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This experiment had been divided into several categories. Firstly was the Start Up Procedure.

Firstly, switch the "PANEL, SCADA/DDC" selector switch at the front of the cubicle to
"PANEL,SCADA"position and switch ON the main power supply at the front of the cubicle
until all the panel instruments lit up. Close fully the manual by-pass valve around the control
valve FCV91 and the ON/OFF control valve FCV90. Open the vent VF and close the valve
MV901. Place the panel controller FIC91 in the Manual (M) mode. Open fully the control
valve FCV91 by setting the MV of FIC91 to -6.3%. Adjust the manual valve MV900A till the
air flow rate is about 50 kg/hr (Read the flow rate from PV of FIC91). Set MV = 106.3% at
FIC91 to fully shut the control valve FCV91. Set the MV = 50% at FIC91 and check control
valve FCV91 (in the plant) is 50% opened. Observed the data required based on the table of
result given in the manual. Another sets of readings for MV = 50% and MV = 70% was
repeated and record them in the tabular column in the results section. Next, the control of air
flow system experiment. Set the FIC91 in Manual (M) mode, open the control valve FCV91
fully with MV = -6.3%. FIC91 still in Manual mode, adjust its setpoint, SV = 25 kg/hr.
Access the PID parameters of FIC91 and set the first (I) PID trial values: PB = 200%, TI = 6
s, TD = 0 s. Start the recorder chart drive by pressing “RCD” pushbutton at FPTR91. Switch
FIC91 to Auto (A) mode and watch the recorder response (i.e. air flow response) until the air
flow (red pen) is fairly steady. Repeat step (i.e. introducing pulse disturbaance) with the
second (II) and third (III) sets of PID trial values; PB = 150%, TI = 6 s, TD = 0 s and PB =
100%, TI = 6 s, TD = 0 s. Repeat the experiment for the above 3 sets of PID trial values with
step change in setpoint for the mass flow rate by changing the present setpoint of FIC91 from
SV= 25 kg/hr to SV = 30 kg/hr. Observe and record the response till it becomes fairly steady.
Switch back the setpoint SV = 25 kg/hr. Use the first (I) PID trial value but now with TD =
20 s. Mark the PID values on the chart paper simultaneously.Apply the disturbance by
opening and shutting fully the by-pass valve around control valve FCV91 and observe the
response. For this experiment, the PID controller using Ziegler Nichols closed loop method
was used. Then the PID algorithm must apply more conservative corrective efforts over a
longer period. The essence of loop tuning is identifying just how dramatically the process
reacts to the controller efforts and how aggressive the PID algorithm can afford to be as it
tries to eliminate errors. PID Controller Tuning PB=100% T1= 9999sec (max) TD= 0 sec
(min). For the second experiment which is controller tuning was run to develop optimizes the
closed loop response for process model with the absence of 6 GAS FLOW (AF 922) PLANT
CONTROL specified disturbance or set-point change. The FIC91 in Manual (M) mode with
the set point SV=25kg/hr. The PID values was adjusted with PB= about 100%, TI=9999 sec
(max) and TD=0sec (Min). Then, the MV in FIC91 was adjusted until the PV reads close to
the set point 25kg/hr. The FIC91 was transferred to Auto (A) mode. The controller need to be
sure in the Auto mode. In this step, the set point pulse disturbance was introduced. The Close
Loop Method was repeated with a decreasing PB until uniform (constant amplitude)
oscillation is observed. Lastly is the shut down procedures. The RCD button was turn
off.Repeat the experiment for the above 3 sets of PID trial values with step change in setpoint
for the mass flow rate by changing the present setpoint of FIC91 from SV= 25 kg/hr to SV =
30 kg/hr. Observe and record the response till it becomes fairly steady. 10. Switch back the
setpoint SV = 25 kg/hr. Use the first (I) PID trial value but now with TD = 20 s. Mark the
PID values on the chart paper simultaneously. 11. Apply the disturbance by opening and
shutting fully the by-pass valve around control valve FCV91 and observe the response.

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