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Argument Essay: Animal testing may be necessary, but we need to be merciful.

this statement and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.

Have you ever considered the fact that every year millions of animals undergo painful
death as a result of scientific research? While most people think animal testing is
necessary, others are upset by what they see as needless suffering. This essay outlines
some of the positive and negative aspects of animal testing.

First, let’s look at the advantages. One very positive point is that many medical
treatments and procedures have been developed from such experiments. Since animals
share many features with humans, scientists use animals to test the safety and
effectiveness of newly developed drugs. Moreover, there is a large supply of animals.
Some, such as mice and rats, have many babies, and there is no danger of extinction for
these species. Finally, some advocates think that animals are less valuable than people. If
there is a mistake, it will not cost a human life.

However, there are also a number of arguments against animal testing. Perhaps the
most important point is that animals may be suffering unnecessarily. Critics do not believe
that every new drug needs to be tested on animals. Furthermore, some feel animal testing
is ineffective; they point out that many drugs still have to be withdrawn from the market
despite extensive testing. Last, some campaigners would like to see alternatives used.
They feel more humane testing is possible and, too, that we could rely more on organ

To conclude, we need to ensure that animals used for experimental purposes do not
suffer much pain. Although some animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating
our fellow creatures mercifully will demonstrate our humanity. 267 words

Argument Essay: Animal testing may be necessary, but we need to be merciful. Discuss
this statement and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.

Adapted from

Have you ever considered the fact _______1. (to, that, at, in) every year millions
of animals undergo painful death as a result of scientific research? _______2. (Because,
Since, However, While) most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset
by what they see as needless suffering. This essay outlines some of the arguments for and
against animal _______3. (test, testing, testings, testers)

First, let’s look at the ___________ 4. (arguments, agreements, advantages,

disadvantages). One very positive point is that many medical treatments and procedures
have been developed from such experiments. Since animals share many features with
humans, scientists use animals to test the ____________ 5. safe, safety, safeties,
safely) and effectiveness of newly developed drugs. Moreover, there is a large supply of
animals. Some, such as mice and rats, have many babies, and there is no danger of
extinction for these species. Finally, some advocates think that animals are less valuable
than people. If there is a mistake, it will not cost a human life.

_________, 6. (Although, But, However, Moreover ) there are also a number of

arguments ____________ 7. (for, against, with, to) animal testing. Perhaps the most
important point is that animals may be suffering unnecessarily. Critics do not believe that
every new drug needs to be tested on animals. Furthermore, some feel animal testing is
ineffective; they ___________ 8. (pointed, point, claimed, claim) out that many
drugs still have to be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. Last, some
campaigners would like to see alternatives used. They feel more humane testing is possible
and, too, that we could rely more on organ donors.

To conclude, we need to _______________ 9. (insure, force, enforce, ensure)

that animals used for experimental purposes do not suffer much pain. Although some
animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures
_______________ 10. (mercy, mercies, merciful, mercifully) will demonstrate our
humanity. 267 word

Argument Essay: Animal testing may be necessary, but we need to be merciful. Discuss
this statement and give your opinion. Write at least 250 words.

Adapted from

Have you ever considered the fact _______1. (to, that, at, in) every year millions
of animals undergo painful death as a result of scientific research? _______2. (Because,
Since, However, While) most people think animal testing is necessary, others are upset
by what they see as needless suffering. This essay outlines some of the arguments for and
against animal _______3. (test, testing, testings, testers)

First, let’s look at the ___________ 4. (arguments, agreements, advantages,

disadvantages). One very positive point is that many medical treatments and procedures
have been developed from such experiments. Since animals share many features with
humans, scientists use animals to test the ____________ 5. safe, safety, safeties,
safely) and effectiveness of newly developed drugs. Moreover, there is a large supply of
animals. Some, such as mice and rats, have many babies, and there is no danger of
extinction for these species. Finally, some advocates think that animals are less valuable
than people. If there is a mistake, it will not cost a human life.

_________, 6. (Although, But, However, Moreover ) there are also a number of

arguments ____________ 7. (for, against, with, to) animal testing. Perhaps the most
important point is that animals may be suffering unnecessarily. Critics do not believe that
every new drug needs to be tested on animals. Furthermore, some feel animal testing is
ineffective; they ___________ 8. (pointed, point, claimed, claim) out that many
drugs still have to be withdrawn from the market despite extensive testing. Last, some
campaigners would like to see alternatives used. They feel more humane testing is possible
and, too, that we could rely more on organ donors.

To conclude, we need to _______________ 9. (insure, force, enforce, ensure)

that animals used for experimental purposes do not suffer much pain. Although some
animal testing may be unavoidable at present, treating our fellow creatures
_______________ 10. (mercy, mercies, merciful, mercifully) will demonstrate our
humanity. 267 words

Adapted from

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