easly elute: be 8 mH vy ” 1, 4, Ws tad 10% beyond ‘whlch dope to 03-058, ‘The toll dag force consis ofthe ftom component Dy, predominant at lower Re values, and the pressure componeat Dp doe tothe pres Teale fon the ender. sully, Dy for blunt bodies wl be mc eget tan the ore Dj. Te diag Force is dealt with inthe desig of pressure wes the wind lone. Dersopment of the Fore on Cylinde Tanses othe Ditetion of Flow case of ition 2 boundary layer of rand Md fans un the pliner sce. A separation ofthe ow ours athe eat af the eyliner and wake, 4 turbulent ron witha lover ow vlty tan the surounding este, eels. Wid high A, the epuation point of the lm mare forward toward ‘he anrene dame’ of the eylnds andthe wake with iseaes Pi.1), by fiton the hiheraloctyendeing Layers st he lower well Ma ‘wnediately behind the spaation point ia rttion. Two symmetric! nce, with opposite rotadonl velocities develop, and athe wind wlocty eres, ‘he fcton fosce Between the essa dnd vrtes tes [At some point one vortex beaks aay and pases downotca,dintepating Inthe fee trem [ig 4.14). Up to the citi value of e 10" the Struhal suber incest 038 ‘The fist ita win! velcty Vy the wind veloc) at which the shedding froqunsy oF wind wots fy 8 egal ta the Fatma Fequeney of he column ft can be eomputod from the Soul number, substituting forty ¥, =1aj02 (99) vy = 340ajr mph ‘The second cial wind velocity canbe taken as V5 = 625% aie Vibrational Penne; Mapifistion Factor Wien the win of stacks wa tained i was aed termine wea te ha hey he Geuency fof eo ht fre cin sree ei arte rt pn their, wee my Be thy ord sant ato et eee nica by soc ation cn Dud pad ince oer the ce roms wn daa eh pt some coat fe Base renal icp peal Cee Topas Atl wos» eee epee 7 tw tab am of ny yt enn naa wots ration, echo tem asopale by» ast mde oF > see or fier, the peeing po of ction wl be the Togs {SUE fndonen ort which of mai interes. Te geal nsinons cect snares ca be eed by wag a ysem wih 8 Seper io, shown F416 "heat equi fo pe nt mae nf sites tne deer of edn apes the dpeent = of eA TEE Rlttn pnon ae tstananos atonal of imi toz vke= Fest Fe 616 Systm wh oso dee of som st ad ‘ikon Sanpete pened han or where sm Wis the mass (= damping factor, resistance to notin in po who the wait spi to ne ich per secon Ibsen, ‘k= scle of weightless pring, force in nds rogue dt the ping ‘by one inch, in ‘eos t= harmonic periodic force impress on te system, IH tan ‘urn when =O. I cold so be taken a sin ot, withthe mina hea = 0, depending on the deste spronnition (the cela fequeny ofthe impressed force Fa ‘The genet solution of this diferent equation consists of to parts spe posed on each other = 1. The complementary function i the genera slution ofthe bormogensous ‘equation (the sghtand side set equa 9 zero). With two independent eon ‘ans, the complementary faction represents the fie damped wraion ofthe system and gen by: eMC sn ayt #6, cos ou) whee cig = [sn - (2)? ] ite damped natrl cl Feguency sm and Cy are constants whlch depend on to intl sondions, For small snping coetiensc, a in the eae of process columns, cg can be replaced by y= Chi", the natural ular Fequeny fora wraingsystern wth no 1, nonbating maton) and nd npn eee <1, haoonle bration) The daoping fat ew 2a ‘Sender presse vee lly omy ewe percent ik =X; the deflection ofthe sytem due tote maxim inpesed free Fvben acting aati force ‘6 constant ph ale “The maximum actual smpltude of forced baton can be bine by nlplying the satel evtonX, bythe aeton H{{1~ (ong P# (Peleedetony I called the mopiiatin factor. For small valves of ee, (202) the maximon, fale of Mal be ech very aol at. Maximum MF * ee In practical computations the damping coetetse and f the system ate sot koow, not realy meauable, and dfcult to estate with suicen ecursy, For fees wration with danping ess tha il the rao a te ‘Sonate masimum apis ee Fig. 4.17), nai exp Cl2m) + Gaia) % exp FPam)r] = exp semag) =e whee 6 e known athe lgaithnie decrement ands hen by 8 = remy Expressed in terms of cee and subisting frag and ik = 2/4, (rein = (fam 1" = Daeg ~ ed" and forall values of ee, 4 tle “The magnication fastor at eonanse on ow be expressed slows Msn MP. a Some investors conaider this value too high to apply agaist cindel FRrlues, a suggest that «mx MF, equal 1/8 Is more i ine wth that measurements Damping ia a system can ao be defined af the cate at which the material isons eneay under cycle oud. The energy i dsipated through het by icin damping due to mrotcopc plat ston inthe mater. Damping fa vibrating column would folado, madi to internal damping, Ftion ses between the sll ad any emery tases du 1 rests of the ‘xtra! piping and am, bi coos at the bse suppor. Since tandte ve 21 8 he lgaithmie decrement 3 can be expressed by simple rato, = 88 Gnas le hich canbe interpreted athe porentage say pee eel inthe ample of {ely ibating ws and thus provides a meats of easing the wbrstin ‘kay ate of clunn in Feld, sics the value of two consecutive amplvdes Sand Sey be detrmined by Held measurements Hower: lacks ful sian, snes desribes condition way from the point of suance and stepuble to eros m messrenent. Most wae {ata weer are petentl nero 5, albu lable wala For typi Proce towers and stacks re ola extensive it woul be deb Value of 8 for weld towers and sacks and magnification Actors based on eld essuremens are gen in Table 4.3. Unless otherwise wii the ‘als of and Mn coms land can be wed in mos appeatons. ‘Since 2 defection i diel proprtoal to the applied fre he maim teamee free pe nit eo he projected sue a cpind at resonance sorte exposed by L=(C.XMED EE OD, Forth ist etinate aval of (i, X ME.) (0X 60) can be wd Fupeocamm one som GO rt suo Goa woes S08 confit betwaen Fore and Slt Excited Vibration Theos ‘A ves esena othe aerodynamic design analysis of towers and stacks, sch ee ecient Cy, the Stouhal number Sand patel the damping dts, Retooect of wide diference of opcion among vais investigators. Further wei rston ba been raked whether fre bration theory shouldbe Bee a thlbase design goveming theory s the aredymanie design of stacks tnd tomes. ‘Acorn to fred bration theory the semating tasers force sting on a Synge ai flom oiines fom vortex shedding which i independent SP eke oti of the elder, The force ex at all wind wea a whic the von Karman vortices are fnned, ine he fequeney of forced wbrations ree tthe eyueney ofthe pred fre, is would nen, that the tack vec bate tose dere af fsquotey proportion! wind vost. Ae Tre Siteo tind sect the fequeney of vortex shedding fy equa 10 the ‘Mat fequeacy of the stack or tower nd resonance oss The principal ‘Riso thistheovy ha not been genera aseped atthe freyuences of Thus otatlons a osered nthe itd have realy aways been found 0 Be seer tly constant atthe value of the natural Fequenis of the tac minim poor ayernent wit aed wration theo Pca ih dcepancy otter tees have heen advanced, particu seltoxclaton thery. A seenied fbaton shoul ake pace day near the ui feuency of the structure, In slPexcted bration he impressed ‘ering fore sustaining the motion created by the moton isl and when ihe mot ofthe eet stops the ipresed ace disappears. Once excited 0 Monon th eyindee contol the Frequency ofthe impresed foes [36,47]. ‘Vaton wos contine tough awe ange of wind elo, and 8 pr Tar cel wind wloity Would not east 1th amcunt of ney extracted tthe yin rr he a excede damping, the mpi fein wi ‘Res tin pete, an equa between dampingand the excrayspat Toclope Hower, fll stfctory theory fora stack oslating with sl seed ines ot been nathewtly worked ct by proponents, Te woul ge that ate fos the eylins dynanil elo i anil tbe sb Jeo only fred batons a the highe Nove pst of seed Wonton ext. Frm ge numberof fell rations an be concaed thatthe Mist peak amps appear atthe esl wind ely Ve responding to 2 Ste munbor nf apponialy 02 png oat the ed ‘oration theory the bile excato.‘The fonuttn of Senay posh ‘les ther wind ene in sre enc may led To meen of Tore irton they. partly afer The Behavior of scans wound slaty detecting cides at igh Re values ber Laon. Fara reset designer the mex! sian fc tha the peak vb rac by foced vate thy a el hen wth he i ee uc fr baa forthe mahal hig tek ef i. esgn Method Bored on Freed Vibration ‘The ical wind vay Vive by oat wh sr dite ode Bose fhe el in oa te fist pe of “vibration in second per cycle Feeand Tish tp The seind eri well ea be taken ass = 6251 ‘The muni ui ress tare the wind ditto eso the projected cpindr re ie L(G, xm yoViI2 0 Amini hl wi prea ower mas ef we anette te ‘esl top section ¢f tof of Hf dpendine on exis) ad cola sive ‘fet edo he eal btm lan he an te al Sue acting on 3 eyindie al slender wet sestanes ean then De apn mae by its est equa state ore a the tp the cl: FC XMENOM MAX HI}. When 7 sin mph F=0.00085(C, X MENU INCH), The egutveat force F can be ued in computing he sans nina steases at various ovation of the sll anlar the maximo sma umpltude a the Lp ofthe wes, The ded sre ite spa the stees due to weit and operating presse, The toa combined stress ‘ould not exceed the masimor allowable ses forthe shel ater 1 the Combined testes ae Coo hgh and posbityof fai alr exits chanpes Inthe dg Have Co be mad 'No vvetins! ands would be completed without a ate to evaluate the effects of fatigue The tes nds nthe bottom sho section, wel and ‘skit support Is completelyrevened is bending wih the srs ange Sq = 28, ‘he following ratonship between the numberof ej Yo Fire ad the sires ange Seda fate cave [74] > (KISH). whee mand Kate material constants and i the ses intesifieation factor, For carbon ste with an ulate teat of 60,000 pin = Sand K = 70,00, ‘The rae of wl vary accodg the typeof eonsrvction, wed and inspection, Some suited ales for are 6 1.2 for hl pate with snot ish 1 For bate jolts =3 for ilt weld or incomplete penetration grooe weld with the root wn sealed between the boom head an the soppot ki ‘The fatigue He expectency Le in hour of wbation ina steady wind a the resonant velo wl be pen by Le= W713 600, “The safe serv eof eomtinoous wbraion Leis. No pecs criteria or the safety factor SF. can be gt, However, the naan {ai ence fe should bea leas esa othe sum of probable ine periods of Stendy wind of resonant iocty a th jo te, AsfetyTator of 10-15, 5 5p- ‘Bd Yo cycle o fale, could be aseped fortis type of lad and strc From the above dicusion i gute dbus hat, with s0 many sumed variable fst, te ele of design computations can only be interpreted 2, {proximation the stating pont or he evasion of the vel Behave. Comective Mesures ist Vieation “The mest commonly wid preventive mee agent ration asp vorex Spoiler welded arund the top third ofthe stack. Another corectve eure {or an existing stctare subject to exc wbration woud be instaliton of manent guys. Special exter damplag desc ate expensive, impact, nin pts not vey lt, Thy do ot eo era ator ‘Asin any mechanical desig the cheapest and mast fective virion peeve ens ci be acomplised ty seat says dng he esi pe ee Saher cos * “ Ovatng Since mostly unlined stacks are atfectoa by this esonance phenomenon oly 2 tis issuston wil be offered hee, The cre esodynamle forces can ince salting deformations ofthe upper ston of tackled olin os revi, ‘The presi pusitions which cause ong of stack occurence per mrt focmatin. 1 the natura frqusneyof a endl sel ake cle ing Goines with the vortex shedding fequeny, the shel wil have tendency to atten pedal into an elipe, with the dtction ofthe major aus varying ‘om perpendicul to para tots wid directo The Towest natal peso 3 eylnder taken ing ven by r say = On 268) mR IE where ‘=the mas per wit ng of he rng for ssh, m= Fin 1 iC 028/386) P+ modulus of ebstcty, 27% 10 pi 712, moment of fet, Sbatting the above vcs, we get Peto ered the nean tinder damete in fet and thik in inches, The resonant wind eat which heretically would bce onlin i Vy =s40u27 or 1.1207 mph Reitoring rings with eure ection meds ata he top thin of 2 suck to sere ran ating. Ap wx sper en be pce ‘the rings (124), " Lintig Vols for «Vibrational Analysis "would be advantageous to be ale 10 determine in advance frm 3 sage ‘imple prancter whether a vibrational analy noses. Unortnaely, no such parameter is avisble, Most investigations hate been done on tl stacks, Tah canbe sight epindris, tapered or halapered; ined with suite oF Unlined; and of weed or ted constuction. The weight aealy evenly Gstdbted along the hight and there no connected procs piping involve mpi! puraneesintnded for tacks, thereore cannot be blindly applied to tall towers, Av sey mentioned, process columns are not afictd with ‘ossvind batons wey olen, Howcrer, pen the ted to higher, ser Seon the pully of vibration wl Hely be of wnecsig portance. To Ubsin more rele cate, mre revearch bboatry work an experiental work on flee, f-rected, hgh vss ar nec “Te follwing can be ws as peer gullies in deciding whee na alysis equi, 1 The uppe init ofthe rita wind weleies Vy and Vs san be limited 0 0 mph since avery sal powsbilty of sustained wind velocity beyond hs Aa ent This ale als ea high a any know wind velocly at which ‘os batons hve been coded SIFY, is restr than the degn wind veosty wed ln sai presse com> patatons ao further check equlod, Oni i alsin the range of revaing Mind velo a the ste acu forthe lesan jai. Betting mun poder rates 1] oe vibrational nay ined stack ma 13 Tied tacks js proces clans: mas 5 4, Posibleetria, rating 1 total weight W (8), eight (Rand averape dame of the top bl ofthe eel d(T) ae suggested inf, 49 to establish The ned fora batonal arly, follows pea? <20, —sealyis rst be poco 206 Wid? 25, aaa shoul be performed 2S Wild?, "analy need not be pesformed 5. Acocing to an often wed eve of thumb, complete wbratry analy of sa sack ov tower no segue ie ttl fre an the tack tower oud bythe wind etal vlsty (Fy Ase than the wind design oat) thes nt enced of te operating coed) weight oF yormaiw, 0067 nthe above formula, 17 i the total hgh of , (otal hejht of 3 vnifrm diameter stack of ‘ower. Fora red stack, can be place by an equvstet bec Hi =H (yin) + HP (cone Fortine stacks, Wy iues he weight ofthe ira ing, (07. FIRST NATURAL PERIOD OF ViBHATION ‘The fst natural period of wren T of tll slender vec an ptm fritesan in design for wind earthquake ha. For» Wl see ete ‘beam, 7's given (in seoonds per one complete cycle) by ven (10560) Got)" shore £2222 he poviaive scan A= ‘otal height in fet " (a8) me fio hess ‘weight per foot of the vessel, 1b/ft ” etalon Sbsttatng the sbove values it the quo or Fes P= (270/10) a (wt seceyee 4 ewes ope a Nhs tepente te pod Tat he a ing temperature can be found fiom T'=TX (29% 10"/E" at operating i enn Hound om T= 7% 00% Ife a opens In pct, oie vas have wh hv ether 9 eppaown sel hises o sed scion of dient mee eprsening sem wit une Sy bd ite fei. Ins stem, Roles nto ed ode tie the fst aura petid FA yl method apis ol upended wh ssc ses ‘eines cznesrng robles (371, * the vation of soln ti tos ape harmon, the a ie ce el ry PE an the Mey KE nat times KE ssn. when the le aes eh scum poston andthe ea oan ees ee Te masa laste enetgy PE occurs, when stem sat maximum displacement, with 2600 netic energy KE Both maximum energy ast be qual: Fora tingle ones, ating system, we pe=myn Mags) Re FV ana oy =F yA where _»=amplitude, the masa deflection ofthe center of gay othe ws P= maxinum vlocy of the mas, equ fo yy fort simple himni ‘motion y= angular natura ndamped equeney ofthe system ze Pinal acting force W> eight ofthe ass {2322 Msc, gaitains sederation In order to apply the above equations to anilever bea th lowing spl fying assumptions hve co be made 1. The distributes weighs of the Beam sections ate assumed tobe once usted of “lumped” at cates af pay of the beam setions wih wang siness ang the Tenth othe eso (ce Fig. 418). Thi asst co Seably simples the computtions forthe deste yo the ene Davity. The prater the number of sections, the higher the Dal accuracy schleve wir neteig wh fn tons Pett 2. In ower to compute the maximum dfetion of the centers of gry of the lumped mans the most probable sation sure ofthe seem forthe at ‘lod has 10 be assumed. The close the sumed eure tothe actual eure, the moce accurate the relting . However, even ifthe sleted curve diet From the actu toa considerable dec, the computed Tl lve sno CGaerly, the deletion tending eave ofa vel subjected fe own weight (nil sting fore = W) Wate. and deletion of the centers of eat YasPha dou a corpted 1 Ung the ve weights sl calculate dts, dhe natal uname sngulFequoney ey of the este in Fg 4.18 maybe foul fo th ato ingeqations =H Wary FF Mae ME My 04 Wy and fom oy = 23/72 dale my? fez myl'” ‘Thos caeuate wil be sigh (afew pee) he tha the atl 7 since the stati, bending defection curve no acta, dynam atonal cue. The sgt f the defections mst slay be ake pte, “The weights Wi, Wy... , ly sed the computtlons ae the operating eights. To nd the delestons 5, + yay analy method can be teed. However, i the computations ne dine by hand the Yllowing numerical ret the mst convene and ele tr apy Bacal, hii the cnjugste hea method applied 4 a enter Beam. (3) ‘The ope ofthe ela Bening curve th el het salt the sea the coexponling pint the conjugate eam ihe eavenpaling Fei ea with these feng her beam But sjsted sports) which has ‘he ABEL ae ofthe real bean 36s (ate) lad() The dation of he ‘el beam a any pot with rerpect Co rial ition seq tthe Bed lp moment ate conespanding pont othe eanugste beam which has the [Mfet anc oe rel hea ais (at) oa. ‘A step-by atep design procedure oll sow und lg 4.19 an 4.2 1. The weights ofthe vessel sections Wy, Wa, Wy se computed and sumed to et atthe centers of gravity (Pons , and en Fig. 419) For the sake of Sinpiiy i fe asumed here Ut the moment of inertia F and modlin of lst # ae constant thou the eie ese leah so that they ea We ‘spr nd wt i the in ors [lerer Campus the beng moments 2 ois a , and €and at he Hine end ue tothe concentated lade Wy and M20 My = Way Hao Me = Wy laf2) Hs HSI) Ws +a Mg =W 2) #1 #5] #Mallla/2) 1+ L322. we ( T ‘Sketch the moment lage 1 asa sae, wth Af, Ma dy Conmpate the ares PM, Hoey and ay ee pu Ay foe, # Bb YI> Ay (by) oay2 2. The Mega of the el Rea becomes the fitout ang diagram of the conesponing conjugate bean i Fg. 4.20(. The fis oer nega tion (sing the tapers agpronition) gine he sear dngam ofthe cow Jepate beam eqiaen to the slope diagram of the el Beam in Fy, 2000) The 60 mph 257) 26.5 12 ule load at = 0.00086 % 35% 6.38 170 128 4.685 Moment t bottom Ti Wind momenta compute ie ight no fre sis check is reuied Estimated eel itine: Longitudinal cyte tes t BTL: 0.106% 752,175)5 58 = 2635 fin, Sess age Sy = 2 2635/1125 = 4.685 pt Sires concentration fctor =20 Number of eels o fare = 180000) 4,545)" = 4.063% 10" eye SF.=20; "'N/20°203% 108 Safe bation time: (2.05 x 107% 1.15 50) x (1/24 X 356) = 19 ye, 1. Field Hydotet in Coraded Condition Maximum sess a any point in the ves sould nat excend 8 S dng the hyrotest. Maxim lowe 5, = 13,700 pi Vieldstrngthy 5, = 30/000 ps Maximum llowable ratio of hyroest sos se 08x 3000, 00175 Presuresia the vet urn daring hydro (eFig.4.27): Meoracigstweatsaaxeaws ca Te peaveat? Tel toienichestan 203004560 tiitanichestom soso xeditE” Ussher ohgome AROS I Maxima allowable est pres fo 180. Ringe bottom: 425 pis 202 ps Presse eto fo sel: Mg, +060) _ Puls 0.60) e175 361 (8.063 40.6 05625) _ 13.700 % 10x 05625 283 63063 106K 08125) - 153 e195 Lsrens Aewstion2: Ty Acsection 3: RTS "139 10K 08125 er HN ELOE HOBIE org eps Ai section r= 5,700 XX Mb,+029 Forhesd wr =e 402 (66128 +06% 1129) p65 <1 75 Atbottom: —RT= FETS OK LOLS 9, Approximate eights for Design (0) Operating weight Wi To section (Fi 423) 1200 Topeak 2:1 lips Shain nthe a7 70 son op damier wa pr Trippy tek 25 ing x AS 1.600 Marie 2,030,190 2 1500 Nove tinted) soo ip for platens and adder (eed) soo Instn, col, $n ek, 90 Bf 70. (6.300) Phcorms 3,325 02 35 We? 2550) Pig (einates) (600) Laer 2015/1 70.8 (900) Operating Tiga on ays, 1482 WNX 4S K F412 700) Trays, M0 yay 85 14.900) W, ascion? 9685016 ‘Shelf. thick, 660 x 50 33,000 Toy sipping, 25% 3 ing 00 Mae, 2, 20408002 00 Nozzles (estimated) 500 igs (estimate) 50 Inston, SOX 99 500) Platforms? X25 0? 35 ty 0750) Pring testinatal) (6.00) tad, 2015/8 50.8 (1900) Operating igi, 182 Win x (9x 25 (ds'so0) Taps, 310 ey X25, (7300) W,atsecton 3164900 Shell, 1 thick, 900 ye 40 3600 “Tray supports, 35 ling X20 ‘an Mantle 2, 204. AS08X 2 10 Novas (tinned) a0 ips (etna) 00 Insltion, 90 fx 40.4 2.500) Phorm, 2% 25 0? X35 Wyn (1350) ping (estimates) (30) Lads, 50% 20 1.900) pean iad, 1482 B/N x (4) 204 10) 2700) Teas, 310 fytay X20 (620) W,atsection 5 24685010 Support it are 1 1 fa ick 15.000 Bering, png, iene 30 ueprosting 4m thik (900) (Operating hui nto had (1500) Bot head, 2: lips hick 2300 W,attaie® 274,501 (2) Erection weigh: 1480018, notays 2 ROD, wih ways 0) Shop et weight: Wp = 134800 + 162 1% 182 bj 5000, (4) Pet er weg: Wp = 278,950 ins 14800 1 + 120% 182 f= 445,150 10, Res 1. Wen compuatos for set hos wee ist compte thet dency win tp the oh lm to an ae hc om Te et roo many els with ie hearse. Tis onot po to ena scone sd paste fr beatin ad Sefton ‘Supt, Una, aid al cm note i tons hat ove tbe tio. TF amply he stn ASA ASB955 ws wn in competing the nt was Fg 425 The nt adv can scp by the tan Sn RSELI972 witht ny ce th compton pret othe el theta Tae computations cov he el fe of theese sexed tat cei atenton ail be gn te prepa he wd on er Scio we somata uy contl eben, pectin, ob ks pouty eve re i eg for pp st yd she pn sh he the eget ie the lose eng Sess te the dro tn fase normal th slic se allan te coer Neapatie TheCoe fons an bed or tsps sir uted polis triphe, oon ads seb the mt ns te nga mean se in yids! a ‘Fatal te ret eauted (per sss ont ses deo {Ent buds) Th tnt ster wil om of morane ap eng ses Enyce ote foe soponet roma he ed suse, The co ett ene compl Hower for 1 loi bss ler Th reo! hs eth sg li he angel eb ‘eu i mnnined an the Code fra canbe he comeing wel 1c oar rhe gen ine a hence of he spor se an deta eine "Te Cole bie lbwale ses, compen sin eso fords in contin with ind ln as btn nrne (1983) by 20 pret, How tre te susan alow wee een do wd a wl ve 5 Supports for Short Vertical Vessels 51. suPPoRT Leos \enerl Consider {the dimensions given in Table 5.1 are usually supported on uniforu Hl {plural supp ep 2 sot weet eed shoe ound oes ‘Problems. To allow good acoess under leven for I ster vee he mans of he support es to four, bed aa the win, + Tanger umber of legs cannot be avoided. vse “write a2 Sp mrt ge xtra loads on the wes Hower the angle hy hast be aed he ‘Rite fy ig on rere tapes ed fer ‘support legs. Again there ate ty ihm foskel shown Sed a in) can cry much Hever sence aus Tek cowed ates Novimunno—S o Noximan iit cn be mnie by wing apes jing of the Mans toe bl comtou ane . “Eittaow Megs Osea sl pes seed forge sre kat Show fe Fig, Round pe prt stale for clu, sce ner a Mak ads of pai oa eto an ay good son {isunce. The nae of clu pie ually et unpainted sae thew ‘et on toh end wl be dee for poet gat aoyper dn en td coon Contec 8 fp coms ih he cet ti of the vel sl This clint the eventicty € nthe ean and ba pate computations, The immediate tsk of the designs deter hy 3 tes analyte ted dimensions of he lowing pat: 1, support cours, 2 baseplate, 3. lepostell welds, 4 leptons pte weld iz, 5. sess in the ves! ll 3 supponts 6, se of anchor bale. Support Les Colamne ‘Te oad imposed on suppor eps are verte od hoz de So weigh and Wind or seamie fore. The wind free Py computed by musing the ‘esti projected exposed aa ofthe wes! by the mind poss fo the le ion times the shape tor. The sinus wi presse wally ake 20 pu, which eoresponisupproinutely ta a wind wy of Hn He vest ip located In repo subjected to earthquakes, te acme fone Pe ‘ting on he ves wil be equal to the weight ofthe sel tines the ath uke coefficient e denied i Chapter 1 "The computed wind kali honvontal and stud to be ating in the tentrid of the preted expused surlce. The earthquake load Py above hoizontly onthe enter of roy ofthe etl ce Fig), General, there are nado moments from piping ther exuipment to be considered. The tops ofthe sipor les teased Yo be welded toa sight vesel wal that i actually Seal, The anchor tlt se lal pe tghened, and as ang some compres etwern the ise plates an the ‘undaton ext do to weight andthe ia bl ow the wel wll ave» fendency to cvertum abou the axis 4-4 (Hig. 54) 383 eal axa the ‘ection in theca duet the ovestarg moment My wll be poprtal tothe distance Fam the ax a The vertical eacdons Cia compresion and T'in tension the suport base ‘nat of 3) sel weight, sumed fo Be xual 0 WIN, and() reaction tothe eauring moment My ing Table 5.2. the following resus ean be deol, The mau tt ‘wl oad tthe lewd ade (copreson i Co=(WIN) + AMSINDS) petting conions Cre Wri text eonctons, Table 52, Maximum Vardi Resction #09 Suppor Column Due to ‘Orerturning Moment i about Axi, atte nas “The mal ail load onthe windward se (phi) is To*-WaIN)+ (MyIND,) operating conditions Te-(WeIN) (AMgINDg) empty. “The osetia Pa coluna tp are P= (WelK)¥(MGIND) operating onions Wr tex conditions P= 4UMIND)~ (Wel) operatingcondtions P.=A(MIND)- (8) empty For computing the latea loa por clu fom the frce Phe deletions the bse al enki unde lad Pate ered approximately eq PIE whee 1 the moment of nein of the column cas setin about the 5 Pepenar to the deton of the wind or earthquake pd the sum tion of the moment of insti ofall columactss scons about the aes perpendcala othe dieton of the wind wr quake “To determine the maximum stese n colum the clue sz as tobe fst sslected. Because of rumber of varale dest hole uf the size is ot ease And successive tins must be sue fo selec the mort economic and se Combined Cote Stress in Compression. (@) Operating conditions ‘Atl compression: 1A. here A ithe croneseton ae the shape Bending fe ello * WANE. ere Fle isthe section module resting Bening of tho selected shape. The Teath 41. was abitary weed to vetet the pata staining naece at tieler bs. () Test conditions: ‘Axl compreson f= WrINA endig: fy= WreiNal Marin Compresive Sires in the Cole: Sahel ‘Sine th allowable wit tess Fi colon or axl oats ony sno eat to te slowsble uit seas Fy in beading nthe absence of wy axl Had the ‘ston now aes fo what value should the tual combined compresv sess ‘Blum 7 belied. To rire that f shouldbe no ager tha the salt ‘ofthe allowable values of F of Fy, would cetaily be comeratie and easy to “pny, Spetcalons of some eniceing companies do mae this requement, {healer allowable value woly being the axial allowable tes 'iomevera more wily wed posed the straight interaction method wed in AISC Handbook (34). Tis method of determining th lit sts, ‘without Gtenining the pina seen, based onthe assumption that f 2 {lain percentage of the stength ofa member hasbeen sed for axl cone reson fad, the olningprentage maybe wed for bending Wills) + UblReM <1 for fla 05 (Ula) Cfo LIS) Fo1) 51 fOr Selle 04. For good dovign the expressions onthe ef shouldbe close toon. The vale of Pen be taken os D6F,, the yield sgt the reduction ctor Cy com sively equals one, The allowable stss Fax well x Fy can be obained ‘Teety fom the AISC Manual, they depend on the seers eatio Kir Ind hy aod he yiele strength Fy. The allowable anit stress Fa, Fo Bes Fea be incre by one thi! if the calelated sess fy and fo ae Computed onthe Bas of wind or cis load in combination wth ded ods ‘freed conto ofthe suport gs, which pe the efece length ator Eehave tobe eluted bythe designer abd ae subject 0 ifleencs of opinion, ‘Tae btom end of the legis iat nde an being agaist the foundation, Th incor tots 18 rly designed to be moment estan, Toor, such Tat end is equtalent to 2 xed end, ules it hcks out and beats only on ore fie insesd of onthe whole sera. In practice, a lat-ended column i ks ‘alae atthe ed than requ for Gl uty Te support eg canter te approximated by a clunm with end conditions between one end gue, the oer a the bose fine (k=1) and one ed aided, the fhe end hinged (de2) The yl of k= 15 ie ecormended here If the translation ofthe op is revete by sagonal bracing, othe te ply aio susan efor ld gmc EMD ee ‘ae lates ar prima dt trate ars, concenaed vet ans the const oundaton sit the ones rot vetoed ssc st the anor bolt They a shop weed tothe suport tops The has ae connection wl aig spp oe os ow pat sits for base ples ate wy ste, Lage san ate ed fo tsp oes, ond the sess drut twee he clon ath ae pte Se the clan an he ne pte c ‘he-bse pt an the concrete pel cannot be aca emined analytical. However, nde asl cunt olathe bea restr between the hse pte onthe ens ue be Ue frmly astute. The to! downward el te fxd the ei ese a cr aa th a as. hee ie acho ols & usay fo bg andthe ea of ele The smi orev ul posure beeen te bs pate on conc = (Claby P.a)2¥e 16, ‘iseqton cin ely ewe lb > AM sic tes se camat develop betwen the bt land the corte. Ths ein nat atl sh er sal ho epee rte acho bls ano ead Yo es he mam Pa Gee Fig. 53 and. 10), moans and bi Fi 9 fo first selected to suit the column shape, merit ‘The Hal C and the women PP) ae asad Ua he counteracted by the ice ee uting se ce=Pyulay on ee hale, ‘The equa K dimension a Fig. 55 i K=3102)~41 snd fom Keeley ‘he besing posure i Pro "261K Fy = 028% arson snc, pr al sie Fy he masmum aloe being pr z Mn hor 33; Oeste dns and ave tence lnePie Thine Yo Senin te ae ae eke he AIS method is wally wed [4], ish the dimensions mand in Fi onpated: m= He 0984) n= Ho- 0808). Second, the projected portions m and mare considered a8 unifraly loaded ‘anv bean Usig the dimension ne oF m, depending onthe pasion ofthe Tehape the column Bate pte thik computed a allows: pm Sp= M2 = (oma) for) Gps) in here Sys allowable bending sts forthe plat materi fr carbon structural Hel, "04 tines tho yo song) and P=COK- mon? sing the projected nth. se eae en presse . The contin some it se ee ol tact we ‘te pedestal, Hse pes eoputed inthis wer ae us stony for ‘he phi conon. Minin baseplate thickness let Leoto:hat Connecting Weld Size Under oneratng conditions in Fig. the sean the wedi ‘The bonding srs it So“ UCD PHI I2, whee Zi the lar section modus ofthe weld (se Tale 10.3) Te total one ses the weld is Pose These ofthe weld leis Mw wee fi te sonable uit rc oe lt welds. Bove Plate tachment Weld ‘Ths column baseplate and thecal with ied end ein contact when welded and the vert free and moment aie dictly feed fo colun int the base pute. the column end isnot milled the costa ‘Weld must rane the entre clunn lait the bse pte, ‘The up ores Ty and Te and the sea ore Far usally no large enough (e gover the weld se and ie minioum sie of | in. continua os neon lent weld antaatoy, Sse in he Shalt Unfortunately, an exact, workable, asta slstion of the lca stesss at {i letoaljntio is notable st present tne, The euppt I foe sont ta duns ar uly weld to the sel nth eon ented by the end sure. tn aon tothe eer hm set th sl gh ‘ead sree are posed on these though the welded ja, Anetneae th average mani stein te sl an be mad follows pf () The spproxinate maxim genera longitu sts inal 2 eton acing Sie 54. =(AMy/2D28) + (POIAAE)- (WieaDE) in tension, where isthe sel wad jit efisincy and Pis opting presue, oF 51 = (42D) r(e2D) in compression, (©) The maximum localized stess to cause buckling above the lg top at seston Bie 5. =Pillst ‘< maximum Code allowable sts fo axa loaded cynical sls incompresion where ha he DUR! lech fective esting length {2 The moment (01/4) + (C2) ca be wed for determining he sess in shel by method dseused in Chapee 7 or in 105, 1 he resting ses inthe sel ooigh,eenfocent by ings os in foreing pads mst We prod. Ire thisknes ofthe boom el section ‘Soften suicnt to decane theses Sie of Anchor Bots Aachor Dols are dened tors the uplift Frcs and seat the es rslton, The she Lod i sal ands restod by con, The sewed vot fexxon aes pes leis by Ay = (UNS EDs) - hin? hee Wither operating weight Wo empty wit We ‘Sz alowable tensile ses under operating ot emp etions ar bol "Nauru ee supports If W> Dy no vit exists and the minimum pacts bot size, usally Fingcan beset 82, SUPPORT Lucs Support Lug without Stifening ings Supper We (i 52) ae ied to ye pre was wih al wo sim net (-10 tan de feeds ne ee 5:2) They a ely soporte on sat sel or sole i op tempt ih heal expan fe sl casera te siportog staan igh tem wad emasey fs ood St pcg aig pts ue pred ore eke a Aen A. Onna doe paring soa eae eh Seay ve igh ad tests wo dey seo oe F Spec “TF Sh 4} iabine flan he Pltes. The dae plate ht to ascnmmalat a or several anchor bas. Hohl ‘be sress checked a2 uniformly loaded rectangular pat with one ee fce ad ‘other thee supported. The suse pls ean be sured to be eerily loaded lates, Combined sess in ome gust due 10 the load £72 cons of ‘ending ses and dest compressive sues. From Fig 5.7, (FR\d=Rdsinag and R= Fina and the maximum compresiv ses i Se (Rtg) (REIL). “The ae thik then pn by = Cd bY sin where sth allowable sess comprenon The 1op bar ean be sured o be single supped Bem wi iformly sted oad Fah The ba hice i then pen by tt = (tae? Faas) = 075(Faspe7h whee tn. min and yma. ‘S5= he llowable ste in bending or he bar meri, ‘he weld attaching the gt te ves! cvs the vertical shear oad apd moment Fi Example 1, Desipn the support ls fr the vsti ram shown in Fig. 58, withthe Flowing desig dt Aesgnprenure: P= 420 pig ign lempertue:150°F ‘hel plat lovable sues: S, = 15,000 pi Structural std allowable stews: S,=20 00 po ‘Weights: operatig, We = 122 pe > Wy empty, We=47 hips ind design pressure: 40 psf, shapecoefkent 0 ae LN | Cl eH “ifetive dum meer for wind ads: ind reste pr fot of vse hel: w= 40 06% 125 = 300 yt tugs rauie, 1 in toad 2. Maximum freon one a Pe (aandyy (wai) 4X 119518 1239 (122)8)=9.7 +305; = 40 kis ape oan | (58 x00 Liibe By inspection, lt <0, Use minima bolt sie per l= a ameter, one pi hig 3. Suppor lg (Fi 59), (Gy Bae plate: Bening presi, p= 41 00)12% 15 =228 ps. Maximo ses in bse pate (46), ppb? =0.72 208% 1125 = 18,700 pt < 22,00 ps. For 15/12 = £28,8=022. (@) Top bar pst hicks: 14 £0075 % 41,000 15% 15/20.000% 4 19 Use Lf lt in wide (6) Gossett tiskoes 1 000(3% 15~ ITV98BS X 178 Xia? SA? = 046 ‘whore llowable compres: isis 8.00 songs (6) Sie oF be lupo sel we sens f= Flug“ 4,000/02 18 +215) 621 tis bending: — f= (41,00 1SYL15% 19 6 (193) = 1.5201, combined: (15 +3) = 1640 Weld leg: w= 160/05 x (20000 x0.) -0249 ‘Use in let weld ash des for fp a aml fase ple, | nS pest Inleiten for gaset pis, 4. Sires Sole Chapter 7), 4OSK 20)? «88, pe oireesis, yene=s1I ors «385 aur bonding tes: Me Pes =0.385(41,000% 151.625" «57.9 ¢ 015 one Combined ste 0 = 9550+ 420% S7AyL02s 800 ps <28, ‘Sanporting Lug with Fall Reinforcing Ringe stress inthe sl atthe supposing has ae too high and reinforing pad aot stsfactonly teased, orf ees a smal dection ofthe sl bee ‘ioable (a om itemally slated piping, ul war reinforcing ings ae vac ‘As a adiional safety factor he ening fet the adjacent shel one i ected an the requted fore and srs anlyie i spl, Tete ae several dsvanages to rinfrsing sng 8 compared with sinforcing pas oF Increased hel wall thks. Sine ng are much tier than the sel they intoucedaconintysrcses when the sll pressured. At hgh operating, temperatures ty acta fine and have to be propery insulated, They protrude From the sell and can interne wth ping of oer euipment- Maer weds titer fow-atbonstvtural weldbl tel or of the sre quality the se The fallowing example will desctbe the design procedure for sng the rng ssifenere, ample $2. A vet, 724-0, internally islsted pipe scion Fi 5.10) isto be supported on two ge wich maximum Toad W 10,000 I. Determine ‘he iz ofthe stones ngs. eveription of the racdure. The verte fre WP2 per fg can be sued to be eid by the saa inthe welds anno the past plats the pe ‘The moment MU cid ino he tings a the for equal to WU20* 1) teting inte pla of he rng curvature, No loadings the ple perpendalar to the plane of te ring ix ssmed (Te og espn canbe used a a celar ‘Ser for lareinmetersorage tanks where they ste designed to cary las Perpendicular to the plne of the ving curvature) The fore P act aay ‘utvard-on the lower rag and inward radly on the cop ing, as shown in Fg Stl I sng i eujeted to eqaly spaced ores Pin its ple, the max ‘mu beng moment My isa he pons loads given by My = $PRI(T/0)~ cota} “KPA hee the conto radi af he dog. PT hoa 510 Pipe tn of Eamp 62 Top ng contin tom ig cones ever Bee se ‘The angle between the fe P is el to 20 talon to the hen nent My ange (a) thet 7 adc a hei a te oto 1, srses the ing barb ein fF fn ast cued rin eons if tors se nwa " ‘The suing combloed ssa he ad pt Tiled WHIZ) <8, where othe erosion ae af the ing silenr a 7, the si eto Polls about the axis xn Fig, 3.11; Te henng sonnet tio tween the fade is M1, “PRD a (op = PR thea thats Ty = 072M hia) = KP nthe combined manu seit 05 Tso) +20) So The cieMeens Ky, Ky, Ks. Ay ae etal io Table SA The ist shear ¥ the hod pt st alraaly aie tthe bog srees as eslly sll eno to be userid. The compa sts the tag wl be salle than aca, ince te sleet flee; howe, the forces P ae transoed lat’ the ngs eccentric, cating atonal Table 53. Valuer of Ky, a, Ks, and Ky ses Suing neal mc = 2 dd a ds in the shone cations Af, = 0.3185 0X 23.975» 29,900 hi Me aged Z, = 29,900/2000 = 18." Ue bnew X Hin thick in, 6 Design of Saddle Supports for Large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Vessels 6.1. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ‘Wolly, the std sports for long horizontal sel shuld bs lated to ase ‘he minima sees o sell and without requied adtina rinfrconene ‘The acta locaton of th sade supports sal determina by th poe nd platform layout. ost of te lane horizontal cylinder red by two saddles, preferably wi 120 de ental angle way te onerete cols: sometines the vx! cunt dieey on two enue pe ‘Any setemen of the supporting stctare doesnot change the debuts ok the fond per sale. (I muliple supports ate uid the reaction at ses ae ompued rom the toy of cominus beans and ints by 30-90 een a sufely fcr fr itn of the support) ‘he etna shel thickness ete bythe ans to dh othe ‘spn pes, Sine the msi Hong sen 2 aly hel he maxim ange tes, a ball the sel Hides ae Io the lomguinal bending ses du to weght or other lonings ath hdson oF lathe pane of the sales, assuming the veel to Bohan ain cging beam. The load vst be transfered fromthe sel tthe sale, The as ‘ston ae highly eonsntated sn induce high load stress shee Tir Intensity changes with the Ustsnoe of the sr fom te aoe ea slosres tha infos the sll with Thr cwn aiff hep the ste ‘ound, The exat analytical solution ofthe loeied sree oie a ene the saddles would be dieu and ma at preset sable Te mu fe ‘ely used spproiate ana, wih theoreti! concn supped xin gage mensterents, wos published in ref. 39 and bonne "8,102 The dscusion whi Tllows ta sma of thi td 52, MAXIMUM LONGITUDINAL BENDING STRESS IN THE SHELL A bovizonl ves resting on two supports an be analyzed ts ben esting "he unio fad of te weight oF he vel andy etn hy bending eso ee sgcrin ofa Fe 6.1, Comtey of Weg June) IF te tal woiht fs 20 and the cquaent length of the vse i taken as 1. (173) nF. hen the weigh pina fata the beam ie = 20). + (4di3). The lid in the fade cease only shea a the heeds Justin: ths can be eutected fr by adding a Toc couple eting othe ead ‘The load and the moment dams ae show in Fig 6.1. The masirm bend Inpoment ccc over apport and the mea Noximum Longtail Bending Stet nthe Shall ate span Louch oac G22 The bending een A tpn is onl me 2] om A = KOLA} “The valu of Ay, the expen in ras dns wl withthe san A being the varbi. AI Tents ae infest an tad in pum. The con souls taken Zy =F an isthe wing beng sts $y a te Indspan is pten by Sy 2M, = QUA, Here 8) = 30KK fF ‘The marian sss Si iter tension (2 halon) compres (bl ep) Aliowabe Sess Limite The teal tes 48, bind with the lang ina eessure stress PR/2 should not exceed the almable esi ses othe Stell materia ines te eMcency ofthe gt joins, The maximum compresine stress -Sy oecrs wien the wl Bled with the vpeating lid and lr imcapre peste. IC shuld rut ensed the Ce masa sempre Sires Trelis sl Maximo Longtail Bendiog Stet} nthe Shain ve Pane ofthe Sade he Bending mom in the pln of the ade sequal inten? 274] orf) ete 1240 eae My 1 the shel section above the sd i nsf and forced to dees, te ‘igh focal tangent Bending moments tthe horn ofthese ener this 20 ‘ion ineffective in bending to some dere, The effective ate ofthe usilened shel in Bending i aed tb [sl an the elfewtive section mods can be tering fom Fig, 6. 2a Zari »fotisses-es9) “iin S8)> os 3) [Stimson me ‘alisin AJA) ee A] foe ttn sie. The srs Shen Si = 12H 2, faa, tte Sarit ais ina) on I} *|F SF ies cond an? A) SUK 071i 62. Poot gall tg mane oes nf, Deon ht ‘sd pnt Cy wa al The vlve wf A, the exes in te bes, i ily with the ation A and Hil and the angle 2. Both Ky and Kean be plotted 2 conmants fron tains of eonstions.Asurnig H =O for Ky and A= R Yr Ky and RIL. = 009, ‘a maximum eal the vale of Ky and Kt plod in Pg 62 1 the shel i sified yo rng sone inthe plane of the sale oe by ngs aent to the ad, or the saddle coe ern oho sa cry (42) the fete ange 24 extends oor teenie ss sti the soe ‘on moe gone an the main sa 1p Allowable Siexs Lins, ‘The tense ste S} combined wit the pos ates PR/2F souk no exezed te allowable Tenses fr teal ste lili bythe jt eceney ofthe th yam. Maximum ene ses ‘i shuld e estan the Cu awe ts in compres, 63, MAXIMUM SHEAR STRESSES IN THE PLANE OF THE SADDLE ‘he dtbuton and the magnitude ofthe sear tis in the Sl paced hy ‘he esl weight in the ple nf hese wil depen rst lest how the sree Shall Sutfaned by Ringin th hae ofthe Sele vay trom the Head 12> A72) 1 the set mae rigid cnowgh with sailfene the whol rs con wl ‘finely is the load sea sree, The load in Fig 63.8 The toa act ond on the lef sde othe ing lnsccionea and equal PQ. ROME MHA eA <0, 24 MAUL © ‘The shear Fre ars the seton per uate fan her ew) ves ily withthe een ne and ine by te sin Sor fin [oe = SS — Hl ‘Ts toa wert Had af (Ct2) cnarraeer ‘The sher sess tay pont aca othe iene wil be Ss ays Vala ghee 224mm 2284] Cant bei ad a) ini ef (oa a 99 dg eK f ‘he Not tien by tha Hed U4 > 2/2 or Shall alter by Two Rina Stifenir Adjnant othe Saale sre then Agate eevee sto ofthe hl siting te se ie ace wih he minum sew a th ipo the se The ae of he ESA, tamed dan ft te I a sor the le fletive tons section awe te 23 ={2x/tA0){03) + G5) 0 240- a) in Hi, 6. The shear digrm i the same 25 forthe seed sly ‘wih the summation ofthe seta star ns both sds of the saddle su the oud With Mod Yon asd of he ade the shea ors Pin Phi Osi co} Btn a Waa sino wire) sd the sashes Si =U QMOK- 24 Uy. + A) ps where Ks =sin (2 a slaa cara). The nonin elie of 2 "for = 120 degrees. Xs = 1-7 nd for 0 = 150 dees The sms in formas wth goon felons atone Sal ufone by Heads 14 R72) IF the sade ig hte othe end else the sl sion om the side f the cad. A lage pas of the led indcng the tangent sia wl he cate aes the Saddle 4 head abd Back te Hea slo the sll with a ‘Sued dtbation a shown a Fp 65. ‘The shea Toes dat tthe sale etn Q ar ested by on are n= shel gh ler than the ermtct angle 072 uf the salle and ae acting “para “The sar Forces nthe winfoneed sto gy eating don The es {ani o he vertical eamnponenis of hath shea ners mus ee 12" 228%) Ginerrrde, “oie snecmone naff (28) (4 teste Venerae ee smesnove ‘The shear stain he sel ae fam to en by soa (Omne)( esmagene) sp FI a fers gjo, tno Fe 65. Shar dss inh ts oe oreo Wythe Cory fhe ur) Inthe shel pate and nthe ead plate, whore n(n )Gssmeee) ‘The vale of AY ix ado when gy =a. Far 0= 120 doses, mien 3 <0880; ford = 180 depot, maxim KOS Allowable Sins Limits. Th tangential shear sss shod wo eased 0 times the allowable ses in enon 64. CIRCUMFERENTIAL STRESS AT THE HORN OF THE SADDLE The sede reset 0 cause angel seat fst in the shal crs scton in the plane ofthe sl, evaluated nthe pues sexton, These rss on ae angel Beading moments snd ening sss inthe ch, wiht ‘maximus bending siesta the tps ofthe sale, Using the soon fe hoding ‘moment ina sng wih symmetry appli tings ees (y= Qs 9) 8 apooxnatesulution can be dered form sce no ete stella asl enforced by tsend ue ce Fi) In the ring postion af ur roe section it 3 tho sll hams the lrcumfrental moment yt any ange is gen by ry Monae Zan FREE Gag SH) soe [o- gqlginabt «2x ] Gini ew B+ Fini The mameat My savin a y= 8 My= Kran, here Ki the expression in braces ddd by, wth substituted og ‘The shear Foes in an unsiened sll are nt dtibed asi 3 nod sol But are mie concentrated at he ip ofthe sad. ing bigger ange shear stress hut salle ending ses. ‘at coe te ouma) To be ale to utlize the derived equation for My and to ring the resaing bending sts in the sels. arement withthe atv measured sess 3 cto reiting width of shel pate taken seul to ror 12, whichere ‘smal Furr, to inclue the enforcing eet ofthe hehe coeicint Ky In he uation orp wat ast to Ry My Ky0r Kak for aio) Ky= Kult for AIR <05 adually increasing between the eo vale. A plot Ky shawn a Fi 6 The esting eng tees in pl te Ae fo. 28R fark ee fork She =, 5, 2 340 _s00900 __ 340041)200,000) °° awe ion 2 U2” ah 25F 7+ 2450-11808 =-14,288-<-1 255, = 1.25% (15000) = 18,50 ps (4) Ring composion in sel oor he sll, Ky = 0.760: TAS psi 5512 = 16000 ps (6) Suess in shell et terpenes expansion (Fig 6.18) UAT = 7.10% 10° X SOX 12 (300-707) =O9Rin, Expansion: Provide brite putes atone saddle a shown in Fi, A2, Append A Fetion cote: Jo 010, $6 0=30000 2 sin ad. 60" = 60 in, Shea force these ba: Bending moment {0084 ~ x9) 30,100 X28 = 720,900 thin. countered bythe wojght ofthe ese, Qh Use #1 LAncanter nso ts "AU the ding sole the nuts on Bell read ih and sein fy tak welding, while the nus and bls tthe tedend se are uly cited ‘The Fiction Force fo, ination to the weit Qs ansmited int te supporting sas. (©) Sleds (6) Top Manges. noo fapteee | mel leas eospsing] "735 | sma (0s) Tae (ois) = 3518 ila Bening orn My =PalovOrrnOH O08 = (318) 2¥4 = 980 in Flange thisknes (4.98040 66)0 000] = 1228, se 1.25i.thck pate (2) We thickness. Ue Lin-thek plate misinun,Caleute the maximum illowable height A'of a Tsinowide stp column in, thick under Py. Acs = 1% $n? in. es of gration & "02891 Fon Py ‘a= 1glCh.50/P- 18 00092" p92 ~A51(1,500/33189115000 C05 3.99)" #25 >425 0 West (8) Melt hehe, Manin sts S=miz= Lar meioveryoy 46 = HQHY 26:40)" = (300000)(12¥(26 400} = 1, ie Linthick pte, Being prose 300,00/(121 115) = 220 pi < 750 ps atowable

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